Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1905, p. 8

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*™--• -f h 1 • ' • Mb ait | * / > t * - " "• ssbaaes i -- HEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING! Do not pay $3.00 to $5.00 more for the same suit, when you can save that amount by buying of us. These MADE-TO-ORDER SUITS are made in the same shops and they ARE NO BETTER. Only cost you about 25 r̂ cent. morê . FREUND. Our Spring stock of-Paints, Oils and Var­ nishes, Wall Finishes, Etc., is much larger than ever before, and we are confident that you can find here just what you want in these lines. We still handle the CROWN Mixed Paint, which is acknowledged one of the very best brands on the market, and sold for no more than is generally asked for poor stuff. A very complete line of Japalac in all colors. Brushes of all description, from five cents to five dollars. And we also have the nicest line of plated ware in town--Serving Dislies, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes, Tea and. Coffee Pots, Table ware and fancy pieces. A large line of Table and Pocket Cutlery. Call on us. Respectfully yours, F. L. McOmber EVANSON'S Spring selling now on. New things all around --large assortment--low prices. Cash business solicited. No harm to investigate. Bring your flggs--highest market prices paid, and if you prefer trading with the other fellows we'll pay cash and no questions asked. A few Muslin Gowns and Skirts left at bargains. Extra fine large Lemons, 15c per Dozen. W. C. EV ANSON QUfKH If- H OF A CENTURY. IIMMCIIVPN from Tti» PltladMlw TF April 7,188O. Furniture! At our store can be found, at all times, the most complete line of Furniture to be found in the county. Besides, the ^ large and complete line we constantly & have on hand, we are always prepared ** to get, on very short notice, any ar- ^ tide wanted which we do not carry in 4* s|:ock. Our prices are always in the T reach of everyone to which we contrib- & ute our success. "All calls in the Under- taking line are promptly attended to. T Miss Blanch McGinber, won linn beau stopping in Chicago the past winter, ar rived home on Friday last. A. W. Young, county snpertendent of schools, made us a call last week. He was examining teachers. A new steamboat dock, for the land- ingot the "Mary Griswold," has..been tiuilt just north of the bridge. A young daughter of Chas. Kuhnert, aged about three years, died of membra­ neous croup on Wednesday of last week. It seems a little strange that the la­ dies have not taken advantage of leap year and had a dancing party of thair own before this. We learn that our band talk of reor­ ganising. We sincerely hope they may, as we have the material for one of the best bands in the county. A flurry of snow on Thursday and a little colder weather in this section. Farmers generally, however, are get­ ting well along with their work, and the prospect now is for an early spring. The roads are in tip top condition. Geo. Smith, oldest son of H. C. Smith, is very low with fever, and, for a few days, but little hopes were entertained of his recovery. At this writing, Wed­ nesday morning, he is reported better. Dr. H. T. Brown is in attendance. Friday of last week was one of the biggest (luck days known .on the lake for many years. Every hunter that came down was loaded, and two, wbo we noticed, had as the proceeds of Fri­ day's hunting, one hundred and twenty- six ducks. - Prof. R. D, Scott and family, assisted by the singers from this village, brought out "Pinafore" at Wan began on Satur­ day evening last, to an audience of over 600, of the elite of Waukegan, and they were so well pleased that they have in­ vited them to repeat it on Satntday evening next. Their success before so critical an audience as can be found at Waukegan, proves two things: First, as an organization of an entertainment of this kind Prof. Scott has no eqnal in the west, and also that the local musical talent of McHenry cannot be surpassed by any town in McHenry or Lake coun­ ties. The opera of Pinafore is said, by good judges of music, to be one of the most difficult. Yet our singers tTdok bold of it and with less than two weeks practice brought it out in a manner that would have been creditable to old and professional singers. And that, too, after the singers in other towns in the county, who have always had a high opinion of their own abilities, had tried and given it up as an impossibility. We congratulate Prof. Scott and onr home singers on their success at Waukegan. McVlcker'a Theater. "Home Folks," the new drama of Ill­ inois life now playing in McVicker's theatre, Chicago, has made the greatest hit ever known at that home of success­ es and the big theatre is packed all the time. The play is brimful of homely bits of character and unexpected tnrns of comedy and its reception by the Chi- cago press was the most enthusiastic known there. The critics fairly outdid one another in praising the production, the performance and the company. One of the most popular tningB in the play is Jkis fine old-fashioned country' dan^e in the second act. The room rep­ resents the big living room in a fine old Illinois farm and the good neighbors of John Selby have come to help pare the apples for the winter cider and apple butter. As a relaxation from their la­ bors they come into the big room, the village fiddler ta-ies his violin and two sets are formed, everybody joining in the dance. 'Forward and back,' 'swing corners,' 'all hands 'round,' and similar calls from the fiddler are responded to by the merry throng and the picture of complete enjoyment has seldom been equalled on the stage. The cast brought together for this play is one of the best balanced that has played in Chicago for many a year. It includes such favorites as Edwin Arden, Mamie Ryan, Thomas A. Wise, Julie Heme, 8am. Reed, Ida Waterman, Thomas Ince, Mattie Ferguson, Jack Ryan and twenty others besides some two hun­ dred trained supernumeraries. The en­ gagement is limited and will not last longer than April 80, as at present planned, for other attractions billed to follow at McVicker's are clamoring to be allowed to play there. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing the right medicine, E. H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a coin- plete cure l have also found them of great benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep tbem constantly on hand, since, as I find they have no eqnal." N. H. Petesch and Jnlia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists, guarantee them at 6%. Anntin) of School Foods, Annual statenYent of school funds by treas­ urer of township 45 N, range 8 east. McHenry county, Hi., for the y«mr beginning April 4, 1U04, and ending April 3,1905. ACOOCRT WITH SCHOOL TRUSTEES. RECEIPTS. .. „ Township fund on hand April 4, 1004..f 1493 54 Notes paid 1300 00 Received from county superintendent 447 OS Interest on notes 122 17 . leXPKNDITURI Township fund loaned.. Distributed to districts Togp... .S 8868 79 ... f 11160 00 ...... 4«4 16 . . . . . . 10000 00 I'liblishiiiK annual report 5 00 Township fund on hand April 3.1105.. H44 54 t'omnensation of treasurer Incidental expenses Total ...4 3884 79 AOOOUUT WITH DISTRICTS. RECEIPTS. District balances April 4,1904. *...f 6841 92 Distributed by trustees " ...... 464 10 Special district taxes .f. ;... 6141 24 Kailroad, tel., tel., and back tax 91k 46 From other treasurers 703 IS Tuition 225 30 Library fund district No. 15.. . 24 83 Total J14719 09 XXPKKDITTTRBS. Paid out for district rto.12.............. 1031 45 " " " " 15 5621 12 « " " • « " 17 20H 74 ** " " " " 34 -1C8S 80 <> u < .» « 35 ( .129 20 " « " " " 36.. 414 37 » • •* " '* 37. 490 68 " " . S ' " " 3 9 . . , . . ^ 6 8 3 0 " «». «-- » » 40..........."..7^16 58 • <£! " " ' " " 41 32K U5 Balance on-hand Aprils, 1905.... . 4920 90 ' ' Total .. . .(14719 09 The above statement is correct. OLIVER N. Own*. Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd (LAY OFF April, A.JD. 1905. JAMKS B. PBKRY, , , Notary Public. / About KheuuiatiHin. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been suggested.. To say that it can be cured is, therefore, a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success in the treatment of this disease. One application of Pain- Balm will relieve the pain, and hun dreds of sufferers have testified to per­ manent enres by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For sale by all druggists. We have made arrangements where­ by we are able to offer both our paper and the Chicago Daily Inter Ocean for one year for $5.50 and give you as a pre­ mium a $1.75 Approved Galvanized Steel Mail Box and one Stencil Plate. Farmers who will be patrons of the routes which will soon go in. should avail themselves of this great opportu­ nity of getting one of Chicago's greatest daily papers, the home paper anct the mail box all for the small price of $5.50. This is one of the greatest snaps we have ever been able to offer. A strength tonic that brings rich, red blood. Makes you strong, healthy and active. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty - five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered. Try it. • Illinois Inventors. Illinois inventors have been reaping most gratifying profits from their in­ ventions. One invention was sold for $10,000, two at $3,000 and two at $1,000. Sales were made before the patents were issued. The following patents were is­ sued last week to Illinois clients; re­ ported by D. Swift & Co., patent law­ yers, Washington D. C., who will fur­ nish copies of any of them to the readers of this paper at cost price, five cents. They embody most valuable ideas. Andrew O. Arnold, Galesburg, freight- car-door fastener (sold); Wm. G. Belus, Peoria, boiler-flue scraper (sold); Fred G. Boyden. Bradford, burial-vault; Robert N. Cooper, Say brook, calculator; Henry Dobes, Decatur, power-hammer; Chas H. Fenton, Chicago, riveting ma­ chine (sold); Peter C. Ferrester, Streator, gate; Elias Graham, Casey, portable der­ rick (sold); Geo. A. Henderson^hicago, hair-pin; Jacob J. Hiner, Wooastock, farm-gate (sold); Peter B. Johnson, Hegewick, pumping and. mixing appa' ratns for carbureters; Allen B. Ken­ dall, May wood, railway block signal apparatus; Matthew Miller, Jr., Tren­ ton, ventilator; ghas. E. Mitchem, Har­ vard, renanant-tule; Chas. A. A. Rand, Chicago, harvester; Jay B. Rhodes, Harvey, flush-actuated valve; Samuel Springer, Alton, hammer; Wm. B. Wag­ goner, Chicago, furnace; Wm. J. Wells, Decatur, drying apparatus; Chas. P. . Hinsdale, hitching-strap. • Last Hope Vanished* When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la., had in­ curable consumption, his last hope van­ ished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great specific coinpletly cured me, and saved my life. Since then, I have used it for oyer 10 years and con­ sider it a marvelous throat and lung cure." S.trictly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure pre­ ventive of Pneumonia. Guaranteed, 50c and $1.00 bottles at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. Trial bottle free. Very LoW Kates to 8t Louts, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on May 13 to 22 inclusive, limited to return until May 24, inclusive, on account of National Baptist Anniversaries. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 22. Rlirnmntlc Pains Quickly Relieved. " The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The gieat pain releving power of the liniment has been the sur­ prise and delight of thousands of suffer- ess. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all druggists. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. SPRING IS HERE! So are our Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percales. Waistings, Ladies* Skirts. Our «HOE STOCKTr • f t fedth is very complete it! Tans and Black^, High and Low cut. Prices to suit ill. * Gentlemen, let as take your measure for a Suit or pair of Pants. We have a large line of samples to select from. / ! See o4ir Wall Papier before buying^ .We have a large stock on han<|. Also Floor Matting. A Pew Specials for FrTday, Saturday, Monday •ft- % •St '^$8 4 lbs. Johnson's Washing BowdH* ....v£; 2 Packages Egg-O-See 26 lbs. Prunes.^..... ....». - il'f "5C Buy Sleepy Bye Flour and get th^-BEST.* WIH YOU liEI RfABr 10 B U I L D Don't forget that we handle a *ery com­ plete line of Lumber of every description and Everything necessary with which to Build , A MODERN HOUSE We always strive to please our customers and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill their wants. So bear in mind that we the Building Supply Headquarter®. are Our-Feed Department is always coniplete. Wl LBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. llilttiiiAIIAIMIIftlllllllillAllfllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllll/IIAIIiAIIIAUIlllllllllllll nnrrnnnnr fWVWVv^mnTrrr11IW" *» HIIWTr Spring Suits! Leave your measure for a new Spring Suit for Easter. We have the finest line of Samples ever shown in town. A perfect fit guar­ anteed, and the lowest price for first quality goods. About 1200 Samples of Imported and Domestic fabrics to select from. Pine Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Etc., for Spring and Summer wear. YOURS TRULY, fl. J.Walsh, W. McHenry i Special late Curtain Inducements We have a splendid showing in this line, embracing the best things from the lines of several makers--an especially strong line of popular priced goods, such as suit the taste and purse of nine women out of ten. See below: * McHENRY, ILLINOIS. JACOB mm. Very Low ICxcuritlon Rate* to ten Fran­ cisco and I..OM Angeles, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations April 10 to 14, inclusive, with favorable return limit*, on account of Meeting Woodmen of the World. Two fast trains to California daily. "The Overland Limited, "(electric lighted throughout), lees than three days en route. Another fast train is "The California Express" with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. For rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Apr 14 Feel tired, no appitite, cannot sleep, work or eat? That's spring tiredness and will disappear at once if you take Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea this month. 85 cents, Tea or Tableta. G. W. Besley. * The Plaindealer and Chicago Dally Chronicle hoth for pna fwffM . " . ' - 98o SAL.El! Plain net ground with small star and medallion pattern, border of lace in­ sertion with inner Grecian scroll affect, and floral border, overlook stitched edges, about 3 yards long by 52 inches wide. Special value.... 98 $1.29 SALEI A flaked Nottingham Center, border in combination lace insertion. Bow knot, floral and aprig designs, shield effect, overlock stitched edges. Abont 3$ yds. by 60 inches wide. Big bargain at. $1.49 SALE! Made of a superior Fish Net ground all around, wide Grecian effect bor­ der, intertwined with a s< roll and floral pattern, insertion effect edge, border overlock stitched, 3£ yards long by 60 inches wide. Special.... 51.49 Bed Spread Sale! line we have ever shown, The biggest and best and all are extra value. Germanic, about 70x80, weight' 5" finish, closely woven, elegant assorted raised designs, hand­ some center in honeycomb and plain weave, deep border to nwfch, serviceable and sightly, at only Others at $I.J9> SI.39, $1.49* $1.98 98 Couch Covers! We have just received a new line of these goods and all are worthy your inspection. We have them about 3 yds. by 52 inches wide, in handsome Bagdad patterns in broad stripes of green, blue, red and gold with small Oriental figures in contrasting col­ ors, heavy knotted fringe all aroundL We have .... ..$<-29, 1.49, 1.98 Trade withi us and Save Moneyl ^BLOCK & BETHKE, McHENRY. : • - •• * t » .

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