Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1905, 5 000 5.pdf

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' T f f t > ; \ • w ™ f • r v ? ; # * 1 A " - * , 7r^^'mh\^ >/j^ n.r ""\ . /J-', «̂̂ î ..fKvr^r\^^rr*'i'"*;r", .*".; -T" r>"" "~x" * "'7T'" ->'7- ;y" "' 'V *" %"l J «. /*,- Don't forget that we handle a very com­ plete line of Lumber of every description and everything necessary with which to '.'.$&S We always strive to please our customers and are ever ready and anxious to fulfill their wants. So bear in mind that we are .the Building Supply Headquarter^ I- Our Feed Department is always complete. " WILBUR LUMBER CO., WEST McHERNY, ILLINOIS. \NEIGHBORTNG NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS MAPLE CITY ti Wl/fr IfVhy is it so many women write 'us they cannot get the same results from ^ other soap? Try it and you will know. Jos. H. Muemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and TreaA Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagona,..-- Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mill^" Well Supplies, Harness Oi|» Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. mimiwumiMi •--jinrtiimmMi------ friNklia mm M W«rks! ; l am agent for the a bo TO. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck toy lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call and get full particulars!* <i€KHl BiKkS&iitliin* Prices always Harper n Every Tongue.1 m m • 8 m * « Crystal drops from golden grain; pure and mellow, rick and fra- * S arrant: the ideal stimulant for universal use. J .... SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. P H I L I P J A E Q E R l F ^NERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Dressed Beef, riuttbn, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on f£ H application. " i • COLD STORAGE FRB8 l' Stall • & 3, fufton St. f; Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. R m & THAT'S THE: NAME:! Best line of Groceries in Town. Also a fine line of Fruits. frbn Sfoffel. West flcHenry, 111. v ^ ^ '*,v? PUMP PilPSPifi We are now prepared to do your washing and do it in first-class style. Our plant is now in first-class running order and we are anxious to show the peo­ ple of McHenry and vicinity the kind of work we capable of turning out Give us a trial ot onoer THE MtHEKRY STEAM LAUNDRY, M. L. VAN NATTA, Manager. THIS OFFICE FOR JOB WORK, UMOWOOD. Dtiane Bell is quite sick atfthis writ ing. John Gets visited with friends in Chi­ cago Sunday. Levi Waterman still continue* to re­ main quite sick. The farmers in this section are busy cutting their grain. Several from here were at Pistakee Bay last Saturday evening. Ernest Engalls of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives in Ring wood. Miss Lora Dodge spent part of last week with relatives at Park Ridge. Dell Whiting and family are enter­ taining relatives from Chicago this week P. M. McGarry took a load of wheat to the Wanconda mill last Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Halton, of Columbus, Ohio. Chas. Stevens and sister, Miss Zilla, of Elgin are visiting with relatives at Ringwood. Miss Gertie Wolkos is entertaining her sister and gentleman friend of Mil waukee, Wis. Misses Erma Watson and Dora Coates have gone to Beloit, Wis., for a visit with relatives. Miss Nellie Noonan spent several days of last week with her brother and family at Carpentersville. Misses Grace, Erma and Blanch Carey -of Wilmot, Wis., are visiting with the .tlisses Carey here this week. Ed. Gannon and sons, John and Law rence, of Chicago spent Wedneedayklast with Jake Adams and family. Miss Jennie Barnes, who has been vis­ iting the past two weeks with Miss Edith Tuttle, returned to her home in Marengo last Monday morning. Miss Gertie Wolkos entertained abont twenty-five of her friends last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shales. Those who attended re­ port a fine time. The lightning struck a pine tree last Friday morning which stood within a few feet of Tom Carr's residence and the following evening a tree standing about the same distance from Clayton Harrison's house was struck. Is not that near enough? Grandma Burah, who has been spend­ ing the past several months withMr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrison and family, left for her old home in Missouri July 25. She was accompanied by her grandson, Raymond Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrison accampanied them as far as Chicago. The original is always the best--imi­ tations are cheap. Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It is different from all others--it is better than all others be­ cause it cures all coughs and colds and leaves the system stronger than before. The letter B in red is on every package. Sold by N. H. Pes teach, McHenry, G., W. Beeley, West McHeny. RUHIEFIKIOJL •;* Rev. W. R. Shell was in Nnnda Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Kline were in Nnnda Monday. R. L. Dufield was in Cary on business Monday. W. Smith of Elgin spent Sunday with his mother. Miss Emma Eichkoif was la Wood­ stock Saturday. A. Skinner and S. Reed wan in Woodstock Tuesday. Louis Goddard visited relatives at Greenwood last week. The W. C. T. U. meets Tuesday, Aug. 15, with Mrs. EL Smith. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son, Roy, were in Nnnda Monday.*" Geo. Zoch of Green Bay is doing night operating here at present Mm. Lemmers of Woodstook is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Mrs. E. W. Merchant and children of Richmond are visiting her parents. Geo. O'Leary of Chicago spent Sun­ day with Geo. Dooiittle and family."' Miss Edith Jenks of Elgin is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. 8. Wakefield. _ Miss K. O'Flaherty of Chicago is vis­ iting her mother, Mrs. Geo. Dooiittle. Miss Dora Grant of Chicago is spend, ing the week with Miss K. O'Flaherty. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skinner and sons of Nunda visited at R. L. Dufield's Sun­ day. Irene Jayne of Woodstock is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mnnroe. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson and children visited with relatives at Ringwood last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shelt and daugh­ ter, Nettie, are visiting relatives at Elkhart, Ind. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. R. L. Dufield Thursday aft­ ernoon, Ang. 10. » Mrs. E. W. Merchant and children and Mim Lolo Lynch called on friends in Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. J. B. Liynch and daughter, Mad- alene, returned Wednesday from a three-weeks' visit in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shelt visited from Thursday until Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westerman at Capron. Mrs. J. B. Lynch entertained the T. A. C.'s Tuesday evening, from 7:80 un­ til 9. Light refreshments were served after the business part of the T"«>*t'pg Misses Ruby and Rhoda Knilans en­ tertained the Pleasure club at their home last Tuesday evening. Refresh­ ments were served after any jsmm had been played. Twenty children met at the home of Madalene Lynch Monday afternoon and gave her a very pleasant surprise. Many games were played and then sup­ per was served on the lawn, to the great delight of the children. Dance at the Lily Lake Parte pavilion to-morrow (Friday) evening. Altai* in­ vited. JOHNSBURGH. Geo. Nell spent Monday in Chicago. . John J. Sohaefer Chicagoed Monday. Wm. Althoff entertained relatives Sunday. Maggie King is visiting relatives in Chicago. . Fr. Barbian was a business caller here Saturday. J. Cox from Chicago visited here last Thursday. C. M. Adams was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Jacob Freund and wife were callers here Sunday. Wm. Hay of Spring Grove visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rothermei visited here Tuesday. John V. Freund of Spring Grove vis- Gertrude Ruenz was the guest of Miss Diedrich Sunday. iting here Sunday. Frank Barbian of McHenry was a visitor here Friday, Mrs. M. B. Schaefer called on Mrs. Kate Rouen Monday. Lena Schmitt entertaihed her friend, Anna Justen, Sunday. Frank Schnmacher of Spring Grove was a caller here Snnday. Mrs. Lou Althoff of Kenosha visited with relatives here thiB week. Henry Smith from Chicago has been staying here for several weeks. Jos. H. Hnemann and daughter, Mag­ gie, were windy city visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ered Hnemann drove through here to Pistakee Bay Sunday. Mrs. Joe. Miller and son, Joe, visited at Mrs. John J. Miller's McHenry F|ri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber of Spring Grove visited at J. C. Debrecht's Snn­ day. Messrs. Kohlander, Johnson and Kruger visited at Geo. Nell's over Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and chil­ dren visited Snnday at John Pitsen's at Volo. Mrs. John P. Lay. entertained some of her friends Wednesday in her new home. Miss Rosa Lay boarded the train for Chicago Monday morning at Spring Grove. Mrs. Nick Freund of Chicago spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. C, M. Adams. Mrs. Frank Young and daughter, An­ na, of Spring Grove visited at Nic. Hay's Tnesday. Mrs. Barbara Schmitt and Mrs. Anna Freund visited at Anton Meyer's Wednesday. R. E. Truitt of the Alma Mfg. Co. of Chicago is transacting business at Jos. H. Huemann's. Misses Aunie and Katie Freund of Chicago and uncle, Nick Hnemann, of McHenry visited here Sunday. Mrs. Kate May and Mary Freund of Chicago and Mrs. Margaret Schaefer were Pistakee Bay visitors Monday. The children of Anton Meyers had a family rennion Sunday. Those who were there are as follows: Messrs. and Mesdames Jacob Justen, Hubert Freund, Frank Schnmacher. Joe. Mil­ ler, John Meyers, Fred Meyers, Math May, Peter May and children. BAKKKV1LLK. John Gibbe, Sr.. has gone to Missouri to visit friends. Clark Jacobs of Nunda was a caller in this vicinity Monday. Miss Rose Coates of Ringwood visited friends here the first of the week. Mrs. Hunter and daughter, Edna, were callers at their farm Tuesday. Chss. Gibbs of Chicago was calling on his parents and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frisby have gone to Chicago to spend the Bummer. Mrs. Gibbs and daughter, Mary, were callers at J. Fleming's Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt of Nnnda spent a few days last week at Wm. Van Natta's. Misses Clara Thompson and Nellie GHswold called at J. Fleming's Tuesday evening. Miss Bertha Wingate spent Snnday with her brother, Clyde, and wife at Prairie Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta of Emerald Park spent Friday at Wm. Van Natta's, Sr. Thos. Thompson entertained his broth­ er, Chss., and wife of Greenwood Tnes­ day of last week. A few of Geo. Knaack's friends gave him a pleasant surprise last Thursday' evening at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilmington and granddaughter of Nnnda spent Sunday at H. Wilmington's. Richard and Ed. Fleming Mid John Pettibone of Chicago were Snnday visit­ ors at John Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Howard and son, Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Lon Howard and son of Elgin were calling on rela­ tives here last Monday. Misses Clara Thompson and Nellie Griswold and Messrs. Robt Thompson and Ed Nelson visited at Chas. Thomp­ son's at Greenwood Monday afternoon. John Fleming recently purchased a swell new rubber-tired carriage and a new harness of Throop & Thompson of Nunda. He now has the finest turnout in the vicinity. Thos. Thompson left Monday for a trip thru S. Dakota. Before returning, he will visit his brother, John, at Lan­ sing, Mich. He will be accompanied by his brother. Chas., of Greenwood. One doee of Pineules taken at bedtime, will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of backache before morning. Pine­ ules is a certain cure for all kinds of bladder and kidney troubles. Sold by N. H. Peteseh, McHenry, G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. ,,} " 'ta Some HARNESS is hard on a Horse and pocket. Doesn't fit animals of normal shape and it is of such poor quality that it wears out before giving an adequate return for its cost. Our Harness is of the other sort. Lasts longer than the horse will. Made of the best leather and trimmings and made to fit. .Strain is equally divided and every part f train. Xosts no mere than "cheap" Our business men should begin at onoe to prepare for their displays for the county fsir. VOIAK J. D. Gift was a McHenry visitor Sun day.' W. D. Moore was C^XcHenry caller Friday. : Ray Paddock was a Chicago visitor Friday. Clyde Wright was a McHenry caller Sunday. Chas. Parker was a Wanconda caller Saturday. Peter Miller of McHenry was in town this week. Mr. and Mts. Sable were McHenry callers Friday. \ . Frank Kraft of Waukegan was a Vo­ lo caller Sunday. Mrs. Mary Walton of Fort Hill spent Sunday at home. Wm. Moore was a Grayslaka caller on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray called on Volo friends Snnday. Earl Townsend of Round Lake called on friends here recently. Miss Hellen Raymond has been spend­ ing a few days in Grant Miss Maude Walton is visiting friends at Liberty ville this week. Mrs. C. Dryer and son, George, were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dove of Wancon­ da were Volo callers Sunday. MiBs Mary Raught and W ill Seiger were Wauconea callers Snnday.- S. J. Russell and daughter, Nettie, were McHenry callers Saturday. Miss Anna Miller is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. A. Miller. Wm. Sexton and brother, Jake, are visiting friends in Volo this week. Mrs. E. Stone and son of Wanconda are visiting her parents this week. Miss Laura Smith of Mendota, 111., is visiting her sister, Miss Elsie Smith. Jesse Simpson of McHenry is visiting at the home of his nude, H. Gardinier, Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, were Gray slake visitors Friday. Misses Maude Walton and Hellen Ray­ mond were recent Grayslake callers. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hnson of Griswold Lake spent Friday at Mrs. L. Hnson's. Mrs. John Walton and daughter, Elsie, were Grayslake callers Tuesday. Peter Meyers left Volo last week for an Extended visit with relatives in Can ada. Miss Hellen Raymond spent a few dayB with Mrs. A. Townsend at Round Lake. (juite a number Voloitee attended the illumination at Pistakee Bay Satnrday evening. Mrs. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago is spending a few days with Harry Nich­ olls and family. Mrs. N. Kretchmer and daughter, Mrs. Hendee of Grayslake, were Volo callers Tnesday. Mrs. Wm. England of Wanconda spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher. Miss Ella Moore has returned home after a visit with friends and relatives at Gilberts and Udma. C. G. Brainerd is carrying mail on route number 1 while Miss M. Eatinger is taking a week's vacation. C. G. Huson and family have moved to Liberty ville where he has purchased a fine new home. He will be missed as a kind and accommodating neighbor. Mesdames Albert and Ambrose Raught, A. J. Raymond and Geo. Wait attended a meeting of the Grant Ceme­ tery society at Grayslake last Thursday.. OKGENWOOD. - Elmer Westerman made a trip to Solon Monday. L. H. Ward of Woodstook visited friends here over Sunday. Harvest time is upon us and the song of the reaper is heard in the land. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson of Solon visited at the home of Mrs. Mary Mans­ field Sunday. Mrs. P. W. Martin of Ostend called on her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Mansfield, Snnday afternoon. Miss Mary Thomas has returned from Hebron where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Lou Pelet Mr. and Mrs. Jnd Dygert of Wood­ stock visited at the home of their son, Guy, of this place, Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goddard vis­ ited with their daughter, Mrs. Irwin Dygert, of Hebron Sunday. Will Crnikshank had the misfortune of driving a horseshoe nail throngh his hand Monday morning inflicting a very painful wound. He was immediately taken to Woodstock where the injured member received prompt medical treatment. 'Tis doing as well as can be expected. Dick Wilson and lady friend drove to Lake Geneva Tuesday and on returning home in the evening were surprised to find the home of the former in posses­ sion of a large company of friends who had assembled in honor of Mr. Wilson's twenty-first birthday. The guests pre­ sented him with a fine Morris chair Ice cream was served and all enjoyed a pleasant evening. For young and old the beet pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system ana tone the liver. Sold by N. H. Pet­ eseh, MoHenry, G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. HOLCOMBVILL^. G. Weidner of Marengo drove here Monday. • .... •.„••• Will Doherty waa a Nnnda visitor Monday. • / Mrs. Henry McMillan and daughters were Terra Cotta callers Wednesday evening. . . U. Thos. Thompson wii' ;fr-" caller at F.: Davoll's Sunday. : Thoe., Fred and James Powers were Woodstock visitors Friday. Miss Laura Mason returned to her home in Richmond Sunday. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday evening here. Miss Ada Kane is assisting Mrs. James Powers with her house work. John and Martin Anderson visited iu Chicago the latter part of the week. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and children and Mrs. E. Flanders were Nnnda visitors Thursday. Mrs. H. McMillan and children and Mrs. B. F. Peck were Nunda^ callers Thursday. Dre. Hull of Nunda and Wells of Mc­ Henry were callers in this vicinity last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and little daughter spent Saturday and Sun­ day at Spring Grove. Mrs. Murry of Chicago and Miss Nancy Frisby from near McHenry were Sunday visitors at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Pinesalve contains the antiseptic prop erties of the native pin^and is a sure enre for sunburn, tan, tetter, eczema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. Sold by N. H. Peteseh, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Methodist Kpltcopal Church SerrloM, Preaching 10:80 a. m. Sunday school 11:45 a. m. Baraca Bible class 11:46 a. m. Epworth league. ;. .7:80 p. m. REV. D. M. SINCLAIR, Pastor. EMERY L. KIMBALL, Supt. The most pleasant and positive cure for indigestion, heartburn and £11 stom­ ach troubles is Ring's Dyspepsia Tab­ lets. They aid digestion, tone and strengthen the stomach. Sold by N. H. Peteseh, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Brothers (onpy >MSS§ IBIS Combination BRIGHTS DISEASE Many people who arc neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's^Disease, which is kidney trouble ia one of its worst forms. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE •tops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid­ neys so they will perform their functions pro^rly. Healthy kid­ neys strain out the impurities f r o m t h e b l o o d a s i t p a s s e s through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing d i z z i n e s s , b a c k a c h e , s t o m a c h trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak­ ing FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight dis­ order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. Now to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kid* Beys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. «. I. Baphaaa TeeftKlea After Fear Years. ft. k. Mast of CarlHte Cecter, N. Y„ writes: "About four years ago I wrote you statins' 1 kad been entirely cured of * severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley s yruinif Cure. It entirely stopped the brick- doat sediment and pain una symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. 1 am glad to say that l have never had a return of any of titoee symp­ toms during the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any eM suffering from kidney or bladdertroubie. SHO AID KGQIHIEIftEB BY G. W. BESLEY, W. McB£>TBY. 251b best H, & K Gran. Sugar 3 packages best Corn Starch Gallon Pail fan­ cy Table Syrup 2 pounds Fancy Seeded Raisins. 3 pack'gs Gold­ en Breakfast .«. Jl.00 25c 25c 25c 25c ALL FOR...$2.00 fvery Article (jwrintttfl COMPANY. OUR HOODS m OUR PRICIS!! We wish to call the attention of the meat buying puplic to the fact that our goods and our prices are what we baee our success upon. We handle a complete line of meats of every description at all times and are only too glad to fill your orders with the kind of goods that look so tempting when served at your dinner table. We also carry in stock a fine line of canned goods. Fresl Briery fvery toy!: If there is anything yon may need in the bakery line we can also fur­ nish you, as we always carry a fresh line.. Call as ap by 'phone and your orders will be promptly filled. J. ADAMS & SONS, West rtcHenry, III. Telephone 4S5. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes anrt sites. Sev- er:il prevjfs to seWt from. Each do4- eu finisliwi in different styles. Price, J8.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as grtmp pictures, views ofbuildiugs, cattle, mai hiuery. «tc. Enlargements. Copied from auT smalt picture. Likeness guaranteed iu every instance. Finished in black ami white or colors. Frames. A variety of styies in stock to select from. Odd made up for any siie picture, certificate, Waukec&u St., near the Stand. WIST MeHENHV. ILL. TalepKona. 4>5 5 i Ifjyoa wan* dr«gs, go to PatcsefeV £±i

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