Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1906, p. 8

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that is better than * #nade-to-order Suits and $5.00 cheaper. Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that is the why good ready-made ^Suits will keep their shape better than inade-to-order Suits. JOS. W. FR.EUND, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. I- 0 Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. sm MA(1KS 0 Our Motto: A Square Deal to Everyone. We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarr nteegoes with each and every machine. :: jVLiSl aXa A »^i . 7 % dJEu A A 1̂ 1̂ 1 1̂ 1 IJI VVVTTVTTY A A A «T» A A m&m >*y» «T* t 4» ^ t • We are agents for the New Royal Sewing Machines, one of the best as well as most modern machines on the market today. A gilt-edged guarr nteegoes with each and every machine. :: Furniture Jk A A A Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready lor inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Uadwtaking aa^Eninlto* mg a specialty Our stock of Furniture is always complete and ready lor inspect­ ion and as to prices we stand ready at any time to meet any competition, Chicago included. Uadwtaking aa^Eninlto* mg a specialty lAW Ml Qtir Hue of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the wofck properly Painters Supplies! We also handle a com­ plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be found here. F. L. flcOflBER , ORDER NOW! • / - - r&; ]i - *- - /This is the last call for that Summer Suit. .If you want to take advantage of our special offer call at our establishment at once** There are hundreds of sample® pleft to select from, but* y6u must hurry •or they will be all sold out. A guaran­ tee goes with each suit we turn- out. We make Summer Trousers al|o. k John D. Lodtz J. ' \ OUNDEES ARE DEFEATED M'HENRY BLUES TROUNCE OUN- : • DEE GREENS. ' * p W*U.l>v Timely Htttln*, .18 Flrnt t>»r Innlnys of IHny-tVeber GWHI Work It* Box, The Dundee Greeua, who have been advertising themselves as a purely all home teatD. came to McHeiiry last Sun- day to liwefc the lot-als in a friendly gaiiie-of ba^hall,'* bnt the score at the end of the straggle showed that their day's efforts bad been all in vain, as the Blues outplayed them at every stage of the game. The visitors, paving reserved their best pitcher, Witteucamp by name, caine to town quite confident of win­ ning the day 's honors, out ere the game had gone very far Wittencamp .had been fully convinced that the locals were not quite as easy as he had been used to pitching against. This, coupled with the costlj? errors made by his teaiii mates, made it easy going for the Blues, who took every opportunity offered them thruout the whole game ill; pun­ ning up the score. Weber was in tbe box for McHenry, and had he been gi ven the Kind of sup­ port, that the locals are capable of put­ ting up, the game would have been recorded in the score book as a »h'tit-out. Six bingles is all tbat the visitors were able to get off his delivery. Twelve of the sturdy Dund£eifces were forced to go to the bench on three strikes, which goes to show that Weber was there with the goods at all times. With Weber in the box and fair support from his team mates, McHenry will hold its own with any of the teams in this neck o' the woods. The visitors opened the fame with a rush. Batt was out short to first, Al- brecht put one to Davis, who made a bad throw to first, allowing the runner to wake the circuit. The other two batters were easy outs. The next score cauie in the third on an error and three- base hit. The third tally was brought in in the fifth ronnd on a free transpor­ tation to first by being hit and a bin- gle. The seventh innirig saw the visit­ ors score the fourth and last tally, the score timing thru t #0 errors and an other free ticket to the initial sack. Jhe eighth and ninth innings were short and sweet., with nothing doing. McHenry also started their run get­ ting in the first. Scully was safe at first on an error by tbe gentleman hold­ ing down the initial sack. He was im­ mediately sacrificed to second by Bend­ ing and came home on Buss' single. Buss was afterward caught stealing sec­ ond and' Evanson ended the running by sending a long fly to left field. Two runners registered their names in the second inning. Boswortb was safe at first on an error by the pitcher. * After stealing second he was advanced to the thiid station by a neat sacrifice by Hei- mer. Davis showed tbat he still had his battjng eye with him when he work­ ed tbe pitcher for car fare to first. After Davis bad annexed himself to the second station, one Mr. Weber poshed the •phere out for a single, scoring tbe base runner. Weber was caught at second by a neat piece of fielding and Hunter was out on a fly to tbe man who wears the mask. Scully drew a base, Bending hit safely but Buss finished the inning by giving the short stop an easy chance.. The third was opened up by Evanson's strike out. Bosworth was again safe at first on an error by short and came home on Heimer's scorching three-bag­ ger. The other tWo were easy outs. Hunter scored the fourth run of the day in the fourth inning thru a general jnixup in the field. There was no scor­ ing for the locals in the fifth and sixth, but the game was already won. Buss opened the seventh with another of his famous singles, but was again caught at second. EvanBon flew out to first and lucky Bosworth was again safe at first on a error by the first baseman. The man who, held down first base must have become suddenly stage-frightened, as he made another mess in trying to put Heimer <out at first and Bosworth came home on the deal. Davis grounded to third and was thrown out at first. Tbe balloon ascension took place in the eighth inning, when McHenry came up for their last turn at the bat. With the score standing 6 to 4 in McHenty's favor, the signal had been passed among the players to do the visitors up right and this they did. Hunter reached first by a foxy bit of batting, striking a wide one for his third strike which the catcher could not get. He stole second and came home on Scully's three-base hit. Bending sent Scully home with a single. Buss advanced Bending a couple of notches with third hit of the day and both runners came home on Bosworth's single, after Evanson bad "been retired. Heimer flew to short and the game was ended by Weber striking out. THE SCORE Bending did some goodWork around short last Sunday. The Hebrons were defeated at Cry st« 1 Lake last Sunday by the score of 7 to 5. Scully played his usual snappy gmne at second and was there whh the stick also. The Woodstock Cubs were defatted at Richmond last Sunday by an 8 t&a score. W. Freeman, Dundee's'first baseman, proved himself a good tttast wttfc willow. Matthews' Elgin White Sox defeated the Genoa, 111., team last Saturday. Score (i to 3. Harvard defeated the Chicago Mon­ roes at Harvard last Sunday by tht score of 9 to 8. .lack Davis played in hard look again last Sunday. At bat he drew a couple of free passes to first/ - Hunter was given a try-ont in the left garden last Sunday. With a trifle more experience he ought to make good. He is a good sticker and stands up to the plate like a veteran. Genoa i unction, iua fast and snappy game; defeated Matthews' Elgin White Sox at the former place last Sunday by the score of 8 to 2. It was one of the *best games seen in (Jenoa Junctiou in a -number of 'years.. •• Buss is a great strength to the team. H»s presence in the gatne is always of great value, both in hitting and field­ ing- His three base hits last Sunday were all timely ones and that's just what counts in baseball. His catch of Bremer's Texas leaguer was a good piece of work. John Thurlwell, a McHenry "boy and who has played a few games with the Blues this season, was given a try out in the Rockford league last Sunday, pitching for the Ramblers. He won his game by the score of 2 to 1 and allowed his opponents but two hits Fred Thurl­ well, another McHenry boy, was also in the game at Rockford Sunday, playing right field for the Gobblers. HATTING AVERAGES. Buss.. Heimer Bosworth Scully , Bending. W eber." Anderson. Evanson Justen . Davis ; Hunter GAME NEXT SUNDAY. The Chicago "Skillers," members of the Inter City Baseball association, will be the attraction at the West Side base­ ball park next Sunday afternoon, June 24. The "Skillers" are a fast lot and will make the locals £o some to win, but with everything again in good work­ ing or Jer the Blues will be able to keep the score down and an exceptionally good game will be the result. Game called at 2:45 p. m, General admission, 25 cents; ladies and children, 10 cents. Tlie Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, lnd., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used it in my family for several years. 1 am never without it." For sale by G. W. Besley. . . . 533 . . .333 . . . 2 8 1 . . . 276 . . .258 . . 222 . . . 200 . . .143 . .000 . . .000 . . .000 0 0 MeHENKY. Hoully, 2nd b Jtf'iidlnK. Buss. Cf.. . .: Evanson rf- Bos worth, !• Ht'itner. 1st b l»a vis, 3rd b W«'l»er, p Hunter, If Totals M'NDRB. Batt, If.... Albrecht ws Kakow. 2nd W. I 'rt-enian, 3rd b. Bremer. «• I Freeman, 1st b .. Banur, cf Bowman, rf. .. Wittencauip.p..... . Totals.. ,.... ... 10 0 Z! 11 S H PO A E * « at li 7 McHenry. !>undee... BY INNINGS. » * 1 1 0 0 1 4 X--1< 10 10 1 0 1 o 0 - \ Karned runs McHenry, 4. Stolen bases Mc Henry, 3; Dundee, 2, Left on bases. Me Henry H; huiidee, 12. Three base hits Scully,lleirner W. I"reeuian. Bastes on balls OtT VVltten- eamp. a. Struck out- By Wittencamp, s; by Weber. 12. Hit by pitcher Albiecht. Kakow Time of name, 2 hours. Umpire, pipurllnir AUondHUce, 400. NOTES FOB PANS. Heimer is also hitting the ball aom«. Rakow played *.«Qod 9MB* at Mcood for the visitors. STEVENS WHEN YOU SHOOT You want to HIT what you are aiming at --be it bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS. For 41 yean STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC­ CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Ask your Dealer-- sist on the STBVENS. If you cannot obtain, «e ship direct , ex-/rest prepaid, upon receipt of ratal ogprice Send 4 us. in stamps for 140-pa^e Catalog of complete output. A valuahlebook ofrefer- eiue for present ami prospective shooters. Ucautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded for 10 cents in stamps* J. Stevens Arms & Tool Go*, P.O. Box4096 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. 8. A. KIDNEY WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER that is not beyond 9 the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WM GIVEN UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., £vansville, lnd., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle 1 wai entirely cured." TWO SIZES, 50c AND $1.00. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY G. W. BESLEY. W. MeHENRY NEW HOMES IN THE WEST SHOSHONE RESERVATION TO BE OPENED TO SETTLEMENT. Chicago & North-WeHtern K'y Announces Round Trip Kxcursion Kates From All P-oiutH July l!i to 29. Less than one fare for the ronnd trip to Shosboui, Wyoming, the reservation border. The only all rail route to the reserva­ tion border. Dates pi registration July 16 to 31 at Shoshoni and Lander. Reached only by this lin$. Write for pamphlets, telling how to take up one of these attractive home­ steads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request to W. B. Kniskern, P. T. M., Chicago, 111. How to Break np a Cold. It may be a surprise to many to fearn that a severe cold may be completely broken up in one or two days' time. To do thiH, however, prompt action is nec­ essary. The first symptoms of a cold are a loud, dry cough, a profuse watery discharge from 4h« nose, and a thin white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptons it counteracts the efiect of a cold and restores the system to a healthy condition in a day or two. For sale by G. W. Besley. Read The Plaindealer. SPRING & ARRIVINO EVER* DAY IN DRESS- GOODS, WAISTINGS, SUITINGS, SKIRTS SHOES AND OXFORDS. OUR SHELVES ARE FULL OF NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS. COME AND LOOK THEfl OVER. I FV A* Bohlander, i 'Phone aph „ West HcHenry, III. stop atid pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back the COAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning Question of the day. We #>und a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with us will be filled ORDER NOW. jwfcwf-, promptly We carry a full line of Lumber, LatM|^? Shingles, Brick, Limtf Cement, Etc. ttlilbur Cumber Co. w If* At After we find too many goods on our shelves and wiU give a liberal discount on all rem­ nants, odds and ends of stock. Our line of fine Hats and Caps is the finest in town, comprising all the new shapes and colors, SO cents to $3.00. Shirts in the latest fads and patterns, 50c to $1.50. Come and see. them. Shoes and Oxfords in Patent Leather, Vici Kid and Velours, all sizes. We have a fine line of Men's white canvas Bals and Blucher Oxfords at only $1,40. Groceries, Flour, etc., at x lowest prices, M. J. WALSH ^>£5 y We ask you the smallest p r o f i t o f a n y 1 other store in the county. . . BLOCK & BETHKE TELEPHONE 541 Visit our store and make us pro v.a;vriy( r words Sr-*V • BED SPREADS. We are showing a splendid line of Quilts and at prices that will make you buy. See our speial number at $1.00 Superior quality. Marseilles Pat' •tern quilt. These quilts are made of yarn spun from superior long staple cotton and warranted not weighted with any substsince whatever. See them in plain and fringed edge, J#* $1.00, $1.39, $1.59 and.... .. . * .i , $1.98 Sheets and Pillow Cases. See our Salem Sheets, size 81x90, >torn and hemmed as well as you would do it yourself. Special while they last.. .. .' 65c Cases to match, size 45x86 each at 17c DRESS GOODS ATIR4CII0NS. 21 in. China Silk, all shades, per yd. .40c 45 in. imported black Mohair--has ex­ cellent luster, per yd 98c New Danish Cloth, 36 inches wide, \new shades, price per yard 25c See our line of new Cotton Drese Goods, plaids, 36 in, wide, per yard.... ; . .20c Black India Lawns 10c and 12c Just arrived, a large variety of Lawns, choice per yard 10c New Sliadcs in Dress (lingtiains. Plain check and figured, per yard ..10c, 12c and 15c • , 1 « • ' y - V - _ Call and ask for McCall's Free Pattern Sheet. JUST ARRIVED, A large assortment of Hand Bags, at Aess than manufacturers price. Bags sold up to 50c and 1.00, choice 25c and 49c All the new shaps and shades in Ladies' Belts.. <.... .25c and 49c -Wash Belts.... ICks, 15c and 25c SOFFA PILLOW TOPS. Pretty designs. Backs already for pillow, choice 25c Nurse striped Gingham Petti­ coats, ruffled flounce. .49c and 75c We still have a few very attractive patterns left in Lace Curtail*,.. Will you took? ' ft:'.: : : c • «.* < U! ' :

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