Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1906, p. 5

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' , l » SHOES FOR Stylish People to fashion with d!scrimin« ating taste the latest and oest that can be found--to wear. AMERICA SHOES, &50.---$4.N. bad the pro­ cession in the shoe line. They get the best that the shoemaker'8 art affords. -Made on the m o s t a p ­ proved lasts. Look better, ,V" V ? f i t better , wear better, than any equal-priced shoe, ©rop in and see them. Our Second 25c Granite Sale happens this week Sat­ urday. Better drop in. Beloit Pants, wool and cor­ duroy, are ready for you. Special good value in hos­ iery: Ladies' fast black, 3 pairs for... ; W. C. Evanson. Doyou Hesitate r • to make your home comfortable, because yon think the expense connected with it will be considerable? If you are trying to save money by not having tlie necessary home comforts, you are doing injustice to yourself and your family. A modern bathroom is a necessity and is considered the most important room ^ in the home. It is therefore essen­ tial that it should be equipped with only modern and sanitary fixtures. The preferred bathroom equip­ ment of all home­ owners, is the celebrated Ware which is recognized for its beauty in design, superior quality and durability. Ic is guaranteed by the manufac­ turers to be ex­ actly as repre­ sented. We handle "$ta»daMr Ware and will be pleased to quote you prices. Write or call and we will give you the illustrated booklet endtled " Modern Home Plumbing." u Herbes, X Plvimbirvg. DO YOUR TRADING AT PETESCH'S DRUG STORE McHeriry. Illinois. SaveYourTeeth Who can describe the misery of dyspepsia and shocking facial deform­ ity that results from bad teeth 1 My artificial teeth impart a graceful and pleasing appearance to the features. They fit perfectly, cannot be detected from the natural teeth and Rive to the wearer that soothing, restful c omfort that nothing else can. Do not delay bnt bave yonr teeth attended to before they are too far gone. My prices are exceptionally reasonable; no higher than yon wonld pay for inferior dental work. Yon cannot make a better investment. Be (food to yonr teeth and your teeth will be eood to yon. You pay for your dental work when It satisfies you and not untit then. J DR. H. W. Hawkins, Dentist. SPRING GROVE. - - - - - ILLINOI& We Auction NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR, ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Frost was Grayalake a recent a Volo Will Doweof WI Yolo caller. Edgar Mills of Wauconda caller Sunday. Mrs. O. Dillon is visiting relatives and friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Theol Winkle were Vo­ lo callers Thursday. Miss Hellen Raymond was a McHen­ ry caller Saturday. Albert Vasey and family were Mc- Henry callers recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell called on friends in Volo recently. Mrs. Ed Synder and sons of Fox Lake were Volo callers Sunday. Herihan Mai man of Wanconda was a business caller here Friday. Mrs. B. Cosstnan and daughter spent Thursday at James Eirwan's. Clyde Wright and siBter, Myrtle, called at T. Fisher's Thursday. Miss Madden of Ring wood is spending a few days at the Kirwan home. Miss Susie Kretschmer of Fox Lake is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. John Walton and danghter, El­ sie, were recent Wanconda callers. Mrs. Wm. Hironimns and Lucy Dun- nill were McHenry callers Friday. Frank Znelsdorf has been working for Harry Nicholls dm-ing the past week. Mrs. Bennie Cossman of Rollins called on Volo relatives Thursday afternoon. Mrs. S. J. Wagner and-danghter of Fremont spent Thursday at C. Sable's Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond were Wauconda callers Satnrday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson of Gris- wold Lake visited at Mrs. A. Vasey's Sanday.. Miss Genevieve Effinger of Wanconda spent Saturday and Snnday with Volo relatives. Misses Mary fraught and Hellen Ray­ mond were McHenry callers Satnrday afternoon. Miss Saraellen Nicholls has been num­ bered with the sick bnt is some better at present. The yonng ladies of the Volo M. E. church will hold a dime social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lnsk at West Fremont, Friday evening, Febru­ ary 9. Everyone cordially invited. her A Habit to be EiAoouraffed. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough remedy saves her­ self a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quick­ ly cured by its nse. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumo­ nia, and if given as soon as the first symptons of croup appear, it will pre­ vent the attack. This remedy contains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect se­ curity. Sold by G. W. Besley. BARREVILLE. Elijah Coates of Ringwood was a call­ er here Monday. James McCannon of Greenwood was a Sunday caller here Henry Simon of Burton's Bridge was a caller here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wingate were re­ cent visitors at Dundee. Mrs. B W. Starritt spent Friday with Miss' Lena Harrison at Ringwood. ' Mrs. F. Ward of McHenry spent Thursday with Mrs. B. W. Starritt. Robert Thompson spent Thursday evening with his mother at Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Starritt visited the former's parents near Terra Cotta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Starritt spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs- Gene Cox at Burton's Bridge. Geo Jones has been visiting his moth­ er at Algonquin a few days, Floyd Thompson taking his place at A. T. Wingate's during his absence. The reason Dr. Dade's Little Liyer Pills give perfect satisfaction is due to their tonic effect on the liver. They never gripe. Sold by G. • W. Besley, West McH«nry; N H, Petesch and Juli* A,. Story. McHenry. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John a baby girl. Frank Barbianof McHenry er here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thel« day at John Mertes*. Miss Maggie Schraitt visited brother, Mat, Thursday. Mrs. John Mertes sgent'Friday after­ noon at Mrs. John King's.. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Justen visited at the latter's brother, Joe, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brefeld of Mo- Henry visited relatives here'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Frennd visited at Mr and Mrs. John Ration's Thurs­ day. Fred Jnsten and Hubert Klapperich returned home from Iowa Thursday last.1 Miss Lizsie May spent two days at her sister's, Mrs. Frank Frennd, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove spent Monday at Peter Died rich's....' Mrs.*Kicholas Groh of Chicago is vis itingher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stock. Mr. and Mrs. Hnbert Micliels and children visited at John S. Frennd's re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitcen of Pistakee Bay visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeff- ling's Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Huemann and daughters visited at-Mrs. Wm. Oeffling's Wednes­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stilling and chil­ dren spent Snnday at Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams'. Mrs. John S. Freundand Mrs. Hubert Michels visited at Mrs. Ben Tonion's at Ringwood Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pftsen of Volo vis- ited at Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen's at Pistakee Bay Wednesday last. Mrs. Katie May, Mrs. Tony May and children, Miss Lizzie May visited at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rothermel's at McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling and chil­ dren and Nick Roos of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kattner and son, Emil, of Spring Grove, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermapn, Misses Lillie and Lena Hettermann, Katie and Rose Althoff, Messrs. Joe. Hettermann and Lonier Althoff visited at Henry Tonion's Sunday afternoon. The season of Indigestion is now at hand. Ring'B Dyspepsia Tablets relieve indigestion, and correct all stomach dis­ orders. 8old by G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry. Mrs. Susan Frennd entertained Mrs. Joe Huemann and little daughter; Mrs. John Mertes; Mrs. Joe Michels and son. George; Mrs. Geo. Nell and son. Frank; Mrs. John Freund and children and Mrs. Peter Niesen on Thursday. RINGWOOD. . Wm. P. Stevens transacted business in Chicago last Thursday. Miss Sylvia Allen of Chicago spent Snnday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Johonnottspent Saturday in the windy city. Glynn and Dwight Hess of Elgin spent the week with friends here. Carroll Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs I. Harsh. Mrs Keefe and family entertained Mrs. McGee of Chicago several days last week. Ray Moss of Spring Grove, Oliver Neish and sisters, the Misses Mabel and Belle Neish, of Fox Lake, visited Ring- wood relatives Wednesday and Thurs­ day last: Pinesalve is the best Salve for sorep, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles. Sold by G. W. Besley, West McHenry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story. McHenry. Regular services at the Universalist church. Sunday school at 1.80 p. m., preaching at 2.80 p. m. It is greatly desired that all interested should attend these services. Everybody cordially in­ vited. Read The Plaindealer"want" ads. fin* RICES <Jkr: -it' cream BAi<!N<y POWDER Good health depends mostly/upon food we eat. We can't be healthy if we take alum .jjr other poison daily in our food. Dr. Price's Baking Powder is abso­ lutely free from alum. It is made from pure crelam of tartar and adds to the Itealthfulness of the food. Lv. l.umsteed, who was royal in Newton's time, was rather tic­ kled by the belief of his neighbors In his powers of consulting the stars about terrestrial affairs. An old wash­ erwoman at Greenwich who had been robbed of her linen came to consult him about its recovery. So he set about drawing squares and circles and sug­ gested that if she went into a certain field he would not be surprised if she found her lost linen in a ditch. But when she came back "with haste and Joy" and a half crown in her hand for his fee he was not only very much sur­ prised, but ularmed. "G<*bd woman," he said, "I s m "heartily glad you hare found your linen, but I assure you I knew nothing of It and intended to read you a !<**ture on the folly of ap­ plying to any person to know events not in humi.n power to tell, but I see Satan has a in'nd I should deal with h'm, and never vill I attempt sucb an affair again so long as I live." Wfcr Blaekle Wore the Pbii. Professor Blaekle frequently stayed at Dr. Donald Macleoti's house in Glas­ gow. One night, said doctor, we were sitting up together, i Hackle said in his brusque way, "Whatever other faults I have, I am free from vanity." An Incredulous smMe on my face roused him. "You don't believe that. Give me an Instance." Being thus challenged, I said, "Why do you walk about flourishing a plaid continually?' "I'll give you the history of that, sir. When I was a poor man and when my wife and I had our difficulties, she one day drew my attention to the thread­ bare character of my surtout and asked me to order d new one. I told her I could not afford it just then, when she went, like a noble woman, and put her own plaid shawl on my shoulders, and I have worn a plaid ever since In mem­ ory of her loving deed." IfUcn Tkat CkMgc Color*. An interesting instance of color mim­ icry in spiders has been observed in the south of France. The spiders of tfiat region when in search of prey hide in the convolvulus flowerf. It has been noticed that a white variety of spider frequented the white tiowers. A greenish .colored vari<*iy made the green flowers his home, a.Vt a pink one lived principally in the oink flowers. The colors of the three v.t ;ties were at first supposed to be pe/n anent, but It has recently been discov. i ed that the color of any one of tiese spiders changes within a few days if the in­ sect be placed in the convolvulus of a different colored flower from that which he has been using as his hone. Four spiders--pink, white, green an I yellow in color--were all put In a box i ogether, and within three da?s all were whit* Prick Bakino PowdfsCo. Chicaqo. Notk.--rBaking powders that are sold af to thirty cents a pound, or a cent an ounce, are made from alum. Avokr , them. Til. Girl He Left MM. There is a public library in Balti­ more that has a regulation by which any member wanting a particular book which is not "in" can by paying a small sum secure the next turn, and upon the book's coming in the librarian sends him a notification. In this connection an attache of the library tells of an amusing incident A member desired a copy of a novel -n titled "The Girl He Left Behind Him." The book not being in, he made the customary deposit and in due course received a notification. This the mem­ ber's wife received--to her alarm, at first--for it read as follows: "Mr. Blank Is Informed that The Girl He Left Behind Him' is now in the li­ brary and will be kept for him till Friday morning next."--Success Maga- zfcie. V.*1 Silver Ualag. The situation Is seldom quits as bad as It might be. Happy is the spirit that recognizes this truth and takes comfort to Itself In the thought of what is spared. The Irishman whose tale of calamity is related in the Birmingham (England) Post belongs to this choice class of fortunates. Cassldy had just been Injured in a blast. "Poor b'yl" exclaimed O'Hara con­ solingly. " 'Tis tough luck to have ycr hand blowed off." "Och! Faith, It ulght have been worse," replied Cassldy. "SupprtM Oi'd had me week's wages in It at the tolme!" Palrerlae4 DUmoad. Acoording to the Mohammedan* of southern India, pulverized diamond is the least painful, the most active and the most certain ef all poisons. Ac­ cording to "Wilke's History," the pow­ der of diamonds is kept on hand (by the wealthy only presumably) as a last resource. But a belief .In the poison­ ous'character of the diamond also ex­ isted is Italy In the sixteenth cen­ tury. Yellow Fever. There Is a marked peculiarity about yellow fever which distinguishes it from most epidemics. It Is essentially a disease of a hot climate, r d it takes a certain amount and durr m of heat to awaken it to life. It lr» aid that it can never prevail whe*e - nJi«n w-n ViU |iot ripen. TKe Peer Pe.f. "Poets are bom, sir," said the bard to the £xIH»,r. "Yes, 1 know they weren't hatched fr -*uck eggs," answered the editor. "E question is, Why are they bom?" Cleveland Leader. W»»te* Her RetomeC Mamma--Why did you pray that God should stop your sister from telling stories? Small Son--Because she prom­ ised me she wouldn't tell that I took the cakes, and she did tell. There are more talkers than think­ ers. Here you have the solution of gossip. Blind, bleeding, itching and protrud* ing piles are instantly relieved by Man- Zan. This remedy is pnt up in collapfci- ble tubes with nozzle attachment, so that the medicine may be applied inside directly where the trouble originates. ManZan relieves instantly. Sold by W. Besley, West McHenry, N. H. Pet­ esch and Julia A. Story, McHenry. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wis* ordered. Txyll. -SP MAPLE CITY L1N0IS "Jl ' One woman says Monday is now the pleasantest day* in the week since using your soap. V BECAUSE IT IS THE B0ST. ~ Whole Wheat Flour, Rye, Graham, Cortr; tt Meal, Buckwheat. We carry a nice line df I Jatiesville Bakery, Try put ".Coffees at... I I 15c,17c, !l26i£'22c, 25c, 30c and 35c per It*-,,,.; g J Snry, .iI John StoieL J I P H I L I P J A E G E R I GENERAL COIIMISSION MERCHANT | SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF g Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, I Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs | This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on g application. COLD STORAGE FRBfi I Stall i & 3, Fulton St. $j Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. | % r - ** . Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgb Illinois. sells the McVi Iter Gasolifti Engine, Duplex (. dnding Mills, V Rock Island Pl< vs. Wagons, Carriages, Buggi> v, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine OH a Specialty. Fraklh U0tm M Warts! : ; am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Bulld- 4k s and should they be struck by lightniug we pay damages If no more thau $500. Call and get full particulars. OCKfil BlKksfflitlriH Prices nwiys ReiswMe OUR. . Bros. Co FANCY GROCERS. BARGAINS IN Gold Mine, best f I |C Flour on earth... <PI»I* Corona Patent, m V I C T O R , g o o d A A / straight flour, sack N. Y. State Pure 0C/ ."•ckwheat, 10-lbs. i ancy Graham flour^C/ 10-lb. bner Pure Rye Flour, DC/ 10-lb. bag. Gold Medal Yellow 0C/ Corn Meal, 10-'b bg Pumpernickle floui, QZf 10-pound Bag SPECIAL! Large Salt MackerrifH/ each : LUI- varies ii) style and finish, accord­ ing to price, but at figures there is good value. The stock used is good oak-tanned leather. The trimmings, whether of nickel, \ brass, rnbber or iron, are of excel- ^ lent quality. The workmanship, I visible and invisible, is first-class. |M. A. MEN, ? McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. AH shapes au'l sizes. Ser- i rul proofs to select from. Each doa- t M Unlstied In different styles. Price, f.'.OO and upward. Ot (door Work. We have extensive 'jparatus for all kinds of outdoor \ ork. such as group pictures, views • fbuildings, cattle, machinery, etc. F Horsements. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd siies made op for any size picture, certificate, etc. Wiiukegan St., near the Stawjjjfiyti. WEST McHENRY, IL|^ TtUphoMv 499 Chicago A Nortta-Wejrtwa* « The Piaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twen­ ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other |tiM ordand. -'4^ ' . . . 7.06 am.,. y.oo :i m... i> m... 4.00 »m... OTpm... s.45am. . »10am... •j.08 pm... Leave M^'t^sary. 7.S3 a m... S.saa m... 4.23 pm. .. 4.83 pm... iElTectlve Not. as, 1W5. WBKK DAT TRAINS. HORTHBOCND Via Elgin Milf aia s-;, ... ..Via l>es P!aine* MlIT a m ' AvHNrs lewMn p n ;....YU HeslUalnes Via Elgin tiipm .....Via DwsPlaines &4Spm svm>AY TKAina. Via Elgin .SLMam , . '<% .. ..Via l>e» Plaiaea... UMmm > s- ' ....Via Elgin 4JBftpm WSBK DAY TBAINS. bocthbochb. Vlal_ ...Via Deal ,*i,Via Des L **.... Via Klein-- eOKSAT T*AIMK. Via Blgin . . ....ViaDnaraOiHw. •P' Arrive i Elgin «a Plaines. esPlaines. ....Mil»aa . ... .SUSftam ; USpa 7J0 p m : ....MM * in SSS ^

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