" ! r / v : - ; rmw ̂ w ̂ *r ? ± r ~ r ~ ^ r : - w ^ 1 * **J ^ft4^ - m -^•r'- i.,, *„ • -- ? >-*v:iy.: '„? ^ ^ *• • « :" 'A' ' jJ"^ !**•«* ? t V > r " : ' - ' " troublesome at the best. Often tiie# r r- to serious complications ( • ' \ ,-.-^:4 r - 'A V* 1 ^ "***£, V %•*'!§'• . • , - . - •••• , > '*<•*' they should not lie neglected.. - "i - # ; *•--» A bottle of our White Pine Syrep ̂ 1 $ * \V - quickly cures coughs and • • ̂ .rr / V: '• COLDS * V Jf,'> '>,A% M . M ' ' i A25-cent bottle will probably be enough if taken in time. PETESCH' McHJENRY, ILLINOIS v ;r " L.ET US DO - There is no use in our telling you that we do gi|S|̂ washing. This you already know. But are V.i you aware of the fact that our work is far su- , • --v' perior to that of the ordinary laundry? Give us a trial and we will prove our statement. The TlcHenry Laundry, N. L. VAN NATTA, Prop. î /jYG Herith aathorWw aay it's neoesaary to boil clothes to preserve purity. Hone better than ours when yon boil your clothes. PHILIP-JAEGER | GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT § - T. y .. v r "V . , • p .^^hMpUL AfTWKMd GIVfcN TO THE SAUfeHOif ' g * Dressed Beef, nuttonr-Hogs, Veal, Poultry, | - Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs fj This is the oldest house on tbe street Tags and price lists furnished on application. in § STORAUE FREE % CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | Stall i * J. F«Mm St. Wholesale Market. I THE nODE!. GROCERY! During our business career in McHenry we have con stantly studied the public's wants and are now in a ' position to know just the line of goods that is in de mand. Our store is filled with just this kind of goods and we invite every housewife to our store to see for fyerself. Nothing but the freshest and best line of groceries are handled here. ' * :Vilohn Stoffel, WEST McHENRY, ILL. Jl § ¥. •f: I I & V 5* It: it': New Winter Sample (lotus! I New Fashions, New Prices. $ from the best Chicago Tailors, made to your order, v J Call in arid save $i.oo to $2.00 on Pants, $3.00 to J ^ $5.00 on Suits. A FIT OR NO SALE! : F J ED. LAWLESS.^ TAILOR., j Every Tongue." Kentucky's Most famous and best; the world's most famous | 'lust; the whiskey that has girdled the world. 4f SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. Jos. He Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells the McVicker Gasoline r "Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills, Ml Bock Island Plow*, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mill*, •* Well Supplies, flame-- Oil, : ' Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. FrakM M Wwls! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build ings and should they be struck by ligbtniDK we pay damages if do more than $500. Call and get full particulars. Inderal fttoduaitHi! Prices ilwiys Reueuble TTtwretawsB • « NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B V OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS B1K6W&OD. y<T" Charley Carr is on the sick'list. "The farmers afe bnay basking their corn. J. D. Smith drove to Wankegan one day recently. Joe May and Calvin Coatee were Wil- mot visitors Sunday. Clarence Hopper of Spring Grove was on onr streets Sunday. Geo. Harrison transacted business in Elgin Wednesday last. Geo. Bacon and Harold Whiting took in the sights of Chicago Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck have gone to Colorado for a visit, with Mrs. Beck's sister. Mr. and Mrs. B. Merchant and Mre. Norse and daughter were ovej to the countjr seat one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh and Mrs Norse and daughter are visiting J, E. Cristy and family at Waupaca, Wis. \ Miss Leone Kelley gave a party to a nnniber of her friends Wednesday even ing. All present report a most enjoy able time. Rev. Brigham of Stockton, 111., will fill the pulpit in the Universalist chnrch next Sunday, Oct. 29, in exchange with the pastor, B«v. A. Roberts. Mrs. Bridget Keefe and daughter, Miss Katie, went to Chicago Monday, where they attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Dedey. Mrs. John Coates, who for the past several weeks has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed Hopper, at Spring Grove, returned home bunday. Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Beet thing in the world for boils, burns, cracked bands, tetter, etc. Sold by N. tl. Petescb, McHenry, and.G. W. Bes- ley, West McHenry. Frank Carr, having sold his farmland decided to move to South Dakota, will sell bis hay, grain, etc., at public auc tion on his premises, three miles west of Ringwood, on Monday, Oct. 80. For particulars see bills. The basket social given by Miss May me Knox and pupils at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison last Wednesday evening proved to be a grand success, considering the bad weather. The neat little sum of $84 was realized. It is difficult to Cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of a' cold unless you move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system. For Croup, Whooping-Cough, Colds and all Lung and Bronchial af fections, no remedy is equal to the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, N, H, -Peteech, McHenry. ••• ;>• voin. Miss Ella Moore was a recent McHen ry caller. Ed Mills was a Wanconda caller Sun day evening. Miss Kai ie Frost is visiting relatives at Grayslake. Ed Lusk of Round Lake was a Volo caller Sunday; Frank Zuelsdorf of Wanconda was a Volo caller Sunday. A. E. Kirwan of Wanconda was a Volo caller Sunday. Miss Millie Rossdeutcber of McHenry spent Sunday at home. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rosing is on the sick list. Chas. Jorgensen ot Chicago spent the past week at George Rosing's. Misses Elsie Walton and Hellen Ray mond were McHenry callers Friday. C. G. Huson of Libertyville was ^ Volo caller Tuesday and Wednesday. " Joe Rosing has returned to Volo after a week's visit with his sister at Fr&? mont. Croup is qnickly relieved and Whoop ing Cough will not "run its course" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Hon ey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is differ ent from all others because it acts on the bowels. You cannot cure Croup and Whooping Oough until yon rid the sys tem of all congestion, by working off the cold through a copious action of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and cures all Coughs, Croup, Whooping Congh, etc. No opiates. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. Pictures that please. Frames that delight, Prices that suit, at Bille'i KKEBALD PARK. B, J. Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday the with Misses Aylward. r - ; Miss M. Deutcbman called on Alios Smith Sunday afternoon. Geo. Scribner of Chicago is spending a week at L. Buck's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mrs. Ed Knox went to Chicago Mon day to attend the funeral of her annt Miss Margaret Sutton spent a few evenings with friends in Barreville last week. Miss Nellie Dake of Chicago was a caller at W. J. W elch's, south of here, Sunday. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent a couple of days at her home the first of the week, s Ed Sntton, John Gibbs and Geo. Peterson spent a couple of days in Chi cago recently. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children and Miss Ellen Doherty were callers in this vicinity Tuesday. Miss- Alice Sutton went to Elgin Fri day, where she will Visit relatives a< couple of weeks. Geo. Walmsley, Sr., returned last Monday from a several weeks' visit with his mother in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck were called to Chicago Saturday to attend the funeral of their little grandchild. Misses Alice McManaman and Lucy Sutton visited the Prairie and Barreville schools Friday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Edna, visited the former's sister, Mrs. J. R. Smith, and family Sunday. J. M. Kirkland celebrated his fifty- ssoond birthday Tnesday. All present report a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Jno. Gibbs of B&rreville and consin, Miss Josie Dalton, of Chicago, spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. Mr Kelter of Chicago spent a few days recently at R. J. Sutton's and at tended to business matters in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bending and son, Lawrence, returned to their home in Chicago Thursday, having closed their cottage for the season. Mrs. Joanna Wall went to Elgin Wednesday after spending several months at R. J. Sutton's and other rel atives in this vicinity. Miss Lucy Sutton returned Thursday from a two-weeks' visit with Chicago relatives. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Alice McManaman. You can apply Man Zan insiae, right where the pain is. It is put up in col lapsible tubes with nozzle attachments for introducing it, Man Zan stops pain instantly and cures all kinds of blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHen ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. KIDUEFIKLl). A. Skinner was in Nunda Sunday. . Mrs. Goddard is spending the week at Greenwood. •* Mrs. Corkell and daughter were in Nnnda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ford and son of Nnnda viBited at H. Reed's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wester man of Capron called at The Manse Saturday. The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday afternoon, November 7, with Mrs. A. Anners. Dr. Qug of Woodstock was here on professional business Tnesday and Wednesday. Mark HutSOtt of McBenry visited Fri day and Saturday with his sister, Mrs. F. French. Mrs. Geo. Doolittle and daughter, Grace, and son, Will, were in Wood stock Saturday. Mrs, R. L. Dnfield and son, Leroy Skinner and Miss Nora Wiser spent Sunday at Nunda. The W. C. T. U. ladise packed a box of fruit Tuesday and sent it to the Tem perance hospital in Chicago. The social and dance given by the Royal Neighbor? in the Woodman hall last Friday was well attended. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Lolo, visited friends in Chicago Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Everything you eat will taste good and do good if you take Ring's Dyspep sia Tablets. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mc Henry. Pleasure and Profit club met at the home of Station Agent Lynch Tuesday evening for a basket social. Proceeds amounted to 40 cents. The club will meet again in two week, for another basket social. THe Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion--more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation--for a while. You take SCOTTS E M U L S I O N and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat/^ i»ugh^ i^«ol4> o r b r o n c h i t i s . t p • ' T Fifty Year* iho Standard CREAM BAKING POWDER Made From Qrapo* No Alum t WE'LL 8ENO YOU A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTT fi BOWNE, wmm Coal! Infill JOHNSBURGH. Mft. Casper Adams was in town Tues day. Miss Katie Lay visited Volo friends Sunday. • Martin Hoffman drove through here Tuesday. John J. Schaefer was a Ringwood cal ler Tuesday. Mrs. John Schmitt was a Chicago pas senger Tuesday. Mrs. John Bugner was a McHenry shopper Tuesday. John Debrecht transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mike Rau^n of Spring Grove was a jailer hereJSunday. Viffie Hergott drove through here Tnesday afternoon. Miss Lizzie Miller visited home folks at McBenry Sunday. Peter M. Freund of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday, Jacob Rotherinel of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes were Mc Henry callers Monday. 1 Mrs. John King and son, Stev*, were McHenry callers Saturday. Miss Susie Nimskern of Spring Qroye made a call here Saturday. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove was in town Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen of Mc Henry were callers here recently. Miss Lena Michels visited her grand mother, Mrs. Michels, Wednesday. Jacob Schumacher of Spring Grove was a visitor here Sunday evening. Misses Susie and Christina Meyers were Spring Grove callers Tuesday. Jacob Jut»ten of Ringwood attended the Herbes' sale near Volo Tnesday. The death of Anton Meyers occurred at one o'clock Tuesday at his home here Miss Lizzie May entertained Misses Maggie and Eva Huemann last Sunday. C. M. Adams and daughter, Marguer ite, were Chicago passengers last Thurs day. Mrs. John King and daughter, Mag gie, were McHenry shoppers Wednes day. S. H. Smith returned Tuesday even ing from a short visit with Chicago friends. Jacob A. Miller and family of Mc Henry visited at John M. Smith's last Sunday, John Kattner and Nick Etten of Spring Grove were pleasant callers here Sunday. Miss Emma Weber, Mrs. Wolff, Susie and Mary Weber drove through here Tuesday. Miss Iva Hoffman and Mrs. John Rauen of English Prairie drove through here Saturday. Max Thomas and daughter, Susie, of Racine, Wis., are visiting at the home of Theo. Meyers. Frank Nimskern and family of 8pring Grove visited at the home of Michael Schaefer Sunday. Nick Martin of Chicago spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Geo. Nell dur ing the past week. Mesdaines Jos. Michels, Mat. Freund and Mike Rauen visited Mrs. Jos. Roth- ermel at McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. John Sliiupin and mother of El gin, Mrs. Geo. Schreiuer of McHenry visited Mrs. Geo. Nell Sunday. , -- MesdaineA John Thelen and Will Oeffling visited their sister, Mrs. Will Thurlwell, at McHenry Monday. Misses Lizzie and Katie Tbiel return ed from a week's visit with their sister, Mrs. Skifano, in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling of Pistakee Bay visited the iormer's sister, Mrs. Margaret Schaefer, Monday afternoon. Jos. Schaefer, Nick Pitzen, Ben 8til- liqg and son, George, have returned from a two-week's stay in North Dako ta. Mr. and Mrs. Wolff, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brick and little son of Chicago attended the Miller-Weber wedding here Wed nesday. . It is a pleasure to take Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills and hnjoy their tonic effect upou the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenrv. Our new feed mill is now ready for business. All work done good and fast so yon can take yonr grist home with yon instead of leaving it to come after some other day. Give us a trial. Wm. Bonslett. West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay very pleas antly entertained the following com pany of friends at their home last Sun day afternoon: Mr. and Mrs. Mat S. Freund of McHenry, Messrs. and M«« dames John Frett, Mithias Lay, John Klein. Peter Freund, John F. Schmitt, Mrs. Math. Schumacher and Rev. H. M. Mehring. This will be the cry of everyone before long and as we can not serve all at the same time it is up to you to give us your order at once and avoid the usual fall rush. - : ^ : OUR FEED STORE! Our Feed Department was never more complete. When in need of anything^ in this line remember the old reliable stand. We sell Flour by the barrel or sack. . :. / . I Wilbur Lumber Co. West flcHenry. * i. ; • -;:4a 'J -MHM , „• & Have yon placed your older for your new Fall Snit? If not, it is to your advantage that we call your attention to the fact that we are still in the tailoring business. Never before have we been better prepared thsn now to do the best of work for little money. After years of earnest study we have placed ourselves where we defy all competition, as our goods, work and prices plainly show. We find that the model man of today desires to be attired in a suit of a good quality cloth and most of all Wants it to fit cor rectly, therefore invite every man in this vi cinity to call at our store and get our prices be fore placing his order. We guarantee to save from |5 to $8 on any Suit ordered and will give better satisfaction than so-called made-to-your* measure garments. Our goods are strictly hand made and perfect fit is guaranteed or no sale. Th at onr work is appreciated is assured ns by the fact that business is ever on the increase. ' %• Remember that we keep Pants pressed and shaped for one year FREE OF CHARGE. JOHN D. LODTZ "IS. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes au't sizcu. Sev ern I proofs to select from. Kttch doz en finished In different styles. Price, S2.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kluds of outdoor work, su<*h as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. CixlaLrsements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in evt-ry inst ance. Finished In black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of stylos In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standptps. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 493 An Awful Cough Cured. "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful cough. She had spells of coughing, just like one with the whoop ing cough and some thought she would «ot get well at all. We*got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted 1 i ke a charm. She stopped cough ing and grew stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, HI, This remedy is for sale by G. W. Besley. OSTKSD. Bay Thomas started to ship milk Friday morning. » Ed. Martin, who has been quite ill, is slowly recovering. Mrs. Geo. King of Woodstock visited her father Sunday. Wilbur Bassett was an Elgin visitor the first of the week. Mr. Abbott and daughter, Maude, called at Woodstock Friday. Elmer Francisco of Ringwood was a caller in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. A. Watkins of Chicago visited her father. Alex Martin, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bern Harrison were callers in this village Sunday afternoon. Mesdaines F. Thompson and Guy Harrison were McHenry callers Mon day. Mesdames E. Mansfield and E. Bassett were shopping ' at McHenry Monday afternoon. Willie Thomas attended a party at McHenry, Friday evening, given at the home of Prof. E. C...Fisher. Backache is never known tp those persons who take an occasional dose of Pineules. The value of the resin ob tained from the Pine tree has long been recognized in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys. One dose of Pineules will give relief, and one bot tle will cure. Sold by N. H. Petesch, MoHenry. and Q. W. Besley, West Mc Henry. The Willing Workers meet at the Univeraalist church parlors on Thurs day afternoon of each week. Ladies wishing to purchase aprons are invited to call and inspect the complete stock always kept on hand. : BROS. CO. Fancy Grocers. J. i -.tii ' Finesrlitie dies in, town. Special for this week: Homemade pure Car amels, per pound. Hand ates made Chocoi-|Jj assorted, per Yb Chocolates in lib boxes, 35 Cents. Chelates in % lb boss*, v • 1) a° Chocolates and Bon Bons in 1 lb. boxes 25c Chocolates and Bon Bons in % lb. boxes.....wfiioc Try our Butter Scotch Kisses, per pound. ..20c - New Figs, per lb.. ..18c New Dates v perjb. .IOC New Nuts, All Kinds! s-ViiVS Cad. Walnuts 1 Cal. Almonds ( Cal. Filberts > Cal. Pecans j Brazil Nuts J, per pound flScts. McHenry, III. Are yon about to Have ananotkm? so, consult F. tk Gans, «w» M. Walsh's store, v J*- .. .V*-! »'> - *