T«kc cold eaisily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Mien • cough means a great deal to fou. Follow your d o c t o r ' s a d v i c e a n d t a k e Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " for « yemrg T bare depended on Ayer's Cfcerrr Pectoral for coughs ami cold*. I know it greatly strengthen* weak lungs. MRS. P- A. RoBlBSOM. Saline. Mioh. ae.,Mc..fl.(K». J.C. ATIRCO., All dtmgteti. t - Lowell.. M*m Weak Lungs esting to have a photograph of a United States senator making a speech. SECRETARY TAFT thinks the canal erne sbonld be widened. This is the first intimation that the secretary met with difficulty in getting through It. tfrHEN Rockefeller comes to the sur face again how pained be will he to learn, that certain gentlemen bearing •mbpoenas have been looking for him. G'HOVEK CLEVELAND want# the doc tors to quit using big words. Why, the very idea! How else would a young practitioner prove ttiat he was a doctor? OHIO, like Indiana and Wisconsin, has a new cigarette law. It is so strong that it forbids the use of pipes and ci gar*. I* will get "smoked oat," w+ fear. • *S Pills increase the activity of liver, and thus aid recovery. Nctlenry Pluindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY MdlHRY PUIIIDEAIER OMMRY. K.G mkqek. W. A.CaiHr*. J H t'LHWV, s. Sec. Treats. F. tl. SCHBKINEK, Editor. Ollce In Bank Bulldlfag. Telephone, No. JK"2. #-••4 •ft TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: as year months, 75cts. Three months. ...fl.SO Wets. *; ' Thursday, February 15, 1905. I j-- : -- f1 PRIMARY KLJSCTION NOTICK. i j T Notice is hereby given that on Satur- ifi' ,4*7. the third day of March, at the I,.--* eity hall in the Village of McHenry, & . .nthe Connty of McHenry and State ol f 'Illinois, a Primary Election will be held - fc pursuance of and subject to the pro I s visions of the Act to provide for the holdingand regnlation of Primary Elec- ^ 'jfeons in which Primary Election the fol lowing political parties will be entitled ,:t to particij»ate: Republican, Democrat- llll: |c. Candidates will be voted for for the j] following offices: Three Trustees, one fe^S^illage Clerk. Which Election will be •t&pened at twelve o'clock, noon, andcon- |. ;f tmue open nntil seven o'clock in tb* j| > '**- afternoon of that day. * Dated at McHenry this Fourteenth flay of February, in the year of our h '1 Lord one thousand nine hundred and AS a highly imitative people, the Chi nese have evidently learned something from the civilized nations of the world in their boycott upon American COIL merce. WHILE everybody appears to be Hat i fied we haven't heard from Archie Roosevelt as to how he thinks he is go ing to like Nicholas for a new brother in-law. ' THOSE Moroccan delegates who raised a number of objections to the plan of administering Morocco must have a lot of nerve to think they have anything to say about it. ' ;* THE Pennsylvania railroad baa par* chased another whole town in West Vir ginia. The Pennsylvania seems to have been converted to the municipal ownership theory. JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. ' • * * m . • = , * 'WITHOUT the Gould millions, what vi*iU Boni Castellaine do? ^ _ *(.tr * MR. ROCKEFELLER is only lost t< 'f y Missouri, with Kansas and Illinois in ^ , doubt. I"'* ' AT times the American public must I'..* be very annoying to the United Stater tef^^jieoate. people, hav» in some spot PACKERS, like other memories that are better than others. - LIKE the Michigan peach crop, tb> *lce crop needs an occasional frost to inake it thrive. Japan admits that the war cost $575,- DOO.OOO, but trusts the world will knovv /:§Nh»t it cost Russia. A PENNSYLVANIA man honied dyna mite inhis grate to see if i$ would ex plode. Guess the answer. '.. Prolect Proprietary Madlciiirs. Did it^ver occnr to yon that proprie tary medicines are a blessing to man kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have s'lort life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy sicians and druggists it would be expen *ive and very inconvenient at times, es pecially in the country and at night when neither conld be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo schee's German Syrup has been used iu many families, and thousands of lives oi dults and children have been saved bj its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrnp is the best household remedy for conghs, colds threat and lung tronble. It qnickly re lieves the hacking cough, loosens tht phlegm, and brings sound and refresh ing sleep. Twenty-five aud seventy-fiv« cents. , Get a copy of Green's Pri# Al tnanac. For sale bv all druggists. Very Low Rates to NmmIiville, Teun., Via the North-Western Line, for ticket* to be sold Feb. 25. 26 and 27, with favor able return limits, on account of Quad rennial Convention Stndent Volnnteei Mot ement for Foreign Missions. Cboic« of rontes from Chicago. Apply toageut- Chicago & North-Western R'y. Feb2- Luckiest Man In Kansas. "I'm the luckiest man in Kansas,' writes H. L. Stanley of Bruno, "sine the restoration of mv wife's health afte rive yearn of continuous coughing an> bleeding from the lungs; and I owe ui jfood fortune to the world's greater medicine. Dr. King's New Discovery foi Consumption, which I knew froui ex perience will cure consninption if taker in time. My wife improved with firs bottle and twelve bottles completed tbi cure " Cnrea the worst coughs am colds or money refnnded. At N. II Petesch and Jnlia A. Story, McHenry G, W. Besley, West McHenry, drng ?ists. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free •»7', THOUGH the ground hog may sentenc e *<|8 to six weeks of winter there is alvvaj s I'j. a Warm spell about the 14th. .LET us not worry about the ice fam- ijti " How do we know but that the ie» |giyvirilLbe thick enough to cnt next July? Jp, • ' 1 = : PUBLIC opinion must feel like patting & • itself on the head since it has demon- « atfated that it can jar even the senate. H?;,. A PUBE food bill has been before con gress for seventeen years. Naturally, the senate haa become expert in killing it. Here and there throughout the conn try may be found persons who are not sending wedding presents-to the White House. ' " H. H. ROGERS and certain of the beet packers doubtless receive many circular* these days from proprietors of raetnory- cnlture systems. THE pure food bill will get throng) the senate all right, provided none of ^ the senators are interested in kbj of - the impure factories. r: •' ^. TOM LAWSON may have gone broke, «s be at one time predicted, but tin- poor man is still able to travel aboat th ^ country in a private car. ' IF the British empire wants to have |its army drilled into proper condition, Japan might he able to loan it a few jjgeqerals for a short time. MANY a man who wouldn't be super- stitious enough to believe in the ground hog is still secretly glad that he has fu6) enough to last th*> six weeks. New YORK'S proud spirit will *be humbled at last. It is claimed that Iowa insurance officials are ont--Mc Curdying McCall, as it were. SENATOR PATTERSON is now eating his former words about the president This ought to make him a more earnest advocate of the pure food bill. THE next government commissioner 'who goes fooling around the beef trut-t looking for facts and figures will prob ably have the ̂ og» Bet on him. • CONGRESSMAN MANN doubtless con aiders the government a seed depart jnent as affording first aid to congress men whose seats are threatened. ...J. A UKAiia for photographing thought |f ̂ «ciweadiM»med. It would be Inter The Plaindealer will be sent to ant tddress on trial three monl hs for twen y-five cents, and will be discontinue' «t the expiration of time unless other wise ordered. Try it. s T E' I E D E experienced farmer has learned that somei grains require far differ-', ent soil than others; some crops need differ- enthandiing than others. He knows that a great deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body is be fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth i n g t h a t w i l l r e p a i r wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely faiL We lirfff jmtf >ot « Mnpir jtttc. Be sure that thl« picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of "every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT OL" B O W N E CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street N E W Y O R K goc, and $1; all druggists Sock can be greatly Increased by giving special care to the health of every animal and fowl on the farm. Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, etc. , depend oa their livers to keep them well. Black-Draught Stock and Poultiy Medicine keeps their livers working and therefore keeps them well. Black-Draught Stock and Poul try Medicine is a pure, natural, vegetable, blood purifier and acts by regulating ths stomach, Hver and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog Chol era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Aways and all the com mon stock diseases. It is a perfect medicine for gen eral farm use. Try it. rSHIJ£E #*" KINAL IfHFKT . Price 25c for a large can, at druggists and dealers COLONIST LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CL^SS RATES r<> Shii FrxnrIKCO, Lou AiigfW*, FdMUIHI, Tacom», Seattle, Boise City, Spokam, Walla Walla, Ogrieu, Salt Lake City, Butte and other point* In Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and the Pacific Coast, Via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North- Western Line, February 15 to April 7, 1906, inclusive Attractive side trips it very low rates. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour ist sleeping cars, only $7.00 for double berth from Chicago (accommodating two people), through to the Pacific Coast without change of cars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Din ing cars (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Mar.31 CuniMa Colda are the Caun* of Many Merlons DinetWM. Physicians who have gained a nation *1 reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching jold could Oe avoided a long list of dan herons ailments would never be heard Everyone knows th a. pneumi nia *nd consumption originate from a cold, ind chronic catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles are aggravated md rendered more serious by each fresh ttack. Do not risk your life or take ohrtuces when you have a cold. Cham- Iterlain's Cough Remedy will cure it be fore these diseases develop. This rem edy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug and has thirty yeart if reputation back of it, gained by its cares under every oondition. Foff sale ny G. W. Besley. *'«ry Low Rates to the Mardi Gras at Now Orleans, to Mobile, Pensaoola asd Winter Resorts, /ia the North-Western Line. On ac count of the Mardi Gras, excursion tick ets with certain stop-over privileges will <e sold to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola, Feb. 21 to 25, inclusive, also >n Feb. 20, for trains arriving at *desti- lation by noon of Feb. 27, with favor- tble return limits. Excursion tickets *re also on sale daily, at reduced rates, to the principal winter resorts in the United States and Mexico. For full in formation apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. "Feb. 25. A Habit to be Eneaangcd. ' The mother who has acquired the iabit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain'8 Cough remedy saves her self a great amonnt of uneasiness and inxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible are quick ly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to resnlt in pneumo .nia, and if given as soon as the first symptons of cronp appear, it will pre vent the attack. This remedy contains lothing injurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect se ;urity.. Sold by G. W. Besley. ADMINISTRATOR'S T SETTLEMENT. STATE OF ILLINOIS / McHenry County f " Estiito of Margaret Slrnes. Deceased. To itll whom it may concern: You areher©- by notified that, on Monday, the fifth day of Warvli. 1905. I, as administrator de bonis •ion, of the estate of said Margaret Slmes, de- "•••ased. will present to the county court of McHenry county, at the court house In Wood stock. Illinois, my final report of my acts and lomirs iut such administrator, aud ask the court to t>e discharKed from any and all fur- "!?!! responsibilities connected with, the said estate and my administration • Ui.Teof, at which timu and place you may be present aud resist such application if you •-huose so to do. Jamkh H. PERKY, j .. . Administrator de bonis non. Dated this 6th day of February 1906. Men rast Sixty In Dangor. More than half mankind over sixty vears of age suffer from kidnev and • •ladder disorders, usually enlargement • >f prostate gland. This is both' painful and dangerons, and Foley 's Ki(tney Cure should be taken at the first sign of dan ger, as it corrects irregularities and has .;ured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Bnrnette, Rock Port, Mo., writes: "I suffered with enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble for vears and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years although I am now 91 years old. J'_ The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for .50. Order at once as the time of this .ffer if limited Have you been betrayed bjf promises of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled lueiiicine without results except a dam aged stomach? To those we offer Hoi- lister 's Rocky Mountain Tea.. 80 cmta. G. W. Besley. Mrs. John Vert*« visited at M«r-' tes'Thursday.. - 0. Mrs. Kate May was' qutler fteit a feW days last week. ... „ - Wm. Oeffling and John King were Wanconda visitors Tuesday. Jos. ^lichels and Miss Mary Miller will be rnarriwl here next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Conway of Rfhg- wood were Johusburgh callers Sunday. Mrs. Jos, Mertes and children spent Sunday afternbon at Mrs. .Tos. Thelen's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and chil dren spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs, .Tos. Hnemann. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Rothermel and children of McHenry were visitors at Jos. Micbels' Sqnday. Jos. Hnffbauer of Ohio spent a few days with his daughters, Mrs. N. J. Nye anrt Mr». John A. Bugner. Mrs. Mary Thelen and little daugh tejr, Julia, were entertained by Mrs •Take Schumacher Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Sprint Grove were caMing on Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams Monday. Jake Laughlin and wife of Spring Grove are spending a few flays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray. The Misses Anna, Lena. Mary and Josephine Pitzen of Volo visited Miss Anna Oeffling a few days last week If you are in need of bob sleighs or cutters Jos. H. Hnemann has a very nice line of them 4n stock aiid marked at a low price. On Sunday evening Schaefer Bros, gave an entertainment of moving pict ures. which was splendid. About two hundred tickets were sold. Mrs. Jos *H. Hnemann entertained the following ladies Tuesday afternoon: Mesdames Peter Niesen, Susan Frennd, Jos Mich els, John Mertes. Mrs. Jos. Michels, Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, Mrs. 'Simon Michels and Miss Lena Michels were pleasantly enter tained by Mrs. John S. Frennd Thurs day. Miss Lizzie May ftnd Jake May visited Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frennd in Chicago a few days last week. The latter cele brated their silver wedding last Satur day. . The following were entertained' by Mr. and Mrs. Math. Frennd, Wednes day of last week: Messrs. and Mes dames John S. Frennd, Jacob Frennd, Hubert Frennd, Peter Frennd, Henry Thelen. Mike Frennd;. Mesdames Snsan Frennd, Nick Frennd, Mary Miller and Wm. Frennd of Spring Grove. Creeks' Medicine Man. < The feedicine man of lOe Creeks will not eat anything scorched in cooking. In treating a gun or arrow shot wound he as well as the patient will fast four days, only drinking a little gruel. He will not allow a woman to look at bis patient until he is well or dead. If his patient dies, the medicine man takes a lot of medicine himself in or der to cleanse himself from the fumes or odor of the dead. The pallbearers, as we might call those assisting In the burial, also take the same cleansing process. And, again, when an Indian commit ted murder, even in self defense, he went to the medicine man and took the cleansing remedy, claiming the remedy appeased the crime and the trouble to his mind. At the full of each moon it was the custom of the bucks to drink medicine made by the medicine man to cleanse their systems. In camp the Indian killed nothing which was not eatables- Indian Journal.. BMnellM Selenee sad Bellgioi. A clergyman is quoted in Every body's Magazine as confounding an ad vanced young woman who was demon strating to him that science had dis proved religion with this little parable. "Madam," he said, "I once, knew a member of your sex who perfectly rec onciled science and religion. She is a prominent member of the Young Wo men's Christian association, and she was making an address to a large gath ering of women, which was interrupt ed by a terrific thunder shower. She shared with many the awful fear of thunder and lightning, and, with the others, she trembled in silence for a few moments. When a blinding flash was swiftly followed by a frightful clap of thunder she struggled to her feet and began to pray, 'O Lord, take us under thy protecting wings, for thdu knowpt£ that feathers are no»^a^(|uct-. ors.**' !*m« twk, .. • This ailment is usnally caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may lie cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rub bing the parts vigorously at each appli cation. If this does not afford relief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly damp ened with Pain Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. 3 A Card. ' This is to certify that atl " drnggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes' G. W. Besley. Talk Is Cheap. m Take yonr pants off and have at#pair made tc fit you, only $8.00and up; suits,.; $12.00 and up; good goods A good l.t or no sale. E. LAWLESS, Methusala was all right, you be!' " # For a good old soul was he, « They say be would be living yet, v Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. Ave fan square with us? If not, what is tlii reason? rOuutaln syrisegvft, hot water bottles, the kind that wear, at Petesch's. " • r. F. O. Gans does aactioneering. fits QUICKLY CURED BY 's atid Tail There is no case on record of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after,. Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals aoi.d strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases pf incipient Consumption and ev6n in the last stages will always give coinfoft ana relief. „ Foley's Honey and Tar gives quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath ing at once. Remember the name--Foley's Honey and Tar -- and refuse substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chances ^ with some unknown preparation. * - Contains no opiates*. 4 • Curtd of Terrible Cougfi on ttrnp. N. Jackson of Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar, which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since." Consumption Cured. Foley.& Co., Chicago. Dana; Ind. Gentlemen:--Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of Consumption after I had suffered two years and was almost des perate. Three physicians failed to give me any relief and the last one said he could do me no good. I tried almost every medicine I heard tell of without benefit, until Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me. Its effect right from the start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Honey and Tar is a God-send to people with Throat and Lung Trou- i. Y< ble. fours very truly, MRS. MARY AMBROSE. Three sizes--25c, 50c, £1;00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle al most six times as much. SOLO MID RECOMMENDED IV G. w BESLEY. w M. HENRY Want Column. All advertisements inserted nnder this heart a! Hie following rates: Five lines or less, 25 cents for ttrst Insertion; 15 cents tor each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. "CV)R SALE--A 22-foot gasooline launch. 8 H ^ P. double engine. All machinery good as new: outfit complete. Will sell cheap. Will take Chicago building lot. Launch can be seen at Weber's. Inquire of 30 MATH. WESer & SON, McHenry, III T^EED MILL FOR SALE-EVerythlng in th- r best of condition. Will sell very reason ably. Apply or write to AMANN BROS., 3St'f . Round Lake, 111 "CV)R SALE CHEAP--On the beautiful Fox river, house, barn, with fruit trees and good well, furniture; also a Rood cut tinder surrey, by owner. C. BHEMER, 83-2t* 1344 Southport Ave., Chicago. T^OR SALE AT A BARGAIN--47 acres of c choice land adjoining the village of Mc Henry; good house and barn, all In good re pair; also a house on acre of land adjoining village limits, McHenry. III. Inquire of 34 BANK ok MCHknry. LOST--Somewhere on the streets of Mclleti-ry, a ladies neck fur. Finder will confer a great favor by returning it to the home of A. F. Weckler, east of Uilbert Bros.' store. PROBATE NEWS X [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Selln R IMerce & w to Nicholaus Roos, It 33. Otto Hasse's addn Spring Groveil 150 00 Minnie E Kandall & h to Lucius Barn ard, It, St. IMstakee Beach 4000 00 Joseph F Smith & w to Henry J Hetter- luau et al, lt21t, .lohnsburgn 20000 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Gnstav A Polnow, 24.'.. ... /. Marengo "Winuie O. Berg, 18............ Marengo Edward E Crtrr, 21 Ring wood Elizabeth M AnUliffe, 19 ...Richmond Chas. Sagert, 19.. .r,...Walworth, Wis Ellen Ferney, 20 . Walworth, Wis Martin Olson. 10. Woodstock Maud Acres, 20. .s .Woodstock Floyd Thayer, 20.., ..... .Ridgefield Lillie HangaWont, 18 .' . Ridgefield r Frightfully Burned. Chas. W. Moore, a machinist of Ford City. Pa., had bis hand frightfully burned in an electrical fnrnace. Heap- plied Buckleu « Arnica Salve with the usual result: "A quick and perfect cure." Greatest healer on earth for Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema, and Piles. 25 cents at N. H. Petesch and Julia A, Sto ry, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West Mc Henry, druggists. While carrying jack at the 8|>ring Grove ice house last Wednesday Archie Hergott met with qnite a serious acci dent. He was ascending the slide with several cakes of ice when the jack sud denly slipped, knocking Mr. Hergott to the foot of the slide. He was struck by the falling cakes and qnite severely bruised about the body, but under the doctor 's care is getting along as well as may be expected under thecircumstanc- A Favorlt* Rrmedy For BabteM. Its pleasant tfcste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy a favorite with the mothers of small cltildreu. It quickly cures their conghs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequenc es. It not only cures croup, but when given as soon as the croupy cough ap pears will prevent the atlpek. For sale bj G. W. Besley. ANHQUNCEMEN TS\f ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. ft. j The Illinois Central maintains Double Bally ! Service, and operates the best of trains, with i 1 f lining Cars, Buffet-Library Cars. Unair Car*.) and sleeping Oiws, from Chicago, St. Louis, "iiicinnati and l^misvllle -ioutlt to New Or FrOfe§s!ot»l, Society and Buslnesss Cards I>AVU>G. WELLS, M. 1>. leans. The best road for reaching ti»e-wlo»?r Tourist resorts of tlW South, including • New Orleans, Vicksburg, - Gulfport, Miss!, Hammond, La. Mardi Gras at New Orleans Feb. 87, r0ftl Gulfport. is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort, hav ing the new, flno "Great Southern" Hotel. -Regular ocean steamship sailings from Orleans for Mexico, Central America, l'» a- ma. «est Indies and Europe. Send ore;.I' '• t, descriptive matter in regard to the itbo\ Havana via New Orleans .Havana, Cuba, is best reached via the 1111- BO'J Central through service to New Orleans ftiid the new twin-screw mneteen-knot, S. S. Prince Arthur leaving New Orleans every Wednesday at 4.W p. m. ajjd arriving at Havana at sunrise Friday morning. "The Cuban Special" •HYi JlAN, Sli UGKON ANIi. vH1tM.tHlr* i-tt, vsin^e and residence «wo«r Eli" i Green street*, McHenry. Telephone No. 811 ' fast Week ly Limited Steamship Train te rtt* } ,evt57 from Chlca#o utid St. Loudirect to t.bm for Cuban literature. and^St. Louis direct to the ^Oat» side. Send Hot Springs, Ark. Florida l)aily Sleeping Car without change Chicago jige tv'hicagi to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphii fron. t.'iuciuiiati aud Louisville. „ 'I'llrough "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line Sk Louis to Jacksonville via NHshvilie. Obat- tauOOga and Atlanta. riexico, California Special Tours of Mexico and < allfornia via the Illinois Central and New Orleans under the auspices of Raymond & Whltcomb. will leave Chicago Fridays. Feb. 2 and 33, for Mex ico and i aUfornl^i. the last to include a stop over at New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. En tire trips made in special private vestibule trains of finest Pullmans with dining car ser vice. F.'cschiating trips, complete in every detail. , Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali fornia. Excursion'cars through to Los An geles and Sun Francisco as follows: Via Now Orleans and the Southern route every Friday from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin-. nati and Louisville. Via Omaha and the Scenic Koute every Wednesday from Coica^D. Full particulars concerning all of the above can lie had of agents of the Illinois ('entral and connecting lines or by addressing either of the undersigned. A. li. HANSON, P. T. M., Chicago. 111. 8. G. HATCH. G. P. A., Chicago, III. Apr! Bank of rw McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSMES'S. We endeavor^ tq, do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit tlQ» public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given r^PH^llections AVv" ^ - • • - ' INSURANCE *?: • in First Class; Companies, at the' lowest rates. Yours.Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. WEST SIDE ^4 isjm Always a complete line of Fresh and Salt Meats, .. „ usages, Etc. Highesif ^^narket prices paid fo porkers. We also carry ; epnstantly on hand a very Jrv, ip 'thoice line of Caniiei|£ < .,.Good8and Bakery. Whai' i,*|uore has any first clas^, :£• u^rketto offer .. 4 : ii JjCENTERVILLE "t:'.""-""1:. ^ We handle everything in / , the line of fresh and salt MEATS - " a nd Sausages . We al«Mi handlethe Mo-* . ™ •|"v^^«Bry Crealhwry Butter -•;5 Chas. G Frett, Mcttenry, 111. ' KEGERS & FEGERg PHYSICIANS ANIi SURGEONS. VIcHenry T W. F. STONE, li. o.sr ' (Successor t«i l»r. 1'. C. Ross.) \~'&- Off i t e H o u rs f rom 8 a . m unt i l 5 30 n. ui. A1m» open evenings, | M McHENRY, • - Office ' and Residence over Store. Telephone No. 374. ILLINOIS*-# * Petesch's CHAMBERLIN ^0 '•••' DENTIST. ' " Office snd Residence over Besley'* DrusStamv;^ Hours: 8:oo to 5:30, 1 W*UST MoHKNHlf.Il,L, « Notice! To insure publication in The Plain*, dealer oopy must be In the office no later than Wednesday soon of eac|t week. Advertisers, especially, are aekea to take particular notice to this effect ^4 s General Tearniu^ of «ll kinds. > ^ and^Oradmlr. - ncHENRY' - - ILLINOIsteHi!' Telephone No. 2^; SIMON Insurance Agent for all classesof property in the best Companies. Weat McHenry, Hllnoii< ^ . ' To r4-- McHENRV COUNTY ABSTRACT^^ 'COMPANY. ' OFFICE with American National Bankj, Wood-tock. 111. Abstracts of title and conp veyanclng. Money to loan on real estate / sums of $.">00 to $10,000, time and payment tf % " 5:1" • * • suit itorrower. FRANK BUHFjf PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINllKa,^5.00 dHQ UPWARilj House and Sign Paint ing and all Interior Deck „ orating. Residence nort h town line one blm'i "2, *; ; west Of rivinu :rtiiepAQue,x«^4. : • M C H E N R Y . . . . . I L L I N O I S ' K i'V'"1 i i.'"» R. H. OWEN I'latras for sale and rent. Tuning and re ' Ing at reasonable prices. Prst .class Work <n|r. McHENRV. A'--Sc 3 ' >• Johr - -5T vv* t .-r. !-.TI^linoi|^ J . Vyo i t . PFALEK IN , Ger\eriek.l Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma? chine repairing:.o|alikiuda Phone 54> »v t ' S McHENRY, •••%?" ^ ILLINOIS^? » ?C; ^ ^ '• ^. -v'.>i-rS ̂ ; Telephony 1714. ilH%BERT Q. 1'^ w' , t '«* * » v - / U m. A.-9 'vj , KILL the COUCH andCOSE TH E LUNCS WIYH Dr. King's New Discovery Ci • - -ONSHMPTIOK Price OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest andftuicK^stCurefbrair THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. =11 PATENTS I promptly obtained, or FCC RCTURNCD. SO VKARSJ KXrraiKWOK. Our OHAWO«» ^« export seareh and free report on tntentatdltty. HmMMUtMCNT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through na, MWW* TISID and SOLD, free. TKADC-MAKKS, HN SIONS and OOevaiOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Oflloe* WAaHINOTON, D. C. DSWIFT&0 .Ty~, r: ' ;• . ' . ^ • r < •if V: _ _ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY AND An Improvement over all Cough, Lang and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Conghs, Strengthens the Lungs, gently mores the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. rn*am< fcf FIHEULE MEDICINE C0.,CklMS^ILSUL Sold by N. H. PETESCH, McHenry. G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. HOLLtSTER-S Hocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Buy People. *. . Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. m»cIHe for Constipation, Indigestion, Live ' ' 'f* , vulni'v Troubles. Pimples, Eexema, Impur1 1 * ' : i. Bad Breath, Sluggish Iio«-eU, Heafiac!i • " *, . backache. It's Roekv Mountain Tea In tuu. ;orni, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by 5 l imi« Daoo COMPANY, Madison, Wta. ,, M>LDEN NUttElf FOR UUM PE0PLS * v m i . i . *".ik. TUf'ik.J'Z •&»£{* v.'