m mm SmS&m "MfTJESSfB THE NEW BOOK QUARTER OF "A C TUFftft " • ~ •: S * . - i- ; V,. : at •.. • RARE CHANCE! Spring and 5ummer Clothing at lower prices. Men's 'Fancy Cassimer Suits, equal to r\r\ any $10.00 Suits.... ., . . . •PP'UU Men's pay Fancy Worsted Suits, you wili $ 1 2 . 0 0 f o r e l s e w h e r e . . . . $10.00 Men's you ex fine Worsted Suits, we <lefy to do better elsewhere at ^15.. $I2.0^> Men's Black.Venetian Suiti}, double breasted, silk lining If. yon can match it elsewhere at less than $18:00 we'll •rent........................ .... JOS. W. FREUND. Tfctrtr Years In Wuhlnffttm, By .'John General A. Logan. Our Spring stock of Paints, Oils and Var nishes, Wall "Finishes, Etc., is much larger than ever before, and we are confident that you can find here just what you want in these lines. We still handle the CROWN Mixed Paint, \^hich is acknowledged one of the very "best brands on the market, and sold for no more than is generally asked for poor stuff. A very complete line of Japatee in all colors. Brushes of all description, from five cents to five dollars. And we also have the nicest line of plated ware in town--Serving Dishes, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes; Tea and Coffee Pots, Table ware and fancy pieces. A large lme of "Table and Pocket Cutlery. Call on us. Respectfully yours, L. McOmber s EVANSON'S Are you 1 in need of new things for feaster? They are here--men's fine low and high Shoes, patent leather and others of the more substan tial, fine Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Children, fine Shirt Waists, Skirts, Men's Shirts, Neck wear, Ladies' tine Hosiery, 25c, 50c, 75c, lisle or silk, as you choose. Buster Brown Collars for the little folks--big folks, too. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Ladies' new Wrappers, Etc. The Grocery Stock is very complete--all new and fresh. 35 pounds good Prunes for $1.00. Come to the store with your eggs. ' I W. C. EVANSON 'X1 $ [l] $ "t1 't' 't' $ $ $ »X» $ • • • At our store can be found, at all times, the most complete line of- Furniture to be found in the county. Besides the large and complete line we coil^tantly have on hand,'* we are always prepared to get, on very short notice, any ar ticle wanted* which we do not carry in stock. .QAr pricesrare always in the reach<of everyone to which we contrib ute our success. All calls in the Under taking line are promptly attended to. I * / if J McHENRY, ILLINOIS. JA(0B JUSTEN.! . ~' fr This magnificent illustrated volupae is published with the consent and aid of the United States Government, and this fact alone is evidence of its start ling merit and of the great care that has beefi bestowed upon it. It has been said that all roads lead to Washington just as they did to aneient iiorne. Certain it is that the eyes of millions who cannot behold the marvels and glories of oar National Capital in person are constantly turned towards it. The book is a, complete panorama of the countless interests of the National Capital as seen by a famous woman who. as the wife of an influential senator, a society leader, and the close friend of every mistrei^of the White House from Lincoln to the ph^ent time, has been in close touch with tl^ inner life of Wash ington, and enjoyed rare privileges for studying the mighty activities of the Government, such as no other person has ever before been able to command. Many distinguished men and women have long urged Mrs. Logan to give this volume to the world. She received letters irom thousands unknown to her, expressing the hope that it would be written. Iii her preface she says: "My first introduction to life in tbe city of Washington was in 1858, General Logan being then a member of Con gress, and for more than thirty years I have lived there almost constantly, an interested observer of passing tvents. As the wife of a Senator, I may say that I enjoyed unusual privileges and opportunities to see and know the in ner Jife and activities of the Capital City. 1 have had my sihare of the favor of the powers that were, and the honor uf being included among the distin guished guests at both private and of ficial entertainment; and I have known the^ pleasure of personal acquaintance witV. prominent statesmen, cdurtly dip* lomats, and beautiful winning, and gifted women, filling wftfi grace and dignity the highest social positions that the people conld bestow. "It has been my aim to show to my readers, botfh by word and pictorial art** Jove °f a 8tron« man for H P.roud wonian- «.l.. i j .1 . - . . _ "ftilr.InvAfl" nntaricrloa Kia the wonders and the workings of the elaborate machinery of the Government in motion, by leading them through the great Departments and explaining what the army of busy men and women workers do and how they do it; to show them the works of art, the wonderful <x)llections of relics and curiosities from every part of the world, and the archi tectural glories and priceless treasures of the Capital; to describe and explain its giant activities.; to take them through the White Hopse from the attic to the cellar, through every forbidden room, and to portray not only its daily life, past a present, but its brilliant social and official functions as well; to tell the story of every President, and of every woman who has ever reigned in the White House; to visijt-the Treasury, the Dead Letter office, and to solv th&~mar- vels and mysteries of every government industry; in short, to present every in teresting phase of life and scenes in Washington." Its illustrations are a triumph of American art. It is worth the price of the book just to look at tbestf 50 mag nificent full-page plates, from photo graphs taken with government consent and aid .exclusively for this volume. They portray wonderfully interesting scenes. Tne government generously waived all "rules and regulations" in <nder that this book by a woman of Mrs. Logan 's standing and influence should be as perfect and conplete as possible One can linger a long time over these beautiful plates, and though he turns from each with regret he is pretty sure to find the next one of still more absorb ing interest. We do not know when 740 pages have given us more genuine pleasure. If we speak warmly of the book, it is because it richly deserves it. It is sold by agents, and all who introduce such a work ought to be cordially welcome. Put it into your homes. To own it is to prize it; to read it is to obtain a lib eral education. We believe that the best way to keep out poor books is by introducing good ones, and a better one than tBifi has never been brought to our notice. • f The book is pjj^lished by the old and well-known firm of A. D. Worthington & Co., Hartford, CopA .^-whose imprint is sufficient guarjwmie of the Excellence of this first-class volume. They want more agents for its An agency for a book so popular as this offers to men and women an unusually good oppor tunity to do well. \ Bill" Joyce" untangles his tenderfoot "pardner's" love affair with Homeric directness, but with a fine sympathy, and he tells " the dramatically funny story of the adventure with the crisp humor and quaiptness of -expression- that only his kind can command. This is the title story of Rex E. Beach's hew book to be published this month. ' Rheumatic Pains Quickly Keli«ve<l. The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applying tJhainberlain's Pain Balm. The gteat .pain relevjng power of the liniment has been the Sur prise and deligjjt of thousands of suffer- ess. The quick relief front pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all druggists. «.• the StRivood Nnr*«iy. • Must dear ground, so offer 4000 shade trees in soft maple, box elder, Carolina poplar, white ash, catalpa (speciosa) and American white elm. No* 1 stock, 1J to 5 inches in diameter, at 30 per cent discount. Ifive hundred California pri vets, nice bushy plants, used mostly for- hedging: 2 to 8 feet and 3 to 4 feet at 8 and 10 cents each. This offer-is "good only while surplus lasts. Conie with a big wagon. I will load^it for little money. Also have a good assortment in hardy fruit, ornamental and ever green trees, small fruit plants, vines, climbers, roses, hardy flowering shrubs* etc., at prices that are right. Price list sent upon application. J.-V. BisCKLAND, Telephone, 451 Ringwood 111. McHenry Exchange. _ . The Good Old Wtky. A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat, it the better are your chances to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old fashioned reliable treat ment such as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Bos- chee's German Syrup, which was al ways used in connection with the home treatment of colds and is still in greater household favor than any known reme dy. but even without the application of the old fashioned aids German Syr up will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown- people. It relieves the congested or gans, allays the irritation, and effect ively stops |he cough. Any child will take it. It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial size "bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by all drug gists. - Parduere. Old "Bill Joyce," who tells the story in "Pardners, "by Rex E. Beach; in the May McClure's, is a rare survival of the old frontier days that Bret Harte and Mark Twain have made their own. There are no storytellers to match these men of the old West. They were the creators of a humor of the broad spaces and of the open that belongs to no oth er place and time. "Pardners" is a tale of mining camp adventure, and of a ItetM* Clipped from The Pl«intfttat*r 61 April 88, 188©. • We- learn- that Mitt Pool, who runs the Mndgett cheese factory. Is about to erect another factory at Volo. J.' J. Gilles has been building a boat for. the Woodstock brewery, to be used on the pond near that establishment. Geo. E. Brown fo£ Ringwood has moved his shoesfrop to this village, and will betlocated in the rooms over Bish op's warehouse. At the organization of the new board Of trustees on Monday* evening, Richard Bishop was unanimously chosen presi dent^,for the ensuing year. On Sunday night last we saw a pe culiar phenomenon, Which was nothing less titan a rainbow. It was about ten o'clock in ,the evening and the moon was ^shining brightly* The beautiful bow extended from sonttfwest to norths east. C. B. Curtis, wife and yorffigest daughter had a narrow escape on Mon day last, their teain running away, cap sizing the buggy and . throwing them out. Fortunately all escaped, injury except Mrs. Curtis, wboreceived a slight bruise. • ^The Secret of Succsmii. .Forty million bottles of August Flow er sold in the United States alone since its introduction! And the demand for it ib still growing. Isn't this a fine showing of success? Doesn't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia--the two greatest enemies of health and happiness? Does it not af ford the best evidencec> that August Flo war-is a sure specific for all stomach and: intestinal dis&raersL--that it has proved itself the best.jpf all liver regu lators? August Flower has a matchless record of oyer'tfeirty-five years in cur ing^ the ailing millions of these distress ing complaints--a success that is becom ing' wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of Aug-, ust Flower sprees. Trial bottles, 25c; regular size75(& For sale by all drug gists. . ^ Very Low Katea to St. Loufe, Ho., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will he gpld on May 13 to 22 inclusive, limited to return until May 24, inclusive, on account of National Baptist Anniversaries. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 22. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the viru- lefltTpoison of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lula, Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the jresult," he writes, "that I was cured." All stom ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry,. drug stores, guaranteed. SPRING IS- HERE! S are our Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percales, Waistings, Ladies* Skirts. Our SHOE STOCK ,is very complete in Tans and Blacks,, both. High and Low cut.//Prices to-suit ail. Gentlemen* let ns^ take your measure for- a Suit or paii>ef Pants, We have & large line of samples to select from. ^ \ \ See our Wall Paper before buying.v We have a large stock on hand. Al£o Floor Matting. A Few Specials for Friday, Saturday, Monday 4 lbs. Johnson's Washing Powder 2 Packages Egg O-See..........;; 25 l]j£. Prunes.................... ...15c »v.ISC f 1.00 Buy Sleepy Eye Flour and get the BEST. » 1 • ' ' : . "if 'v " n : ' - WIN YOU DEI KflM 10 B U I L D Don't forget that we handle a very com plete line of Lumber of every description and everything necessary with which to Build • " ' • > A MODERN HOUSE We always strive t^please'our customers and .are ever ready and anxious *to fulfill their wants. So bear in mind that we are the Building Supply Heaidquarters. Qur Feed Department is always complete. WIL UR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. OUR. STOCK OF is now in. : We have the new shades and weaves in Spring Dress Goods in cotton and wool. A fine assortment in( dainty White Waist Patterns, only one Waist of a kind, from 25c to 50c per yard,, Yard-wide Silks in black and white, 75c to $1.50 per yard, in Taffeta, Peau-de-Soie and Habutai. Shoes, Oxfords and ^Slip pers in black and Popular shapes for summer Hats, Caps, feNegligo^S^irts, new Suit* or Tr Underwear. We want to take, your measure for a rcwuseFs for Ea^er. A large, assortment of cloths to select from. guarantee a perfect fit and the lowest prices. Groceries always pure and fresh. m. 1. Ulalsb, ttl. mcBenry. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by chufbsing the right medicine, E. H Wolf,V©f Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says^ "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitters, which effected a com plete cure. I have also found them of great benefit in general debility and nerve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, ps I find they have no equal." N. H. Petesch and Jnlia A. Story, McH»ijryt and G. W. Besley, West McHeUr^ dmggists, guarantee them at 50c. Fran-Very Low Kx£urslon RktM to San clnco ttnd Lou An(el«t Via the North-Western line, will be ill effect from all stations May 1. 2, 8, 9,11, 12 and 18, with favorable return, jimits. on account of ^ General Assembly of Cumberland Presbyterian .church at Fresno. Two fast trains to California daily. "The Overland Lihiited, "(electric lighted throughout),less than three days en route. Another fast traftf is "The California Express," with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. Tbe best of everything. For rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-West ern R'y. - . May 18 Bead The Plsindeater <'waat" ad^ ChiltFs Kid Lace and Buit<»n, neat and dressy shoe, only. Shoes! Shoes! I nfants' Moccasins, colors Red, Brown, Blue and Pink, only *5C Infants' Kid Lace and Button, Patent Tip, only .39c, 49C Infantsf Kid Lace and Button, spring heel, patent tip and ^ heel foxed, sizes 5 to 8, at only 69c, 87c, 98c •Child's Kid Lace and button, pat. tip, spring heel, 5 to 8. 98c Child's Dongola Lace and Button, patent tip, low heel, ex- tension sole, only 9®° $£29 low heel, dull kid top, a very Missesv Kid Lace and Buttop, low heel, dull kid top, sizes 11* to 2, only.". • Same as above, sizes 2i to 5 • • • $1-59 .$ 1.98 Ladies' Kid Lace, military ' matt top, only... heel, extension sole, patent tip, $1.98 Ladies' Kid Lace, extension sole, Blucher. patent tip, new last.. $1*9® Ladies' patent colt vamp lace Shoes, Kid quarter foxed, mili t a r y h e e l , a t o n l y . v . . . . . . . . Ladies' patent colt, lace, top, only extension Bole, rope stitched, kid $2.29 $2.49 Ladies' Tan Oxford, plaiu toe, Gibson militai^4l§e]. $1.98 Ladies' Kid Oxford, latent tip, Gibson style? military heel. $1.98 Ladies' Patent oolt Button Oxford, extension stile, rope 'Stitched, only., • • • • • -- $1.98 95C Little Gents' Shoes, Box Calf, extension sole, sizes 8 to 8, only . * • • Youths' Satin Calf Lace Shoes, all solid hea*y sole, at only.. 9£c Boys' Kangaroo Calf Lace Shoes, Seatuleass, all solid, Shoes (jj_ . A that, will wear like iron . Men's Glazed Colt Lace Shoes, Blncher and straight lasts, at ...... .$2.00 Others in Patent Colt aud Kid, at S.*i.29. S1..TO BLOCK & BETHKE, .••• -w. , - "it. • - Jf , %- /