Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1905, p. 5

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•ly; Vv a A* - *3 J PAINTERS' SUPPLIES Consisting of Mixed Faints, Oils, Varnislhes, Dryers, J Finishes, Stains, Etc., Dry Colors, Colors ground in ' Oil, White Lead in any (Quantity, EtCw? 7 BRUSHES : ^ \ Sometbinscheap or extra goodt ; ji^::^yW.^ v'for ' NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY } OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS j Painting, Varnishing, Papering^ OSriUN BROS,, i ill. * C L E A N L I N E S S is a necessity to perfect Health and an essential element of Happiness. To prevent sickness and enjoy the comforts of life you should equip your sleeping apartment or dressing chamber a snowy white, one-pioce ^>tai*dardT Porcelain Enameled Lavatory Lavatories «e made in numerous beautiful designs and are free from cncks and crevices, thereby providing sanitary conditions in the highest possible degree. By installing a "StMNfavd" One-piece Lavatory in your sleeping apartment or dressing chamber you will be provided with a scource of comfort not otherwise obtainable.. To have running hot and cold water asdesired at your touch, will prove a source of delight and satisfaction. If you will call we will take pleasure in showing you the one-piece Lavatories and other fixtures of the same manu­ facture we have displayed in our showroom, and will supply you "\vith information required to secure a perfect plumbing job. HERBE5, PLUMBING. ! VARIETY Store! | Plain and fancy China from .5c up Tin and Granite from............ 5c up ALSO GLASSWARE. Big Bargains on our. .5c and 10c Tables School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always f on hand. J Santa Fe Southwest Homeseekers' rates Excursions are run from the East over the Santa Fe twice a month to the Great South- West. Get on board. The round-trip fare is about half the usual price. See with your own eyes the most pros­ perous section of the U. S. Santa Fe the Way Ask Santa Fe agent at io» Adams St., Chicago, tor rates and copy of "The Earth." MAPLE CITY a* (82 B88 Q, LINOIS One trial honestly given will convince yon t------tinMnmn--m------ Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. eells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Inland Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Baggies, Wind Mills,. Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Geieril Blacksmithing Prices ilwtys ReittMble |j -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- • • » • • • ! Machine Oil a Specialty.' (--------#Mii IgJUoiog Rod Works] I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than 1500. Call ud get full particulars. DRUQS PATENT MEDICINES I N. H. PETESCH TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES JOHNSBURGH. , Mr. Stephen H. Schjint't wu t Mo Henry caller Monday morning. Miss Barbara Steffee was home Sm* | day. Joe Nett was a Rii%wood caller Tries- day. Miss Rosa Lay visited Maggie Kitig j Sunday. . Miss Eva King spent Sanday with | Clara Lay. Charley Michels Was a Ringwood call- | er Monday. Joe. M. Adams spent Sanday with | home folks. ' Mr. Adams was in Chicago on business [Wednesday. A fine display of Easter hats at Miss M. M. Adams, John Earls boarded the train for Cbi- jcago Tuesday. Miss Hellen Michels visited Miss Mary Miller Sanday. " Mrs. Jacob Meurer of McHenry visited ! here last week. Johnnie Degea t| the guest of Mm ( J o h n S c h a e f e r . ' . Miss Anna OefHing visited at Ui» Eva Hnemann'8. Miss Kate Lay visited Mrs. Jacob R. Tuesday... Mrs. John Klein went to-Chicago Monday morning. Walter Jack of Chicago spent several | days in this village. Mrs. Maggie Freund was in Chicago business on Tuesday. Mrs. John P. Lay returned from Chi- | cago Sanday evening. Miss Lizzie May spent several days with Mrs. Ben Stilling. Miss M. M. Adams transacted bnsi- | ness in the city Friday. Mrs. Anna Bugner visited her sister, Mrs. John King, Sanday. Peter May of Spring Grove was a | Johnsburgh caller Monday. Miss Lizzie Meyers entertained Emma [ Schmitt one day last week. Miss Barbara Adams of Spring Grove | was a caller here Wedrisday. Miss Eva Huemann visited at Miss | Anna Oeffling's Wednesday. Peter Justen and E. C. Joslyn of Mc- I Henry were np here Monday. Miss Rose Justen and Mrs. John Bow­ lers "drove through here Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. John Justen of McHenry | visited Mrs. Klapprieh Monday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay and family | moved into Mrs. Britz's house last week. p. M. Adams and daughter, Maggie, were business visitors in Chicago Fri­ day. , Miss Martha Niesen visited Miss Rena Niesen of McHenry a few days last week. Miss Hellen Smith was visiting with her sister, M. J. Freund, several days this week. Mrs. Susan Freund visited her son, Nick Freund, of Spring Gro\ e Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Yonng and family and Miss Lizzie Kenebeck drove through here Sanday. Mrs. Jos. tel. Huemann and children, Joseph and Thersa, visited at Mrs. Katie May's one day last week. Mrs. Snsan Frennd entertained the following on Monday: Mrs. Jos. H. Hue­ mann, Mrs. Joe. Schaefer, Mrs. Jacob Freand, Mrs. S. Schmitt, Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. Mat Miller. O.STENO. A fine turnout at Sanday school. - Farmers have commenced their spring plowing. E. E. Bassett's molars, are troubling him again. P. S. Martin and wife were calling at E. L. Mansfield's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. VerneThompsbn are vis­ iting Mrs. Frank Thompson. Edna Sayler visited her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Thomas, one day last week. Mrs. Geo. Thomas was. a caller at Bassett's corners Monday afternoon. Mesdames Bassett and Barr were call­ ers at Geo. Thomas' and Warren Fran­ cisco's Sanday evening. Tuesday was election day in our town and the men had frequent recourse to the vile c'.gar and viler whiskey. The "naughty mobiles" have started, frightening the horses, and people, too, and may well be called d--1 wagons. • For that lame back and that tired feel­ ing take DeCosta's Kidney pills. Every box guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Petesch Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimming and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and ever} part equal to the strain. Costs no more than Qus. Carlson. - Harness Myrtle Harnish of Richmond spent a few dayswith her sister, Belle Harnish, last week, in honor of her sixteenth birthday. Guy Harrison broaght- his son out from Chicago to take in the sights of the country and count the ducks that papa shoots. The Ostend school children and their teacher. Miss Anna Kaiser, assisted by Mrs. E. E. Bassett, planned a surprise party on Miss Belle Harnish last week Wednesday evening in honor of her six­ teenth birthday anniversary. About fifty yonng people were present and everyone spent a most enjoyable even­ ing- Mrs. E. J. Burr spent a few days at Henry Hobart's last week. She expects to return to her home in Nebraska soon, having spent the winter with relatives and friends here. While here she visit­ ed the ruins of the old Ostend postoffice. now owned by Abbott Bros., in which she was married over forty-seven years ago. A Daredevil Ride often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries,^se Buck leu's Ar­ nica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Schuele, of Colatiibas, O., "caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals bnrns like magic. 25c at N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story's. McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, druggists. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the vira- [ lent poison of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lnla, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," he writes, "that I was cured." All stom- | ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at N. H. Petesch'8 .and Julia-A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drag stores, guaranteed; BAKKKVILLK Ray Merchant spent Sunday in Green­ wood. , Robt. Thompson visited school Thurs­ day afternoon, Cbas. Gibbs of Nunda was calling on friends here Sanday. Miss Mary Gibbs visited at John Fris- by's at McHenry Saturday. Miss Margaret Sutton spent Thursday night with Miss Mary Gibbs. Thos. Thompson attended a business meeting at Nunda Friday Afternoon. Chas. Gibbs and Miss Kathryn Walsh spent Sunday afternoon at J. Fleming's. Henry Simon of Burton's Bridge was calling on friends here Sunday after­ noon. ' Miss Margaret Ward spent a couple of days with Miss Clara Thompson last week. ' Chas. Gibbs and Miss Kathryn Walsh called on Miss Clara Thompson Sunday evening. Misses Mary Gibbs, Maggie Ward and Clara Thompson visited school Thurs­ day afternoon. Misses Ada Merchant and Minnie Knaack spent Sunday afternoon at John Knaack's at Prairie Grove. For that lame back and that (ired feel ing take DeCosta's Kidney pills. Every box gnaranteed. Sold by N, H. Petesch <Y\W "After all, there is nothing like DR. PRICE'S * CREAM BAKING POWDER I have used it with satisfaction voto. ; Mrs. August Miller is on the sick list, r- Lee A. Huson spent Sunday at home. Miss Anna Miller is home this week. Geo. Kenbler and wife were ill tqwn Friday.- " _ i Mrs. p. G. .Huson spent .Monday in Chicago- ... V ' , V, ^ Frank Vogt yn»; » Waupond* caller Saturday. Fred Hertinz# Was in (own Saturday baying cattle. ' . Plutie Houghton of Wauconda was in town Sunday. \ A A. E. Kirwan of Wanconda was in town Monday. Miss Bessie uunnill is visiting at Rol­ lins this week. Mrs. Harry Nicljplls was a Wanconda caller Tuesday. John Myer was at Grayslake on busi­ ness Thuisday. Win. Punnill was a RoUnd Lake visit­ or Wednesday. Mrs. John Richardson was a Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Ella Moore was a Wanconda visitor Tuesday. Will Lamphere of Wanconda was, a recent Volo caller. Hark! That can't be wedding bells we hear again in Volo. Mr. Hertzing and daughters were Fre­ mont visitors Thursday. Geo. Rosing entertained a numb# of city boarders over Sanday. Miss Josie. Pitzen visited Miss Anna Pitzen a few days last week. Mrs. John Rosing and son, Will, were Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddock of Fort Hill were Volo callers Friday. D. i>ick is spending a week with Miss Sarah Shield at Logcabin farn. Mrs. H. Nichollsand daughter, Sarah, were McHenry callers Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Rickey of Grayslake called at John Walton's Sunday. Mr. Sullivan of Woodstock was a Volo caller Thursday and Friday: Miss Gertie Shaefer of McHenry was a caller at Chris Sabel'B Tuesday. John Richardson has returned home after a two weeks' stay in Chicago. Mrs. James Kirwan called on friends and relatives at Wauxionda Friday. Mrs. Charley Parker and son, Walter, spent Sunday at Mrs. Will Dillon's. Born, to Ml-, and Mrs. Frank Hironi- mus, Saturday, April 1, a baby girl. Miss Frances Do we of Wanconda is visiting her cousin, Miss Kate Frost. Mrs. Ellen Hogan and daughter, Mil­ lie, of Waakegan were Volo callers Fri­ day. Misses Maud Walton and Hellen Ray­ mond were Round Lake visitors Satur­ day. Messrs W. A. Rosing and Jacob Wortz of Round Lake spent Sunday in Volo. Messrs. John Oeffling and Will Frost were McHenry callers Snnday after­ noon. Miss Rnb/ Cooke of Wauconda spent a few days last week with Hellen Ray­ mond Dr. Rossdeutecher and wife attended the funeral of the former's mother in Elgin Monday. Miss Edith Carpenter of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond. Mrs. Mike Hertel of Fremont Center spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Theo. Wortz of Buffalo was a caller at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Sexton, Thursday. Manyille Ettinger of Pistakee Bay spent a few days at the home of Geo. Ettenger last week. Rosing brothers have received a car­ load of flour at Round Lake, which they are busy hauling. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and danghter, Hellen, and Maud Walton were Wan­ conda callers Tuesday. For that lame back and that tired feel­ ing take DeCosta's Kidney pills. Every box gnaranteed. Sold by N, H. Petesch. A certain young man west of town was seen coming home late Saturday morning. Does Ralph know who -it as? ;1 - - " HOLCOMBV1IXE. , A. P. Peck went to"Batavia Monday. Miss Florence Welch spent Thursday in Elgin. Miss Anna Powell is spending a few days in Chicago. j Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children spent Thursday at Terra Cotta. Mr. and'Mrs. M. Conley and children of Chicago are visiting at W. Gilbert'^. Mrs. A. P. Peck and daughter, Mrs. Ben Peck, visited al F. Davoll's Thurs­ day. „ Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon at Terra Cotta. Mrs. Ben Peck and little Eva Davoll were callers at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Thurs­ day afternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers went to Sycamore Sanday to attend the funeral j of the latter's father. . j The Plaindealer, 3 months for 35c. | few aeaily fo*ty years. ft SPRING GROVE. Mrs. Sweet of Richmond visited her son last Thursday. The Misses Carey are entertaining friends from McHenry and Chicago. The Creek school has opened again with Miss Mabel Anderson as teacher. ; Attorney Walsh of Waukesha trans­ acted business here the first of the week. Mrs. Otto Hesse was called to Burling­ ton by the serious illness of an aunt, Monday. For that htine back and that tired feel­ ing take DeCosta's Kidney pills. Every bOx guaranteed. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet haye en­ gaged a new blacksmith. He arrived Friday and tipped the scales at eleven pounds. Mrs. Loais Nnlk has been entertain­ ing her father, Mr. Tresnier. He is about to move to Connecticut where he will make his future home. The village caucus was held Saturday evening and the following nominated: For president, J. E. Meredith; trustees, Wm, Watts, W. C. Moss and John Wag ner; clerk, Nick Weber; police magis trate, Herbert Peacock. The result of the town election is as follows: Supervisor, Jesse Richardson; assessor, B. A. Stevens; collector, W. C. Moss; highway commissioners, Mat. Rouen,Chet Stevens ;• justice of the peace, Frank Hatch; Robert Esh; constables, W. C. Moss, Wm. Ranen. The Very Rest Remedy for Bowel Troub­ les >0 Family Can Afford To Be Without It. "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Chol­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy as one of the very best remedies for bowel troubles," says Mr. J. W. Hanlon, editor of the Despatch, Ofcilla, Georgia. "I make this statement after having used the medicine in my family for several years. I am never without it." No family can afford to be without a bottle of this remedy in the house. It is certain to be needed sooner or later. For sale by all druggists. RIDGEFUXIJ. W. Cox was in Chicago Sunday. Miss Bessie Reed was in Elgin Sat­ urday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Roy, were in Nunda Saturday. Mrs. Goddard and son, Loais, were in Woodstock Saturday . Mrs. J. G. Hartman and sister weire in Woodstock recently. Miss Dota Hudson of McHenry is vis­ iting at Mrs. Stephenson'B. Miss Edith Jenks of Elgin is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Wakefield. Mrs. Doolittle and sister, Mrs. Dona- van, were inr Woodstock Saturday. The Foresters give an entertainment in the church this (Friday) evening, Mrs. J. B. Lynch returned home Tuesday from a week's visit in Chicago. Mrs. W.° H. , Munroe visited her daughters at Woodstock one day last week. Mrs. I. Jaynes and daughter, Irene, of Woodstock visited at W, H. Mnnroe's Sunday, Geo. Whiston and daughter, Pearl, of Holcombville called on friends here recently. Mrs. Donavan and two children of Chicago visited with her sister, Mrs. Doolittle, the past week. F. C. Going, with a first-class com­ pany from Chicago, will pat on a play in McHenry some time next month. Fnll particulars will be given later. CURES STOMACH *1THLE body gets its life from * food projperly digested. Healthy digestion means pure blood for the body, but stomach troubles arise from carelessness in eating and stomach disorders upset the entire system. Improp­ erly masticated food sours on the stomach, causing distressing pains, belching and nansea. When over-eating is persisted in the stomach becomes weakened and worn out and dyspepsia claims the victim. T h e d f o r d ' s B l a c k - D r a u g h t cures dyspepsia. It frees the stomach and bowels of congested matter and gives the stomach new life. The Btomach is quickly invigorated and the natural stimulation results iq a good appetite, with the power to thor­ oughly digest food. You can build up your stomach with, this , mild and natural remedy. Try Thedford's Black- Draught today. You can buy a package from your dealer tor 25c. If he does not keep it, send the money to The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanc Tenn., and a package mailed you. Brothers (onpy ma Ms SOME INTERESTING PRICES ON FANCY GROCERIES! 5C 5( 5( fit 25( Good Corn, 2lt> can.. Early June Peas, in 21b cans Fancy Red Salmon, |A/ 2ft can IUl Baked Beans, in 2ft> cans A Good Japan Tea per pound . . . . . . . 2 lbs for 25c. Fancy Rio Coffee, per pound v 2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Table Syrup gallon pail SALT FISH--all kinds Fancy White Fish.... ...12i Fancy Mackerel........ 12$ Fancy Red Salmoa.. . ..12± Fancy Cod Fish........ 12$ Hplland Herring..07$ Smoked Halibut...;, . . . 15 Smoked White Fish 12$ Try a bag of the Celebrated GOLD rUNE FLOUR Finest Flour in town. Only $1.48 per Bag! a Word^_ Regarding "Gold Mine" Floor. This Floor we are selling with the understanding that it it is not the equal or better than any other Flour you have ever used, it is not to cost you one cent. We refund cost of Flour and yon to keep the goods. Pretty good guarantee that "Gold Mine" will stand the test. Don't be humbugged into paying more for your Hour-- Gold Mine is now selling for $1.48 per 50-lb. Bag with the (iuuastM. COMPANY. Having opened a meat market in the Ostrander Building on Main street, West McHenry, we are now prepared to serve the public. We will make it oar aim to al­ ways keep on hand a complete and fresh line of meats and such other goods as go to make up a first- class market. Through fair and honest dealings always, we solicit a share of the public's patronage- Assuring our customers the best of goods always, we are Respectfully yours, JoKn Adams' ®. Sons.' West McHenry, IlL ? T*lephon* 48 S. Lanooca, wiln» The Plaindealer will be sent to any j address on trial three months for twen- i ty-five cents, and will be discontinued I at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. J THEDFORD'S BLACK-DMUGHTJ PHOTO STUDIOfe Portraits. All shapes au't sU«?s. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each <k»- en finished In different styles. Price. (8.00 and upward. f Outdoor Work. We have eitenslr® apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, suoh as ttroup pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. Enlargements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness £uu ran toed in every iustance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sixes made up for any sixe pict ure, certitieate, e*c» ' Waukegan St.,nearthe Stamtplga. WEST McHEKKY, ILL. T«l«phon», 493 If you want drugs, go to Pettach's.

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