Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Apr 1905, p. 5

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Consisting of Finishes*, Stains, Qii^ White Xjea^ ii BRUSHES jtc., Bry Color's, Colons ground 1 any quantity, , Et£., Etes ^ ; caller S^nethiiig: tfheap or extra goo4, justjAS you like,.'for Pointing, Varnishing, Papering,. '.*• **'!• J O S f l U N B R O S . , . • M c H E N R V ^ I t L v~- I s " \ q u t B a t h r < t e > r i v M o d ^ r q i * Y?% cannot have too many safeguards for the tffcaltb of family and self", especially the growing c'hildreni.. c Bac3 of antique plun , ing is as dangerous to ^%«SaIth as good ©r riiodern , plumbing is beneficial. The cost of renewing your bathroom with Ware will, in, reality bet: . .heaklyassurance. i ' \ • ' We ' have samples iff hnr shnw rnnrrvc orw? v*'vH HERBES, PLOflBINO #4 it ILLINOIS It costs #iore, but dpes more. Don t%argue\nrits|fc you tjtry it. f . 5 C u p >• ,5c up Plain and fai^cy China J^rom .. Tin and. Granite from.... % , ' ALSO&SL'ASSWARS. i 3 i g B a r g a i ns^#n our...... ... : 5c and 10c Tables School Stationer}' and a^ieelinerof Candies al^^ys , '• \ on^liandX < • *- . Y ' J OS; H'. Huenianit Johnsburgh, Illinois. •* sells Corn Shellera and Titead^ ^ Sowers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, \^agons, Carriages, Btfggies^Wind Mills,' Well Supplies, Harney Oil, , Paint Oil anj$ * . - . Machine Oil a Speciaft^r." / franklin Liglitflioi. Rod, .Works! "I -unV.a«eiit for the al^vc*9^© put.'the Hods- ou yoU^Jiuild- & - and^g^>\il& thty^e struck " HBlitjfinKiw^t-pay datnuges ^Wniortj Gall autK1 ket&fullvparticulars. * . ^ "" * General » V. Wkes ilwdvs Reasttle * M r * ( K K f * * * * * * * * * £ 1 • , (fV „ . .1' « $ • " .i« - ;; <• it . - '• K " -T "/J . ' « "--a--' ' :~^v , „ v*;rf ;; & . y , " ' ip famous for threegenerations^as * SOLD BY LEADING.DEALERS.- * - •- 5 V ' "Oh Every^ Tongue." " • ' y > "... . Handed down from sire to Son Kentucky's best; famous now as th6 best in the world Tuesday/ 7 Wftueonda caller y.»&a&x- ->ivu* • • *r . Bay Padttc^gkwa# a McHenry cfiller •^trirda^ v~^: , ' . , /%ilin Ri6hards6ii wag a Chicago visit- . • Anria Miller of.'Fremdnt was a. Volo oaljferSund^aiy's . -s .. Mrs. Harry Kftjtrblla wiui a' McHenry paller'Monday. X .F*ao^,HiRWm^ Latk^ calle^atrird^." " - " p ,4-; • ' ;^Gr. Huson.^nd wife Wj/re McSenty filers recently. ^ A • ^ ^ L^ort Waitof Wankegafl was see^bn soul street Thursday, | " „ >A. EVKir^i»o^\WaocQpda called on his brother Mondj^. " . ' ' Geprge kdebler qI [ Paiatthe spent ^riday night in Volo. v " ' • Wm. Rosing 6f Roand Uake speqt Sunday at Mr. Vogt's. .. , : H P&ssfield ^wasjii business caller >at Wayslak^ Saturday.* . V - « • Mr. and Mrs.fH. Harris and son were cittlars yi Volo Saturday. * Robt. Vogtf and WilWFrost were Wau- "Oon^a callers overvSrinday. . , James McCabe entertained# company .over Sunday from Chicago. • Artblir'D^ve o^Wauconda spent, his vacation vjith relatives-here. ^ John Gift and-Geo. Ettenger were at Mcrienry Twesday on business. , Mrs. Will Nichdlls and son speiit Thursday at Frank Itironiums. Wtu. Moore attd Geo. Rosing took fa tfie sights, at McHenry Tuesday. P.eter Bowej-s of Spring Grove was a yisildr at John Myer's last week. Wm. Dunnill has' sold his driving harse to E. Barnes,of Wauconda. Chas. ^5nllivan of. Woodstock visited Volo friends a few $ays last week. Dehriar To\vn.4nd' t)£ Round Lake was a Volo cj|Jler Thursday evening. Lon. Fox of Round Lake was a busi-r ness caller at S. Russell's Wednesday. Freeman Snyder of Wisconsin." visited at Raught B.ros. 'VTuesday and Wednes­ day. " ® 4 Mrs. Sarah Gill iff Chicago is visiting her daijgjiter, Granger, at Fish Lake. w Mrs. John Richardson* spent a few days the past wj^^with her mother -at Des'Plaines. '. * Miss Elsie Smith yisited Mre. B. Coss- man at. Rollilfis Thursday and Friday ortast week. . - A. J. Raymond^is having some mas­ onry work done at the farm by Rosing and Dunnill! - * «»-G.H. Gurler of BeKal'b'was in town Tuesday lookiijp: after the interest of his creamery. •- ® Arther Dovesof Wftncoiida is a. vis'itor at the home^bf his grandprents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frost. '.-5:/ • . Misses .Cora Hdsfin and Mamie Decker of Graysiake a cai}d<f at' Mi Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Charley antf Vfpighn Fetch of Saturday wjth Mr. Mr., \a.nd Mrs. Math. Glossen and daughter spenirSunday-with the latter's parents, IVI r. and Mrs. Arogt. Misses Ma ud^ W?«lt<>n and l^ellen Raytnond called on friends near Big I'Hljiiow Thvireday afternoon. ififr. apd Mjrs. George Riohardson and family of Round Lake spent Sunday wi^h Mr. and Mrs^John Stadtfeld. ** The. home Rl. Monaban, 2^ miles sojuth-east of "V®plo, • with its contents, :w4s totally destroyed by fire Thursday morning, April 1:{. The f^wfily barely escaped with .theii; lives.f"Partly cov-, ered by insrfranp§. " JOTTNSBUIMJH. Mrar Jjebrecht Chicagoed day. \ Born, to Mr. and MrSj John Blake, a baby. * A. R Beck is visiting at his cottage at the Bay. Miss Lizzie May of Spring Grove was here Sunday, Jacob Rothermel has^old hid house to Peter Williams. ' Mr. and Mris. Otis Murray visited Mc- Hent-y friends Tnesday. . Misa Evm Hnenilapn visited at Miss SusicFFreund's Monday. .. • ... Rev. H. M eh ring was a Chicago pass- eri^er Monday moriltng/ > . & Miss Hellen Smith spent Snnday with her friend. Miss Dora Rothermell Mr. Nick Steffes and Miss Emilia Pit­ men will be wedded here M^y 3rd. Mrs. Browning of Chicago is visitine Jaere Monday h n Q1« nAffnon n f a»\ • mi. I i . 1 ' 1^. HI ) I <0 i(;i % •T ' $• § 1 I L I P gKNBlfeAL^OnMjSSIp^M^RC/fANT.V ' - S'Pl«r4L ATTENf;C*fl'«IVE.v4'(5 Dressed Beef, > f,' HMttolfl Hogs,\^Bal, -** -^|s. • Hides, Etc., -Butter.and ^ ^ ThisN*is the ^ldest hoos^ on^he street T^gs ind priceiiSt# Vtlfnish^ applidltion. ' / ;»/ "**- J ~ * COLD STOKAOlE FkEE" Stall i & vfulton &t. ": (Mar* " V' Wholesale fMarkil. •* IIMIV9BIV lliiai iWCJL.. T * ^""%T *Zjf 4" ias. Parker *8 Waukegaii*^ s^e and Mrs.aC. Dillon . For that^lame hack arid that tired feel- ing take OeCosta's Kidney pills. Every box guaranteed. ^ld by if. H. Petesch. at he£ cottage at German Village. The finest line of trimmed and ready- to-wear hats at Miss M M. Adams.' G?o. Sayer h^as purchased the John 8. Freuiid farm. Consideration, $8500. Miss Dora Rothermel and lady friend of Kenosha, Wis., visited here Sunday. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein died Monday night^aged one day. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughters, Anna and Katie, visited McHenry frieiidn Tuesday. - ; i! Katie and Lena Schmitt were gnests at Gustave Huff's at Spring Grove Sun- day. " Mrs. Frank Freund and two children visited her mother, Mrs. Kate May, last Vreek. Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt was a busi­ ness caller in the city Friday of last week. Mrs. Jos. Rothermel' and children were the guests of Mrs. Maggie Freund Sunday. Mrs. C. M. Adams and daughter, Mar­ garet, were callers in Chicago on. busi­ ness Tuesday. Mrs. 'Mat Freund and Miss Maggie Freund of McHenry visited at Nic L... Freuriu's Wednesday. Mrs. Jacoo R. Justen and Miss Susie Meyers visited their sister, Mrs. Frank Schumacher, at Spring GroVe Wednei- Jojtin Mertes, Mrs. J«^ Thelen and Mrs. Joe Merges attended the funeral of their annt, Mrs. pusan Schram, in Chi­ cago Wednesday. » HAHKKVILLE. Royal Gracy ia spending a few days in Chicago. ^ Thos. Thompson was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Thos. Thompson was in Ntinda on business Tuesday. Misti Ada Merchant attended ehnrch at Nuiida Sunday. ; Miss Minnie Knaack visited school Tuesday afternoon. .Chas. Gibbs of Chicago speqt last week with friends in this vicinity. Miss Margaret Sutton spent Tuesday evening with Mends at McHenry. Mrs. E. Hunter and daughter, Edna, were visitors/at the farm Tuesday. Thos. Thompson attended the funeral of J. Story at McHenry Wednesday. - Mrs. I: N/ Mer^ant entertained Dell Dasso\v of Greenwood Tuesday evening. Floyd ^and Robert T^iompson spent Wednesnay evening wibn their mother at Emerald Park. /W Misses Margaret Sctton and Clara Thompson spent the last of the w££k with friends in Chicago. They wit­ nessed the production of "Home Folks" at McVickeV's theatre. C is hard on^k Korse^n^ pocketV ijoesnit '^a^aimals^f normal shap^ aii^ it is* of such poor qaali-tj; that it wears Out before ^ivijtjg; an "ad^l^^retlilrh 0#"^ Harness' is^ o|5t&e" oth^rusofi. ^ i^asfs longer tfi^n tiic hq^se \\-i-ll; • ^4<ie'jof^^ fet: ifeath^r aM irinimings and ijiade^to fit; Strkirf'is -\qua%: divided and,e^ery /part equal to4h^:straln. Ctiitjs W « V •ky x->> X x. SI'RINO GROVK. Peter Bowers is to build tsodn. Jas. Harness of Solo: I as a caller The bottlifig factory is progressing slowly but surely. J Jake Schumacher is here to assist; in W^btether's stored . Dr. Bretnken was:-elected school di­ rector last Saturday. ; ' . Mrs. Nettie Spears of -Wilmot ^lletl on friends here last "week. * Mr|> Alice Cole and little daughter . * . carpenter work at Aiidrew buff's. Wm. Overton? of Solon transacted business here the first of the w£ek. Nettie Whiting of Ringwoo^t, Vis1 at Miss May Carey's Saturday and Sun­ d a y . . / , > \ ^ • ' ' - . Mr. and Mrs. 5kke Washniski wel­ comed a pair of twins recently. AH^oy^ are visiting with hei^mrents. Lee Turner and Nick Et^n are doii^ and a girl. ^ Jas. Pierce is acting as engineer on one of Pitzen s boats at Pistakee Lakt^ for the season. Silas and'Selim Pierce have been put­ ting up a bridge on the Sweet fst^n near Richmond. __ „ Mrs. Hesse and little daughter have returned from a two week?, visit at Burlingt^p, Wis. A load of trees jvep^ brought from the^ Biicklarid nursery and planted" in front of the Cole cemetery.' Messrs.. Coll^y are having good success ^jjjrith their chicken industry this year. It is a treat to visit their well kept, up- to-date farm. / \ Lewi^Nnlk has moved the bnildmg formerly used by A,. Nei§ji-^as a banR bnildifig^aCros^The street, and has rein­ ed it to Chas. Rudolph for a barber shop. . ________ We have made arrangements where­ by we are able to offer both our paper and the^Chicago Daily fnter pcean for*, one year for $5.50 and give yon'as a pre- mini# a $1.75 Approved Galvanized Steel^Mail Box and one 'Stencil PlateC Farmers who vvrll be patrons of the routes'which- will soon go in should avail themselves of this gre&t opportu­ nity of getting one of Chicago's greatest daily-papers, the home paper and the mail box all for the small price of $6.50. Tlr»-4&'one of the .greatest snaps we have been able to offer; - ^ HOLCUMBVIKLE. J'ohnson is visiting ftfr'Waa- Very l.o\v Rntes to Savannah, On., Via the North-Western line, gicursion tickets will be sold May 12, 13 and 14, with favorable ^return limits, on ac­ count of Travelers' Protective Associa­ tion of America. Apply to agents Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. May 14. M. feck spent Mo^day^t a Wauconda visitor § Holland Milchner Heiring, per ^eg' Pumpkin, per can.-f Table Peprs, per GAn. .. ^ TfCble Peaches, can...... .... /•' Fancy Red Saliioo^per pounacan. jS" f^tiicy Lii\ia B«miis, per ^an^iLi..... <|ood Japan Tea ' jit Brag Soap, 6>barA for A..-. lion Sets. rea. Avh^te or'/ellow, pje^cj Sweet P^as, per pounds * . , -try. my, Coff r,v v# West- n^Henry, uoS • * TOILE Mi Jf» s, the% a/e idway^ N T M K D I C I N I ^ iM. . v"\, AT TH E CASH Mrs. G. conda. \ Mrs. F. Carey. Fred Davoll was -tr^turday> " ' A. P. Peck was home from Geneva Sunday. Mrs. Will Zanders returned , to her home in Elgin Snnday. F. Davoll is working on the baseitf^nt of Fred Berchey's barn. & . Mr. and Mrs.. Powers* spent one day last week at J. Phalen's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred** Schroeder and sons visited at Algonquin Sunday. ^ MrS. T. L- Flanders and children and Mrs. Scheneck visited at Richmond Tuesday. < \ Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck and Mrs. Ben Peck were Sunday callers at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. " ^ Philip" Hoffman and Miss Iva1 Hoff­ man of Spring Grove spent Sdnday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. . Mrs. H. McMillan and little* daugh­ ter and Miss Ruby Peck called on M,i$. P. F. Ijunt Saturday afternoon. "" Mrs. F. M. Pet'k ajld daughtar, Ruby, have returned from their visit in ̂ Louis­ iana and are visiting relatives fn this vicinity.- „ Mrs. B. E. Peck and Mrs.. F. M. Peck\ and daughter, Ruby, and Mrsrfl. Mc­ Millan and children called Fred Davoll Thursday. ts " » . pr-- . A wonderful spring tonic. Drives out all winter inpurities, gfve8 3^u Rtrength, health and happiness. That's what HollisterV R(£ky Mountain ,Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. 1 ' H.."f£. Eldredge arrived in ^IcHenry Wednesday evening from Auburn, Washington, for a month's^ visit with relatives and friends- the' V" The Man W ho Lot#« : 4'Other 'folks, of'course, have {heir i)oor;pU%*yires," writes Richard Le Gal- lienne in Harper's Magazine, "but for a man who loves words no joy world can give equals for him pine$» of having achieved a fine* pas­ sage or a t>ert'ect line. When. Tbjwrk- eray struck his fist on the table, &s the story goes, when he had finished thescone of Colonel Newcome's.death at^Spxclaiuied, 'By. God, this is genius!' there no enijflre he w_puld have, ac­ cepted In exchange fob that moment. We often hear that your true artist is never satisfied with his-work; his Ideal escapes him, the words seem poor and lifeless, etc.. compared with t^e dreani. t Whoeve^tarted that stor'y knew very lit|le about the .literary temperament or hejwould have kUow^hat the words ar^-ythe*"drelitnf The (Irea'm (lobs' iiot e.xist even as a dream -o£ on^very im^ perfectly till it*is set do'^jj^jir words, VA£I #llA «'-i\w1l3 A tk A " * . Yes, the words are the dreata." -) The The Curloui Llmpetyr. limpets are a uuriouS8 kind of shelHish,' They resellh\e the abalones th^fr habits. The interior is made %ot tlie most brilliflrit colors, t^onze and .iridescent hues predominating. * Tiie^ are;found on the west coast "of Mexico and are so,'large that th^"people use them for wash -ba'sins. ^ They are ferocious animals and prey with great - voracity. 011 clams. The process seenis slow, btitkhe limpet al- tvays gt>fs there. He'gets'his cover over tl»e unsuspecting claqi and puts -his big foot on his shell, generally on,® weiik spots. ^TlieO he whips out a long, wiry tongue uind proceeds^), bore a hole iu his captive. When this is done the shell flies open, and the limpet is fJt'e to' foast 011 tl^e/poor clam's car­ cass. 14e eats but a part and leaves' the rest for flie tishes of the sea. I'tftldinir Wives. The name of pudding wives was given to wotfien who \vere occasionally employwl "in some English monasteries for making pastry and delicacies that call Jjpr the deft touch of. a feminine hand. They^rere-engaged by or Vith the consent of.the regular cook of the Monastery and hud a house or cham­ ber in which to work Mar thc'kltcliev (•allwl th«j pudding -house. When ani­ mals were slaughtered", especially when .pigs were killed,' about 8J. Martin's day, these women's sefvUes were re- qiiirod to make black puddings; hence ihe name optulding wives.^ lfhey were calhxl in, top, for the making pastry on special occasions. * v , » Brtler Tltun Aliidtliu'a Lamp. Aladdin^s ""famous lamp was doubt­ less a very handy little piece of brtc-a- have about the house, but there is question whether it woiild'«b#. Very highly-csle^ined in these days of ad­ vertising. wonders. AjladdiB Inay prop­ erly be regarded aS a back number. WhMiever#he wanted anytliing he Ijad to earn It by th^'sweat oi- his'brow as a metal "pollsIrefv Xowadajs yjieople who want liiiugs puituds. in thetsiiews- papers--it's much easier1 lhan rubbing anold lamp--and they are served^just as effectively as was Aladdin bV his genii.--Pklladelphla Record.^ v Yon'll Be Glad to Kiiow Tht^ / The lucidity of thlp statement,*'-made by a mtMical Journal, will appeal tc^tfll hurried readers:. "Further «rldeuee of the complex character of toxins was also furnished by the studies of hae- molysins and bacteriolyalns, which had their origin In the union of an ambo­ ceptor and complement and were anal­ ogous to toxins, the amboceptor repre­ senting the haptophore and thg comple­ ment the toxophope,group-" V Read T&e Plaindealer. t ,v - Brothers SOME INTERESTING PRICES ON FANCY GROCERIES! " • * Good Corn, 2 ft> ean.. 5C Early Jtine Peas,, ^ 21bxans. 10c S( moirf « 2tt » ca n. Baked" Bean^, In> cans, , . . : . . . . . . . . A Good Japan Tea per pouted. . . . . . . Jt2 It>s for 25C. Fa ncy Rio Coffee, per poulid.... " 2 lbs. for 25c. Fancy Table Syrup QC/ crallon nail. . . . . fcJv m gallon pail SALT FISH -all kinds Fancy White Pish... 12$ Faja<py Mackeret.'.. .>•... 12i ^ncy Ked Salmon... <i..l2i£ F a n c y C o d F i s ' f f . . . . . . . , 1 2 $ Hollan^ Herring. v...;. 167^ Smoked, Halibut .5!. •. ... .15 Smoked White Fi#h..... 12i Try a bag of the Celebrated GOLD niNE FLbUR Finest Flour in town. Qnly $1.48 per Bag! ;' _>• Just a Word Regarding "Qold Mine" Flonr. This Flour we are selling with the understanding t hat it it is not the. equal or better than any other Flour you haVe ever used, it is not to cost you one §enty We refund cost of Flour and you to keep the goods. Pretty good guarantee that "Gold Mine" will stand the test. Don't be humbugged into paying more for your flour--- Gold Mine is now selling for $1.48 per « 50-lb. Bag with the (iuarantee. * 'I 3 Si % XRTICI£S% DR, PRICE'S CREAM POWDER home baking easy. Nothing ifcan be substituted for it in making, ^ ^ Sand perfectly* ^delicate ho? hot-breads, muffins, cake, and Burma'a >14,11 kter Clgari. C5ne of the curiosities of.Burma is a cigar of monstrous and alarming ap? pea ranee, which every one smokes from an early age. "The indigenous article is a niOnster eight inches long," •vyrites V.,C* Si-ott O'C'onnur in his tfook, "Th^ Silken East." "It consists of chopped wood, tobacco, molasses and various herbs wrapped in the silv^uyhite skin of. a J^iuboo. So wide in diameter is it that it coxiipletel.v tills up,the fnputh of any young damsel w.ho tries to smoke it. For . i>res«iitation. purposes this long clierdot js often wr;i.pi)ed^ at one end in a coat of purple or gbld , paper. It accumulates a fomijditble ' mass of tire at the lighted end and re-, quires some skUlJn the smoifcig, But the Burman infant acquires, this skijf before he "can walk and wlii^". he Is still at the breast. No one thints, of smoking suctra cigar tlirough. Two or three long puffs, the lips of the smoker thrust out to meet tlOe circle of the cigar, and it.Is put down ojt passed on to some good fellow sitting by.." Thedlord's Sllaok-Draii^ht comes I nearer r^ulating the entire system j and keeping fheoody in health than any other medicine made. It is always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion,, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea^ ana l stomach aches. Thedford's Black-Draught !• the j standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure for the domes- j tic ills which so frequently summon ] the doctor. It is as good for children as it is for grown persons. A dose of I this medicine every day will soon cure the most obstinate case of dysr pepsia or constipations--and when t^&e& as directed brings qnick relief . Dajtvtlle, 111., Dec. 28,1963. Thedford's Black-Draught has been oar family doctor for five years and we want no Otner. When any of 'us foot bad: r we take a dose and are all right In twelve hours. We hare spent lots of money for doctor bills, but get along Just as well with BlaokrDraught. IH A n h A nitR Ask your dealer for a package of Thedford's Black-J>raug;ht and if be does not koeTt>4^ seadiSc. to The Chatta- iiooga Medicine Co.,Cliatt*noogayTeun. and a package will be mailed to roo- j FOR... ' '% • li • ^ ' *•' . •Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of all kinds we can not be > equa|led. Weconbtantlyji on hand as nice a line "of fresh ' « 4. v meats ^s can be fonnd in the. . conntji^ jCall ue up by 'phone5 or leaye ypnJr, order and it will ^ l pr(5iiip^|y filled. We1' wants, your patronage and*will treat - jpC right . > o U' 'S. * " . " » y ' 1 JoKn Adams :; <a Sons. West McHenry. IU. OSTRANDER pUILDING, * 1 T*I«phon« 483." • * J »«MlO > frHOTO STUDIO. Pswrtr&lts, ;i,jiU'1 Si^S. S*V- oral do*- • en i u Uiftfrent Price, ^ ' ti.iW.iiiKi lipwarvii •> Outdoor Work. osU>usiv-e a)H>arut u*< f<>f kiuds .of " w*irk. as n'mup pic'tu.rvs. views of lvui!«li«k->..V:ittle, m.acliHiery, etc. Er\if*.r*®i««rvts._ t'opVti fevuji any snjutt' picture. Lafctiiitjss ^uaratit**eu . "Tu t'v.t I'v Uistimc*'. ' PSulH^'jIrin bUtfk, a'iuhw hin' ot^tkUirs. •. "5 Frames. '-'A varjetvof st yU<s In stt#k u> select? Oad sixes' •i»«4»"'4p size piHurt?; certitlcUte. euj. ^ ^E«ubeKun St.. ue»»r the St^udpi^e. Wfitit MolliNKY, ILL. U • t i f Tel«ph\one, 493 ; * * PntcM^BAKma powokr CO, Chicaoo. XA-i-Z t dnups, got9PeteMfe,i»

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