Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1905, p. 4

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We know what all good doc­ tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown doc­ tor and find out. He will tell felt k-- '*% I If Vott HhiiI|To 1!PBII 8ninplhlii|i; fJocirt. A. distinct Christmas flavor found in Lippincott's Magazine for December : adds to the general interest which is never lacking- This its a season of hap- pines* ami Lippincott V is happy too. Jolliness. hmuor and pathos are th^re, but the deeper tragedies of life have n<» place in this iasne. The opening novel ette, "Of the Icon's Breed," is by Grace MacGowau"Cooke in collaboration with. Voiul Reed: and it is good enough to in dicate the sewn shorter stories which follow It is a picturesque romance of the coal fields, treated with the utmost simplicity. "Josiab Allen's Wife" calls her amus­ ing contribution "The Last Straw." This may prove illuminative to hns- hands. Mrs. I. Zan^wil1, who still writes und» r her maiden name; E Ayr t^n. is the, author of "Don Cupid," a svfeet child sketch with a grown up love interest. An automobile racing story by Ralph Henry Barbour, called "Vic tory With Honor, " abounds in, humor- i^us situations and lively dialogue. "A Studio Mouse, " is a clever tale of artis­ tic life among the "cliff d wellers. " In it the Mouse (Georgia Knox) describes a courtship which ttireatpiis to cut off its source of supplies. Sen mas MacManus, the Irish humorist, tells "How Cbnd* Dim Raised the DtjviKV and makes it , superlatively funttV. Elia Middletoa THE MdTIRY PIAIKDEAUR COMPANY . | Tybout 's story, " 'VA Moment of Confi­ dence," shows two pictures of the tire' *ide --which dynics try to make us bo- Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral !• well known In our family. We think it is the be»t medicine ii, the world for coughs and colds." KATIE PETERSON, Petaluma, Cal. 2V.. Sflc., ft.00. All rirmrpist'i. for Hard Coughs One of A/er's Pills at bedtime will ^hasten recovery. Cently laxative. Tiie Mcfary Plaindedlcr RUBU*.HKI> EVF.RY THURSDAY HY *. ̂ 4hAi ifca. \V. A. (^Ristt, J. B. PKUBT, Pres. • »..;• / Sec:'- . • Treas. ••'C * ' S^USkijskr, Editor- Office in Rnnk Bui Win*. Telepb6ne, No.27?. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year 8ix months, 75 cts. Thursday, November 30, 1905* Uev'e is obsolete,--very real human pict­ ures, complete in contrast. "The Wild- wood Limited" is a story of a locomotive engineer, by Cy Warinan. whose name ..$1.50 j i° the line he h is eiioseu n.*s> lew equali-- Three months. 40 cts. ; The tale will be especially enjoyed by .---- ! railroad men. Mariou Harland once spent Christmas in Bethlehaui'of Judea. She describes the Christina ceremonies in the church, which is built on the site of the mangef where Christ was bom, and gives much interesting news of the town, in her paper in the Christmas A paper on "The Modern NORWAY rotes in a king as Philadel­ phia votes one out COUNT WITTE probably wishes Japan had captured Vladivostok, too, while ; Lippincott's. tCiitertainlnjr N«#»p*p«r PctlnrM. * Probably no other newspaper in the United States can show so brilliant an array of special features as is found in the columns of The Chicago Record- Herald The daily and Sunday news and special features of The Chicago Record-Herald include the letters of William E. Curtis and Walter Well man. The Record-Heraltl's special New Ycrk dispatches, its unparalleled foreign news service, embracing it* own sjtecial cables with those o' the New York Herald, the New York World and the Associated strongly dramatic, yet j Press; its pages devoted to the markets and financial ami commercial intelli­ gence--exhaustive to the most satisfac­ tory degree--its popular sporting page~ its extended editorial department, Kiser's humorous • Alternating Cur rents," "Stories of the Day, " the de pnrtwent iff railroad and insurance news, music and drama, society and clubs, the coin tun of .book reviews, the (continued Btorjv the "WornAD Beauti­ ful" department, the daily fashion ar­ ticle, "Meals f ir a Day." news of the great lakes, etc --all uniting to furnish to the people.of Chicago and the North­ west a newspaper which commends it­ self to the discriminating readers as on­ ly a newspaper can which combines the World vi ide facilities of the great metro jiotitan newspaper of modern times. . . Son Lost.'Mother., ' ,'Constiinpti(>n runs in our and through it I lost my mother," sa>s II R Rei.l, of Harmony. Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slight­ est sign of a Oough or Cold, I have taken Dr.' King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, which has saved me from serious long .trouble " His mother's death was r sad loss for Mr. Reid. but lie learned that lung troubfe must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coWghs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00: guaranteed at N. H. Petesch'sand Julia A. Story's, Mc­ henry, G., W. Besley's. W. McHenry, drugstores. Trial bottle free. she was about it. Now the grangers are taking a shy at the railroads. Roosevelt recruits seem to grow on every bush. A DES MOINES -woman wants $10-;000 for a stolen kiss. What a life insurance official she would make! SECRETAY TAFT and the board of engineers agree that the Panama canal will be built on the level. PRESIDENT ROOSEVKLT will watch the railroad presidents even thongh they sw^ar they will be good. v Lyceum," by Paul M. Peterson supplies up-to-date information on this subject; and Wimer Bedford, a veteran, writes an anecdotic article on "Some Generals of the Civil War." This will be fol­ lowed by a second paper of reminis­ cences. Christmas poems by Charles Hanson Towne and Clinton Scollard mark the glad season. "Walnuts and Wine" have caught the prevailing hap­ piness and reflected its spirit'in joke and verselet. • G. B. BnrliaiiH testifies after fonr ypars G. B Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I A GOOD many other persons besides! wrote y°n 8tatin* that 1 had been en" Bow Murphy of Tammany are | ̂ ely cured of a severe kidney trouble % forced to ehow where they got it WHENEVER tuey get short of ready cash, the Wall street and Philadelphia speculators scream for Secretary Shaw. if JAPAN does not expect to have nearly i 80 much trouble civilizing the Koreans -as the United States has. had ; with the ? Filipinos. _______________ Probably everyone down there is singing "Maryland, My Maryland" ex­ cept Arthur P. Gorman. It isn't his auy more. . WHENEVER the Russians begin to by taking less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptons of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of these symptons during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay curjed, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney (hire to any one sutlering from kidney or bladder trouble." G. W. Besley. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Kstait'of Mary Knox, lWe;is»'<i. Tin- anriersigiiori having been appointed Administrator of the Kstule uf Mary Knox, tlecuased. late of t he County of Mcilenry and u J- • -v- ^ <• ; ftate of Illinois, hereby frlves notice that be have a little discussion tt. is time to call I \rtll appear Wfor<- t he County Court of 'Mc­ Henry County, at tht> Court House in Wood­ stock. at the l-ebruary Term, on the first Monday in February next, at which time all persons hairing claims against said Estate are not itied and requested to attend for the purport- of haviiifr the same adjusted. All •persons indebted to said Estate are requested lo make immediate payment to the under­ signed. Dated this 30th day of November, A. D. 1905. 2S-3t MICHAKL. KNOX. Administrator. The Plaindealei wHl be sent to any address on trial three months for twen- ly-live cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration ot time unless other wise ordered. Try it. ' ouf the ambulance corps and the under­ takers' wagotiR. IN a day or two more the railroad presidents will be swelling up and claiming that they were the original rate regulation men THE question to the grafters, "Where did yon get it*" is succeeded by the^ roaring query, "When are yon going to give up the plunder?" CHAIRMAN SHONTS of the canal com­ mission says that dirt will begin to fly in earnest by July 1, next. The mad- slinging has already begun HE is a mighty incompetent wan wbo cannot invent a flying machine. The firat requirement, that it cannot be a^le to fiy, simplifies matters. RFV. ANNA SHAW says the United States is not a republic. The woman ; suffragists must consider it a sort of i -0<"t»s-continent debating society IN Chicago a woman burned f 15,000 because she believed her husband had married her for her money White . women are sometimes extremely hasty. THE champimship match between railway regul^t'on and tariff revision will be pulled ijff at the Capitol Athletic <dab on the bill at the end of the broad street, Washington IT mnst. disgust Gov. rennvpacker ^ that Pre«ideut Roospvelt has been so . (laick to acknowledge his error aud sub­ mit his unmuzzled c-Uiinet a^ain to the tender mercies of preos. . THERE a>e many thintr- Mie President didn't do that also entitles him to cred­ it, and one of these is not appointing b Jitpmy Hyde embassador to France. And yet Jimuiv was recommended by Juillionairew THE deterrninutii n pf the New York 'r reformer- to ;er the ~"inan higher up,r and eounoct him with the election irreg- olaHties is commendable, provided th^y get him. As a rnle. he takes his vaca- ^ tion after election and allows the other fell >w to go to i iil NORWAY is ahnit as ?iemocratic> a kiugdoBi as one c "i'd find oil the map. Fir*<t, it chose its f irm of government by Itallotaud rijvv it <-h'M»se,s its rdlei in the same way. Monarchy by election ^ is pretty near de- "v:r -cv. ' • • - ~ -- s Come to think of it, with th« excep­ ts »>i of the Went an 1 the Wouth and N "w England and N« r York and Penn- >«y.vania and the Middle State*, the pp »ple outside of Mi«*oti*i don't know much abimt Governor FolU. F O. Gans has a large list of real tor sale. If yon are a buyer, see Telephone l)l<l It. From an Iowa mayor comes the dec­ laration that the telephone is the great­ est invention of the age for the quieting of woman's fears. He points to the fol­ lowing incident as proof. "Last we'ek a woman called me up over the tel­ ephone at a most unseemly hour in the flight. 'Oh,.Mayor, what shall, I do?/ she asked excitedly. 'The man next door is rushing about his house like mad. He seems strangely excited. There--- he just passed the window. And, May­ or. he hasn't anything on but. his night­ shirt.' 'House very far from yours?" I asked. 'No, right close Oil dear, what shall I do? Do tell me quick.' 'Don't look,.'I replied. The telephone banged aud I fancy her fears wtre sud denly allayed. Her neighbor had sick ness in the family and rushed for restoi- jstives before adjusting his necktie." "I Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the reliet I got from Buek- len's Arnica Salve.. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothiug else would heal, and from which I had suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at N. H. ' Petesch's, Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHen­ ry, drug stores; 2fic. SITED HIT LIFE" --That's what a prominemt druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a« rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec­ tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. F rom infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im­ proper and weak develop­ ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing w a s t e . T h e a c t i o n o f Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret tffan the composition of the Emul­ sion itself. What it does it does through nourish­ ment--the kind of nourish­ ment that cannot' be ob­ tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. Governor Folk mm White Seca Hlin. William Allen White has come out in McClnre's with a character sketch of Folk of'Missoun. He calls it "The St­ ory of a Little Leaven in a Great Crm- monwealth." White's reputation* as a ketjn judge of men was at once estab­ lished by his character study of Bryan, and his successive analyses of Cleveland, Hanna, Piatt and others of the most im­ portant public figures of the day have given him almost the position of a na« tional oracle. Therefore his estimation of Joseph W. Folk, Governor of Mis­ souri and foremost possibility for the Presidential nomination of the Demo­ crats in 19(18, will have really irreat im­ portance to the conntry at large as well as undoubted influence on the shaping uf the ambitions of young Folk himself. SlitKgiiih Liver a Foe to Ambition. You ran not accomplish very .much if your liver is inactive as you feel dull, your eves are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels Hiid makes yon feel bright arid active. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not uauseate or gripe and is mild and very plea?ant to take. Orino is more effect­ ive than pills or ordinary cathartic®. Refuse substitutes. G. W. Besley. Oi-l Vmir lf«ni Ground at. Wm. Bonslett.'s. He has tha most modern machinery and plenty of power to do your grinding good and fast. JOHNSBIIBGH. F. Herbes drove through here Satur­ day evening. • ' ,* Wm. Ray of Spring Grove waft a vi^ ilor at Mat Schaeler's Sunday. Mr and Mm Fred Diethorn are en­ tertaining the latter's sister at present. Mrs. Anton Meyers is visiting Mrs. Nick Schmitt, who is sick at this writ­ ing Mrs. Pete/ Schaefer and daughter, Tillie, were Chicago visitors the pa>-t week. Mat MnHenbach anft Mips LenU Schmitt were married h«-re on Tuesday, Rev. Mehring officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mnellenbach and children, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt and Tony Mnllenbach of Iowa attended the wedding of Mat Mnllenbach and Miss Lena Schmitt. Tuesday. Our new feed mill is uow ready for' business. All work doue good and fast so you can take your grist home with you instead uf leaving it to come after some other day. Give us a trial. Win- Boualett. West McHenry. ' ^ ̂ i: Professional. Society V and B\isir\esss Cards DAVIT! G. WELLK M. U PHYSICIAN, SUKGEOS AN1> OCULI8* ~ Office aad* residence corner •*•»* Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. U$|v PHOTO STUDIO. FEGEKlS & FEGfCRS Telephone 383. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity whefr^Wtf lose . your health, because indigestion and.constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can be had in : Dr. Ring's New Life Pills. They build up your di­ gestive organs and cure headache, diz­ ziness, colic, constipation, etc! Guar­ anteed at N. H. PeteshJulia. A. Story's, McHenry^ G. W Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores: 3ik\ * A-DMLNISTUATOli'b AU LMOE. •> Estate of Levi A. Waterman. Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed aituiiiiistrator with will annexed of the Es­ tate of Levi A. Waterman, deceased; late of the County of ftlclienry and State of Illinois, iterehy (iives nothre that lie will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at-the Kei>- ruary term, on the first Moiutay ii» February next, at which time all persons having claiins against said Estate are notified arid request­ ed to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to snid Estate are requested to make immediate pay nient to the undersigned. Dated this ltth day of November. A. I).-1905. AMIKHT-'L. FKANCISCO, 23-3t* Administrator with Will Annexed Notice! Tq insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of.-each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. Are you about to have an auction-? so. consult F. O. Gans, over M. Walsh's store. A G langrow Cemetery. The Necropolis cemetery, Glasgow, as originally planned, contained al­ most exactly twenty-four acres avail­ able for burials, and it was suggested that each division of one acre should be named> after a letter of the Greek alphabet, wljich contains twenty-four characters. For various reasons this idea has not been fully carried out, but fifteen'sections of the cemetery have been so named from alpha to omega, the. monosyllable letters be­ tween these being omitted. The names have not been applied in any partic­ ular sequence, but with the aid of a small map they are useful in locating any particular spot in what is now one of the most densely filled graveyards in the kingdom. Not a Mesnentter Boy. A beggar accosted a man on the street the other day and poured out a tale of woe, to which the gentleman patiently listened. Then he took out a card bearing his name, which was that o? a well known philanthropist who contributes largely to an organization working for the relief of the poor. This he handed to the man after writ­ ing an introductory note thereon. The beggar turned away with disgust writ­ ten on his face and the parting re­ mark: "Say, d'ye t'ink I got time to beat it up to dat joint? I'm too busy workin' dis pike to waste me time dat way. Wot d'ye- t'ink I am--a messenger boy?"--New York Times. The Difficult Persian Tongrne.. Of the difficulties in the language of Persia a traveler writes: "The words one uses in a letter are almost entire­ ly different from those used conversa­ tionally, and those i:i an ordinary prose history are again different. Then it is almost impossible to distinguish the tenses, and, lastly, the adjective Is generally indistinguishable from the substantive, and the link between an adjective and the term which it quali­ fies is the same as the sign of the pos­ sessive. For instance, the text, 'This Is my beloved son,' may be read in the Persian Bible 'This is the son of my beloved,' without the slightest violence to tiie grammar," - '. . Croup. A reliable medicine and one that «hontd always be kept in the home for immediate ube is rhumberlain's Congh Remedy- It will prevent the attack if fciven 'as soon m» the ...tihild-' .bfrootmiH hoiarse, or even after the croupy congh appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other harmful drug. For sale by G. W Beslev Origin of One Graveyard. The faultily of a member of parlia­ ment from Yorkshire has a private graveyard and has had it for several generations. The founder of it was a Quaker, and the rector of the parish in which be lived said to him after a dispute on religious matters: "Well, If you don't come to church when you are alive, you will when-you are dead." But the Quaker thought otherwise and founded the burial place, which is used to this day. We will tend you a sample free. . Be sure that this picture in thl form of « label is on the wrappcf ot every buttle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT * B0WKE Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. SOuaaitU aflilmtiiWi - • * Kxcnrftioti Tii'kftM t<> itit<ViiHti<iiiRl 8'ork Exposition, Chicago, Via the North-W^ste.n Line, will he sold Dec. 1(1 to 2ft. inclusive, limited to return until Dec 24, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R"y.' " ..j. Dec I'bAtnlMrlultiV 1'nfti Bntm. There i* no danger fro\n blood pntSftm r •oiHimr from a cut or wound of any kind, " hen Chamber ain - 1-»m• *i B* m is .used. It is an antiseptic «iieasing and should be in every household For *ale by G W. Besfey. The Plaindealer has a rvery .nice line of llMifi < alendar samples Before plat­ ing yofir order we want every business nun in MeHeiwy and the surrounding c untry to see our line jwd r prices. • /' ' Hart's Boston Novelty Co-. " - ? Don't forget the "want ad"oolnmnl •v - A Popplar LanRuaf(e. "I've called half a dozen bell boys this morning, and they haven't brought a thing I've ordered," said the irate guest "Are they all deaf?" "Yes," explained the hotel clerk, "but they can hear through the palms of their hands. Money talks, you know. It is the only language they can under­ stand."--Detroit Free Press. I. Portraits- All shapes-aid st/es. Sev­ en I uti/of^ to select Hach doz­ en iiii:she« !n rtltfen-iitstyles. Price, . nd u|uv*r>l. . . . . Outdoor Work- We Inive I'XiSUsive ii|)|»y'<irii> fei*--'|l' l()n«is"nf «ufl(»r ' work, su-r, its sfWitii. (.••c.tiin's. Views of buildings.. cal'le. niuelnnery. etc. Enlargements. '< opi-vl fi-om any small picture Ukwess gwaranteed •vew l lnishwi iifblack and white or colors. Frames. A vat iety of styles in stock to select froth. O'd sizes made up for any slxe jtieture. <-ertificat.e, etc. Waui<esan St., uuarihe Standpipe. . VWKST Mcl^v'iy. ILL. - t , f . T e l o p K o n e , 4 9 3 ^ -Mih. ^ " * We handle the-Columbia make with either Columbia or Victor records, from $1.5° up. Also have a complete line of needles and repairs. " c. ROSS. D. ». I Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODKRN nENTlSMHW* ' Want Column. .. AH Ailvt 11 }fcin< »its iriKtjiU'fl undvr this hculjkt tfae fuliowmtfratfH.- Five lines or ItVH. 25 cent* for flrat ir» eent« for j?nl>se<|«ont iiiHei'tlon. Mon tlian live iiiis &. r». .'iitf t 1HV tiist inwertion, and ^ fputs h line xir acfdniouHi insicrtlotis I^OR SA I.E -<*vn nopv top sm-ry, one J- Newport thip, sfngU* harness, one litfht hiirnt-ss; ail lit wi<"»ncl1iand eondl- n ̂ ci\ iTicSi Come in and let us show yon our $12.00 aid up Sewing ma­ chines. Ten-year guarantee with each,and every one of them. tlon. .TAMKS B. ,Pbuh*V_. 18 OALESMKN WANTK!»- To kv»k after our 0 interests In McHenry and adjacent coun­ ties. Salary or cohmti.ssio-i. Address LtNcoLN <'»ii. Cleveland. .Ohio. "RVOR SAI.E--A tw'n-year-old well 'J>red Hol- »<eln b»»ll., JSix* further, information ad-, dressor jipply t(> ItrVNrty DEtJEN, McHenry. JfVOIt ii w L. West HcHenry, 111. -MMtitM JNWfcS: «•««««»« Office Telephone 2U-, Residence 202. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Kxtraeting.^ Hours 8:«0 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Hi CFAMBERLIlf • dentist. • Office and Residence over Besley's Drug stoMt, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. Wbst MOHKNKY. Ir.f.. .V Geo. Meyer# (Jeneral Teaming of all kinds. foccavating and Grading* , ' ncHENRY - _ ILLINOIS. [ SALE' l4tM*. white oak x fence posts. Puices. siglit; - inuviiie of Of- addr»>ss ,F; #. StOGKs 2iV4 .miles east of ' briflire. uul I»ntT oak uf or, river A H:iV liOfSi?, white f.iced. cariie to thy pl;ioe " Tuesday tnornins and lias been 1 tiere si-nc»>. Owner can have sanie ltv prOvint? property and paying charges. I'. .1". Schoewer I MCHENRY T^OK SALF C1IIEAP-A jrond tlmv> seji.t;ed ^ s)tring wagon; can be used us a milk waR on. In<iuire of WM. Ilorvrz, West Side livery. Ki-t f ' TOR ){ENT--f ive-room cottajre iq good 1 pair, feocated on .Tfthn street West? Henry. Apply to or address re- Mc- WM, BONSLETT. IViniioiiai #'< Poor Stinnacli. The worn-out stomach the over-fed millionaire is often paraded in the pub­ lic print an ai horrihle example of the evils attemlant on the possession of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs. The proportion is far great­ er among the toilers. Dyspepsia aud indigestion are rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tort­ ures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's Augnst Flower, which has been a( favorite household remedy for all stomach troubles for over thirty-five years. August Flower rortses the tor­ pid liver, thus creating appetite and in­ suring perfect digestion, j It tones and vitalizes the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter what your station. Trial bottles, iific; regular size, 7SG. For sale by all drugK-istsC ijfcif. fi KiitertrthiM at I.UII()Im*<I ||> Mrs Alice Thompson entertained Miss Clara Hall of Chicago, Miss Margaret Cleary and Miss Beatrice Tboti pson at inncheon Tuesday afternoon, the occa­ sion being her birthday. A very nice collat.1011 was served and a very enjoy­ able afternoon was spent by the guests. This is t.he«place where at all times can be found a fresh and complete line of Bakery Goods, such as bread, .cakes, pieti, doughntab, etc. : • : DUklNQ DECEHBER \ ,f\ . " • ^ we will uiake a specialtji of Christmas Bakery, the finest ^and best in the bakery line. We also fill orders for wed dings and parties on very : : : : : : • a n 4 n PKOPRIET.OE. Stubborn Ooughs and Colds CURED BY FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR Obstinate, racking Coughs that make your head ache, your throat and lungs sore and inflamed, that rob you of sleep until your system becomes so run down that you are in grave danger of Pneumonia or Consumption, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. FOLEY'S HONEY AHD TAR soothes and heals the inflamed air pas­ sages, allays the feverish conditions, stops the cough and prevents serious results from a cold. FOLEY'S HOSEY AND TAR Is the only prominent cough medicine on the market that does not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and on this account is safest for children. It is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop­ ing Cough and will quickly cure the racking cough which follows measles and leaves so many children witlr weak j lungs unless properly treated. 1 Remember the name -- Foley's Honey and Tar--and refuse substi­ tutes that cost you the same as the S genuine. Do not take chaaoos with some unknown preparation. WEST SIDE Always a complete line of Flesh and Salt Metfts, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very, choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first class city market to offer? :: I I A. (.MATTHEWS j A Uneful Paragrk^f Singleton (reading)---It is jiaid that the last word in an argument Is often the most dangerous. Wedderly--Would yoa mind letting me have that paper? HI., writes: "'I was troub.ed with a Singleton--What do you want It fort . hacking cough for a year and I thought CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in ihe line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. / 1 i We also handle the ^c- Heurj Creamery Butter. Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, 111, Telephone No. 393. SIMON Insurance Agen t for all classes of properdin tbe best Companies. -. ; < West McHenry, Illinois . ' «»'! ' McHEN&lT COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY.. OFFICE with America 11 National Hank Woodstock,.111. Abstracts of title and con-X veyauclng. Money to loan on real estate in sums of |500 to 810.000, time and payment suit uorrower, "" ~ , , V 4 FRANK UHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD Hopse and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one blocK west of river. Telephone No. &4. , MCHENRY, - ILLINOIS I?. OW^Sf I'lanoB for sale and rent. Tuning and ing at reasonable prices. . First class Work only. ; M6WI8NRY. ; J o h n ̂ 1 , DEALER IN Genera.! Hardware hr Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and r a* < hine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 54$ McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS.' Have you seen L A M B E R T Q . S E N G ' S NEWLY DECOR. ATED BUFFET? AT 92 Fifth Avifc. Chicago , Illinois. Tel. Main 1714. KILLTHI COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS w™ Dr. King's New Oitsovery ™«c CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and /OLDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. Consumption Threatened. hunger, 211 Maple St., Charapiaga, PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. M VKARS' EXPCMENCE. Our CHARGES ARE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or skctch for expert search and free report on patentability. WFRIHCEMEWT suit» eonducUxl before all courts. Patents obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED and SOLO, fret'. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS uud COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. __ ORIGINAi LAXARM HONEY' Chicago & North-Wesfeifil# Wedderly--I want to show thai grapk to my wife. T* B« Dtecovere* 1>r E* Various Old Gentleman (to new Scotch footman)--Do yon take me for a fool, sir? Footman--Weel, sir, I'm no lang here and 1 dlnna ken yet.-- Dundee Journal. Always remember that it is easier to kill time than , to make uj* time.--8L Louis Star. Are yoajjqoasd U *»,*** is tb reason? I had consumption. I tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar; it cured me, and I have not been trou­ bled since." • Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. *0LD M0 lECOMMEUEB BV (SI W. BESLEY, W. McHENBT Effective Nov. 5, 1805. WKKK DAY THAJK8. ff NORTHBOUNb. jiJ... Va'ElirWt «,••&!'... JltVlti I'ltiiiues , :,i>Vin Iics H'limies. Via Kipin-- .. "IH^s I'laiiies. SllNI) AY Til A I it*. Via Klein. .... '.. '«»Vla Ut's I'tafiiss...:.. .1 Via Klixin.......... WKKK PAY THAIHgj lij'HVti-1-, ; 8O0THBt>rXlV * " Mcll«'nry. .• .. U 111•:»•*j*• • .Via fCI111.>«»« 8.S«i». Via IV'S lMatiMl/.„»i, 4.2S p in.j.Viw'"-Via !»<>> I'laines.. .. 4.33 p Via Elffin , ; P0NDAY THAISfS. 7.23 a • • Via El>tln», V. fi.00 p .VisJ>es I'laluflS... 6.00 p ...... Vis Glftln Arrive , McHctny. .a ..10.17 urn S i : K - <.45 a ni ».ioa m •jfe.02 p m • p m .. (i.40 p m . .6.40 p tn . It.14 a m .11.14 a tn .. 4 55 p ib Arrive «'hicaRO. .. 10.10 a ik W.Sft a IB .. .0.15 p in ...7.10 pm ..10.26 am ...7.nepm ...740 pm AND An improvement over all Cough* Lang and Bronchial Remedies* Cures Coughs, Strengthens th« tilings, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. fcy PUICULC MEDICINE C0^Ckloa^.0.t.A. H. PETESGH, McHenry G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. ,«"< HOLLISTER'S ^ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 4 Busy Medioiae for Busy People, BringE Goldea Health and Reaewed Vigor. -vxiific for Constipatiu'n. In lieest ion, Liva -v Troubles, Pimples. Ke/e: I, Bad Breath, Slupjrisli Hnvcls 'imples. Ei'/em i, irjrisli Hnvcls, fcickiiche. It's Rocky 51<mutain Tea in i .ul" rorm, 85 cents a bo*. Genuine made f Ull IUAI1 TV la ': . I.MSTKB Daua COHPANV, Madiaou, Wis. ;L0EN HUMEIS FOR SAUOW PE0PUS V ? : v > - - •.'.•"••A?'.;' -v.. •'I'.: :;r.

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