i * vv *w; * ]J* ""' J> J v*;# Giye nature three helps, md nearly every case of con sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of all. Cherry Pectora l Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. '< I first ns«d Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral 53 year* un I have inn terrible cases of Inn* dl»- •amea cured by It. I am never wit bout it. AR.BKRT ». HAMILTON. Marietta, Onio. J, C. AYBROO.. Be.. «*>..*) .00. AH druggists. Consumption Additional Lof»U. F. 6. Qans does auctioneering; iiuitinn hilla oatea. „ , . niififltt iM««n •iwl. NA Ama ftl PROBA W&VP*? Something special I The Weekly In ter Ocean and this paper for $1.55 for one year. Ask as what it weans. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for |8.50. Order at once as the time of this offer if huiited. Health demands daily action of tho Aid nature with Ayer'a Pills. Sbewels. jlhe Mclfeory PMiodeiler \ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY "FBI NcKIKr PUfflKttHt mfU\. \V. A. I H1STV, L. T. HOY. VKse Pres; Secretary . ; 7? JAMES B. PERRY. ;. . president, aiid General Manager. ' v- F. 6. SCHRKINXR, Editor. Oflce In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ...».» Three months. 40cts. One year Six months, 75cts. Thursday, March i, 1906. ANNOUNCEMKNT. I hereby annoance myself a candidate for Village Trustee and ask the support of the voters of the village. JOSEPH HEIMKR. FOB COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of township collector sub ject to the decision of the Republican cancus. Respectfully* 35 ST JOHN NIESEN. FOR VILLAGE TRUSTEE. Complying with very urgent requests of many of my friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of member of the Village Board, subject to the decision of the village caucus. . .Respectfully, MATHIAS WEBER, Carpenter. • FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Highway Commissioner, subject to the decision of the Republican town caucus, and will be thankful for the support of the voters of. McHenry township. JOHN H. FREUND. ANNOUNCEMENT. Complying with the earnest request of many friends I hereby announce my self a candidate for membership of the Village Board for the ensuing term, and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the coming primaries and elec tion. WM. STOFFEL. .In the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities, cleanses and enriches the blood and purifies the entire system. 35 cents. G. W. Besley. WANTED--&len in each state to trav el, post signs, advertise ana leave sam ples of our goods Salary, $75.00 per month, $3,00 per day for expenses. XUHLMAN Go., Dept. 8, Atlas Block, Chicago. April 18. P. Bensen, who has been tenant on the Covell farm during the past four • years and for six years previous worked for Mr. Covell, has rented a farm near Gilberts, 111., having already moved there. The selling of the Covell farm to John S. Freund necessitated the move. " • . . •' ' • : ' A dose of Pine-nles at bed time wjil usnally relieve backache before morn ing. These beautiful little globules are soft gelatine coated and when moist ened and placed in the mouih yon can't keep from swallowing them. Pine-nles oontain neither sngar nor alcohol--jtist gums and resins obtained from onr own native pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies. Sold by N. H. Pet- esch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; Q. W. Besley, West McHenry. COLONIST LOW ONE WAY SECOND-CLASS RATES To Tcnnetioe, Kentuck>, N«bnu>ka, Wyoming-, Kansaa, Colorado, Mi«- ttouri, New Mexico, Mexico, Texan, Western Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma and Indian Territories, Via the North-Western Line, wiH be in effect on Tuesdays, March 6th and 20th. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Ry. \ . ' Mar 22 A Hint to Travel*#*. While in Suffolk, Va., Henry Croll, Jr., proprietor of the Beaverton, Mich Hardware Co., was taken ^ ery sick with bowel trouble. A traveling salesman from Saginaw, Mich., advised him to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did. "It soon cnred me, and I take pleasure in recommending it," he Bays. No one should leave home on a jouruex without a bottle of this remedy- It if- almost sure to be needed and is not. ob tainable while on steamship or cars Sold by G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three'months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued a1 the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it. THE German emperor wants no crisit- over Morocco--he only wants his OWL way. _______________ THERE is always an odor of heaven in the home where kindly deeds and words blossom. ___________ ONE way to induce women to vott would be to issue ballots in all the fash ionable colors. AT the wedding of Miss Alice. Presi dent Roosevelt was classed among those present at the White House. A GOOD many sermons are like up-to- date crackers--mighty little nourish ment done up in much flonrishment. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT is entirely capable of doing his own thinking, as he takes occasion to remind Senator Lodge. SOME millions of people got as excited over the White House wedding as if they were getting married themselves THERE is no trial by jury in the canal zone. Perhaps they hope to catch Ponlt ney Bigelow down there again some day. ' - UNCLE JOE CANNON'S reputation for economy ought to be sufficient guaranty as to what will happen to the ship snb sidy bill. - FRANCE is becoming a real republic die can elect and inaugurate a presi dent without a riot or even a red flag demonstration. CASTRO says he proposes to test the Monroe Doctrine. As it has been his shield for many years it is strange that he has not tented it before THE New England hardware men will meet in Boston March 1st, but it is nn derstood that it is simply to have a big feed and not for the pqrpose of raising prices. ' SENATOR TILLMAN says he has often bad to eat crow at the dictation of his pqfty. That is not surprising. Crow has been a standard article of Democrat ic diet for nearly forty years. Aim;* Kept Chamberlain's Cnngh Rem. cdy In His House. 'We wonld not be without Chamber lain'8 Congh Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home." says W W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. ThiB is what ever\ family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may b» checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become set tied in the system. This remedy is also without a peer for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given «s soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears wh:ch can only be done when the rem edy is kept at hand. For sale by G. ^ Besley. There is no case on re cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other seri ous lung trouble, after FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from cold. Do not take chances on cold wearing away or experiment with some un known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and get the genuine. CONGRESS proposes to make a sweep ing investigation of all the railroads. One object for the investigation is doubtless to ascertain why some of the railroads no longer fnrnish passes to congressmen. Afflicted With Rheumatism. "I was and am yet afflicted with rheu matism," says J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald. Addington, Indian Territory, "but thanks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business, it is the best of liniments." If troubled wjth rheumatism give Pain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it affords. One application relieves the pain. For sale by G. W. JBeatoy. Impowisw Soil Impoverished soil, like impov erished blood, needs a propef fertilizer. A chemist by analys ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood Is Impoverished your doctor will tell you what you need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in it. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the element lacking in your.system. There is no fat food that is *0 easily digested and assimi iated as Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen flie body when milk and cream fail to do- it. Scott's Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. Wf wWaamt yomm ISiitriColl for Thro# Ninths. The following letter from A. J. NuS- baum, of Batesville, Ind., tells its own story: "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared mo some medicine, and a physician pre scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey &a4 Tar, and eight doses cured me.'* Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. .SOLO MD IECOMEIDED IT «. W BESLEY. W. M. HENRY A Ilea's Trousseau. One wedding gown .$1000 Six dinner gowns, average $200.... 1200 Two imported lace gowns ....... 1000 i)ne lace coat 600 3ix reception and afternoon gowns averaging $150 900 four eyening wraps at*2504, 1000 Three street dresses at $150../..... 450 One driving coat " . 50 One automobile coat ...:..V. 100 Lingerie, 24 tiyee-piece sets, av $60 1200 fwenty-fonr embroidered muslin kirts 600 six embroidered muslin and linen house gowns. 600 Six matinee and lounging gowns.. 500 our corsets at $50 200 Shoes. 100 'iloves. 100 Hosiery ......... 200 Parasols /.*•....... 500 Handkerchiefs.... h.. .\. A. 200 Ten street hats . , . ...... 250 Six reception and afternoon dress hats v.......... .*...... 800 Three driving hats.........*&•;.... 100 Two evening dress hats . • •.., 800 Six rough-and-ready^ h$ta for out door sports................... 150 Total. ..$11,400 [Famished by McHenry County Abstract ompany, Woodstock, Illinois.] Company > REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank \V Carr & w to E J Hopper, pt It owi* sec 6. "McHenry, & seMsW sec Hi Hebron Minnie Srhennfn et al to Wm Teach, .mmw It 1 bile 8, W«*st MoHenrjr .... JMW Howard L Waterman & w to Jas Green lot in Ring wood 490040 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John F. Hallisey. 35 Woodstock Margaret C. Hurley, 18...... Woodstock Bernhard Knuttor. 26......Crystal Lake Matilda Koppon, 22... .. .Huntley Frederick D. Huth, 80...,I,,Woodstock Idella M. Courier, 25....Woodstock Clyde E. Hill, er, Katiierine J. Poach, 20 . Chafe. Schumacher, 281. . Julia Fleming, 20....... W». F. Douglass, 41..;., Jessie A. Mathieeon, 85.., ...... .Harvard ,4.. Harvard ..McHenry Woodstock .. .Hebron Hebron James Bell, 27 . . .Spring Grove Margaret Ranen, 80..'.. ...Spring Orove Edgar E. Thomas* 27,..... . ..McHenry G e o r g i a E . M a n n , 1 9 , W o o d s t o c k Peter De Haan, 26...., .>*.; Hebron Lena Reypbenia, 25. . .. .Hebron Charles Schroeder, 20. -.Crystal Lake Mary Eichoff, 25 Woodstock Stephen Kaiser. 21.. . . ... Woodstock Carrie Brown, 19. .Grand Rapids, Mich. R'IDGSFUBLJU. . ' F. Birche was in Nnnda Tnesdaf. W. H. Munroe was in Woodstock Fri day. J. H. Parks was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shepbard were in Chi cago Monday. Miss June Ashton is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. Dike. J* H. Keeler of Chicago visited At' Mr. Shephard's Sunday. Miss Rose Barden of Chicago spent Snnday at Geo. Wheeler's. N. J. Garrison was in Woodstock on business one day last week. Mrs. Shelt visited with Dr. Ryan's family at Crystal Lake Tnesday. J. Jaynes came down from Woodstock and spent Snnday with his brother's family. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltberger are rejoic ing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home; Mrs. A. P. Peck visited from Satnr day until Monday with A. P. Peck at Madison, Wis. Miss Hazel Westerman spent Satur day and Snnday with her sister, Mrs. N. J. Garrison. " Little Milton Jaynti is confined to the house on account of measles. Little Mark French is also under the doctor's care. Three little rules we all should To make life happy and bright, » Smile in the morning, smile at noon. Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. G. W. Besley. Nearly everyone is on the move this week. Mrs. Doolittle has rented the Baldwin house; A. F. Levey has left the Irish farm and is moving into his own house; L. Pinnow is going on a farm east of Nunda. There are still other changes too numerous to mention. - OU H»lta»fca. A correspondent of the Chicago WSIS- ord-Herald contributes a few odd epi taphs from cemeteries In various parts of this country. The following Is found on a tombstone In a cemetery at Trenton, N. J. Although the fact Is not stated In the inscription. It would appear that the subject was a scale- maker or had something to do with weighing machines: His ways were ways of-plssssntnsas In all life's fitful dream; He struck a balance with the And then he kicked the beam. In the cemetery at Copp's Hill, la found the following epitaph: gacred to the Memory of '. Hannah, j Beloved wife of R'd Oar lick. . She slipped her wind After doing a week's baking. Be sure that this pic ture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul sion you buy." scon t BttWNE CHEMISTS 481 Pearl 8U Mw Tki 60c. and $1.00. JUIDNYI^VBK Protofit Proprietary Medlelties. Did it ever occnr to you that propria 'ary medicines are a blessing to man kind generally? The srood ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have -ihort life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon pby- icians and druggists it wonld be expen sive and very inconvenient at times, es pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- chee'8 German Syrup has been used in many families, and thousands of lives of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach 4 physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, colds, throat and Inng trouble. It quickly re lieves the hacking cough, loosens the phlegm, and brings Bound and refresh ing sleep. TWenty-five and seventy-five cents. Get a copy of Green's Prize Al manac For sale by all druggists. " v Republican Committee to Meet. The Republican central committee of McHenry bounty will meet in the conrt hons 1 at Woodstock, in said county, on Monday next, March 5, 1906, at 10 a. m.. for the purpose of making arrangements for the county primaries to be held April 28, the county convention and snch other business as may be necessary to comply with the new primary law. Every committee man is ' urged to be present. Members of the board of su pervisors, judges of election, candidates for office and Republicans generally are cordially invited to fa present at the committee meeting. - L. T. HOY, »,;M. F. Walsh, Secretary. Chairman. Danger* nf Pneumonia. ! A cold at this time if neglected is lia ble to canse pneumonia, which is so often fatal, and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption Fol ey's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and pre vent pneumonia. La Grippe i-onghs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else "jnst good." Q. W. Besley, ; TIM Three Heaviest Mm. The three heaviest men of whom any mention is made in history were Miles Darden of Tennessee, Lewis Cornelius of Pennsylvania and Daniel Lambert of England. Darden died in 1857. When in health he was seven feet six inches in height and weighed over 1,000 pounds. There is no record of the date of the death of Cornelius, which oc curred in Pike county. Pa., but the ac count says that he was born in 1794. When in his prime be measured eight feet two inches around the waist, was six feet tall and weighed 645% pounds. Daniel Lambert was an English freak of the early part of the century and died in June, 1809. He was of average height, but weighed 738 pound*. "Thia ladeatar*." The phrase "this indenture," which appears so often in legal papers, is of curious origin. In the early days parch ment was used for legal documents* be cause It was cheaper than paper. The leaves were not cut evenly, but scal loped with a knife, becoming "indent ed." Papers are now cut on straight lines, but "this indenture" still re mains. Mmmmtr Wltkla. \ ' There are faces so fluid with exp$Mt» sion, so flushed and rippled by the play of thought that we can hardly find what the mere features really are, says Home Notes. When the delicious beau ty of linements loses its power it is be cause a more delicious beauty has Ap peared--that an interior and durable form has been disclosed. hinfNMlM, "Did you ever tell a dove?" ' , "Did he say I did?" "Yes." "Then he loves yon, all right. I told him jrou were a pouter." -- Houston Don't fool with a wasp because you think he looks weak and tired. Toa will find out he's all right in the Ma OmIMI, Teddle--What are woman's rights, p*tt Pa--Everything they wast, mw bvM Alwaj* f m • 4 ' s 4 4 V ; . * Always a pomp]eta line of Bakery Goods "V * FRESH EVERY DAY Orders for parties and, Weddings promptly attended to When you buy Dakery ifi| sist upon your deal# to give you the homa aiade goods which art always the hfefe MAX IMWMi McHENRY.ILL. NOW IS THE TIME! This is the time of year when one is particularly apt to catch cold. Colds are sometimes dan gerous. The dangle lies in al lowing them to lit DON'T DQ 11* Get a bottle--a $6 oept jbottle will maybe be enough--of onr White Pine Syrup and cure the cold right at the start--before it has had time to become dangerous. ' f . it IM.m DRIM1CIST. McHenry, - - '• Illinois. Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under this bead at the following rates: Flrellaes.br less, tfi cents for Srst insertion; 16 cents for subsequent insertion. More than Ave lines, 6 cents * line fbr first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. Xj>OR SALE--A WS-root k; P. double engine. All machinery good as new: outfit complete, ^yill sell cheap. Will take Chicago building, lot. Launch can be seen at Weber's. Inquire of 1 30 MATH. SON. McHenry, III. XT^EED MILL FOR SALE--Everything In the -1- best of condition. Will sell very reason- ' "j. Apply or write toy abl 331 AMANN BROS., Round Lake, III. T7VOK BALE AT A BKRGAIN- 47 acres of £ choice land adjoining the village of Mc Henry: good house and barn, all in good re pair; also a house on acre of land adjoining village limits, McHenry. 111. Inquire of " "KMi 34 RANK OKMCHKNBT. IRL WANTED-- At Northwestern hotel. Work in kitchen and care for children Wages 12.00. Apply at once at Northwestern hotel, West McHenry. r Xj^OR SALE--Span of work horses, weight. A 1350 and 1400 pounds, aged 10 and 12 years. For further information call or write Thos. Powers, W. A. Oristy place. West McHenry. 36 tf oung hens, some farm bushels of CMBABV, Henry, III. COLON I8T LOW ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES To San FrancINCO, LOI Angeles, Portland, Tutouui, Seattle, Bolae City. Spokane, Walla Walla, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte and other points In Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and the Pacific Coast,. * Via the Chicago. Union Pacific & North western Line, February 15 to April 7, 1906, inclusive Attractive side trips it very low rates. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour ist sleeping cars, only $7.00 for double berth from Chicago (accommodating two people), through to the Pacific Coast withont change of cars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Din ing cars (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Mar.81 Do Not be Iuipoaed Upon. Foley & Co.. Chicago* originated Hon ey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey Mid Tar many imitations are offered for the gen- nine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. G. W. Besley. * Vary Low Rate* to Louisville, Ky., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold March 15 to 18. inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account American Bowling Congress Apply to agents Chicago & North-West ern. R'y. Mar 18 A Scientific Womter. The cures that stand to its credit make Bnoklen's Arnica Salve a scientific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford, lee turer for tbe Patrons of Husbandry, Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case of Piles. It heals the worst Bnrns, Sores, Boils. Ulcers, Cuts, Wonnds, Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25 cents at N. H. Petesch's and Julia A. Story's, Mc Henry, G. W. Besley's, McHenry, drug stores. t Fax Lake Mea Robbed la Chicago. John Bailey, a farmer residing at Fox Lake, was relieved of $8,100 by thugs in the city of crime Monday. While riding on an electric car in Western avenue, near West Harrison street, he said, three pickpockets leaped off the car with his money. Don't forget tbe'*wMtad"eolMmt ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. The Illinois Central maintains Double Daily Berviee, and operates the best of trains, with Dining Cars, Buffet-Library Cars, Chair Cars sad sieening Oarw, front Chicago, Bt. Louis, i &nd Businesss Cards Cincinnati and Louisville south" to New Or leans. The best road for reaching tbe winter Tourist resorts of the South, Including New Orleans, Vicksburg, Gulfport, Miss., Hammond, La. " Mardi Gr&s at New Orl Feb. 27, '06. Gulfport Is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort, hav ing the new, fln« "Great Southern" Hotel. Regular ocean steamship sailings from New Oman* for Mexico, Central America, 1'nna- Bia. West Indies and Europe. Send or c;>ll li.r descriptive matter in fregard to the abovt*. Havana via New Orleans Havana, Cuba, is best reached via the 1111- no*s Central through service to New Orleans and the new twin-screw nineteen-knot S. S. Prince Arthur leaving New Orleans every Wednesday at KridaV^rnlg 'll,K at Havaxm atlMlW^e "The Cuban special*',, \ / tvSfHlZ Steamship Train is run (after Dec.aS) every Tuesday from Chicago and St. Louis direct to the boat side. Send for Cuban literature. Hot Springs, Ark. Florida Daily Sleeping Oar without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville. Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Car Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville, Chat tanooga aaci Atlanta. California Illinois Central Weekly Excur»ion» to Cali fornia. KxcursJon dars through to Lbs An geles and San Francisco as follows: Via New Orleans and the Southern route every Friday from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin nati and i<ouisvilte. Via Omaha and the Scenic Route every Wednesday from Cnlcago. Fall particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines or by addressing either of the undersigned. , A. H. HANSON, P. T. M., Chicago. 111. 8.0. HATCH, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. Aprl Bank of is#!# McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a ' GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to onr customers and respect fully solicit tiie public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. WEST SIDE rke Always a complete line of . Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first class city j£«c|0t to offer? CENTERVILLB Market the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Ho* ffonry Creamery Butter. Chas. G Frett, McHenry, HI. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy most be In tbe offloe no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. Why not get in line? Yes. it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one foil year. Don't let it get away from yon. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURCRON AND vKH LIM* Office and residence corner Eli» a»t Green street. McHenry. Telephone No. 31! 1"--•--; ;-----irtfT' FEGERtiA FEGER8 '.f pHtWmANy AND SURGEONS. He 1 111. Office at. Residence, corner Court Elm streets. Telephone 333. % W. F. STONE. D. D. 8. (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) Office Honrsfrom 0 a. m. until 5.80; p. m. Albo open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petesch's Drug Store. Telephone No. 274. , DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST. OCHccaad gasidence over Boley'a Drag Stsfi • ; Hours: &;oo to'ssjo'^lp; -i Wkbt MCHKNKT. ILL, Geo. Meyers , 4©vSs.;;iB ' • .V ' ' 1 • General Teaming ^ _,v of all kinds. . •' Excavating and Grading. ILLINOIS nclJENRY , , _ „ , ) ^ ^ ^ Tdcphoae No. aea. - •' * ' SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. Weat McHenry, Illinois McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT ~ -; COMPANY. , OFFICE with American National ' Woodstock. 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of $500 to $10,000, time and payment tf suit oorrower. , . J FRANK BUHi PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 ana UPWARD House and Sign Painting and all interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one blocs west of river. Telephone No.264. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS R. H. OWBN naoos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair. ing at reasonable prices. , First class Work only, t McHENRY. r: ILLlNclHI John J . Vyci te t iu DEALER IN Generetl Hardware Stoves, Painty and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 • i^NOia -- """"y1" "" 7"" Talaphona Matin. 1714. LAMBERT Q. SENG 92 FIFTH AVE.. CHICAGO. ^afcjgQEC.Trig-.Ti K I L L t h e C O U G H A N D C U R E T H E L U N G S WITH Dr. King's New Discovery 0NSUMPTI0N Prict OUGHSand 60c 4 $1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or HONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEC RCTURNCD. SO VSABS' KXPKRIKNOK. Our CHAMOIS *«« THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search Mtd free report on patentability. HmtMOEMENT suit, conducted before all eoorta. Patentt obtained through ua, *OV**- T1SED and SOLO, free. TIUUMI-M*aKS. PEN- SMMS and OOFVMOHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent OCR oat WAeWIWOTOH. D. C. DSWIFT&<° __ ORIGINAi LAXAT/VI HONEY AND An improvement over all Congh, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens thf Lungs, gently moves the Bowels!^ Pleasant to the taste and gooS alike for Young and Old. • tfcrei fcr FIHEDLIHEMCIHE C0..CM--n a ^ Sold by N. H. PETE8CH, JULIA STORY, McHenry; Q, W. BESLEY. West McHenry. ^ HOLLISTER'9 | Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy M#dioiae for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. • pTeciflc f(>r Constipiilion, Itnli^estioa. Llvij Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Iinpuj ll' .®reatli, Siu(rKi8h Bowels, Hea.hu >! ' Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tu§ 1 torm, 86 cents a box. Genuine made ^LURBB Daoo CoMPAirr, Madiaon, Win. ^LOiM MUMCIi FOR MUOW FEQ||| •M-