£ • ^ps^pi^^p "^'tj'-i ^.' V"'*""' *ff VfV-i nlliiiiifiiniif r't'r? ' r nfm aini : ;.. t 'H : - / ";/* •* v ,V "\- -.,i>-- /• . .v ̂ ^-'- j>, ; . *; * *:.; / / , 'v ' ;^"; ' ;1 ' <. r f i v **' ^ -"w.. - a; V^-v v . y^f> l, Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in that! Why don't you use Ayer's Hair Vigor ind Hair Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair will begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis appear. Could you reason ably expect anything better? " Ayer's flair Vipor is a great succe*8 with me. Slv hair wan falling out very badly, but the Hair Visor stopped Itandnow my hair la all right."- W. C. J.OGSDON, l.m.lsay. Cal. «(00 a bottle. A11 <lrwggl«ts. for .1, r. ATKR CO., liOwHI, Mw*. Thin Hair |He Nctienry Plaindealer '.'. PCBLrsHED EVERY THPl^PAY BY / iHfMtHflfRY PLAWDEALHl COMPANY. ,> K. GRANGER! W. A. CRIBTY, J. B. PKRRT, Pres. ."..Sec-. Treas. I< , F. "G. Schrbinkb, Editor. In Bank Building. Telephone, No. ST2. Three months. 40 cts. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ' *lS»ne year - - 11.50 #1* months, 75 Ct8 Thursday, July 27, 190$. But bow can yon blame a person for shady transactions these days? Russia never has political booms-- the nearest they come to it is political bombs. Senator Depew went abroad to im- jprove his health, bnt is hurrying hack feome to take his medicine. I The Enssian war office is having ;|lnocta difficnlty in finding where the ('front is from time to time. The Russian zemstvo a ^have been not Apprized of the fact that their meetings - have been prohibited by the Czar. Emperor William does not want another republic so close at hand as Norway, the idea may be catching. , Home of these days the arctic explorer •will have the North Pole made in Con- Seviicct and take it along with him. i;5 It is said that Commander Peary rea sons that if a ship named Roosevelt-can- inot reach the North Pole, nothing can. ^ By the time New York gets through ; with "Scotty old Bay" an ordinary ex press car will look like a palace to him. When the Equitable society bays the iBtock bactr from Mr. Ryan, for the first <time in its history it will be the owner .of itself. Every week now brings advices to the effect that Chicago strike has ended. We can not help Wondering how many ends it has. Can yon realize that six months from »ow yon will be trying to walk over the one next to you trying to get closer to the stove? I: . Sen ator Stone of Missouri has called - Tow Lawson a fakir. We may expect 1 to hear a frenzied opinion of Stone most Any day now. - , In Iowa any man who is ninety years Old, quiet and reticent abont his past »fe is suspected of being John D. Rocke feller's father. 0, Politicians through the -- country advised that they had better pay S Ijhmr taxes, as some day they may be y vnnning for office. China seems to have acquired a few I • not ions of her own about the open door | I vi^icy' «nce bttle Japan and she became Kv such thick fr ends. Iftr Despite the fact that Mr. Rocke feller has jnst given away $10,000,000 for educational purposes, it is not be lieved there is any danger of hie auffer- ing in old age. The Department of Agriculture fa going to try to get along without a sta tistician, It seems impossible to have a statistician bnt who will ran a leak bu reau on the side. „ ; It is thought in requiring office hold ers to swear to support the constitution, they should be required to swear that they will try to stop all leaks when they are discovered. EXCHANGE CLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY . ADJACENT COUNTIE8. If these indictments keep up against the United States senators, you cannot blame the Washington baseball team if they change their nick name to some thing else besides Senators. Harry Lkhr appealed to the police to arrest a man who tried to kodak him at Newport A. man who would take the trouble to kodack Harry Lehr ought to have his lunacy inquired into. The Sultan of Turkey has ordered one hundred and titty dresses from Paris for his wives-There is going to be a row among the other two hundred who were overlooked in that order. The New York legislature has re fused to unseat Judge Hooker for ques tionable conduct. Now the Judge will agree with Senator Depew that the present one is the best legislature . New York ever bad. One , Oklahoma showed strong reasons why it should be admitted to statehood. ®at does it expect the Senate to be Swayed by reasons .' 4 Senatorial courtesy will be put to U / it* supreme test when some of those It- tainted senators try to make jokes out of their recent troubles. €;-T< The latest race riots occurred in New „York. It is about time to let up on the Sunny South for those unfortunate out breaks. There are others. 3 apan can see a life sized picture of itself submitting peace terms to an in ternational council. It had an e*p@ri ence of that sort ten years ago." ' Lieutenant Peary sas he must have $50,000 more to pay his expenses to the North Pole--must have an inten tion of stoping at a summer resort ho- :: tel up there. You need not be surprised to bear that Secretary Taft is found dancing a Jig once in a while--the Panama hoo. Dollar Saved Rvprntenta Tep Dol lars Earned. The average man does not save to ex ceed ten per cent of his earnings. Be must spend nine dollars in living ex penses for every dollar saved. That be ing the case he cannot be too careful about unnecessary expenses. Very of ten a few cents properly invested, like buying seed for his garden, will save several dollars' outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamberlain's Co lic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs bnt a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by all drug gists. ' * To Teachers. Extract of an amendment of Section 2, Article 7, of the school law: "Before entering upon his duties as teacher, the holder of any State Certificate shall pre sent the same to the county superintend ent for registration. A fee of one dol lar shall be charged therefor and cou verted into the institute fund." Note: --The five-year certificate has been dis continued. Extract of an amendment of Section 3, Article VII: "It shall be the duty of the county superintendent to grant certificates to such parsons as may, upon due examination, be found qualified. Said certificates shall be of two grades; those of the first grade shall bfr valid in the county for two years, and shall certify that - the person to whom such certificate is given is of good moral character and is qualified to teach orthography, reading in English, penmanship* arithmetic, English gram mar, modern geography, civics, the elements of natural sciences, the history of the United States, the history of Il linois, physiology and the laws of health. Certificates of the second grade shall be valid for one year, and shall certify that the person to whom Mich certificate is given is of good moral character and is qualified to teach orthography, read ing in English, penmanship, arithmetic, English grammar, modern geography, civics, physiology, the history of the United States and the history of Illi nois, • Feel Impending Doow.. The feeling of impending doom in the minds of many victims of Bright's dis ease and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure incipient Bright's disease and diabetiB and .even in the worst cases gives confort and relief. Slight disor ders are cured in a few days. "I had diabets in its worst form," writes Mar ion Lee of Dunreath, Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Q. W. Besley To Township Treasurer* and Trustee*. Amendment of Section 8, Article IV: Township treasurers shall lend, upon the following conditions, all moneys that shall come into their hands by vir tue of their office, except such as may be subject to distribution. The rate of interest shall not be less than four per centum, nor more than seven per cent um, per annum, payable annually, the rate of interest to be determined by a majority of the township trustees at any regular or special meeting of the board. No loan shall be made for less than one year nor for more than five years. All loans shall be secured by mortgage on unincumbered realty situated in this state, worth at least fifty per centum more than the amount loaned, with condition that in case additional secur ity shall be required at any time the same shall be given to the satisfaction of the board of trustees. Provided, how ever, that nothing herein shall prevent the lending of township funds to boards of school directors, taking bonds there for, as provided in section 1, article d, of this act. . ^ |doo has been removed from his ponder- ous shoulders. Mother sample BOWNE vi«: <- . 7 ^ • , . Lt-i ^ Chauiberlaln'H Colic, Cholera aud Diar rhoea Reined y The. Best in Kxi.rwnce. T- M- Wood, manager of the White County News, Beebe, Ark., is a repre sentative southern business man, who does not hesitate in expressing his good opinion.of a well known remedy. He says,""It gives me pleasure to recommend Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, having used it myself and in my family with the best results In fact I believe it is the best remedy of the kind in existence." Sold by all drug gists. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of nniega wise ordered. Try it A Miscellaneous Assortment ft# Kews Items In Condensed Koran For Conren- leline of Unity People. Beautify your oomplexion with little cost. If you wish a smooth, clear, creamlike complexion, ,rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain « Tea, greatest beantifier known. 35 cents. G. W. Besley. The Hebron Tribune started upon vol nm sixteen last week and by the present, outlook of that neat paper it will com plete its sixteenth year of existance more successfully than any before. Since taking charge of the Tribune Guy C. Lemmers has brought the paper, sec ond to none in the county. Nunda Herald: The Saloon Keepers Protective association of McHenry coun ty held a meeting in Algonquin Thurs day. Members were represented from nearly every village in the county. The officers of the association are: Cbas. Hayes, president, Harvard; A. E. Rath- bun, vice president, Algonquin; Jos. Stone, clerk, Woodstock; M D. Weber, treasurer, McHenry. Grayslake Times: The joko is now on Earl Thompson, Dick Evans, Ray Sa- very and Fay Brandstetter, The boys were boat riding Monday evening on Gray 's lake where they accidentally^) rowed up near where some young ladies were in bathing, and the ^irls didn't do a thing but tip over .the"boat and throw the boys into about four feet of water. The result was that* several Grayslake clotheslines were decorated with coats, pants, etc., hanging in the sun, to dry on Tuesday morning. - She was a bright girl and they were at a baseball game. She had won his enthusiastic heart by understanding the game right off, and he lojed her even more than if shfe had been his sister. "It reminds me of the household," he says, "the plate, the batter, the fouls and flies." "And it reminds me of marriage," she said: "First the dia mond, where they are engaged; then the struggle and the hits, when the men go out, and finally the difficulty they have in getting home." Then he sat and thought and thought. The Richmond Missourian says the stingiest man lives in Ray county. He was married by a justice of the peace and paid the bill in turnips. For a wedding trip he took his bride to Rich mond -in a lumber wagon, and for a wedding dinner they ate a dime's worth of bologna and a box of crackers as they walked around the square. Be fore starting home he bought a nickel's worth of candy, and as she opened tht sack to get the second stick he stam mered, "Say, my woman, 'sposin' we save the res« of this here candy for the children." Cary was a busy place Tuesday of last week. Lightning played havoc in the afternoon, killing four horses at Newball's livery ; ripping off the chim ney and part of the roof at George Crab- tree'e residence; frightened a team at tached to an oil wagon, and nearly killed a valuable team of draft horses owned by James Docsey of Gilberts. After the storm had passed and night was des cending upon the peaceful hamlet news of a wreck at the gravel pit was flashed over the wires. Three cars bumped in to an obstruction and Conductor James Morgan in jumping to save bis life, sus tained a broken leg. The lightning struck the chimney of Newball's livery barn and followed the studding down to the basement where it killed one horse near the rear door, skipping Dorsey's team and felling three horses in adjoin ing stalls. The dead animals were val ued at $400 and are fully covered by in surance. The crash which followed the stroke frightened a team attached to the Lenox Oil company's wagon from McHenry and they ran away. Forty rods distant the residence of George Crabtree was damaged by lightning. A bucket brigade was organized w-ml the flames extinguished. Libertyville Independent: Frank J. Ruh, a wealthy Chicago ice man, senior member bf the firm, Frank J. Ruh & Son, with offices at Lake View, has started a village of his own near Ingle side and though he does not plan to rival Zion, in scope nevertheless he will have a town of considarable size in the course of a few years and will like the apostle of Zion hold the whole place in his name. He has acquired much of the land about Duck Lake, in fact practical ly controls the whole lake, having a deed to nearly all the available shore. A number of cottages have been built and when seen recently Mr. Ruh stat ed that he intended in the near future filling in the beach with gravel, thus making a shore that will be second to none. One or two small sail boats and a flotilla of row boats are now tiod to the Ruh landing and according to the projector of the scheme of having a pri vate village he intends to soon own launch to be placed on his own individ ual lake. A spur of the C. M. A St. P. railroad has been built and it is proba ble that the commercial end of the un dertaking will be looked to by the build ing of a large ice house within the year. About a dozen cottages have been built and fully as many more are to be ereot- ed by ^611. It is the plan of Mr. Ruh to lease these to Chicago people but he will not sell. By following this plan it is his belief that he can keep out an un desirable element and vraise his little village to a high moral standard. Duck Lake is situated in almost the center of Grant township and just south of the little thriving village of Ingleside which lias grown up entirely since the C. M & St. P. railroad went through a few years ago. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be diar^n^nnad at the expiration of that time ,unless other wise ordered. Try it TRIP TO BOSTON. (Continued from first page.) SNBk On the first floor are paintings of the angels and heaven and the sky, and on the second are ones of that knight, or whoever he vgps, going to seek for the holy grail,--from the time he was a ba by, and all his experiences. They were beautiful. When we got thru we bad a lovely ride to Revere beach and had a grand time there. We rented some bathing suits the first thing and went in bathing in the ocean. My, bnt it w lovely! I swallowed about a cupful that wasn't so lovely, but it was some thing new. We stayed in abont two hours. The swells came up and nearly lifted us off our feet. Uncled went in too. We each had a small room to onr selves at the bath house. They were well ventilated and fine. The suits were nice, but, dear me, we couldn't keep our stockings on to save our necks. Finally I lost one of mine. Then I took the other off and went without any. When we came in all we bad to do was to put the suits in a heap outside our doors. We staved at Revere noti! nine o'clock and got home at half past nine I started for home the next day (Tues day) at ten and got here at three, was arlad to, get back, but I have fead a fine time. ' The Good Old Way. A severe cold or attack of la gripjie is like a fire, the sooner yon oOmbat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treat ment such as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's German Syrnp, which was always lib erally used in connection with the home treatment of colds and is still in greater housbold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the old-fashioned aids German Syrup will ure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It relieves the congested or gans, allays the irritation, and effect ively stops the cough. Any child will take it _ It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial size bottle, 36c; reg ular size, 75c. For sale by all drugists. University of IllinAls. To the west ot the campus of the Uni versity of Illinois, near the ball ground, there stands a red honse of historic int erest. In the early days of the Univers ity there assembled here the first classes in shop work that ever met under the auspices of any American institution. This building was UBed as the mechan ical shop for instruction in engineering and woodwork, and is, therefore, the first building devoted to purposes of this kind. In 1871 a more substantial shop was erected by the University, and for years it served the purpose both of a technical laboratory and a drill hall. Some years ago this building was de stroyed, but the original structure in which work of this kind was done still remains, although it has passed out of the possession of the University. To-day the institution has one of the finest technical equipments in the country, the latest addition being in the shape of an ample testing laboratory for the en gineering work. Bent Her Double. "I knew no one for four weeks, when was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Annie Hunter of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." Guaran teed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at N. H. Petesch's and Jnlia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores; price 60c. The North-Western Line. One of the most interesting series of articles on the subject of the great rail way of the country that has appeared recently, is from the pen of Frank H. Spearman, recently published in the Saturday Evening Post, and since prin ted in book form by Scribners. The chapter descriptive of the Chicago & North-Western Ry. has been published by the passenger department of that line in phamphlet form for general disoript- ion, and will be sent to any address on receipt of 2 cents for postage. Ang. 5. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris is that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If yon fear consump tion or pneumonia, it will, however, be best for you to take that great remedy mentioned fry W. T. McGee of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, which gave in stant relief and effected a permanent cure." Unequaled quick cure for Throat and Lung Troubles. At N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHen ry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores; price 6O0 and $1.00, guaran teed. Trial bottle free. DO YOU GET OP WITH A LAME BACK? TroBblc Hakes Ton Miserable. . Almost everybo< papers is sure to \l >1 The Fisherman's Special, Chtoafo North-Western Railway. The fast train leaves Chicago at 5:00 p. m. and reaches the fishing and hunt ing grouuds of the North Woods next morning in time for early breakfast, Pullman sleeping cars through without change from Chicago to the hundreds of lakes and summer resorts in northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Special low rate ticket on sale daily. For free copy of booklet "The Fisherman's Special" and other phamphlets address, W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago. One dose of Pineules taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of backache before-morning. Pine nles is a certain cure for all kinds of bladder and kidney troubles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. r who reads the news- mow of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every caste that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous effer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- J^amton, N* Y. The regular fifty cent and Home o« Swamp-Root, dollar si<.rs are sold by all good druggists, Dont make any mistake, but remm ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Want Column. All advertisement* inserted under this head at the following-rates: Hi> lln,>s or less, 2ft cent* for flrst Insertion; 10 cents for earh subsequent Insertion. f> ( fi'th a line for first Insertion, .and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. T°gT--Between Plstakee Bay and McHenry u i a ,i%(? !, urK'1' a dark scray coat, brown check. Under please leave at this office and receive reward. TWINING HALL on fair grounds^ Wood- Y stock. III., completely furnished, for rent fair week, August 30 to September 1; big pror- [\ for right party. M. Zimplemahn, . Supt. of Privileges. Marengo, 111. F°S -- SA.LE--Two horses, 1 cow, tread power and circular saw. M. A. Howkxl,. 5-t,f XX7AN TED--Good, strong boy, 14 or 15 years * old, willing to work, to assist with work Ho»e11 s Villa. $12 to|14 per month. Call at Villa or telephone2#l. A BARGAIN--For sale, the Hue 200-acre P. J. Cieary farm, two miles south of town. The best dairy, grain and stock farm in coun ty. Al buildings, orchard. Fox riverfront- age, rich land; tenants grew rich in purse. Owner intends to leave and will sell. 5-3t 8iiion Stoftbl. "I^OR SALE AT A BARGAIN--The Wind farm of 130 acres. 4^4 miles west of town, on good road. Good land, buildings, timber, orchard, small fruit, spring. Must be sold ;it once to close estate. Simon Stoffbl. DEAL ESTATE--I have several desirable -•-v pieces of property for sale in the village of McHenry and on the river, including resi- enee pi'operi.y ana cnoice lots, urnplute making a p It may be to your advantage, 48-tf if you con urchase, gi ve me a call. Jos. Heimkb, McHenry, III. TpOR SALE--One new rubber tired buggy -1- and one new surrey. Will be closed out at cost for cash. Write T. J. Walsh, 830 Ham lin Ave., Evanston, Illy or inquire af Block & Bkthke, McHenry. 111. ^-srt* TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-My double store building and lots, situated in West McHenry, III. This property Is in tirst-class condition and repair and consists of double stores with dwelling rooms overhead; two lots extending entire length of block. Will sell entire property at a figure very near what it would cost to build building, or trade same for small dwelling in McHenry. For condi tions and terms inquire of B. Gilbert, West McHenry, or Gilbert Bros., McHenry. 48tf Don't forget the ' 'want ad " colutun t one of the moifc profitable crop $| • Ind the surest, :;f|l farmer can raise* Most successful ifi the 5outh W£:£t AH about it If you write to Win. "! Nicholson, General Colonizat ion Agent, A. T. & 8. F. Ky.. 1117 , Railway Exchange, Chicago. . - •' . y 7 C . »• lit aim How dDout your Meat? Have you been served with good meats? If so, all riuht. But if to the contrary, don't forget that we never fail to . please our trade. We carry constantly on hand a choice line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. We also carry a full line of Canned Good and sell them at the lowest prices possible so as to keep in pace with the world. We do not believe in giving away goods, bnt we do believe in giving our patrons their mon ey's worth. We always pay the highest market prices for porkers. Give us a call and yon will receive your money's worth. A. C* MATTHEWS, TEL. 802. WEST If'HENRY. i|ii> n mm ii> if jj i.M i z1 's*r. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, Mid does a «EMMl BANKING BUSINESS, We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our eare in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan MdttY on real estate and other first class security. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE , in Birst Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully V PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* .(EfilERVIUL, fl eat M arket I & * Vb »y * m m m m m * 9 - | Chas. G. Frett, Prop. W • . s ... m f: » ; m m * « m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m * % It is unnecessary for us to tell " the buyers of meat that we ard here with the goods--this tbey all know, but do you know that, our home-made sausage is just the thing that is making us so popular? There is a great de mand for these goods and we're daily sending away vtery much pleased customers with these goods. Our meat line is nlwaya kept in first-class condition, so when yon plan yonr meals don't forget that we are stili doing business. (enterviiie Neat Market, McHenry, - Illinois. We handle the Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.50 up. Also hrf^e a complete line of needles and repairs. Sewing MaLch.in.es! Come inland let us show you our $ia.oo and up Sewing ma chines. Ten-year guarantee with each and every one of them. N.A. West ncHenry, 111. iMiimmiiawinmiii ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY Professional* Society V A.nd Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST: < * Office and residence corner Elm an<t%£ Green streets, Mc Heury. > "u • " ^ -- -> 5 FEGEItS & FEU EES »»,, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHenry" \ 01-. „ Officeut Residence,cornerOourtanft "* Elm streets. Telephone 333. F. C. ROSS. £>. D. si Offlce over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO HODBRN DENTISTRY Office Telephone 274; Residence 308. I' Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting^ ' Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m^; #i ; DR.R.G. CHAM BERLIN - DENTIST. Office and Residence over Bcsley's Drag Sterol Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. M *WB8T MCHKNHY. ItL, 'Phone^iM^ S T O F F K L ' S B ' ' ; J. M. IARS0R, M.D_ B.S, *£ , * v -••1 West McHihrv . -• ILUKOIS Goo, • Ge"®"*! Teamiiq;, ; ̂ '-m of all kinds. , , > Extavating and Grading. ncHENRY - - - - - ILLINOISrX Telephone No. *93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. Wert McHenry, Illinois BaniC ConL .te lit- mtt||V AND An Improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. tn*an4 ky PIHEULt MEDICINE C0.,CUm*.U.IJL Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McOenry. KILL THE COUCH AND OURE THE LUNGS WH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C ONSL'MPTION Pries OUGHSantf 60c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. HOLLISTERfk iiocky Mountain Ted Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Busy People. Bringu Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. MTMtciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Lire •y Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impur <1. Baa Breath, SI uppish Bowels. Headach ' Wackacht). It'8 Rocky Mountain Tea In tno torm, 3S cents a box. Genuine made bj 1.M8TEK Dana Company, Madison, Wis. ' HEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACf COMPANY. OFFICE with American National E W<KKlstock. 111. Abstracts of title and veyanclng. Money to loan on real estate sums of $500 to 110,000, time and payment suit oorrower. FRANK BUHlf PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWAR! House unci Sign Painting and all Interior Dcei#? orating. Residence nortli town Hue one blocK*' west of I'ivtii'. McHenry, - - . Illinois R . H . O W E N ' ' t'iaoos for sale and rent. Tuning andrepStr • lng at reasonable prices. , First class Work only. l^LINCilt. McHF.NHV, M E T H O t > r s ¥ c m j R c r i . Skhvicks-- Prcacn.» g 11:30 a. m. aud rvi Other Sabbath evcuii. .it 7:45, beginnin*' O tpber 30. Sunday school at 11:4*. Epv.or League preceding preaching service at 1 p. i When ther«T is no preaching, at, 7:30. I'ray met tiog Wednesday evening at 7:30. KEY, J. M. COUMACK. Ifct&ur. ' tJNIVERSALIST CUUROH. Regular services Sunday at 10:30 a. "in. anil 7:30 e. m. Sunday school. 11:45 a.m. Every body cordlHlly invited. Kkv. a. Roberts Pastor. Have you seen LAMBERT Q. SENG'S NEWLY •M OECORATEll BUFFET^ AX 92 Fifth Av*. C h i c a g op Illinois. I Tel. Main 1714. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Debignb .... Copyrights Ac. Anvone sending a sketch and description may cmlekly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents «entfr«e. OifU'Mt af-'oncy for secnnnK,patentb. Patents taken through Muun & Co. receive meclal notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsonielv lllnstrnted weekly. I,arcest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, *.! a year; four monf lis, $1. .Sold bya'.l newsdealers. MUNN & CO 'Broadway, New York Branch Offlce. (526 F 8t- Washington. D C Promptly obtained, v» SO nUM'UKMEMK. OurOM«OU«I THS LOWEST. Send model, photo or slutch for expert search nod free report on pateotatriHty. HmtMOCMKffT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through a*. ADVER TISED and SOLD, free- TWAD«-MARKS, fllf •IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office* WA8HIWOTOM. P. C. FEE RETURNED. D-SWIFTs® Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 21. 1905. WBEK DAY TRAINS. Ohi?«M?L nobthboond " 05 a m Via Elgin s.4.*> a m........,Yla Dos Plaines .... 2.30 p m... Via Elgin l.OOp m Via l>es Plaines...., 3.4ft p Hi Via Oes Plaines 4.00 -p as.,, , .-Vin -E^rt .... 4.57 p m Via Des Plaines •Saturday only. 81TVDAT TRAINS. ...Via 1 >»ks Plaines .... .Via Elgin ..Via I>es Plaines Via Elgin Witt DAY TRAINS. * SOUTH BOUND, ...Via Des Plaines PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM - --»«• aad beautifiar the h Proinutfli a luxuriant growth. TaiU to Beotore Ghnv Hair to tta Yonthfal OolorT Cure* scalp diseawv ft hair fallii» MgudJUjUitt ri 8.00 a m-- 8.45 am. -• 9.10 am... 2.08pm -- Leave McHenry, tT.12 am.. 7.25am Via Elgin 8.32am.. Via Des Plaines..... 4.23pm .Via Des Plaines.. . . 4.23 p m Via Elgin ,f.. 8.17 n m Via Des Plaines ;... -tMonday only. [ • SUNDAY TRAINS, 7.sam Via Elgin. 7.08 p m Via D«s Plaines 7.4# p m Via l»es Plaines IJUpm Via El* la. ........ Arrive McHenry. ...10.10a ni ...10.10 a in ....2 ">0 p iu <. t.3T p m :..4.4.» p m r^t®.40 p ni . . • - 4 0 p m * « v ..^i.37 am ..11.14 a m ..11.14 am 4.50pm Arrive , Chicago. . a m ..10.10 a m .9.35 a m ni ...|.T0pm ..10.2f> a m; .. 8.25 p n »' pu»