0 %iV(T ' " c V - • * NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS -tf- - isiMMMi Healt r^uthorities say it% necessary to boil clothes to preserve parity. None better than ours when yon boil your clothes., -i '" Plain and fancy China from v /. .^y T v+Jgc up and'Granite from........... ."i .'5c u p ALSO GLASSWARE. r; • '> B i g B a rgains on our.v •....5c and 10c Tables School Stationery and a nice line of Candies always .. ' on hand* : - IMMMMtH Jos^-H • Ijohnsbi Huemann [ohnsburgh, Illinois. Bells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. MMMMOfMMf FrttkM U^itniat M W«ks> I am agent for the above. We pat the Bods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages • ( if no more thau $500. Call and - get full- particulars. fiottil BUcksmltMH Prices ilwiys KnunIiK iiiinmiiimwiimn i * tir * £ itt * i * * tf ii * * tf Harper R_ye "On Every Tongue." * Delightfully rich in flavor; charmingly smooth to the taste; uni versally cherished by connoisseurs. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. P H I L I P J A E G E R j | GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT £ 1 ' - - . : • | SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP fJi '4 | Dressed Beef, Jlutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, | Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs # | This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on | application. tw COLD STORAUE FREE--- SSaiSASS!?-'«• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | % n AT the: cash store Holland Milchner Herring, per keg. .80 Pumpkin, per can ^ 07 Table Pears, per call 10 Table Peaches, per can • ..... 15 Fancy Red Salmon, per pound can. ..... 18 Fancy Lima Beans, per can .10 Good Japan Tea • •.. - 90 Brag Soap, 6 bars for..-... 25" Onion Sets, red, white or yellow, per quart . .05 Sweet Peas, per pound 35 Try my Coffees, they are always good. my West HcHenry, III. 3obn Sfoffel. Big Cut in Rates California and Back The Santa Fe will run first- class excursions, Chicago to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half the usual price. You m^y go on luxurious California Lim ited and visit Grand Canyon* All the Way Ask Sapta Fe agent at 109 Adams St., Chicago, for all the JaCta. 45-6t Instant control TELEPHONE VOLO. W. D. Moor spwiii Huuuay at home. Lee A. Vinson spent Sunday at home. Lee Strang spent Sunday at McHenry. Miss Fanny Sexton spent Sunday at home. Mr. FrankSexton is visitingat Wau conda. C. G. Hnson was a Wauconda caller Friday. . Frank Vogt was a Bound Lake caller Thursday. Miss Sarah Nicholls spent Monday at McHenry. Ed. Lnsk of Round Lake was * Volo caller Sunday. Herbert Howard of Grant was a Volo caller Saturday. Simon Stoffel of MpHenry was a Volo caller Thursday., Miss Kittie Do well was' a Grayslake caller Saturday. W. D. Moore was a business caller at McHenry Saturday. Monahan,. wife and daughters were Sunday callers. Mr. and Mrs,. C. Sable visited Mc Henry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller were Wau conda callers Thursday. - CENTKAL. TOMOR.R.OW NIGHT. Dr. and Mrs. Spurling of McHenry were Volo callers Sunday, Mrs. C. Dillon and Mrs. Wm. Dillon were McHenry callers Friday. Peter Stad field has purchased a fine driving horse of Martin Bros. Ralph Richardson entertained his brother, Byron, over Sunday. P. Houghton is moving to Wauconda, where he has purchased a farm. Geo. Deuchler and sister of Fremont spent Tuesday at Geo. Bauer 's. Misses Anna Miller and Edna Sloan were Volo callers Sunday afternoon. Messrs. John Gift and Henry Stad- field were Wauconda callers Thursday. Miss Charlotte Madden of Ringwood is visiting Mrs. James Kirwan this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wicks of Grayslake attended the wedding of her sister Wed nesday. Messrs. Frank Dowell and Howard Converse were Volo callers Sunday evening. Misses Maude Walton and Hellen Raymond were, Wauyonda visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and daughter, Clafa, visited at C. Sable's Thursday. Mrs. Bud Hnson of Elgin is spending a few days at the home of her son, C. G. Hnson. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkles of Mc Henry called on Mr. and Mrs C. Sable Saturday. Mrs. George Richardson and son, Earl, of Grayslake are visiting relatives in Volo this week. John McCurker died Friday, April 28, at the Home of his sister, Mrs. S. Shield, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Shnltz of Das Plaines returned to her home Friday after visiting at the home of John Richardson. Quite a number from Volo attended the Rosing-Vogt wedding dance at Round Lake Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs., Claud Richardson of Elgin have been visiting friends and relatives in Volo during the past wee*. Willie Sexton and Miss Rose Sexton of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday with their parents,,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sex ton. V Miss Agnes Dunnill, Mrs. John Rich ardson, Mrs. Shaltz and Naomi Vaaey visited relatives in Chicago Friday and Saturday. Wednesday, April 26, 1905, occnred the marriage of Wm. A. Rosing and Miss Rose Vogt at the German Catholic church by Rev. Father Runtz. After the ceremony they returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a bountiful wedding dinner was served to the .immediate friends and relatives of 'both families. They were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents. May their wedded life be one of joy and prosperity is the wish of their many friends. : KMKRALt) PARK. Richard Aylward was a Ringwood caller Sunday. Richard Fleming was a Sunday even ing caller here. S, ( 'has. Gibbs of Crystal Lake called on friends here Sunday. ' George Waluisley visited John Kirk- land last Srrriday afternoon. Robt. E. Sntton spent Friday and Sat urday with Elgin relatives. Miss Alice'Sntton of Elgin visited home folks Sunday and Monday. Misses Mauie and Lola Aylward of Elgin spent Suuday and Monday at their home here. W. K. Burns and family returned to Chicago Sunday evening after a week's outing here. Miss Lucy Sutton returned Sunday from a pleasant two weeks' visit with Elgin relatives. Bernard J. Frisby of McHenry and Jas. Keating of Chicago spent Sunday in this vicinity. Miss Clara Thompson and Brace Star- ritt of Barrevi lie called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Mrs Ed, Knox and frie<ta4tMrs. Dar- mody, orChicago spent Tuesday after noon at R. J. SuttoU's. Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited Mrs. W. Bolger and Mrs. I. N. Merchant of Bar- reville Friday afternoon. Miss Edith Whiting and Messrs. El mer Francisco and Geo. Bacon of Ring- wood were callers here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Cohan of Chi cago spent.the past week at their oot- tage here, it being vacation week in the city schools. Mr* F. Prout and son, George, %- turned to their home in Chicago Snnday after several weeks spent with George Waluisley. Miss Mary Knox recently purchased a beautiful new desk for her school here, with the proceeds of t;beraffle. The desk was much needed and adds a great deal to the'appearance of the room. HOIXOMRV1LLK. A. P. Peck spent Sunday at his home here. W. Welch and daughter, Hattie, spent Thuisday at Thos. Powers'. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones of Wauconda were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Miss May Welch of Griswold Lake visited her grandparents here Sunday. Mrs. H. McMillan and little daughter called on relatives at Terra Cotta Mon day. Mrs. J. Phalen and Mra. W. Welch and daughter, Mildred, spent Tuesday at Thos. Powers'. Miss Georgia Thompson of Elgin spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. / HARNESS Gus. is hard on a Hor»e and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. f Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain i£ equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than "cheap" Opera House Sunday Evening, May I THE ORPHEUM VADDtVlLLE CO. IN Musical Comedy Sketches AND High Class Vaudeville 10 People 10 ALL STARS INCLUDING ; >IORRIS & RICE Musical Sketch Artists & Comedians FENTON & ROSS In a comedy "Just Llko a Woman." Un- oejtain, coy aud hard to please, but after tKe curtain lecture and domestic fire works--a ministering angel. Sure! POPULAR. PRICES. lOo. 20c. 30c Seats now on sale. S O , HOLLISTCR'S ftocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mediolae for Busy People. Brings ttoiden flaalth and Renewed Vigor. s-iecifle for Constipation, Indigestion, Livo Kiiin<*v Troubles, Pimples, Eozenm, Impur •it. Baa Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headacl ttack&che. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tm torm, 85 cents a bo*. Genuine made b. •LUSTER PRCO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT: What does the Breakfast-Bell J k mean yottt household- Light, whole-s some Biscoit = made with Dr. PRICE'S* Baking Powder? or anwfiolesome food made witb aa alum baking powder? worth yoar while to inquire. [Tin' lMain'dealer does not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed In this col umn. Ku.l - We shall never find the best thing until we forsake onr worst ways. W. C. T. U. Institute at Rinttwood Thursday and Friday, M&y 4th and 5th Everyone come. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy peace, lou< suffering, gentleness, good uess, faith, meekness and temperance Gal. 5:32. Oscar II, king of Sweden and Nor way, has acceded to a petition of his temperance subjects to discontinue the christening of battleships with wine. Selfishness always stands in the way of itself. The self-seeker always steps down in the way of somebody. The self-contained uian never contains much A new order that is to be put in force by the Pacific railway, provides for the absolute prohibition of the use of liquor among employes at all times, even qniet drink being sufficient cause for dismissal. Fifteen million dollars expended an nqally for liquor. That is what the American people do. .Nor is this the visionary declaration o£ a wild-eyed, ranting, prohibition crank. It is the plain statements of an awful, alarming, statistical fact. Nor is that the worst feature of the case. In addition to the direct expenditure of that enormous sum for strong drink, there proceeds from it as a result, a tide of iniquity, of ruined manhood, besotted youth, beggared wo men and children, broken hearts, and blasted hopes most terrible to contem plate. What is to be done? Is this legaliz ed tide of iniquity tocontinne on its hor ribly destructive work? God forbid! Will not the American people rise in their majesty,dethrone the monster and destroy it forever? If the liquor traffic is to be eradicated, are yon willing it shall be done in someone else's way or only in your own? JORNSBDRGU. JOB. Michels was a Spring Grove call er Wednesday. Mrs. Mike Rauen of Spring Grove was a caller here Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Frennd of Spring Groye were visitors here Sunday. Miss Emma, Bugner of Ringwood vis ited Miss Eva Huemann Sunday. ' Mrs. Barbara Wolff of Chicago is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Susan Freund. Martin Wagner of McHenry attended the Steffes-Pitzen wedding Wednesday. Jake JRTeingarten and wife of Volo visited at Mrs. Mat Schaefer's Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter May of Spring pi rove were visitors here Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Mertee celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Sun day. Hubert Weber and daughters of Volo attended the Steffes-Pitzen nuptials Wednesday. Mrs. Mat Bauer and Mrs. Hubert Nnemann attended the fun.eral of Peter Britz's child. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frennd celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Tuesday of this week. The infant child of Peter Britz died in Chicago on Monday evening, and the remains were brought here and buried Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frennd of Ring- wood entertained the following folks Snnday: Messrs.- and Mesdames John Freund, John Hiller, Joe Sehaefer. Mike Frennd and John Bugner, Mrs. Jaq, Frennd, and othera. Card of Thank#. Mr. and Mrs. Jss. Conway and rela tives wish to thank the kind friends and neighbors who assisted them during the illness and at the time of the death of their loving mother. 1905 Crop I • 50 c a Bushel I CASH | | FOR ' I | EVERY LOAD j | ; of . 1: [CUCUMBER pickles i I j • I ; Contracts and seed can be had of | 5 M. J. Walsh, J. W. Frennd, F. ! • • | A. Bohlauder, of West McHenry; | | Block & Bethke, F. Ward, A. Schnei- j j<ler, McHenry; C. M. Adams, J. P. | • Lay of Johnsbnrgh. Contract at j • once, as we want only a limited ! j number of acres. Seed, 50c a pound, j I Stafford & GolMli Co. ) : 4 } West McHenry. | meats! FRESH, SALT A SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and «Pruit In Season. It Is my Intention to give all customers the best service pos sible. 1 pay spot cash (or hides, poult ry aud stock of all ktuds. thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on the same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Packing Co. of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. A. C. MATTHEWS, WRST M'HENRY, ILL. HIHIHIMMIWHMHM Want Column. AJI advertisement* intierted under thU head at the following rateii: Five linen or letw, *6 cent* for flr«t niM*rtlon; 16 cent» for earh nubgequeiit insertion. Mori* than live linen, 5 cent* a fine for first insertion, and S cent* a line for additional insertions. OAEAM FOR SALE CHEAP-A good team of draft horses, weight 'M00 pounds; In quire of F. C. FELTZ, City Drayman. 40-tf, pM)R KENT--Front, flat above Evansoti's A stort'. City water, all modern. Inquire :it the store. 40-tf T have several thousand dollars to loan'foi- a friend on good real estate security at low rate. HIMON STOFFKL 44-tt TTavegood house, barn, lawn, garden with •,"L fruit, to rent at 98.00 per month, on Main street. Call at once. SIMON STOCKI.. 44 tf p^OK RENT--A new nine-room house, mod- A eru improvements, on Waukegan street; ilso about 35 acres of pasture land about two miles south of McHenry, on river. Inquire at residence of I'. J. CI.KABY, McHenry. 111. 44* pOlt SALE--A fine, stylish rubber tired Stauhope, saddle, briule, etc. All in first class condition. Address or call on 45 tf REV. M. W. HARTH, McHenry, 111. Mrs. E. Hunter and daughter, Miss Edna, were guests of Elgin relatives the first of the week. Vedicinr This great itock medicine is m money saver lor stock raisers. It is a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put np in coarser form than^Thedford's, Black-Draught, renowriftd for th> cure of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the same qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring np the torpid liver and loosening the constipated bowels for all stew and poultry. It is carefully pre pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional dose in their food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cures constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, and makes a draught animal do more work for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Kyery farmer and raiser should oertainly give it a trial. It costs 25c. a can and saves tsn times its price in profit. i i PrrrsBoao, KAS., March 38, W04. I have been imingyour Biat?k-Dr»usM Stock and Wa»Ury Medicine oa Bf itock for *ouie time. I k*ve uied all kinds of stock food but I bar® found thai yoon 1* tb* b«st for mj puipom. J. 8. HAB80N. Brothers Celebrated GOLD M I N E FLOUR " j j Per Bag! G\ick.r&.iYteed BEST flOUR INTQWNI oilDert Bros. COMPANY. >««OI >9- WAITING! Yee, we are waiting on a good many customers daily. Buy of us once and yon will always make our shop your trading place. Why? Because we are here to serve yon with nothing but. the best. Isn't that sufficient? Al ways keep on hand a fine and fresh line of home bakery goods. Give ns your order by 'phone. Call 483 and the goods will be promptly delivered. JoHn Adams (§L Sons. West McHenry, 111* ' 08TRANDEB BUILDINQ, T*l*phom 483. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. ALL shapes and sites. Sev eral pr«x>fs to select from. Each dot- en tiiiish«*d in different styles. Price, 18.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. Wo have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. EnlaLrgomeinis. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles lu stock to select from. Odd slies made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Staudpjgiii; ;v; WEST McHENRY. ILL. T*l«pKon*. 493 If you want drugs, go to „«JL f M