Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1905, p. 5

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m1* - ;v . ^ v -*v.* :. +.<7*,^ ^Y-r -:;;rF\ ?^/*yr '*'ixrt** - •^;,4.;v v; \ ^ ^ >,^ ?v. ,: ~; •4' *? ' *;~ , ^,- ^-- >• <, ,( ^ \\ j * r * , • . ! ' ' t ; * • * > . , > ' • ; . ^ * : " J r ? *\ .tf- - ' < V V1'-" i* «? Coal! r%Mil £ - > S r f t e v A,'-* • -*F̂ ̂ will be the cry of everyone long and as we can not serve all the same time it is up to you to us your order at .once and avoid tisttal lali rnsh. * . : : ; OUR FEED STORE! Out Feed Department was never ihore complete. When in need of any thin * in this line remeinber the old reliabl "V stand. /. W?. Flour by t|ie barr " <" or feack?\ T*\£ *•. , : : o':;. Wilbiif West ncHenry. rgirj.. a - • *>< IU anted: ,|o build up the biggest and bfest business i» bur line in town. We have good Goods, *low prices and a desire to treat you fairly, squarely and courteously. Will you not sup­ ply the missing link by helping us with yotir patronage? We are sure 110 one would ap­ preciate it more or strive harder tf please. 5 N. H. Petesh v BOUQ^T FOR CASH SOLD FOR CASH. Groceries! Our stock of Groceries' is c-ninplwte aud always fr»Vn and clean. No sale uiade hut. we stand bao^ of it. Our goods are not bought at closing-out sales, but direct from tbe wholesaler for cash and sold for cash at a small margin of profit. Try a sack of WHITE PEARL FLOUR, it is the best, FRUITS and VEGETABLES. JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry, - - Illinois. !$ iu»lb City S % ILLINOIS Quae a woman becomes acquainted with the soap, it's mighty good soap that can attract her attention from it. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS, CHRONICLED BY OU&- ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS m<h was a Fremont caller w^as ';2S3* :A P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT * * < • / ' SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVENTO THE. SALE OF Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, «Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs|̂ S5SS. ii This is the oldest house on the street, application. • . Tags and price lists furnished on -• w COLD STORAGE FREE | CHICAQO^ ILLINOIS. | Stall 1 & 3, Fiiltq* 9ft. Wholesale market. Jos. Ii. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells the Me V'icker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Grinding Mills,--_ Rock Island" Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Winji Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil uMMi-- a Specialty. frdiiklio Lipniog Rod Works! | I am agent for the above. W® put the Rods on your^BulId- inj?s and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if 110 more than $f>00. Call and w - get full particulars. f s General BUcksmitniQf { Prices always Reasonifile. * A. Hertzing Sunday. Geo. DryerWas a Fox Lake caller Monday. * • ' • Mr. and Mfs-C. Sable spent, Sunday in McHenry. . Geo. Stanford -®! Fort Hill was in town recently. ' i. Del Smith of Ronnd Lake wasa Yolo caller Shnday. Frank Wilson and wife were Volo caller^ Tuesday* Walter White of Lake Villa was a re­ cent Volo caller. Wm. Hoeff and v grandchild spent Tuesday in town. , v - Mrs. Geo. Huson called on friends in Vwlo Wednesday. E. W. Mills spent Sunday with rela­ tives at Wanconda. r . Mrs.C. Dryer visited friends at Lib­ erty vilie this week. Henry Davis of Wanconda Was seen on Our street recently, Geo. Rosing of Round Lake was sefen on our street recently,, -r, . * Mrs. Charley Raught called on 'friends in Libertyville Friday. > Mrs. Flora Ernst of Avon Centre was a Volo caller Thursday. Mrs. Albert Raught spent several days in Liberty villf recently. ~ Geo. Richardson of Round Lake a Volo caller Wednesday. T. L. Grot of JMcHenry made a busi­ ness trip to Volo recently. Mrs. H. Nicholls is visiting her sor, Alfred, ip Chicago this week. Mrs. Bennie Cossman and daughter, Murl, were recent Volo callers. Thomas Wright and family of Cnba called on Thos. Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Burnett of Rose- ville were Volo callers Saturday. Arthur Kirwan of Wauconda called on old friends in town Wednesday. Peter Myer and Miss Kate Rosing at­ tended church at Wauconda Sunday. Ben Rosing and sister, Kate, of Round Lake spent Sunday at John Rosing's. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter. Hellen, were Fremont callers Sunday. Frank Sexton of Elgin was visiting old friends and relatives here the past week. Mrs. Wm. Hironimusand Miss Maude Walton were Round Lake callers Satur­ day. Mrs. Peck and daughter of Wauconda and Miss Edith Brand spent Tuesday in town. Chicago by way of Round Lake this week. Mrs. Crabtree of Iowa is visiting her niece, Mrs. Robt. Granger, of Fish Lake this week. Mrs. Frank Hifonimus and daughter, Evelyn, are visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. A gang of telephone men were in town this week putting up 12 new wires and cross arms. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clongh and daugh­ ter, Bessie, of Wauconda were Volo callers Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Huson has returned to the home of her son, C. G., in Liberty ville this week after visiting with friends and relatives here. Pinesalve acts like a poultice. Best thing in the world for boils, burns, cracked hands, tetter, etc. Sold by N. tl. Petesch, McHenry, and G. W. Bes- !ey. West McHenry. , At ope o'clock Wednesdty morning Volo was again visited by a fire which destroyed the saloon building recently purchased by the Wegener Bros of Lily Lake. Only by heroic effort mi the home of Ben Rosing saved. You can apply Man Zan inside, right where the pain is. It is put up in col­ lapsible rubes with nozzle attachments for introducing it. Man Zan stops pain instantly and cures all kinds of b ind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by N. H. Petesch, McHen­ ry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry. The many friends of Wm. Marble were surprised to hear of his sudden ^cieath at hb home in Grayslake Satur­ day. The funeral was held at Grays­ lake Monday and the remains brought to Volo and laid in the family lot. He was a soldier in the war of '61. Thus one by- one the old soldiers are passing away. ' Croup is 4oickly relieved and Whoop­ ing Cough will not "run its course" if you use the original Bee's Laxative Hon­ ey and Tar. This Cough Syrup is differ­ ent from all others because it acts on the bowels. You cannot cure Croup and Whooping Dough until you rid the sys­ tem of all congestion, by working off the cold through a copious action of tbe bowels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar does this, and cures all Coughs. Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. No opiates. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mcllenry, and N. H. Petesch. McHenry Hart's Bostou Novelty Co. 1 The and Weekly filter Ocean papers, one year for only $1.55. Fifty Yaars the Standard *DR; tfKEt W CBEAM BAKING 1 Cream of Tartar Made From Srapes / la JUaa RIDOKFIXXU. Mrs. E. E. Kuilans is on the sick list. N. J. Garrison was in Elgin Monday. Roy Skinner spent Sunday at Wood­ stock. Miss Middle Cook wait in Chicago Saturday.^ • Mrs. R. L Dufield wa» 'in Nunda Saturday. v"V, ; • Mr. Howard of McHenry was here on business Thursday. Chas. Ambler of Capron spent last week with friends here. Miss Cora Ward of Greenwood called on "friends here Monday. Mrs. F. Lowell and son visited rela­ tives at Nunda Thursday. Miss Ella Barber of Hebron tpent Snnday with her parents. ' ) Miss Rosa Barden of Chicago visited at Geo. Wheeler s Sunday. Edward Corkill visited relatives at Cary Saturday »nd Sunday. Miss Edith Hobart visited at F. Ho- bart's at Woodstock Saturday and Sun- day. T • The M. W. A. will give a basket social in the church parlors Friday evening, Dec. 15. Misses Nettie and Bethel Shelt and Lolo Lynch were Crystal Lake visitors Snnday. 1. Hartman of Chicago spent a few days last week with his brother, J. G. Hartman. The Ladies' Aid will bold a bazaar and snpper in the Presbyterian church Fri­ day, Dec. 8. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Shelt were Woodstock visitors last Wednesday. No Case of Pneumonia on K«cord. [ We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu­ monia or consumption where Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain opiates, which causes constipation, a condition which retards recovery from a cold. Ask for FoleyHoney and Tar and re fuse any substitute. G. W. Besley. BARBEVIUiE. Mrs. A. T. Wingate was a recent Mc­ Henry visitor. Willis Kittle called on Thos. Thomp­ son Friday evening. C. W. Gibbs of Chicago spent Snnday with his parents here. Misses Lizzie and Minnie Lehman were calling on Nunda friends recently. Mrs. Royal Gracy of Nunda called on Mrs. B. ,W. Starritt Saturday afternooi. Thos. Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whiting near Ringwood Sun­ day. Mrs. J. D. Starritt of Terr* Cotta was calling on friends here Friday aft­ ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Starritt spent Sunday with. Mrs. Libbie Simpson at Ringwood. Floyd Thompson and George Knaack were calling on friends in McHenry Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Sutton of Emerald Park spent one evening recently with Mrs. B. W. Starritt. Floyd Thompson and George Jones called on some of their numerons friends in Nunda Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Sutton, our efficient teacher, will board at the home of J. D. Fleming the coming winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Pettibone and daughter, Florence, of Chicago were recent visitors at J. D. Fleming's. Mrs. B. W. Starritt and Mrs. Thos. Anderson spent Wednesday afternoon with Miss Effercine Johnson at Crystal Lake. • Pirating Foley'* Honey and Tar. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Hon­ ey and rar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen- nine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of theui. Tbe geunine Foley's Honey and Tar is iu a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse substitutes. It is ,the best remedy for oonghs and colds. G. W. Besley. • RINGWOOD. Hart's Boston Novelty Co. Warren Foss Chicagoed Tuesday. John Carey was a Spring Grove and Wilmot caller Thursday. Geo. Harrison made a flying trip to Woodstock last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Tonyan were Woodstock visitors last Saturday. Miss Agnes Carey is spending Thanks­ giving with relatives at Milwaukee. Walter Harrison and sister, Grace, spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. t Joe Lynch lost his gold watch in a corn husker one day recently. The watch fell into tfie machine while in op­ eration and was smashed to pieces. If you are troubled with indigestion, constipation, sour stomach* or any other pain, Holiister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make yon well and keep you well. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. The remains of James Jones, who died at Moreland, were brought here for bur­ ial and laid at rest in the Ringwood cemetery. He was 58 years old and lea­ ves a wife and daughter to mourn tbe loss of a kiud and loving husband and father. JohnxBell was quire badly injured in a corn husker last Tuesday. In trying to reach a bundle of corn his foot became caught in the lower carrier, which car­ ried it into a sprocket wheel and quite badly bruised the member. This will lay him up for a time to come. Pain may go by tbe name of rheuma­ tism, neuralgia, lumbago, plenrisy. No matter what names the pains are called Holiister's Rocky Mountain -Tea will drive them away. 85 cents, Tea or Tab­ lets. G, W. Beeley. J W.C. T.U. PRESS DEPARTMENT I [The Platndealer does not hold itself respon­ sible for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn.--ED.1 FOR CONSCIENCE' SAKE. Mrs. Rives was n«ft a pronounced temperance woman, and when at the Thanksgiving feast to which she had been invited, the fumes of smoking plum pudding told that brandy had been used in the sauce, she hesitated in doubt whether it would not be better to override a mere, prejudice against its nse. Indeed, there flashed across her mind St Paul's injunction: "Whatso­ ever is set before yeu eat, asking no questions for conscience sake." Then there came to her a vision of the table at home when, as a little child with clasped hands and bowed head, she had listened to her father's voice: "Whatsoever we this day eat or drink, may it be to the glory of God." As she half uncon­ sciously pushed the tempting dish aside, she did not see that the action was imi­ tated by the young man opposite her, Snd it was a genuine surprise when, late hi the evening, he sought ber Out.. "My chief cause for thanksgiving today," he said, "is your presence here tonight, Mrs. Rives, for your example gaive me courage to refuse what has been my greatest enemy." FOR SAKE OP AN0THEK; He holds in his band the sparkling glass that tempts his neighbor, and the eye of the neighbor glistens as he thinks of the Christian man playing with tem] . ration. Why cannot he, the man with­ out Christian allegiance, handle, taste, drink? But look! The <man with the glass gives a startled look as this scene passes before him. A sorrowful face bows under the cross thrown upon his back, That cross is planted and the drooping figure is stretched upon it. The man with the glass sees it all. He knows it is love that has gone to Calva­ ry. It is love that is in pain. It is love that bleeds. It is love that cries, "It is finished!" and yet a love that goes on, deathless, triumphant; a love ever­ lasting for a lost world. The man tempt­ ed delays no longer. He, too, makes sacrifice for another and shivers his glass on the marble floor. Oh, love out of the heart of God, come once more upon tbe earth! Take form in the loving lives of thy people. May Bethlehem's manger and Calvary'8 cross be seen in our hu­ mility and self-renunciation. Owe n<> man anything but to love one another Rom. 8:28. SHINGLING THE SALOON ROOF. A drinking man, being in a saloon late one night, heard the saloon keeperV wife say to her husband, "SAd that fel low away; it is late." "No, never mind,"said the saloon keeper, "he is shingling our roof for us." This idea1 lodged in the drunkard's mind, and he did not return to tbe saloon for many months. On meeting him in the street one da^ the saloon keeper said, "Why don t you come around to my place any more?" "Thank you for your kind hospitality," rep'ied his former victim. "I have been shingling my own rool lately." Petesch*b White Pine cough syrup. KMUKALD PARK. Hart's Boston Novelty Co. Martin Knox was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. M iss Anna Frisby of McHenry spent Sunday with the Misses Sntton. Miss Lucy Sutton visited Miss Harriet Welch at Griswold Lake Sunday after­ noon. . Miss Margaret Sutton spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. B. W. Starritt at Barre ville. Mesdames Ed. Knox, Peter Walsh and John Gibbs spent a recent day with Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Huck closed their cot­ tage for the winter Tnesday and return ed to Chicago. Mrs. Mary Cobb and Miss Margaret Cleary of McHenry visited Mrs. Ed. Knox Wednesday. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago is spend­ ing a few days with her parents here. E'l. Sutton spent Saturday evening and Sunday with Elgin relatives. Miss Mae Weilcb and Clarence Martin of Wanconda spent Sunday afternoon with the Misses Knox. Mr. and Mrs. ubas. W. Gibbs and friend, Mr. Cole, of Chicago were callers at R. J. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. Miss Maggie McLaughlin arrived at her uncle's, Geo. Walmsley, lust week from Ireland. She will make her future home with her uncle. Phil and Robert Aylward drove to El­ gin last week with their household fur­ niture, where the latter and his sister, Margaret; will make their home with their sisters in the future. One night is all the time necessary to prove that Pineules is the best remedy in tbe world for backache and all kid­ ney and bladder troubles It' you havt rheumatism or any other Wood disease :t single dose will give relief. Sold by N. H Petesch, McHenry, and Gv W. Ijesley, West McHenry. Read Th« Plaindealer "want" ad* Holcombvuxk. Hart's Boston Novelty Co. Miss Etta Powers was a Chicago vis­ itor Friday. Miss Inez Bay called on friends here Wednesday. ' A. P. Peck spent Satnrday and Sun­ day at his home here. ' Miney Peck and Miss Edith Brand called on friends here Monday- Clark Jacobs of Nunda passed thru this vicinity one day last week. Mrs. Davis and son. Floyd, of Algon­ quin visited Mrs. B. F. Peck Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hjenry McMillan and daughters were Terra Cotta visitors Wednesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and daughters vicited at Spring Grove Sat­ urday and Sunday. Read the label on your paper to-day. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaftis. There is t disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- i tive. Many sudden I deaths are caused by it -- heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease, if kidney trouble is al­ lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by tell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many time's during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold "by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f - have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis- covery an£ a book that foils; all about" it, both , f sent free by mailt Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing meniion reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil­ mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y., on every bottle. NEW EQUIPMENT. North-Western Limited to St. Paul and Minneapolis. The North-Western Line announces daily electric lighted trains, new from the shops; splendidly equipped; new Pullman drawing room and compart­ ment sleeping csrs; extra long berths; specially convenient toilet arrange­ ments; reading lamps in every berth and compartment; magnificently fur­ nished buffet car, and dining car ser­ vice that includes the finest table d'hote dinner out of Chicago. This train leaves Chicago 6:30 p. m., and the con­ necting train leaves Crystal Lake at 7:45 p. m. Similar return service. The traveling public will readily appreciate the benefit to be derived from the new service and which is characteristic of this line. Send 4 cents in stamps to W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago, for booklet describing this magnificent Train de Luxe. For further particulars, rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chi rago & North-Western R'y. 01-8t Climatic Cures. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to food diges­ tion and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good night's rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the exhaustion due to coughing, the great­ est danger and dread of the consump­ tive, cau be prevented or stopped by taking German Syru;> liberally and reg­ ularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the Thousands of consumptives there, the lew who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup: Trial bottles, 26c; regnlar size, 7flc. A.t all druggists! Feb. 1. The Piaiudealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $8.50. Order at once as the timet of this offer is limited. A Bates county negro was complain­ ing recently because his wife asked him for money. "She wants a dollah, fifty cents, a quarter er a dime ebbery day,*' he said. "What does she do with tbe money?" he was asked. "Doan know," was the negro's reply. "Ah ain't neb- ber give huh none yit." The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered, Try it. Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of tne most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir­ ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure is WINE The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex­ tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening influence, on all female organs. Cardul relieves pain and regulates the meases. It is a sure and permanent aura for all female complaints. At all druggists and dealers in Si.00 bottles. MI SUFIXKEtf AWFUL PAIN In my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs, Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo., "also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irreg­ ular. Since taking Cardui I feel Hkea new woman and do no", suffer as I did. It is the best medicine I ever took." Fancy Grocers. FLOUR! * ' . FLOUR! & FLOUR! Ce efs rated Gold Mine F o*ty guaranteed best Flour in town or money refunded, pejr bag. .$1.25 P e r b a r r e l / . . . 4 . ^ 5 CORONA Flour, Hard Minn. Wheat, f?atent Flour, per bag.... .$1.15 Per barrel.. .1.. #$4.50 VICTOR Patent Flour, per bag......... .$1.00 Per barrel.v.., 75 Fancy N. Y. State Buck­ wheat, JOlb b^...35C • Graham Flour, per 251b bag 65c l£ye Flour, 25 lb bag. 65c Gold Medal Yellow Corn Meal, lOftV bags.... 25c Entire Wheat* Flour, 101b. bags«•.. •>:V'«? • 'HJC Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buya and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to onr customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention gipn to collections. INSURANCE v" in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. :. .OURa® varies .in style and finish, accord- ing to price, but at all figures there is good value. The stock i used is good oak-tanned leather. x The trimmings, whether of nickel, f brass, rubber or iron, are of exoel- 9 lent quality. The workmanship, # visible and invisible, is first-class. IM. JL ran J McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Auction W* aefttly print* •* tk* office. , v J '1 *

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