v,<;A NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS M IT PLAYS EVERY NOTE--It is the only player that can satisfy those who deeire the proper interpretation of the (treat masterpieces. The player contains the entire Grand Apollo Concert system Can be rolled to or from any piano in less than a minute. The Apollo has a trans posing .device which permits the key of any composition to be instantly changed to snit the voice of any singer or accom panying instrument. such as the violin, mandolin, cornet. Ante, etc. Limited space forbids telling you ail about the good points and superiority of the Apollo We cordially invite you to visitour store bring yonr whole family and friends. All are welcome whether yon purchase or not. It is a pleasure tt> showyon how it works. The Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Sewing Machine companies have consoli dated and are now the largest Sewing Machine company in the United States, possibly in the world, making strictly high-grade Sewing Machines. The new 66, which is so extensively advertised in all the leading magazines, is a wonder. For all kinds of family sewing, from the finest mull to the heaviest beaver cloth, it cannot be surpassed. Customers are always welcome to our store where this wonderful machine can be seen in operation at any and all times. A full line of attachments with every machine, their use and working parts explained free of charge. Old machines taken in exchange. Machines to rent. WIHLE THEY LAST I will sell at greatly reduced prices all other makes of machines such as the Domestic, Favorite, New Royal, Defender and New Crown. Come early and get first choice. A guarantee with every^nachine.. GOpD OIL --Buy the best. I have it It means double the life to your ma chine. POINTS TO ILEMEMBER.--If you buy a Singer or Wheeler & Wilson you will receive careful instructions. You can obtain any part or needle in any part of the United States. You will be dealing with the leading Sewing Machine company in the world. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson ^machines sold all over the World. 22k Solid Gold Crowns! Give tbat rich, pleasing, stylish attractiveness to the expression so much to be admired. Guaranteed perfect titling; firm as a rock; comfortable to wear; will last a lifetime. These crowns are strictly hiKli-?rade, expert, hand-made dental productions of the finest quality; will not tarnish; have 110 superior at any price They should be worn by everybody whose teeth are too far gone for fillings. They will masticate your food as it should be masticated. Weep your health and stom- UTTEUD TA> BUSI- wili take care ach weii, brace you up for the work before you, make you able to attend ness and make a success of it. Take care of your teeth and they of you. Life Is shortened and disease induced by bad teeth. Is it safe to put your trust in extremely large fillings, poorly inserted, that may drop out with out a moment's notice, when, for a trifle more, you can obtain 22k solid gold crowns that cannot wear out, break or become disiodgedV They will stand the test of time; positively indestructible. Save your bad teeth; invest In solid gold crowns; they are the cheapest in the end. It's the best investment you will ever make. You don't pay one cent till Satisfied With Your Crowns. DR. W. H. Hawkins, Dentist. SPRING GROVE, - - - • ILLINOIS. TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES H. mm -- '-.•A'-/,-* +&"&•:• h * i-'"k Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles Fresh Groceries!! We are here witfa a\line df Groceries and Fruits that cannot be excelled anywhere. "Fresh Goods Always" is our motto and that's the reason we are so popular. Give us your next order and . <^xconvinced that pur statement id true. WEST LMCHB^RY, John Stoffel. 1 P H I L I P J A E G E R | GENERAL COrtMISSlON MERCHANT '. , | SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF Oressed Beef, ilutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, application, *$f. r Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs fWsta the old^thotose on the street. Tags and COLD STORAGE FREE r ;. v / A , CHICAGO' ILLINOIS. ; :* Stall 1 A 3, Pulton St. H Wholesale Market. I Good ! Thru many years of experience we find that $tir method of doing business is much approved of by the dressy class. Our tailoring pleases the people and that is the reason why we 3**® turning out so many orders. Call and see us. iE McHetlry Jos. H. Huemann ;a,4,_ Johnsburgb Illinois. the McVi Iter GrasolineT J ^ • Bngine, Duplex Grinding Mills,; ' Rock Island Pltuvs, Wagons,* - Carriages, Buggi» »•, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, ' \ . Paint Oil and . - V Machine OH a Specialty. frakHi Utfttfliat M Wvksj i am agent for the above. We pelt the Rods on your Build- tors and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more tha^i $500, Call and get full particulars. Oeierai BbcksnitttH Prices ilwiys RummIU P» RIDGKFIKI.1A. D. O. Kline was in Nanda Saturday. H. Cooper was in Woodstock Tuesday. N. J. Garrison was in Chicago Tuee day. A D. Thayer was a Chicago visitor Sat urday. Mn. 8. Wakefield was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. T. Corkill and children were in Nunda Saturday. W. Eichkoff of Park Ridge spent Sun day at his,home here. E. Cadwallader of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. W. H. Munroe visited her daughter at Woodstock Friday. F. Wille and C. W. Keeler were in Woodstock on business Tuesday. Roy Corkill Bpent Saturday and Sun day with his grandparents at Cary. Mrs. Mume of Rockford is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irish. Mrs. and Mrs. F. Lester and children of Mc Henry visited at J. H. Parks' Sun day. Mies Basel Westerman of Greenwood visite<f her sister here Tuesday and Wed nesday. Miss Edith Jenksof Elgin visited her grandmother, Mrs. A. S. Wakefield, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Reed and sofi of Chi cago are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed. Rev. W. R Shelt is attending Presby tery and theC. E. convention at Rock- ford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner returned from Racine, Wis., Saturday and ex pect to make their home here. It is not difficult to relieve blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles with ManZan, the great pile remedy. It is put up in collapsable tubes with nozzle, and may be introduced and ap plied to the seat of trouble. Stops pain instantly. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--11.50 gets both for one year Special deal. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Hon ey and Tar as a throat and long remedy and on. account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen uine. These worthless imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow packake. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for ooughs and colds. All dealers. roixi. Wedding bells will soon ring. Mary Raught spent Thursday in Chi cago. Kit tie Do well was a McHenry caller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon are visiting in Wankegan. H. F. Fuller of Wau&nda was a Volo caller Sunday. Frank Dowell of Round Lake called on Volo friends Sunday. Geo. Hironimns of Hainesrille called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Frank Davis of Grayslake called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Raymond and daughter, Hellen, are visiting fr<ends in Chicago. Wm. Kretschmer of Chicago visited with friends here over Sunday. Messrs. Benry Stadtfield and Willie Frost spent Thursday in Chicago. Ben Rosing of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. v Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunnill. Katie and Frances Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday at home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. 8TRUCK BY TRAIN. Philip Sutton While Crossing Railroad Track Is Struck by Train, v- ------ While crossing the railroad track on Wankegan street with a horse and Dn^gy about four o'clock yesterday afternoon, Philip Sutton was struck by a gravel train, sustaining injuries which may prove serious. Mr. Sucton had been to town and was on his way home when the accident occurred. There being no gates at the crossing and the nearby buildings ob structing a view to the tracks, the vic tim was not aware of the danger he was in until he had reached the center of the tracks. The train, which was going at terrific speed, hit the rear end of the vehicle, throwing the occupant several feet from the tracks and demolishing the buggy. RIMOWOOD. (Too late for last week.) John Carey was in Chicago Tuesday. Geo. Harrison Chicagoed one day recently. Geo. Coatee was over at the county seat Thursday last - H X,"" Mr. and Mrs. Chas.W. Harrison Chi cagoed Wednesday. Warren Foss transacted' business in Chicago Wednesday last. Miss May me Knox spent the last of the week with relative in Chicago. Clarence Tuttle van be found behind the counter at Bradley & Foss' store these days. George E. 'Adams and Ray A. Dodge were passengers for the windy city Wednesday. Mrs. Ben Johnson of Solon Mills has been spending the past several days with J. Bennett and family. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Noonan have pur chased a $525.00 Chickering "& Son piano. It certainly is a fine one. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robinson are the proud parents of a baby boy." The young man arrived last Wednesday. Eti. "A Smith returned home from his ib Portland, Oregon, last Wednes day evening. He reports having a fine time. John Carey and daughters, Misses Agnes and Florence, and eon, Gerald, were passengers for Chicago Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. E. Branard were sur prised at their home last Friday evening by having their friends call on them at an unexpected time. * For headache, constipation, etc Dade's Little Liver Pills are best. They cleanse and tonic the liver. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, MoHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. APRIL 19. spent the past week in Gored Hemorrhages of the Langs. "8everal years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hem orrhages," writes A. M. Ake of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, an I my lungs are now as sound as a ballet I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serious results from a cold, Refuse substitutes. All deal ers. Something special: The Weekly In ter Ocean and this paper for f 1.55 for one year. Ask ns what it means. Mr. Sutton was conscious wh&n picked up, but blood was flowing freely from an ugly scalp wound. He was at once taken to the office of Dr. Beebe, where the wounds were dressed. Besides the scalp wound, it is thought that the vic tim received internal injuries which may prove more serious than at first expected. Owing to Mr. Sutton's ad vanced age, seventy-four years, his re- oovery is doubtful. The village officials should lose no tiqje in writing to the railroad company in regard to this dangerous crossing. There is no reason why McHenry should not have gates. Will the city wait un til a life is lost, or will it act at oncef The people say they want protection and why can they not have it T Devil's Island Torture is no worse than the terrible case of Piles tbat afflicted me 10 years. Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, and less than a box cured me permanently, writes L. S. Napier, of Rugles, Ky. Heals all Wounds, Burns and Sores like magic. 25c at N. H. Pet- esh's, McHenry, druggist BABKEVIIXK. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith of Chicago spent last week at Thos. Thompson's. Miss Mary Fleming spent Thursday of last week with Mrs. B. W. Starritt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago called on the former's parents here Sun- day. Chas. Starritt of Chicago spent a few days last week at the home of his brother, B. W. Floyd Thompson, Geo. Knack, Claud Matthews and Geo. Jones attended a dance in Nunda Monday evening. Henry Simon and Miss Genevieve tionohan of Burton's Bridge spent Thursday evening at B. W. Starritt's Thos. Thompson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Chicago, visited Mrs. Libbie Simpson at Ringwood Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Frisby and niece, Miss Florence Petti bone of Chicago, spent a few days the first of the week with relatives here. This is the season of listleesness, head aches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure prevent ative. Makes yon strong and vigorous. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. The teachers and pupils of our school are preparing for a basket social, to be given Monday evening, April 38. A program is being carefully prepared and everyone is invited. Ladies, please bring baskets with lunch for two. This will, perhaps, be the last one of these socials for the season, and let everyone turn out and help to make it an enjoy* _ able affair^ Ed Hswley Elgin. Mrs. W. B. Bradley was in €hicago Tuesday. , Mrs. J. D. Sinith was a Wilmot visit or Saturday. . " James S. Conway is digging a well for J. D. 8mith. James Ladd shipped a car load of hogs from here last Friday. Ed Hawley is entertaining a friend from Elgin at this writing. Geo. A. Stevens of Elgin «w in our town the first of the week. Mrs. Clark Hall and Lynn werijr «?vitr at Woodstock one day recently. J. V. Buckland is busy these days, filling orders in the nursery line. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey of Wil mot were callers at John Carey's Tues day. Misses Agnes and Anna Carey spent from Friday until Sunday with relatives in Wilmot i. S. Brown & Son have dissolved partnership and hereafter it will read: S. W. Brown, Druggist." Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hall have been entertaing Mrs. Hall's brother and fam ily from Vermont the past week. Walter Harrison and sister, Miss Grace, returned home from Elgin last Friday evening, where they have been attending school the past several months. For bloating, belching, indigestion, etc., eat a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after meals. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West MoHenry. The farmers around here are ever so busy these days. The weather has been favorable the past week and therefore they have made quite a headway in get ting their crops in. All smart up-to-date women of today, Know how to bake, wash, sing and play; Without these talente a wife is N. G. Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw aside business cares when you enter the home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application will give you relief and its continued use for a short time will bring about a permanent cure. For sale by G. W. Besley. Give The Plaindealer your 1007 order for calendars. Our goods are the best and prices the lowest. Bear this in mind when the traveling man comes around. . There is some talk at the Oliver Type writer factory at Woodstock of organ izing another factory baseball team this Chas. B. Wright, cashier of the Citi zens' baiik of Nunda, is the possessor of the finest automobile in McHenry coun ty. It is a Corbin four-cylinder air- cooled car, with top and everything complete. , The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chroniole, both papers one year for fS.50. Order at once as the time of this offer if limited. J OHH8BOBOH. Joe Miller was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rotbermel spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Huemann were Mc Henry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray ware Mc Henry callers Sunday. The Easter dance at Stephen H. Smith's was well attended.: "Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller of Volo were Johnsburgh callers Tuesday. Misses «Auna and Josephine Pitzen of Volo were Johnsburgh callers Sunday. About 20 little children starUjd for the first time to go to school on Tues day. , Miss Theriesia Huff of Spring (Grove was visiting the Shafer girls Easter Sun day. Miss Barbara Althoff and Miss Rena Michels were visiting at Maggie Blake's Saturday. Miss Susie Smith of Chicago is spend ing her Easter vacation with her friends and relatives here, Mrs. Joe Died rich and Miss Rose Huemann of McHenry visited at Mrs. C. M. Adams'Tuesday. Miss Emma Freund' of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, this weqk. Miss Katie Laures of MoHenry was visiting her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Matt Junger, Easter. Salve! Salve! Spread the Salve, but let it be Pine Salve, nature's remedy for cuts, burns, sores, etc. Sold by N. H. Petesch, Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W, Besley, West McHenry," » BNEkALD PARK. , Mrs. Ed. Knox spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. W. K. Burns of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage here. Robt E. Sutton- of Chloago spent Easter with home fo^s here. Miss Nancy Frisby returned last from a visit with Elgin relatives. R. J. Sutton, W. Bolger and Ed. Sut ton spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Frank O'Flarity spent a few days last week at her mother's west of here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gfbbs of Chi cago spent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Messrs Ed. \yalsh and Jerry Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday at the formers home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cohan of Chicago enjoyed a few days, from Friday until Sunday, at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Givens enter tained relatives from Chicago and Elgin over Saturday and Sunday. Jas. Frisby was among those who ac companied - the remains of Rev. P. M. O'Neill to Detroit last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill ^f Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the Park. Mr. Hill found fishing very good for so early. You feel the life giving current th minute you take it. A gentle, soothing warmth fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollia- ter'B Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. We give you the news of town arid county, and give it to you right while The Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele graphic news of America and the cabled news of all the «world. $1.55 tar both papers one year. Rheumatic Fains Relieved. The quick relief from rhenmatic pains afforded by Chamberlain's Pain Balm has surprised and delighted thousands of sufferers. It makes rest and sleep possible. A great many have been per manently cured of rheumatism by the use of this liniment. For sale by G. W. Besley. Homeseekers' Excursion to the Northwest, West and Southwest, Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly rednoed rates are on 6ale to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of ^.Everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. Apr 28 Read The Plaindealer. FANCY GROCERS. v' -' r'- i 1 • > Sr > V & 'V <«•- v ftf' A' If you doubt sis to where you should make your selection of Seeds of all varieties, Early ; Rose, Early Ohio and Onion Sets, Onion Tops, etc.# etc., visit the seed de partment at !V: mmM. ' '-T *'V' .A: " ,4, ' v* - ^ ~ w •'> i •>«!«) '"-SI ELM AND QREBN STS., lephone, 271, - M r-. : ^kor:. f, MjkM J >. « V ' py.-l .OUR v . • ' V v- M varies in style and finish, accord ing to price, but at aft; figures there is good value. The stock used is good oak-tanned leather. The trimmings, whether of nickel, brass, rubber or iron, are of excel lent quality. The workmanship, viathle and invisible, ia first-class. I •'V DRPRICES to the hcalthfuliifMu Of all risen floui fiiockh UOOQ *, >^hilc it makes 111# tmi Health * lighter, sweeter* (Ui#r flavored* more dilfiliHii* Exercise cart in pn ftnrtn chasing bakin# WP"'1 (|o see that vow g#| IV frrnsl' rrice's, whicK milt#* ill# ine rooa lood *more wMmm you eat. ** ."'m Man more palatable* as * i NOTE--There are many mixtures, tnatl* Hi I of good baking powders, which ths v* avoid. They may be known by llu it |>tu v. InU sold for ten to twenty-five crnl* * mi * »•> an ounce. They are made with alum, lulsiisi* a the healthfulness of Um lood. i 'ft&aSrf; iiafs-s ' 1 • . J . f I jMSei'jt:" S. li'.Sil, McHBNRY, ILLINOIS. •"W! twtv*.* * OUUll I H H f