Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1905, p. 7

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KALAMAZOO DIRECT TO YOU. Dent buy • MMg* or (tore of any kind until yo* r»i oar r*»*lo*u« and Lnml ifyomdo ant todyoorpurehwexactly wwpmiitrt, remra It tt onr expense. R«oiexnbfrt vc an Mtoal nuofkctaren-- not null ord«r detlers--and (It* you the lowest factory prim*. W Par Tto W« doiibtleea ean re far y»u to rationed ourtotnem la yoorown town. «»•< NmlUfaf hre»uii|iii »«. IIO. Is describM ®w stovw and raagw. iwl car --My-wttg, direct-from-the-lactury plan. KALAMAZOO STOVI COMPANY. MMVriCTVRIM, KALAMAZOO. MiCHICAM. AM «wfc mm mHatHtfySm* y»ii>l it.1 hBifl i»h[ mtj- ' OTSK TBBRMOKKBK. Beautify Your alls and Ceilings! \a\>aslVtM A Rock Canes! L°d bl.ait" tints. Does not rob or scale. Destroys dis­ ease germs and vermin. No washing of Halls after once applied, Any on* can brush it on--mix with cold water. Other finishes, bearing fanciful names and mixed with either foot or cold water, do not have the cementing property of Alabaatine. They are stack on with glue, or other animal matter, which rots, feeding? disease germs, rubbing, Healing and spoiling walls, cloth- jnjfs etc. 8uch Finishes must be washed ott every year--expensive, filthy work. Buy ^labuKtine only in Ave pound pack­ ages, properly labeled. Tint card, pretty wall and ceiling design, 44 Hints on Decorating" and our artists' serTlCM IB ; -Making color plans, free. ALABAStlNE CO, Cm! Rapids, Micb„ or 105 Water St. N. W. L. DOUGLAS *3'£?& *3= SHOES kn W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Lln« cannot be equalled at any price. JTVWH/GLJJ SHOES ALL PRICES .uoo Established July «,!**• E* MAMUFAOTVRER, tin nnn REWARD to anyone who cm 9I U)UUU diiprov. this itatonwnt. W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes have by their ex> Calient style, easy fitting, and superior wearing yulltlM, achieved the largest sale si any $3.50 alne hi the world. They are lust as good as thosa that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 -- the only difference Is the price. If I could take you into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one roof making men's fine shoes, aad show you the care with which every pair el Douglas shoes u matic, you wouia reaiize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are the best shoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between the ide la my factory and those of other •lakes, you would understand why Douciatf $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their naps, fit better, wear jvngcr, ana are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market to-day. IK L Doug/am Mtrmita Madm MOM tor SzJSî VA S2&.&.SfiS CAUTION.--Insist upon having W.L.Doug- laS shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine Without hie name and price stamped on bottom. WANTED. A shoe dealer in every town where W. L. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of Samples sent free for inspection upon request fast Color Eyelets used; they witI not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Pall Stylos, • W. L.DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass- An Income For Life Can be secured by the purchase of one thousand •hares or more of the Dlauiuntl Vale Coal and Iron Mines Ltd., which owns and operates over J9.200 acres of the richest cosl laadi In BrltUh Columbia. The following Is s statement of dividends paid by the Crow's Meat Pass Coal Campsny Ltd., in four years: 190 1 (242,705.50 190 2 2rni.imo.iio ; 1903 8lM.71J.38 1904 347.807.-25 Total In four years... «l,141,230. U Undistributed profits for 1904, $803,320.44. Vie shall he pleased to mall, entirely without expense or obligation. a handKome brochure * m- talnlng full and accurate data relative to cdal mining lu the Nicola aud Slmllkalneeu Districts, BrltlHh Columbia. A limited amount of stock is offered at par (II) and the opportunity presented Is one that offers Tun seldom. For nmp-t, prospectuses aud full Information address either THE DIAMOND VALE COAL & IRON MINES Ltd. 414 Seymour St., Vancouver, 8. C, Or our New York Representative, Robertfi. Ruxton, Banker, 32 Brosdway.New York. THIRTY YEARS IN SENATE, John T. Morgan of Alabama Has Wad ^ Many Terms. Oner of the most wonderful men in the United States senate is John T. Morgan of Alabama. He is 81 years old, and two years from this time he will complete thirty years' continuous service in the senate. During the re­ cent short session he spoke for more than four hours for two successive days. The physical effort of speaking for four hours on one day is more than many senators care to attempt. On every foreign subject he knows all there is to know and has the knowl­ edge at command without reference to books or documents. No other man knows so much about the- isthmian ca­ nal. Once some one asked how long he could really talk. "It depends upon the subject," he replied. "If it were a matter that I thoroughly understand I could talk for two or three days; If it were a matter I knew nothing about I > ^ouldr talk for two or three weeks." DONT MIS8 THIS. PATH OF ECLIPSE OF SUN AUGUST JO. FOR WOMEN taeobled with ills peculiar to . their sex. used AS a douche is maxvelousTy »uc- asssfol. thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs. Slop* discharges, heals inflammation and local "paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pure anter, and ia far more cleansing, healing, germicuUl jad economical than liquid antiaeptits for all ^ TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES i For sale at druggists, SO cents a box. ; Trial Bo* and Book of Instructions Pres. <|MK n, PAXTON COMEAWT aoa-row. MA--. KBAI' P_8TATK'_ An - fany PSRRAIMC 65 acres, nearly all im- v ARM DHRWtina proved: heavy tand loam; Srailroads, 2 rural routes, telephone In house; fine location, good buildings, good water. Rteefcwlndmlil; near school. Price S2.800. J.IHeral terms arrane. d. 67 H. TK1PP, Laingaburg, Bhiayaaree Co., Mich. MEAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- Sallre County, Missouri, the center of the famous agricultural dis­ trict. Farms for sale here from T40 to SUM per acie. Also have for sale and exchange farms and ranches S4peracreup; clt.v properties and business oppor- Mnltte. located all over the IT. f*. Sinai I cash piiy- ments, balance time. If you want to buy or sell write me. 8. R. SALTONSTALL, Slater, Mo. SSXTEEn SECTiuri RANCHES high grade cattle, at S3.50 per acre. I.tberai terms. Tracts of 80 ~Ut 50,000 acres at price* ranging' fn m n to 915 per acre that is as g.-'d agricultural land as you are pay­ ing from »5t»to 9200 for. Write us what size tract you want; we will give vou full particulars. Lewis A Robertson. Sweetwater, Texas- SOUTH DAKOTA 25 »»!£ farms and stock ranches in the corn belt of South Dakota consisting of 880 acres of rich Hack soli i and an abundance of pure spring water. 130 acres Wider cultivation; good s'x-room house, barn. shed*, ftaced and cross-fenced. This Is a aaap for one vqjh0 wants SOMETHING GOOD cheap. Call on it write M. C. FELKSR, Chamberlain. S. D- PISO S CURE FOR la time. Bold 1»T druagUta- C O N S U M P T I O N w* m: A Cure for Stomach Trouble--A New Method by Absorption--No Drugs. DO toil B^CT.CH? It means a dis­ eased stomach. Are you afflicted with short breath, pas, sour eructations, heart pains, indigestion, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight in pit of stomach, acid stomach, distended abdo­ men, dizziness, BAD BREATH, or any other stomach torture? Let us send you a box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers free to convince you that it cures. Nothing else like it known. It's sure and very pleasant. Cures by absorption. Harmless. No drugs. Stomach trouble can't be cured otherwise--so shys med­ ical science. Drugs won't do--they eat up the stomach and make you worse. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers cure and we Want you to know it, hence this offer. SPECIAL OFFER. -- The regular price of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is 50c. a box. but to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertise­ ment, or w>e will send you a sample free for this coupon. . FREE BOX 114 Send this co\ipon with your name and address ai- d druggist's name who does NOT sell it, for a free box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's Grape Tonic Co., 148 Third Ave., Rock Island. 111. Give full address and write plainly. ; Bold at all druggists, 50c. per bdfc'. Didn't Track. Fluster--Is Blank off in his head? Blister--Don't know; but the last time I saw him he seemed more as if he was off in his feet.- FARM FOR SALE 100 acres.50 acros in cultivation, balance in tim- Vt>r, which will average lo.WJO feet per an"e. Sandy loam, clay sub-soil: 12 acres in me;wiow; aood buildings, spring and orchard. Two tirom L. & N. K. R.. 7 miles from Clinton the f>uuty seut. Anderson County, Tennessee, his is a sua]) for a ijuick buyer. JESSE L. ROGERS. Jr.. KWOXVILtE. TENNESSEE. Don't vou know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to any other, is put up 16 ounces in pack­ age and sells at Same price a as 12- ounce packages of other kinds? Onyx in California. Near Redlands, Cal., a discovery of very high grade onyx aud white and colored marble has been made. Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 5c cigar. No other brand of cigars is so popular with the smoker. He has learned to rely upon its uniform high quality. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Some men never get any nearer prominence than being able to draft petitions to be left at the corner store for signatures. Hundreds of dealers say the *»tra quantity and superior quality of De­ fiance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands. Others say they can­ not sell any other starch. At college you learn a lot of things that do you no good; you also learn a lot of worthless things if you do not go to college. It Cures Golds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stagfes. Use at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Sold by dealers every Where. Large bottles 25 cents and 60 cents. HAVE YOU COWS? If you have cream to separate a good Cream Separator is the most profitable in- -^mnnt you can possibly make. Delay means daily waste of. time, labor and product. DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS save $10.- per cow per year every year of use over all gravity setting systems and |5. - per cow over all imitating separators. They received the Grand Prize or Highest Award at St. Louis. Baying trashy cash-in-advance sepa­ rators is penny wise, dollar foolish. Such machines quickly lose their cost instead of saving it. If you haven't the ready cash DE LAVAL machines may be bought on such liberal terms that they actually pau for themselves. Seud Uxl&y for new catalogue and name of nearest local agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. •Midotph * Canal Sts. I Cortlsndt Stresl CHICAGO I NEW YORK WE GUARAN I Lt inn Ojr SUM-DTSPEP6IA-CVRE WILL positively CURE *ny CMC of DYSPEPSIA i ttken as direded or HSUf tifUKOSO. RcWvcs *11 S«om»ch Troubles. Swnplc W 10c. Bones con- um^ cnt Momh's Tr€*tn.cni. Pnc »1 .OO po«»ge p**i AcUros ROSS fr WALKER ItTDwrborn Sc. Chicago. UL <3 The eclipse of the sun early on tl)« morning of Wednesday, Aug. SO, was visible in some partial stage over most of the United States. The line of total eclipse passed far to the north in Canada. The partial eclipse in the United States started a few minutes before the sun arose. In some parts of the northern part of the country the sun's disk was two-thirds obscured. In the above diagram the heavy black line marks the path of totality. GETTING INTO BAIX HABITS. Injurious Small Actions Too F.recjueht-1 ly Pass Unnoticed. ' •' I wonder how many women who are "all nerves" realize that much of their trouble is due to certain little everyday habits tliat pass unnoticed, but are none the less injurious? For instance, the manner of sitting. .The average woman assumes a strained and incorrect position when reading, writing and sewing--yes, even when resting, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. Now, a good habit, like a bad one, is only repeated action; and a little thought on the subject would soon ren­ der it the most natural thing to as­ sume a correct position at all times, sitting, standing or lying down. Don't sit with the shoulders drawn forward, one shoulder higher than the other, and your head bent down until the shape of your vertebral column resembles the letter C. Another bad fault is slouching down in your chair until you are literally sitting on the end of your spine. Not only should "grown-ups" look to their own bad habits, but they should watch closely the small children with whom they come in daily contact and try to keep them from acquiring in­ jurious habits. Children should be prevented from their particular fail­ ing as much as possible at once, and it is worth while to give up a few weeks to the cure, just as you would if they were suffering from a childish disease--measles, or mumps, for in­ stance. The problem is made particularly difficult in that frequently we find them established before we have real­ ly noticed them. The dense shadow of the moon swept over*this narrow belt from west to east with the velocity of a cannon ball. The dotted line in the lower part of the map marks the southern limit of the eclipse. People living south of that line saw nothing at all of the eclipse. The star on the easterti. coast of the Uniffcd States, near Cape Charles at the mouth of Chesapeake bay, shows the place of "first con­ tact," that is, the place which was the very first on earth to see the eclipse begin. , i. about the sidewalk. It took a long { time to identify them, for an attend­ ant had put them back indiscriminate­ ly, and they were not checked like their perambulators. This thrilling incident shows that the only sure way to avoid similar catastrophes would be to brand each child with a num­ ber and hang a corresponding cumber round the mother's neck, like 4 bath­ room key,--Boston Herald. Bennle'g BaiTfrCWcK Devils. Many years ago, in the village of Houlton, Me., there lived a young man named Benjamin Salmon, known by every one as a simpleton, who was always doing strange things. Ono day a number of boys discovered Ben- nie perched on a fence behind a barn with a cotton string and pin hook at­ tached to a willow stick, fishing in a pool of stagnant water. This was great fun for the boys, but their jeers had no effect on Bennie. 1 Joshua Smith, a revenue officer, who. was passing, stopped to see what the fun was. After taking in the situation he addressed Bennie thus: "What you fishln' for?" Bennie, without raising his head, re­ plied, "Devils." "Ah, devils, eh," retorted Mr. Smith; "and what have you on for bait?" With the same indifference Bennie replied, "Revenue officers, sir." Odd Things»About Words. "Were you in the garden for the purpose of committing a felony?" asked the English judge of the small boy. "No, sir," said the boy; "me and my cousin were after the gentleman's fowls and eggs." Forfeiture of lands and goods and "corruption of blood" (loss of hereditary standing) were for: merly the penalties for felony. Be­ fore they got their technical sense, however, "felon" and "felony" (con­ nected either with Latin "fallere," to deceive or "fell," gall, bitterness) connoted wickedness, anger, courage or melancholy, as the case might be. "The admiral began to laugh for fel­ ony," says Caxton, meaning that he laughed, not feloniously, but reckless­ ly. Also a boil or whitlow was a "felon" and cholera "felony." Babies Mixed on Bargain Day. J^ It was a bargain day on Sixth nue, New York, and twenty baby car­ riages, all properly checked, were ranged up in front of a department store while the mothers were inside buying things they didn't need. Sud­ denly a baby at one end of the line stood up, toppled over against the next carriage, ^nd in a moment all tne carriages went over like nine­ pins, sending the kids sprawling Auto Opens New Fields. An automobile milk wagon which is running in Ohio and doing the work of two aad three horses every day is one of the recent developments of the horseless age. Another is an automobile in the Congo Free State, where electricity and coal are not to be considered as power generators, and where, therefore, wood was mus­ tered into service as the only logical fuel. The wood burning car weighs a ton and has a maximum speed of twelve miles an hour. Sheet steei wheels with heavy pneumatic tires are used. The fifteen horsepower engine is inclosed in a bullet proof bonnet, as the vehicle Is to be used in transport­ ing troops and is expected to be under fire at times. A third novelty in the automobile business is the arrange­ ment of an enterprising Yankee for a regular service of motor omnibuses to the pyramids. Giant Steamem. The world's merchant marine of giant steamers of over 12,000 register tons now includes fifty-six vessels, thirty-one of which are under the English flag. THE HOTEL BIBLE. Landlord No Longer Provides Guest with Good Book. People are not so good as they used to be. The traveling salesman says they are not He attributes their downfall to thp scarcity of Bibles in hotels. "There was a time," said the drum­ mer, "when every hotel I stayed in supplied its guests with Bibles. They were not fine Bibles. Possibly they cost only 25 cents apiece, but they were all there and answered the pur­ pose just as well as an Oxford edition. Usually the Bible lay in plain sight on the .table in each bedroom. If it wasn't there it was in the top bureau drawer and all us fellows knew enough to look for it there. And very frequently we did look. I read the Bible a lot in those days, maybe just because it was handy. I'd come in tired and disgust­ ed with life, especially that part repre­ sented by the evening paper, which was about the only thing I had to read and when I got plumb sick of that I'd turn to the Bible. Some mighty good stuff I found there, too. I haven't come across many of those hotel Bi­ bles in the last two years. I've missed them a lot. I don't know who is re­ sponsible for their disappearance. I understand that some tract society used to furnish them to the hotels. If the missionaries really were hack of the movement, and through some mis­ representation of facts have come to the conclusion that the game was not worth the candle, I'd like to advise them to Eet the good work going again for a lot of us chaps have backslidden since the Bibles disappeared from ho­ tel bedrooms. * His Fatal Error. They were seated on a park bench in the gloaming. "Miss Wiggins--Nellie, dwM^** he said, "will you marry me?" * ' "Really, Mr. Goodwin--er--George, this is so sudden. But--well--assure me that you have no bad habita--do not drink, gamble and the like, and I'll think about it." "I never drank a drop of liquor In my life," answered the young man, "I never play cards and regard prize fighting and horse racing with dis­ dain." „ "George," she said, "I--er--think you may hope." "And as for baseball," continued G e o r g e , " I d e t e s t i t , a n d -- ^ "What!" she exclaimed "You de­ test our great and glorious national game? Then ail bets are off, Qeorfe; I can never be your wife." Anna Dickinson's Chatnpton. Anna Dickinson was retained to de­ liver her lecture, "Breakers Ahead," under the auspices of a pretentious literary association in a small town In Illinois. When she arrived she found the billboards announced her' subject as "Break His Head." At the hall the twenty-four mem­ bers were seated on the platform. The president escorted her to the desk and introduced her, with many apologies lor her eccentricities, and declared the association would not indorse or be responsible for anything she might say. , This opening speech much embar­ rassed Miss Dickinson, and she said She wished the floor would open and let down the president or herself. Just then she saw a giant in a red shirt rising in tke audience. He loomed > up • nearly seven feet, and shouted: "Mr. President, suppose* you set down and let the gal speak ior her­ self." The president subsided, Miss Dick­ inson delivered her lecture to a de­ lighted audience, and always held in grateful remembrance fter , champion "red shirt." ' • X i ' J , a 1 1 Sttre Cure at Last. ' ' IfMtlcello, Miss., Sept. 4 (Special) --Lawrence County is almost uaily in receipt of fresh evidence that a sure cure for all Kidney Troubles has at last been found, and that cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Among those who have reason to bless the Great American Kidney Rem­ edy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of this place. Mrs. Baggett had dropsy. Dodd's Kid­ ney Pills cured her. "I was troubled with my kidneys," Mrs. Baggett says in recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends, "my urine would hardly pass. The Doctors said I had Dropsy. I have taken Dodd's Kidney Pills as directed and am now a well woman." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid­ neys. Cured Kidneys strain * all the impurities out of the blood. That means pure blood and a sound, ener­ getic body. Dodd's Kidney pills are the greatest ton& the world has ever known. Kaiser's Gift to Smoker. A gold medal, a pipe and pounds of tobacco constituted the kai­ ser's gift to Franz Grunwald, an in vet-, erate smoker, who celebrated his 104th birthday att|Burg, Prussia, re­ cently. w THE IDEAL Shapes the Destiny of Men--The Influence of m Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Eats A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen. Bore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. At all Druppists aud Shoe stores, 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Sample mailed FKEE. Address, Alleu S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. • Silly Person, v "Do you eat corn on the ooh?" "No; I eat it off the cob." "Aw, go to blazes!" Dealers say that as soon as a cus­ tomer tries Defiance Starch it Is im­ possible to sell them any other cold wRtor starch. It can be used cold or boiled. " • Some fellQws who think they know tow to play poker are merely philan­ thropists. Seven-eighths of the men in this world marry a woman because she is beautiful in their eyes-- because she has the quali-1 ties which inspire admira­ tion, respect and lovfc. There is a beauty in liealth which is more at­ tractive to men than mere regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men and upon the civilization of the world could never be measured. Because of them men have attained the very heights of ambition: because of them even thrones have been established and de­ stroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see the fair voung wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head ! A sickly, half- d e a d - a n d - a l i v e w o m a n , especially when $»he is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyOus? ness in the home, and a ^jr&gupou her husband. The cost of a wife's con­ stant illness is a serious drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc­ toring does no good; If a woman finds her. ene'rgies are flagging, and that, everything tires her, dark shadows appear under her eyes, her sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams; if she has backache, head­ aches, bearing-d'own pains, nervous­ ness. whites, irregularities, or despon­ dency, she should take means to build her system up at once bv a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in the way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Ainsley of 611 South 10th Street, T a coma, Wash., writp^ h ins - 'v,: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- " Ever since my child was born I have suf­ fered, as 1 hope few women ever have, with inflammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backache and wretched headaches. It affected my stomach so that I could not en­ joy my meals, and half my time was spent in bed. Lrtfa "LydiaE. Pinkhanvs Vegetable Compound made me a well woman, and I feel so ful that I am glad to write and tell vou at my marvelous recovery, ft brought M health, new life ahd vitality." What Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who Is in pOOf health and ailing. Its benefits begin when itsusebeginfc It gives strength and vigor from the start, and surely makes sick women well and robust. Remember Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vege» I for table Compound holds the record the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letters front grat(» ful women which are on .file in the Pinkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce eueh results. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Take no substi­ tute. If yon have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass.. for special advice--it is free and always helpful. Pfariduw's Vegetable CIIWD Smcm* When Orters Fall Overheard in the Courtroonv First Lady--I wonder why the judge deferred sentence until to-morrow." Second Lady--Probably he wanted 4o talk the case over'wlt^ his wife. , Most of us would be out of debt if we could only borrow enoueh mon­ ey to pay up. ^ Plso's Cure cannot be t«o highly spoken ofaa a CPugh cure.--J. W. O'Brum, 833 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1900. Automobiles are like men; few of them are as fast as they seem to be. GLOBE AGENTS WANTED Rapid mannfactnra with high carboa wire make • GLOBE FENCE a fast seller. GLME FENCE <*.. SMaMg., •DBMS, HODUI lt afflicted with I ThftWBMs't F>»«•» •ore eyes, usaI - ® W. N. U., CHICAGO, No. 36, 1905. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. ;i Astor's "Stately Pleasure Dome." The London Mirror tells of the ac­ tivities of our former fellow-citizen, Mr. W. W. Astor, in making a new home for himself in England. It seems that he has bought a property de­ scribed as "the historic Hever estate in Kent," and is improving it. It includes 2,000 acres of land and a moated castle, nearly six hundred years old, where at one time Henry VIII maintained Anne of Cleves. On this estate Mr. Astor has put to work about one thousand men, with due ap­ paratus, and is making changes rated as improvements which the calculat­ ing natives, estimate will cost him a miHion and a quarter pounds. He is building a lake, a model vil­ lage, roads, bridges and gardens, and is doubtless having a good deal of the sort of fun that Mr. Kipling in a re­ cent story has suggested as a suitable recreation for tired Americans. Mysterious Cannon Ball. A three-pounder "live" cannon shell of foreign make has been found In a field on the banks of the River Hum- ber, near Hull. Eng. The startling dis­ covery was made by an old naval re­ serve man, who at once took the pro-^ jectile to Hull and handed it over to' the police. The chief officer of the Royal Naval Reserve Battery on ex­ amining the shell found that it had been fired, but it had not exploded. It is 8 inches long, 3 inches in circum­ ference, and copper covered from nose to base. He considered it dangerous, and took charge of it. No one seems to know how it came there. --7~ Grand Trunk Terminal. It is stated on what is said to be unquestionable authority that Kairp Island, twenty-five miles south of Port Simpson and facing Tucketts inlet, is to be the site of Laurier City, the western terminus of - the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. / Physicians Recommend Castoria ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharma-. ^ ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the. result of three facts: The indisputable evidence that it is harmless! ^ s»con+--That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi- ' lates the food: nir+--It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor .Oil It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic . and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how- ) ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day ^ fo r po i son ing innocen t ch i ld ren th rough g reed o r ignorance ough t to end . To , our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system--not by stupefying it--and our r^^s are en&tlgd .to . the information.--Hall's Journal of Health, J t f }< f lettm fns PrtniDMt Physicians Addrassatf It Ckarin N. thicker. - Dr. B. Halatead Scott, of rhlrlKo, Ills.. Mya : "I bur, procrlted fMr'Cutorl. }, often for Infants during my practice, and find it very satisfactory." t* Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland. Ohio, says: "Your Castoria stands first In „ its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say 1 never have found anything that: ; so tilled the place." | .^ Dr. J. H. Taft. of Brooklyn, N. Y.. says: "I have used your Castoria and found; it an excellent remedy in my household and-private practice for many years. The 'r . ^ formula is excellent." * Dr. Wm. il.. Rosserman, of Buffalo. N. Y„ says: "I am pleased to speak a goed word for your Castoria. 1 think so highly of it that I not only recemmend ft to>:i others, but have used it in my own family." | Dr. B. J. Hamlen, of Detroit. Mieh., says: "I prescribe your Castoria ex­ tensively, as I have never found anything to equal it for children s troubles. I an. aware that there are Imitations in the held, but 1 always see that my patients get; Fletcher's." Awge table Preparation for As simitating the Food andRegula ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of lNI AN IS.M H1LDKIIN Dr. Wm. I. McCann. of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen children^ I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside from my own' f practice found Castoria a popular and Promotes Digesticm.Cheerful- ness and Resr.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAHC OTIC. Mmy* atOUBrSMVUPOWR Rm+lui Mx.Jmn* » J M M > War- S*»d « HfrmSted - A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of . > - NEW YORK. family experience I have in my years efficient remedy in almost every home." Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia. Pa., says: "The name that your Castoria lias made for Itself in the tt'ns of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical pro­ fession, but 1, for one, most heartily endorse it aud believe it an excellent remedy." Dr. Channing H. Cook, of St. Louis. Mo., says: "I have used your Castoria for several years past ia my own lamily and have always found it thoroughly efficient and never objected to by children, which is a great consideration in view of the fact that mpst medicines of this character are obnoxious and therefore difficult of ad­ ministration. As a laxative, 1 consider It the peer of anything that I ever pre­ scribed." jy » " Dr. R. if. Ward, fit Kansas City, Mo., says : "Physicians generally do not pre­ scribe proprietary preparations, but in the case of Castoria my experience, like that Of many other pli.vsuiaus, iia» taught me to make aa exception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because 1 have found it to be a thoroughly reliable remedv for children's complaints. Any physician who has raised a family, as 1 hare, will join me In heartiest recommendation of Castoria." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of A.L(i-tuatvths-cilil 35 Doses - C i > I S EXACT eemr or WBAPPEB. •« 'fi0- |n Use For Over 30 Years. TNI CCWTSUII COMPANY, TT SUIIUY «T, MKW V*RK cm. •"'-If PUTNAM FADELESS DYES " V*

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