Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1906, p. 4

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Doctors first prescribed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use it today more than ever. -They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it for colds, coughs, bronchitis, consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflamed lungs. ** I had a very bud cough for thi*« years. Then I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. My sore lwi were soon healed and my cough dropped PEAKL HYDB, Guthrie Centre. la. !5e.,a0c.. fl.oo. j. r. ATKKOO. All druggleU. tA_ ... _ IiOwt'H. Mass. Old Coughs One Ayer's PHI at bertfime insures natural action next morning. The McHenry Pluiodealer EVERY THURSDAY BY LLF mmi PLAINDEALFR COMPANY. F, K. GKANthMl^JIfe. A. I KlSfY, J ft. I'KRRY Pres. fet'. Treas. IF . ' IP. G. SCHBKINKR. Editor. Ill Bank Building. Telephone, No. 27$ TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION J One year.. ...; fl-* 81* months, 75 cts. Three months. 40cts . 7 Thursday, February 8, 1905 • = - AND SO we are saving on coal bills to pay for next summer's ioe! IT is somewhat difficult to tell hash money from campaign funds. WHAT is the corollary of honest graft? Why, an honorable term in the penitentiary. CASTRO seems likely to become a star beadliner in the international vaude­ ville almost any day now. SPEAKER CANNON hopes that the feext insurrection chat comes along will bi able to give hiua exercise. CHICAGO wants to know if all crook8 jure to be driven from the city, what IJ to be done for the politicians? * BY sitting down hard on the senate, Secretary Taft might succeed in waking it up and that would help some. Toucan now travel at the rate of two miles a minute if you have the right kind of automobile and are tired of life. THEATRICAL managers will droi Shakespeare. However, this is better than tiie usual procedure of murdering a---===----= THE Town Topics »uu against Collier'8 is another instance showing how danger' ous it is to let a bluff get beyond COB- ' *">1*, -- ALTHOUGH the lid was on in New York Sunday, there was an opening all around the edge about the width of a sandwich. ________________ As a railway rate bill is aoout to pass the bouse Uncle Jim Hill's pessimistic views regarding the nation's future are easily explained. FOR the Benate the principal issue in the statehood bill is the question wheth er_the membership of the clab shall be increased by four or by six. THE order to stop pouriug smoke into the air will surprise the Illinois Central railway. It has supposed ithat war what the air was made for. A PITTSBURGH man claims to be able to make hens lay by electricity. If he would just turn on the current a little stronger he might succeed in get­ ting then) to lay soft boiled eggs. DISTRICT ATTORNEY JEROME HA* issued an order stopping Sunday opera in New York theaters. If that man keeps on getting particular he in apt to try to stop Sunday prise fights and gambling. ASTROLOGERS are predicting bad weather during February and March Such ability to look into the future if uiveh to but few. They may also have a faint idea what kind of weather we shall be having next July. BOSTON papers are printing a list of persons in that city who have lieen in vitttd to the White House weddiug o: February 17. The names of Potiltne\ Bigelow and- Henry Whitney do not appear in the list of those favored CAPT VAN SCHAIK of the ill fated steamer, "Slocnm," has been sentenced to ten years hard labor, though his em- lovers g< t off scott free As he did not nave influence or money or a big array of lesfal talent, he was plainly guilty. REPRESENTATIVE LITTLEFIELDV bill prohibiting gambling of every sort in the territories of the United State> has been favorably reported It lookh like a scheme to force the residents o' the territories to go to New 'YT>rk-|® d< their gambling. IN a few days we shall see the pict­ ure of a man who sprung into promi­ nence by receiving au invitation to the wedding at the White House. WE dare not imagine the language Admiral R. D. Evans employed when he read in the papers that Secretary Bonaparte may court-martial him. ^ PERHAPS the senate would be more willing to pass some of those bills if it ffte not for the presumptuous conduct of the people in advising it to do so. -- ^THAT was a pretty metaphor that Congressman Longworth used, but a CMeful reading of "Borneo and Juliet • wfll prove that Shakespeare used it first. ^OR Mr. Thos. Dixon's peace of mind it may be remarked that although "the negro makes a magnificent fighting ani­ mal." he needs white officers to become _ ' * A at Scranton who was deserted at the altar by her prospective husband gN-omptly married another man. She is a wise bride-elect who keeps a list of glttrnates. ; OHIO is going to joiiu Missouri in the #1 war. If the ball keeps growing as it foils, Vice President Rogers may yet to retire to New Jersey and refuse to answer. ______________ . THE world lost one of its bravest, knightliest souls, and the United States one of its most patriotic citizens when • Fighting Joe" Wheeler went out.--Chi fiSgo Tribune. SPRING GROVE. > Thos. Cole will take charge of the Cole farm soon. Our merchants ata looking'ttp cai 'oad rates on rice. •; Selim Pierce has sold his house and lot to Nick Ross of Volo. John W. Bell of Ringwood has bought the Chas. Thompson farm and will move soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colby have rent­ ed one of the Cropley farms near Rich mond and will move March 1. ReV. Bly has been here since Friday last. Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Elder Cator, presiding elder of the Si •Toe conference of the United Evangeli­ cal church, preached to us. < Fire destroyed the' farm house of Wm. Watts Monday forenoon, the tenant, •Take Washiniski, saving nothing aw having forty dollais in cash also burned An insurance of six hundred dollars wai carried on the contents, but Mr. Watt- had only a small imsnrance on tb< house. Last Friday evening Rev. Williams 01 the M E. church of Richmond preached, giving a splendid sermon of encourag- mentforthe work already done here. The work started last spring by Rev. Bly is receiving the greatest enconraar ment and should, as the obstacles ht has met would have disheartened most, but work done in the right spirit as his has seldom fails to succeed. J. B. Richardson and wife entertained relatives to the number of fifty Sunday last, it being the twentieth annivei •»ary of their marriage; also Monday evening entertained friends. Tbne< present Mond iy eveninir were Cha Cole and family. James Oxtoby an family, Mr. and Mrs Warren Pierce, M'. ind Mrs. M. C. Moss, Mr. and Mr . Richard Oxtoby, Mr. and Mrs. Harol Colby. Ray Moss and Frank Or vis. Tb company departed declaring Mr. an^ Mrs. Richardson royal entertainers an< hoping that they may celebrate thei< golden wedding anniversary. Is your soil wearing out? Then res*5 The Weekly Inter Ocean--the onh weekly newspaper that has a special de partment devoted to "Soils and Soi1 Culture." Only $1.85 for The Weekh Inter Ocean and this paper, each on< year. VA ST. PJETERSBUKGH cable says the revolutionists murdered Gen. Livorsky by mistake for Gen. Prosovorsky. As far as Prosovorsky is concerned the rev­ olutionises will probobly attempt to rectify the mistake. PERHAPS the first great triumph of tike twentieth century is tha establish­ ment of the principle that the janitor of an apartment house does not own the sidewalk in front of it. ONE of the senators, during a long vSgieech in which he rambled from the elonds to the bottom of the sea, forgo' what he was talking about, but that MBn't make any difference. . All Run Down ^ 15 is a common expres­ sion we hear on every side. Unless there b some organic trouble, the con- dition can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with all unds of advertised remedies-- *et his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fat food to enrich your blood and tone up the system. Scott's Emulsion . of Cod Liver Oil v is juft such a food in its best form. It will build up the weakened and wasted body when all other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or emaciated, give it a trial: it cannot hurt you. It is essentially the best possible nourishment for delicate children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sample free. many patients, troubles knife* is proved by WINE OF CARDIII Cures Womb Disease It has saved the fives of many weak, stdk women and rescued oth­ ers from a lifetime of chronic sick­ ness. It will cure you if you will only give it a chance. Try it. Sold by all druggists and deal­ ers in Si.00 bottles. GAVE V¥ SUPPORTER. , " S wore a supporter for four years, to keep up my womb," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrisman, of Mannsville, N. Y. "MYdoctor said no medicine would help me. After taking Cardui I gave up my sup­ porter ancfl^m now well." Additional Lorain. We understand that McHenry is to have several new autos this summer. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daih Chronicle, both papers one year foi 5S.50. Order at once as the time of thif- offer ir limited. ve is the best Salve for sores, turns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseasei- tnd piles. Sold by G. W. Besley, Wesi McHenry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry. The Plaindealer will be sent to an; iddress on trial three months for twenty- dye cents, and will be discontinued ai the expiration of that time unless other vise ordered. Try it. Be nre that this picture In the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists 409 Purl Street, New York tfeari*. AS The reason Dr. Dade's Little Liyei Pills give perfect satisfaction is dne t< rheir tonic effect on the liver. They •lever gripe. Sold by G. W. Besley, Wesi vicHenry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story. McHenry. Walter Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund, who, about two weekt ago had the end ol one, of the fingers of his right hand badly crushed in a corn sheller, is recovering nicely under the care of Drs. Fegers & Fegers. WANTED--Men in each state to trav­ el, post signs, advertise and leave sam­ ples of our goods. Salary, $75.00 per nonth, $8.00 per day for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., Dept. S, Atlas Block, Chicago. April 18. Orders for auctioneering can be left it M. J. Walsh's store, West McHenry, here they will receive prompt atten- ion. F. O. Gans pays all telephone calls pertaining to business intrusted to lim by his patrons. Call np Nunda ex­ change. We learn that the following opera- ions were performed by the Drs. Fegers 'ast week: Anton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smith, radical cure of hernia; May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett, necrosis of the thigh bone; Joseph Michels, removal of tumor from neck. All patients are getting along nicely. ; • Young people wanted to learn teleg­ raphy. Railroads and telegraph, com­ panies need operators badly. Total cost, six months' course at our school, tuition (telegraphy and typewriting), board and room, $91; this can be re dnced. Catalogue free. Dodges's Insti­ tute, Monroe St., Valparaiso, Indiana Reference: Lora & Thomas Adv. Agen­ cy, Chicago 111. Ten of our young people met at the home of Misses Eleanor and Lillie Mc- Gee last Tuesday evening and organized a club, the name of which we were unable to learn. The club will meet at the home of one of its members every two weeks, the evening selected being Tuesday. The first meeting will be at the Home of Miss Mabel Granger on Tuesday, February 20. Jacob Buss left for Chicago last Sun­ day evening, where he has secured a position iu the train dispatcher's office of the C. &. N. W. Ry._ Mr. Buss, <dur ing his several years' connection with the company as telegraph operator at {he McHenry station^ has served the company in a manner which ha-» brought him upon the honor roll and his many friends here will be pleased to hear of his promotion. Now is the time to guard the health and strength of the longs. The best remedy to use. for coughs and colds is Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. The only conjrh syrup that does not consti­ pate the bowels, but which on the other hand, expels all cold from the system by acting as a pleasant laxative. Best for '-oughs. colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Sto­ ry, McHenry. Taxes! Ps^er Niesen has received his books and will be at the following places, be­ ginning Monday, Feb. 13: Mondays, C. M. Adams', Johnsbnrgh; Tuesdays, Bradley & Foss'. Ringwood; Thursdays, Tos. W. Freund s, West McHenry; Sat­ urdays, Gilbert Bro« Co. 'R McFlWory 88 tf. PETER NIESEN, Collector. Methusala wan all right, you bet For a good old soul was he, «, ; They say he would be living yeti 'v Etol b# takea Koeky Mountain Tea. i O. W. Beslay. Administrator'* 8xt«. The undersigned, administrator of tile estate of John B. Cole, deceased, Will sell at public auction on the orem* ises of the Franklin Cole estate, situated one mile east of Spring Grove. III., on Thursday, Feb. 15, 1906, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. m., the following de­ scribed property, to wit: Sixty-six heal of cattle--1 bull, Cambridge Duke 8th, 186,212, double standard polled Durban), calved July 25,1901, weight, 2000 pounds; 11 thoroughbred Durham cows ano heifers; 9 cows with calves by side; 15 close springers, balance are heifers and cows milking now; 15 Southdown ewes; 700 bu. ear corn, husked by hand; 400 'in. barley; quantity seed corn; quantity corn fodder; quantity timothy hay; ijuantity timothy and clover mixed hay; quantity alfalfa; quantity baled timo thy; quantity silo feed; 12 horses--I bay nare, 7 years old, weight 1560, in foal by Jeph: 1 gray mare, 15 years old", wt 1400 pounds, in foal by Jeph; 1 brown inare, 10 years old, sired by Typhoon, dam by Interior. Becond dam by San key, third dam by Bellfounder, in foal by Swigart K ; Anna Range bay mare, 11 ye«,rs old, by Coast Range, dam by San- key, second dam by Bellfounder, in foal by Egotist;gray mare. Gray Eagle stock, in foal by Swigart K.; bay . mare, 10 yrs old, wt 1400; chestnut mare, 10 ytv nld, wt 1800; black gelding, 16 years old, weight 1400; black mare, 2 years old, weight 1200; chestnut mare, 2 years old. by Oplain Chief; bay mare. 2 years old, by Oplain Chief, darn by Typhoon, sec­ ond dam by Interior, third dam by San- key, fourth am by Bellfounder; suck ling colt by Jeph; hay press; top buggy: open buggy; cart; 2 cutters; saddle; seed drill; corn planter; 8 sets harrows; 2 spring tooth harrows; 2 sets bob sleighs; mower; hay loader; corn husker; milk wagon; land roller; wheelbarrow; net light double harness; set heavy louble harness; 8 wagons and racks; pulverizer; potato digger; 2 sulky plows; rang plow; 4 corn plows: 5 walking plows; 2 corn binders; 2 clod smashers; hay rake; side delivery rake; feed cutter: lot of grain bags; grass seeder. Terms of sale: One year's time on bankable notes at seven per cent, per annum. All sums nnder ten dollars, cash. No property removed until settled for. Free lunch at noon. Geo. Vogel, auc tioneer; W. F. Reading, Frank McCon- uell, clerks. H. G. READING, ' Administrator. Luckiest Man in Kansas. "I'm the luckiest man in Kansas," writes H. L. Stanley , of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous coughing and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe my good fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I knew from ex perience will cure consumption if taken in time. My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottles completed the enre." Cures the worst .coughs and colds or money refunded. At N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug­ gists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free* Very Low Rates to Nashville, Tenn., Via the North-Western Line, for tickets to be sold Feb. 25, 26 and 27, with favor­ able retnrn limits* on account of Quad­ rennial Convention Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. Choice of routes from Chicago. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Feb 27 For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures biliousness and habitual constipa­ tion. Does not nauseate or cripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute. G. W. Besley. "Soils andSoil Culture" is best treat­ ed in The Weekly Inter Ocean; in fact, no other weekly paper attempts a prac­ tical treatise on the subject. $1.55 gets it and this paper both one year. The Yellow Fever Qerfll has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from disease germs, the most effective remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills G-uarantei d to cure all diseases due to malaria poibon and con­ stipation. 25 cents at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There b a disease prevailing in this country roost dangerous because so decep- "" tive. -Many sudden deaths are caused by it -- heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al­ lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste- away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant lo take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home of Swamp-Root, sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistase, but remem­ ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton. If. Y., on every bottle. HOHITI and TAK CURES Coughs andColds PREVENTS * Pneumonia alra Consumption Foley's. Honey and Tar not only stops the cough, but heals and strength" ens the lungs and prevents serious re* suits from a cold. There is no danger of Pneumonia. Consumption or other serious lung trouble if Foley's Honey and Tar is takeu, as it will cure the most stub­ born coughs--the dangerous kind that settles on the lungs and may develop into pneumonia over Qight. If you have a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honey mid Tar will cure you quickly and strengthen your lungs. Remember the name -- Foley's Honey and Tar--and refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chances with some unknown preparation that costs you the same when you can get Foley's Honey and Tar, that costs you no more and is safe and certain in results. Contains no opiates. Cured After Physicians Said Me Had Consumption. B. H. Jones, Pastor M. B. Church, Grqve, Md., writes: "About seven or eight years ago I had a very severe cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I was induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me so much relief that I bought some of the regular size. Two or three bottles cured me of what the physicians called consumption, and I have never had any trouble with my throat or tangs since that time." Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. SOLD m RECOMMEIDED IV G. W. BBSLEY, W. Mi'hJ'jN H.Y Want Column. AU advertisements Inserted under thin head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for flr«t insertion: 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. TpOR 8ALE--A 22-foot ffiisoollne launch. 8 H -1- P. double engine. Ail machinery good as new: outfit complete. Will sell cheap. Will take Chicago building lot. Launch cau be seen at Weber's. Inquire of 30 MATH. WEBER & Sow. McHenry, 111. AmmtMEUEms ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. !#• The Illinois Central maintains Double DaUy nrvlce, and op«rt-ate.s t be best of trains, wltn ; Dining Oars, Buffet-Library Cars. Chair Oars i Professional, Society emd B\isif\esss Cards and sleeping Curs, from Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati ami Louisville sontii to New Or leans. The tM-st road for rcai'lntig the winter Tourist resorts of the Houth. including New Orleans, Vicksburg, Gulfport, Miss., Hammond, LSf Mardi Gras at New Orleans Feb. 27, 'Ofl. Gulfport is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort, hav­ ing tiie new, fln*1 '"Great. Southern" Hotel. Regular ocean steamship, SHillngH froiii .v ew Orleans for Mexico, Central America, a- roa. West Indies and Europe. Hendorc.i' f descriptive njattor regard to the ul>o\ e. Havana via New Orleans Havana, Cuba, is best reached via tho 1111- nolf A.el ' through service to New UHMM and the new twlo-screw nlneteeu-knot S. S. Prince Arthur ie)!n LnK New, 0r'ea,l,s every Wednesday at 4:WJi p. TO. and arriving at Havana at sunrlfiie L>AVII> G. WELLS, M. I>. I L^HYJS'CJAN.81) BO EON ANI> UCUUTFF. £ Office and residence corner El J" Ml >•? Grem atreeta. McHeury, Telephone No. til. " " ' " K . Friday morning. "The Cuban Special" /„«sfc k'ntited Steamship Train in run (after'J lee. every Tuesday from Chicago and >t. Louis .direct to tiie boat side. Send rpr Cuban literature. Hot Springs, Ark. Florida Daily Sleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashvillg, Chai- tanoogaand Atlanta. - • Tlexico, California \ Special .Tours of Mexico anrt t aWbrnifevtii the Illinois Central and New Orleans under tiie auspices of Raymond & Whitcomb, will leave Chicago Fridays. Feb. 2 and 23. for Mex­ ico and California, the lant to include a stop-OVBI* at New Orleans for the Murdi;Gras. En­ tire trips made iu special private vestibule trains of finest 1'ulima.ns with dining car ser­ vice. Fascinating trips, complete iri every detail. , Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali­ fornia. Excursion cars through to Los An- Seles and San Francisco as follows: Via New •rieans and the Southern route every Friday from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin­ nati and Louisville. Via Omaha and tiie Scenic Koute every Wednesday from Cnic.igo. Pull particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines or by addressing either of the undersigned. A. H. HANSON, P. T. M., Chicago. III. S. G. HATCH, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. Aprl T^EED MILL FOR SALE-Everything in the -1- best of condition. Will sell very reason­ ably. Apply or write to AMANN BHOS^, 32 tf Bound Lake, II I Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other firpt class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE , ' in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. T3M)R SALE CHEAP--On the beautiful Pox A river, house, barn, with fruit trees and good well, furniture; also a good cut under surrey, by owner. C. BREMER, 33-2t* 1244 South port Ave., Chicago. T OST--Somewhere on road between McIIen- ry and Hichard Thompson's farm, on Tuesday, Feb. ft, a JC-inch chain. Finder please return to F. O. FIXTZ, the drayman, and receive reward. 33 PROBA TE NEWS KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mathias J Pit/.en to Agatha Miller, Its 1 && Crystal Glenn, sees 8 & 17 SMOW Wm Bonslett & w to Frecl Matthews, strip 35 feet wtde from w side lotu, blk 7, West McHenry 5G0Q0 MAKKIAGE LICENSES. * W D . Lewis, 25Pittsburg, Pa. Myrtle Hawver, 18...Hebron, 111 Wm Catum. 22...,,- ......Crystal Lake Jane Blackmail, 31.. .. .Huntley .James .T. Mathisotr. j, ̂ Hebron Evelyn M. Carr, 22 .. «Y, ^... Ring<vood Wm. F. Rayeraft, 25..•. Woodstock Sarah McCauley. 28........ Harvard A CNRD, This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes G. W. Besley. 1 There is more farm and garden PBWS, including studies on "Soils aud Soil Culture.," in The Weekly Inter Ocean than any other weekly published in the United States. Special rates with this paper. " _ . Favorite Remedy For Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Reme­ dy a favorite with the mothers of stnall childreu. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequenc­ es. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the eroupy cough ap­ pears will prevent the attack* For sale by O. W. Besley. ~ The. Plaindealer will be sent to .any address on trial three months for twen- ty-five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Trv'it. o Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smiling face, bright eyes sparkling with health, which cornea by t iking Hollister'8 Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. G. W. Besley.^ Wanted--A bright boy to l«arn print­ er's trade. Must have fair ^oaMjaB. Apply at this office at once. WEST SIDE -at Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest) market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods aud Bakery. What more has any first class city market tp offer? :: - M • - m A.CMATTHEWS itiiiMimiiiitumiH CENTER VILL4B handle everything!# tt»e'line of fresh and writ SWEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Mo- Henrj <^iwfijcy Butter. Chas. Q Frett, McHenry, III. FEGERS ft FEGERS EONS. corner Court and PHY^JANH AND SURGEONS. McHenry *- 111. Office at Residence, corue ~ Elm streets. Telephone 333. W. P. STONE. I>. n. (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) Office Hoursfrom 9 a. ui. until o.3& . o. ui. A1m» open evenings. - McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS, tf Office and Residence over PeteacJj's Dru* *. "C- - • Store. Telephone No. 274, " CHAMBEKXJN - ' * DENTIHT. " ' *• *** - Wllci|(id Residence over Besley's Drag Hours: 8:oo to 5230. WiawlltjUBNKY.lLL. (ieneral Teaming of all kinds. ti •; Geo. Meyeri . V- .V... Excavating and Qradistjg. /L ' RTCHUNRY V - ILLINQ& v Telephone No, 393, SIMON SffOFFEL, ^tonrance Agenf-for all classes of ̂ ̂ property in tiie best Companies. 1 ' Mdkmjri lllliMli 11 . • . , ' - / ?*• MCHENRY BOUNTY AfeSTR^ cx>MPANt;;.:-:-' OFFICE with American National Bank " Woodstock. HI. Abstracts of title and con- V -<x' veyancing. Money to loan ou re^l estate in ^ ̂ ; 5 sums of |500 to $10,000, time and paymenttr - .'ksk suit uorrower. ^ . * p ^ FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD House and Sign Painting and ail Interior Dee- orating. Residence north town line one block west of river. Telephone No.2o4. MCHKKTRY- IW4NQI%- •R. H. OWEN Ptaaos tor sale and rent. Tuning and repitl^. ' ing at reasonable prices. v* First class Wotk oaiy. f j MCHENBV. vloh n J, *Vycitq|l . DEALER IN : V , f Generft.1 Ha.rdware . Stoves, Paihts and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone S48 McHENRY/ V, v- ItLINOia - * « j LAMBERT Q. SENG i f - • i , • *2 riFTH AVE.. CHICAGO. £ •- T-" K S L L T H E COUCH AND OURE THE LUNGS WTH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C 0NS0MPTI0N Price OUGHS and 69e&$1.00 OLDS Frsb Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FCC RETURNED. BO VICARS' XXPUUCMCC. OurOHMOSSAM THK LOWBST. Send model, photo or iketeh for expert search auid free report on patentability. mmmosaumT MtttB conducted Mora alt courts. Pktenta obtained thronjrh ui, MkVCM* TISKO and SOLD, free. TMOI-N«WI,mi> SION8 and OOrVMOHTS quidtly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent OHIoe* WA8HIHOTOW, P. O. D SWIFTS __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE. AND , TQinsure publication in The Plain- tleallr copy must be in the office ho later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers^ especially, are asked to take particular notice to this COM*. An improvement over all Coagl^ Lung and Bronchial Remedies* Cures Coughs, Strengthens tht Lungs, gently mores the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and gooi alike for Young and Old. fnpani b r PINEOUC MEBICIHS rn r*-'--<•. O.SUk Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenty. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. ^ , HOLLI8TCRS Rocky Mountain Tea iL Busy Medioiaa for Basv Peonla Briigi Golden Health and Renewed 'Vigor, ICidiu'y Trou_ t, Baa Breath s> .'Wsr^ Pimples, Eczema, Impun th. Sluggish Bomla, EesdacM t s Rocky Mountain Tea In tab-Backache. It's Rock, u. «•«- torm, 35 cento a box. (tannine "fi# iw i r.imta DWJQ COMPANY, Madison, Win. asLv. tfOLOEN auioecii rot MUOW psonjr i.'v WJ , . A-1,-x > H', : •». - ..-f

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