Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1906, p. 8

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'%> • * St* * ' ISIISIli ^ [ " ^ v \ f T .' -\ . CLEARING SALE t T "ar-'-jV/^.^ " > i5M Black Marten Fur Coates with ^ Nutria collar.. ......... ' • • . - . . . . . . „ / * ' • ' , ' ' : Brown Russian Calf Coats, ) Ho. I- £radt. ." i. •.. •. .•/.•. • • * 1 Black Russian Calf Coats, I N o . 2 g r a d e ; . * . . . . . ) Blacks Russian Dog Coats, • lio.;\':;li;-'j|ra4e>'-- t* *+ Genuine Buffalo Mobe, extra \ l a r g e s i z e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • » . f •±±s. ' • y • • K ; WEST McllRNRY. f , , '"N % -- fe'K. Stoves New Stoves Old Stoves All Sizes All Kinds All Prices p' • PC m Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Coal Hods, Micat Oil Cloth Rugs, Polish, Etc. K ||f your old stove isn't satisfactory, come and see us--we'll trade. Remember that. we are in the hardware business, also, and have a fine line of Silverware, Cut­ lery, Enameled Ware, Tinware, Etc. :: Bring your job work or repaipj^JUj. .she^t njlietal and have it done right! ' V,% Respectfully youfs, , ,'i F. L. McOHBER. f*\. . I p f , ' 13ft Our Motto: A 1 • : 7 Square Deal to Everyone. mm MACHINES Our Motto: A 1 • : 7 Square Deal to Everyone. We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: A A A A .t. iT« A A .t. 1®^®* 1WrlW a'fefc Vt*- W V *V '4 *V > A iT« «T» A A yijyiinptjnpwngywy We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: Furniture P 1" N . m vt*Ti ff'ftl •***» * »vj -it- i *.y ^Jr CySi Ank A >T« A A A A , i »" A «•*. VVW w>T ijnjrtTi mm. »Ti «T» iTt »T» A «Ti «T« ir^T^*P*r^P*lr *«^Tr \P Undertaking and Embalm­ ing a specialty Our sto^k of Furniture is always compete and ready for inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. 1MB in Now Is The Time to place your orde^ for your Spring and' Summer Suit. Our selection was never better, our prices never lower and our- work never more satisfactory than now. We want your, trade and by offering you bargains that cannot b# equaled anywhere we will endeavor to convince you that this is the right plzfce for the dressy young man ~ t0 get his clothes. WEDDING SUITS OUR SPECIALTY. JOHN D. LODTZ W.C. T. y. PRESS DEPARTMENT [The Plalndealer does not hold Itself respon- llble for the opinions exnrossed in this col- umn.--ED.l THE HOUSE THAT JACK DRANK You've all heard of the house -that Jack bnilt. Jt. was a house all stored fall of malt, and malt, yoo know, if what they make beer of, and beer is what people drink to make them stupid and silly and quarrelsome and drnnk. Now, this story is about the house that Jack drank This Jack had a very nice little five roomed uottage, in which he and his wife and three little children liyed. Every Saturday night he brought his wage* houie to pay the botcher'« bill, the baker's, the grocer'e, the rent of the house and to buy clothes for the family. But one Saturday night, as he was coming home, a fe.low workman said" "Jack, stop and cotue in a bit with me here and have something. You are tired from your week'» work, and it will do yon good.** - "Don't care if I do," said Jack, fie went in and Tom treated him to a glass of beer. Thnn he felt that it would be mean unless he treated Tom. Ten cents out of his week's wages did not seem very much, but that was not the last of it. A pity it was not! Tbe next Saturday night he stopped a<?ain and then it was twenty cents in­ stead of ten. And the next time it wus a dollar, and ho on, increasing all the time as Jack's liking for beer increased, until by And by he bad scarcely any of his week's wages to bring home to bin wife. By and by there was nothing to. pay the butcher and grocer. So Jack said: "I will go and borrow some money." The man of whom he borrowed the money took a mortgage upon his honse, and whatever was not needed to pay the bills, Jack spent at the bar room for more beer. When the mortgage became due Jack had become so shiftless and drunken that he had no money with which to pay it. So the man who had loaned him the money sold his house, and drove him and his wife and children out into the street. Now, what had become of hishouset Bis wife and children bad not eat'en it,. because they had not enough to eat. They had not worn it on their backs, because their backs were covered with a few rags. Jack himself had not worn it out, for his clothes were Old and rag­ ged? nor had he eaten it. But I'll tell y o u w h a t h e b a d d o n e w i t h i t -- h a 4 drunk it. LIVING tfp TO LOVB. "And ye don't drink any more, Jim ?" Tbe question came as two workmen walked along together, "No." "And ye don't talk as ye used to--dropped a lot of swearing that used to come pretty handy. What's up?" "It's the wife and the boy,"answered J im, half pleased that the change bad been noticed. "Ye see, the little one was nothin' but a baby when I went away, but he's gettin' to be right smart of a boy now. Lizzie believes in me.. And that kid--he ireally thinks his dad is the best man in the world. I'd sort of like to have him keep on think In' so, that's all." \ Trying to live up to someone's thought of him, Someone's faith in him, was making his whole life higher and purer, as it has made many a life. It is an ignoble nature that is not at once humbled and uplifted at finding itself idealized by some loving heart Almost unconsciously we try to be what we are expected to be. And if this is true, what volumes it speaks in regard to thinking, hoping, expecting the best of those around us! What the country needs jnst now is less religion and more piety; less advice and more example; less politics and more patriotism. Common Colda are the C«q|« of Many Merloni DIqmmmm. Physicians who have gained a nation­ al reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could be avoided a long list of dan­ gerous ailments would never be heard oft Everyone knows that pneumonia and consumption originate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles are aggravated and rendered more serions by each fresh attack. Do not risk yonr life or take chances when you have a cold. Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy will cure it be­ fore these diseases develop. This rem­ edy contains jio opium, morphine or other harmful drug and has thirty years of-reputation back of it, gained by it« cures under every condition. For sale by G. W. Besley. Very Low Kate* to the Mardl Graa New Orleans, to Mobile, Pennaeola and Winter Ranortt, Via the North-Western Line. On ac­ count of tbe Mardi Qras, excursion tick­ ets with certain stop-over privileges will be sold to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola, Feb. 21 to 25, inclns've, also on b'eb. 2<f, for trains arriving at desti­ nation by noon of Feb. 27, with favor­ able return limits. Excursion, tickets are also on sale daily, at rednced rates, to the principal winter resorts in the United States and Mexico. Folr fnll in­ formation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Feb. 26. A Habit to be Eneoaraged. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough remedy saves her­ self a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and cronp, to which children are susceptible are quick­ ly cured by its ass. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumo­ nia, and if ffiven as soon as tbe first symptons of croup appear, it will pre­ vent the attack. This remedy contains nothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect ae- curity. Sold by G. W ;SMk;lHn«ut Kill* Himself. James Hedges, fifty-five years old, a wealthy dealer in hides and tallow, shot himself in the head in his office in the rear of his residence at 4717 Bishop street. Chicago, last Wednesday even­ ing shortly after nine o'clock while the members of 1iis family were in the front part of the house, says tbe Chicago Daily News of Thursday, February 1. About 8 o'clock Hedges talked to his attorney, Charles. E. Hamill, over the telephon'e and requested him to come to his home at once, saying be had some important business for him. Mr. Hedg­ es went to his office, which is in the rear of the house. Soon after. Attorney Hamill appeared at Hedges' home and was directed to go to the latter'office. Going to the rear, Attorney Hamill rapped upon the, office door. Hedges opened the door a few inches and seeing the lawyer closed it and turned the key. The next moment a revolver shot was heard. Mr Hamill snminoned relatives of Mr. Hedges and the door was forced open. Hedges was lying on the floor in (£he center of tbe office wfth a bullet wound behind his ear. A physician was summoned, but Hedges was dead in ten minutes. Mr. Hedges was one of the most prominent residents of the town of Lake, at one time heiug the president of the board of education of the township before it was merged with Chicago. He is survived by William, Harry. George and Lee, sons, and Helen and Alice, his daughters, and Mrs. Hedges. ^ Deceased has a beautiful sum­ mer home on the east side of Pistakee Bay and is quite well and favorably known to many of onr residents. Protect Proprietary Medicines. Did it ever occur to you that. proprie tary medicines are a blessing to man' kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy­ sicians and druggists it would be expen sive and very inconvenient at times, es­ pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo .schee'B German Syrup has been used in many families, and, thousands of lives of adults and children have been, saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, threat and lung trouble. It quickly re­ lieves the backing cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refresh­ ing *leep. ' Twenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al­ manac. For sale by all druggists. For Sale. Ten white faced black Spanish cock­ erels, $1.00 each; 20 barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, $1.00 to $2.00 each, ac­ cording to quality. All strong, healthy, pure bred birds. Must go by March 1, as I need the room. Call on or address J. V. BUCKLAND, Ringwood, 111. KNOW THEIR CUSTOMERS- Beat -Down thrtssi',jit# "Soaked. , There is a little lesson in the follow­ ing few lines which may be beneficial to some one. A business man was having a farewell conversation with a customer who was about to move to another state. By the way, this happened years ago, so please do not begin to look around for some one who will fit tbe incident. "I feel very kindly toward you," said the business man, "for in all my dealings'! don't, recall another persop out of whom I have made so much clear profit, in pro­ portion to the pati onagg given me, a« I have out of you." "Why, how is that?" asked the customer. "Well, you see, when yon first cnme into my store and asked the price of goods, I gave you the regular prices, such as I charged other customers, but you kept beating me down until tbe goods I sold you on that occasion afforded me no profit whatever. After yon left I made up my mind I I would not let that happen again. So every time after that I always put the first price so high that I could drop a little and still get more from you thai) I was getting from anyone else. Now, as a result of that system, you have traded with me regularly, because you thought you were getting a cheaper price than others paid, when in fact you paid me about 10 per cent inore than the rest of my customers. So let this be a lesson to yon as von go into a new com­ munity. j In every place you will find some merchants who aim to be fair and honest, and if yon treat them well,'they will treat you well. If the price is too high, go somewhere else. Every busi ness man soon learns his customers, and he knows just about what they will say and do, and is therefore preparM to meet them on whatever gronnds they approach him." : Men Pant Sixty In Dang^ J More than hajf mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidnev and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate gland. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure shonld be taken at the first sign of dan. ger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnette, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble for vearc and after taking two bottles Of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years although I am no<> 01 years old." . There's a weekly letter from Wash­ ington, D. C., in The Weekly Inter Ocean and its contents alone make the puper worth its regular subscription price of $1 00 per year. Yet by our special low rate arrangement both this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean may be had for $1.55 for cue year. Can yon think of a better Investment? Read The Plaindealer"want" ads $ One woman says Monday ie now the pleasantest day in the w.eek since Using your soap. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP h'-y i Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry; $ | Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs | | This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on v | application. •"* • f£ \ . / Jl$UU> STORAGE FREEt.; ^ | ij Stall i & 3, Pulton St. * CHICA& I! I INffft ^ i Wholesale Market. ' IvftUV/j 1LL1HU10. | UN *& tSS&Sr ,:h IN MEN'S CAPS AND SWEATERS, ftiORSE BLANKETS, LADIES' DRESSY fSKlRTS, FURS, WRAPPERS AND DRESSING SACQUES. •T iSt1 * 'i -yn- /•.. v im - , F. A, 'Phone 391. WEST HcHENRY, ILL. (Oil A BEAMING SMILE can just as well come ont of a Lumber Yard as anywhere else. Our Lum- 3 ber has a oonscience as clear as the noonday sky and why shouldn't it stnil'e? | You Can Qet a Clear Beam S from us everyday inthe week. Don'tbuild unless you, n&l&TBLTJM- 5 BER. IT IS THE BEST. Coal delivered in quantities to sufif pnr°haser 5 If you need anything in the FEED line come and see us. Yours truly, | Wilbur Lumber* Co. 1 P. O., West McHenry. - McHenry, 111. |« w V •wmitMM1" MWWMMUM' NWWWWWII>IWWU> tfMWP" WWWMW' m ! IBM MID-WINTER f have many Winter Goods on hand "Smd propose to clean them out by cutting the price so deep they will move quickly. :'?fB f IFTEEN PJOR CENT. DISCOUNT on " all Bed Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, Wrap- ^ Skirts, Lined Gloves" and Mittens, > v )s, Underwear, Wool Hosiery, Warm- lined Shoes, IDtc. Do not fail to see our line of fine Shoes, all grades and sizes, new Our line of Clothing Samples is now We will save you money and give a perfect fit. Full stock of fresh, pure^ rroceries* Cjoods delivered promptly. k* ....... •%-y 1 "t-V v W ' M West McHenry* Illinois. J. WALSH. Owing to the fact that we take stock within ^ few days and want to close out all odds and ends and all other Winter wear we have marked the following goods below and at cost which means about ten per- cent, less than what same can be bought for today. Now then all "joiil in and buy at Bargain Prices. WRAPPER SALE All our Wrappers |j^t at $1.29, now at., , All Wrappers that formerly sold at $1.00, at the snap price of only. FUR COAT SALE ^ . f Black Brazil Bear Fur Coat, the best* wearing Fur Coat on the market for the price, formerly sold at $16, now on sale at Brown Wambretta Fur Coat, made of a S heavy curly fur, th,e best wearing Coat^N ¥ m a d e , f o r m e r l y s o l d a t $ 1 8 , n o w o n s a l e * GOLD MEDAL FLOUR, per sack; * - 's Jacket Sale Children's Jackets that formerly sold at these bar­ gain prices $1.98, 2.98, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 4.98 now while they last at.. v rt...... $2.50, 3.75, $3.25 and 3-75| Men's arid Boys' We still have several of those fine fur-l If ft and rather than carry them over we will sell at cost: 49c caps...... 38c. 69c caps..,. 50c 98c caps at.... 75c. $1.29 caps at..., 99c. Block & Bethke

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