Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1905, p. 8

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Ss?mm MEN'S and BOYS' 8« parity Brand Clothing, equal to tailor-made, Prkes S3 to $5 iiss We have 500 Garments. Representing 40 different lines from j§5 to jjfcl S iii Men's and to $>10 in Boy's Suits atttfe^pver- eoats. Come, we ean save ybu money in Clothing. t •••», lon'I' "o IW NATHAN •& FISGKTR CO. WJEST McHENRY, 11$.. memsm®. wo8si . A© J A accidentally • f. PHEN^Y.AND |2tk n^<t G"-»t Amount feerliiiii' Sells Mo#e of Ch y ihH A J»]Ji*<'elljU»<>oii,s. .lIssortMient ^ pfT , N«w» jRpiI* In C'«iult'ii||Al I'ltrin F<?» <$>nvMi- f^rc«ofl|^9 Ijgv '^...: 4jOAfK? felti^ialned T8 jp^sked Kfc» if. she'd be hift tn^ . * ^ ^sorryV'^W X-: ^ arjied, 'Waid X% ^ A^td snchN^W the youpg fellows f8j* new loO,Rbrs(>-power engin^ha# been installed in»U^'.electee li$6t plant*' t „ atNtfhda," \ f ;' J '.4 on ite ofn'^iefjt, %Ha#ry Broft, wjbft resides nea^Wfyod st^ck, had,».hand talcen off iff^a corn lie day recently. j I ^Mr.^arrW Mrs.^ Ed, frowaVd, of th'l ^oSfard Min^a,«F oj^Lake, intend leav- todav for Florida, to^peiyl the win- ^A. pnflf ball^g^^^iiMorty-tottlr inch- e? iiP<*ir^W^.i«^53(S(jaHy and thirty- |jx the.WHpr f°<\l'd hy H. A. Ben- thusen at Algonquin one day re^ntTy. ng sfr tmjtgP*) iBc6#r<?#v Ibe dipt, carrying' j»wiy nearly a$ ^Vrigbte^«s4t¥-4)r. JTeHM^of ;Hc.H«ni*y ||tfimedii^t£l^ telephoned 'for, bht as, he did not- arrive 'sufficiently on railroad}" early to be df sej-yiee, *u^e£«4-•?>' H ^{^Hrriian, in «H> distance trun^p..PotionBt raiW of %• H«apU^lfft fw Chicago on we,w»2 fGijlij^t R^ilr^:"1^- "\<^M-ribe8 .the siirpriis® -hunt0 *>n^ 5^*'; eftsie^'tnl^KJiiH^iiAn. acfitigfclng *. th<£jNortb ^vv,h<r suddenly found letter , Sj^x5a«ny. :'hi?!Autf Vay ota^pkndid^ ..... i t.-> ̂ f ,*f'!"P?irt-ntl'jr.of h ltairfeo hnja,v t-nci-eH- ^ i o i f f e p a v t ' q r e , s p l e n d i d general freight '}tiir#ivqpfifmjfi-'i' 'fei' pro|>o|*iuns. - • / I l?i$sfxvy»K- th'^ylliialtiyqla Division ' q| 'the'T^S^te«|"5S:'i^jirf h-^Wwteru Rail vfkyv «#hj('h Ifffyirlnsnla^ o if h , i! i>-) nd mft i a rjfrpntfjNi" |*si and ,W*8tf nd .^pmer ( < v i t . ^ f p r i b ^ . % me©B^»W|f; at-Mtf" ^ays-.' •?rhave^iiUl,tbe l^«l;^^jti^y Rtr berlain's Cou«h KemeSy ej.'efw'^ww it was introdui-ed into I as much of it «a/l do of pat tOK^theii, ^i)f th© tuHiiy <1< under Knarantce, I have'no*t had c^oe bottle retnrned\ I^ian'. personally ojpmend this Jngdffiff 'as11 have 4!"",.^.V-;S Sii ^ajlwxv; $. . ' L"- . r>->-. je&i* ye a larg® l^ssdnmei^ j&r ^oung: v PQLLSJ ^ojj&v Milterin "quick • h /i');hTieeJ?kth ¥§l s-v : 1%L Old Stoves All Sizes. All Kinds All Prices. Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Coal Hods, Mica, Oil Cloth Rugs, Polish^ Et& If your old stove isn't satisfactory, cora^ and see us--vrell tnid^. Remember tha-t ' we are in the^ardy^are bt^iHess, also, and have a fine line of Silverware, Cut- " lery, Enameled Ware, Tinware, Ktc. :: Bring your job work or repairing in#sheet ^aietal and have it done rights :: :: * •" -• «k. •/-Vi^peclrfull^^jijiitt^r-v?;: 1 •' if e ap SK West Side HARDWARE F. t- McOHBER. M,.« -:' i • ^ NEW KOYAL ̂ r.1:.. - i Having received the agency for the Nev^, Royal Sewing Machine we^wish to ci-11 ^ your attention to the fact that we have these machines now on exhibition aft: our store and woukM>e pleased to t^lk * . to you in regard to them. A ten-year* ~ guarantee goes with each and every one • ;, of them. If machine does not provf > to be just as we represent them ^to yoi|^;^•'/ your money will be cheerfully refunded upon return of the machine. We handle . 1 ; all the different grades. Prices right^ ̂ . j JACOB JU^TEN «™«r| \ 1 ^TM' .W Don't Forget That^ _ ; < Evanson s Sale will be in full operation has teen tremendously sim­ plified throughour offering lii I.KERICA | $3.56 SHOES tit amounts to just this: You secure custom styles in every pattern that ordinarily v.'ouId cost from $2.00 to $3.00 more, as well as the full limit of wear and com- I #ort- __ ^ Special attention will alsol>e given you in shoe \yants. Footwear of all descriptions, in­ cluding the fam­ ous Mishawaka Outfits, at your service. ;• " • ;> '. 1 E. ET. Stone, the Wpndatook druggist who disippefird froiji his ht^xie in that city abolt, $vt> -weeks ago1, has been hear-1 f^^», He is at Los Angele«, Cal a- tile^siire to ttte Di' Dade's jIFv. '• * £ ' ' " Lirtle^Pjiver Pills and hnjoy their tonic e(te«-t upon the li%r. Sold by N. H. Petesciv, W est Me H en ry, • v f F. A o Tanwer, tWe 'VpM ' Vnown a|jA Iicee^!?fnl C.VaMS' Libe fiu-iuer, has 8W 4rf(Vep onllij^Jarin. Fro^ d^ind'i)^^on, a lary;e s/a|e,he has taken np jt^sHeep ieh pays^ns well and r pssjiard wflrki* £ ^ ̂ , ,. - f l< hildteir rHlj^mt consti.boti weak "mm tee^ile, otin>tfe tftie hood^ ^TTouhles. • Rocky Mountain Tea will fjositively. enffe chil- iJffp an<y^ake tl»e^i s^ong or Tablefs^ Q."V^. J8wlrfE„->r* M beautiful wild'deer, e^baryter^ h^ weary n^les of flight, was canght, by nreti Irt^u frhe H©cren^een farm, iif Nun- da^o#nship, in a thicket-^^r Prairie (Trove, ,orie^day last week. Tt wftfr^i ftaudwnue specimen ^^iii ~perfect^con-^ t^hiod eJcq|^ffor vearineB^" ?w' " W^ocsftnizat^nBe kriSwn as the t*vr*^lutnfv^ ^enefit association,4 haa y pet^ctea by employes of the Oliver fatAory ab» W^ods^^kr^Wfe. object^jf tlje a|w(^iation i^tojeive assistance'to i^njl)Vr< in <>®r' i^p 'siekn^ss. | a Washington man tSiii£ hom^Xb^f^a.^jn. and^Qund bis . wi f'e, w^g^wH?s4^\\ni?j>wv when 'Ae' got 0ter, 4firra>'ed" ir^ ess, and wait^ ins for liim. When he asked what thAt wAif'or she saw she was mourning for hw^te busbartd. Now the ^usband is, --^yin^'-f tigMr^oat what she meant. * I^ickju^w^rs never knrffivn to those rsonH who t«ke an oc^ti^^ial^dose ^exiles/ Efphe valne of •'.ti'he resin ofy-»ed fr.un tfe?> Pine tree "has long been mrecognized?in,the treatment of Hiseases $>f "the^bJa^der at#rl kirlnexp. One dose of^Pii^^feaviirgive relief, und one bot tTe will civfe. ^old by W.*>p. Petesch, Mclu'irty^ ^ud fi„_W. Hesley^Ve4t~Mc- .Henry,,. ' ' • , '» . Pa;UMpd corfespondent, to Arlington Heights. Herald: The .Desplaines and Fox^River Electric road i^oject; is sure- amoving. The right-of-way thrphgh the Kits(,>e pri>pertv has been Secured and frontage permits have Keen secured along Slade street. The village board will probably hold a special nieeti'ivjcf neSjr^veek to SpnsuTer a new franchise ordinance. , ' \ / The ("Miicago «fe ,Nbrtril Western,, it is ,«aid, has urp^r consideration a, plan»to electj^fy it/suliurb^n ljne betWe«|o Qhi- cag<» and Elgin^ ft\k% tunve is said to intended recoyer some of th^ busi­ ness lost to the Aurora! Chica­ go elfii'trtcJifie, which -rtiua faster and more freqfient, /tains and ha^built fW a largewiijjisf at ' t}ie expense of the f th^W ester % • / Many banters have been getting 4$b&mselv<n into treble despite their prlcant^on to arm themselves with the necessary license. The license does not give one the privilege of roaming at will over any man's farm aM shooting ft everything in sight, as«ou>e suppose, \A fanner's permission"' tb l^»ht on^the premise* is jiist as necessaryvn^w; as be- feire the i^w law went intoijffect. * The only geyser intake cotfhty is th$ •;feiinffffil,well sunk by H." N. Ohapbejr- f!:4n, a'Chicagoy hofseman^iuat^'• caf^k>& Libertyville. oThe Well is 2TO feet weep and from a ^fethree inches in diameter fhefe streams perpetually a^foontain of sparUiug watnrg fmia^five to eight feet in h^rghtf There^itra rythuiic and reg ular pulse to tbe gnsh^^K water, evejy other wt.rifonKbeJng hig^ef than the pri »ne. r- t " „ • , \ ^ li-is jlifficnlt to cure a cough" or free yoirr»el^f(om the discqpfofts of a -iiold unless you myve the* bowels. Bee s Laxative Honey andjfar acts on <^e and drivps^all <xild "out of the system. For Croup, Whooping-Cough. olds and alf Long and Bronchial at- iVctions, no remedy is equal to the original Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure: Sold by G. W. !;?sley, W. McHenry, N. H. iPeteech, McHenry. Nunda Herald: ypupdnctor f^ercy Sco fi-ld, conductor of sand^traih, was arrested at Carpefltersvi 11 e^=W^dneiidia\ ai ternoon for^ blocking the street cross alv^s^s with the ht^ by W. Besley?j ,<S"' .. e.^. $25,000^~^>r a' Sli»ry» Think of it! l^wentv-five thousand «ltk Fyr sal dollars for one story! The highest price stfij^with >f the^n -% Aloii^ tiiih spieled servi . mines myselC#ntf ^LV^rl^ to -my ^hildren,a«% TTx" a.alid lal^- piftrfs. gh rw 'voitxl liusv ore-car to y$ Kne' a ^-v|V^f4f>?h(>f thy loyalty, intel- n«!ef a/hd gvnW akj^^tl^am work Ahat that has been similarly paid in Aiiierifcal ,v« . , 3 -- % , . ... , „ . , ,5] ejj#k be expe< ted v tlw1 average railroad to any »nthi>r. An ̂ t.h,» tor jot!. y of the rules laid excellent'right to print t h e s t o r y i n t h i s f ^ . f t " . . . . , . , • » ' . - , ^ , . down'tor his gnida^c^in an emergency, one pnbljMgfcon--no yight to' pttblish it, in book fPrui bemg included, ^Consider the qnnlity of merit, the intensity of in­ terest this story must possess to com­ mand this extwordinaryrpniicfc' '.^He ^hite Compai^'* ha^ e.ver be«n. "*ac- 'p|^d as the greHfi^jf' w.nrk of« aiiy '^Ur I ' v a n ^ b y - f a ^ s n h i $ , • < # w i j "WHje^hMk ^Holinefk".. taitS--^bntr^/'-Sii^ "Nifeel, 'psstyn Go^iap Dovte fcitii«*4fi snij^r pastes tftten>« all. Cptian ^)s>vlii re?j ceives t^is' sum for^his "Sir which' begijis in the' Snifel^ 'li^^alslM^ 7)aft cfr/m# SundayV Ri^'oi-d-rfeWiId... Do not rail to ft#y The Record Herald next Sunday^ ^December :5, a^this great iw^8 ^gfVeu; | few T^Tys ago, which so greatly pleased fine superintendent and 4*iifi »i<dry-' has* crept tflto th^pii^^ prittfe. and it is well wortB»re]^rtfj<!<n ip these columns. , IitAvas all tjcrHdbi'wl by a very liea v\\j wfiBfejr stonir t hi the Ujf»per ^enin , tiCa Ie'w0^yg.!Sfi»i/wbich "thr^w do\yn tytijly ifbi$H^ep,t a ph ngj- ill the r*ii*rfn i^a fw,v\»^ant^ -and left rfhe 4B4 iiiiles'qji-tlje- f^is^ti. a-bssblifteiy v^tiidut 1^8 than roinan?^>^;the tvorldjj^^eafest wrHex of romantic fiction-wtrTBeHkp^nsatifltp in t^e literary woril-for lurtrwratoconie. ..-• ^ v O ..... f .'-- » .. . * M&rt ws'; Unreasonableness^' "ismftefji as Ifre^J; as^muto's. But rfhoe S2 Austin, Mgr. of ti^-'%epilhlij£in, " of No' Auto Y^t. An Irlshuian who yi'as no'teiiot^i^iih/j f)ecumons has discovered a new way; to. achieve some of the luxuries of life. This is how he explains it: .'.•Whist, man, don't say a "Iford aboiit it; I Jound everyliod5% wanted to sell ^n at\tife^e o^j^mte dirftcTign. for a good price to^siim** tnni>cen.t, so ju%t ^Jiug arocind the ^^tra^e. at every hotel! stopped at an(^pret^iided to be' a%green as the EmeMd Isle, and I gave out that l wanted to get a second hand machine, and" would not go< to a dealer,1 as I^did not know anything about®a nia cjbine and he might rob me,* I have ha 3 |^t,y-nine rides; se^etf^ftnluncheon's. ^f¥ve 'dinne^i tnd aljont*'forty cigars, good, ,Kad and indifferentv bnt divii"a mabiyjie haye i ftonght yttfe-" . > _ :4* s|r^i'^' I(>r. ni ^ hours.->!' v*-j »-' feltigrar ,f<Trt>' e 1Tl^<M,e)Hi«»v^ieHt.|j.S's been'^special 1 y he^vy jwt>?rior ore l > e i , t h e O m i t L a k e s f-haii' &&ir 'bj^ec^'in, %be history of tjjjij; 4njlitstry,.. atutin",t,hts eulerj&ney every min^w<>ii1d tosh^t llnwn on. ac "couft&f t^B ̂ iorMge of rKiiway car«°*|o nn^ess ttyp&oad was ir - '^n' Of 1 k(^if^>peh iifSpiti^of^he s^sin. Leavenworth, ife.. wjts not jBnre,»soti^k J^ere Kba•-liotbing that crtrifd be dorf^ abfe when h<j rf^sed .to allow the doc^ oy the"Chief Tra4ii 'Disp^tchtr^hoth1' Jie tors 'to ofnerai;^ »^fe•fxdt female trouble. ""Instead,." fie ^ayff^'wAcoii clnded to tr^ EleetriivBitters. My wife" was then so sick*she could hardly leav« 4ier" bed," and^. fl(5> p%gicfan§ hJ\,d failed to relief hgr.A'^fwi^ra'king filecs trie Bitters She vya^pft'fjii-tly ciyKL-^n<l can no1# perform allnt^r ^hfinsehoKi" (Si^ ties." Guaranteed by \N. H. Imesc.lfr, Julia A. Story, McHeni|t<G. ^ Besley, W. McHenrv, druggists, pric«.^0^ f ' " " " i_htT Di vision Superln tenden|^*t^er* jwaj^ly thej^arrre Tt was ^f^iiier^+'iVcies when rte ' hi^jri jjjAjpd t h 4 g n^f ij« n st^r^a k)&, gPO$r- or t-ase-wak%^op^]^,oj#^" And'ma^e gt««! hp did., in true, bltoe, afid trra'}' Vine sty! w-itfi that gjjjWfiH1' i rrit iative tliut inakes tiM^ikverage -/r^in^VeW typica'ftjf the we admii% in our American troops. •5 1 ners tot1 i .-as nd wAj in which to get or Iram rrif>veioetrts, no tneanh by .wflSofcTiSision^lfhfc.lqiliHrter*.'<*• -ypl be kep.tradvimJE|teAere, flteir traif^ v lere. sfitid ft) the '<)tiwwpfiwno-' means existed by whi^h tlte ^hi^screw c<nld ,keei>' traf-k of the v\vhe^fiion^ ""of trails in. . It was at^iweTf 'J^rejH'yf (>f .̂ fr^vp^tr^cjiHrafter, raifl. WHO. met;,v6iii| splendid* exJiih1t«it>n4. of go<^d jfid^ment aud *intel]igent of the sQi^nM'Oftm^rr^^'ifM'raHon that is per haps -w-ittj^ftt an equaU > They managed. 011 a single tca^k line, without telegraph lines/^fff^twc/vVhole^iys and nights, to keep ev^fy fron.and clipper mine itj the diAtri^ sitppji^' ViJn equipiuents/anS moved «11 trains poetically on time. iFonr thons«fl^; nine hundred and moved over the l*i Time of IViiw.. ^ ;.•• ' • In the first months of the^B^rtsia-Japan war we^iiHd a s'ri^ng example of the ne6^ity for preparation and* th£ early advkut{^d.0f tlftMe/wbo, so to speak^ *'hayeuhingleff their"'rpofr in dry weath er/"." ThC ̂ iitrie'-'of- preparation has made histrfi-y Hnd given to 11s our great est men. Thfe,individual as welljis the- nation should be f^repaied for any, eihet^ gency. Are you prepare^ to pn6cess<^ tally combat +he ffgs't cold yon take? A cold can be cured iiiuc-hNnore quickly whin treated ivs soon as it has been cojy tracted anW before it has become settled' in <tthe system. X'h*mberlain'8 Oongh RernlM^ is famous for its cures olf colds and it should be* kept at hand ready for ooMffat n^t. Formale'by O. W. Besley! Ottr N«w Fc»><l Mill ," * is n^w ready" for business. ^11 work done good and fast so you.can&take yoijf 'FAib£z ]• CHINA> LINNENS,.. i% Wff. liMdreds'O^ otfie^articfes can . .-V 00 munerptis to^li^ritlori^ The'best flo th-at\mo " r\%w$P% •s- • ^ : v F A . •'Phone 291. WEST HcHENRY, ILL. ^as^ajam: mn'ke goV>d Jfertn^p^f weai/ nec^ary. „ hav« a copplefe line of heavv, medium and fine Shoes, iui size^apd <vtdths to select froni. . .'12.50 ;!.. .#2-25 ^?fod .wool Felf. Boots with Perfection Over# i,, s Boys' wool Kyit B«)flSfc with Perfection Overs.. % "Men's fWt Bij.ll Band Felts with^S»iig Prol|f ,Ov«mr ^ i ^ n ' s . B a l l B a u d S n a g P W o f R u b b e r B o o t s , . " , • ^ : M¥n's best qnalitvj^xtra heavy Ball Band .. .fU6(^ Men's Ball Jiat^rl §«*^sSwith high lace Snag Proof Overs,...v~$$.5g v _Me«^aJi"ea^y ^riphyt.Water jpiropf Coata.:tv«...,".r^^>.h,7ii^'».-.'.j|V.OO' Mgfiit extra heavy wool Sr^cks,..". \ .. s!.. .v."., T.^,. . # .9^'" hwft quality ,vf...:Zr». -^Sc l^lne^STibes Is thfe fliiesf 111 town \ . > . . . • • • ' • * * and are py-iled^ to 'faiegt any and -a|l coniget i-*, WJ J&- . 4.1 lien's jur-jined Caps, Kavy apd ©**t>rd, COthef^bindA and ^pailtie^froni. . Men's heavy Calf-tTwsed Gloves apd Mitrens ^ •) • • • • • - • • 5®to MenV heaW horse-hide Gloves, (<a..'. v.., . .... $0c, 7Scahd ftW/ i. ' V , • " fc. v • \ . - • , ^ nVhe^T' qtraliljy genuine Bnck Gloves, •».*,.> h's ail wool Underwear, full si^es. (»..... . .. . 31.5<f^nd %t To s ail wool Underwear, full si^es J Men's extra heavy Cotton fleeced ltned I^iderwfear Bo'yis-'-extr«sbPavy't'ottnn fleeced-lined Underwfa^, and Iiadie^hevvv fleecnl-Jer^y Urderwe#r* . j f.. ;-^c and 5(k%! Ladies'heavysfieec*^^Jnion ^pitR. .1....,^fiUc-imd#1.00* Ladiaes all wool .flannel or Jersey Underwear;.. #1 06'. E^i'a heavy !S ^.Cottpn Bed Blanketn/ My . ;•. #2.00 ^Othef qnaiitie^at^..|1.90, |1VT5, #1 50, HO, #1.25, ^.OOand sev*nfy one <;ars«w*jre C,' o division Friday and Saturday.^October "20th* <*and an4^hnndr«»«| and t w#n.ty-^ve fiPij^jt4 frains and«. no less than thirty-fpur passenger trains v^eve tat^iv" da\e.'oC upon the;diVsion, all handled on tiifte "an \ ̂ingle track, with­ out acviHSSi*ijtftoprwi, vot delay and with­ out the. he.lp ofxHi;tfai-n dispatcher. ^ 1" Can anyone l>eftt. that recoi'd of loyalty Jfo exuployer^hi'^d, w^irk and intelligent, gra£p of condttians? ' l.v iifgn \vho has. ever handled the has ever train jii'|vetnV%t of a nnsy railway A;vi ^in)i w.ill appreciate' how. very"*" much-is involved iu the wprkJ th«$a trainn an did;#hnr^it)g to^nd'fro oyer sleet c^v» ftced caffC keeping oo«l, and ready-to me'et fevery emei;geii«y hyrapplic«ti(fh of •tjrf* operating files' proftided for their g u i d a n c e . ^ \ * 4 . • « . »Hvef Vpn* eat wiH, taste good and^do go»)d if Vo,n take Jting-'s Dyspep- gris^home with yo^ir.^tei*<r>f leaving ' siq. Tablets." .^Sold 'h^N. H. Petesch, it to com^fcfter so^e^oth^r • day. Give i.l^H^r^uiid^'Bipsley, W^t Mc- us a trial. * /*• Wm! ,Bonslhtt. , ("Hejivy., ̂ ' A '•* ^complete stoc^ Teas, Coffees,- Et^* Seat of riirinesota, Fan^ and Mystfc Flour a| $1.25 per sack., ̂ ^ « Special prices in largff lota^ ^ ; " .* . '! - -** J Y >y' iV •urn YOURS 0tijL% ' fjl I'" #j. n. j. % 'Phone; 363. - Goods Delivered Promptly Siberian Sqnirref JJeck Scarf, 40 inches Jo f.-iddo ... -t .^2 00 ' Blended Mliskrat. Fur Boa, one th^t setts it^regnlaTjjrjce d* w _ for f5.00, a lew samples, while th&3»tt>t at.. ?. .^f.V. ;•. V.,.' ^^**5 Sable Opposum Fur C«ja, abent 4fi in< he(j4^«g^ extra nfffaC <t ~ HA »aa fluffy with MX tlfri' only. ExtVa. iM) wit"h tab trimmings, special, ..... - • •...... ... v»"~. ^ fecial 83 onch b?ac k Coney Scatlf with 6 tab tail trim 4i ^ „ O mings, a b'ig vaJne V^,.. • V*^ ^pe< ial quality in .other fnrs at.. ̂ ... |2.75, $5.00, $6.i)0, f8.50, $10,00, ^.-005-#tM0-,-#Hft#-and ^ ~ ^4 L^DiEIS4 LENGTH COATTS It ' Ur$%, "r ^ r f * I ! ing. Ittrain i» .vl'owe^.by law to blol-k j a crossing foe fivu> mtnute^. ^t>ndot^k>|' ' Sou field excw'ededi^iis aud vsS prompt ! ly arrested. afternoon he ! was fin&l and costs. " Pis tra|p ' proceeded to j((^<)i'iquin, there to await j orders t'rom headquarters A'braktiuan j was giyeji change teriaporarify, and the ' trafc wen^ on Uto w^y. ('arpehte^ay illc ! in certainl^»e^ing a good e,xaniple for her sisster Jowns}1 . | Fox Lake^orrespoudeht to G^ayslake j Times: Mr. ̂ easier, a young man from Chicago, anda guest (tt' the Dm»*i_ill j House, met with a sermons accident Han- jday morning abnut 7 o'clo<;k. Returil- | ing from a (jhootin^trip^ he attempted to remove his gun from the boat aad~4n . , ' ^j..;. W^'have jttst bought and -placed oifWrle the-finest Wne^of ^fcdies' leiigth Winter-weight Coats that^we hjiyfe eA'er been atife to ahepftr at prices t|mt are attractive. . ^ Ladies' fine bUHck Kersey (^Bit, 4o«inches long neat^^n<*l|- ^ sleeye and j^hited front, and Rack, a coatvj^ gnaxajrftei, % yon cannot brfy tflsewhere for~les^ ^hanu? ^nrjnice. -:cv. iA -r . Ludit^ J-length C^af> ***%$.$ pf * fi"® shell Kersey Cloth, ;%ts a neatly tvn-Jfed d« w'.yokeflec-t.with »trap trimmiDgs ^down front and b«<k, we conipare this with any $12 00, Coat«sold4n any of th^ larger ̂ jties, on sale at ̂ tir store, at C A R E S I . J pes, m«|e of best F U R v. . v - » «r- ' jyt^lee* fnll SfljUu h lyng For Wlity«kins,j|| ®SS|S ¥/. M<?IJENRY, ILLINOIS. - J : f: a m. <- TBLfePHONf, N0j- S4-(? a/-

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