Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1906, p. 4

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Ayers For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of ail kinds, you cannot take any­ thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I hmd a terrible enufc.i for weeks. Then t took Avcr's Cherrv Pectoral and ouly one bottle completely cured me." MRS. J. B. DANFORTH. St. Jotepb. Mich. 25c We.. ?l.00. J.C. ATIRW-. AH ilriigirists. foi" T.riwnll. MB Coughs,Colds Yot^wil^>asten recovery by tak- ing one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. f lie Nclfeory Pldindeaier ' 'r. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F SrHC MCHEIIRT PLAIRDEALER COMPANY. 'M; A. CRISTY, ,' " JL. T. HOY. Vice Pres. ' Secretary. ,?/ JAMES Jk PERRY, - , President and General Manager, J F. G. SCHRBINEB. Editor. <QBtOB In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 272. TIRM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: Uaeye&r.. ..... 11.50 iir months, 75cts. Three months. 40cts. Thursday, March 39, 1906. *0 THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF Mc­ HENRY COUNTY: I have filed my certificate with the county clerk and petition with the sec­ retary of state and I hereby announce .Jjjnyself as a candidate for member of the Honse of Representatives of the General 'Assembly, subject to the decision of the fepnblican voters of this district and the Republican Senatorial Convention. Under the primary law the voters have the chance to express their wish as to their choice for United States Senator and probably any candidate nominated and elected will obey the wish of hi.-* constituents. Under this law in this district each party can nominate bat one candidate to the General Assembly from any one county. I, therefore, respectfully te- quest that the republican voters in Mc­ Henry county mark the square on the primary ballot opposite my name u the choice of the republican voters for Mc Henry County's nominee. Very Respectfully, EDWARD D. SHURTLEFF. To Voters of Eighth Senatorial District. I do hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for re election to the office of Representative to the General Assem­ bly from the Eighth Senatorial District, subject to the action of the Republican Primaries to be held on Saturday. April 38, 1906, and Respectfully ask your sup­ port. If elected, I do hereby agree to vote for the candidate for United States Senator who shall receive the endorse (MMt of £b« voters at the primaries. FRANK R. COVEY. Belvidere, 111. V Human Blood ilarks. ' ' :Ai?tale of horror was told by marks of human blood in the home of J. W Williams, a well known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be Ran taking Dr. King's New Discovery, jt completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since." It cures Hem­ orrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, druggist, McHenry. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. y The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- five cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered. Try it This is the season of listlessness, head­ aches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea ia a sure prevent­ ative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 85 cents, T«* or Tablets. Ask your druggist. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, HtMtklr Itatlil of our CMjr fiMIs BeM Monday Krenitiff' Council Room, April 2, 1906. --The board of trustees met in regular session. Present: Trustees Block, Freund, Hei- rner, Sherman, Sirnee. Absent--Stoffel. President Evanson, presiding. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and ap proved by the finance committee and on motion by Freuud seconded by Sherman they were approved and ordered paid: John Thurlweil, labor .$ 4.f>0 b>ank Thurlweil, labor. ........ John Nienen, labor 2.28 Win. Stoffel, primary judge..... iUK) S. McDonald, primary jn(^e .... iU>0 F. G. Sehreiner, primary judge... 8.00 M. M. Niesen, police sei vice. 4U.H0 .John Walsh, police service. 40.00 McHenry Light Co., lighting... . e7.00 Plaindealer Co., publishing ord... 87.^0 M. Engeln & Son, labor -- 3.^0 The resignation of Homer Wattles, police magistrate, was read and on mo­ tion by Freund seconded by Simes was tabled. Motion by Freund seconded by Sher­ man that the street committee repair vr replace the tile on Front street commen­ cing at Zimmerman's corner to James street or as far as necessary. Motion Carried. Motion by Freund seconded' by Block that the sidewalk committee provide a cross walk at the H. Buchert place. Motion carried. Motion by Freund seconded by Heimer that a committee of three be appointed to inquire into the losses sustained by various parties while fighting fire and report at a special meeting to be called by the president Motion carried, The president named Freund, Block Mid Simes to serve on this committee. Motion by Freund seconded by Sher­ man that the Public Property committee purchase 200 feet of hose and three noz­ zles. Carried. On motion duly carried the board ad­ journed. JOHN EVANSON, Pres. JOHN STOFFEL, Clerk. The Bird That Woulda't Stat. Gabrielli, the great prima donna, Mice "suffered" a twelve days' impris­ onment for a whimiscal refusal to sing in her usual first rate style. It was the occasion of a state dinner given by the viceroy at Palermo. Gabrielli had been engaged for the function, but as she did not put in an appearance the dinner was delayed and a messenger dispatched to ascertain the cause of her absence. The messenger was promptly informed that Gabrielli was in bed, where she had become so ab­ sorbed in a favorite author that she had forgotten the engagement. Re­ senting the command for her appear­ ance, the lady began by singing her very worst, and when the viceroy urg ed her to be less foolish she refused to sing at all. "The viceroy may make me cry," said she, "but he can never make me sing." For this freak Gabrielli was sent to prison, as we have indicated, for twelve days, during which time, having lib­ erty to do as she pleased, she feasted her friends in great style and enjoyea herself In a variety of ways. Hardest Water. The Rev. Samuel Peters was the mi n who made Connecticut's blue laws fa­ mous by their publication in his his­ tory of that state. In that interesting volume the following original bit of natural history is to be found: "In the Connecticut river, 200 miles from Long Island sound, is a narrow of five yards only, formed by two shelving moun­ tains of solid rock, whose tops inter­ cept the clouds. Through this chasm are compelled to pass all the waters which in the time of floods bury the northern country. Here water is con­ solidated without frost, by pressure, by swiftness, between the pinching, sturdy rocks to such a degree of indu­ ration that an iron crow floats smooth­ ly down its current Here iron, lead and cork have one common weight; here, steady as time and harder than marble, the stream passes, irresistible If not swift as lightning." Better Way ^ The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is- more irrita­ tion--more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation--for a while. You take SCOTT'S E M U L S I O N and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them back to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL SCMO *0O A SAMPLE FREE. Crossed Checks. •"There are no certified checks on the other side," said an English financier. "Any funny business In the shape of check kiting when the wherewithal is not in the bank to make good and you find yourself behind prison bars in short order. But they have 'crossed checks'--that is, two horizontal Hues about half an Inch apart are drawn across the check, and '& Co.' is written betweeu them. That means when you get a crossed check you cannot at once go to the bank on which it is drawn and demand payment but must deposit the check in your own bank first and let it take the usual course through the clearing bouse. This gives the other man a chance to finance his affairs, which just at that time may be very intricate and onerous, and prevents you from Jumping at his throat right away." The JspHnese Lsscssge. The Japanese language has some fea­ tures which puzzle beginners In its use. In English when one has learned the name for rice that ends it. Not so in Japan. Begin with cooked rice, meshi. When eaten by a child it is calletl mama. In speaking to another person of eating rice you call it gozen. As a merchant sells it. uncooked, it Is kome. and as it grows in the field it is ine. So a carpenter's- foot, or shaku. Is about twelve inches, but a tailor's Is fifteen. A kin or pound of beef Is fourteen ounces, of flour twenty-one, of sugar over thirty. The ri, or mile, varies in different provinces, and on the Fusi yama ascent half a ri is marked a rl because It's so much harder work going uphill. The Jeweler's Carat. The carat is a standard used by Jewelers to express both weight and fineness. When it is used as a weight it is equal to four grains, or the one hundred and twentieth part of an ounce troy. In determining the fineness of precious metals twenty-four carats is considered the highest standard of pu­ rity. According to this standard, an eighteen carat gold ring contains three parts of gold and one of some base metal. Spring and Summer Advance Display" \ ; THE GUARANTEED Newest and Most Exoluslvo Fabrlos ami Styles Our complete line of this carefully tailored, ready-to-wear clothing is now Arranged for your examination and approval. It includes the choicest and most extensive assortment of fashionable, shape retaining suits and overcoats we have ever before shown. All exact .fit, a becoming style for men and young men of every size and shape. Moderate Prices--$10.00 to $22.50 ,v . "This garment made atad guaranteed by Chaa. Kaufman & Bros., Chicago." fa the label that should be on the clothes vr.-p-. It ~ 111 menu you area well - " , dressed man; it will mean clothes satiM- . , ; f a c t i o n n u t l e c o n o m y , BRAELEY & FOSS, RINOWOOD, ILLINOIS. Shakespeare la Parllaaoat In July, 1855, a debate was going on In. the house of commons respecting Lord John (afterward Earl) Russell's ignominious failure during his mission in Vienna to bring the Crimean war to an end, in consequence of which the opposition indulged in some strong criticism regarding the party in power. At last Lord Palmerston, then prime minister, rose and began to talk In a hectoring way about "this unnecessary and unprovoked attack upon the gov­ ernment" and ended by saying in a loud voice and looking straight at two literary members-- Bulwer and Disraeli --who were sitting together on the front opposition bench: "The gentlemen are making 'Much Ado About Nothing.' " He sat down amid loud cheers from his own side, but in an Instant Bulwer was up and with exquisite grace and sarcasm said: "Mr. Speaker"--then turning to bow slightly toward the treasury bench--"I beg to remind the noble lord that in chronological order 'Much Ado About Nothing' comes after 'A Comedy of Errors.'" • Oar First "Star." "One celebrated Portia," says the au­ thor of "Shakespeare's Heroines on the Stage," "came of a noted family, be­ ing none other than Mrs. Eliza Whit- lock, the sister of Mrs. Siddons and of the Kembles. In England, at the age of twenty-two, she had made her Lon­ don debut as the heroine of 'Sliylock' on the 22d of February, 1783, and, though somewhat masculine In face and figure, yet displayed so animated a countenance and so graceful a bear­ ing as to win a moderate degree of fa­ vor. A few years after coming to this land she enjoyed the distinction of playing the first 'star' engagement on the American stage, being engaged for $450 and a benefit, to play at the Bos­ ton theater in October, 1796. There she repeated her Portia, contending with the remembrance of Mrs. Powell's Impersonation of a previous season. She also had the honor of playing be­ fore George Washington in Philadel­ phia." Desehapelles. Descbapelles, the greatest whist play­ er the world has ever seen, had but one hand and was an advanced republican. His manual dexterity was remarkable, and it was very interesting to watch him with bis one hand--and that bis left--collect the cards, sort them, play them and gather them in tricks. Late In life, when he had developed into ar­ dent republicanism, he was supposed to have been mixed up In some of the attempts at revolution which broke out In the earlier days of the reign of Louis Philippe. His papers were seized, and It was ptoved that he bad drawn up a list of persons to be disposed of. Among them was an elderly acquaintance, so described: "Vatry (Alpbie) to be guillo­ tined--Reason--citoyen inutile. Vatry is s bad whist player." - The Work of Oxyiea, The oxygen gas of the air is at once the great stimulant and the great de­ stroyer of life. In fermentation, growth, putrefaction, combustion and oxidization, which are merely different names for the same process In different forms, oxygen is doing Its universal work. It is. no metaphor, but a chem­ ical fact, that our world and everything in It are burning with a greater or less degree of rapidity. It is only when the proceqp becomes very rapid that we can see the flames. So instead of saying that we are in the midst of everlasting Are--a saying which might alarm the timid--the scientific merely say that ox­ idization In Its various forms goes on without cessation. Wonderful Mechanical Files. It Is not necessary to remark, espe­ cially after one reads the following, that it taxes credulity to the utmost to believe some of the old time stories: John de Montroyal presented Emper­ or Charles V. with an automatic Iron fly which escaped, circled around his majesty's head a few times and then alighted upon his sleeve. Virglllus, bishop of Naples, made an Iron fly which did not only fly, but kept all other flies out of the city.* Veat!latin* the Slmploa Tunnel. The system of ventilation adopted for the Simplon tunnel necessitates the closing of each end. This is effected by huge canvas screens, which work auto­ matically on the passage of a train. Should the mechanism fall to lift the screen the engine will tear through it like a circus performer through a paper hoop, and no harm can result. Milsftli •;W- • Ti 'rf •' ' SCENE AT HOWELL'S VILLAS. FOX RIVER. • ** ' *r- | North Dakota | s Lands!1 5 £ The richest and best land in $ | Eastern North Dakota for * * sale at reasonable prices and * * on good terms. Send or call £ £ on our local representative J * for advertising matter, maps « $ and full information in re- $ * gard to these lands. MUR- f S RAY BROS. LAND COM- # jjj PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. $ * Beo Stilling, - Local Agent, i % Jf Thlak the Barth Is Hollow. According to a queer belief In exist­ ence among the Icelanders, all waters which flow toward the north are drawn thitherward by a suction created by the oceans tumbling downward through the hollow which, they firmly believe, pene­ trates our globe from pole to pole. Their authority for this curious belief Is the "Utama Saga." a semisacred work, written early In the "-fourteenth century. Hope and JOT. Hops, of all passions, most befriend * us here. Joy has her tears, and trann- port has her death. Hope, like a cor­ dial, Innocent, though strong, man's heart at once Inspirits and serenes, nor makes him pay his wisdom for his Joys.--Young. Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under tbl8 bead at t In following rates: Five lines or less, 26 cents for fli-xt Insertion; 16 cents for each subsequent Insertion More than five lines, 6 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. TpOR SALE--A horse and harness; also rul>- -1- ber-tlred buKsry, nearly new, and Men- tana robe. Hox-se is three coming four years old, broke single and double, good single driver. For further information apply to or address JAMES RAINEY, Ring wood. III. "EH)B SALE CHEAP--Four eight-barrel casks, in good condition. Staves are two inches thick. Good for any purpose. Will stand 20-pound pressure. For prices and fur­ ther information apply to or address MCHENRY BREWERY, McHenry. 111. •pVDR RENT--The Mrs. W. Parker residence ou Waukegan street. For further Infor­ mation apply to MRS. C. N. CCLVER, Park ho­ tel, West McHenry. 41-2t IpOR SALE--About 85 window sashes at 2(5 x cents each. Apply to REV. M. W. BARTH McHenry, III. LOST--A row boat, last Monday; drifted down r>ver from our place. Finder please return to MILL.HR & Foss, Rosetiale Hotel. EH)R PALE--One span good work horses, a •*- lumber wagon, spring tooth cultivator, 2 plows. For further information apply to or address I'ATRICK FLDSKY, \ mile east of Grlswold Lake. 41-2t* She Knew Him. An architect remarked to a lady that he had been to see the great nave in the new church. The lady replied: "Don't mention names. I know the man to whom you refier."--Sacred Heart Re­ view. ATTENTION. FARMERS--Closing at cost! " Six Grand Detour turf and stubble plows 111 each; one new rubber tire Peabody buggy. A grade, $65. For further particulars see B oci< & Bethke. T. J. WALSH; 4l-2t A SPAN OF GOOD WORK HORSES for sale cheap; will sell either one or the IORN R. SMITH, 1H miles south of riv-team. er bridge, on river road. 41-2t* How She Hates* Bias. She wished to break it to him gently. "I have decided," she said, "to return your ring." He, however, was a resourceful man who did not believe in letting a wo­ man get the better of him. "You needn't bother," he replied. **I buy them by the dozen." Holdtnar Hands. De Oarry--Wliy Is It that when s fel­ low Is alone with a girl ,be loves they seldom play cards? Merrltt--Because If they did she ivould bave to bold her own hand. "Some men don' worry," said ttnele Eben, " 'cause dey's got too much sense, and others don' worry 'cause dey aln' got sense enough."--Washing­ ton Star. It's the educational opportunity of your lifetime. The Weekly Inter Ocean and tills paper 11 ftfi for one yssr. Salve! Salve! Spread the'Salve, but let it be Pine Salve, nature'« remedy for cuts, burns, sores, etc. S >ld by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry G. W. Beelev. West McHenry. Besd Ths Plsindsalcr. Dress Cares. Men <>o not seem to derive any special comfort from donning a new tie or fan­ cy waistcoat when stocks fall or their livers are out of order, but there is no time .when a woman cannot be distinct­ ly cheered by something new to wear. -^Lady's Pictorial. McHenry needs a fire department. Ws have just found It offk Helptn* Him Oa. Mr. Timid--I--er--suppose your daugh- er has told you the--er--object of my-- er--visit to you--er--this evening? Her Father--Yes, young man, and'she told It better than you seem able to do. Three of Them. Dearborn--Do you know the seven wonders of the world? Wabash--Weil, I know three of them. Dearborn--On­ ly three? Wabash--Yes; I've only got throe eons, you know. Utterly Unreasonable. Mamma--Don't j*ou like Auntie Prue? Johnny--Oh, she's very kind, but she'd expect a boy to keep' quiet on Christ­ mas. »s Bank of V3; McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a ttKERAl MIKIIK BUSIHttt. We endeavor to do all badness intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact- . ory to our customers and respect fully solioit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections . ' INSURANCE "-',,1-', in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Tours Respectfully Perry & Ow6n, Notary Public. - Bankers. flcHenry Bakery Always^ a complete line of Bakery Goods on hand. FRESH EVERY DAY Orders for partieB and Weddings promptly attended to. When yon buy Bakery in­ sist upon your dealer to give you til. home made goods which are always the best. MAX immm, McHENRY, ILL. inmiiimimiiiiMii WEST SIDE Neat Market Always a complete line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first class city market to offer? CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. Ws also handle the Me* Henry Creamery Batter. Chas. G. Frett, McHenry, Ml. Professional. Society >• a.nd Businesss Cards 11 1 mgm DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. ^ pHYSIO!AN,8VRUEON AND OCULIST *• OIBce and residence corner Elm »nlx ," • ' Green streets. Mc Heury. Telephone No. 31t • FEGERS & FEGEKt* TT PH^nOIANS AND SURGEONS. Mc™. HI. Office at Residence, corner Court Kim streets. Telephone 393. V - D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Ill_ All business intrusted to his care will properly aud promptly attended to. W. F. STONE. r>. i>. s (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.). Office Honrs from 9 a. m. until 5:80 . p. m. Also open evenings. McHENRY, . . ILLINOI Ofllce and Residence over Petesch's DrtA" R Store. Telephone No. 274. DR. R. G. CHAMBERL1N DENTIST. v OHIcs sad Residence over Besley's Drag Staif Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WMSR MOHSNRT. III. The charity that hastens to proclaim Its good deeds ceases to be charity and Is only pride and ostentation.--Hutton. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronii-le. both papers one year for (8.50. Order at once as the time of this >ffer if limited. Give The Plaindealer your 1807 order for calendars. Our goods are the best and prices the lowest. Bear this in mind when trurallnp man nomas artmniy TT 1 Uiversallst Church. Rev. •. Roberts, pastor. Regular Services next Sunday. Preaching at 10:80 and Sunday school at 11:46 a. m. The subject for preaching will be of special interest. Everybody invited. For bloating, belching, indigestion, sto., eat a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after meals. Sold by N. H. Pstesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Beeley, West McHenry. ' Notlee. Having lost oar books in the I!*©, «•»- tomers owing us are requested to pay accounts or notes at the residence of the nndersigned. JOHN EVANSON. This paper and* The Weekly Inter Jtp& ior one year General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Oradfnf. ncHENRY - 4, ILLINOIS Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry. IIUnol* FRANK BUHH PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5:00 ind UPWARD House and Sijrn Painting and all Interior Dec* orating. Residence north town line one block >vest of river. Telephone No. 2M. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS R. H. OWEN f'laaoN for ssile and rent. Tuning and repair • log at reasonable prices. First class Work only. McHENRY; TLMN'OTI J o h r J . V y o l t a l DEALER IN Genera.I H e^rdware Stores, Phi lit* aixl Oilt£ Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENEV, - - ILLINOIS. Telephone Main, 1714. LAMBERT Q. SENG 92 FIPTH AVE.. CHICAGO. KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WTH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C 0NSUMPTI0N Pries OUGHSand lOe &$1.00 OLDS Frss Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure tor all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BAC0L PATENTS HOLLISTCR'S Hacky Mountain Tea Nuggats A Buy Medietas for Buy Fseplt. %ing* GOLDTSB Health tad KSMVN Vigor. , Live Impure . leadsctfi backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tau - • irm, 85 cents a box. Genuine mads by ISTSA DRUG COMPANV, Madison, Wis. ' rH NUGGETS FM HUM PEOPLE ORIGINAL \LAXATIVE HONEY Aa improvement over an Lang and Bronchia! Reatdiea. Cures Coughs, Strengthens ths Lungs, gently moves the Bevels. Pleasant to the taste sad feed alike for Young and Old. ftassistbr rutou MBMCIHK*«t«LMi Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA A. STORY, McHenry; G. W. BE8LEY, West McHenry. AMOTION Kills BMHT M± *»•'-""••W jFBpPP fli flpt

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