Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1905, p. 8

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Suits $5.00 and Upwards. Why can we sell CLOTHING cheaper than mail order houses? BECAUSE we do not spend h' MILLION DOLLARS every year for advertising in magazines and Farm Papers. FIFTEEN PER CENT • , ' : . ,/i' of all sales is spent in advertising by the * MAIL ORDER HOUSES 9A* "Kertvool" JOS. W. FREUND. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Spring stock of Paints, Oils and Var­ nishes, Wall Finishes, Etc., is much larger than ever before, and we are confident that you can find here just what yoii want in these lines. We still handle the CROWN Mixed Paint, which is acknowledged one of the very best brands on the market, and sold for nd more than is generally asked for poor stuff. | A very complete line of Japalac in all colors. Brushes of all description, from five eents to five dollars. And we also have the nicest line of plated ware in town--Serving Dishes, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes, Tea and Coffee Pots, Table ware and fancy pieces. A large line of Table and Pocket Cutlery. Call on us. ' J • . • • " * Respectfully yours, F. L. McOmber. of all kinds of Merchandise. The prices have to be quoted to you. Not much said about shoes that fit. You know most people under­ stand better about buying Shoes and Stockings that are suitable for their feek A Shoe is se­ lected primarily for its appearance and tried on with the hope that it will fit. Sometimes it does fit, but rpore often it "is absolutely unsuited to the foot. This is in no way the fault of the person who sells it, but rather due to inability., on the part of the purchaser to know his or her particular need. The shape of the foot should be studied carefully and attention given to the sort of Shoe that is found to be most comfort­ able. While it is true that every one's feet are different from everyone's else, there is e) lough general resemblance in feet to make it possible to find ready-made Shoes which are both com­ fortable and smart looking. We have them. $2.50 for men's patent leathers just now, regu­ lar price $3:50.' But we must sell. Will tell you more about this when you come. W.C.EV ANSON •M' 'I' '1' N> 'I' 'X' •!' «t>'t' '1' 'I' it it $ $ I|I I|I itnM11!"!'1!1 't' 'I' I Furniture! I i t o i>" $ 4* At our store can be found, at all times, the most complete line of Furniture to be found in the county. Besides the large and complete line we constantly have on hand, we are always prepared to get, on very short notice; any ar­ ticle wanted wEich we do not carry in stock. Our prices are always in the reach of everyone to which we contrih- ute our success^ All calls in the Under­ taking line are promptly attended to. "'"ILLINOIS. JACOB MEN. SSflViiiker's "Houie Folks," the new melodrama by C. Dazey, will inaugurate the spring season at McVicker's theater, and will mark the return to the Litt policy of big productions at moderate prices. The new play has a number of scenes in which an army of supernumeraries is used, notably the scene ot the picnic on the banki? of the noble Mississippi. In this picture of merrymaking a great (•addle-wheeled steamboat is nsed with fine effect. The boat, crowded to the guards with men, women and children, aud the big country band, comes up to the landing place and its load of pic nickers get off and prepare to enjoy their day in the woods. There are po­ tato races, sack races, a greased pole climbing and all of the other features of a real picnic such as used to be given forty years ago when people lived more for the joy of life tfiau in these com tuercial days. Another of the scenes wherein a crowd is handled with all the naturalness of real life is that of the country dance and the apple-parin' at the Selby farm, a big place on the bluffs overlooking the. broad river, the "Fa­ ther of Waters." Here the young peo­ ple, dressed in their best "bib and tuck­ et-," dance, shout, make love and gener­ ally enjoy life, and at the same time they are helping a neighbor get ready for the realties of living by faring ap­ ples for the apple butter which formed, then, as now, one of the staples, of? life. Mr. Joseph Brooks, who made the won­ derful production of "Ben/Hur," is the director and producer of "Home Folks," a fuct which alone makes for the whole someness and the gre itness of the new melodrama's presentation. Mr. Dazey, who is an Illinois man, writes in the new play pf the people whom he knows and loves, and his characterization is said to be splendid. Mr. Dazey is the author of "In Old Kentucky" and "The Suburban A Chicago Alderuiaii Owes Hla Klection to Chamberlain's Cough Keniedy. "I can heartily and conscientiously recommend Chamberlain's Cough Reme­ dy for affections of the throat and lungs. " says Hon. John Shenick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. "Two years ago during a politicol campaign, I caught cold after being overheated, which ir­ ritated my throat and I was finally compelled to stop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend ad­ vised me to use Chain berlaid'e Cough Remedy. I took two doses that after­ noon and could not believe my senses when I fonnd the next morning the inflammation had largely subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the Campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Qouncil." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. l»owle to Evacuate Zlon Glty, John Alexandar Dowie has left Zion City never to return. He will establish his headquarters in old Mexico, and there, surrounded by his chief advisers, will plan a general exodus of his follow­ ers from the United State. This report startled Zion City Monday. At every corner stood groups of followers of the "First Apostle" of the "Christian Cath­ olic Church" eagerly discussing the new move that their leader is about to make. It is not likely that Zion will be dismantled at once. The investment of capital there is too great, but it is prac­ tically settled that a large contingent will go south as soon as the site in Mex­ ico is definitely decided upon, and that all expansion at the Illinois plant will be stopped. Later on, when the indus­ tries at the new capital are in running order and the colony is on a firm basis, other drafts will be made from time to time until it will be possible for Dowie to withdraw entirely from the United States with a minimum financial loss. Rumors were current in the colony Monday that Dowie is himself not far f' om death, and that to prolong his life he will have to remain in the southland The reassuring statements of the dea­ cons did not allay the fears of the fol­ lowers of John Alexander, v< ho openly ( A pressed the fear t hat they had looked i ifir last upon their leader. There wan even speculation as to who will be his successor, and sentiment was divided between the son, Gladstone, and Oyer- seer Speicher. DEPARTMENT . ITh« 1 liifndealcr does not hohl itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn.--Eu.l Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Math. 11-88. We never know til# possibilitiesof G6d till we are brought up against -the impossibilities of man. We ntver know the strength that lies beyond us till we get to the end of our own. Faith may be at its best when there is nothing in sight to make it good. s **"' If we thank God for fragments he will give us feasts. Everything good will grow greater in the atmosphere of gratitude. To be ungrateful is to be ungodly. The W. C. T. U. has'largely influ­ enced the change in public sentiment in regard to social drinking, equal suf­ frage, equal purity for both sexes, equal remuneration for work equally well done, equal educational; professional and industrial opportunities for men and women. •' - -• Through its efforts thousands of girls have been rescued from lives of shafne and tens of thousands , of men have signed the total abstinence pledge-ana been redemed from inebriety: The auxeliaries of the W. C. T. XL- hate been, confessedly, the chief Fac* tors in state campaigns for statutory prohibition and constitutional amend­ ments, and for securing the enactment of other laws, especially those for the protection of girls. It began the' move­ ment for scientific temperance educa­ tion in the public schools, having been instrumental in securing laws to that end in all of the states, and besides this it has secured congressional legislation, by means of which all the territories and the District of Columbia are brought ] under the same beneficent statutes. , The Queen of Madagascar says: "I •annot consent to take revenue form that, which destroys the souls and bodies of the subjects of iny kingdom. " Champion Liniment for Rhvumatf»m. Chas. Drake, a mail carrier at fir - pin.ville, Conn., says: "CliHmberlain's Pain Balm is the champion of. all lini- , inents. The past year 1 was troubled a j great deal with rheumatism in my ! shoulder. After trying several' cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it completely cured me." There is no use of anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be obtained for a small sum. One application gives prompt relief and its continued use for a-short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by all druggists. Carp Catching. Wilmot Agitator: A company from Janesville has placed nets under the ice at different places in the river for the purpose of catching carp. The nets, which reach across the ri ver, are al­ lowed to remain in position a week or ten days between the times when they are taken up and examined. When they are .taken up a representative of the game warden is presentJto» ^ee that no unlawful fish are taken from the rive^;. The net is BO devised that the fish follow along trying to get past until they come to one end where there is a tra.p. that lets them into an enclosed portion from which they can not escape until the nets are taken up. Local fishermen claim thpt game fish caught in this trap and retained for any leugtb of time will kill themselves and that the nets will thus be their destruction. . Incredible Brutality. It would hav-} been incredible brutal­ ity if Chas. F. Lembfefger, of Syracuse, N. Y., had not done the best he could for his suffering son.', "My boy," he says,""cut a fearful gasli over his eye, so I applied Bncklen's Arnfca Salve, which quickly healed it and saved'his eye " Good for brims and ulcers, toov Only at N. H.> Petesch's and Julia A: -Story's, McHenry, and <3v W: Be§- ie^'s, West McHenry, drug, stores... , « . ; bl " ' ' " " - * The Plamdeal^r and Chicago Daily Chronicle both for one year for STILL CONTINUES All Winter Goods must be closed out to make room for^Spring and Summer Goods Which are arriving every day. The following Goods will be sold at cost and below: ' • W- • 0 ' ., A- ' . ' " Mon's Underwear, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Stockings, Flannelette, EiltcC On Grooeries our Prices are always the Iowest Buy Sleepy Eye Flour and ge^ the BEjST*. . A, Don't forget the "want ad "column! If you want drugs, go to Petesch's. IM SI FOR SALE; AT COST. Having decided to quit the Implement Businej-s I hereby offer for .sale my en- ive stock of Farm Imple­ ments ;it-co.-t for Cash, c«n- s<istmg of the following1 line of goods: The- Janesvi'le 'Reliance Gang and Sulky Plows, Bud long Disk Har­ rows, Grand Detour and Janesville Walking Plows, Spike Tooth Harrows. Prairie City Seeders, Shoe and Hoe Drills, G-blade Cul- _ tivators, 5-tootli Lever Walking Cultivators, j ro w Cultivators, xu and Surrie^ we have a few of them left in both Rubber and Steel Tires that will be closed out with the rest. One Phaeton and Trap which have both been used, but* are in Excellent Condition. Also a few second-hand light Wagons and Bobs. This sale is bonalide and the goods'will be sold as above stated. Sale now on and will continue until closed out. ' T. J. WALSH. / r Closing Out Sale at Cost for Cash We are determined to close out our entire Stock before April ist and are offering the newest and best selected Stock in town at absolutely wholesale cost. Men's soft Hats, black, brown, metria and d* Z „ gray, new spring shapes, the $2.25 quality for I • vJd Men's soft Hats, black, brown, pearl and tan, latest shapes, the $3.00 quality for.... $2.25 Men's popular shaped Hats, all colors, the d* _ _ „ $1.50 quality now selling at... T. 1 • IO Men's and Boys' $1.25 Hats, latest spring novel- ties, selling now at ". .. ..... Men's and Boys' Hats, the knockabout' sort, 50c and 60c quality, now.... Other grades at same reductions. 38c, 45c Men's Hue Kid Gloves, w©rth $1.00 and $1.50, are _ _ _ now selling at............ $1.12£ and J 5 Our enormous STOCK OF SHOES is still in fine shape. Nye can fit nearly every one, altho we have sold nearly'ONE THOUSAND pairs since the sale began. Come and bring everyone from Grandpa to Baby. We can save you money. YOURS TRULY, Strkies Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the Imlden rock ft of Consumption, Pneu iii »Dia, etc , yon are lost, if you don't j4 t; help froni Dr. Kings New Dis­ covery for Consumption. J. W. Mc- Kinnon. ot Talladega Springs, Ala, writes: "I had been very ill with Pneu­ monia, under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief, and one bot­ tle cured. in«." Sure cure for sore throat,, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at N. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores, price 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle free. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES. To Mlnnenotn, North Dnkota, South I>a- ltotH, (lix'liHliiiK lilaek Hill* dlHtrtct,) Wyoming, Mwnltoba, W«Nt«»rii Ontario, AankHtcliewaii and Awitiniboia. Via the North-Western Line on Tuesday, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, and April 4, 11, 18 and 25, 1905. For tickets and full in­ formation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. . March 18. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Custom House Ptace, Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipa­ tion and Biliousness." 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, Mc­ Henry, and G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry, druggists. - , M. J. Walsh, W. ricHenry An ad in The Plaindealer una will hrim rwnlt< 'wanfool- Ŝ >BU5TER BROWN RESOLVED ! THM" THE BUSTER BROWN STOCKING IS A BOON TO MOWER-? AxO A SMAP- FOK JAUm CL/KVS BUSTER BROWN **rrwr»thiti miax T ro 61 ano i,vt*r< wornctt Knowr TOff WHAT T«*r nlAKJ . 'dn/tki <0* • We have just placed in our store a full line of these STOCKINGS and they are certainly the best line of STOCKINGS we have ever seen and we stand back of every pair that goes out of our plac e. We have them in the so-called1' Sisters' line ribbed Hose for Misses. Extra heavy and medium ribbed for Boys. To introduce them we will* give witli every pair sold during the next ten days either a drawing book of comic pictures of Buster Brown or a box of paints, The price of either pair is.. EIGHT CENT SALE! Pull line of fancy silk Novelties in all the new shades, D _ just -the thing for an afternoon dress, per yard.. .. • ; ' NINETEEN CENT SALE! See'"the-"newest creation in fancy Mercerized Suitings and Waistings. Going faster than "we can buy at per yard. 19c SIX Cent Percale Sale! See tliose 2s-inch Percales ia brown, blue, red and d r a b , a t p e r y a r d . . . . " C BELTS! BELTS! BELTS! A l l s h a d e s i n H i e n e w s h a p e B u s t e r B r o w n B e l t s a t - 1 9 c & ' 2 5 c Ladies' black silk and crushed velvet Belts, at. . . . .. 25c N e w s h a d e s a n d s t y l e s i n L a d i e s ' B e l t s , a t . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 c & Bethke /

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