Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 May 1905, p. 5

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MAPLE CITY K355 Wflf/Q LIN0I8 You've no idea the amount of work it will save you. I VARIETY Store!! J Has received lots of new ware, Fancy and Plain China, Glassware, Finest Enamel in town; Tinware. Notions, Stationery and nice Candy always on hand. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Cora Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. frMklk until* M Wirts! I am agent for the above. We put the Bods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than |500. Call and get full particulars. Gciieril BlKksnitUH Prices ilwiys Redsoiible i * * * * m * » m m m _ * i The aristocrat among whiskies of the old school: The sine qua non £ * _ £ ^ of the aoth century connoisseur's side-board. J J SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. 5 Harper Rye "On Every Tongue." »ng whiskies of the old school: of the aoth century connoisseur's side-board. I PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COilMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs it niaes. puncr auu & & 51 g This is the oldest house on the street, Tags and price lists furnished on j| application. COLD STORAGE FREE P | SSWASef"- * CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | Groceries! fruits! i The finest and best line of groceries and fruits may be found here. f » We are continually filling orders with the best of goods and give U. entire satisfaction always. Just a few reminders: j! Uncolored Japan Tea, regular 50c grade, per pound.. 3$ Japan Tea, 40c grade -- $ Dunham's Cocoanut, Jib package ^ Grape Nuts, 2 packages S Brag Soap, 6 bars :. * ai it': - 43c § .-.-85c | 7c s 26c !$ 25c jE K West flcHenry, III. John Stoffel. Cut in Rates California and Back The Santa Fe will run first- class excursions, Chicago to California, on certain days, April to August. Fare out and back about half the usual price. You may go on luxurious California Lim- ^itcsd and visit Grand Canyon. All the Way Ask Santa Fe agent at 109 Adams St., Chicago, for all the facts. 45-0T If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you save it. Is Your TilM Chicago Telephone I The best way to save time b to have a OMt lik 6# otab a 4a]f CHICAGO TELEPHOME COMPANY NEIGHBORING MEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE-CORPS OE CORRESPONDENTS VOLO. A. Kirwan was in town Monday, Simon Stoffel was sgen on our streets Saturday. Wm. Frost was a Round Lake caller Saturday. Miss Elsie Smith was a recent Mc- Henry caller..' Arthur .Kirwan of Wauconda spent Sunday here. Ed. Bacon of Roseville was seen in town Friday. Tony Sebastian of Waukegan was in town Sunday. Mrs. Wm. McKenny has moved from Rollins to Volo. Raymond Studly of Fort Hill was in town this week. James McCabe was a Round Lake caller Saturday. Sarah Fox of Round Lake was a Volo caller Saturday. Mrs. Henry Cossman Of Iowa tt vot­ ing at Chris Sable's. Jebiel Oompronof Hainsville was a Volo caller Saturday. Frank Hertz spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. John Myers. Misses Bessie and Lucy Dunnill spent Saturday at Wauconda. - Dr. Sparling of McHenry was seen on our streets Saturday. • Rev. Cross and wife of Wauconda were Volo callers Friday . , "* Fred Dunnill, wite and daughter, spent Sunday at McHenry. Mrs. Ben Hiller and Mrs. Rouse were W auconda callers Monday. Mrs. Alfred Nicholls is visiting at the home of Harry Nicholls. Maud Walton and Helen Raymond were Grayslake callers Friday. Delbert Townsend and lady friend at­ tended church at Volo Sunday. A. Raught -and Miss Mary Raught were McHenry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rosing of Round Lake visited friends here recently. Robt. Fulton of Wauconda epent the first part of the week at Raught Bros.* John Converse of Long Lake was a caller in our little burg the past week. Geo. Endget was a pleasant caller at Round Lake the latter part of the week. Mrs. Sarah Howard and Mrs. Flora Ernst of Rollins called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs, L. V. Lusk and son, Raymond, spent Sunday at A. J. Ray­ mond's. Elijah Richardson and wife of Round Lake were callers at John Richardson's Friday. John Dowell and family of Wauconda were visiting friends here the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Russell of Wau­ kegan are visiting their son, Sid, and family of Volo. Mr. Barde and Mr. Peckwood of Chi­ cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James McCabe. Dellmer Townsend and Miss Ruth Harvey of Grayslake called on friends at Volo Sunday. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening, May 28. Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and family of Round Lake spent Sunday with friends at Volo. To say the fishing is good is put­ ting it mildly, by the strings of fish and fish stories our Niinrods tell. A. J, Frost and Miss Mabel Colburn of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Frost. Miss Lillie Schaefer of McHenry is spending a few days with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sabel. A young mason arrived at the home of Ben Rosing last Thursday and now he is contracting for large jobs. May 28. memorial service will be held at the M. E. church. The address will be delivered by Elder Earngey of Rock- ford. » Tickets for the commencement exer­ cises are now on sale at drug stores. All seats reserved. Prices 10c, 15c and 25c. Mrs. J. Hoogstraat of Ludington, Mich., and Miss Hook of Lake Villa were the guests of E. B. Perkins and wife the first of the week. Read The Plaindealer "want" ada. SPRING GROVE. Dr. Breinken will soon move to Anti och. ... v FrankPieroe of Belvidere was here Friday. Oliver Neish came up from Fox Lake Sunday. Irving Overton was down from Solon Saturday. Charles Faden of Wilmotwas in town Thursday. Deputy Sheriff Wandrack was in town last week. W. C. Moss was a Wilmot caller Wednesday. Dr. Bremken was an Antioch, visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Westlakewasa Wilmot visitor Wednesday. Otto Hanke of Wilmot was a caller here Friday. Mr. Reading received a -carload of Cows Friday. Joseph Lawrence of Ringwood was a Sunday caller; Wm. Motley'of Richmond was a call­ er here Sunday. Zell Colby of McHenry tfsited here the last of the week. • ; Frank Mitchell has returned after a two weeks'absence. Mrs. Will Overton of Solon visited near here Thursday. Walter Carey and wife of Wilmot vis­ ited here last Sunday. Anton Schaefer and J. Meredith were in Wiliriot last week. E. V. Orvis and wife of Waukegan were Sunday visitors here. Mrs. Con Marble and Mabelle Neish were visitors here Saturday. Fay Small has been engaged as prin­ cipal of our school for next year. J. V. Fremiti has moved his barn to a lot recently purchased of Lewis Hatch. Wm. Ranen and W. E. Moss were Kenosha visitors the first of the week. The eighth grade graduation exercis­ es will be held uext Friday evening. All come. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Orvls of Ingle- side were visitors here the first of the week. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening. May 28. The English Prairie school closed Wednesday, on account of the unsafe condition of the building. The English Prairie Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Jesse Richardson's last Thurs­ day. Refreshments were served and an enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Ida Osborne, Mrs. Peter Over­ ton, Mrs. Jos. Janies, Sr., and Mrs. Jo- h'onnott, all of Antioch attended the La­ dies' Aid supper at Mrs. Jesse B. Rich­ ardson.^ Thursday evening. R1UUGFIGL1J. G. A. Bort was in Nunda Saturday. W. Monroe-was in Woodstock Satur­ day. Mrs. R! Goddard was in Nunda Sat­ urday. Mrs. S. Wakefield was in Nunda 'Sat­ urday. Miss Emma EickhoS was in Chicago Saturday. Orson Wood of Nunda was in this vi­ cinity Sunday. A. F. Davis of Austin was here on business Friday. Mr. Ormsby was in Woodstock on business Monday. Night Operator Wollmer was on the sick list last week. Miss Etta Goddard visited friends at Woodstock Monday. Chas. Ambler of Capron visited his many friends here Sunday. Mrs. F. W. Hartinan and J. G. Hart man were in Elgin Saturday. Erie Skinnerof Woodstock was call ing on relatives here Sunday. M rs. J. B. Lynch and children visited friends at Cheiunng Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dufield of Woodstock called at R. L. DufielJ's Sunday. Miss Bessie Reed visited her brother in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Miss Zilpha Ward of Greenwood vis ited with Mrs. Goddard over Sundny. C, M. Keeler and son Marvin were in Richmond the latter part of last week Miss Nellie Gibson visited with C. E Conerty in Chicago Saturday and Sun day. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Snnday evening. May 28. Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of I normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears I out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Oiir Harness is of the other sort. -(Lasts loi^Ci^ihiffr^he horse will. Made" of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit* ^Strain is equally dividld and every part equal to the strain.- Costs no.niore thin "cheap'* Gus. Carlson. - Harness. The Difference in Cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cause doctors' bills many times this. Dr. PRICE'S cream Baking Powder is the most economical in the end, be­ cause it goes further in leavening and insures perfect, wholesome food. When ordering of the grocer always call for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow­ der by name for good health and good food* It makes the finest cake, pud- dings, flapjacks, biscuits and bread. NOTE.--There are many imitation ' baking powders which are sold from five PaiOB Baking Powd*« Co., cents to twenty-five cents a pound. They OMWAQft should be carefully avoided as they are made from alum ap4 are unheal thful. EMERALD PARK. Miss Ada Carey spent Sunday with Miss Katie Knox. M Kelter of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday at R. J. Sutton's. v Miss Katie Bolger and Wm. Bolger of Chicago visited at P. Walsh's the last, of the week. Misses Irene Frisby and Maggie Ward spent Thursday evening with Miss Mar­ garet Aylward. * Mrs. John Powers and Mrs. Joanna Wall of Elgin aire spending a few weeks at R. J. Sutton's. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening, May 28. Misses Mary and Margaret Sutton and Mame Provost called at Ed Knox's Sunday afternoon. Misses Kathryn Walsh and Katie Bol­ ger and Mrs. D. Corr were callers here Saturday afternoon. M essrs. D. W. Hill and W. K. Burns and son, William, <of Chicago spent Sun­ day at their homes here. Messrs. Thos. A. Frisby and Jos. Ke- nally of Elgin spent Sunday at the former's home west of here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Colian of Chi­ cago enjoyed the pleasant weather at the Park Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. John Gibbs of Barreville and Mrs. Jas. Carney of Nebraska spent last Thursday at R. J. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck of Chicago are now at their summer home here, getting things ready for the summer season. M iss Mary Sutton and friend, Miss Mame Provost, of Chicago visited at the former's home here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. D. Corr of Woodstock visited her brother, W. Bolger, and other rela­ tives in this vicinity a few dayB the l^st of the week. Misses Mary and Nellie Courtney and brother, James, of Wauconda and their nephew, Master Victor Toynton, of Barrington visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Pinesalve contains the antiseptic prop­ erties of the native pine and is a sure cure for sunburn, tan, tetter, eczema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry^, BAKKEVILLG. Clark Jacobs of Nunda was a caller here Monday. Thos. Thompson was a Chicago -pas­ senger Tuesday morning. Mrs. Lee Lock wood of Terrft" Cotta spent Friday at C. W. Colby's. Misses Mary and Anna Fleming spent the last of the week in Chicago. Miss Mary Fleming spent a few days last week with Mrs. Cary at Ringwood Henry Simon of Burton's Bridge was calling on friends here Thursday even ing. Miss May me Knox spent last Wed­ nesday evening with Miss Clara Thomp­ son. Mrs. E. Hunter and daughter, Edna, of McHenry spent Monday at their farm here. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening, May 28. Miss Clara Thompson called on Mrs. Thos. Andrews and Mrs. Henry Shales Friday afternoon. Misses Fiances Fleming and Lizzie Lenibke called at Thos. Thompson's Thursday evening. Allau Starritt of Terra Cottfi and Miss Emma McClain of Chicago called at Thos. Touipson's Friday evening. The most pleasant and positive cure for indigestion, heartburn and all stom­ ach troubles is Ring's Dyspepsia Tab­ lets. They aid digestion, tone and strengthen the stomach. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry. HOLCONBVILLE. Miss Lulu Colby called on Mrs. W. Gilbert. Monday. Miss Iva Hoffmab of Spring Grove spent Sunday here. Miss Ruby^Peck is spending a few days at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. G. Zenk visited' at W. Zenk's Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt were Nunda callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gilbert of McHen ry passed through this vicinity Sunday.c Mr. and Mrs. W Zenk and children called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Zenk Sunday. Mrs. W. Gilbert, Mrs. M. Conley and children called at Chas. Harrison s Fri­ day. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening. May 28. . - Mr." and Mrs. Thos.- Powers spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter, Mrs. J. Phalen, of Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and children, Mrs. B. F. Peck and Misses Ruby Peck and Iva Hoffman were Terra Cotta visitors Sunday evening. GKKKNVrOOD? E. G. Westerman was a Chicago vis­ itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dassow were .He­ bron visitors Sunday. Gustin Marble and Dell Dassow were at Woodstock Sunday morning. Mrs. Gus. Adams and daughter. Mrs. •J. E. Harrison, were visitors at Dundee Saturday. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry;, 111., Sunday evening, May 28. E. H. Mayer of Chemung was here to buy Dell Dassow's colt Monday after­ noon, but did not get him. Sunday school convention will beheld at the church Sunday afternoon, May 28. ! It is hoped there will be a good attend- j ance. Dr. and Mrs. Shoot left for Naperville | Monday noon. Mrs. Shoot will remain, | but the doctor will be back for a few Gus. Marble. C. V.^Goddard, Dell Dassow and Albert Msnsfield witnessed the game of ball between Hebron and McHenry at Hebron Sunday afternoon. , KIIiGWOOD. Fay Small of Spring Grove was'a call1 er here Sunday. Ray Merchant spent Sunday with friends here and in Greenwoods Frank Ls^wson returned to Elgin Sat­ urday after a few days' stay here.. ; Miss Agnes Carey of Elgin spent the. latter part.of the week with home folks. • Mildred Lxwson of Klgin came up Tuesday to spend a few'days with friends here. ' ' Charlie Stephenson and family are entertaining relatives from Woodstock this week. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening, May 28. v 1 Miss Florence Howe closed a success­ ful term of school in the Harsh district Monday, May 22. Thomas Carr and brother, Trank, re­ turned from a three months' stay at Pierre, South Dakota. The ice-cream social which was held in the Woodman hall for the school proved successful in every way. The neat, sum of £>1.00 was taken in. Whil£ plowing last Friday, Ray Nor­ ton, who works for J. W. Bell, had the wiisfortune to get a rib broken. The plow struck a rock and strnck him with great force, He will be laid up for a number of days- One dose of Pineules taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of backache before morning. Pine nles is a certaiu cure for all kinds of bladder and kidney troubles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry. JOHKSBt'BGH. Mrs* John Thelen was a McHenry ••alter Friday. John Frost of Volo was a Johnsburgh i-aller Sunday. Mrs John King visited at Mrs. John Merte's Monday. • Miss Susie Young of Spring Grove visited here Sunday. Miss Maggie Kiug was a McHenry caller Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Jungen were Mc­ Henry visitors Monday. Miss Katie Laures of McHenry was a Johnsburgh visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lodtz of McHenry vis­ ited kt Ueo'l'ge Nell's Sunday.' 1 Mrs. Ben Stilling was a Chicago 1 itor on Monday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Nell were Mc­ Henry callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Freund of Volo were Johnsburgh callers Thurs­ day. Misses Lora ^and Gertrude Fitzmore ofChicago visited Miss. Eva Huemann *t the Bay. .> Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and children of Spring Grove visited at the former 's parents Sunday. Refined vaudeville show at Central opera house, McHenry, 111., Sunday evening. May 28. Mrs. Peter Smith and Mrs. Mike Jus- ten of McHenry visited Mrs. Peter Freund Thursday. Mrs. John and little daughter visited with her sister at McHenry a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Freund and chil­ dren of Spring Grove were visiting at Mrs. Martin May's Sunday. Ml-s. Simon Michels and niece. Miss Lena Michels, visited at the formers daughter, Mrs. John Freund. Misses Eva and Maggie Huemann and Miss Anna Offling visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Huemann. Sunday. KXKl l TOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Tacoli Story, deci-useO. Tlie unrit ' i 'si^nt ' i l . having been appointed Executrix of 1 he liist will ; ind testiiment of . laeob Storv. deeensed. late of the County of McHenry mid State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that sin; will appear before the County' Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the August term, on the first Moijday in.August, next, at which time'all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having t l ie same adjusted." All per­ sons indebted to said estate are requested to wake Immediate payment to the undersigned. l>ated thiS'K.'iui day of May, A. I). I ' , t05. JULIA A. STORY . Executrfx. Brothers Celebrated M I N E • $1.48 Per Bag! Gvia.ra.i\teed BESIflOUR INTOWN! COMPANY. KHMHM »OOOOQB%? AITING! THE BIST MEDICINE 0 WOMEN If you are nervous and tired oat continually you could.. have no clearer warning of the approach of serious female trouble. Bo not wait until you suffer un- 1 arable pain beforeyouseek treat­ ment. You need Wine of Cardui now just as much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor­ turing pains of disordered men­ struation, bearing down pains, leucorrhoea, backache arid nead- ache were driving you to the un­ failing relief that Wine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands of women and will bring you. Wine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish ii'Tvou8 spells, headache and tfack- lcf r f to check. Secure a 11.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies' Advisory l't'pt.,The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. WINE°F CARDUI Yes, we are waiting on a good many customers daily. Bay of as dice and you will make our shop your tradii 1 lace. Whj'V Because we arf/J(**t e° to- /serve yo^ with nothm^But the best g^n't that suffi^jtii. Al­ ways keep on hand a fine and fresh Itfie of home bakery goods. Give us yonr order hy 'phone. Call 483 and the goods will be promptly delivered. JoKn Adams _ <§L Sons. West McHenry, 111. | V \ OSTRANDER BUILDING, Telephone 483. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes au'l sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select froui. hach doz­ en finished in different styles. I 'rlce. i-tni nfvrarct ' --~ " Outdpas^Work. We hjtrt ' extensive $11 Winds of outdoor u/rU'i -Ui h :i?j group pictures, views of buildings, cattle," 'machinery, etc. Enlargements. 'Copied froui any small picture, l . ikeuess guaranteed in everv Instance, finished in black ' and white oe colors. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sices made up fur any site picture, certificate, etc. • tVaukegau St., near the St&udpipe- 'WEST McHBNRY. ILL. Telephone, 493 If you it drngft, go to Peteech'a*

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