Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1906, p. 8

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f- )-Y -v;,*** v\ % • •"»* •'•, than Suits better imade-to-order $5.00 cheaper «r. - r Because the CVofh is v ^ iiniformly shrunk by t, r ^ -tnachinefry and Will f fiot shrink or stretch, that is me ^ p why good ready-made fey its will keep their than Suits shape better made-to-order WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. multiply Instance*? ,Tfce fact Is that preservatives as used in food are not capable of doing the consumer as much harm as the food Itself coald do by over indulgence. This law is universal for all kinds o'preserved foods: The food ra, invariably, more capable of injuring the consumer than is its contained pre­ servative. €k»od news for lovers of stirring ro­ mance! Anthony Hope has written a uew story in the style of "The Prisoner of Zends," and even surpassing it in jute rest. It is called "Sophy of Rra- vonia" and is to aps-ear exclusively in The Sunday Magaziue of the Chicago Record-Herald, beginning April 23.. „ . ... , .. The niysfceriona country of Kravonia Sugar is permitted as a preservative. 1.. * • - r, ? ^ . __ Hee in the same romantic region of southern Europe as Z«nda, but the new story has no connection with that of the famous Rudolph Rassendyll. Its central figure is a still mote interesting person--a courageous and beautiful heroine who rises from lowly life to Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. stwiitt mms Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: A .»• A •». WvVWWT v W" " " y>'v A its iTitii iti iTi m We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarantee goes with each and every machine. :: :: Furniture iFy ^ *X "X Vr iTr •I* Ifci a/'fci A *1^ A A dSL^tiZl VVTVVVTTY V St% W w W '+* Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Undertaking and Embalm- ^ ing a specialty Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready for inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Undertaking and Embalm- ^ ing a specialty M IKIfl m HP* r-- v.- i! line of Paints ;jfear is the best we have ! liver been able to handle find we guarantee thei^ tsodo the work properly also, handle a corn- line of Painter's ies. Everything* Jin the Painter's line cafe here. L. flcOflBER mm.' •M Summer., Having received & full and complete line of Sum rner Samples, including four hundred different style cloths, we wish to call your attention to the fact that we are now* prepared to fit you up in the latest of fashion, with the best quality of goods that money can buy. In particular we wish to call your attention to our workmanship. These garments are made up in single-breasted sacks and guaran­ tee them to be just as we represent them to you. We duplicate any and all Chicago prices, quality of goods, of course, considered. In ordering your Summer suit, \*e will be pleased to figure with you, as we know our work will please you. When once started to buy your cloth­ ing from us, we know yon will come here ever afterwards. Hoping that we may this year have the pleasure of fitting you out and guaranteeing yon perfect satisfaction in every respect, s Yours V^ Trulj^-, r . W: What sort of reception did it first re­ ceive? The latirs of four centuries ago toll the tale. Even apothecaries dare not sell it without a prescription. We c*n imagine how everybody that dared oppose such silly legislation was then dubbed "crank" or venal. Professional men were sure that the dear public needed protecting against the criminal food manufacturers who would poison the consumers by improving the taste of food. If nature did add sugar to Ybod it was held wrong to exceed her quantity. How nicely the reasoning of modern opponents of preservatives fitted their case. Take another illustration. Sugar injures in large amounts, for they could say, Have we not found that it injures our "appetites, arrests diges­ tion and does other injurious things? Whatever it can do in large amounts if i* capable of doing proportionately in small amounts. In spite of theory, in spite of conservatism, in spite of all opposition, commercial instinct drove ahead, along the lines of greatest hu­ man desire, and wou out, in the long run. Fines and imprisonments only injured the few, while the many kept on defying such absurd legislation until it now has not one single soul to dare defend it. But the same old spirit is alive and has taken another tack. Aft­ er fighting sugar and getting beaten, it later undertook to fight spices, and was again vanquished. Now it is preserva­ tives. As certain as that tomorrow's sun will rise, so certain will preserva­ tives triumph, aqd onr children will laugh at onr calamity and mock at our fear. These fearful souls are quite willing that salt and smoke--the discov­ eries of savages--shall be used, but they are not willing that anything discovered by modern science shall be put into food. That would be sacrilege. They will allow sugar to be used now be­ cause base commerce in its fight for gain won out against conservatism. They will even allow spices, although some of them are not. as yet quite sure that these are quite wholesome. As a preservative, one pound of sugar is about the equivalent of one grain of salicylic acid. As a preservative, which is the more harmful of the two? The writer is quite willing to put the mat­ ter to the test of experiment With any defender of sugar as against salicylic or benzoic acid. Let us each take pre­ servative equivalents. Let my share be ten grains of salicylic acid, taken* at a single meal, and his ten pounds of sugar, taken at a meal. Let the reader judge which will come out least injured from the trial. If the defender of antiquated as against modern preservatives prefers to make the test on salt he can be ac­ commodated. One ounce of salt has about the same preservative, power as one grain of benzoic or salicylic acid. Let him take at a single dose half a pound of table salt as against my eight grains of either of the preservative acids, and we will soon discover which is the most injurious. The fact is that this whole cry against preservatives is born of public ignorance of the effect of substances upon our bodies, which we haye not got fully accustomed to using. The liugering, quackish superstition that small doses mint injure if large ones do, creates a terror that is irration al, and that when present in a medical mind, is extremely illogical, besides being suicidal to his own interests. It is the quack's strongest grip upon the masses, and for medical men to endorse such a superstition is treason of the rankest kind. It is a practical acknowl­ edgement that the opponents of scien­ tific therapy are right and that men are wholesale poisoners. Protect Proprietary Medtotaea*' ; Did it ever occur to you that proprie­ tary medicines are a blessing to man­ kind generally? The good ones have long continued sale; the poor ones have short life and soon leave the market. If we had to depend entirely upon phy­ sicians and druggists it would be expen­ sive and very inconvenient at times, es­ pecially in the country and at night when neither could be conveniently reached. For nearly forty years Bo- schee's German Syrup has been used in many families, and thousands of lives of ndults and children have been saved by its use, when it was impossible to reach a physician. German Syrup is the best household remedy for coughs, ' colds, thr iat and long trouble. It quickly re­ lieves the hacking oough, loosens the phlegm, and brings sound and refresh­ ing *leep. Twenty-five aud seventy-five cents. Get a copy o# Green's Prize Al- mmae. For sale by all druggists. Notice! To insure frablication in The dealer copy must be in the office later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this efiect Is the Moon Inhabited^ Science has proven that the moon has am atmosphere, which makes life in some form possible on that satellite; but not for human beings, Who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Bilious­ ness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaun dice, Dyspepsia, Disciness. Torpid Liv­ er, Kidney complaints, General Debil ity and Female weakness. Unequalled as a general Tonic and Appetizer for weak persons and especially for the aged. It induices bound sleep. Fully guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, McHenry, draggisfcPrica only Me. the throne. Sophy de Gruche is her ntrme, and she loves the brave but un­ fortunate Prince Sergius, as she proves in a series of the most exciting events in modern fiction. rHer trials and tri umpe are due to the existence of two factions in the court. One is loyal to the true heir apparent. Prince Sergijas, and the others seek to place upon the throne the little son of Countess Ellen - burg, the king's morganatic wife. The conspiracy leads to inary dramatic scenes, ouc of the most thrilling being that in which the old king discovers the guilt of the countess and drops dead at a moment when things are in a perilous condition for Sergins and his bride. HoW Sophy comes out of this turmoil of intrigue,, battle, tears and joy, Autb ony Hope reveals in his own inimitable style. The first installment of "Sophy of Kravonia'4 will appear April 32. On ac­ count of the great demand for tbip fascinating story it will be wise to order your eopy of The Sunday Record-Herald well in advance. Have von I>yspi*psla, Intlfgefttfon ? If to-day you suffer from impaired di­ gestion, sluggish liver or impure blood, and you were told of a preparation which would cure you at small cost, would you try the remedy? There is a medicine--Green's August Flower. Go to your druggist's and buy a test bottle for 35 cents, or a regular size for 75 cents. If > ou have used all dyspepsia remdies without satisfaction, or if you have never use any preparation for these distressing affections; if you have! head ache, biliousness, loss of appetite, sleep­ lessness, nervousness, or any disorder of the stomaofe or liver, cure yourself quickly by using the infallible August Flower. It is not' ,au alcoholic stim­ ulant, but quite harmless for general use. Get a copy of Green,'s Prize Al­ manac. For sale by all druggists.. FOR SALE --Several first-class 4tock and grain farms in southeastern Minne sota, between Chicago and St. Paul, on the C. & G. W. and C. & N. W. R. R. The best of soil, water, etc. Well im­ proved and very cheap. Write today for lists with map showing locationjind prices of lands. We guarantee your fare if not as represented in lists we send you. Address J. L. Griswold, Dodge Center, Miqn. * 41-8t It's tbt) educational opportunity of your lifetime. The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper fl.55 for one year. STEVENS £ I You want to HIT what you are aiming at --be it bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS. For 41 years STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC­ CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Ask your Dealer--in­ sist on the STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we ship direct, ex­ press prepaid^ upon receiptuf catalog prit-e Semi 4 ets. in stamps for 140-pa^e Catalog of complete outuut. A valuaM'ebook ofrefer- er;re f<>r present and prospective shooters. Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded ior 10 cents in stamps. J. Stevens Arms k Tool Co., P. O. Box MM , CHICOPEE FAIXS, MASS., XT. 3.4. f *• and WJREn FOLEY'S HONEY ' ' AND T/ffl ? Obstinate, racking Coughs that malt* your head ache, your throat and luogs sore and inflamed, that rob you of sleep until your system becomes so run down that you are in grave danger of Pneumonia or Consumption, are quickly cured by Foiey7s Homey Mid Tw» FOLEY'S HOREYIND Tift soothes aud heals the inflamed air pas* sages, allays the feverish conditions, stops the cough and prevents serious results from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND T1R is the only prominent cough medicine on the market that does not contain opiates or harmful drugs of any kind and ou this account is safest for children. It is unexcelled for Croup and Whoop­ ing Cough and will quickly cure the racking cough which follows measles and leaves so many children with weak lungs unless properly treated. Remember the name -- Foley's Honey and Tar--and refuse substi­ tutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take chance* with some unknown preparation. . Consumption ThrMlMtd C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champiagn, in., writes: "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought 1 had consumption. 1 tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. 1 used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar; it cured me, and 1 have not been trou­ bled since." Three sizes--25c, 50c, $1.60. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small ska and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. (OLD AND REC0MMEI0E0 IV G. W BESLKY. W. M. HtKRY One Hundred Years Since Plke'a I'eak was Discovered. Elaborate plans are being. made at Colorado Springs to celebrate in truly western style the Centennial of the-day when Lieut. Zebulon M Pike first sight­ ed the famous peak, 'which was after­ wards the landmark of the hardy pio­ neer whose wagon train wended its slow way across the plains. The Chicago & North-Western railway- announces ex­ tensive preparations for this event on the part of Colorado Springs aud Den ver, as well as on behalf of the various railway lines. It is understood that the last week in September is to be devoted to a round of festivities to be partici­ pated in by ten thousand United States Regulars, and a concourse of Indians representing the various tribes with which the intrepid explorer came ifi contact on his toilsome march of dis­ covery. The National Guards, cadets, veterans, bowboya, pioneers, patriotic societies,, fraternal societies and citizens generally will also take part in the pro­ gram, which will include drills by the troops, war dances by the Indians, cow­ boys' sports, parades and tournaments. A Lucky Postmistress is Mrs, Alexander of Cary, Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the feest remedy she ever tried for keeping the Stomach, Liver and Bowels in perfect order. You'll agree with her if you try these painless purifiers that infuse new life. Guaranteed by'N H Peteech, McHenry, druggist. Price 25c. NEW SPUING & ̂ SLIMMER •AM AV Vrl r,;, ->3s> ' ARRIVING EVERY DAV IN DRESS U GOODS, WA1STINGS,SUITINGS, SKIRTS " SHOES AND OXFOKDS. OUR SHELVES ARE PULL OF NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS. > h~- ? .,V sirs? roone 29ft. West ricHenry, 111. . \ i « ' • * V ** * '* * * * * 3 jp J ^ f *6^ ^ V"*- I j | i * ' ! mmm smiles when he sees*otir wagon back up with A LOAD OF LUMBER for he knows he can do a good job and do it quickly. A good Carpenter is as much pleased with such a job as you would be. It means reputation for him, money saved for you. The moral, of course, is to bay your Lumber*>hefe YOURS 'TRULY, -;v f v Wilbur Cumber €0. ; va>M. w.w» i MEN! ^ y o u k n o w t h a t w e a r e h e a d q u a r t e r ^ :|^|for Up-to-date Gent's Furnishing Good£. you have not been aware of the fact, w is the time to come and look over ielegant new line of Spring and Summer ^JGroods. Outline of new Shoes, Shirts, ;Ties and Hats are the nobbiest in towii, ^Before placing your Suit order see our samples and get our prices. It will pay v,|rou to do so. Everything up to the times " 1 i Hi * f 'A : 4 •'i" y if . ^ R**A The Plaindealer "want" ada. V{ t i ? "• -'4v * ^ * A •• • Plain no Ladies' Waist Specials! Ladies' Waists, made of a fine Sheer- swies material, handsomely trimmed front with lace and embroidery, all the latest cut sleeve, at your inspection now, .49c, 98c, $(,15, 1.29. l>39» "-49 Yes we sell Gold Medal Flour.--None better. Spring Jackets! We still have a fair assortment of ladies' and children's Spring'Jackets at these astonishing prices... .$3.90, a.69,^.98 $4.50 and $5.50. t lien's Summer Underwear, H ^ndy at 1L. 49c PeoplB having purchased Lace Curtains of us in past years were very much satisfied with quality and price but never be­ fore have we shown such rich styles and patterns as we are showing this season. An hour spent in looking over our Lace Curtain Stock will oelp you decide whether you ought to wash those old ones or buy new--that's all--NOW LOOKI Fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 8* yards long, spider web center design, fancy imitation drawn work border with lace chain and wreath design, special value per pair... .$1.98 A special Nottingham Lace Curtain, full yards long by 68 inches wide, plain net center with drawn work rosettee, fancy wide ocroll and floral design border, a very special number, per pair, only... ; $i*7S ' * ' ' - : < v v . x - • , Here js the finest ever shown, special 8 yard* long %y45 inch­ es wide, color. eczeru, with fine imitation Batteuburg lace center; 12 inches wide imitation Batteuburg and drawn work border to match center, very special, only...y...... ••.. ,$1*69 fly filed uet and muslin Curtains at, per pair... fi.39 and $i>78« Other Laoe^Curtains, at per pair..\.,».' $1.00. 1.39, *1.39. 1-49- - ' ? • • ' 1 ' MESS (ODDS VALUES! See the new shades in the famous Soie- sette Cloth, especially new and attract­ ive for this spring wear, per yard.. .ajc Yes we sell Groceries and at right prices. HOSE. VALUES! Heavy ribbed Boys' Hose, 35c value, special purchase, While they last, per pair 15c Ladies' full Mocha Yarn Hose, fast black, per pair joe D. M. Ferry's and Rices Seeds will grow and yield. BLOCK & SETHKE, McHENRY. •'k. * g : . . ' 4'

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