Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1906, p. 8

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m !?? • • : W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTM ENT ONEWAY SECOND CLASS RATES To Saw yranelnw, 2wm Angrlw, Portleiid, City Wnlln Walla, Ogrien, Sail Lak« City Oiilorado, Utnh, Vrvitda [The Plalndealer does not hold slble tor the opinions expressed « * > • " : v Pf r ' i . : ? H ' ? i \ ^T/.J\vrv • ' : 1%^ \ *",« ' 3 'Mi 1 diU'V •"* Sittcvtin1 Ci that is better than made-to-order Suits and $5.00 cfieapef^g Why? Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, ||iat is the , why good ready-made Suits will keep their shape better than made-to-order Suits. JOS. W. IFRXUND. WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. Stands Like a Stone Wall Turns Cattle, Horses, Hogs--fs Practically Indestructfble AMERICAN FENCE ^ Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wirei inge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of hinge _ that is not too hard nor too soft. wires, the steel We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and ty, not only in the roll bat in the field. Come and see us and get supenon our prices. AN EXTRA DISCOUNT FOR CASH ON ALL FENCING PURCHASED BEFORE APR. 1. SEE US ABOUT IT. HARDWARE P» L. McOflBER. Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. SEWINO MACHINES Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: i'f| >1 jX&xJhjt tTl j'S'-r tXl Bi'tl M' 1 J. ^ \£5 vx3 W jjXi fl'i <Ti tTi tT| *X5 fX *57*37 iff t We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: i'S'i fXl |T| 1^1 |T| A ,XI lIl 14,1 IJ1 IJJ.1 TTT tTj. A »*?> y tfyiywji it» A «t. »•« A tTi .T. ixj n* IJI m ijji IJ,I if 1 AA A A *i"> rf ijvA, .1 lV lV lV 'l1" T tlx Ai A. A »*fi >T, t* Tfjrtyy ^ Our stock of Furniture is always c mpk te and ready for inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago indfided. Underta king and Embalm­ ing a specialty Our stock of Furniture is always c mpk te and ready for inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago indfided. Underta king and Embalm­ ing a specialty IjlrtlD II JHIUU Jll SIEN * i d e a s i n s h a p e a n d d e t a i l a r e i n t h e s h o e s w e a r e showing this week. The little things in a shoe are what count for style. w; m '4 •' All America 3.50 &:• I, '• are first made of the best leathers with hard wear soles. The makers have added to this the style and detail that make a custom shoe "different." There is no law against paying $5.00 for your shoes perhaps except the law of economy. These are the $5.00 kind but the price is--S3.50 New items for sprint? arriving daily. New things in Shoes, Hats, Umbrellas, i \fc aist Goods. Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Laces, Lace (JtuUins. in .fact, all needed merchandise is here awaiting your coining We offer a lim­ ited amount Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, all fancy handles, your choke whue they last at 98c. Yon must see these to appreciate this extra v&lne. W. ,C. EVANSON. AL.KHKU WHITNEY'S RICCOMMENDATION Mrs. Rosetta B. Hastings. Alfred walked into one of the village groceries hpWling a cigaret between his fingers as he had seen men hold their ei- gars. "Good morning, Mr. Hepburn," he said cheerily, "don't you want to hire a l>oy? School is over and mother needs my help in supporting the family." "Well, I might take a boy in training if I conld get the right kind." replied Mr. Hepburn. "A year or two ago I thought you would suit me bnt you are smoking too many eigarets lately. These smok­ ing boys waste too mnch time rolling eigarets and loitering around. No, my rtoy, you don't suit me." Alfred was somewhat embarrassed at this unexpected reply aqd as he walked along tile street be threw away his ci­ garet with a mutter,, "didn't know he vas one of these cranks against tobacco." Alfred stopped to consider. It. was a new idea to him that cigftret smoking aarred a boy from desirable employment tie concluded to try in a part, of the rowu where he was not known. However, he succeeded no better. Mien ooked at him sharply and several asked aim the direct question, "Do you smoke •igH,rets?" At. the hesitating "Yes sir." d ime the decided answer,'*1 guess jou won't do. boy." „ J" Alfred then concluded to try a doctor. Entering the nearest office he asked: 'Toctor, do you need a boy to tend of­ fice?" "Yes if I can get the right kind," •ind he looked keenly at Alfred as he -said "you smoke eigarets, don't you?" "Yes, sir " "Well, you won't do La dies who wait in the office do not like the odor of eigarets. Besides, smokers *con become lazy. Sorry, boy, but you will have to look else .vhere." As the liscouraged boy was about to start for home he entered a lawyer's office. The attorney sat at his desk smoking a cigar Upon being questioned he too objected to a cigaret smoker. "But you smoke cigars," reminded Alfred. "Yes, I wish I didn't. I would give a hundred dol lars to any man who. would take away my desire for cigars. They harm me Cigarets are worse, though Sonny, you would better quit before they get a hold on you." Alfred did much think­ ing that night and decided to quit smok ing. During his hunt for work the next morning he answered, "No, sir," to t&e often repeated question, do you smoke cigarets? but his stained fingers made his word doubted. Finding all indoor employment barred to him he offered himself as a helper to a mortar carrier. This time he was accepted. As he sat at noon eating his luncheon of crackers and cheese in company with Tom, a big, strong Irish boy, he was so very tired that he was persuaded to suioke a cigaret with bis companion. "How long have you smoked?" asked Tom. "You are a little fellow." "Two years, I am fifteen ndw." "That's just bow old I was, but I was about as big then as I am now." Just then a tall, handsome man,owner of the building on which they were working and who evidently had been listening said to Alfred: "I think smok­ ing eigarets is what stunted your growth. You would better quit, my hoy. It is a good thing Tom here was nearly grown up when he began." Alfred kept bravely at the rough work, olten giving way to the tempta­ tion of the cigaret, until one day he prained bis ankle while carrying an ex­ tra heavy load. They took him to the nearby office of the doctor who had re­ fused him employment. After making the boy as comfortable as pcssiole the doctor said: "You will be laid up in the bouse a spell and that will be a good time to quit smoking. The boys can't tempt you." Alfred then and tnere de­ termined to conquer the cigaret and with the doctor's cherry encouragement he did conquer. Soinehow there seems to be an unusual comradeship between this doctor and his new office boy, Al­ fred. A DIALOGUE. The boy--Say, pa, is there the most fun in the saloon or in the home? Pa--In the home, certainly. The sa­ loon is the foe of the home and of all in­ terests of which the home is the center. Shun the saloon, my boy, whatever you do. It destroys boys. The boy--If that's so, pa, why do peo­ ple keep saloons? Pa --To make money and because they get a license. The boy--Who gives thetn the license? Pa--The government. The boy--Who's the government? Pa--The men elected by the people to make and enforce the laws. The boy--And why don't the people elect men who will stop the saloon from spoiling homes and destroying boys? Pa--I-- I----I don't know. ; The boy--Well, pa, yop always vote for the home, don't you?/ • • Alwjtjr* Kept CiiamherlHln^ Cotigh Rem* fdylti Hl» Houxe. "We would not be without Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand continually in our home,"says W. | W. Kearney, editor of the Independent, Lowry City, Mo. This is what every family should do. When kept at hand ready for instant use, a cold may be checked at the outset and cured in much less time than after it has become set tied in the system. This remedy is also without a peer -for croup in children, and will prevent the attack when given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, wh'ch can only be done when the rem­ edy if kept at hand. For sale by G. W. Besley. Give The Plalndealer your 1907 order for calendar* Our goods are th<* best and prices the lowest. Bear this in mind wtM^||^jwveUiig man oomee aronnd. , "h::, Via the Chicago. Union PaH6c& North­ western Line, February 15 to April 7, 15)06, inclusive. Attractive side trip* *t, very low rates. Daily and personally conducted excursions in Pullman Tour* ist sleeping oars, only #7.00 for double berth, from' Chicago (accommodating two people), through to the Pacific Coast without change of oars. Choice of routes. Excellent train service. Din­ ing cars (meals a la carte). For tickets and full information apply to agente Chicago & North-Western R'y. Mar.81 Cass of Pneumonia on Record There is no case on re­ cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or other lup­ ous lung trouble, afte* ; 1 Pmtwit Proprietary Medicines. Did it ever occur to yon that proprie­ tary medicines are a blessing to man­ kind generally? The eood ones hate long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phjr-* sicians and druggists it would be expend sive and very inconvenient at times, es­ pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been used in many families, and thousands of lives of adults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach had been taken. a physician. German Syrup is the best i Tf rrmorVi household remedy for coughs, colds, ] SlOpS lilc C Ugn throat and lung trouble. It quickly re- heals the lungs and lieves the backing cough, loosens the , • j- f < , , phlegm, and brings sound and refresh-j VdltS SCJTIOUS fCSUIlS, I»OIQ ing sleep. Twenty-five aud seventy-five ' ^ cold# * 1 cents. Get a copy of Green's Piriae Al­ manac. For sale by all druggists .NEW SPRING & SUMMER i:'.r ERY DAY IN DRESS QQDS, WAISTINGS, SUITINGS, SKIRTS SHOES ANDOXFORDS. OUR SHELVES |\RE FW4- 3QF NEW QOODS ofip AM, SI6IN0S. qoyiE AND LOOKTHEn OVER. "'V' >'2kL 'l r *iX? * ^ <• v" ^ ^ !i •; i! 1 m nt't; IF. ^A. ^ Bah lander flcHenry, and pre- They Needed the Money. A freight steamer once came into Mariopnl, a port on the sea of Azof, which had among its cargo one hundred pieces of machinery numbered M. from 1 to 100. When the pieces W9re unload­ ed it was found i^hat No. 87 was miss­ ing, but two pieces numbered 88 showed that there had been an error, the final tally being correct. But the custom officials did not take this view of the matter, the port being in need of funds, so they fined the ship 500 rubles for being short of cargo as per manifest, No. 87, and 1000 rubles for smuggling- having two pieces numbered 88 when the manifest called for but one.--Caro­ line Loekhart in April Lippincoti**. Torture By Savages* "Speaking of the tortnre to which some of the savage tribes in the Philip­ pines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W. M. Shermann, of. Cushing, Me. "Nothing helped until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me." Cares Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood dis orders and Malaria, and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch and Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. Price 50c. This paper and The Ocean--f 1.55 gets both Special deal. Weekly Inter for one year STEVENS Do not take chances on il cold wearing away or experiment with some un­ known preparation that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and get £he genuine. ASmrfCold for TkrMtwffl*. The following letter from A. J. Nus« baum, of Batesville, Ind., tells its owa story: "I suffered for three months with a severe cold. A druggist prepared me some medicine, and a physician pre­ scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey ana Tar, and eight doses cured me. , ; . ^ 0r.. V* Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.00. j The 50 cent size contains twb fttiu one-half times as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times aa much. SOLD AID BECOMIKHDEO IT G. W. BESLEY. W. M. BENRY 'WHEN YOU SHOOT I You want to HIT what you are aiming at --he it bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS For 4i years STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC­ CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Ask your Dealer--in­ sist on the STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we ship,direct, ex­press frepiiij, upon receiptofcatalog-pric e kI 4 f r i-io-pa^e Catalog of complete outout. A vaiuai -le book oi* refer- eiii e for present ami prosnevtive shooters. Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded-for to cents in stamps. J. Stevens Arms & Too! Co.j P. O. Box 4098 CHICOPE1E F ALLS, MASS., V. 3. A. SETTLERS' ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS RATES To Minnesota, North Dakota, South Da­ kota (east of t.he Missouri River), Man­ itoba, Western Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta, Via the North-Western Line, on Tues­ days, March 6, 18, 20 and 27, and April 8, 10, 17 and 24. For tickets and fnll information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Apr. 21 Doctors Are Puzzled. The remarkable recovery of Eennetl Mclver, of Vanceboro, Me., is the sub­ ject of mnch interest to the medical fra ternity and a wide circle of friendsr H< says of his case: "Owing to severe in flammation of the Thioat and conges tion of the Langs, three doctors gave me np to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Dis­ covery and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst Coughe and Colds, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, Weak LiUngs, Hoarseness and La Grippe. Guaranteed atN. H. iPetesch'sand Julia A. Story's. McHenry, G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Hoinenrekerit' Excursion to -. Northwest, West and Southwest, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tonrist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates oT sale and full particulars apply to agents Chi­ cago & North^Western R'y. Apr 28 Don't forcret the "want ad"column 1 ^"'I'^WiHivr'WiiiiitiiiiMiiriiiiiiiiriiiiiiiin i % .sees our wagon lip with ',A| LOAD for he .fcmwmkG mn do a good do it q^ipkly. A g$&d pentfer is as much pleased witl%#^l|v ^s „would ,be. It means reputation for saved fpr you. The moral, of comare, is, to buv vt»w Lumber and get -the BE»f\ 7^ here Ulilbur JQumher 0o. HP r iv^ivi^vviiv iiiiviMUMiiviiHnTvnnnrrrTrrviwnymWnrlVWW iXuiId and top£eals Half the pleasure of being well dressed is getting your Clothes made to order. Why wear good ready-made garments when for about the same price you can get better Clothes made to your measure? Many a man is answering this question,to his extreme satisfaction by having us order his Clothes from thfe Wirll FMNS IIIIfMIIOKAl MKOMIKi (0. u> •imuuijuuniiu J We show their beautiful line with over 500 splendid* samples to select from. Come in and see the fine fashion plates, reflecting the latest New York styles. Every m§asui*e we take is guaranteed to turn out a perfect fit. We &re showing a fine line of Shoes for spring, new styles and lasts. Hats in all the newest colors and shapes. Your&r truly, ,11. i id - --» 'Phone 363 M. J. WAI^SS."' McHenry. See the latest styles and patterns in Men's Neckwear. Long wide fore-in- hand Neckties............. 49c Yard-wide Percale, per yard...., .iOc Ladies' cotton and fleeced Hose, 10-15c All-wool worsted Knee Pants, sizes 4 to f5, choice 49c Torchion Laces, 2, 3 and 4 inch wide, at per yard .6c, 8c 36-inch Huck Towels, each.. » 36-inch Turkish Towels, each^; .4*10c Ladies' spring-weight ribbed Under­ wear, choice each 25c Shinola, the only Shoe Polish made for preserving leather 10c How' about Gold Medal Flour, per sack $1.25' *3 WALL PAPER.! Our spring stock of Wall Paper has arrived and ready for your inspection All new designs to select from at per double roll 8c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and 25c S U I T C A S E S ! This year we are handling a far better line of Suit Cases and Trunks than We have ever been able to show before 24, 26, 28-inch Suit Case with re-iri- forced corners, good spring lock with key, catch lock on either d* _ _ _ end, only. ^1 »2y Others which space will not permit us to describe at $1.98, $2.25, $2.50, $2.98, $3.25, $3.50, $4.25, $4.69, $5.00 Boys'CLOTHING We have just opened up and placed ob sale a special purchase of Boys' two- piece Suits such as you pay $2.50 and ,13J»Q for, all divided into tWQ lots at $2.00and $2.75 Men's Heavy Work Shoes All our Shoes were bought before the advance came on and we are in a po­ sition to offer you better values for your money than you cap get else­ where. Note prices: Men's heavy Oil Calf $hoes, per pair $2.00 Men's extra heavy weight Oil Gr$in Lace Shoes, dpuble tip. $2.25 Congress Oil Grain Shoes, .double sole, per pair.»-. $1.49 Odds and Ends in Men's Work Shoes at 98c, $1.29 and $1.49 block: &

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