Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1906, p. 5

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The Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Sewing Machine companies hafe consoli­ dated and are now the largest Sewing Machine company in the United States, possibly in the world, making strictly high-grade Sewing Machines. The new 66, which is so extensively advertised in all the leading magazines, is a wonder. For all kinds of family sewing, from the finest mull to the heaviest beaver cloth, it cannot be surpassed. Customers are always welcome to our store where this wonderful machine can be seen in operation at any and all times. A full line of attachments with every machine, their use and working parts explained free of charge. Old machines taken in exchange. Machines to rent. WHILE THEY LAST I will sell at greatly reduced prices all other makes of machines such as the Domestic, Favorite, New P&yal, Defender and New Crown. Come early and get first choice. A guarantee with every machine. GOOD OIL--Buy the best. I have it. It means double the life to your ma­ chine. POINTS TO R.EMEMBER--If you buy a Singer or Wheeler & Wilson you will receive careful instructions. You can obtain any part or needle in any part of the United States. You will be dealing with the leading Sewing Machine company in the world. > Singer andf Wheeler & Wilson machines sold all over the World. < NIC A. HUEMANN. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS We are Prompt. We are up-to-date Clothing to Order The right kind of Tailoring is the kind that gives you satisfaction at the lowest price. If you are not already acquainted with the character of our prices, we honestly think it will profit you to in­ vestigate somewhat. We turn out the very best work possible, at the very lowest possible prices. That's the whole story and it's a story that's being told of us by hundreds of pleased patrons. COME} IN AND TAKE A LOOK AT OUR HAND­ SOME FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOL­ ENS. EASTER SUITINGS in beautiful and exclusive styles. TROUSERINGS and VEST- INGS, full of life, richness and style. Give us a trial, just to test our ability. NO FIT, NO SALE and you are to be the judge, JOHN D. LODTZ. • * V > . V if, TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES • H. PetescH, Druggist. Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles Fresh Groceries! I ; We are here with a line of Groceries and Fruits that cannot be excelled anywhere. "Fresh Goods Always" is our motto and that's the reason we ire so popular. Give us your next order and be convinced that our statement is true. WEST McHENRY, ILL. John Stoffel. P H I L I P J A E G E R S GENERAL COriMISSIO^ MERCHANT g SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAUK OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultiy, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and gfioe lists furnished on appli<|rtion. COLD STORAGE FREE * . I CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. f ••••!§• i«n»--i ! Jos. H. Huemann | Johmburgb Illinois. | Mils the McVi ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex (Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plo-.vs, Wagons, Cferriages, Bnggfc r., Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness CHI, jPfcint Oil and Machine 0*1 a Specialty. iiMfaMMfi Ttmm Lgftt&iB* M Wrts! i am agent for the above. We pet tbe Rods on yonr Build- tuts and should they be struck by Ugtjtning we pay damages if no more than 1600. Call and get full particulars. feieril Blidu«ttfek| Pikes ilwiys Reutiutte KNKRALD PARK. J. A- Farrell of Chicago visited W. J Waleb Saturday evening and Sunday. Messrs. Walter Walsh and Jerry Far­ rell were callers at K. J. button's Son- day afternoon. W. K. Burns and friend, of Chicago were among the many who were "hunt­ ing for ducks" over Sunday. Mrs. Win. Robinson of Chicago visit­ ed at Chas. Berkircher's a few days the last of the week. John Fleming of Barreville was a business caller in this vicinity one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer of Chicago called At the Park one day last week. Miss Lucy Sutton spent Friday with McHenry friends. Miss May Welch of Griswold Lake spent Saturday and Snnday in Chicago. Ed Satton of McHenry spent Snnday at home here. Miss Kathryn Knox and friend were calling on Bingwood friends Sunday evening. LOW B«Im to LOS Ad(cIm, Via the North-Western Line. An ex­ cursion rate of one first class limited fare for round trip will be in effect from all stations April 26 to May 5, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on ac­ count-«f Imperial Council, Nobles of Mystic Shrine. Three fast trains to California daily. "The Los Angeles Limited," electric lighted throughout, via tbe new Salt Lake Route, with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. "The Overland Limited," electric light­ ed throughout, less than'three days en route Another fast train is the China & Japan Express" with drawing room and tourist sleeping cars. For itiner­ aries. and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Westery B'y. HoiueKeekero' Excursion to the Northwest, Went and Southwest, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly reduoed rates are on sale to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chi­ cago &'North-Western R'y. Apr 28 Ton feel the life giving enrrent the minute you take it. A gentle, soothing warmth fills tbe nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask yonr druggist. Two PR OB A TE NEWS VOLO. Willie Moore was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. . Charles Dnnnill was a Ronnd Lake caller Tuesday. Miss Mary Walton of Fort Hill spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus were recent McHenry callers. Miss Kittie Dowell was a Ronnd Lake caller Sunday afternoon. Leslie Tnrnbnll of Wanoonda called at the cash store recently. Mr. Wilbnr of Waukegan was a Volo visitor one day last week. Mrs. Chris Sable was a Chicago visitor Friday and Saturday last. George Richardson of Ronnd Lake was a Volo caller Sunday. Mrs. Dryer and son, George, were Mc­ Henry visitors Wednesday. Wm. Kretschmer of Chicago visited with friends here over Sunday. Messrs. Frank Nicholls and George Dryer were recent; McHenry callers. Glenn Richardson of Elgin is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Richard Compton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ben Cossman, at Rollins. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and son, Raymond, of West Fremont were recent Volo call­ ers. Mr. and Mis. Joseph Miller of Mc­ Henry called on relatives in Volo Sun- day. Mrs. John Richardson and Miss Lucy Dunnell were McHenry callers last Thursday. H. T. Fuller of Wanoonda was look­ ing after his store interests here last Thursday. George and Maud Walton spent Snn­ day with their mother in Chicago, who is quite ill; Mrs. Geo. Rosing and Miss Frances Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday at J. Rosing's. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wegener and daughter, Clara, of Fremont visited at C. Sable's Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Anna Miller spent Sunday afternoon with friends in McHenry. Maize Rosing of Ronnd Lake spent a week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Miss Gertrude Schaefer of McHenry visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable, the first of the week. Miss Bessie Dnnnill of Chicago spent the fore part of the week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dnnnill. On account of the muddy roads Wed­ nesday John Gift acted as substitute mail carrier for the Round Lake carrier. Mrs. John Richardson, her mother, Mrs. Straits, and Miss Lncy Dnnnill are visiting relatives in Des Plaines and Palatine. BINGWOOD. Joe Peacock of Hebron was seen on our streets Friday morning. Chas. W. Harrison transacted business in Chicago one day recently. Ed. Hopper of Spring Grove was on onr streets Monday afternoon. Avery Holmes is working in the Oliver Typewriter factory at Woodstock. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bennett is quite ill at this writing. The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Holmes has been quite ill the past week. Quite a number from here went to McHenry Sunday to view the fire ruins. Jay Bennett left Monday evening for Waubegan to attend the funeral of his mother. Hubert Ranen of Spring Grove spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. James BelL Wm. B. Johonott and Miss Mildred Stevens were passengers for Chicago Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mat. May ahd family of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with Joe May and family here.; ' Mr. and Mrs. Ruthford returned home last Wednesday evening after spending the winter in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Engalls and daughter, Edyth, of Elgin spent the last of the week with relatives here. Thomas Bolger of Woodstock and Miss Eleanor Phalin oij McHenry spent Sunday with their cousin, Jerald Carey. Mrs. Hawley returned to her home in Elgin Monday morning after spending the ]&8t week with her son, Ed., and family. Miss Lena Harrison spent Thursday and Friday with her brother and sister. Watte and Grace, who are attending school at Elgin. Remember Uniyersalist services next Sunday. A larger attendance is desired Sunday-school at 1:30 p. m. and preach­ ing at 2:80 p. m. Everybody invited. Come to the old fashioned spelling school to be held at the home of A. L. Francisco on Thursday evening, April 5. Light refreshments will be served. Gilbert Bros. Co. FANCY GROCERS. BARGAINS IK : FLOUR! Gold Mine, best Flour-oh earth... 5.SI5 [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company. Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Sarah E Harroun & hus to Isabelle M Wlghtman, part sefrM sec.18 McHen­ ry t 1 &c Isabelle M Wlghtman & hus to Sarah E Harroun, It 18, Plstakee cottge grads 1 Ac Joseph. E Orlsty & w to Thos Powers, pt It 2, blk 1, West McHenry 300000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Henry S. Wilson, 20 Woodstock Maude Cbappel, 26 Woodstock A Lucky Postmistress ' is Mrs. Alexander of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for keeping tbe Stomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by N. H Petesch, McHenry, druggist. Price 25c. Original Meanlns of "Snob." "Snob" meant originally In the land of its origin a person of plebeian sta­ tion, considered from the height of "birth." It was a word used with the downward eye and upward nose of su­ perior station or assigned to the haughty by popular convention. Then Thackeray took It and rebuked with It the social ambitions of the vulgar. hnndred spring sample*, new styles, new prices. Suits, 912.00 and up, pants, $8 60 to $9 00--fit, style and wear guaranteed by tbe Great Western Tai­ loring Co. E. Lawless will give yon correct measurement. The Fifth Nerve. Sneezing is averted by pressing tbe upper lip, because by doing so we dead en the Impression made on a certain branch of the fifth nerve, sneezing be­ ing a reflex action excited by some slight impression on that nerve. Rnees- ing does not take place when the fifth nerve Is paralyzed, even though tbe sense of smell is retained. Carefsl Aaatlc. ' "Too will never see your Aunt Marls again until you get to heaven," a little girl was solemnly told by her mother the other day, according to the Ixmj don Globe. "Will she ask me to wipe my feet?" was her only response. It throws a flood of light on Aunt Maria's character and history. Falae Ose*. There 111 a false modesty, which is vanity; a false glory, which Is levity: s false grandeur, which. Is meanness; a false virtue, which Is hypocrisy, and a false wisdom, which is prudery.--Bru- yere. All smart up to-date women of today. Know how to bake, wash, sing and play; Without these talents a wife is N. G Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. Laughter Is day, and sobriety Is night; a smile Is the twilight that hov­ ers gently between both, more bewitch­ ing than either.--H. W. Beecber. For headache, constipation, etc.. Dade's Little Liver Pills are best. They cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. ji Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Arni­ ca Salve, and less than a box cured me permanently, writes L. S. Napier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all Wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. 25c at N. H. Pet- esh's, McHenry, druggist. BAKllEVILLK. Thos. Thompson was a business caller at Nnnda Monday afternoon. Wm. Van Natta of Emerald Park was calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at J. D. Fleming's. Miss Nellie -Newman of McHenry spent Sunday at E. F. Matthews'. Thos. Thompson spent Sunday with Fred Davoll and family at Holcombville Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Starritt were business callers at Cary Tuesday after­ noon. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Sunday with their mother at Emerald Park. * Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich of Northern Nunda spent Monday evening with the former's mother, Mrs. Lambke. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Van Natta and son, Raymond, of Chicago spent a few days the last of the week at Wm. Van Vatta's. Something special I The Weekly In­ ter Ocean and this paper for $1.55 for one year. Ask us what it means. JOHNSBUBOH. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schmitt, a baby boy. « Miss Lizzie May visited McHenry rel­ atives last week. Misses Annie and Josephine Pitzen visited here Tuesday. John Nett, Jr., is quite sick at his home at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes visited at John Pitzen's Monday. Misses Margaret and Lena Adams were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Martin May visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Tony May,,last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer visited at Stephen N. Smith's Wednesday. Mrs. Susan Freund is entertaining a lady friend from Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes spent Snn­ day afternoon with McHenry relatives. Jake Huemann, Martin and John Smith were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray and little son spent Sunday with McHenry rela­ tives. Math. Palmes of ^Chicago is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palmes, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher of Spring Grove visited at Mrs. Anton Meyers Tuesday. Mrs. John Tonion and son of Fox Lake attended the funeral of Mrs. An me Pitzen Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Weingart and Miss Mary Weingart of Volo were Johns burgh visitors Monday. Mrs. Annie Pitzen died here Saturday morning after a few weeks' illness and was buried Monday at 9:80 a. m., Fr, Mehring officiating. Anybody in need of farm implements Should call at Joe Huemann's. He has a fine line of Rock Island implements on hand at the right prices. Corona per Patent, V I C T O R , g o o d straight flour, sack 90( N. Y. State Pure DC/ B u c k w h e a t , 1 0 - 1 b s . ^ t Fancy Graham flour TC/ 1 0 - l b . b a g . . . . Pure . Rye Flour, 10-lb, bag 35c 25c Pumpernickle flour, QCr 1 0 - p o u n d B a g . . . . . Gold Medal Yellow Corn Meal, 10-lb bg SPECIAL! Large Salt Mackerel!(|/ e a c h . . . . . . . . . l U l * ~ % "<"Si ; . } \1f- - - * ̂ X - Ur;i i--- " "'5 ' • :A": V • A J -i , ; - •;> Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. DR mas CREAM BaktygMir Made from pore, grape cream of tartar FOREMOST RAKING POWDER. IN THE WORLD Makes home baking easy* Nothing can be substituted for it in making, quickly and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot-breads, qiuffms, cake and pastry. Insures the food against alum* PWM fllMOMi Powots Co* CHICAGO. . . O U R . l varies in style and finish, accord­ ing to price, but at figures there is good value. The stock used is good oak-tanned leather. The trimmings, whether of nickel, brass, rubber or iron, are of excel­ lent quality. The workmanship, visible and invisible, is first-class. m A ran McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes auri sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each dot- on iinlslii tl iti different styles. Price, $1.00 antl upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views • fliuildiugs, cattle, machinery, etc. F,i\lo.rgemor\ts. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every instance. Finished in black and white or eolots. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sires made ap for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standplptk > WEST McHENRY. ILL. 1 /\ Telephone, 493 Chicago & North-Westera. Effective Nov. 98, 190S. WKBK DAT TRAINS. Leave Arrives Chicago. northbound McHenry. 3.05 a ni .". Via Elgiu 10.1? a K 9.00 ft in.. ..Via lVs PIhIih'S ....... It'. 17 a HI 3.2S p m ..Via Hes Plaint* 4.50 p at 4.00 pin...'. Via Eliriu. 6.40 pn 4.57 p in.Via IHss Plaint*.,... . 6.40p* Sunday trains. S.45 AM. Via Kluiu. 9.10am..,.. 9,08 pm. ..Via l>es Plainesi;^„i «. .... Via Elgin.4JB pB'ii ; JBU DAT TKAlNgt*: ~v--' - 8OCTH0OCND. Via Elffln. 10.1© a £ ....Via l>es Plaiu«a..,,.. ....Via l>es Plaiuea <kl£ p m Via F.lgin... 7.10 p « «FNl>AT TRAIN*. Via Elgin ....10j&aa ' Dee Plaines. 7.00 » m Via facia ..•>.«» pqi '.ij. "t'.ts .i,A 1 ft Leave MctHnrf. l.'Zi a m.,.., a ni.... 4JSi pui .. 4J23 p 111.... 9.£am via sagm... &•*) p m. Via DeeJPlaiaes. 6,Wp» 1 ^ "ri

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