„ 4 ' - "• .•*' ": f-wmm •r-W-'T1 u- h •-*%-, fv#; „ - r&$: n . | know what all good doc tors think of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. " Ayer'i Cherry Pectora) In well known In our family. We think it it the best medicine In the world for coughs and colds." _ . KATII PETERSON, Petaluma, Cal. 25C.,50c..fl.00. J. C. AVER CO.. AMrnjjUtjj^^ JOT B*sifisss«isoJ!55!« tM-' m'. Hard Coughs One of A/er's Pills at bedtime will 'hasten recovery. Gently laxative. ' ** • ^5' "X* ' SSKl tsfe The Mm] Piaindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McHfNRT PLAINDEALER COMPANY. WVA.CRISTY, « .L* T. HOY, * Vice Pres. " . . Secj^tary. .. JAME8B.PERBY, • - President and General Manager. ; F. G. SCHHEINER. Editor. • Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No.278. TCRM8 OP SUBSCRIPTION: OK* year.. I* JO Six months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, March 8, 1906. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Village Trustee and ask the support of the voters of the village. JOSEPH HEIMER. FOR COLLECTOR. : IfaSreby announce myself a candidate for the office of township collector sob ject to the decision of the Republican caucus. ., • •• Respectfully, 85 3t t JOHN NIESEN. 1 *OR TILLAGE TRUSTEE. Complying with very argent requests of many of my friends I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of member of the Village Board, subject to the decision of the village cancns. Respectfully, MATHIAS WEBER, Carpenter. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Highway Commissioner, , subject to the decision of the Republican -• town caucus, and will be thankful for I the support of the voters of Mc Henry township. JOHN H. Fapuaii). \ - ANNOUNCEMENT. Complying with the earnest requ«8t ,. of many friends I hereby announce my 4 self a candidate for membership of the I Village Board for the ensuing term, and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the coming primaries and elec tion. WM. STOFFEL. I POR VILLAGE TKl^TKE. ?' Complying with the numerous utget t requests of my friends, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Village Trustee, subject to the deci sion of the voters of the Village Caucuf. The support of the voters of the village I£% n will be thankfully received. , ^Respectfully, PETER J, FREUND SENATOR SMOOT has no objection to continuing as "unfinished business" to the end of the session. THE New England people artf talking as if they meant to have either free hides or congressional scalps. CHINA shonld not be too sure that it can win a war just because its complex ion is the same shade as Japan's. WM EVIDENTLY Chairman Shoots will have to dig the canal between sessions of congress, if he ever does dig it. IF there is a strike the price of COM! will advance steadily. Also, it will ad vance steadily if th^re is no strike. " GERMANY and Francs are getting in to a mood where they would fly at each other's throats if they were sure the other powers would hold them back. MR ROCKEFELLER at least is not oot off from telegraphic communication with the gentlemen who issue the or ders putting up the price of kerosene. MAYBE the railroads will growl when they read that a supreme court decision says they cannot sell their own coal at rebate prices, but that is about all they will do ' PASTORS and evangelists in Denver resort to 'reak advertising to fill the churches. It is hoped that the brand of the gospel they dispense is of abetter quality. ___________ MEANWHILE the ground hog may have been picking; op all tbe odds ami ends of bad weather it could find on th» bargain counters for the purpose of giv ing us a treat in March Now Sena ton Tillman outfht at least to be mentioned as a possible candidate for presidential honors, in which case Senator Aldrich may lav claim to being the original Tillman man. . THE steel iSrnat has taken action trhtch will undoubtedly avert the threatened coal strike by granting an advance of miners' wages. The trust, will re imbursed bv the consumers.; i •IT was just before the jury said he wasn't one, that Pat Crowe declared he was tired of bting -a criminal. How true it is that we know so much lees about ourselves than our neighbors do! Gov. STOKES has threatened to call an extra session of the New Jersey leg islature unless the regular session re sults in a proper rate bill. That means business. When legislatures have to do things, they do them. A RECEIVER has been appointed for a concern in Chicago which, has sold $1,- 000,000 worth of stock to Western farm ers. contracted debts to the amount of #250,000 and had $100 cash on hand. How the $100 cash came to be over looked is not explained. GOVERNOR HANLEY has caught a grafter in the Indiana secretary of state and has kicked him out of office. We shall soon have enough ex-grafters in this country to form a society for mutu al protection sod incidentally to take an interest in tjtae great question of pris on reform. Torture By Savages. "Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Philip pines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of tht- Kidneys," says W. M. Shermann, ui Cashing, Me. "Nothing helped until 1 tried Electric Bitters, three bottles ot which completely pared me." Cum Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood dis orders and Malaria, and restores tin -veak and nervous to robust health Guaranteed by_N. H._ Peteecb $nd Julia A. Story* McHenry, antf G. W. Besley. West McHenry, druggists Price 50c The Piaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- Sye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time no less other •vise ordered. Try it.. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Const • pation, often ends in Appendicitis, *1 o avoid all serions trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They perfectly reflate ibese organs without pain or dit-com- ort. 25 cents at N. H. Peteseh's and lulia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, tVest McHenry, druggists. PAT CROWE is to be tried in Council Bluffs, and we shall see now whether he is as guilty in Iowa as in Nebraska IT'S a wise Congressman, in these strenuous times, that knows his own bill when the senate gets through wit h it ' • " MB. GROSVENOR does not mind losing the job, but it worries him to think of congress trying to get along without him. W: • ' THE report of the Armstrong insur ance committee fills 210 pages. But how manv cells will it fill in the state prison? ALL the judges in Kansas having re turned their passes, there ought to be some hopes of getting the dockets cleared off. SOUTHERN California has a boy foor years old who can walk one way and face the other. No keeping that boy out of politics. IF it is true that the government is at the mercy of the powder trust, ' 'blow ing it up" is about as mild a punishment as should be administered. CAPTAINS of finance are flocking to E u r o p e f o r a h o l i d a y , c o n s c i o u s o f t h e fact that tbe American people will go right on working for them. r . " »* ft UNCLE SAM is not going to take any chances. He believes that "for ways that are dark and tricks that are vain the heathen Chinee is pecnliar." , MRS LONGWORTH will have to spend tbe next twelve months writing notes of thanks for wedding presents. Every ^vetr-tiMd oake dish has it* cloud. Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a healthy human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health „ follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan tage in this. Less work for „the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it We wHlmd yaw * •ample free. Be sore that this picture in the (arm of • label is on the wrap per of every bottle of Emulaion you buy. SCOTT 61 BoWNE Chemists 409 Pearl St., N. Y. I fo cent* and ft. < AUdraggb» Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon ths mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of , order Or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is notuncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds, the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with, bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the t difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home ot swamp-Root, ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co,. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistaae, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil iner's Swamp Root, and the address, Binghamton. N. Y.. on every bottle. Plnnlab Marriage Fetes. Marriage fetes in Fiuland, as in Nor way, are often prolonged for several days, even among folk of humble rank. One peculiarity, which may excite more surprise than approval among eligible suitors in our own country, Is that the Finnish lover never himself "pops the question" to the girl of his choice. The momentous proposal is made through a third person, called the "talman," to whom the happy couple give a present when his delicate mediation proves suc cessful and ends in a wedding. Not un commonly their gift to ths talman takes the unromantic form of a shirt. In like manner the clergyman who presides over the nuptial service re ceives a simple and inexpensive pres ent, often a handkerchief and a pair of warm hair gloves. A similar gift is be stowed upon the officiating priest at funerals. Upon these mournful occa sions the service is exceedingly simple more so than would satisfy the views of British undertakers--but the burial Is, as a rule, followed by large hospital ity on the part of the bereaved family. --London Graphic. A* Experiment With Water.' Take a pound of water the tempera-> ture of which Is 80 degrees C. and mix it with a pound of water1 at zero, or freezing point. The mixture will make two pounds of water the temperature of which is 40 degrees C. Now take another pound of water at 80 degrees C. and xpix with It a pound of crushed ice--that is, Ice crystals--at zero C., the same temperature as the cold water in the first mixture, and the result is that we have two pounds Of water at freezing point. In both cases the weight of water at zero C. introduced into the warm water was the same, but before tbe ice crys tals could assume a liquid condition they bad to absorb a certain amount of heat. That heat was drawn from tbe warm water and consequently reduced Its temperature, but It did not raise the temperature of the Ice. It simply acted &s energy In enabling the ice to become liquid and remained in that liquid in tbe form of latent heat, to be given up again as soon as the water reassumed a crystalline form. Wonderful Fiddles. One of the greatest fiddles that ever were known was to be seen at the French court at the time of Charles IX. This was a viol so large that several boys could be placed inside of it These boys used to sit inside this queer instrument and sing the airs that the man who handled the bow was playing on the viol outside. The effect is said to have been very beautiful, though it would seem as if the presence of tbe lads in its interior would seriously in terfere with the tone of the "great fid dle," as it was called. Many years aft er another huge instrument of this kind was used at concerts in Boston. It was so large that to play It the fiddler had to stand on a table to use his bow at the proper point on the strings. This instrument was ..called "tbe grandfa ther of fiddles." Bread Upon the Waters. When Victor Hugo was in exile in Brussels he asked Rochefort to stand godfather to his son Charles. Roche* fort accepted and in looking for a suit able present saw in a curiosity shop window a silver table ornament which attracted him and which he bought, though the price was 35,000 francs. When after 1870 Rochefort was sent to NVw Caledonia and his property confiscated Victor Hugo sold the orna ment for the benefit of Rochefort's family. It turned out that it was tbe work of Benvenuto Cellini, and It brought in 200,000 francs. Fortunate Fasts. A Jewish newspaper tells tbe story of a rabbi who expounded and interpreted the Jewish law to the faithful observers for a stipend which a junior clerk would scorn. Tbe learned man was asked by a friend bow he was getting on. "Slowly," he answered, with a sigh. "If it were not for tbe numerous fasts which our religion prescribes I am sure my family would die of starvation" Middle A*es Pcrftaim. 9$e great perfumers- of tbe middle fashion of using perfumery came Into west Europe through tbe crusades. Italians were tbe great dealers in It and often gold disguised subtle poisons in their perfumes. Catherine de' Medi ci, like many of her ancestors, gained ber private and public ends through poisonous perfumes. Cardinal Riche lieu first saw what a business could be created by. distilling tbe field and or ange grove flowers of Provence. Anne of Austria, the wife of Louis XIII., could not* go a moment without her scent bottle and liked to have her linen scented. Voltaire spoke of the per fumed bath as the luxury of luxuries. The sunny bills of the VSr became a mine of wealth and remain so to this day, for the scent distilled from flow ers has a subtle delicacy which still gives it the primacy. The Empress Josephine gave another great stimulus to the scent Industry. She constantly held before her mouth dainty lace bor dered lawn pocket handkerchiefs, on which she had sprinkled some delicious perfume.--London News. Bimarek and the Anahn-- diwS: One day the Austrian ambassador" to the federal diet, Count Rechberg, received a dispatch instructing him to vote with Prussia for a certain impor tant measure, accompanied with a con fidential letter directing him to Induce the representatives of the other Ger man states to vote against the measure and thus defeat it. In his haste he handed the wrong paper to Bismarck, who read and returned it, with the re mark: "There must be some mistake here." Rechberg saw his blhnder and grew pale and excited. "Don't be disturbed," said Bismarck. "You did not intend to give me this document, and there fore you have not given It to me, and I am wholly Ignorant of its contents." In fact, he made no mention of It in his official reports and thus won Rech- berg's gratitude, besides hyr)ng him henceforth "on the hip." ^ Minerals In Foo#. Minerals in our food form an impor tant Ingredient as regards our nutri tion. They seem to assist the digestion of our foods and are needed to complete the composition of many fluids of the body. Thus tbe salt in tears is poetic and proverbial both, and salt Is also necessary for tbe perfection of the gas tric Juice of the stomach. The phos phate of lime (in which oatmeal, by the way, Is rich) is needed for building bones, and there is not a fluid of the body, from the blood to the saliva, for which certain minerals are not neces sary. Too much mineral matter, taken, for example, In overhard water, Is in jurious. Therefore all hard water should be softened before use. Such wa ter produces constipation and dyspepsia and is apt to cause kidney troubles. I>n Not N«(lect a Had Cold. Never allow a cold to take its course Too often at this season of the year its course is toward pneumonia. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy will promptly cure your cold and counteract any ten dency in this direction. There is noth ing better for acnte throat and lung troubles. For sale by G. W. Besley. F. O. Gans does auctioneering!,, Three little rules we all should keef>,'! To make life happy and bright, 8mile in the morning, smile at noon, Aossettl's Use For an Elephant. Gabriel Rossetti bad a penchant for wild animals. He was with difficulty prevented at one time from purchasing for a very large sum a young elephant. Browning said to him, "What on earth will you do with him, Gabriel?" and Rossetti replied: "I mean to teach him to clean the windows. Then when some one passes by the house he will see the elephant cleaning the windows and will say, 'Who lives la that house?* and peo ple will tell him, 'Oh, that's a painter called Rossetti,' and he will say, 'I think I shonld like to buy one of that man's pictures.' So he will ring to coma in, and I shall sell him a picture." taeless Expense. An old couple fell ill of old age to gether. The husband died, but the wife had more vitality. On the day follow ing her husband's death she was bet ter, and the doctor was congratulating himself on the success of his treat ment But the woman's point of view was different. She complained bitter ly, for, as she forcibly pointed out "Ef ee'd lat me alone one funeral 'ud a done for us two, an' look what it'll cost berrying two of us separately!" A Proline Writer. While I was writing "Gladys Fane". I was doing my full work for the Leeds Mercury and was not only editing the paper, but was writing for it an aver age of twelve columns a week. "Gladys Fane" Is a long story, containing 160,- 000 words. I wrote it during my scanty leisure in exactly sixteen weeks, or at the rate of 10,000 words a week.--Auto biography of Sir Wemyss Reid. Door Keys In Sweden. A door key hung outside a house la Sweden is a sign the ifamlty are not at home. Tbe custom is more courteous to callers than tbe American practice of allowing the visitor to "find out by as certaining" through futile bell rlhging or button punching, but it requires a greater confidence in your fellow man, justifiable perhaps in Sweden. Sympathy. It may Indeed be ssid that sympathy exists In all minds, as Faraday has discovered that magnetism exists In all metals, but a certain temperature Is required to develop the hidden proper ty, whether in the metal or the mind.-- Bulwe*. J. ink - sp A A Mean Unestloa. . Wedderly--Today is the tenth anni versary of my marriage. Singleton- Well, what do you expect? Wedderly-- Which do I expect? Singleton--Yes, congratulations or sympathy? Soagh on the Men. Mrs. Hoyle--1 believe that my "hus band Is leading a double life. Mrs. Doyle--You ought to be satisfied these days if he Isn't leading a triple life. Flying kites may be brought back by pnlllng in the string, but flying words have no strings to them. W- Aiway£> .a" complete line of Bakery Goals en hand. FRESH EVERY : ! %•/ Weddings promptly S^ttended to. When *pu buy Bakery ia- upon your dealer to uive you the homo jODade goods which at* always, the best. m J . MCHENRY, ILL. 2 aiBimul NOW IS THE TIME! This is the time of year When one is particularly apt to catch cold. Colds are sometimes dan gerous. The danger He| in al lowing them to linger. ^ Get a fkntie--a Is-cen t hottle wifl maybe be enough--of onr White Pine Syrup and cure the cold right at tbe start--before it has had time to become dangerous. INI. H. Petesch DRUOCIST. McHenry, - - ^Illinois. Want Column. All advertisements inserted under tliln head at the following rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for first Insertion; .15 cents lor each subsequent insertion. More than five lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. •J^OUND--On streets of McHenry, a pocket x book containing small sum of money and two keys. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. J. B. PBI8BY. West McHenry. T^OB SALE AT A BARGAIN--47 acres Of choice land adjoining the village of Mc Henry; good house and barn, all in good re pair; a tso a house on acre of land adjoining village limite, McHenry. III. Inquire of 34 BANK orMcHiHBTt ; V- "C>EED MILL FOB SALE--Everything In the A best of condition. Will sell very reason ably. Apply or write to AHANN BROS., 33 tf Round Lake, III. "CVDR BALE--A 22-foot gasooline launch. 8 H x P. double engine. All machinery good as new: outfit complete. Will sell cheap. Will take Chicago building lot. Launch can be seen at Weber's. Inquire of 30 MATH. WKBEH & SON. McHenry, 111. PROBA TE NEWS A dose of Pine-nles at bed time, will usually relieve backache, before morn ing. These beautiful little globules sre soft gelatine coated and when moist ened and placed in the monih yon can't keep ftom swallowing them. Pine-nles contain neither sugar nor alcohol--just gums and resins obtained from onr own native pine forests, combined with other well known bladder, kidney, blood and backache remedies. Sold by N. H. Pet esch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Are you squaca with as J If mk what is tibe rsaaoaf •r> * -#»« *»•* [Furnished by McHenry Oounty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFEB8. . *1 Robt V Thompson et al to J W Bell, ' 17.64 a in seMnwM sec 29, Burton S 2500 00 Jacob Hollarbush & w to Marrlett R Gardlnier, 246 a in sM sec 31 & 32, Mc Henry 14500 00 John A Bowers &wtp Nick Etten, lot in Spring Crove... 100 00 John S P reund & w to O J Sayer, land in sec 19, McHenry.. 8800 00 Henry Simes et al to A O Matthews et al. w* It 8, blk 8, West McHenry ... 1900 00 Simeon H Covell Ac w to J S Frennd, 14.48 a in ne)i sec 86 and 160 a in seJ4 sec25, McHenry 1860000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. , Frans E. Anderson, 84. . ..... .Hebron S i g n e A n d e r s o n . 2 9 . . . . . . . H e b r o n Frederick L. Welbon, 88,,.. Hebron Verna Spencer, 19 Hartland Claud E. Heueise, 34... ....... Marengo Grace Lent. 20.....,. .Mound City, Mo. John J. Doyle, 27............Woodstock Esther Rogers, 19. Woodstock | A Hint to Travelers. While in Suffolk, Va., Henry Croll, Jr., proprietor of the Beaverton, Mich., Hardware Co., was taken very sick with bowel tronble. A traveling salesman* from Saginaw, Mich, advised him to get a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which he did. "It soon cored me, and I take pleasure in recommending it," he says. No one should leave home on a journey without a bottle of this remedy. It is almost sure to be needed and is not ob tainable while on steamship or cars. Sold by G. W. Besley. ' s* •' Hotneaeekera* Excursion to Northweat, Went and South Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly reduoed rates are on sale to the territory indionted above. Standard and Tonrist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. Apr 88 A filleted With Khtiuiuatlm. "I was and am yet afflicted with rheu matism, " says J. C. Bayne, editor of the Herald, Addington, Indian Territory, "but thiuiks to Chamberlain's Pain Balm am able once more to attend to business. It is the best of liniments." If troubled with rheumatism give Fain Balm a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it affords. One application relieves the pain. For sale by G. W. Besley. ^ WANTED--Men in each state to trav el, post signs, advertise ana leave sam ples of our goods. Salary, $75.00 per month, $8.00 per day for expenses. KUHLMAN CO., |tejgt, S, Atlas Block, ANNOUNCEMENTS ILLINOIS CENTRAL K. ft. Tbe lltlnois Central maintains Doable Batly . rates the best of trains, with j Professional. Society V and Bvisinesss Cards Service, and oi Dining Oars, Dining Oars, Buffet-Library Cars, Cnair Cars uid Bleeping Oars, from Chicago, at. Louis, Cincinnati and Louisville south to New Or- DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. 'uisviUe soutS to New Or- i OHY8ICIAN, SURGEON beat road for reaching the wiato 'jr OOce and residence leans. Tourist resorts of the South, Including New Orleans, Vlcksburg, Gulf port, Miss., Hammond, wm rvautoiiuo uuruer aa«iu< Preen streets. M<-Henry. Telephone No. AND v»CULIi£ corner EUn "Sirf FEGER8 & FEGERP Mardi Gras at New Orleans Feb. 27, '0ft. | PHX.8I9J«NB AND SURGEONS, il. Henw Gulfport Is a Mexican Gulf Coast resort, hav- ! Residence, corner Court MM ing the new, Ann "Great Southern" Hotel. Elm streets. Telephone339. Regular ocean steamship sailings from .New . Orleans for Mexico, Central America, I'ana- . ma. West. Indies and Europe. Send or call for • descriptive matter In regard to the above. Havana via New Orleans M Havana, Cuba, Is best reached via the ItH- nota Central through service to New Orleans ana the new twin-screw nineteen-ltnot S. S. Prince Arthur leaving New. Orleans every Wednesday at 4:00 p, m. and arriving at Havana at sunrise Friday morning. i "The Cuban Special" / fj81 L'm'ted Hteamshifj Train is run (after Dec. 26) every Tuesday from Chicago and Jit. Louis direct to the.boat Bide, Send 1 ~ for Cuban literature. Hot Springs, Ark. Florida Dally bleeping Car without change Chicago to Hot Springs, with connections at Memphis from Cincinnati and Louisville, > Through "Dixie Flyer" Sleeping Cat Line St. Louis to Jacksonville via Nashville. Chat tanooga and Atlanta. , California Illinois Central Weekly Excursions to Cali fornia. Excursion cars through to Los An geles and San Francisco as fellows: Via New Orleans and the Southern route every Friday from Chicago; every Tuesday from Cincin nati and Louisville. Via Omaha and the Scenic Koufce every Weduesday from Onicago. Pall particulars concerning all of the above can be had of agents of the Illinois Central and connecting lines or by addressing either of the undersigned. A. H. HANSON, P. T. M., Chicago, 111. 8. G. HATCH, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. Apr! of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING We endeavor to de all business intrusted to onr care in a manner ^ and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. > Bankers. WEST SIDE Always a complete lipe of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first class city market to offer? : : A. (.MATTHEWS CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS «nd Sausage*. 1 ; " ' • • ' •• •• We also handle the Mo- Henry Creamery Butter. Chas. G Frett McHehry, Ilk W. F. STONK, I). D. '5 (Successor to Dr. F. Oj ROSS.) • Office Hour efrom 9 a. m. until 5^80 p. m. " AteOopeii eveninjrs. McHENRY, - -> ILLINOIS, Office and Residence over Peteseh's Dfttg Store. Telephone No. 374. DR. R. G. CHAMBER LI m ; DENTIST. Office and Residence over Bealey's Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. WKST MOHBNHV. ILU -Sir General Teaming of all kinds. vatlng. jind ;Qra$iiig- If' I ^ ncHENRY IS" '^UNOfS*; Telephone No. 393. ^ . SIMON STOFFEt Insurance Agent for all classes of .property in the best Companies. v&Vfc.' West McHenry, Illtn McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. t OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan ou real estate, la sums of $500 to 110,000, time and paymenita- sult oorrower. p V FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINYIKG.&GO DLIO UPWARD House and Sign I'alnt.tng and all Interior Dec orating. Residence north town line one biOCK west or river. Telephone No.2b4. MCHENRY,' ILLINOIS • il Pianos for s<ite and rent. Tuulng and impair • ^ V Ing at reasonable prices. * ;f First class Work only,. WclflrttNRY. JLI.INOI8 Joh ̂ iJ. DEALER IN Geneml H&rdware ^ Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repair'ug ot all kinds. 'Ph< ne 548 McHENRY, - ;-J ILLINOIS. ' Telephone Main, 1714. KIMBERT Q. SENG 92 FIFTH AVE.. CHICAGO. KILL TNI COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery - FOR C 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 'OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Q,uicitest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK PATENTS promptly obtained, or FEC RETURNED. M YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Our CHARQCS AM HU LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch tor expert March and free report on patentability. mrmwaEMENT aults conducted before aU courts. Patents obtained through tu» WWW' TISED and SOLO, free. TMM4MRK1, PEN* SIOMS and OOPVRIQHTS quiokly obtained. Opposite (I. 8. Patent Office, WA8HINOTQH, P. C. DSWIFT&0 __ ORIGINAL LAXATIVE. HONEY Nntlc«! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer oopy must be in the offioe no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ooean for one fnll year. Don't let it get away Ail Improvement over all Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens th,§. Lungs, gently moves the Bowel* ( Pleasant to the taste and gooi alike for Young and Old. fnesni kj NMULIKCBICINE CO^Ckksga, Q.S4b Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JOLIA A. STORY, McHenry; G. W. BESLEYi West McHenry. HOLLISTER-S Rocky Mountain Tea A Basy Medioiae for Busy People. Brlsgs Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, snej-iflc for Constipation, Indipestlon, Lh Kidney 1 roubles. Pimples. Kozemn, Impt , Bad Breath, Slu^ibli Bowels, Hea»la, ^ac Slile' 18 R°cky Mountain Tea in 1. z torni, 8K f^ents a box. Genuine made .oLusrjca Data Company, Wis. moiN MUSIS FOt MUD* PE0PI$ ;