wmm :V.< * • * J+ , , , V : v 4 sfPiS • •* " **, * . i1" o *U . ,«*t J-*> . t / . » J* f\ ^ :-W You can hardly find a home without Its Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what [$ does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad vise parents to keep it on hand. Th<> best eoneh medicine money phi bur "" rrvrectoval. K.ir the oontrlts of Weonid pwitWi.li* hettpr." JAOO* hhitll, Saratoga, !>><!. It Arer'i Cherry Pectoval Children uoth *e„ «*•..*!.9fc All druictltt. j. c. AVkr ro.. Lowell. M.'tss. Throat, Lungs Avar's PIHa greatly aid the Cherry - ' "In breaking up Poctoral a cold. Tie Nclfenry Plaindesier PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY W NclffilRT PUIRDtALER COMPANY. F.M.ORA XORH. W. A.CBI8TT, J. flt. I'r.RltY. V\$fc Ptss. • Sec. .Treas. . 1". C. SCflKKIKKB. Editor. In teak Btlldlnx. Telefc&one. No. S72 • TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oaeyear Sis months, 75 eta. Three months. 40cts». ittursday, December a8, 1905. ru* - 1W.C.T.U.PRESS DEPARTMENT: \ * ' : [The Plalndealer tioes not hold itself respon sible for the opinions expressed in this col- WWa.-Ec.l A LESSON OF CHRISTMAS. Whatever one's religious views n>ay toiie cannot deny tbat the teachings of the Christ have not only revolutionized the religions thought of the world, bat h*Ve also changed the moral conduct - ot the world's inhabitants, and have affected the destinies of nations. It is, therefore, not out of place to discuss at this season the teachings of Christ and tbjB conduct of His followers :n their relations to a governmental problem so important as the drink question In anuonncing His ministry, Christ, using this words of the prophet, stated tbat Hti had come ."to preach the gospel to the poor; to heal the broken hearted; to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to kit at liberty them that are braised." In the light of this declaration the followers of-Christ cannot be other than an active and unrelenting foe to the drink traffic, lirthe present day the-Christian preach- esthe gospel to the poor only to find that more poverty is created by the drink traffic in one year than he' ean-hopeto alleviate in ten years; he seeks to heal the broken hearted, only to find that tbe curse of the drink habit breaks more hearts than be eau hope to heal; -he preaches deliverance to the captives of drink, only to find that the hold ot the drink habit is so strong*-as to be al most unbreakable; he endeavors to re store the sight of the spiritually blind, •»nly to find the traffic creating infidels and setting as nanght his labor of love; he endeavors to set at liberty those tbat lure been braised, only to see the re snlts of the traffic increase as the year- Ijn'by. The welfare of the individual as well as of humanity is supposed to be foremost in the minds of Christian jyeo- ple. The drink traffic is admitted to b* the greatest single foe of the individual and the greatest organised power for. evil. These facta taken in connection mean that the foremost purpose of the Christian ought to be to fight the greatest eeil of moiern times. As we rejoice on the anniversary of the birth of Christ shall we not at the same time aoftsecrate ourselves anew to the work Qf destroying the greatest foe w*ni*y? a. A CHRISTMAS WORD.' » *Xtay this •Christmas teach tnrtnore than we ever knew before of the b'ess i«toeM of giving. May the blessedness I m *0 sweet that we shall, for the sake of keeping it, strive to make every day a 4|y for letting the Christ spirit rule oar hearts, our words, our deeds. LOVES JOY POSSIBLE .Christ told men that he wants every- <*e to know the same joy that he knew ad a man, and that all his teachings looked towards that enl. Now, Chri-t never dealt with the impossible or with .*% purely imaginary. He put ideals fritore men, but they were ideals within thf HWits of t»ie possible Hie showed them visions, bnt they were not visions of the unreal. All bis work and his teaching were founded on love's ab solute truth. Just as truly as his hive-service for men transformed the n|ter blackness of the cross into the "post glorious light, the world has ever *sen." jnst so truly "that your jov may tfefuir tueans that joy is certain for everyone woo abides in his love and walk* with him. "The people that walked in darkne-s have seen a great light; they that dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon the n bath the light shined."--Isaiah ix:2. PROBATE NEWS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mark L Salomon & w to Mary Salomon, • ;w.8 sq rds in ne^tivH sec It) Mcllenryi&KIOflA Jacob Rotherniel to Peter Rotlierniel, It 4 & 4 ft off s sides Its 1 & ;t, hlk 8. Lewis Hatch's adii Spring tirove 050 00 Joseph neither & w to same. pt suhlot 2 lot. t 'n elks plat, see 13, McHenry 123 ( Lewis C Fhyiders & w to Undrew T Mc» ' Miliar,, we 3S. Ntituhi, con taining Hit acres 125000 Samuel McMillan <& w to same, pt ..nl4 ,nwM. sec 23, Nunda .... 100000 MAKRIAUE LICENSES. Robt. Witt, 22 .Harvard Marie Toda, 20... *v. Harvard Don. B. ShufeMt, Harvard Mabel Hawley, 28...Harvard R i c h a r d G i v e u s , 5 0 » , M c H e n r y Nelcerui Nelson. 28.;., .Chicago iieu Benson, 21..,» » .» . ,. Huntley Ida Nels<Mi, 3*1 * ii,Huntley Robt. E Bnrus, 9t.V...Walworth, Wis. Emma R. Leason. 18,... Fontana, Wis. Harry J. Ewitig, 39 ; Bar a boo, Wis. Lillian Irene Laue, M>. Harvar.t Georgi C. Terrall, 8tV, ...Reinbech. Iowa Sylvia May .lackett, 3ft...... Woodstock Wm L Lane, 26...V....Hampshire, III. Maggie Davis. 21 ..Huhtley £®fi doctor many- troubles inrrffclat WINE OF at .The season of Indigestion is bow hand. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets relieve Indigestion, and correct all stomach die Orders. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc Hrnry. N.v H. Petescb and Julia A McHenry. jfteed The P'sindealer' 'want*1 a&i. The reason Dr. DadeV Little l iyer Pills give perfect satisfaction is their tonic effect on the liver. never gripe. Sold by G. W. liesle McHenry, N. H. Petesch and J II mft .... .1 ' v-,v' Saiplnc In Warfatte. The method of sniping in warfare Is as follows: Three men set oat, two in one direction and one in another. The single man, when he believes he Is in the neighborhood of the enemy, lets oflf his rifle, no matter in what direc tion. and thus draws the Are of the sentry. Immediately the two other stalkers fire into the space lit up by the discharge. When this goes on, all round the camp the result is constant alarm at night time. Soldiers are warned not to reply to n sniper, but the temptation is vrell u'gh irresistible. Their exertions, however, meet with little success, for snipers generally stalk the sentries from behind stones, -vision Globe. , , - v A Fearful Pate. ttll k fearful fate to have to endure the terrible torture of Piles. "1 can truthfully say," writes Harry Colson of Masonville, la., **that for Blind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Buck- len '8 Arnica Salve is the best cure made.' Also best for cnts, burns and injuries. 25c at N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHen ry, drnggists. Very Low R*t*ii to' New Orlenn«, L.H., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold on Dec. 26 to 28, in clusive, limited to return until Jan. B, inclusive, on account of American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science. Apply to agents Chicago & North-West- ern R'y. , Dec. 28. Beautifying methods that injure the akin and health are dangerous. Be beautiful without discomfort by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Sun ny shifaces follow its nse. 35 cents. G. W. Besley. .. • taalf Rut** to Golf Tournament, Mexico Cltjr, Mex., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round tr p, January 1 to 12, inclusive, with favorable retnrn limits Appl.% to agentp Chj&ago & North-Western R'y. ^ ^ ' Dec. M, 1905. •o£;£-:-'My !' Ffnwalveis the best Salve for sores, mrns, bcnls, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles.' Sold by G. W. Basley, West McHenry, ST. H. Petesch and; Julia Ai Storyi McHenry. Cures Womb Disease ' It fiaS saved the lives bf irliany weak, sick women and rescued oth ers from a lifetime of chronic sick ness. It will Cure you if you will only give it a chance. Try it. Sold by all druggists and deal* ers in #1.00 bottles. GAVS SUPPORTER. "I wore a suppprter for four years, to keep up my womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Mannsville, N. Y. *' My doctor saM no medicine would help me. After taking Cardui I gave up my sup* porter and am now well." Are you about to have an auction? «o, consult <F. O. Gans, over M. Walsh's store. Clear thinking, decisive actkm. vim and vigor of body and mind, the sparkle >f life, comes to all who use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or- Ifcblets. G. W. Besley. Dance Mpnday Evening. ' experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ ent soil than others; some crops need differ- enihandling than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis- take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted, best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body is be fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scottf s Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth i n g t h a t w i l l r e p a i r wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely faiL We ttrtU ttnd yoa * immpU fret. Be sure that thin picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. • S C O T T O k B O W N E CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street NEW YORK 50c. and |i; all druggiata •>' Ilk* The face is 1H1 iuctox the state of one's physicul well being. Symptoina Of disease can be detccteJ from it al most before the patient U uware that there Is anything the matter. For In stance* excessive pallor indicates poor circulation and possible heart trouble. Incomplete exposure of the eyeballs, rendering the whites of .the eyes vis ible during sleep, is a symptom of all acsits :•-«.« type. Twitching of the muscles is a herald Qf nervous exhaustion. Widen ing of tbe orifices of the noee with movements of the nostrils to and fro points to embarrassed breathing from disease of the lungs or channels lead ing thereto. Contraction of the brows indicates pain in the head. Sharpness In the nostrils is a symptom of pain in the chest. Bagging under the eyes," when not a facial characteristic, points to kidney trouble. Twitching of the eyelids associated > with oscillation of the eyeballs or squinting, heralds the vlpit qt convulsions.--American Queen. mmmmsf La. liS $.i<* ^ it.*. WHITER TERN BfGISS 1ANUARYI IWi. A diploma from the Modern Business e of Elgin means a good position for yon. Business men are 'phoning na daily for office help. More than one hundred pupils of this famous school have been placed in positions during the [past few months. Many boys and girls coming difectly to us from 8th grades of the public schools, are now earning from $40 to #60 per month. We guarantee to you the /Very best .there is in a business education. Over one hundred student are now in atten dance. Onr scholarship for full busi ness and shorthand course, including books, is only |6.50 per month, payable monthly. Expert teachers, best equip ment, 24 typewriters of '5 different makes, steam beat and all modern im provements. Every student a merchant conducting his own store; baying and selling merchandise from bis fellow stu dents for cash, notes, drafts, etc:, hand- ling his own money and transacting business with the banks and wholesale houses, has brought the students of tbe Modern Bnsiness College face to face in the capacity of real business men and women. The public is invited to visit the school any afternoon and witness the deep interest wit^ which the stu dents go about their worir. further particulars call or write to' ** / 28^ ^ ' F. W. Ellis, Preeideiit. ' • --'̂ vtW jOHiuirtlc Care*. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of-consumption is very much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by.jiroper attention teffood diges tion and a regular use of German Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrnp, so is a good night's rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night sweaty Restless nights and the exhaustion tine to 'coughing, the great est danger and dread of the consump tive, can be prevented or stopped by ^taking German Syrup liberally and reg ularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the thousands of consumptives there, the fe a* who are benefited and regain strength are those, who use German Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c; tegular size, 75c. At all drnggists. t Feb..l. Kxcurxlon K»t«*» for the Holiday*, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold iat reduced rates December 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1905, and Juanuary 1. 1906, good returning until and including January 4. 1906, to points On the North-Western Line, including C. St. P. M. & O. R'y., to points on the Union Pacific R. R. east of and including Cheyenne and Denver, points on A. T. & S. F. R. R., Denver & Rio Grand R. R., ana Colorado Southern, Denver to Trinidad, inclusive, and Colorado and Southern points, Orin Jet. to Cheyenne, inclusive, also to points on D. S. S. & A. Ry and Mineral Range B. R Apply to agents Chicago & North- Western Ry. Dec. 81 j Torture of a Preacher. The story of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church, of Harpersville, N. Y., will interest yon. Be says: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep sitting up in bed. I tried many remedies without re lief until I took Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and s^ved me from consumption." A grand cure for diseased condition of Throat and Lungs. At N. H. Petesch ahdJulfaA. Story. McHenry. G. W. B-iBley. West McHenry, druggists; price 5 >c and $1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Peroonally Conducted Twur to California. Exclusively first class tour under tbe auspices of the Tonrist- Department, Chicago. Union Pacific & North- Wee«> em Line, leaves Chicago, Wednesday, February 7, spending the disagreeable portions of February and March, in the land of sunshine and flowers. $850.00 includes al I expenses, railway fare, sleep ing cars, meals in dining cars and hotel expense. Service first c'ass in every re spect. Persons starting from points west of Chicago can join the party at some convenient point. Write for ititt eraries and full particulars to 8. A Hutchison. Manager, 819 Clark St., Chi «*<>' Ul- De0.8!. •: V ; . < * t *VT' *£• A Klpllnv Laneat. In Laurence Hutton's "Talks In a Library" he tells as follows of meet ing Kudyard Kipling at a luncheon given to tbe latter by Richard Watson Glider. "Another engagement made me late, and I entered the. room as the party was breaking up. I was Intro duced to Mr. Kipling, with whom I exchanged the traditional few formal words, and we drifted apart, but a moment or two afterward he placed himself on the arm of a chair in which I was sitting and said; 'I didn't real ise, Button, when I met you a moment ago who yi» were. Dear old Wolcott Balestier, your friend and mine, tried so hard and so many times to bring us together In London and elsewhere, and now be Is gone, and 1 can't under stand it all. He died so suddenly and ' so far away; we had so much to say to each other, and now I have gat to waltNao long before I can say it-^v Am Aaeleat Taite. s'We Won't Go Home Till Morning" la not a modern song; at least the air is not modern, for it dates back to the times of the first Duke of Marlbor ough. It la the old French air of "Mal- brouk e'en va-t-en guerre; Dieu salt quant reviendra" ("Malbrouk has gone to the war; the Lord knows when he will come home again'*). The second verse hinted that the Duke of Marl borough* would be a long time away. "II revieudra-z-a la Paques, ou a la Trlnite" ("He will return at Easter or Trinity Sunday"). In south Yorkshire, In England, that air exists as a chil; dren's song: Mollle Brooks, she Went to be shaved; Motile Brooks, she went to be shaved; Moll'e Brooks, she want to be* shaved and the barber cut bar chin. "Mollle Brooks" Is a corruption of Marlborough. ••tli law tk« leaker. . "I had a most terrible experience to day," declared tbe pretty girl, to her boarding house companions. "I was waikidg along the street. When sud denly I beard a most peculiar noise. I looked up, and there on ft stoop stood a most hideous monkey, leering at me. It startled me, and I stepped back quickly, putting my bapd to my eyes. Then the man who was cpmlng just behind me remarked: * " 'You're all right, little girl. I see It, too, and I've been on the water cart for weeks,' Now; what do you sup pose he meant?" Tbe men boarders'who were at the table answered -not, 'but the1 wife of one 6f them explained to the girl litter on^Kew York Tribune. i • : : ?.; •• • - "i The tllost remarkably comedy wlr Written Is "The Visionaries," by Des- maretst the protege of Richelieu. Every character In the play has a hal* lucination of one kind or another. One Is a coward who thinks he has con quered tbe world, another a poet who conceives himself better than Homer,- another a lover who becomes enam ored of every heroine he reads of in a romance, another .a beggar who thinks Mm--If rldtm* than Croesufc^^ - ti ' Womeia'a Letters. ' 4 - iW **As far as I have bad the opportun ity of Judging* it appears to. me that tbe usual style of letter writing among women is faultless except in three par ticulars--a general deficiency of sub ject, a total Inattention to stops and a very frequent Ignorance of gram mar." Such is the brief summing up of woman as a Correspondent, given some hundred years ago by Henry Tilaejr. -. - - , ^ ' Losrl««l. " ..r' ; "You'va been kissing Mav«ie~ 3ijMi» tor." "Ob, Nollle, what a story!" v"^ "Yes, you have, Robbie Dlckerson. You don't like peppermint, and she al ways gets peppermint chewing gum. Ob, I can put two and free togevver." -Lite. ,. • ' Apparent. ' She--You know, Judge, our charac ters are different, and I don't want to be In his way-- He--Yes, your honor, she is peculiar, and I don't want t» In terfere-- Judge--1 understand. You ask for a divorce out of pure love.-- Meggendorfer Blatter. ' r • Tiir. "Is Bpoooey's wife a. good house- hseper?" "Well, I should say so. Why. he has to keep a private detective to watch-his clothes so he can tell where to find them. She's so tidy."--Liverpool Mer- •etkla* UN kat «•»• Bmrif, "He belongs to one of oyr oldest families, but he Is a consumptive. He coughs dreadfully." "Yes, be says all he ever «ot Jfcsm the family tree was the bark.** No Opiate In ClimnlMirtiila'a C*«|h Reme«ljr. 1 There la not the least danger in giv ing Chamberlain's Cough remedy to small children as it contains no opiate or other harmful drug. It has an estab lished reputation of more than thirty yean as the most successful medicine in nse for colds, croup and whooping oongb. it always cores and is pleasant to take. Children like it. Sold by G. W. Besley. , Are you squaie witk iMtf IIM what is the reason? ANNOUMCEMEH TS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. II.- The Illinois ('witrul tualntains Double Daily Service, ttnd I lie licsl. of trains, with IHuiiiK ('ars. Itull'i'l - I.Wii-.-n y Cars. <;luiir < liirs ttnd Mlcepinjf * "ars.. fn»in <.U'iicaKO. St,. Louis, t'Inclnnati ami l.iuiisviMt- south t^i New Ur Tlit> lies! i'iwkI fur l eacltiDg the; muttiw Tourist, ifM^i-tis nf t he South. iiM*ludl««f' '>•' New Orleans, Vickabiirg, Qu If port, Miss., Hammond, Warrti <«ras at.,'NC-w--:<>rh.*aus Full. Wu 'W. Oulfjxii t is u Me.\ic:u. Ou'f < 'o:t. t resort, hav ing the new. lih" ••.(icciit Southern" Hotel. iteKuliti-o(>euri suiamship s:.lllntrK from New Orleans for Mexico. <'••utral America, Pana ma. West Indies and Europe Send or call for descriptive matter In regard to the ah«|^. Havana via New Orleans , Havana. Cuba, isjwwt reached vin the Illi nois Central through service to New Orleans and the new twin-screw nineteen-knot S. S. Prince Arthur leaving New Orleans Wednesday nt at 4:00 p.'m. and arriving at Havana Friday tnorninfr. ••The Cuban Spectal" • J^ a fast Weekly !/iniite»l Steamship Truin l-s rap (after Dec. 2W) uvtjiy Tuesday from Chlcatro and Ot. Loui!> diitici to the boat side. Send for Cuban uiuraiure. Hot Springs, Ark. Florida Daily Sieeplffx Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections at Memplils from Ciocintinti ami Ixtuis.ville. Through "l>lxie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville. Chat- tanOogaapd Atlauui. * fS riexico, California ^ Tour of all Mexico', via Illinois Central ft. R uudec escort of Kuau Campbell, General Man ager the American Tourist Association, Qulncy Building. 113 Adams St., Chicago, leaves Chicago January :$0, Select clientele. Limited. All exclusive privileges. Independ ent travel. Special I'ultmiiii Vestibule Train. Drawing Koonis,'Compartments. Music and Library itoonis, wit Is the largest Dining Car in the world, ami the famous Open-Top Observation Car, Chililitll.' Sl»e<-ial Itaggage Car. Tickets include all expenses every where. . " Special Tours of Mexico and .California via th' Illinois Central and New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & Whltcomb, will leave Chicago Fridays. Feb. « and'SCl, for Mex ico and California, the last to include a stop over at New Orleans for the Mardi Grsis, En tire trips made in special private vestibule trains of finest Pullnians with dining career- vice. Fascinating trips, complete la every detail. Illinois Central Wecl$|y Excursions to Cali fornia. Excursion cars through to Los An geles iiiul San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern route every Friday from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin nati and Louisville, Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday front Cnlc.igo. Full particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting linbs or by addressing eithe)* of the undersigned. A. H. HANBON,' P. T. M., Chicago. 111. 8. G. HATCH, 6. P. A., ChlcagoTlll. Apr* New Year Dance at JohiiHburgh. A New Year dance is advertised to take place at Stephen H. Smith's hall, Johnsbnrgb, 111., on Tuesday, January 2, to which everybody is invited. Mr. Smith, the popular proprietor of this hall, is sparing no pains <>r expense to make this dance one of the best ever held in the hall. The music for the occasion will be furnished by Schaefer's Johnsbnrgb orchestra, including trap drhmmer. The floor committee will consist of the following nambd young gentlemen: Johnsnrgh; Will Meyers, John Miller; Pistakee Bay, Math. Pit- zen, Frank Stock; Volo, Math. Brown, Peter Stadtfel^; Lily Lake, Joe Weg ener; McHenry, Lew Bishop; Lnke Geneva, John Fieund; Ring wood, Earl Whiting; Solon, Will CoVnisfi; Spring Grove, Jacob Schumacher.' Dance tick ets only 50 cents. Come out aud begin the new year ip a .fitting manneiv » ^ ' ' -- - , ' ' • • : " ' ; ̂ ' MIlllonalre'M l'onr Hlnitiarh. .* The wom-ont stoinach fvf the AVer^fed millionaire is often paraded in the ptth' lie print as a horrible example of the evils attendant the p08sessippi ojf great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are (i^Bicted with bad stomachs, the proportion, is faj- great er a mop# the toilers.- Dyspepsia aud indigestion are rampant among th^se people, arid they.stiffed far worse tort ures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a ftAndtitrd inetHcine like Green's August Slower, which has been a favorite household remedy for 'all stomach troubles for over thirty-live years. August Flower ropses the tor pid liver, thus creating appetite and in suring perfect digestion. It tones and vitalizes the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter what your station. Trial bottles, 25c; regular siise, 75c. For sale by all druggists. Feb. 1. Entertainment, Flrat and fcaa* and all the Time.. For the many people who would stim ulate the mind by reading rememher- able fiction, rather than by the passing pleasure of illustration, Lippfncott'fc Magazine is sent forth. The January issue is crammed full of entertainment from cover to cover. First, there is a novelette, complete in one number, by Mane Van Vorst Then a half dozen short stories of exceeding' interest, by some writers that have "arrived," and some that are going to. Then three not equally serious articles on "Franklin's Trials as a Benefactor," "Is a Surplus More of a Menace than a Surety?" and "Memories of Some Generals of tbe Civil War." These are interspersed with varied verses and at the back of the magazine there 1s, as always, the lively department called "Walnut* and Wjne"--which represents the sparkle and spice at the end of the feast. In f raise of Chamberlain's Cough , Remedy. There is no other medicine manufact ured that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratitude as Chamberlain 8 Cough Remedy. It is effective, and ptompt relief follows its use. Grateful 'parents everywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits' for the benifit of others. It is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the at- tact if given at the first appearance of the disease. It is especially adapted to children as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. E! A. Humphreys, a well known.resident and clerk in the store of Mr. E. Lock of Alice, Cape Colony. South Africa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family. I found it to l>e very satis factory aud it gives me pleasure to rec ommend it. For sale by G. W. Besley. "Odell is working in the dark" says a new York paper. He has been ac cused of using lantern and jimmy meth ods before. I Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buyR and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and deeeta 6EHERW BANKIIK BVS1KSS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon tennis entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solid! die public patronage. H o n e y t o L o a n on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given tp^llections. . ^•iNSUI^NCe^i, in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. Society V Cards DAVID G. WJ5LLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUKGKON AND OCULIKt *• Office and residence comer Eb" . »•« Gfreen streets, Alclleiil-y. Telephone No. 811. FEUEUS & FEGEBS , i pHYSfCTANS AND jSUJttfEONS. UcHeaCT' tB" Office (ttHtisldence.coraer^JoartlMid Elm street* Telephone333.4 . v-'Vv "MM F. ;• M c H E N R H This Is the place where at all times can be fonnd a fresh and complete line- of Bakery Goods, such as bread, cakes, pies, doughnuts, etc. : ' : DIJkINQ DECEHBER "V wm 'tnpVv H U|llfUIIlTvy :'v* Christmas Bakery, the finest and best in the bakery line. We also fill orders for wed dings and short notita*, ; :.,)j PROPRIETOR. •• WEST SIDE Al^ay^iafcmnV'p^' 5 Fresh and Salt Meats, . Sausages, Etc. Highest market ' prices paid "for Jgwrkelfs We also Carter * constantly on hand a very choice line of ^Canned Goods and Bakery. What ; more has- any first class ; city market to offer? I i • CEiNTER VILLE •:W .'•V't i. 1 t We handle everything In MHATS and SausagcJE, We also handle the Wo- Henrj Creamery Butter. Chas. Q Frett, McHenry\ III* O. ROSS, Ii. X). a. Office over Pct»'sch's Dr«g SttwA- \ ^ ,,|£l<TAJN,,io T<> MODKKN pKWTIHM1^' Office Telephone SI4; Uesldenee 200. Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. , i: Hoars-8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. 11. * %$. . " G . OH A MliKMXrl V • •• .V" ; v DBNT1HT. ' - Officpmi) Rtjidtnce over Bealey's Dr«g;Si£ifc - Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. - / ' tVn^T JIollENHV. lLC. General Teaming of all kinds. W: I . • y?' " .?• -. Excavating and Grading. ^ 4 , . flcHENRY , f ILLINOIS. , i Telephone No. 393. SIMON STQFFEL >. -Insurance A gen t for all classes of i>f property in the best Companies. ; W««t McHenry, , •£*. • McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. '5- OFFICE witli American National Bank 4; Wood%t-ock. III.. Abstracts of title and con- | V veyancing. Moiioy to loan on real estate in FRANK UHR PRACTlfcAI. PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE jUillllM. J5.00 ffld UPW«» House and Slgfr Paint ing and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one blocic west of river. Telephone No.2d4. McH«NJty, - ' - r Ilunoi# 4^- T R. tt. OWEN Pianos for sale and rent. Tuning and repaid Ing at reasonable prices. clip Work only; 'V ' * ILLfimti ^ 5 ? K r y - v v c i t i a l t - DEALEtt IN Genera.1 H&rdwace & Stores, Paints and Oiltf^ Tin and ina- ••hiue re^ir'tid *)!' all kinds. . Phone548 McHEN BtSf ^, -ILLINOIS/ Va," - ' T^Upfcoh* It 14. I • '< L A M B C R T Q . S E / ;|2 FiriTH AYP.» .CHICAGO, >. • "V* ; > ' • X : - •* N . -Jr$; * 5®' 'A- KILL TH« COUCH" *wp. CURE THE LUNCSI Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C '0NSUMPTI0M 0UGHS aM /OLDS J»rie# BOc&SI.OO Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all TBtROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or KONXT BAOK. PATENTS Promptly oMalncd, or rCJE RCTUflNCO. so vkars' cxesames. our onamcs «i THE LOWEST. Bend model, photo or sketch for expert inarch aod free report an pataT^ghiUtj. HfPltlMQEMUrr Mitta oooduoted before a8 court*. Patent* obtaiaed through us, aPVSW- TISKD and SOLD, free. VWBHWWM, WH»* StoNS and eo#VMttHTS quickly obtained. Opposite II. I, Patent Oflloe» WASHINQTON, D. C. D SWIFT&<§ __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE s\ V." j"' LeavS< ChlcajHk'" r.m a ta...: !),no a ia.... 3.05 p t'.no p m.... 4.57 p in.... 8.4S a to. B.lOa ra..^..' & North-Western. Effective ?fov. 86. 1905. f wine OAV TKAIIW. * • 'froBTHnocm* McHenry. *. V«a Elgin. 19.17 a m . .jVlaDes i'lalnes 10.17 am . Via Oes I'lalnes 4.50 p ni ..(.Vpoi ..8.40 p tn Leave . McHenty*. ,23 a tn.... 8.89 a m. ro,-.. ni., 7.23 a ta.. A.oov n., 5.00 pta. 4.23 p 1 4.28 p 1 . ..Via Eljrin.. ...Via Pes Plaines... SUNDAY TIIAtiw. ' ..-..Via Elgin... .. ..Via'Pes Plaiikfcs..., . ..t.'VfaElglu...^... WEKK DAY THAWS. SOUTH aou NO. Via Elgin..."..*.. ^...Vla PesPlaiBM... ... .Via J)es I'lainea/- V1* Elgin ;• EPSPAY TRAIHS. Via Elgin,.. ...... V-ta Des PlaitMS. la Elgii >es Plain ..ViaElgin. ..... ...11.14 a ni ...11.14 am ... 4i6pm Art ire Chicago. ...10.10 a . .fcMa ..lOJSam ...7.00pm m Aa lmimrvemeiit over all Lnn^ And Bronchial RemediMt Cttrea Cottfhs, Strengthen* the tang*,' gently moves the Boireli, Pleasant to the taste anil naif * iHke for Ytaftg. and Old. >>wit IT HmflU mwcib C0..CU^,L| Sold by N". H. PETESCH, McHeni G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. I HOLLiajkR'S Tocky Mountain Tea A Bwy kt Kuy 9anl«. Briafa Ooldsa flaahh aad Bnml Vigor, '̂ Cpn.tlpatlon, JsdigveUoo, Lir#f wi«fbey Troubles. Pinmk*. gCMOM, ImptirQ adaehi tslntWlntae* . .. . Oenalne md* b# yt.isTKa Pbco CokpASY, Kadiwm, Wis. %>< ±0EN lUfifiElf FW aAUJNV ^ Brajsth, r.xrm, IB oeats a box. ri Wis. rsNtf fM: v" yf'.st*. . t *'1 *>• y\ 'i* * 4. -i- . * t: ** < ;.V » - ̂•< $ X ' Z ' v 4-* ' .*1 ?• * 'Ms * »' - Y 4i