Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1905, p. 7

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This Pretty liirl Saved From Catarrh of the Lungs By Pe-ru-na. WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE OF CONTRACTING CATARRH. MISS FLORENCE KENAH. Miss Florence E. Kenah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont., writes; few months ago I caught a severs cold, which settled oa my luagv and rtf- there so persistently that / became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my bead and back began to ache severely mad frequently. ' «I was advised to try Parana, and although / had little faith / felt MO sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and I felt that I had the right medicine at last. Within three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. "I BOW have, the greatest faith in Peruna." Florence B. Kenah. but have purchased several bottles to give to those without the means to buy, and have noticed without exception tljat it has brought about a speedy cur? wherever it has been used."--Bos* Gerbing. Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without ac­ quiring a drug habit. Peruna does not produce temporary results. It is perma­ nent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re­ moving the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years Such a thing could not be possible if Peruna contained any drugs of a nar­ cotic nature. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. All correspondence held strictly oan* fidential. The cold wind and rain, slush and mud of win­ ter are especially conducive to ca­ tarrhal derangements. Few women escape. Upon the first symptoms of catching cold Peruna should be taken. It fortifies the system against colds and catarrh. Pe-ru-na for Colds and Catarrh. The following interesting letter gives one young woman's experience with Peruna. Miss Rose Gerbing, a popular society woman of Crown Point, Ind., writes: "Recently I took a long drive in the country, and being too thinly clad I caught a bad cold which settled on my lungs, and which I could not seem to skake off. I had heard a great deal of Peruna for colds and catarrh and I bought a bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for it brought speedy relief. It only took about two bottles, and I consider this money well spent. "You have a firm friend in me, and I not only advise its use to my friends, Crusade on Tuberculosis The Henry Phipps Institute of Phila­ delphia, which has been established by the generous gift of a wealthy resi­ dent of that city, is doing a great work on behalf of persons suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis or con­ sumption. The physicians employed by this institution haye compiled some excellent rules to be observed by per­ sons suffering from this disease, the careful following of which will pre­ vent the extension of the disease to others, and will greatly aid the suf­ ferers to recover. Don't spit on the sidewalk, on the street, nor into any place where you" tal depravity which we often hear Fads Are Stubborn Things Uniform excellent quality for OVW a quarter of 8 century has steadily increased the sales of LION COFFEE, The leader of all package coffees. Lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes. Such popular success speaks for itself. It is a positive proof that LION COFFEE has the Confidence of the people. The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition* LION COFFEE keeps Ms old trleads ud makes new ones every day* LION COFFEE bas even more titan Its Strength, flavor and Qual­ ity to commend It. On arrival from tlie plantation. It Is carefully roast­ ed at oar factories and securely packed In 1 lb. sealed packages, and not opened again nntll needed for use In the home. This precludes the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs, dirt, dust* Insects or unclean , hands. The absolute purity of LION COFFEE Is therefore guaranteed to the consumer. Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. Save these Lioii-lieads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE . WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo. Ohio. W. L. DOUGLAS •3£S&>3.SS SHOES UNION MADE. W. I;, nuiiglu afrnea are the grriilrat »«*llera In the world heoitiiae of their exu-llent style. rniy tUUng uinl itupe- ri«r weurmv qiialllies. rfn-y urc JdMt 11 m guml iih thote Itmt from 87.OO. The only difference la the prlre* "• I-. Douglas »I\ne« fimt mure in make, hold their •hupe lieCU'r, wear longer, mid areofgresler;.. ilmn «nv other sl.»e un the nnnrket %V. I.. OUIIICIim guar, natees their vulne l>y itMiiiiiiug hi* mime und |»riee on the bottom of each shoe. Look for it. Take no sultntitute. W.L.. Oonglu>9:i.SO aiioea are told through hi> uwn retail atorerin the principal eltlea, and by shoe dealer* every where. No mat­ ter where you live, VV.L.lfouglaaahoes are within your reach. BETTER THAN OTHER MAKES AT AS} ' PRICE. "Forth? hut three vears / hare worn W.f.r V) ,hoe and f.,n nd it not on!v as (food, but better than ant/ that / rr?r hai r?o of price " Chas. L. Farreli, Asst. Cashier The Capital \attonal Bank, Imitanap >hs, 'ind. Boys wear W. L. Douglas $2.50 and $2.00 shoos because they fit better, hold their shape, and wear longer than other makes. W.L00UGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. Hr. !.. Douglas nses Corona Colt t kin in Am fi.M <i„>et Corona Volt II considered to be. the finest patent teat tier produced FIST f OI.OB EYELETS WII.L SOT WEAK BRAMT W. L No troi further f. L. Douglas has the largest shoe mail order business In the world [rouble'to Ret a lit by mail. 25c. extra prepays delivery/ If vou desire ther Information, write Jor Illustrated Catalogue of Spring Stylet W.L.DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MM ASS ACM U SETTS W. L. Douglas makes and sells more Men s $3.50 shoes than any othci manufacturer in the world. $10,000 OH DEFORMITIES AND PARALYSIS Will be sent free, postpaid, upon request. This book !• of a hundred usgvs handsomer* lllus- gated throughout and tells of an experience of over thirty years In the treatme nt of ( rooked K PU>iriKl I>eforiMitie«, Infantile l'aralTits, Hip Dlseasf, Ueformed T.tmbs and Joints Ftc J- It tells of the only thoroughly equipped [sanitarium !n this country devoted exclusively to the'treatn OT these conditions and how they may be cured without surgical operations, planter parls or other «» jfeatment. Bend for this book, and If directly Interested, mention character of the affliction and literature bearing on the sub- *L. I « fcr - - - - - - Ject will be sent with tbe book. K, ana If directly Interested, mention characier of the affliction and special I The L C. McLain Orthopedic Sanitarium, 3,g£ 10,000 Plants for 16c. More trarden® and farms art* planted to " fcSaJ?er'8 Seeds than any other in "America- There la reason for this IV e own orer 5.000 acre* for tbe pro- b duct ion of our warranted need** Jin order to induce you to fry them, v e > make j on trie following uxipre-' otHlt-nted olfer: For 1B Cttntm Pomtpmht klOffci Karl*. ><»<1}u»aaid Laf liiOOOi line Juicy Turnips, '*04X) lllaMliiug Oltrj, U4XM) Kleb Nultr Utloec, 1000 Oniony 1000 It are L uatioa* lUdlabM, 1000 Brilllaot HtiWIi Above >ifven packages contain SiiflPI- clent seed to grow JO.OOO plants, fur- ni>tiin(f buahela 6f brililunt flower* and i->ts ami lots of vhoisse vegetables, together with ourgrea$ catalog1, tolling all about Flow ers, Koset, Small Fruit*, e(<-.. ail for Iftc In -tamp- and this notice* £i£ Itd-page catalog alone, 4c. r/\™ JOHN A. SAIZER SEED CO* II 1)1)11 w.s.i'. La Crosse, Wis. WANTED--TRAVELING SALESMEN hlttits county. Our men are making from $75 to $160 ft tu ( ' tnh felling our household and nock remedies, wvoriug tixtract«. and tojiet article® direct t-o consumers. ExcIubIvo territory. Goods are furolrdied .Rk credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. Pleasant. protH- •01 e. life-long position. No experience necet^ary; teach you. Write for Information. Don't delay- Incorporated. ^ THE 8. D. CON FEB MEDICAL COMPANY* Dept. C, ORAHQEVILtE, ILL. UNITED STATES Importing: Canacl i an w h e a t i s now a fact. Get a Free Hi.n;csu'»il In We«tern Canada, or buy 'ome of the l>cst wheat laud* un the cuotinem, and become a producer. The average yield of wheat this year win he about Twenty Itushei* U> the acre. The oat and barley crop will also yield abundaDtlv. Splendid climate, good sciioolN and churchet. excellent marketing facllltlei. Apply for Information to (Superintendent of Immi­ gration, Ottawa. Canada, or to authorized Canadian (rovernment Agent--C. J. Unruehton, Room i30 Qulncy Bid*.. Chicago, 111.; W. H. Kotrers, third floor, Traction Terminal Bldg , Indianapolis. Ind.;T. <>. Currte, Room 12. B. Callahan llloi-k. Milwaukee, Wl* Please Bay where you saw this advertisement. W. N. U.f CHICAGO, NO. 11, 1905. When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Paper. CIICI WIIEIIC »U EISEIHUtf. Mt Cough Syrup. Ta#te« Good. Use in time, bold by druiariata. cannot destroy- the germs which you spit- up. Do not swallow any spit Which comes up from jour lungs or which comes Out of the back part of your t h r o a t . • • ' T j ' ' " . " . T ; Spit into a spit cap when it pos­ sible (o do 80. Always use a spit cup with a han­ dle to it so that you can hpld it close to your mouth. , When you use a china or earthen­ ware spit cup always keep lye and water in it and scald out the spit cup once or twice a day with boiling water. When you use a tin spit cup with a paper spit cup inside burn the paper cup at least once a day and scald the tin cup with boiling water. Never use a handkerchief or a rag or any material other than paper to spit in or to wipe your mouth with. When you cannot spit into a spit cup, spit into a paper napkin. Always use a paper napkin to wipe your mouth with, after spitting, and be careful not to soil your hands. Always carry a cheap paper bag in your pocket or caba to put paper nap­ kins in which you have used. When you have used a paper nap­ kin, either to spit in or to wipe your mouth with, fold it up carefully and put it away in the paper bag. Every evening, before going to bed, burn your paper bag together with the napkins which you havo deposited in it. If you have a mustache or beard shave it ofT or crop it close. Always wash ycur lips and hands before eating or drinking, and rinse out your mouth. If you have a running sore take up the matter which is giVen off with absorbent cotton and burn it. Avoid handshaking and kissing. These customs are dangerous to you as well as to others. They may give others consumption; they may bring you colds and influenzas which will greatly aggravate your disease and may prevent your recovery. Do not cough if you canJielp it. You can control your cough to a great ex­ tent by will power. When you cbugh severely hold a paper napkin to your mouth so as not to throw out spit while coughing. Sit out of doors all : ou can. If you have no other place to sit than the pavement sit on the pavement in front of your house. Don't take any exercise when you have a high fever. Always sleep with your windows open, no difference what the weather may be. Avoid fatigue. One single exhaust­ ion may charige the course of your disease fropi a favorable one to an un­ favorable one. Go to bed early. If you are work- ipg, lie down when you have a few moments to spare. Don't take any -jmedicine unless it has been prescribed by your physician. Medicine may do you harm as well as good. Don't use alcoholic stimulants of any kind. Don't eat pastry or dainties. They do not nourish you and they may up­ set your-stomach. Take your milk anjl raw eggs whether you feel like it or not. Keep up your courage. Make a brave fight for your life. Do what you are told to do as though your recovery depended upon the carrying out of every little detail. Always keep in mind that consump­ tion can be cured in many cases and that it can be prevented in all cases. If your* own disease is too far ad­ vanced for you to recover, console yourself with the idea that you can keep those who are near and dear to you from getting it. This fact explains a very large share of the distressing symptoms which afflict the chronic dyspeptic.' The giddiness, thfe tingling sensations, the confusion of thought, and even partial insensibility, which are not in­ frequently observed a few hours after meals in chronic dyspeptics, are due to this cause. Here is the explanation of the irascibility, the despondency, the pessimism, the indecision, and various other forms of mental perver­ sity and even moral depravity, which are not infrequently associated with certain forms of indigestion. The to- talked about,' is, half the time, noth­ ing more jaor less than total indiges­ tion. ' A Convincing Test. , In the Far East the Japanese have won victories which have astonished the world. They show themselves to be more enduring, more resistant to the effects of wounds, keener witted, sharper in tactics, and quicker in exe­ cution than their Russian antagonists. The Jap is content with a simple diet of rice, peas, or beans, which is quick­ ly digested and converted into braiwn and brains, while the Russian must have his meat and his vodka. The same dietary, the same simplic­ ity and naturalness in habits of life, which give toughness of fiber and en­ durance and immunity against infec­ tion, afford equal advantages in fight­ ing the battle of life in any direction. They brain worker who wants to keep his mental vision clear and desires power to pursue his subject with un­ ceasing energy, must keep his blood clean by a pure, simple, natural diet. The lawyer, the clergyman, the busi­ ness man, the teacher, the investiga­ tor, the inventor, will find the same advantages in living in harmony with natural* principles as does the plucky Japanese soldier, who is, for the first time, testing his metal by a great con­ test with an army of civilized men. City and Country Journalism. W. H. Lynch of Salem, Mo., praised recently, at the University of Pennsylvania, the newspaper. Dr. Lynch is an educator, and he declared that the newspaper was one ot the most powerful educative influ­ ences of moderh times. Finally he told a number of stories about country methods of journalism. 'A country editor," he said, "was Among the hundreds of women who haye said time and time again, "If only I had the money that my parents spent for my musical education!" the wife of an American general, must take first rank; forthe story gees that after spending $5,000 in the attempt to learn to plav: her repertory consists of one sole waltz. The lady calls it her $5,000 waltz, it is said-, and laugh- Alcohol vs. Long Life. It is very easy to prove that the in­ fluence of alcohol, as of every other poison, is to shorten life. Dr. Willard Parker of New York, shows from sta­ tistics that for every ten temperate persons who die between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, fifty-one intem­ perate persons die. Thus it appears that the mortality of liquor users is five hundred per cent greater than that of temperate persons. These fig­ ures are based on the tables used by life insurance companies. ' Notwithstanding the constant pro­ test of both moderate and immoderate drinkers, that alcohol does not harm them, that it is a necessary stimulus, a preventive of fevers, colds, consump­ tion, etc., and the assertion of certain chemists that it is a conservative agent, preventing waste, and so pro­ longing life, the distinguished English actuary, Mr. Nelson, has shown from statistical data which cannot be gain­ said, that while the temperate man has at twenty years of age an aver­ age chance of living forty-four and one-fifth years, the drinking man has a prospect of only fifteen and one-half years of life. At thirty years of age the temperate man may expect thirty- six and one-half years more of life while the dram-drinker will be pretty certain to die in less' than fourteen years. On the other hand, the Rechabjte societies in England show statistics clearly indicating that total abstinence is in the highest degree conducive to longevity. Found at Last Alston, Mich., March 13th.--(Spe­ cial.)--After suffering for twenty yfears from Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles, and spending a fortune in doctors and medicines that brought him no relief, Mr. James Culet of this plate has found a complete cure for all his aches, pains and weakness, in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Naturally Mr. Culet feels much elat­ ed over his cure and gives great credit: to the remedy that gave him health. "Yes," Mr. Culet says, "my rheuma­ tism and Kidney Troubles are all gone and I feel like a hew man. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. Before I used them I spent a small fortune on doctors and one remedy and anoth­ er. I cheerfully recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from Rheumatism or Kidney Trouble." Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure sick kidneys. Healthy kidneys take all the uric acid--the cause of Rheu­ matism--out of the blood. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure Rheumatism. to time and variable as to tune.' appointed, through some misapprehen- ; ingly remarks that "it is uncertain as sion or other, to the city editorship of a leading daily. The first day of his appointment a fierce ftfe swept the tewn--a fire, let us say, like that which devastated Baltimore last win­ ter. "Tfie managing editor sent for the new city editor and asked him what arrangements he had made for report­ ing the fire fully and accurately. " 'Why,' said the new man, 'I've made none.' "'None?' said the managing editor. 'Good gracious, man, why none?' " 'What's the use printing anything about a fire like this?' said the city editor. 'It's such a big fire that every­ body in town will go to see it for him­ self.' "--Salt Lake Tribune. Ove^rowded. It is a pretty dangerous thing to al­ low your system to get overcrowded with undigested foods--poisons, bile poisons, bowel poisons. Get rid of them by taking Dr. Caldwell's (laxa­ tive) Syrup Pepsin, and you will, right away, feel siich a wonderful change for the better, that you will never let yourself get into that condition again. Safe and pleasant relief and cure, for headache, constipation, biliousness, etc. Try it. Sold by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. Money back if it fails. - Picture Accepted. "Is Willie's father an artist* pop?"' ; "I neyer heard that he w$s, my son.", • . "Well, Willie says, his father has just had one of his pictures accepted at. the rogues' gallery,"--Yonkers Statesman. . Aiabastine Your Walls : Are you satisfied with the appeal* ! • ance of vonr moil.) tV; .-.wwi. 5 ance of vonr - --r tney coins op to your ideas. Are you putting on coat after coat of sticky, dirty wall paper, making a sandwich with sour paste between? Aiabastine is clean, hygienic and wholesome and more than that, it is beautiful. The most artistic effects can be produced with Aiabastine. The ALABASTINE CO. will furnish, without expense to you, color schemes J and harmonies tor your rooms. If you • are building or remodeling, simply • ask for color schemes, giving size, ! use and direction of light of rooms. • Buy your ALABASTINE • in original packages. Aay dec- • orator can apply it. or you can pat it J on yourself. Simply brush it on. It is • a permanent, durable, wall finish 11 Outwears two walls done any other ! way. , The best dealers sell it: IF yours doesn't, •end us your same and we will see that JOB. are supplied. ALABASTINE COMPANY Grand Rapids. Mich. New York City Walks 5.000 Miles. Marcello* the Isle of Man pedes­ trian, who, for a wager of $5,000, un­ dertook to walk 5,000 miles in 100 days, was in Grimsby, Yorkshire, on Feb. 10, having covered 3,533 miles since September. A collie dog is his sole companion. he? A Stickler for Ju«tic0. "Spoke favorably of me, did I'm rather surprised." "Yes. He said he believed in giving the devil his due." Human Improvement is from within outward.--James Anthony lroude. RECIPES. Nerve Poisoning Through Indigestion. Prof. Bouchard, the eminent French scientist, has shown that the decompo­ sition of food which often takes place in the stomach and intestines in in­ digestion gives rise to powerful poi­ sons. When absorbed into the body, these produce effects entirely similar to those produced by strychnia, opium, alcohol, and other poisonous drugs. If food is retained in the stomach be- yccd the normal time, either because of its indigestibility, the taking of too •large a quantity of it, or a crippled state of the stomach, these changes are certain to take plac6. Cardinal Gibbons a Pedestrian. Cardinal Gibbons is a fervent ad­ vocate of pedestrianism as a means of prolonging life and, of adding to health and vigor. His eminence has passed the allotted span of life, yet he does a ten-niile tramp almost every day of his life, only denying himself when the weather is most severe. To Baltimoreans he is a familiar sight "out for a jaunt, but strangers gener­ ally are astonished whe,n told that the diminutive, somewhat shabby looking man, without one single exterior sign of his dignity, is the illustrious churchman and scholar. He usually, walks alone and it is a token of marked favor to be invited to join in his rambles. " Tea Growing in California. Some of the farmers nearHSanta Rosa. Cal., are experimenting with tea growing, and their efforts seem to be meeting with success. It is said that there is no reason why tea should not be grown in some sections of this country, though the earlier South Car­ olina experiment is not known to be making great headway. Savory Soup--Cook half a pint of small navy or soup beans in three pints of water for two hours, adding boiling water as needed. In a sepa­ rate kettle place two small parsnips, scraped and sliced, one good sized onion cut fine, two stalks of celery and half a can of tomatoes. Cover well with boiling water and cook until the vegetables are very tender; then add the beans and press all throueh a fine colander or soup-strain­ er. Return to the stove, simmer a moment, and just before serving, stir in slowly a cupful of hot cream i>r rich milk. A can. of sweet corn may be substituted for the beans. As it takes less time, and may be put in with the other vegetables, it is some­ times preferred by (the housewife who is her own cook. Spinach With Eggs.--Pick over and thoroughly wash the spinach; boil quickly until tender, but still bright green (if cooked uncovered it keeps its color better); drain, and press dry in a hot, square pan. Turn out on a hot platter, cut across and lengthwise to form squares. Place a nicely poached egg oh the top of each square, and arrange slices of lemon around the edge of the platter, to be served with the spinach. A wooden or bone salad fork and a spoon are a help in serving. Bright Library Attendant. A man went into the general read­ ing room of the congressional library in Washington the other day to get some specific daia for a paper he was writing. He told an attendant he wanted to find out something about papal bufll-s and asked if they had any record of anything of the kind^ He had never been in the reading room before and did rot know the limita­ tions of some of its attendants. He selected a desk and* eat down. At the end of half an hour the attendant re­ turned. "I think, sir,-' he said, "you may find what you want here," and he laid before him an agricultural de­ partment report opened at ao article on cattle* Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not pleas* you, return it to your dealer. If It does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satis­ faction. and will not stick to the iron. If we coiild read the secret history our enemies, we should find In each lien's life sorrow . and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.--I^ong-- feiiow. * ' Wanted--Representative in every community. Money-making home bus­ iness. Any one can do it. Find put what it is. Send address. M. A. Donohue & Co., Chicago. nie If you have builf castles In the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be; now put foundations under them.--Thoreau. The Best Results in 8tarching can -be obtained only by using De­ fiance Starch, besides getting- 4 oz. more for same money--no cooking re­ quired. He who thinks his place below him will certainly be below his place.-- Sir John Hersliel. TO CCRE A COLI) IN ONK DAT Take Lavmh Hrotno Quinine Tablets. All drug* refund the money o I: full* to cure. K. w. iirove'n tlguature Is on each box. £>c. Good, the more communicated, the more abundant grows.--John Milton. Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them white--16 oz. for 10 cents. through the advice of Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., which is given to sick women absolutely free of charge. Mrs. Pinkham has for many years made a study of the ills of her sex : she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering women, who to-day owe not only their health but even life to her helpful advice. Mrs. Fattnie D. Fox, of 7 Chestnut Street. Bradford, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- 1 " I sufTeivd f?>r a long tim« with womb trouble, ami finally was told by my physician that I had a tumor on th« womb. I did not vant to submit, to an operation, so wrote you 'or aiKiee. I retvived vour letter and did as vou t')l<i me. aii'i to-day I am completely •uiv I Mv do.-t'ir says the tumor has disap­ peared. and I am once more a well woman. 1 believe Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- •ound is the best medicine in the world for #omen." The testimonials which we are con­ stantly publishing'from grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Com­ pound to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in return for her advice. It is absolutely free, and to thousands of women has proved to be more precious than gold. v D O Y O U COUGH D O N ' T D E L A Y r A x e -« _ m n "C PS - i u To think well rightly.--Paley. is the way to act It Cures Co'xls, Oouchs. Pore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whooping Coujrh. Bronchitis aiid Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief i n a«l vitm eil stiitrcs. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the tlrst dose. Sold by dealers eve^y« Where. Large bottles 25 cents and 50 cents. WiHIt Gure Consumption? NO, we cannot hold out the promise " " that Dr. Pierce's Golden Med­ical Discovery will cure con­ s u m p t i o n w h e n t h o r o u g h l y seated and established. We doubt if any medicine will then cure, although hundreds have been cured by tne "Discovery" after their attending physicians had pronounced their cases to be regular tulbercular consumption. The fact is that the " Golden Medical Discovery " does cure severe throat and bronchial affections, lingering coughs, and those obstinate, waiting, "run­ down" conditions which, if neglected or improperly treated, run on and terminate in genuine consumption. We know that thousands of men and women although in the advanced stages of feebleness and emaciation -- palid, wasted and broken-down with all the terrible symptoms of hacking coughs, night - sweats, hectic fever, absolute prostration, and even bleeding from j existence and l also know that Pr Pierce's fho InrrTB-ho™ rnst/irwl Kv tho 1 Favorite Prescription Is very good for the the lungs na\e oetn restoreu o\ tne troubles for which it is recommended, for I have taken It Hoping that others may be benefited M I have been. I raiualii. lours with respect. Mrs. M. BLAznaL Morgan. Oconto Co., Wla. help soon. One day my wife was reading In the "Common Sense Medical Adviser " about Dr. Pierce's Golden Discovery, and I said, that sounds more like common sense than any thing: else that I had heard. I at once, bought a bottle of your famous remedy and before I had taken half of one bottle I felt better. Took thirteen bottles and It made a new man of me. 1 trained sixteen lxiunda and never have had a cough sinre. I feel splendid and give all the credit to your medicine. Yours truly, Geo. A. THOMPSON, Sheldon Ave.. Chatham. Onu. Canada. DR. R. V. PIERCE. Buffalo. N. Y.: Dear Sit--I wish to sr>eak as to the benefit received from Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. My health being run-down last fall. I caught a bad cold which settled in my luags and throat. I had a very bad cough, also raLsed a great deal. Doctored for awhile with our country nhysioian and he said that if my cough could not be broken up I would go Into consumption. I could see no benefit from his treatment, so I purchased a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and in, two weeks' time my cough was all gone. "I am sure the "Golden Medical Dis­ covery " Is one of the best cough remedies In Discovery of Pike's Peak. Lieut. Zebulpn Montgomery Pike, an officer in the United States army, discovered the famous peak Nov. 15, 1806. The chember of commerce of Colorado Springs has started a rhove- ment to honor the one hundredth an­ niversary of this event in 1906 by a celebration to be participated iff by the entire state. use of this marvelous medicine to per­ manent health, strength and vitality. But it must be taken in time, before the lungs hare been filled with tuber­ cular deposits, or have actually begun to break down. DR. R. V. PIZRCK. Bnffalo. N. Y.: Dear Sir-- It gives me pleasure to send you ! this testimonial so that some other poor suf­ ferer may be saved, as I was, by l>r. Pierce's j Dr. Pierce's largely a *mat- - tor of good health, and good health is largely a mat­ ter of healthy activity of the bowels. Dr. Golden Medical Discovery. I had a cough ; l'ierce's Pleasant Pellets cure consti for ye^rs. expectorated a great deal and was i tion. They are safe, sure and speedy, 'DdonCT «•<•« *> «• "• «•"*> weight from 150 pounds down to 13$. My flesh got soft and I had no strength. anything to any one but made up my mind got soft and I had no strength. Did not say [ laxative, and two a mild up my mind cathartic. They never that the end was not far off If I did not get I gripe. By all druggists. always. One little "Pellet" Is a gentle ;lve, and two a mild cathartic. They never 1^0J It's an Insult to your Intelligence for a dealer to attempt to paint off upon you a substitute for this world-famed medicine. You know what you want, Ifs his business to meet that want. When he urges some substitute, he's thinking of the larger profit he'll make •• not of your Welfare. Avoid all such unprincipled dealers. UOTS'Iinoer ALL SICK WOMEN SHOULD READ MRS. FOX'S LETTER Vour ALWAYS RELIABLE r direct Irum Factory. Pc«r!a illi RKA J. ESTATE. In All Parts of the United States Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Effected Similar Cures. Many wonderful cures of female ills are continually coming to light which have been brought nbout by Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and Exceptional Opportunity to Invest flell In rapltal stock of recently organized C Company owning land'* in beat lii!1 Proceed* to e^u t> p'am. Particulars- f'-r stani*. K. H. IRWIN, 1109 Fisher Bu 1dm?, Chicigo, III. Mining it In X >r;hern Indiana,one 3l>.i acveo. three mile* from the county »e:tt; aluo a 24 '. te\eral SO and 40 acres. All_ under cnlitvatl For particulars write Henry K'l'.er* Bremen, Xn<»- CHEftP TEXAS LANOS. JSStfteVtS?!-- Land Agency, gene;-;*! offlc , r <rN. Te\a-. inais» specialty of tanudllu* the undeveloped lands t f Tesaf. We have agents throughout Texa* •»e'ectin* dp»trablp lauil* for sale. Write for what y >u»ant. We cap often handle your lauds In exchange a« part c >n«ldej» atlou. Liberal terms arranged *. orrespond^nco »• -ii*> - lted with prospectors and with the real estate ageatlgj throughout the country. L. F. Harrison, Gen. JSESL: FOR SALE In Southern California, the Dreamland of America, special bargains in beautiful home placejl In the city and cminiyof Los Angeles. >. 1'). 2o and W acre orange, lemon and orchards of every defripti unimproved lands specially adapted for vegetabli and poultry raiding, located on electric car Sine within a few minute*' ride of the city. If y >u luteni coming to this country and feel interested In estate and Its value, address A. T. Jergins & Co.. kite 400 Herman W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles,CaS WHERE ISFANMING MOST PROFITABL iblef • atif. - where are Uu> coiulitiotia mtxtc Kftvorabie for •ral Farmer, tbe stock. Kruit ..r i ruck he (i where are the (ireatost AO»antaire» fur tlio 11 uof seeker! Hoverum -tit statistic* pin\e it U tn tit. la the Southern Hal'»»v territory. We wilt tell yo aboutlt. Write for Publication* M V. iitc' lAnd and Imlnstrlts! ^pent, C. FARMS For Sal© J. XULHALL, Sioux irl c rot A CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN Saadholm's £ezem& and Skin Remedy Purifies, Then Heals. Positively cure* Kc/ema, 1'lmplee, Kruptlons. lusect Bite* and all dis­ eases of the skin. An absolute cun» for Dandruff or Scalp il!«eage. SI.OO Per Bottto. Send for FR££ BOOKLETS. Ask your druggist or bartier or send to SAND HOLM DRUG CO., J»es Koines, lews. -J Xfl, * 1 SIXTY CENTS WORTH OF SEEDS FREEfc Send us 25c for 10 packets vegetable eeeda is* ; eluding Beet. Cabbage, c arrot, Cucumber. Lctt.uc«j| Onion, Parsnip, Kadlsh. Spinach. Tomato, very choicest varieties, and two packets SUPEIiB Sweet Peas. Return any one of the packets, when emptjn and we will accept It as 25c on any order amounting to 50c or more, making the abore absolutely FRE&, Catalog on request. SMNDARD SEED COMPANY. VALPARAISO. IM* SOUTHERN CONDITIONS MB POSSIBILITIES. In no part of the United States has there such wonderful Commercial, Industrial Agricultural development as alon£ ihe lines the Illinois Central and the Yazoo Jfc Mississippi Valley Railroads in the States of Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana, within the past tea yeurs. Cities and towns have doubled theiff population. Splendid business blocks have- been erected. Farm lands have more thait doubled in value. Hundreds of industries have ' . . ̂ been established and as.a result there is aQ • - unprecedented demand for : Day Laborers, Skilled Workman, aad f ̂ 'Especially Farm Tenants. 3- Parties with small capital, seeking an oppor* vji tubity to purchase a farm home; farmers who ;"J| would prefer to rent for a couple of years before ^ j purchasing; and day laborers in fields or fao* , '* tories should address a postal card to Mr. J. P. ' "if' Merrv, Assistant General .Passenger Agent, Dubuque, Iowa, who will promptly mail printed! -- matter concerning the territory above tle« scribed, and give specific replies to ail inquiries. ibeea I Mi­ nes or,; s-sippps T W O T H I N G S Low rates and penwmnlly conducted service--are features of the "Katy" route to California. The rates will be exceptionally low March 1st to May 15 th. ST. LOUIS, S30; KANSAS CITY, S2S Proportionate Rates from all Other Points "Katy" TourlHt Sleepers rttc between St. LouU and San without change. Toil step Into the car at >t. Louis and do not leave U until ytfli reach Los Angeles or ;?aa Fraaclsco. An excursion a^eut U In charge of each car all the way and will s<-e to your comfort--he i# there for that purpose--as well as point out the places of Interext aloug tbe way. Ha Is both a guide and an Interpreter--a sort of a "uian trutn Cook's." whose chief aim Is to see to the comfort and convenience of the occupauts of the car. If you're thinking of Tlslttnc Calif.ruta. won't you lot as give you particulars. GEORGE MORTON, 4». F. A T. A., tf.feu&tUif. STtLUliB Low Rates Again daily •ia Southern Pacific, to California $33 from CHICAGO $30 from ST. LOUIS $30 from NEW ORLEANS Similar rates from other points. Tickets sold daily from March I to May 15,1905 Ask nearest agent for full Information regarding choice of route, stop-overs, etc. via Southern Paoifl<u>r writs W. O. NBIMYER. Oea. Aft. 193 dark St.. Chicago Southern Pacific THE ROAD TO CALIFORNIA M PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than amir ether dire. One 10c package colors silk., wool and cotton equally well ami is guaranteed to perieet r nalla Ask dealer or tne will send pes I pans at 16c a oackaue. Write tor free booklet--Hot* to Dia. Bleach and Mis: Cola**- MUSHOIt Miltuu (XI.,

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