STOVES, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS, j OILS, BRUSHES, ETC. A NEW AND UP-TO- J DATE STOCK OF PAINTERS' SUPPLIES COn- i INQ FOR SPRING TRADE. % ^ , j j OSMUN BROS., W flcHENRY. | I S VARIETY Store!] xM"-* £ + • 5C up •5C up Plain and fancy China from... Tin and Granite from........ .-&L ALSO GLASSWARE. A ̂ y B^'BSr^iiti^on our... . . . . . . . . 5 c a n d i o c T a M f c S School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always J hand. , i on ,000 hotel Gr&.nd Ca.rvyon Arizofta It is named El Tovar. It is managed by Fred. Harvey. It is high:class, * ; The California Limited-Strain of luxury--will ; take you there. Stop off and 9ee the world's greatest wonder on your way to California. All. the \Yuy Ask Satita Fe agent 109 Adams St., Chi cago, for pamphlets about hotel and canyon. MAPLE CITY ma LLINOiS It saves' you worrying, thus preserving your temper on wash day. | W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT J t I [The Plaindealer does not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed in this col umn.-- En.l Our sympathies would be broader if our seeing were not so narrow. Sixteen million children receive tem perance teaching in the Sunday schools; 296,964 of these are pledged total ab stainers. Please remember that the Sunday school lesson for next Sunday is a tem perance lesson. Subject: "The Slav ery of Sin." John 8:31-40. W. C. T. U. schools of methods are held in all chautauqua gatherings. Indiana held a W. C. x. U. school of 'methods in every one of its counties in 1900. Watch your wayside opportunities in the home, the church and the commun ity. Every opportunity you have for doing good is a door that God's hand opens. It is said of Richard Baxter, such was his early life that in after years the ideal which always floated before his mind, as the best work he could do for England, was to make men like his father and homes like that of his child hood. Happy indeed is the land whose '• sons, with such a past behind them, keep such a goal before them! • The National W. C. T IT. exists-for the purpose of educating the young, farming a better public sentiment, re forming the drinking classes, transform ing by the power of Divine Grace those who are enslaved by alcohol, and secur ing the entire abolition of. the liquor traffic. It also strives to redeem out cast women from a slavery worse than that of chains, and by better laws to secure protection to women and girls from the outrages of brutal and design ing men. It has been instrumental in raising the age of consent in nearly , every state in the Union, and its in fluence is being strongly felt in the purification of our literature and art. COLONIST LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES T« San Francisco, T.o* Angeles, Portland, Taciturn, Seattle, Boise City, Spokane, Walla Walla, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte and other points is Montana, Colorado, lAafa, Nevada, atfd Ua« Pacific Coast. Via the Chicago Union Pacific & North western Line, March 1st to May 15, 1905, inclusive. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour ist sleeping cars, only $7.00 for double berth from Chicago (accommodating two people), through to the Pacific Coast without change of cars. Choice of routes." Excellent train service. Dining , cars, (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western K'y. Hit BAKKEVILLE. If you want drugs, go to Petesch's. J. D. Fleming spent Monday at Gil bert Station. Miss Glenys Jacobs called at M. D. Henise's Sunday. J. Hunter of McHenry called on friends here Sunday. ' Del Dassow was a visitor at school Tuesday afternoon. Del Dassow of Ringwood spent the week at I. N. Merchant's. Henry McDonald of Nunda was call ing on friends here Monday. Thos. Ames of Terra Cotta was oall- ing on friends here Monday. James McCannon of Greenwood spent Sunday at I. N. Merchant's. Miss Frances Fleming spent a couple of days last week with Miss Clara Thompson. Miss Annie Fleming and friend of Woodstock were Sunday callers at Bur- ttrn's Bridge. Miss Clara Thompson "entertained « crowd of her friends at her house on Friday evening. > . Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Keefer and daughter, >, Irene, of Jftnesville, Wis., have been spending a week at Wui. Van Natta'sf Miss Irma McCannon returned to her home in Greenwood Sunday after spend ing a week with her sister, Mrs. I. N. Merchant. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nins- teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, urio acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not reo- ommended for everything but if you havefci<|» ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be founa just the remedy you neod. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home of swamp-Root, dollar su'i are sold by all good druggists. Dont make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Boot, and ithe address, Binghamton, N, Y„ on every bottict in VOLCK If yon want drugs, go to Petesch's. Wedding bells will soon ring in Volo. Willie Moore was a Chicago visitor last Tuesday. HaTry Lnak of Grayslake was a Volo caiier Sunday.- , A. E. Kirwan of Wauconda was town Sunday. * Kirwan Bros, have sold their saloon to Ben Rosing. Danny Richardson took in the sights in Yolo this week. George Kuebler of Palatine was a Volo caller recently. John Myer and W. Moore were in Spring Grove Thursday. W. A. Rosing took in the dance at Wauconda Friday night. Ed Lusk of Round Lake called oa'Yo lo friends Tuesday evening. \ Mrs John Rosing visited Chicago "r«l- atives a few $ay& last week. Mrs. Conrad Dryer is spending a few- days with relatives in Chicago. Mr. Deitz and daughter of FfelJiOnt were in town Friday on business. Mr. Kaiser of McHenry has rented & G. Huson's farm for a term of years". Messrs. Joe Davis and Chas: Waite of Round Lake were Volo callers Sunday. Miss Clara »McConety of Elgin is spending the week with J. Kirwan and family. Piute Houghton of Wftoconda has moved onto the Thos. Geary place east of Volo. Misses Maude Walton and Hellen Raymond were Round Lake callers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Peck and daughter, Florence, were callers at Wm. Dunnill's last week. John Oefflling has moved off of the Gale place and onto Mrs. Kate Waite's farm in Grant. v Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lrtsk and son, Raymond, spent Sunday at the home of . J, Raymond. *»v Frank Wilson and bride have rented the Louis Knigge farm and have gone to housekeeping. Lawrence Miller of Wisconsin spent Friday and Saturday with his mother, Mrs. August Miller. A. J. Raymond has purchased a fine driving team of Matthew Jungen of Johnsburgh for $400! Mrs. E. G. Gale and daughter, Jessie, of Elgin visited at A. J. Raymond's the first of the week. Services will be held in the M. E. church next Sunday at 2 p. m. Every body is invited to- attend. Miss Kate Rosing has returned from a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Henry Thiele, in Indiana. Mrs. Byron Schultz and daughter, Mildred, of Highwood visited at Raught Bros.' Thursday and Friday. Jake Wortz and children attended the wedding of John Lenzen and Martha Wagner at Fremont Tuesday. Mrs. James Kirwan is entertaining her sister, Mrs. B. Cossman, and daugh ter, Merle, of Rollins this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Statfeld and infant son spent Sunday with Mr.* and Mrs. George Richardson at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and daughter, Clara, spent Saturday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable. Rosing Bros. have purchased thestore in Round Lake, formerly owned by Mr. Brainard, and will take charge .of it in a shojt time. The body of Mrs. Noble, a former Vo lo resident, Wfts brought from Glad- brook, Iowa, and buried at Grayslake. Her daughter, Mrs. Benson, accompa nied the remains. SPRING GROVE. If you want daugs, go to Petesch's. Ja8,Westlake spent Monday at Camp Lake. W. C. Moss called on Wilmot friends Tuesday. , Mr. McLaughlin has moved into John Kauttner's house.' Herbert Peacock was a Richmond visitor Wednesday. Mike Huff has moved into Mife. Waterman's house. Mike Rauen will move onto Peter Wagner's farm soon. Ada .Tktnes is at Hebron this week with her brother, Francis. Mrs. Sarah Spears leaves tomorrow for a short visit with friends in Elgin. Mr. and, Mrs. Selim Pierce are the prond parents of a son, born March 4. Mr. French will not teach after this week, his many otheir duties requiring his full time. . Mr. and Mrs. Martin Theteo of Round Lake were, visitors here Satur day and Sunday. Lena, Ella, Bertha and Frank Schramm are among the new scholars enrolled this week. Alice and Bert Churchill are both employed in the new drug store, and printing office at present. Dr. Bremken and wife returned from the city Monday, Mrs. Bremken having spent the "past week there, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Martain, who moved from here a few months ago, welcomed a little son recently. Ray Gould has moved to Mrs. Mary Adams' place, Mr. Wilson having moved into the Huffman house. Erastus Mick has moved from the Huffman tenant house to one of Lewis Hatch'B tenant houses near the town hall. . jp. Howard Westlake is now working in Frank Schumaker's store and between times is worrying about Wilmot being quarantined. The marriage of tyiss Maggie Ingalls' and'Frank Grasser took place Tuesday morning at the Catholic chnrch here. A reception was held at the bride's home. Andrew N^ish and his sons, Chester and Paul, and Theodore Spoonholtz left Sunday evening for Decorah, Iowa, where they will again embark in the mercantile business, making a specialty of dry goods and ladies' clothing. Mr. Neish will not go to Dakota as he at one time planned to do, and has sold the home he bfiiilt there. Mrs. Neish will, go soon. Paul Laurence Dunbar, whom obitu ary has been prematurely written by hasty friends, contributes to Lippin- cott's Magazine for March a little vign ette of fiction called "The Churching- of Grandma Pleasant." It is of an old lady who was summoned before the body spiritual for sinking "Comin' Thro' the Rye." She was acquitted in a vigorous way. He who has not the spirit to render a small service is «ot qualified to render a service that is great. EMKKALl) PARK. If yon want drugs, go to Petesch's. Jos. Aerns of Volo visited at John R. Smith's Sunday. Miss Ada Carey of McHenry visited Miss Katie Knox Sunday. Geo. Peterson began work for M., Conway at Terra Cotta on Monday. Miss Hattie Welch of Griswold Lake spent Sunday with Miss Lucy Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bolger spent an afternoon last week at R. J. Sutton's. Miss Lucy Sutton spent last Wednes day with- Miss Mary Knox in Mc Henry. Floyd Thomson spent Friday even ing with his school mate, Robert Ayl- ward. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago visited home folks a few days -the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta re turned last week from a few weeks' visit in Chicago. • ; J. B. Frisby and B. J. Frisby of Mo- Henry were callers at their old home here Saturday. . . Floyd and Robert Thompson of Bar- reville spent a night at their mother's, here last week. George Walmsley and Mrs. F. Prout and son of Chicago visited at P. Reig- er's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and'Mrs. Chas. Berkircher leave this week for a trip to Iowa, where they will visit relatives and attfend to busi ness matters The following pupils of the Emerald Park school have been neither absent nor tardy for the month ending March 3: Mamie Smith, Lena Smith, Josie Smith and Leo Smith. is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is <jf such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than ^cheap" Gus. Carlson. Harne PROBA TE NEWS tltmimmnimumiii>iiiiiiiiiniiiinm)iii HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. r~l Michael Keltor to John H Kennebeck It 7 blk 1 Michael l\elter"s 2nd sub- divof.blk 12 McHenry west of river.J 75 00 Lola 1> >Yailsh & h to Katherine StOf- . fel undv % of It in MjeHenfy. % 400 00 Aloiiso G Bishop et al to same, same.. 400 00 Lola I) Walsh et al to Elizabeth 8tof--; / fel pt swH sec 38 McHenry.. ........: 86000 Uiwrno \V Gotm Jr. to Tressa Bossier swii nes< sec 28 Greenwood. 980000 James Green & w to Charles D Bacon Its Al ft 52 & suir it I of It 51 of the - Assessor's plat of sec » & 10 King- wood 3000 00 James A Westerman & w to N J Gar rison It " blk 5 Kidnefleld 1 00 George llerklot z to George \v Conn Jr eVi sew swH & wH swH seM sec 21 St neft see 28 Greenwood 1080000 George K Gilbert et al to John Heimer pt It T 1)1 k 24 Mc Henry 2&00 00 John S Kreund & w to F M Goodman pt nwl4,'ueH sec 14 McHenry 5000 Fifty Years the Standard Made from pure cream of tartar derived from grapes. BAKtNO KWOM OO. GHICAOa Dorlisca Granger to Chas H Parks, It 2, blk 5. W. McHenry * 1000 00 Elizabeth Couse to George W Lem- mers. 120 a In sec 25, Greenwood 100 Oliver Holllster ^,w to same, 220 a in sees 24, 25. Greenwood a 100 Joliu D Charles & w Frank Howell, 117 a in sec 552, Greenwood 888800 Frank Howell & w to John E Harri son, 37 a in sec 22, Greenwood ....... 2775 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. George F. Beardsley 88 Linn, Wis. Mrs. jtizzie Housholder, 88-. Hebron, III. Albert Kranse, 35 ..McHenry Barbara Frances Schreiner,22. McHenry Charles John, 27 ...... .Marengo Minnie Peters, 26.. ...... Marengo Robert Kollenkark, 28. Crystal Lake Augusta Diedrick, 20 Crystal Lake Thomas Postlethwaite, 28.Big Foot, III. Stella Barnes," 24.......... Big Foot, 111. Ciaus R. Larson, 2ti. Woodstock Louise B. Larson, 20. Woodstock John J. Dowey, 22 Capron Katherine L. McOee, 24....... .Harvard Frank Graeser, 24 .. . .Spring Grove Maggie Engels, 82 Spring Grove KIDUKFIKLLX If you want drugs, go to Petesch's. D. Kline was in Chicago on business Friday. Mrs. 8. . Wakefield was in Uganda Monday. W. H. Munroe ftt in Woodstock Monday. Geo. Jorgensen was in WoocTstock Saturday. J. A, Wester man was in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer were in Nun- da Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed were in Chi cago Monday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield visited friends at Nunda Sunday. Chas. Ambler was in Chicago Thurs day and Friday. Mrs. W. Jayne and children were in Nunda Saturday. A. Levey visited relatives in Rock ford over Sunday. J. J. Ryan of Chicago spent Sunday *at Mr. Gallagher's. Mrs. Hunt of Nunda visited at Mrs E. Smith's Monday. Mrs. Stephenson and daughters were in Woodstock Friday. M isses Clara and Emma Eichoff were Chicago visitors Saturday. F. and B. Thayer are tifcing in the sights in Chicago this week, Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock visited her mother Saturday. Roy Skinner and Pearl Morey were in Elgin Saturday aud Sunday. W. J. Morey and son, Pearl, left Tuesday for their new home at Ottnm- wa, Iowa. J. Still and family left here Thursday evening for their new home at Long Beach, Cat. : Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughters, Lola and Mrs. E. Merchant, were in Chi cago Thursday. The Christian Fellowship class will give a dime social at the home of Mis> Nell Gibson Friday evening, March 11. A program will be rendered and re freshments served. The proceeds to go toward the church debt. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. johnsburgh: Pete Meyer* of McHenry visited here one day last week. Miss Emma Pitzen visited McHenry ftiends Wednesday. * Our concert was very well attended on Sunday, March 5. John Karls was a windy city caller, on business, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schaefer have moved into John F. Schmitt's house. Mrs. Britz, who was visiting her son, Wm., of Volo, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Schmitt are the happy parents of a baby girl, born Tuesday. Miss Teresa Hoff of Spring Grove visited at Miss Maggie Schaefer's a few days last week# Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer enter tained a number of their relatives and tbnends Tuesday. Quite a number from McHenry at tended the target shoot at Jos. J. Michels' Monday. - Many of the young folks from here attended the masquerade at Jos. Hei- jner's Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund and daugh ter and Mrs. Anna Bugner and daugh ter, Emma, of Ringwood visited here Sunday. ; God is our refuge and strength, a fery present help in trouble. Psalm m> ... .. TERRIBLE DROPSY CURED HiMnnnimmgi BY THE WEL.L-KNOWN SCIENTIST AND PHYSICIAN, DR. FRANKLIN MILES. A $2.60 NEW TREATMENT FREE Dropsy is a terrible disease, the suf fering in the last stages is frightful. Yet at first no disease is apparently more harmless, a little swelling of the eyelids, feet or abdoinen, but finally the unfortunate sufferer slowly drowns in the water of his own blood. Dr. Miles has made dropsy of the heart, liver and kidneys and complica tions a specialty for 25 years. To in- troduce'his maivelous new Treatments he will send $2.50 worth free as a trial. Three treatments in one. The Grand Dropsy Treatment re lieves short breath, smothering and distress the first day, removes most of the swelling in three to six days and all of it within two weeks in most cases. A permanent cure results in from one to two months. Mr. R. Trimmer, Green Springs, Pa., writes: 'The I>ropsy Treatment restored Mrs.T. after many physicians pronounced her case hope less." Daniel W. Gardner. Huntington,Ind., says: "Two months of Grand Dropsy Teatment saved my wife from the grave." John Fuller, Ithaca, Mich., writes: "Your Treatment worked a miracle! It saved my life." A. P. Colburn, Blessing,la., writes: "Grand Dropsy' Treatment restored Mrs. Colburn after her leg burst from dropsy." Hundred^ of incurable cases cared at home after failure of from 5 to 20 phy sicians. Patients in every state, 1,000 testimonials sent upon request. Though your case has been pro nounced hopeless, do not hesitate to write us at once describing your symp toms. We will send you our opinion, book, chart, and trial treatment free. Those who fail to try this marvelous cure will make a serious mistake. Ad dress, Dr. Miles, Dept D., 491 to 481 Main St., Elkhart, Ind. - 86 , HOLCOMBV1LLE. If yon want drugs, go to Petesch's. Fred Powers was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Powers is quite sick at this writing. ! Mrs. K. Knoblanch spent Saturday at Norwood Park. David Powers visited at John Powers' near Emerald Park-Sunday. Mrs. Phalin and Mrs. Fred Powers called at Thos. Powers' Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Con way. > and chil dren yisited at Jay Doherty's Sunday. Mrs. James Powers and Miss Anna Powers called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox of Terra Cotta called on relitaves heae one day last week. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Jay Doherty. Mrs. C. Colby and daughter, Edna, of Barreville visited at T. L. Flanders' Sunday. Mrs. Ben Peck and sister, Miss Mabel Smith, called on Mrs. Thos. Powers Sunday afternoon. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. 1. Did you say Piano? Why, of course, we handle them. Not only that, but we handle the best known makes and give with each and every one of them a guarantee of which we feel proud. If you are contemplating putting a Piano in to your home don't forget us. We can and will give yon figures which defy all competition for high-class Instruments. Remem ber "The Housekeeper" offer still stands good. Call at onr store and we will tell you all about it. your orders here for Piano Tuning. Work done by Wm. Ar- ney of Shulz Piano Co , Chicago. West FlcHenry, 111. - He McHenry pttotflftipter j HAKES PH0T05 f ERMANENT ARTISTIC FAVLTLCSS at popular prices. Always tome attraction given away with every dozen. In order to more fully in troduce my work in this commun ity I have decided to make the reg ular cabinet size photo at $2.00 per dozen, for a short time only. Waukegan St., near theStandpipe WEST McHENRY, ILL. VEDICINfc This great stock medicine is a money saver for stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Draught, repawned for tkj cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stock and poultry. It is carefully pre pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every fanner and raiser should oertainly give it a trial. It costs 25c. a can and taw ten | times its price in profit, PrrrsBUKU, KAS., Martih SB, MOt I hare been using your Bl»ck-Dreaght Stock and Poultry Medioins oa aw stock for some time. I have used au kind« of stock food but I hare found that yours is the best for my purpose. J. 8. BASSON. ,v Chicago & North-Westerflu. , Effective Dec. 4, 1904. WILL OAT TRA1N8. Oblc#>. NORTHBOUND McHenry 9.00am. ..Via Des Plalnes .10.19am 3.25 pm........ Via Des Flaines ...4.60 p m 3.01pm Via Des Plalnes ,..t40pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 9.10 a m..... .. Via Des Plalnes 111.14 a nfc 2.02pm....... ....ViaElgln 4£6pm «IU DAT TBAIN8. McHeHry. SOPTHBOPHD. chfoigo. 7.36 a m Via Elgin 10.10 a m am .Via I)es Plalnes #.55a m 5.28 p m .......Via Elgin 7.00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.26am Via Elgin ....MJSaa 5X0 p m.. Via Des Plalnes 7JW p m SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE PATENTS • HAut. mAnnv DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Anyone sending ft sketch seu desert aalcfcly ascertain our opinion free wl itttentlon is probablv patentable. OommimMfc »HTS &C. Tiptton w whether an •V3 Uoc» etrictiy eoufldeiittal. Hi on Haunts •en! free. Oldest aumicy for secarin&pateitt^ Patents taken throUKli Munu 3t Co. recsm $pteittl notice, without charge, in the Scientific JlmerkaM. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. eolation of any scientific Journal. Terms, - year; four months, fl. Sold by all newgdeatora. Iftnrest^to. Want Column. AH advertisement* Inserted nutter thu following rat^a: Five llues or 25 cent* for first insertion; 15 cent* for each stifottHiuent insertion. More than ftve lines, 5 cents a line for rlrct insertioa* ami 3 centti » line for additional "CV)R SALE--Six well bred Durham bulls; or will lot responsible parties have use at same for one year or more. Iuquireof 33-6t* C. L. PAGE. West McHenry. 111. TTOUSE TO RENT--With new barn aud land to suit renter; 1H miles south of McHen- on Terra Cotta road. En KNOX. 2t* ' • West McHenry. %. F°w SA1.E--180 acres iu South Dakota Would like Irr exclianjre 11WW "r *1.W cot tage within 50 or 100 miles north or westof Ohit-aso. What have you? Also SBrt) stock of st<>re gotxls iu thriving town W miles riorth-t westof Chicago: postofhVe stoes; with it. No 11. NKLSON, Lake N ilia. III., R. D. Nftl ^-4t* tiVJl'N IV A pair of rimless jtlasses. Owuer " can have same by catting at Dr. Wells's office, proving property and paying for this notice. 1 -• • TTH>K SALE--Bay gelding, coming tivejwam old the tlrst of July next. Sired by Ed win V . goixi site, broke, aud rt>»iiy to go to work or drive. P. J. CLKAHY. Mclfvury. IU. Cbtnberlala't Colic, cholera aai. Wlf The great sucxt*e of this pre^rati^a in the relief and cure of bowel com plaints has brought it into almost uni versal use. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children and adults. For sale by dr<mfK)6ta»