Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1905, p. 5

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• ' ' ' ' • ' ~ ^rsfefiS Don't forget that we handle a very com­ plete line of Lumber of every description Jlnd everything necessary.w^hwhich to A MODERN HOUSE •viWe always ̂ strive to please our custodiers • and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill ^ ̂ eir wants. So bear in mind that we $re the Building Supply Headquarters. Feed Department is always complete* WILBUR LUMBER CO., : WEST McHERNY, 1LLIN0I5. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MAPLE CITY & 9gS X s It costs mote but does more. Don't argue until you try it. Jos. H. Huemann fra,l(Un mm R|K| Wo,Ks! Johnsburgh, Illinois. J sella Corn Shellers and Tread 1 Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, i Bock Island Plows, Wagons, ] Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, 1 Well Supplies, Harness Oil, i Paint Oil and ! Machine Oil a Specialty. I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they bo struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call and get fall particulars. General BldcKsmltti!n$ ^ Prices dlwdys r * * m * # £ * * * * * m * ** v m * "And thar stood old Kalntuck" and thar stood Old Harper/* both * | In the front ranks everywhere you find them. ' ^ * • > m | SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. * t ; * Harper •'On Every Tongue." S P H I L I P J A E G E R OENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF • Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, g Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs | | This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on « is application. Mi | COLD STORAGE FREE fti j WJbBB*.' CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. | Our Prices! |jj Can Corn, 10c value, per can ' 8 Can Corn, 13c value, per can T* Best Salmon, per can . S Fancy Red Salmon, per can. 8 cans Peas ~ Matches in metal box, per box. fj Fancy Java and Mocha Coffee, 3 pounds for. 1 « •5 8c & . . . I O C -- '5C as Jl.OO West flcHenry, 111. jobn Stoffel. At Your Finger Tips lactam control of your business If pi hutill a Chicago Telephone IT REACHES EVERYWHERE „ oents a day «• nffcrH CHIOAfiO TELEPHONE COMPANY RING WOOD. Clayton Harrison Chicagoed Satur­ day. 1 Joe Lynch was at Spring Grove Sun- day. Tina Pint, who is working , at Rich­ mond, spent Sunday at home. Mamie and Frances Lawrence of Chi­ cago are visiting relatives here. Orin Wheeler and family entertained friends from Elgin the first of the week. Mae Cristy and lady friend took in the sights of Chicago one day last week. Vera Bolger of Woodstock spent last week with her cousin. Miss Anna Carey. Our ball tossers defeated the Solon team last Sunday by the score of 12 to 0. Carl Fay of Danville arrived here the lafit of the week to spend the summer with relatives here. Mesdames Edd Hopper and Warren Moss visited with Mrs. John Coatee and family last Thursday. James Carey of Milwaukee, Wis., and the Misses Carey of Wilrnot, Wis., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John, Carey and faihily. The Ladies' Aid society of Ringwood meet with Mrs. Clayton Harrison next Thursday, June 20. All are cordially invited to attend. While doing carpenter work at H. C. Mead's farm near McHenry last Sat­ urday, Howard Kelley met with a pain­ ful accident, one that will put him on the bench for some time. While stand­ ing on a staging he slipped and fell a distance of nine feet, landing on one foot. The force of the fall dislocated the ankle. Dr. Hepburne was called at once and he reset the ankle and made the victim as comfortable as possible. At this writing he is getting along as well as can be expected. Buy It Now. Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly--you will need it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. For sale by all druggists. JOHNSBURGH. » Frank Barbian of McHenry was a caller here Wednesday. Steve Young of Spring Grove is visit ing at Martin Young's. Miss Lizzie Miller of McHenry is vis­ iting at Mat Miller's this week. Misses Anna, Katie and Josephina Pitzen of Volo visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Britz of Volo vis­ ited at former's mother, Mrs. Britz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huemann drove through here Sunday to Pistakee Bay. Jos. Huemann put up a windmill at Henry Klapperich's one day last week. Miss Anna Weideman is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht'B for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and chil­ dren of Spring Grove visited here Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Tonivn visited at Mr. and Mrs. John Freund's Tuesday afternoon. Miss Emma Molitor and gentleman friend of Volo attended the concert here Sunday. Mrs. Deister and daughter from Mil­ waukee are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmitt's for a tima Mr. and Mrs. Martin Young and children visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schaefer. There will be a concert held at St. Joseph's hall July 15 in honor of Fr. Mehring. All come. Admission 10c. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thelen of Round Lake were visitors at the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, Sun­ day. The most pleasant and positive care for indigestion, heartburn and all stom­ ach troubles is Ring's Dyspepsia Tab­ lets. They aid digestion, tone and strengthen the stomach. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. • KHERALD PARE. ' John Wall and son of Chicago are visiting at R. J. Sutton's. j Miss Irene Frisby of McHenry spent Sunday with Miss Lucy Sutton. James Costello of Elgin is spending a few weeks with his grandparents here. Miss Alice Sutton spent Saturday evening at John Walsh's in McHenry. Ed. Knox of Chicago was a. recent visitor at the home of his uncle, Eld. Knox. John Blum and family of Chicago are occupying John Armstrong's cottage this week. W. K. Burns and daughter, Lillie, of Chicago are spending this week at their cottage. ** Mrs. P. Walsh went to Elgin Tues­ day, where she will spend a week with relatives. Misses Mabel Powers and Lucy Sut­ ton spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Katie Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Lester of Elgin are vis­ iting at Mrs. Ellen Frisby's, west of here, this week. R. Duke and family of Chicago are spending a few days with Ed Knox and family this week. Misses Lillian, Emily and Anna Coh­ an of Chicago spent Sunday at the new Cohan cottage here. Misses Ellen Doherty and Margaret Cleary and Mesdames Mary Cobb and Ed Knox of McHenry were callers at R. J. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Lawrence Huck is still champion fish­ erman of the park, having caught two five-pound pickerel Monday. Law- erence can show the expert fisherman how it is done. One dose of Pineules taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate cafe of backache before morning. Pine­ ules is a certain cure for all kinds of bladder and kidney troubles. Sold by , N. H. Petesch, McHenry, Q. W. Besley, | West McHenry. VOLO. Simon Stoffel was in town Saturday. Mrs. Conrad Dryer is on the sick list. Miss Amanda Raught is still quite ill. Thomas Fisher was a Wauconda caller Sunday. Dr. Fegers of McHenry was in town Wednesday. Bessie Dnnnill of Fort Hill spent Sun­ day at home. Peter Bowers of . Spring Grove was in town Sunday. Lee Strang wM a pleasant caller in town Sunday. Frank Buhr of McHenry Was in town last Thursday. Mrs. Harry Nicholls was a McHenry caller Thursday. „ . . Mr and Mrs, Henry Maiman were is town Thursday. Mrs. Kaiser and children spent Thurs­ day in McHenryJ Mrs. Burkett and sistoir;were pleasant callers Thursday. lir. E. T. Schaffer of Grayslake was in town Tuesday. >v ' Rev. Cross of Wanoonda was a Volo caller Wednesday. John Gift attended lodge at McHenry Saturday evening. John Gift was a business caller in Mc­ Henry Wednesday. Quite a number of telephone men were in town Friday. Lon Fox of Round Lake spent Satur­ day at S. J. Russel's. Frank Dowell and Howard Converse spent Sunday in Volo. ;< Bert Dowell of Wauconda was seen on our streets Sunday. Mrs. John Richardson and niece spent Wednesday in McHenry. W ill Kretschmer of Chicago spent the Fourth with friends here. Mrs. John Dowe and children spent Thursday at John Frost's. Joseph Vogt of Long Lake was in . town on business Saturday. & Ambrose Raught and Miss Mary spent Sunday at McHenry. • .John Gift and Will Moore were call­ ing in McHenry Thursday. Miss Hanson of Wisconsin is visiting at the home of her parents. Joe Cane of Mudgett's Lake called at Harry Nicholls'last Friday. Miss Rose Hnson of Elgin spent Sat­ urday and Sunday in Volo. Jimmie Deal of Walworth, Wis'., WW seen on onr streets Saturday*. Mrs. Wm. Me Kenny spent Wednes day and Thursday in Wauconda. Bessie Clough of Wauconda was a caller at A. J. Raymond's Sunday. Mrs. Theo. Worts and Mrs. Chris Sable were Rollins callers Sunday. George Knebler and brother, Harry, of Palatine were recent Volo callers. Claude Richardson of Elgin visited relatives here during the past week. Miss Sarah Fox of Round Lake spent last Friday with Miss Lydia Russell. Robt. Walton and son, Perry, made a bnsiness trip to Wauconda Thursday. Mrs. Chris Dillon and Mrs. Will Dill­ on were Wauconda callers Thursday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, spent Thursday in Wauconda. Mrs. W. Converse and son, Earl, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Thos. Moore. D. Dick received a royal welcome by his old friends after his absence abroad. Miss Nellie Raught of Waukegan is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Raught. Harry Wightman of Highland Park called on friends in this vicinity recent­ ly- Chester Sowsle and party of friends made an automobile trip to Volo Satur­ day. c Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and sons of Round Lake were in town Tues­ day. John Meyers and family returned home Tuesday from their trip to New York.- Mrs. Ernie Richardson has moved into the west rooms of the Charlie Potter home. Herbert Howard of Grant passed through Volo on his way to Wauconda Sunday. Miss Anna Miller and Howard Con­ verse were callers at Mrs. A. Miller's Sunday. Mrs: John Rosing is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thiel, at Goshenu Ind., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vasey. and chil­ dren of McHenry spent Sunday at Mrs. A. Vasey's. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wagener and daughter, Clara, of Gilmer visited at C. Sable's Sunday. Messrs. Wm. Montgomery and J. Worts of Chicago are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Albert Vasey and family and Harry Passfield and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ann Vasey. The Volo butter makers were royally entertained Tuesday morning but de­ clined the invitation for Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel of Goshen, Indiana, are rejoicing over the arrival of an eight-and-one-half-pound boy. Miss Winnie Russell and friend of Chicago visited at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. L. Huson, this week. Mrs. John Claxton and Mrs. Benson of McHenry were pleasant callers at the home of Mrs. Thomas Fisher Wednes­ day. Mrs. John Richardson has returned home from a visit with friends at Pal­ atine. She was accompanied by Mrs. Shuts. Mrs. Jane Howard of Dakota, Mrs. Clara Tenny of Minnesota and Mrs. Wm. Clough and daughter, Bessie, spent Thursday at A. J. Raymond's. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh­ ter, Marion, returned to Volo Saturday after spending some time in Vermont. They will move to Lihertyville in the near future. Quite a large, crowd of Voloitee at­ tended the ball game Sunday between the Long Lake Hustlers and the' Volo Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. Strain is equally divided and every part equal to the strain. Costs no more than "cheiap" Gus. Carlson. - Harness - J 4\ Pickups. The score stood 16 to 1 in favor of the home team. The services were not very well at­ tended last Sunday. Let there be a full house next Sunday at 1:30 p. m. The children are requested to meet next Sat­ urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the M. E. church to practice singing. On Tuesday, June 18, 1905, occurred the marriage of Miss Margaret Hertz- ing and Joseph Link of Vernon at the German church. After the ceremony all repaired to the home of the bride, about one mile south of Volo, where an elaborate dinner was served to a large gathering of friends and relatives. The presents were numerous and costly. On Friday, July 7, occurred the death of Mrs. L. Stanford at her home two miles east of Yolo after a short but painful illness. She leaves to mourn her death two daughters and three Bons, besides a host of friends and relatives. The funeral was held from the house Sunday, interment being in the Wauke­ gan cemetery. R1DUEFIKJLU. '*> Mrs. A. Anners was in Woodstock Thursday. Grandma Smith is at present writing under the doctor's care. Rev. Hay and wife called on friends in this vicinity Thursday. Ira Breed of Walworth is visiting with Earl Merchant and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson Were in. Chicago Friday and Saturday. Mrs. F, French and children spent the past week with McHenry relatives. Mrs. J. H. Parks entertained her father and sister from Wauconda Sun­ day. Mrs. W. H. Monroe visited with her daughter at Woodstock Monday and Tuesday. „ Arthur Skinner and Chauncey Steph­ enson were in Woodstock on bnsiness Saturday. Arthur Anners returned to St. Louis Monday after a week's visit with rela­ tives here. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter. Mad- alene, are visiting relatives at Ripon and Green Lake, Wis. Our night operator must be a curios­ ity. At least it seems so by the way the fellows flock into the office and stare at him. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea* Remedy--The Beat In Exlatencf, T. M. Wood, manager of the White County News, Beebe, Ark., is a repre­ sentative southern business man, who does not hesitate in expressing his good opinion of a well known remedy. He says,' 'It gives me pleasure to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy, having used it myself and in my family with the best results. In fact I believe it is the best remedy of the kind in existence." Sold by all drug gists. • • BABBBVIUK. Mrs. Ferd. Rowell of Nunda was a caller here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frisby spent Sunday at J. D. Fleming's. Miss Nellie Griswold of Palatine is visiting at Thos. Thompson's. Miss Clara Thompson Bpent a couple of days last week with Chicago friends. Mrs. J. Marshall and children of Nunda were calling on friends here Sun­ day. Miss Lizzie Lembke has been enter- taining company from Chicago the past week. Miss Rose Gabe of Nunda spent a few days last week with Miss Minnie Knaack. Mrs. Will Dodge and family of Ring: wood spent Thursday afternoon with friends here. Will Stewart and sister, Lucy, of Chi­ cago spent Saturday and Sunday at Thos. Thompson's. Misses Sadie and Mildred Marble and Irma McCannon of Greenwood spent several days last week with relatives here. Will Interest Many. Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will enre kidney and bladder diseases in ev­ ery fffrm, and will bnild up and strengthen those organs so they will perform their functions properly. No danger of Bright's disease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. G. W. Besley. CHOLERA INFANTUM* ':mS wM Child Not Kx pec ted to Live from One Hoar to Auother, but Cared by Cham­ ber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of B. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seriously ill of cholera infantnm last summer. "We gave her up and did not expect ther to live from one hour to another," he says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from the store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giv­ ing it and before she had taken the baif of one small bottle she was well." This remedy is for sale by all druggists. The McHenry bakery has installed city water. HQLCOMBV1LLE. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck were Elgin visitors Friday. Clark Jacobs of Nunda called at F. Davoll's Saturday. Mrs. F. M. Peck of Cary spent a few days last week with relatives here. Earl Peck-returned .to Minneapolis Saturday after a six weeks' vacation. Mrs. Gibson of Texas visited old friends in this neighborhood last week. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove was a visitor in this vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt spent Sun­ day with the latter's parents at Terra Cotta. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield of Ridge- field called on Mrs. B. F. Peck Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and little daughter spent Sunday afternoon at W- Doherty's, Makes the Liver Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief in cases of habitual constipation as it stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of the bowels without irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasing to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley. GKKKKIfOOD. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Anderson on Friday, a girl. C. A. Guerin and wife were He­ bron visitors Saturday. Don't forget the lawn social at Mrs. Mary Mansfield's Friday, July 14. C. H. Oi'Neal of Hebron stopped here on his way to Woodstock Monday. Quite a number of Greenwoodites celebrated the Fourth at Solon Mills. Mrs. Carrie Mansfield and daughter, Flora, were Woodstock visitors Thurs­ day. Mrs. Jennette Ward returned Thurs­ day from a two weeks' visit with her daughter at Woodstock. E. M. Ward and sisters, Cora and Zilpha, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Chicago. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills, Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. Sold by N. H. Pet­ esch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. MIGHTS DISEASE Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary Organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid­ neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid­ neys strain out the impurities f r o m t h e b l o o d a s i t p a s s e s through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing d i z z i n e s s , b a c k a c h e , s t o m a c h trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak­ ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis­ order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. • How «<T find Out. Yon can easily determine if your kid­ neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, vour kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. 8. B. Barhans Teatlflee After Four Years. 0. B. Mast «f Carlisle Ceater, N. Y, wrttec "About four years ato I wrote you stating ttal I had been entirely cured of a severe ktaney trouble by taking less than two bottles of roit > S Kidney Cure, it entirely Btoiu-eu tue «.«»-«- dust sediment and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. 1 am glad to say that i have never had a return of any of those s> nip- toms during the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cure*!, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to aay B BujTering from kidney or bladder trouul®. Two Sizes, BO* lOO. SOU AID REGOHMEMDED IT G. W. BESLEY, W. McHENBY. f Brothers fANCT GROCERS We offer for the below Combination of Fine Groceries for 12.00! 25tt> best H. & E. Gran. Sugar 3 packages best Corn Starch.... . Gallon Pail fan­ cy Table Syrup 2 pounds Fancy Seeded Raisins. 3 pack'gs Gold­ en Breakfast... 25c 25c 25c 25c ALL FOR...$2.00 [very Article duraM COMPANY. 'fit?! 4.; ' v s1 1 •/." * J ,, ' , ! i out GOODS ' * ,v \ W.;:- 1pi* - V ' • :*h OUR PRICES! We wish to call the attention of the meat buying pnplic to the fact that our gooids and onr prices are what we base our success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are only too glad to fill your orders with the kind of goods that look so tempting when served $ at your dinner table. We also S carry in stock a fine line of canned 5 goods, • m Bikery Every Day! f If there is anything yon may need J in the bakery line we can also fur- £ nish yon, as we always carry a a fresh line. Call us up by 'phone ? and yonr orders will be promptly * filled. J. ADAMS & SONS, West rtcHenry, 111. Telephone 483. A % • . • v ' PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes and sues. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each d<*- en finished iu different styles. Prlee, |2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as Rroup pictures, views of buildings, cattle, tuachiuery. etc. Enlargements. Copied from auy snmll picture. Likeness guaranteed in every iustauce. Finished iu bi&ck mid white or colors. Fr*mM. A varsity of styles iu to select from. Odd siaes made up tor tuty size picture, certificate, etc. Wavkeicau St., near the Sttuitlpipe. WEST McHKNRY, ILL. Tafephon*. 493 ;» V J . ; •Ml: It you want dregs, go to Feteacfclfc ^ \i ' , ̂ X1' i'tl

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