Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1905, p. 8

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V 1 ' ' i it 1 -•- '.:' v;'J. 'V " • ' » iV*. "0 urCoats P k % *-v WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON THEM. Brazilian Bear Coats. • $lS.OO Black Marten Co?ts..... • •..... • •$15.00 • ^ * ' Russian Calf Goats, blk. or brown.. $17.00 Natural Wombat Coats v. . .. 44$$20.00/ Hungar ian Lamb Coats . . . > . . . . . $22.00 Astrakan Fur- i ined Coats . . . . . . , . .$25.00 JOS. W. FR.EUND. YOU NEED AN O I L H E A T E R for early fall weather. The BEST in Oil Heaters is our long suit and the BEST is :: :: :: :: :: :: :: % Barter's * RANGING IN PJHCE FROM $5.50 to $10.00 You're safe if you buy a Barler. It's good enough for anybody. It is not the only stove we handle but its king of its kind. See our display of Heat' ers, Cooks, Ranges, 'twill do you goo<f HARDWARE F. L. McOflBER. Evanson's New things in Oil Cloth, Rugs and UNDERWEAR SALE SATUR­ DAY: Men \s fleeced ribbed Un­ derwear, at per suit, 38c. Men's heavy fleeced Underwear, per gar­ ment, 44c. Cotton Blankets,, from 44c up. Horse Blankets, Etc. * We also have special good bargains in Min's Working Shoes. Drop in as you pass along. Will be pleased to show you the line. : : : : : W. C. Evanson 'T1 'T' 'T"T' 'T' 'T' 'I' 'I' 'I' '!• ill •!» ip <x» '!• <ji i|i i|i ij« Furniture! ! Our Stock was never more coma plete. Come and get ©ttr prices-- before buying. We always please. :/#./ Undertaking and embalming a Specially. - • Mcs;-,iS. jacob Era I W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT on the THK TOH.UVO FYK. Si uce the people have hegnn to the injurious effects of tobacoo human system and have been them a subject of investigation, there seems to be no end to discovey. It is now shown that tobacco affects the vis­ ion. Dr. Francis L. Dowling reports that, as a result of careful investigation by himself and others, impaired vision is one of the common results of the hab­ itual use of tobacco. He conducted a personal examination of 150 male em­ ployes in a large tobacco factory, all of whom used tobacco. Of these he found that the boruial aeuteness of vision was diminished in a greater or less degree In thirty CHses the impairment was very serious and was accompanied with some form of color blindness, .Investigations made in Belgium, by order of the gov ernm'ent, have show*! that the genera] and excessive use of tobacco is the main cause of color blindness. A New York oculist describes a peculiar disease of the eye among smokers, the symptoms of which are dimness and film-likegath erings«H>Yer th»3ye, which appear and disappear at intervals. "This" has been shown to be due to the use of tobacco, and can only be Cured by long treat ment. It is called the "cigarette eye." MAKING A YALE ATHLETE. Director to the freshman after testing his strength: '"You're strong enough to pull a house down, but there's one more t -ft. Inflate your chest aud blow into this spirometer, I want your lung capa city.-' The fitshman swelled and blew until his eyes were popping. The dir­ ector shook his head when the needle re­ fused to move higher. "You've made an excellent record with this one excep­ tion, " he said. "Your lung capacity is below the average for men of your height. You're smaking too mnch. You'll have to stop tobacco if yon want to learn athlete. You can't afford to smoke even out of training. It's H shame for a man of y<>ur build to have a blotjon' his physical record. Oar re­ cords, kept for twenty years, show that smokers fail to reach the physical stand ards of the average no smoker. Such figures ought to impress yon." The temple of God is holy which tem­ ple ye are! C >r. 3:17; The output of a man's spirit is the ex­ tension of hi* strt ngth. Like the sun, Jesus shed his splendor in the darkest places. Goodness shines not because it is its policy, but because it is its prin­ ciple. The summer wind that touches the rose carries away something of its fragrance; it is so with every man who touches the Master. Ah em pty chajifife. hOWOygT J0toe*<*O- not quench the thirst of the soul. You never get at the heart of troth Uiitill you get at the truth of the heart. Climatic Cares. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very mnch overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do mnch better at home by proper attention to food diges­ tion ami a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good night's rest and the absence of that-weakening- rough and debilitating niirhf Restless nights and the • •xiiHiistjitti . ne to coughing, the great- >t 'Intifcitr and dread of the consump- v . can be prevented or stopped by t ii r Gi-immi Syrn liberally and reg •i •*> 'i Should you be able to go to a a,i uj«-r dime, you will find that of the h 'Usands of consumptives there, the few who are benefited and regain st i- ngth are tho-e who use Germ in Syrup Trial bottles, 25c;- regular size, 75.-. At all drngififts. F®l». 1/ "What Shall We Kul?" Every day the same old question. What shall we eat for breakfast, for luncheon, dinnei ? assails with monoto­ nous regularity the patient housewife who seeks to provide good living for the family in agreeable variety at a moder­ ate cost. There is a daily department in The Chicago Record-Herald which is intended to answer this question sat­ isfactorily every day in the year. It to entitled "Meals for a Day," and pro­ vider menus for the three tneals every day, with the necessary recipes. These menns and recipes are carefully select­ ed by The Record-Herald's household editor, ani cash prizes are a 1 arded for the best that are received. Housewives everywhere are invited to participate in the ewmpetition. For full particulars see the "Meals for a Day" department in The Chicago Record Herald. Full of Tragic Meaning are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la., Think what might have re­ sulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine alxmt which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that disturbed my night's rest: I tried everything, but nothing would relieve it until 1 took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds which completely cured me:M ' Instantly relieves and permanently <cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents grip and pneumonia. At N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W Besley, West McHenry, druggists; guaranteed; 60c and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Escuraton Ticketn t<> Statu Batter Md Che»«« Mak«T'» QMv«ntlon at Mankato, Winn., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates Nov. 7 and 8. lim­ ited to return until Nov. 10, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'jr. . Nov. 8. Indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, Kidney and liver disorders, and all stomach troubles positively cared by using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. '̂ 5 cents. Tea or Tablet*. G. W. Bealey. t A party of Colonel William Jennings Bryan, were one night waiting for a train in a small depot hotel in a small Missouri town. The landlady was the only woman pres- ent. The talk turning upon the alleged in­ ability of woman to see the point of a joke as readily as do the men, Mr. Bryan took the ground that a sense of humor was as much a part of the femi­ nine make-up as it was that of man, but that it merely lacked opportunity for development. "To illustrate," he said, "take the story of a party of excursionists in ^Egean Sea. When Approaching the Grecian coast the party assembled about the rails to enjoy the beautiful scenery. One lady turned inquiringly to a gentle­ man at her right band and said,-- " 'What is that white off there oiTthe horizon?' " 'That is the snow on the mountain,", replied the gentleman addressed. " 'Well, that s funny,' she' replied. 'My husband said it was grease.' " All of the men in the group laughed n o i s i l y a t M r . B r y a n ' s s t o r y , b u t . t h e landlady looked pnzzled. Filially .--ht said,-- • v7- '•Bnt, Mr. Bryan, how did the get on the mountain?" > a * Mr. Bryan at once dropped the de­ fence of women as born humorist*. -- H. T. DOBBINS, in November Lippin- cott's. / * • • * \ Mtll!ot)Mire'» Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over*fe«l millionaire is often paraded in the pub­ l i c p r i n t a s a h o r r i b l e e x a m p l e ' o f t h e evils attendant on the possession of great wealth. Bnt millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs. Thle proportion is far great­ er among the toilers. Dyspepsia and indigestion are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tort­ ures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favorite household remedy for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five years. August Flower rouses the tor­ pid liver, thus creating appetite and in­ suring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalizes the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter what your station. Ifrial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by all druggists. Feb. 1. Ml.,,. The trouble is, your liv€f*s sick* One of its products, ** bile," is overflowing into your bloocL You can't digest your food, your appetitev is poor, you suffer oread folly from head­ ache, stomach ache, dizzi­ ness, malaria, constipation, etc. What you need is not a dose of salts, cathartic water or pills--but a liver tonic / Bedford's The Plaindealer has a very nice line of 1906 calendar samples. Before plac­ ing your order we want everv business man in McHenry and the surrounding country to see onr line and get our prices. This great medicine acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews the appetite, feeds the nerves, dears the brain and cures consti­ pation. It is a true medicine for sick liver and kidneys, and regulates all the digestive functions. Try it. At all dealers In jnedidne« |g 25c packages. and ExdLmin OUR GOODS FOR. FALL e Ladies' Skir ^ Ifew Suitings, - Walstin^il Flannelettes. KINDS , *• X, ; Vi- 4 v*-. f ' 4 J <> . - # ^ \ f- m ~ r BLANKE'S COFFEEs, ^ LWAYS FRESH --ALWAYS UNIFORM^^ ISC, l8c, aoc, 22C, 25c, 30c. , " ; prices: * , 'Phone 201. WE^r ncHKNky, ILL. Not. \'«t, Brother. North-Eastern Journal: The Wood­ stock Reds baseball team now claim the championship of the county. The Reds have yet to defeat the Mc­ Henry Greens before they can claim the counfy championship. The Reds have during the past season played twenty-five games, losing ten and win­ ning fifteen, while the Greens have played twenty-two games, of which they won sixteen and lost six In the game with the Reds the Greens won out by a score of 7 to 5. Now, how can the Reds claim the county champion­ ship? » / - One night is all the Jime necessary to. prove that Pineules is the best remedy in the world for backache and all kid­ ney and bladder troubles If you have rheumatism or any other blood disease i single dose will give relief. Soid by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and ©, W. Uesley, West McHenry. , „ m . glum f.v-5; •; f VjI*^ ̂ I A Word to Home Builder We take this opportunity to announce rtKat o^.v ° equipment for caring for all plumbing contracts, consisting of either new work or overhauling, is unequaied; and we invite you to call and discuss the subject with us. The workmen in oar employ we competent and. reliable mechanics, who have installed many bath­ rooms, to which we, as well as. the owners, may pomt--with no little pride. /'The Material we use is the best the-rtiar- ket affords. We call attention particularly to the fact that we handle "JjtauKfetHf P o r c e l a i n E n a m e l e d Ware, which is so widely advertised, in all leading magazines. HmdWf Were hp* been manufactured * more than thirty years, and every piece bears a "Green and Gold" guarantee label. We have samples in our showroom, booklet? to & HOW TALL ARE YOU? If. you don't know, come in to see us and We'll put you under ••INTERNATIONAL" HEIGHT MEASURING DEVICE : ana tell you to the fraction of an inch. ' - ' ; Incidentally we'll show you the " INTERNATIONAL " line of samples comprising over six hundred (Of the nobbiest aqd newest patterns for Men's we4r? ' v' • The International Tailoring Co. is the largest and most reliable tailoring concern in the world. ' The clothes made by them fit perfectly and cost little. » Let US •end in a trial order for you and we'll always wear "INTERNATIONAI.* garments thereafter* ? FALL GOODS ARRIIIillG! Our new lines of • Ftfll and- Winter Goo^p f1 are liow arrivingam onr display eounters. fore have we been able to fer such ^^traOrdinary baip^ :? |^ins to our customers. Come in arid let show you some of the t^epjr f: . latest in Herbes Plumbing ^all ' '¥v - • Itnd Winter Goo^s. n.j. West n L5H Men's heavy 10-oz. Canvas Coat, with clean sheep-skin lining, only $3.98 See those fine all worsted Cardi­ gan Jackets, all sizes, at..$1.35 49 CENT SALE! See our line of fur-lined Caps for men at. -49c WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers, in all shades and patterns, that well- made Wrapper so much desired at . . .98c, $1.29 CAPES! CAPES! CAPES! Ladies' 36-inch Capes, made of all-wool Melton Cloth, full sweep storm collar, trimmed with straps of same material, only.. $3.29 Try our Coffes at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35c- Stire to; please. NOW As we have our full line of Childix ijJ id, we are in shape to give yoi firices that are the lowest. sell you a cloak for your child; can buy in any city store. ity and price. : : I ! ! ! Our Special Made of heavy wool Cheviot, . colors, extra long Norfolk sty log, stitched straps down fronl breaMed, 2 pockets,, full len<£l piping, braid trimmed cuffs ant Cloaks now uality and say we can than you > k s, qual- CoatT' •brown e» vret pip- 'k, double on sleeve, nig". - We rc lor less • •'••$3.00 claim you cannot buy this Coat t h a n $ 4 . 0 0 , o u r p r i c e o n l y - . . . . . We have many other styles in Cloaks which We Jgnow will please you at $2 $3.50, $4.00, $4.50. We advise an early inspe Block & Hthke k. - • ' • . . . • y.j

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