Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 May 1905, p. 4

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Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? Ajid doing nothing? No sense in (hat! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor ai^d promptly stop the falling? Your hair Will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis­ appear. Could you reason­ ably expect anything better? •• Ayer'g Hnir Yipor Is ft trreat success with me. My li.iii: was falling out very badly, but tlie Hnir Vitjor stopped It and now my liwlr Is all -- W. C. BOOSOON, Lindsay, 0*1. a| Ofl a bottle. •Ml ilriieeiBts. for Thin Hair Ilie McHenry Pliiotaler PUPLISHEP KVEHY THURSDAY BY : , fflf McflfNRY PLAWDEALER COMPANY. h "-if. K. GRANGER. \V. A.CHISTT, J. JB. I'BBBY, v : • l'res. , Sec. Treas. F. G. SCIIKKINER, Editor. Office in Hank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oneyear 11.50 Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, May 18, 1905. PROBATE NEWS j REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Elizabeth Schneider to Trustees of Schools nf Greenwood, district 57. pt neM sec 21, Green wwod -- J30 00 *• Elizabeth Stoffel to Alice Simpson It 4. sV4 sec 36, McHenry . ..f 75000 •? Wusan Mayer to Margaret Schaefer, sub-lot 3* it 38. sec 13, McHenry ? • llathias Heimer et a\ to Henry Rre- feld. t'H It 2 blk 4. West McHenry.... •jdfcinie to Pi. A. lluemann, wH It 2 blk 4 ' West McHenry . c,, , i W est Mc.Henr L | Barbara Smith 'V .207.75 acres in ;.k' Henry.. 1 00 000 00 600 00 et al to Jwhn Smith, & 24. " in sees 13, 14, 23 & 24. Me- 14097 Oft k • * George B. Hank inset al per Master to 't / Margaret Connelly. Riverside House , ' \ •' McHenry... 10000.00 | MARRIAGE LICENSES. .frank H. O'Neill, 23 Beloit, Wis. Alma Consin. 24.. ' Raimt W'H Ifohti Proctor, WagKY Toddy. 22 . .. i f John Burns, 38 ... Catherine Balesty, 86. ' - Win. Evart, ; \«ip Alvine Manske, 18 Henry Pollnow, 22 Lena Thurow, 18 Martin Wagner, 35..... .Beloit, Wis Harvard Harvard .Algonquin . .Algonquin ..... ...Huntley .......Huntley ....... .Union ... .Woodstock .. .McHenry Ed. Fleming of Chicago spent Sunday vrjth his parents here. Central opera hottse one night only, Sunday evening, May 21. ** C. W. Starritt of Onry. Was calling o«i friends here Weduesday. Henry Simon of Burton's "Bridge spent Sunday with friends here. The heavy rains of last week did con­ siderable damage in this vicinity* i Del Dasaow of Greenwood bpent pai t of last week with his consin'here. Miss Evelyn Sayler of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Misses Margaret Snttou and Clara Thompson spent MbfetifSy evening\with Nnnda friends. t , \ • ('has. Gibb^'tJ^Chicagp has been spending a few days with his |>arents and frifends here. Pioyd Thompson spent one evening last week with his friend, Robert Ay 1- ward, at Emerald Pai k. Floyd Thompson attended a surprise party for Miss Pearl Sayler at Her home in McHenry last Friday evening. Chas. Gibbs has given up his position as fireman on the C. & N. W. R'y. aud has accepted a lucrative position in Chi­ cago. % '\ _ __ . Op e •) 1 ii e ̂ l>a ii (*«, The opening dance of the season Will take place at Geo. Nell's pavilion in Columbia Park, east of Johnsburgh, on Wednesday evening. May 24, next. The music for the occasion will be furnished by Schaefer's band of Johnsburgh, and a good time is promised. Refreshments of all kinds wiH be served on the grounds. Dance tickets only- 50 cents. All are invited. , McHenry Man n Witness. Elgin-Courier: Fred Liener of Mc­ Henry, 111., who works ia a bakery at 3224 Princeton avenue*. and saw the Slugging of Carlstrom, was taken to the Harrison street station, Chicago, on Monday to confront Char left Gilhooley and identify him, if possiblcj aa Carl- atrom's assailant. _ r-rrV • ' * > • - In spite of the rainy weather Sunday ev'eninga Very large audience attended the show at the CentrSCtT^ Get your seats early if you want a good one. , McHenry High School Alumni. The alumni will meet at the hoifle of Miss Howe on Friday evening of this week. SECRETARY. V DHHI'« Kt johniibu The Johnslnirgh Base Bafll club will give a dance, to which a citrdial invita­ tion is extended to all. at Smith's, hall, •Johnsburgh, , 6h Wednesday evening, June 7. 11^5. Fl<K>r cmnniittee: .lohnft- bu*rgh--Kred .Tusten. John Miller; Mb» Henry-- l-'red Bishop; West McHenry-- Peter Just >n; Ringwood Joe Lawrence; Volo--Peter Brown; Spring Grove--Ed. Carey. Music by Schaefer's Johnsburgh orchestra. . The proceeds of this dance •vill l>e usea in paying for the uniforms •f the ball club. The boys have taken"* i grea't deal of interest in the national 'i^ame and it is up to the publlc'to show them that their efforts are appreciated ,hytgiving them a liberal patronage at this dLice. Everybody turn ont. Tickets oil cents. '. Fred Justen, ^riafcer i •» Johu Neisen, Captain Committee. W m.'Smith, Secy, Treas V A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plain, Minn , writes that a friend dreadfully injured his hand^ which swelle<J up like blood poisoning. Buck- leu's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his'life. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25c at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHehry, and G. W. Besley's, West MeHenry, drug stores. . '! ItnsfbMll at Woodstock." 'The baseball season will opeii^rt Wood­ stock next Saturday, May 20, when the Reds "will play the Clinton, Iowa, team. This is^the first time that the fast team from the Efawkeye state has ever played in this county, and as the Reds have a very strong aggregation of ball players this season a warm contest on the dia­ mond can be expected. The game will be called at 2:30 p. in. Admission 25 cents,, including grand stand. Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for action, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you can' tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes; the firmness of the flesh and muscles; the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At Julia A. Story's and N. H. Petesch's, McHenry, and G.. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores, 25 cents. BP YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Troable Makes You Miserable. i Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, ltis the great medi­ cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century; dis- covered ufter paars of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully Successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble.. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ ommended for everything but if yo^Jjat ney, liver or bladder-trouble it wilFHe found just the remedy yne^d. 11 ha$ tested in so many ways, in hospital private- practice, among the helpflesS"to6>>poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,13ing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Homo of swamp-itoot. dollar su?s are sold by all good druggists. Dont make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, iBinghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. Very Low Rate* to St. I^ouiH, Ho', Via the Nortb-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold on May 13 to 22 inclusive, limited to return until May 24, inclusive, on account of National Baptist Anniversaries. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. May 22. -- . ' L Want Column. All advertisoments inserted under this head at the followlnjrratti- Five line* or Jesn, 2f> cents for flrwt insertion; IB ePtttn tor each' subsciiuent tnoertlon. Mure than ttvi' HIII'.M, 5 OT*nbra line lor ilmt inwertion, Html It f'eiitu a liiit.' fifr additional iiiM»'(tion«. TpOR SATiE--A fine, stylish rubber tired x Ntanlinj>i', snildlc, hrf<i ic, »>t<r.. TfttitiUVst class eondition. A(i<lr«"ss or call on 45 TF RKV. M. W- BAKTII, McHenry, 111. TpOK RENT--Thirty acres river pasture. -1- one and one-hair miles south Of-Mcllen ry. W«»ll fenced and pood water. Will renl for season to responsible party. 46-tf T F. K. GRANGKH. W. Melfenry. T OST-- On Wednesday, May 10. between Mc- Ileory and Volo. 4-Joiiited fishing rod/ Valuable pole. Kinder please leave at tliiH office and receive rewartf. WM. RICHAUDSONV, 47* I HOULIST^R'S ?ocky Mountain TeSTNuggefs A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. ' Gringo Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. !-->pciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live ^Ciilney Troubles, Pitnples. Eczema, Impur ?i,,ilad Breatli, Slucrpisli Bowels, Hea<hi(.-1 'laekache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tai •orm, 85 cents a box. Genuine made l». /.fsTER DRCO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. 1EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE -r PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM boaatiiief 'he haSr« •ojiujtos a 'lu\«:ri:.Tit growth, ^ver Is to Qray to jtrt To^it.liful Color. Curts m*alp & h;»ir lalling, 5(,'c, und 1 .(n) at 1 )rugyifits EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FILING FINAL SETTLEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ( - McHenry».County. f . ' •<• Estate of Bernard Buss, JJrceased. • *. To whom it, may concern t "y^u . are hereby notified that on 'Monday; the ">t;1i day of .Inne. 11J05. I. as the Executrix of the last Will and Testament, of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court-House in Woodstock, flliiKtisij nty final report of my acts and doings as such Execu­ trix. and aslc the Court to be discharged from any and all further responsibilities and duties connected with said Estate and uiy -adminis­ tration thereof, at which time and place you may he present and resist such application, >ated at McHenry this 1st day of May, A. I). UH)5. * . ELIZABETH BUSS. 40-3t , Executrix* if yon choose so to do. f)s Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES N. ft. PETESCH * -a better line of goods * before. We always keep on hand $ the freshest of meats, and you know from past experience that * our prices are always the lowest. We are not afraid of work so just aeqd in your orders and they -will be promptly filled. TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES Bertha Richards, 19 West Chicago' Kdward J. Forney, 24. Chicago :" llary E. Rue, 21 .. .Chicago ,Kv ,:^|ohn McRoberts, 28........... .Harvaid ^ Anna Dowey, 80 - Harvard * -Gerhard Wegener, 35. .McHenry ' "Vif. Lucy Miller, 36...... iv.. .Chicago Frank Plankey, 21 f .Harvard r Cora Collier, 18 .... .Chemung Hardie Strickland, 24.. Ida Nelson, 22 FOR A SHORT TIHE ONLY! ... .Marengo . i.. Marengo tA Oood Family Liniment. Every family should be supplied with bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. -; For cuts, bruises, scalds and similar in juries, which are of frequent occur- -V~, fence, there is nothing so good. It • s. soothes the wound and not only gives fjl" instant relief from pain, but causes the - « . . . ^ parts to heal in about one-third the ( time required <by the usual treatment. As it is an antiseptic all dangert froru blood-poisoning is avoided. Sold by all , - (ftruggists.^ . •. , Jiicnmlon Tickets to Rlumiilnstmi, 111., 4 "• Via tne North-Western line, w ill be sold reduced rates May 18 and 19, limited f.y* to return until May 22, inclusive, ac-gMy: , C r- Count of United Commercial Travelers' :*'5i unnual meeting. Apply to agents' Chi- .^ -•ago & North-Western R'y. May lfl8 H' • Chamberlain's Con(h Remedy the vefj" 'J Best. - "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aiid want to say it is the best cough medicine I hav'e ever taken," says Geo. L. C!hubb, a merchant of Har­ lan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treaty ment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in less time when prompt ly treated. For sale by all druggists. Our large double brick store at Crystal Lake being vacant, we have decided to offer {our entire stock,consisting of a complete line of heating and cooking stoves, the best lines of gasoline stoves, all styles, and oil heaters, builders' hardware, paints, oils, brushes, colors--dry and in oil, dry goods, .shoes, clothing, etq^tc., ^ c - v REGinns COST -Rather than move them to Crystal Lake.' We will sell out in bulk to anyVarty wish­ ing to continue the business. Or any part ot the stock at a liberal discount. Also a com­ plete set of .tinners' tools, a number of plumbers' tools and supplies, horse, wagon, etc. We wish'to say that we supposed we ha^gnted our Crystal Lake store and had made our plains tp continue business iB.i McHenry. Therefore we are placed before you with an enormous stock of seasonable goods in our line, which you are invited to inspect and save yourself the usual dealers' profits. s 1®-" r„ Orb Cold aitfflnoltiei The season's first cold may be slight--may yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on longer; it will be moret t r o u b l e s o m e , t o o . U n ­ necessary to take chances on that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take scon s em when colds abound, and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes of the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for free simple* SCOTT & B0WNE. Chemists 409-416 Pearl Street, lev Yerk We wish to thank the people of^tcHenry lor their kindness and liberal patronage dur­ ing our stay among you. / . D ^ All parties knowing themselves indebted to us will kindly call and pay the same at once, ^nd if you have any money left treat yourself to some of the many bargains now of­ fered for cash. • We wish to sell every dollars' worth of gobds w© have in the Btore BSTBCOT as possible. Don't forget This Bank receives deposits, . buys and sells Foreign il^ -Ife- mestio does * Professional, Society V a.nd Bvisinesss Cards mmi BANKING BllSIIffSS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in % manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to onr custom­ ers and respectfully soIici1>4l}e public patronage Honey to Loin on real estate and other first class se-j curity. vilpeb- ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the* Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY Notary Public^ Bankers Our Market I ===== i I« at tfie same old stand as the summer season approaches. Just wish to announce to our custom­ ers thpt'you will find us here with than ever * * i. i 1 * if* McHenry - Illinois (HAS. d. FRFIT 171 I ORAPHOPtlONfSli We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. , Alsq have a complete line of nVedles and repairs. \ Sewing Machines! ; A Come in and let us show yon our $ia.oo aid up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee watt each and every one of them. X,, West flcMenry, III. . , iHHimiiniiiiMumi ill T m I* «« MA L&st Chance 1 ========== 'a • ft For you to get fitted & out in our $17.50 Suit*, -ft I) The Nobbiest Thing in Town! We stand by what we say. Don't think that you are profiting by buying the cheap gar­ ments. Remember, we keep Pants pressed And shaped for ONE YEAR free of charge. r. John D. Lodtz. McHenry, Illinois. s Chicago & North-Western, / Effective Dec. 4. 1904. WEEK PAT TRAINS. NORTH BOUND ^ me„onry IH-s I'liiliics ii m Pes riuint's. ;.*.45 p m Dos l'liiincs... " -- ..Via 1K.-S I'laiaes:.. *S»turd»y only. StTNDAT TRAIIT8. .. Vlu » m. Vlu I Pm Via p m . . V l u C H.0O 3.4A 457 p !.«)p Arrive Mi'flpnr p rn •.. 2: 37 y 111 9.10 m m.. 8.02 p m.. L«?ave m p m raKK DAY TRAINS. iOtJTHBOUNR. Via ./...Via Elgin ION DAY TRAINS. iZ tZ Arrive ...,|0.l0a m . i- S.«.3oa m • ....6.1A p m ID p » i DAVID O. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUKGKON AND OCDLI8T *• Office and residence corner Elin M>( Green stilts. Mi'l)"iiry. ^ & FEGEK8 ' pnYftTCTANB^AND SUROEONS. UcHeavy . . HI. Office FIT corner Court Mid Elm streets: Telephone aaa. F. C. ROSS. D. B. S. Office over petesch's, Drujr Store. ̂ ^ ALI^OItK^RTAINlNG TO MODERN DHNTISTRY ^ Office Telephone 214; Besidenoe 308. Citrous Uxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. in. - , DK. R. G% CJIAMBERL1N DENTIST. Office aiid Residence over Besley's Drag Stan, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WH8TMcMENIiY,Il,L, ' r 'Plione 341. OPPOSITE 8TOMU.'B HAT.L Jti(L IARS0B, M.D., B.S, M.t W EST MCH ENRY "i-. tliI4NOIS ARTHUR BREMKEN, ' • • ' . / ' • • : - v _ PHYSICIAN AND SURUBON (Deotocher Arzt.) o. Spring drove, Illinois. Geo; Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. H Excavating and Orading. flcHENRV - r - - - ILLINOIS. . • ** Telephone No: 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all olassesof property in the best Companies. N „ West McHenry, Illinois McPENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT V COMPANY. OFFIOk with American National Bank Woodstfiek. 111. Abstracts of title and cons. t. veyanclng. Moi|ey to loan on real estate sums of $500 to $10,0^)0, time and paymant U suit i)rtrrower." \ FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, 55.00 dllO UPWARD House and Sign PalntinR'and all Interior Dec­ orating. Jtejildence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No.gbi. • MCHENRY, V. - - - ILLINOIS R.^H. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Toning and repair InK at reasonable prices. First (Hass Work only. McHENRY, ILLINOIS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. SERVICES-- Preaching 10:30 a. m. and every ot her Sabbat h eveuinjf at 7:45, be^lunliiK Oc- tober HO.... Sunday school at 11:45. Epworth League preceding preaching service at 7 p. m. When there is no preaching, at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. REV,. J. M. OORMACK, Pastor. UN I VERSA LIST CHUKCH. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7::!0p. m. Sunday school. 11:45 a. m. Every- body cordially invited. REV: A. i ^ Have you seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY DECO HATED BUFFET?' AT 92 Fifth Avs., J, C h i c a g o , Illinois. Tel. K I L L THI COUGH AND C U R E THE L U N C 8 WT" Dr. Kings New Discovery /TONSU F0R tSSs" 0NSUMPTI0H Pries OUGHSand 50c *$1.00 Fret Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for THROAT and LUNG LES, or MONEY BACK. f°r alJ TROXJB* PATENTS promptly obtained, or FCC RCTUNNCO. SO VKAHS- EXFSRIIMCS. Our OtMIMCa MB THS L.OWKST. Seiul model, photo or iketefe (or expert search «nd freo report on patmtaWUty. HIFMNQEMKNT suitii eonduetBd before all courts CHtviito obt*ine«l throoKk ••, WjOk TiSED and SOLD, tree.. SIOWS and COPVRIQMTS qukckly oMalnsd. Opposite U. 8. Patent OlHo*§ WA8M1WOTOW, P. O. DSWIFT&0 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 4C. Anyone sending a sketch «nd description mar qnlcklr tiscurtiiin our opinion fre* whether an Invention ts probably pntentable. Commnnlnt- tlotis Rtrtctly contldeiit 1*1. HANDBOOK oa HHinti •ent Oldest airem-v for Becurlntr patenta. PHIIMIIU taken throuub Mann ft Ca. ra«(n tpti iiil notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. •A lisitirtaimit'iv UlnstrHted weekly. Ijirmt dr. mint Ion of «tny nctoittlde lournal. Terma, $S a fiuir muuths, |L Hold by all wewdaalwa.

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