Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Feb 1906, p. 3

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" 'r/VA- t TCattm* jfJi ,. *# •*$£, "•» > kj «. *» , • • ft ->. "• « t»t |.* .̂ # •end for Publication* Which will give you valuable facts about opportunities for homeseekers in a section where lands are cheap, cymate good, farming most profitable. It. V. Richards, Land and Industrial Agent, Southern Railway, Washing­ ton, D. C. Chas. S. Chase, Agent, 622 Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo., M. •"A. Hays, Agent, 226 Dearborn street, Chicago, m. Many "old masters" In private and fWtbllc collections in this country, are from ten to twenty years old. Woman's Trials. „ The bitter trail In a woman's life Is to OS childless. Who can tell how- hard the struggle mar have been ere she learnt to resign herself to her lonely lot? The ab­ sence of this link to bind marital life together, the absence of this one pledge to mutual affection is a common disap­ pointment. Many unfortunate couples become estranged thereby. Even if In ey Wt, <:rM do not drift apart, oae may read the whole extent of their disappointment in the eyes of anch a childiess couple when they rest on the children of others. To them the largest family does not seem too numerous. In many cases of barrenness or child­ lessness the obstacle to child-bearing is easily removed by the cure of weakness on H$e part of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa­ vorite Prescription has been the means of restoring health and fruitfuiness to many ft barren woman, to the great joy of the household. In other, but rare cases, the obstruction to the bearing of children has been found Us J*; of r surgical character, but easiJy removable by painless operative treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur­ gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y„ over which Dr. Pierce of the * Favorite Prescription" fame presides. In all cases where chil­ dren are desired and are absent, an effort •hould be made to find out the real cause, since it is generally so easily removed by proper treatment. In all the various weaknesses, displace­ ments, prolapsus, inflammation and de­ bilitating, catarrhal drains and in all eases of nervousness and debility, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most efficient remedy that can possibly be used. It has to its credit hundreds of thousands <H cures --more in fact than any other remedy put up for sale through druggists, especially for woman's use. The ingredi­ ents of which the " Favorite Prescription " 1* composed have received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Materia Medico, of all the several schools of practice. All the Ingredients are printed in plain EnglUh on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, so that any woman making use of this famous medicine may know exactly what she is taking. Dr. Pierce takes his pa­ tients into his full confidence, which he can afford to do as the formula after which the "Favorite Prescription" is made will bear the most careful exam­ ination. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the DMt and safest laxative for women. Will Treat the Poor. Prof. Schweninger, famous aa Bis­ marck's body phyvfetan, has resigned aa head of the great Infirmary near Berlin, oud will deSOtS the cVcuiug of his life to private practice, chiefly among the poor and destitute. ^^ Garfield Tea, Mild Laxative, Regulates the Liver, Kidneys, Stom­ ach and Bowels, cures Constipation and Sick Headache. Send this notice with your name and address to the Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free sample package. Sold at all drug stores. Send us the name of your druggist. His Meaning. "That fellow declares that he to go­ ing to die with his boots on." "He means, probably, that he la go­ ing to do his best to keep body and aoul together." . . Mills. PIT ft PITLBSS SCALES. For Steel and Wood Frames, $25 and up. Write us before you buy. We save you money. Also Pumps and Wind BECKHAM BROS., DM Molaes. Iowa. Try One Package^ If "Defiance Starch" does you return* it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stieir to the iron. Dr. Quackenbos of New York saves his patients by hypnotic suggestion. Doubtless he is able to make them pay his bills by the same process. Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch, not alone because they get one-third more for the same money, but also because of superior quality. King Christian died poor. He should have consulted King Leopold. TO CVRK A COtD i ce LAXATIVE BBOMO On m refund money If It ni IN ONE DA1 tnlne Tablet*. Take glata refund money If It falls to cure. eBOVK*B signature 1* on each box, 23e. England published 6,718 new hooks last year. Who reads 'em? When You Buy Starch, buy Defiance and get the beet. It os. for 10 cents. Once used, always used. The honest grafter Is a foeman worthy of his steal. Piso'sCore for Consumption la aa «i>«friinq+ medicine for coughs and colds.--N. W. SAMUSU Ocean Grove. N. J., Feb. 17. 1900. Furniture dealers are advocates of brief courtships. Smokers have to call for Lewia' Single Binder cigar to get it. Your dealer or Lewis'"Factory, Peoria, I1L There is many a single state bt> sides Miss. Mrs. WtnakWa Soothing: Syrup. * Tor children teething, softens the Rums, reduces In­ flammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle. Trust company--a girl's true beau. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have tniniimininiTinimniiinnTininiminmimmiSTi ruiimuJiinuniwmiiiiHMiniiiimiiiiiui-iMiiniium AVe«etaMePreparationfor As­ similating ttefoodandRe^ula tin£theStainad>sandBcnNeisaf Promotes TX^tton,G*er ful­ ness and Itest.Contains neltter OT NARCOTIC. A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion., Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- oess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of &&&&&& NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER Fowl Meadow Grata, (Pea 8erotina.) Tils grsss is also known as False ftedtop. It Is very common in the United States and Is best adapted to wet meadows and the banks of streams. It Is a perennial grass sad bad its origin in Germany. This grass has been grown in England for at least ISO years. It makes a nice hay and will stand for a long time after being ripe without greatly deter­ iorating. It never grows so coarse that the stalk is not tender and the hay made from It Is eaten without waste. It thrives best when mixed ^ j^fsse*. This grsss is most common In the Northern United States. It is particularly good for moist meadows. In some of the west­ ern states natural meadows of this grass are now found and are highly esteemed. fo r Over Th i r ty Yea r s TMK OKRTAUM tOttMNT. NEW VONK OUT. JBJEAC ESTATE. I have a fine 340-acre farm in Crawford Co., Kans..close to end between the coal, oil and gas fields. Host be sold. A bargain. Easy terms. Call on B. W.Wilson, Walnu^or write Die at Chanute, Kana. Jno.W, Martin, Jr., Chanate, HELLO! C A L I F O R N I A * N D 8 1 o o P E R A c r e . Best part Baa Joaquin Valley. 84 boars from San Franclseo, Merced County, inaction Merced and Ban Joaquin rivers. SI.OOaorecMh. Balance of entire purchaaa In payments of Si.OO weak, for each 0 acres. No taxea. No Interest. Rich, level, deep, sandy loam. Ready to plow. No No stones, brash or timber. No malaria. Good water. Immediate posseaaion given. Perpetual water right with every sere. We re sole owners of canal supplying our land with water. There'll be a big rash to take advantage of this unheard of offer, to buy rich, level land with water, M (KM to 8an Francisco. Only Sl.OO aor* cash. Balance of entire purchase In paymets of SI.OO per week, for each 8 acres, first come, arst served. We will send you free a 84-page book of photographs of Mtual scenes on oar land, together with map and fall particulars. Address TU STXV- ursoa OOLOHY, 4*1 market St., Saa Framsisee, GaL m Timber Lands, Settlers* Homes, Improved Farms. JOO.OOO acrea of beat timber and agricul­ tural lands in Louisiana. SO residence* and town lota fn fastest growing towns of the State. Associate re­ latione with leading real estate agents, and eao furnish 8,000,000 acres in Louisiana and other 8tates. Liberal terms arranged for part cash, balance time. Write for list and particulars. H. O. GOODWVH, Real Kstate Agent, - Colfax, Louisiana. CON SALg--MO-acre farm la Pulaski Co., Mo., 7ft-a. cultivated. SO-a. timber, small buildings, all fenced, about SOB bearing apple trees, also peach tree*; 1 mile tma small town and 10 miles from railroad town. UIMper acre. A snap. Liberal terms. 8. L. ELLIOTT, WEST LIBERTY* IOWA. •1 rutin rapes for sale In the wheat-crow- •a»eewn» • •warn ing county of Kansas, (Summer) 310 acres, 100 in cultivation, all In wheat; geod hooae and barn, good water; 1 mile to school; soil black loam. Price *7,60a. Easy terms to purchaser. W. B. OILBEBTTConway Spiinss, Kansas. Fine Colorado Land for Balw home In Eaatern Colorado* The garden spot of the -Do yon want a West. 1 have a number of choice tracts within S mile* of Burlington at $10 per acre. Good rich soil, healthy climate, best of soft 'water and good crope every year. Near schools and railroads. Easy terms of payment arranged on most all tracts. Inclose stamp for details. Address Thsa. Isann, Baxiiagtss, Oele. Ctoice 800-Acre M*« W i City, rlthtn In corn and tame grass belt. Three railroads wlthL three mtiec Never-falling water, tour houses, large barns, grove, orchard, good aehooia, soil dark ma; coal asdoli found wltiUn tw* miles. Price aiS.OOO. Liberal terms. Tract* 80 to 1.000 acrea. Mlldcltmate, * ram ran sale Bcssgss.srs; eoaaty seat; goed toads, ail aood day low. Sea prater.houseandbarn.,yoodn^btyrfaoeA Liberal • - t i • . . . , Tha 8avanmaat sf Cauda Gives abso lu te ly FREE to every settler one hun­ dred and sixty acres of land in Western Canada. Land adjoining this can be purchased from railway ana land companies at from |6 to $10 per acre. . , . On this land this year has been produced upwards of twenty-nve bushels of wheat to t h e a c r e . . . . . - It is also the best of grazing land and fox mixed farming it has no Superior on the continent. Splendid climate, low taxes, railways convenient, schools and churches close at hand. _ , „ Write for "Twentieth Century Canada" and low railway rates to Superintendent ol Immigration, Ottawa, Canada; or to authorised Canadian Government Agent-- C. J. Broughton, Room 480 Quincy Bldg. Chicago, IU-; W. H. ~ Traction Rogers, third floor, Bidg., Indianapolis, or T. O. Currie, Room 12, B. Callahan Terminal Ind.; or T. O. Currie, w Block, Milwaukee, Wis. (Mention this paper.} Why Sofia PsN. 1 An impression is abroad to the ef­ fect that all a man has to do to find out about his soil is to send it to an ex­ periment station and have it analyzed. It <s thought that the chemist can put it into some kind of a machine, pass it through* some kind of a quick-acting process and be at once able to read the whole story of the soil's fertility. This is not possible. Soil analysis is a long process and also an expensive one, as it takes the time of high- priced men. Often these men are In­ structors, who have many other du­ ties in addition to those relating to soil analysis. A single experiment station could analyze but few samplea in a year, compared with the number of farms in the state. After the analy­ sis, the owner would know little more about his soil than he did before. The chemical analysis shows what are the constituents of the soil, but It does got show the proportion avail­ able for plant food. Much of the fer­ tility shown by the analysis wss locked up In an insoluble form and Vould have been releaseo only after long periods of time. Moreover the truth does not come out as to the ability of the soil under certain con­ ditions, nor the amount of humus pres­ ent. Soils fall to produce crops even when they have in them an abundant supply of plant food. One crop may be a failure because the acidity of the soil is too great, while another crop may fall because the land is ^o wet One soil may be unproductive because the humus has been worked out of it In a half century's tillage, permitting the ground. to bake hard la the dry time of summer. The farmer that would make s living off from land that is inclined not to give him large crops, has many prob­ lems to Btudy. If he solves the prob­ lems aright he may bring his land up to a state of great productiveness. CUBES COHSTIPATIOH It is just about Impossible to be sick when the bowels are right and not possible to be well when they wrong. Through its action on the bowels, Lane's Family Medicine cleans the body inside and leaves no lodging place for disease. If for once you wish to know how it feels to be thoroughly well, give this famous laxative tea a trial. Sold by all dealers at 35c. and 50c. Onr catatamei eaBr1 pstsooeoel iwHlia SortSwaeocr. «.<.B.«Mw*ssn,i Potato Raising. M Whiteside county a good many potatoes are raised, the area on each farm devoted to potatoes being from one to 25 acres. For early potatoes we do our planting about the first to the tenth of April. For late potatoes we do our planting from the 25th of April to the 10th of May. We generally cut our potatoes so that each piece will have two eyes. The seeding Is done with a planter and is in drills. I do not know of any being planted in hills here. I have tried using whole pota­ toes for seed, but the result seems to be that there are too many tope and the tubers grown are too small. In.the preparation of my land I usu­ ally plow the previous August and seed rye at the rate of one bushel per acre. In the winter and early spring I cover the ground with manure. This I plow in in early spring as soon as the ground works well and continue to harrow till the ground Is well pulver­ ized and smooth. I consider the selection of the seed very important, and for this purpose I choose only nice smooth potatoes. I am certain that nice smooth tubers cannot be grown from rough out-of- shape seed. In my potato cellar I have a separate place for my seed po­ tatoes. I pick out my seed potatoes as carefully as I do my seed corn or as I do my bull. I do this work In the win­ ter. In selecting I make it s point to have the seed end of the potato the largest and have all the eyes large hot not deep. We plant with a planter, which leaves a ridge as it covers them. They should he harrowed at least three times before they come up, and I usu­ ally harrow them at least once after. Then they can be plowed with an or- dinary corn piow until it is time to lay them by or until the tops cover the ground. I have raised the Early Ohios for a good many years, and by continually selecting the best I now am able to produce some very good, smooth, fair size potatoes.--J. H. Martin, Whit* side Go* 111. Wheat grown ta wan* ewmtites is soft and makes sticky bread. It Is milled chiefly with hard wheat frooi voider eottntiteek « * } n * • . t. * .SB? Women DEATH SEEMED NEAR. How a Chicago Woman Found Help When Mope Was Fast Fading v '-f ' Away. 'Mrs. E. T. Gould, 914 W. Lake Street, Chicago, 111., says: -"Doan's Kidney Pills are all that saved me firOm death of Brlght's Disease, that I know. I had eye trouble, back- a c h e , c a t c h e s when lying &bed or when bending over, was languid and of fen dizzy and had sick h e a d a c h e s a n d b e a r i n g d o w n pains. The kid­ ney secretions were to copious and frequent, and very bad in appear­ ance. It was in 1903 that Doan's Kid­ ney Pills helped me so Quickly and cured me of those troubles I've been well ever since." Sold by all dealers. SO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRECIOUS STONES IN DEMAND. Importationa Into America Have Brok- f en AH Recorde. More th*n 86 million dollars' worth of diamonds and other precious stones have been Imported into the United States during the past calendar year. This importation of diamonds and precious stones is by far th© largest in the history of the United States, the high-water mark in earlier years having been 28 millions in 1903, while 1904 showed but 27% millions. In the ten months of 1905 ending with the month of October, the total was over 31 million dollars, or more than in any full year prior to 1906. The importation of these ten months, amounting to $31,359,157, gives an average of over 3 million dollars per month, so that it may reasonably be assumed that the figures for the two following months will bring the tytal up to 36 million dollars, as against 27% million dollars In 1904 and 28% millions in 1903.-~Harper's .Weekly. WILD WITH ITCHING „ HUMOR. Eruption Broke Out in Spots All Over Body--Cured st Expense of Only $1.25--Thanks Cutfcura. The Cutlcura Remedies cured me of tny skin disease, and I am very thank­ ful to you. My trouble was eruption of the skin, which broke out in spots all over my body, and caused a con­ tinual itching which nearly drove me wild at times. I got medicine of a doctor, but it did not cure me, and when I .saw in a paper your ad, 1 sent to you for the Cuticura book and I studied my case in it I then went to the c!rug store and bought one cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Cuticura Ointment and one vial of Cuticura Pills. From the first application I re­ ceived relief. I used the first set and two extra cakes of Cuticura Soap, and was completely cured. I had suffered for two years, and I again thank Cuti­ cura for my cure. Claude N. John­ son, Maple Grove Farm, R. Walnut, Kan., June 15, 1905.'%. ' ' f-i'.fi ' Two Traits. There sre people who dare sad who <0, There are people who say tint they would Be successful, great men, too, Had not Fate their plans withstood. Call the first trait the positive Do, The second the possible Would. Better, then, a drop of do Than a whole armful of would. ' , --0»car Freeburg i» Sunset for February. v . i. 1 (.'fn.""," . . $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to MS that there 1h at least uuf dreaded disease thetsclenoo has been able to cure la all Its stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure In the only positive Cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh helng a constitutional disease, requires a oonstlM- tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takes te» teraally, acting directly upon the blood and ipaoooa surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dl»eaee, and giving the pattest strength by building up the constitution and assist* lug nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that theyoSSS One Hundred Dollar* for any case thai It falls It Cure. Beuu foi1 il»t of ie^tinivulals. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold br all Druggists, 75c. % • Take Hall's Family Pills for coostlpatlofc ' .. j New Southern Enterpriser' ': The Tradesman prints a tabulated statement of new industrial enter­ prises in the South, including Indian Territory and Oklahoma. In 1905 over over 6,000 of these new enterprises were reported, showing an advance t>f nearly 11 per cent over the preced­ ing year. Texas, which has exhibited many signs of being awake to indus­ trial opportunity, beads the list with 901 new concerns. Tennessee is sec­ ond, with 601; Oklahoma reports 575 and North Carolina 545. Many lines of manufacture are represented, wood­ working plants being most numerous. --Hartford Courant Country Doctors Msy StrHtfe Tired of working for the miserly payment which the state allows them, them Austrian country doctors are preparing to strike. No longer, they say, will they vaccinate the poor for 4 cents a head, when veterinary sur­ geons get four times that sum for in­ oculating cattle against disease. Neith­ er will they go on examining tramps and vagrants at a rate which pays a qualified doctor less for overhauling a roving vagabond than the barber gets for cutting the hair of the same Individual. Unless the government promptly Increases the whole scale of payment for public medical attend­ ance the country practitioners declare tnat they will cease work except In cases of extreme peril. Very Low Rate* South v Feb. 6th and 20th. Ob above dates round-trip Home- seekers' tickets, limited to 21 days, will be tin sale at very low rates to many points on the Nashville, . Chattanooga it St. Louis Ry. in Tennessee, North Ala­ bama and Georgia, one of the most prosperous sections of the South. Lib­ eral stop-overs allowed. Round-trip rates from Chicago will be 25 per cent less than the one-way rate. Think of It! Call on your home agent for Infor­ mation or write to Briard F. Hill, N. P. AM N., C. ft St L. Ry., Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. We never know what we can do on- tll we are put to the test by some great emergency or tremendous re­ sponsibility. When we feel that we are cut off from outside resources and must depend absolutely upon our­ selves, we can fight with all the force of desperation.--"Success Magazine." An engineer declares that 50,600 people now do with machinery the work of 16s000,000 persons a few years ago. But they lack an ever­ lasting sight of getting the pay of the $16,000,000. The Best Riiulti In Starching can be obtained, only by using Defiance Starch, besides getting 4 oz. more for same money--no cooking required. Uncle Ylm Hill does not predict a financial tornado, but he recommends 'that you nail things down* A GUARANTEED CURE FOB W.M, Itching, Blind- Bleeding. Protruding Piles. Prag- glut* are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure In 6 to 14 days. SOo. Lots of people who boast of their blue blood are really color blind. Oo Your CloffiTes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch, it will keep them white--16 ox. for 10 cents. An ounce of confidence In yourself Is worth a pound in others. CITtt permanently eared. Kofi to or neFTOogssss after all# first day's una of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Keston. er. Send for FREE SJt.OO trial bottle and treatlnr. DR. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., Ml Arcfe Street, miadelyble. Fa. Spoony actors are not always best In the stirring roles. Defiance Starch is put up IS ounces In a package, 10 cents.. One-third more starch for the same money. Even blind fste does not always lead hs astray. Lewis' Single Binder Cigar has a rich taste. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, 'Peoria, I1L Small talk ofttimes makes big trou­ ble. After Years ot Experience* Advises ^ i Regard to Their Health. Hffi. Martha Pohlman Of 55 Chester Avenue, Newark, N. J., who Is & graduate Nurse from the Blockley Training School, at Philadelphia, and for six years Chief Clinic Nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital, writes the letter printed below. She has the advantage of personal experience, besides her professional education, and what she haa to say may be absolutely relied upon. >Many other women are afflicted as she was. They can regain health in the same way,* It is prudent to heed such advioe from such a source. Mrs. Pohlman writes: 441 am firmly persuaded, after eight years of experience with Lydia E. Pinkh&m'a Vegetable Compound, that it is the safest and beet medicine for any buffering woman to use." 44 Immediately after my marriage 1 found that my health began to fail me. I be­ came weak and palo, with severe bearing-down pains, fearful backaches ana fre­ quent dizzy sj>ells. The doctors prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I would bloat after eating, and frequently become nauseated. I haa pains down through my limbs SO I Could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble aa I have ever known. Lydia E, , - - ^ AVar man Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, however, cured me within four months. Since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of patients suffering from all forms of female difficulties, and I find that while it is considered unprofessional to rec­ ommend a patent medicine, I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for I have found that it cures female ills, is a grand , where all other medicine fails, i medicine for sick women." It Money cannot buy such testimony as this--merit alone can produce such re­ sults, and the ablest specialists n6w agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ table Compound is the most univer­ sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women are troubled xvith ir­ regular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacement or ulceration of the female org-ans, that bearing- down feeling, inflammation, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debili­ ty, indigestion, and nervous prostra­ tion, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintneas, lassitude, excita- lydia E» Ptnkhan's Ydetafele bility, irritability, nervousness, sleep* lessness, melancholy, "all-gone" and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remem­ ber there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com* pound at once removes snch troubles. No other female medicine in ilia world has received such widespread, and unqualified endorsement. The needless suffering of women front diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible to see. The money which they pay to doctors who do not help them is sot' enormous waste. The pain ia cured and the money is saved by Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It is well for women who are ill to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. The present Mrs. Pinkham is tha daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant for many years before her decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. In her great experi­ ence, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal vnth dozens of cases just like yours. Her sdvies is strictly confidential. Wlcn Others n THEONLYONE Genuine-SyrUp Of FlgS, The Genuine is Manufactured fey the California Fig Syrup Co. Ths Hall name of tha oompany, California Pig Syrup Oa*« b printed on ths front of every package of the genuine* The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is lor Sale, lit Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent Hons made by piratical concerns and sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always If you wish to get Its beneficial effects* It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or - constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy Is by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is laxative remedy of the well-informed. .Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs ? MANUFACTURED fiY THH ^ LoubwiOe.ltyc PRICE IVIT CSMS » jt 2 * " ^ i H. V;'iv t w.; -.41 i V-"-| -•^<3. "i m ^ Ra*Yotk.Htf P U T N A M F A D E L E S S D Y E S C«ier mora oeotfi brfgMw ami fatter color* than any other dm. One 10c package color* all *bw«. T^M>eJn c<M wte^tlw then MMUIW *». Ve say drmantiriUMMit Hwlst apart Write tor free booklet--How to Die. Bleach and Mix Colors. MOM ft OK DRUG CO., UtuonvUtm, Ml PILES PERMANENTLY AMD POSITIVELY CURED YOU PAY WITHOUT USING THI KNIFK SpeclalUta In Diseases of Woman. Tumors, Kupture, and Diseases of the Rectum.^ InTeatfr Kate br writing for our Illustrated LiMtlM lifiirti ramrn Including letters from prominent people cured. UfHhM I Illfrll OR. B.S. HENDERSON, 621 La Salle Ave.. CHICAGO WiUJJ <3® <aae> <aar» <aa» f A f w i o l H o n o r l o r y o a a n * a g o o d falcon II yon arc willing to work. Particalars will be sent npoa request. H. S. HOWLAND, ». Madleaa Anne. New Y«* City. <aaa> <SE& ac.c.Wc.c. race; nucE, %5 Cts. ANTI-GRIPINE XS GUARAMTKEO TO CU*1 GRIP, BAB COLD, HEADACHE ABB BEBBALB1A. 1 wont <wll to a £ ICMMITAOTWER.̂ WAA^AW. JF«B IF YOU WANT JAMU LOOUK. Box W. 4. Waaftbunu TAh DEFIANCE 6M Water Starch •takes iMadrjr work » plMauro. Chicago School of Dramatic Art Aaeoclated with People's Stock Company. Training. Vooal SxpreMioo, Dramatic tfon. Shakespeare, Life Studle*. Stage Physical Culture, Fencing. For I RALPH E. SMITH, Paople's TI PATENTS for must fully procevt an iuvenl Desk Calendar KHKK. H; Coa»iiiUL»katlon« ooulitiMUlal. If*---- leawick * LawTMM, BO-KO BALM COKE tt, CO, 475 4(1 MgpMr For AM eaa ba w. N. U- CHtCAftp, N* 7. Wt»«n Aiwrtwq AOvirU--imuta Kindly

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