3?? ? -t I ;v ^ Av;.'; i* / T^wry,|^;»f.^ ftfe' Sslft^ WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON THEM. Brazilian Bear, Coats. .. .. $12.00 Black Marten Coats....... $15.00 Russian Calf Coats, blk. or brown.. $17.00 Natural Wombat Coats..... . . . $20.00 Hungarian Lamb Coat®-». . • • • .» $22.00 Astrakan F'ur-l ined Cbats; . . . . . . .$25.00 JOS. W. FREUND. Stoves Stoves New Stoves Old Stoves All Sizes All Kinds All Prices Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Coal Hods, Mica, Oil Cloth Rugs, Polish, Etc. If your old stove isn't satisfactory, come and see us--we '11 trade. Remember that we aire in the hardware business, also, , and have, a firie line of Silverware, Cut lery, Enameled Ware, Tinware, Etc. :: Bring your job work or repairing in sheet Troetatafid iraveit don<&. right. :: :: :: Respectfully yours, nardnvare F. L. JHcOflBER. i All the needed items for feet comforts are ready for you. The Mishawauka Bald Band Goods „ predominating. You will find this class at all f^ie stores for that matter and the prices should iii all cases be the same, but you can tell by looking into the situation. We also have other ; IfLakes of good Combinations, Snag Proof and rolled bottom Overs, $2.25 to $2.45. The Shoe a -V and Underwear Sections await your coming. 0. Evanson. EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRV AND ^ ; ADJACENT COUNTllSSk gi iji ,-fi ifi ft .J' »t» 1$ ill ill ill ill ill ill ill ,1, $ ,|, J, ft i|, ||, * Furniture! 1 Our Stock was never more com plete. Come and get our pricey before buying. We always please. Undertaking and embalming I MCHENRY; ILLINOIS. JiJOILiu !*>a* v ' : A #twell*ii«otwi of R«iri It«nm In Cun<lei»e(l Form For Conven ience of Buity People. Floyd Rotnonr of Richmond has opened a meat market and grocery at Nunda. ~ Dr. C. C. Miller of Marengo recently shipped a car load of fine honey to tbfe New York market, the consignment consisting of 18,000 pounds. Pinesalve acta like a poultice. Best thing in the world for boils, burns, cracked hands, tetter, etc. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Mo Henry, and G. 1^. Bes* l9v. West McHenry. Will Bartb, while operating a corn shredder on the farm of Heiiry La Brer, near Harvard, got his right hand into the machine and as a result has had the first two fingers amputated. Nunda has organized a town basket ball te»m. The following young men make up the team: Geo. P Bay, J,r., A. ri. Henderson, Jr , S. Goodwin, Floyd Co vat t and Will Reddersdorf/^ If you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour stom&eb, or any other pain, HolliRter's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you weH and keep you well. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. After a lover's quarrel an Elgin young man sent the girl half a dozen boxes of face powder with a note explaining that he had probably carried away that much on his shoulders, and felt it should be returned to her. Reconciliation is now entirely out of the question. _^One night is all the time necessarv to prove that Pineules is the best remedy in the world for backache and all kid ney and bladder troubles. If you have rheumatism or any other blood disease i single dose will give relief. Sold by 2f. H. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. liesley, West McHenry. A Harvard sophomore was reciting a memorized oration in one of the classes in public speaking After the first two sentences his memory failed and a look of blank despair came over his face. He began as follows: "Ladies and gen tlemen: Washington is dead, Lincoln is dead, Lincoln is dead"--then, forget ting, he hesitated a moment and con tinned, "and --I--l am beginning to feel s'ck myself." McHenry county Woodmen have re ceived invitations to be present at the initiation of a class of 1,250 candidates in the First Regiment Armory, Chicago, Saturday evening, Nov. 18. The class will undoubtedly be the largest ever re ceived at one time into this society. The secret work will be in charge of the Elgin degree team. A fancy drill will be (riven by the Joliet team, winners at the Milwaukee head camp last spring. It is difficult to cure a cough or free yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless you move the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all mid out. of the system. For Croup, Whooping-Cough, Colds and all Lung and Bronchial af fections, no remedy is equal to the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry, N. H„ Peteech, McHtnry. Woodstock Sentinel: A Spring Grove citizen got himself into a pretty predic ament a few days ago. The telephone line in that bnrg was undergoing re pairs and several wires were down in the process when this particular indi vidual had occasion to use the 'phone to call up a lady in Solon. After holding a pleasaut five minutes' conversation he found, to his great surprise, that he had been talking the whole time with his wife. This onght to be a lesson to spme of the married meii in the country Cronp is quickly relieved and Whoop- init Cough will not "rnn its course" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Hon ey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is-differ- ent from all others tpcause it acts on the bowels. You cannot cure Croup and Whooping Oough until you rid the sys tem of all congestion, by working off the cold through a copious action of the bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and cures all Coughs. Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. No opiates. Soid by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, and N. H. Petesch, McHenry. Nunda Herald: Frank Emery of Chi cago, a man about 20 years of age, sus tained a horrible accident while hunting at Griswold Lake, Sunday. He was in ; a boat drawing his shot-gun toward I him, having sighted some mud hens, when the trigger caught on the side of the boat and the weapon was discharged, the load plowing a deep fnrrow about two inches wide along his right cheek. The flesh was plowed away and maugled making a frightful wound. Emery was one of a party of Chicagoans. who were out hunting, and Dan Warner of Cary was also one of the party. Dan secured a rig from a nearbv farmer, and putting the wounded man into it ran the aniinal to Cary, where Emery was given sur- gioai aid by a physician. Eight'stitches were required to close the wound. The young man was taken to his home in Chicago on the 8 o'clock train. He will probably recover, bnt will have a hor ribly disfigured face. - In Time (if lV»<c, In the first months of the Russia-Japan war we hid a'sinking example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantagfe of thc^se who, so to speak, "haye shingled their roofc in dry weath- ej." The viitue of preparation has made history and given to us our great est men The individual as vyell as the nation should be prepaied for any emer gency, Are yon prepared to success fully combat the first cold yon take? A cold can be cured much more quickly when treated as soon as it has been con tracted and before it has become settled in the t-ystem. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famons for its cures of colds and it should be kept at band ready for constant nse. For sale by G. W. Besley.' J . , •• i "" :.' •' Illinois Anti-Saloon Lmtgoe State Con vention. The first state convention of the Anti- Saloon League of Illinois will meet in the First Methodist Episcopal church of Peoria, beginning t,he evening of No vember 18 and concluding with t! e even ng session on November 14L N. - tional Superintendent, Dr. P. "A. Baker; National Legislative Superintendent. Rev. E. C. Dinwiddie, and Superintend ents Wheeler of Ohio and McCash of Iowa, are among the national leaders who will be present. The Illinois leg; I'itare will be represented upon the pro gram by Senator Frances W. Parker o Chicago. Great interest attaches to the meeting because it is the formal open ing of the campaign to elect a legislat ure which will pass the local option bill which failed by onetvote in the last s«-: sion and is fought by the allied liquor interests'o the stute. The convention will be a delegate gathering. Each church is entitled to send the pastor and two others, each young people's society the chairmau of the citizenship committee and two others, each Sunday school the superintendent and one other and local temperance 'societies and or ganizations two each: Reduced rati h will lie granted upon »11 railroads and reasonable rates sechred for en t ertai 11 laent while in •Peoria';"' ' »- m 1 Come eund Examine i \ OUR GOODS FOR FALL 1 : Son Lost Mother, . "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost mv inbthtr." savs E. B ReiJ. of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slight est sign of a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mother's death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid. but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and enre for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, Mc Henry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. Trial bottle free. Very Low H«tf» to El Paso, Tex. Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold Nov. 10, 11 and 12, with favorable return limits, on ac count of American Miuing Congress. Apply to agents Chicago & North western R'y. ChHUibej'luiii'H Pain Halm. - There is no danger from blood poison resulting from a cut or cwound of any kind, when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is used. It is an antiseptic dressiug and should be in every household For sale by G. W. Besley. Before placing your order see onr line of fancy calendars. hMii«f tedatftct on jroorsys tem. ft aimtoi your stomach and digestive apparatus, talntsyour I blood and cauM aKittfpatton, with all Its fearful ills. Thedford's Black-Draught1 is a bland toofc, Jhrtr ragalator, and blood purifisr. It gets ridof tha poteens caused by over-supply of Mia, and quicker cures bilious headaches, dizxiness, loss of appetite nausea, lodges* tion, constipation, nalaria, chills and ' fever, jsuindSce, nervousness, Irritability, melancholia, and all slyness due i® disordered liver. It is not a cathartic, but a gentle, herbal, liver ntedldnwhich eases without irritating. Price 25c at all Druggists. International Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, December 16th to 23d. In order to arrange for better facil ities in handling the large attendance anticipated for this great annual event and on account of the inability of the builders to complete the magnificent new am pi theater on time, it has been found necessary to postpone the Ex- position nntil the dates above men tioned. All of the events advertised will be held on the days of the week corresponding to the dates arranged for the previous week. All preparations are being made to make the event one long to be remembered. The change in the date will bring it at a season of the year when it will no doubt be more convenient for a larger nnmber to at tend. 1 --3 are a Ladies' Skirts, If New Suitings, stock 41 i If ' J ' „ **'• New Waistinfs; / « v ' w ; . ^ j #6 v , ;.r -V t| - - 15 New Flannelettes, - . ; _ | ALL KINDS OF SHOES. fC" BLANKE'S COFFEE: .. . • » £•, . ' r ALWAYS FRESH-ALWAYS UNIFORM. c5* ^ Prlct*s: "Sc, 18c, 2oc, 22c, asc, 30c. " . ^ I" Buy EYE get ie tiESTr | ! f; A. L"' 'Phone 391. WEST HcHENRY, ILL. J make good warm foot wear necessary. We have a complete line of heavy, medium and fine Shoes, all sizes and widths to select from. Men's good wool Felt Boots with Perfection Overs Boys' wool Felt Boots with Perfection Overs....,. Men's best Ball Band Felts with Snag Proof Overs . Men's Ball Band Snag-Proof Rubber Boots..... . Men's best qnality extra heavy Ball Band Overshoes,.. ̂ ,4 Men's Ball Band Socks with' high lace Snag Proof Overs... Men's heavy Triplex Water proof Coats 4 ; Men's extra heavy wool Socks. Men's extra heavy wool Socks, best quality.4, ... »2.50 ..;*2.25 t#800 ,.>#3.50 £*1.00 ..•H3-50 ...26c .....85c , F. O. Gans has a large list of refl estate for sale. If yon are a buyer, Bee him. Our line of Fine Shoes is the finest in town find are priced to meet any and all competi- The Bathroom as an Investment. . Have you ever considered that the money spent on a modern bathroom is a wise investment? The subject is too long to be discussed in this space but you have) doubt given ^te matter more or leas ttwjnght and have arrived conclusioii. \ r - We would like to express our views on the subject and ofv&At ' account cordially invite you to call on us if in terested. You no doubt want a modern bath room but your question may be "how to get i t . " T h a t i a t h e ques t ion Wi Can a n s w e r . - We employ compe tent, skilled mechanics and use the very best material obtainable. The highest grade plumbing fixtures made bear the *$tetKfMriT «< Green s^d Gold " label. We have samples of "JfrnsdhsdT W|»~ in our show room and can demonstrate its superiority. If-you will call, write or phone us we will give you a copy of our booklet <' Modern Home Plumbing" which contains muefcef & Men's fnr-lined Cape, Navy and Oxford, @ 78c Other kinds and qnalities from '. ,4 ,., ,• 25c to f 1.00 Men's heavy Calf-faced Gloves and" Mitrens .. 50c Men's heavy horse-bide Gloves, (d>: 60c, 75cand f 1.00 Men's best qnality genuine Buck Gloves. . .$1.50 and $1 75 Men's all wool Underwear, full sizes, $1.00 Men's extra heavy Cotton fleeced-lined Underwear, @. ,50c Boys' extra heavy Cotton fleeeed-lined Underwear, @...25c and 85c Ladiee* heavy fleeced Jersey U nderwear, S5<- and 50c. Ladles' heavy fleeced Union Suits. @.... ... 60c and$) 00 Ladies all wool flannel or Jersey Underwear, <g. ,.$100 Extra heavy 12-4 Cotton Bed Blankets, @> . . . . , j$2.00 .Piher qnalitiesili. •• * .fl.«0,. $1.76, $1 SO, $1,40, $1.2^, |ij!)0«nd A Hew Line or Dress Skirts dnd Wrappers 4 complete stock of pure, fresh Groceries, fleas", Coffees, Et|| Seal of ninnesota, Fancy and Mystic Flour $1.35 per sack. Special prices in larger lot!%r Y^8«.p||LY, Special .»«« »>y-r •• • * $2.00 Black Cone^ Neck Searf, 45 inches long., . Siberian Squirrel Neck Scarf, 40 inches long Blended Muskrat Fur Boa, one that sells at regular price for $5.(10, a lew ssmples, while they last at W Sable Opposnui Fur Boa, abont 45 inches long, extra wide, and fluffy with six tail trimmings, only •O" Extra wide fluffy 80 taeh black stone Marten Fur Boa 4q CQ with tab trimmings, special. Special 88 inch black Coney Scarf with 0 tab tail trim-£ - qQ mings, a big value * V Special quality in other furs at... $12.00, $14.00, $15.00 and $20.( $S,75, $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, $10,0% Ladies' fine ribbed fleeced Underwear, a special pur- IOC chase of ours, Compare value on these, at... ^ Children's Y«rn Mitteus, the 25c quality, per pair, only !6c Boy's heavy Yarn Mittens, a special value at. $60 Ladies' Golf Gloves -18c. *0 Ladies' DreKsing Sat'qnes, only ' 45c and. Ladies' sample line of Dress Skirt*, never sold lees than $5.00 to while they last................... .$1.88, $2.60 and $8.00 t Men's heavy wool Socks, t^e 25c qnality, at pw pair t$e Heavy weight Tennis Flannel, at per yard 0 and Do All Linen Fringed Towels, size 32x47, colored border, each .......25o Children's heavy ribbed fleeced lined Hose, all sices, per pair .... ..10c Child's all wool, ribbed Hose, the kind others charge 25c for, at... .10c liadies' fleeced Hoee.. . 15c and 10c All the latest shades and patterns in Drefes Goods, now to be bad in big varietiea. • • 'i&r S- •til-* - '•* emit. . \ 1' '• ' • •v" 1 ' " * i PLUMBINU. HER BES, Goods Delivered Promptly 'Phone, 363, Special ilcHENRY, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NO. 541 , , ^ vt, r". . % v _ 4 > ^ .. ^ . Wr'.',:, !.l hk - .t. *». 4 s.i ? s Z > * * ' ± + w w ^ ' .