Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1905, p. 5

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v.>.;,-'\ °v y v VOLUME XXX. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, flARCH 9,1905. NUMBER 37 .'•m J' Professional, Society V» I 8k.nd Bxisinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. DH YSIl'I AN, iSI'RGF.ON AND OCULIST *- Office and residence corner EIIB -AM .Green streets, McHenry. ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. The Illinois Central maintains Double Dally Service, and operates the best trains, with Dining Cars. Buffet-Library Cars, Chair Cars anrt Sleeping Cars, from Chicago. St, Louis. Cincinnati and Louisville south to New Orleans. The best road for reaching the Winter Tourist resorts of the South, in­ cluding . FEGEKS & FEGEES pttYftCIAtiB AND SURGEONS. McHenry, Iff. Office &t. Residence, corner Court *«<) KlmsijrtMjks. Telephone-333. F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. .. . Office over i'etesch's Drug Stor.e. ilLWORK PEKTA1NINO TO MODKRN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 214Residence 808. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. ; Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.. 8BHDAY WORK BT APPOINTS! KNT OWL DR* R. G. CHAMBER LIN "DENTIST. • Office and Residence over Besley's Drag Store. Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. VVBSTMCIIKNRY.ILL, ARTHUR BREMKEN, M, D PHYSICIAN AND SURC1EON (Deutscher Arzt.) Spring drove, Illinois. Geo.. Meyers General Teaming - - of all kinds. Excavating and (trading. flcHENRY ----- 0 ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the beat Companies. West McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT . > COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of 1500 to 110,000, time and payment t< suit uorrower.' FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec- Wat injr. Residence north town line one block West of river. Telephone No. 254. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN PlauflB for sate and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY. ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SERVICES-- Preaching 10:30 a. m. and every other Sabbath evening at 7:45, beginning < >c - tober 30. Sunday school at 11:45. Kpworth League preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7r:<0. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at ":H0 REV. J. M. COKMACK. Pastor. UNIVERSAIJST CHURCH. Wpjralar services Sunday at 10:30 a. in. and 7 p. ni. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Every­ body cordially invited. RKV. A. ROBERTS. Pastor. LAMBRTE Q. SENG B U F F E T PARCELS CHECKED FREE 92 Fifth Ave.. C h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714, PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEC RETURNED. 10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert «Miivh and free report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all I'ourt*. l'nU-ntu obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED ami SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, KIJ- •IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtalMd. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offlc*, WASHINGTON, P. C. DSWIFT&<§ KILL the COUCH AND C U R E THE LIINCS Dr. King's New Discovery FOB C ONSUGIPTIO* Pries OUGHS and 50c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Q/uicKeet Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. HOLLISTER'S Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Medioiae for Busy People. brings Golien Health and Renewed Vigor. A . v»cille fur Constiimt ion In'litfestion, IJvf >' J. . lui v Troubles, Pimples, Eeienn, linpu; . \ Baa Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Heailar. .;ickiiehe. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tu 1 • - «-m, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b. H • - :STKR DACU COMPANY, Madison, Wis. 60u>EN NUfifiElt FOB SALLOW FC0PU New Orleans Vickshur^ Colon. Pandnid (lUlfport, Miss. Hammond, id. Mardi Uras at New Orleans March 7. Gulf- port is a Mexican"'Gulf Coast, resort having the new, line "Great Southern" Hotel, steam­ ships leave New Orleans every Saturday afternoon for Havana; every Wednesday morning for Colon, Panama. Regular oc jai» steamship sailings from New Orleans for Mexico, Central America, Panama, West Indies and Europe. Send or call for descrip­ tive matter in regard to the above. Hot Springs, Ark., Florida . Daily Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Sprisigii, with connections at, Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. 'Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat­ tanooga and Atlanta. California Illinois Central Weekly Excursions toCali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to Los Ange­ les and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern Koute every Fri­ day from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cin­ cinnati. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesoay from Chicago. Full particulars concerning all.of the above can be riad of the agents of the Illinois Cen­ tral, or bv addressing the nearest of the un­ dersigned representatives of the "Central." A. H. HANSON. G. P. A., Chicago, III. J. F. MERRY, A. G. P, A., Dubuque, Iowa. • April 1 This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage... floney to Loan on real estate and o ther first class se­ curity. Spec- ial attention given to co l lec t ions .v . . . . INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers CHARLES <L Ml Wholesale and retail dealer In I am la the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry dive me • call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois meats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables aadUBmit^ in Season. ~ ' It is my intention to give all customers the best service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy. Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WEST M HENRY, ILL. Dvnuu «ND HLA Ecoaoaalcal SOB. Alexandre Dumas, the great French story writer, was very fond and proud of his son Alexandre, who also became a famous author. His regard for him was Increased apparently by the fact that the son uud a very good apprecia­ tion of the value of money, a quality which the father did not possess in the slightest degree. A writer of recol factions relates that he-once visited Dumas at St. Germain. Fie had Just been bitten in the hand by Ills dog and was unable to write, but was dictating a novel. His son went out as the visitor came in-' . " . . "Alexander has just left me." said the father. "What a good fellow that boy is! Just fancy, this morning I re­ ceived 6o0 francs. He said to me, Til take 50 francs of it.' I didn't quite hear and thought he was going to leave me only 50. So 1 called out: 'Hold on! Let me have 100 of it at least!' 'But I tell you I'm only going to take 50!' he called out 'Oh, oh,' said I, 'I thought you were going to take the 000. Well, take as much as you want.' " And Dumas added proudly, "What a golden hearted fellow Alexandre is, to be surer' It Waaa*t m Dream. Archbishop Thompson was greatly surprised when he was given the arch­ diocese of York. He had been suffering acutely from toothache and upon med­ ical advice had resorted to narcotics. After a particularly bad night he set out for his doctor, though his wife had besought him not to submit to further narcotics, as after them he was "not himself" for some hours. On the way he met the postman, who banded him a letter announcing his preferment from Gloucester to York. He rushed back and burst excitedly into the house, the toothache all forgotten. "Zoe, Zoe!" he cried. "What do you think has happened? I am archbishop of York!" "There, what did I tell you?" rejoined his wife. "You've been taking that hor­ rible narcotic again and are quite out of your head." The Marble Bible of Barak. Great as has been the amount of la­ bor expended ou the various Bibles of the world, the palm for execution must be given to the Kutho-daw, which is a Buddhist monument near Mandalay, in Burma. It consists of about 700 tem­ ples, each containing a Blab of white marble on which the whole of this Buddhist Bible, containing over 8,000,- 000 syllables, has been engraved. The Burmese alphabet is used, but the lan­ guage is Pali. This wonderful Bible is absolutely unique. The Kutho-daw was erected in 1857 by Mindon-mln, the last kiug but one of Burma. The vast collection bf temples together form a square, with a dominating temple in the center. Each of the marble slabs on which the sacred text is inscribed is surmounted by an ornamental canopy in pagoda form. Coolt lalaad Law*. There are some strange laws in the Cook islands, in the eastern Pacific. The population is Maori and each island legislates for itself. The island coun­ cil of Manlhiki, one of the group, has in force an ordinance to regulate vil­ lage life within the island. It begins by re-enacting "the ancient law of Manlhiki as to dogs" and sentencing to death any dogs on the island. Pigs are not to wander at large, and any person going about after 9 p. m. may be ar­ rested and taken to the courthouse to explain his reason for being abroad. No debt incurred by a native inhabitant is to be recoverable in any court. Selling or giving intoxicating liquor to any native inhabitant is punishable with s fine of $50._ Fanerala In leotlaaC In Scotland the custom still prevails of taking down the window blinds at a death and hanging white Bheets across the windows. The custom also prevails in the north of England, and in many families a special sheet re­ served for the ̂ death chamber Is kept for the purpose and often used from generation to generation. In many parts of Scotland, too, it is still custom ary for the nearest relatives of the de­ ceased to lower the body Into the gave and wait by the side until the grav* is filled up.--Westminster Gazette. A Solema Dance. They have a singular kind of dance conducted on the greens of country vil­ lages in Russia! The dancers stand apart, a knot of young men here, a knot of maidens there, each sex by it­ self and silent as a crowd of mutes. A piper breaks into a tune; a-youth pulls off his cap and challenges bis girl with a wave and bow. If the girl is willing, she waves her handkerchief in token of assent The youth advances, takes a corner of the handkerchief In his hand and leads his lassie round and round. No word is spoken and no laugh is heard. Stiff with cords and rich with braids, the girl moves-heavily by her­ self, going round and round and never allowing her partner to touch her hand. The pipe goes droning on for hours in ihe same sad key and measure, and the prize of merit in this "circling," as the dance Is cayed, is given by. specta­ tors to the lassie who in all that sum­ mer revelry has never spoken and nev­ er smiled. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter, he says: "I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of yonr great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best .medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them." Sold, and guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by X H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, druggists, at 50c a bottle. The Simple Life Expeaatve. And, really, the simple life is fright­ fully expensive. At a recent entertain­ ment in this dty a great luxury in the serving of the second supper was the introduction of country sausage and buckwheat cakes with maple sirup. But the sausage came from the farm of the host and represented a small fortune, as the pigs from which the piece de re­ sistance was made were blooded ani­ mals with pedigrees. The buckwheat was grown in special fields which cost ever so much a foot, and the maple sir­ up was taken from trees In the most expensive Adirondack preserve. And thus can thousands of dollars be spent on the simple life, while truffles, pate, terrapin and such other rarebits of a former generation are left for the ta­ bles of the middle classes with moder­ ate means.--Town and Country. Bret Harte aa a Conevl. Bret Harte's consulship at Glasgow was a sort of Joke. JVilliam Black told me that once when he was return­ ing from a tour with Harte as they slowly entered a city Bret said, "What huge, ugly place is this?" "It is," said Black, "the city in which you "have been consul four years."-- Moncure Daniel Conway's Autobiogra­ phy. poetponemeat laevltable. . "If yoh husban' beats yoh, mabbe yoh kin hab him sent to de whippin' pos\" said Mrs. Potomac Jacksotf; "If my husban' ever beats me," said Mrs. Tolliver Grapevine, "dey kin send him to de whippin' pos' if dey wants to, but dey'll have to wait till he gits oufn de hospital."--Washington Star. PARKER S HAIR BALSAM and beau: fie' 'he hair. a luxuriant „Towth. ver Pails to Before Or«y Hair to its Youthful Color. t» Bcatp cfticesft? 5e h. 'xt Ibiiing. <S0c, and gl.tM at i--- - The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time nwlwo otheiv wise ordered. Try it ' la After Yeara. Old Fogy Father--My father never supplied me with money to squander on fast horses, theater parties, late din­ ners and the like. Up to Date Son--Oh, that's all right dad. You must remem­ ber that I come of a more aristocratic family than you did.--Chicago News. Camay Aboat tlie Boy. "How is your boy Alfred succeeding at college?*' "I'm afraid we'll find out pretty soon that he's been running In debt He's writing to us once a week n^w."--Chi­ cago Tribune. "I may not be wealthy, but I can af­ ford my own carriage and pair," said the fond father as be hfti twins sleog psrsnMBt Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New' Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipa­ tion and Biliousness." 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley's, Welpt Mc­ Henry, druggists. A Wldower'a Saaeeptlblllty. A widower is a tame animal and Btands without tying: No woman can scare him. He is overconfident and that 4,8 his great weakness. He has been through it all and is not to be caught a second time. He feels imper­ vious to the approaches of woman in any form or guise. The widow finds him really a rather knotty problem. He presents difficulties that are wholly ab­ sent in a man who has never felt the matrimonial halter draw. He looks up­ on the widow with amused lndiffer ence. But a young and attractive wom­ an who has never been married quickly arouses his uympatliies. He in nine Cases out of ten shows remarkable en durance of hi«r siege of his heart, and we all know that it is but a step from endurance to pity and thence to em­ braces. His doom is quickly sealed.-- Washington Post. Incredible brutality. It would hava been incredible brutal­ ity if Chas. F. Lembergei. of Syracuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy," he says, "cut a fearful gash over bis eye, so I applied Bncklen's Arnica Salve, which quickly healed it and saved his eye." Good for bnrns and ulcers, too. Only 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Bes­ ley's, West McHenry, drug stores. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children. In buying a cough medicine for chil­ dren never be afraid to buy Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. There is no dan­ ger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping congh. For sale by all druggists. Taxes! Taxes! Having received my books I will be stationed at the following places, begin­ ning Friday, Feb. 10, to receive taxes of Nunda township: Fridays--Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays--A. Kiest's hardware store, Nunda, 111. 32-dt CHAS. BABCOCK, Collector for Nnnd» township Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera aad Diar­ rhoea Remedy. The great success of this preparation in the relief and enre of bowel com­ plaints has bronght it into almost uni­ versal nae It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable lor children and adults. For «to by all druggists. The Dmke and the Barber. In olden days an English noble enter­ ed a barber shop, and, upon inquiring for the master,, was answered by an apprentice of fourteen that he was not at home. "Do you shave, then?" asked tl^e duke. "Yes, sir, I always do," was the reply. "But can you shave without cutting?" "Yes, sir; I'll try," answer­ ed the youth. "Very well," said the duke, while seating himself and load ing his pistol. "But look here, if you let any blood, as true as t, sit here I'll blow your brains out! Now, consider well before you begin." After a" moment's reflection the .boy began to make ready and said, "I'm not afraid of cutting you, sir,'* and in a short time had completed the feat with­ out a scratch, to the complete satis- Jbction -* duke. In gentle tones fcis grace asked, "Were you not afraid of hayipg your brains blown out when you might hav£ cut me so easily?" "No, sir; not at all, because I thought that as soon as I should happen to let any blood I would cut your throat be­ fore you could have time to lire." The reply won from the duke a hand­ some reward. It need scarcely be add­ ed he never resumed his daugerous threats in a barber shop. "A lesson was taught him for life. A Chicago Alderman Owe* Hln Election to Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy. * "I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Cough Reme­ dy for affections of the throat and lungs." says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a politicol campaign, I canght cold after being overheated, which ir­ ritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In iny extremity a friend ad­ vised me to use Chamberlaid 'e Cough Remedy. I took t^vo doses'that after­ noon and conld not believe my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right ou talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Council." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. Beck'a Siarrow Eaeape. David Beck, the celebrated portrait painter and pupil of Vandyke, while traveling through Germany was*sud­ denly taken ill and to all appearances died and was laid out a corpse. His servants, sitting round the bed, grieved heartily for the loss of so good a mas­ ter, and as grief is thirsty drank as heartily at the same time. One of them, becoming more befuddled than the rest, then addressed his companions thus: "Our master when alive was fond of bis glass. Let us out of gratitude, thien, give him one now he is dead." Assent was given; the head of the dead painter was raised up and some wine poured down or spilled about, the fra­ grance or spirit of which caused Beck to open his eyes, upon which the serv­ ant, who, being drunk, half forgetting bis master was dead, forced down the remainder of the glass. The painter gradually revived and thus escaped a living interment. Strkies Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu monia, etc., you are lost, if you don't get help from Dr., King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. J. W. Mc- Kinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: "I had been very ill with Pneu­ monia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bot­ tle cured me." Sure enre for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores, price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Taxes! Taxea! ' 1 will open my tax books on Thurs­ day, February 9, at the store of Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, ami will be at Gilbert Bros. Co.'s store the fol­ lowing Saturday. Beginning Monday, February 18, 1 will be etationed at the following places during the week: Mondays, C. M. Adams, /ohnsburgb; Tuesdays, Bradley & Foss, Ring wood; Thursdays, J. W. Freund, West Mc­ Henry; Saturdays, Gilbert Bros. Co., McHenry. PETER NIESEN, Collector. . 32-tf Champion Liniment for Rheumati«p>. - Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at Cha- pinville, Conn., says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of all lini­ ments. The past year l was troubled a {great deal with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no UBe of anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by all druggists. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES. This cold winter weather makes us 4'coal up" m order to keep from freezings We are extensive dealers" in Coal and can supply you with any kind or any amount. We also handle Lime, Cement, Fence Wire, Tile, Building Paper, Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Btc. Don't forget that we always carry a complete line of Feed. Give us your order and get the best goods to be had. Wilbur Lumber Co., West McHenry, Illinois. THE WEST IE 8 •f & § I I ifi •m* & f Try my Coffes and Teas. js* Terms Cash. Positively no Accounts. IS THE TO GET AT THE GOODS PRICES. John Stbffel. I & 5 6 5 6 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT jg SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc.," Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. & 5 Stall i ft 3, Pulton St. P Wholesale Market. iti "•7* * J HARPER R-ye 'On Every Tongue.1 * * * * * * I | | "On Every Tongue." § * |k * Crystal drops from golden grain; pure and mellow, rich and fra- | jj grant; the ideal stimulant for universal use. * * SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. ****44 4*4 *94 **4 4*4 494 944 444 - -.V> « J Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. fimliifi yprai ling wmul; I am agent for the above. We i put the Rods on your Build- j logs and should they be struck j by lightning we pay damages i if no more than tSOA. Call J get full particulars. : ( taeni BlKksniitbil ] Prices nwdys ReisiNMe | •MMTKNMWAWWMIN l"£?S ii • - V v ^ ^; - • * '"'M DRUGS" PATENT MEDICINES N; H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES To Mlnnenota, North Dakota, South Da­ kota, (Including Black Hills district,) Wyoming, Manitoba, Western Ontario, Saskatchewan and Aftsiulbola. Via the North-Western Line on Tuesday, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, and April 4, 11, 18 and 25, 1905. For tickets and full in­ formation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. March 18. It „,will bring rich, red blood, firm flesh and muscle. That's what Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do Taken this month, keeps yon well all summer.. 80 cents. Tea or Tablets. 0. W. Besley. Is your family worth go a day to you 4J) A protector that will protect your family alfht and ia the CHICAGO TELEPHONE Jul haft 5 oiafts pur tfaj CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY ate . --. .*•

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