K'.i? feM&a ;i ttiat is better than ; wiade-to-order Suits and $5.00 cheap*! i • * " iecause the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery ami will not shrink or stretch, that is the why good ready-mfctf^ Suits will keep their shape better than imde-to-order Suits. JOS. w. WEST MI-HENRY, ILLINOIS I f - J . . , , - i * and Window Screens! •MfMIMMMMW •*" ' A A V- A ̂ 4*i. -A». 4ik ,d~ |^i&- I, - a PIT VOP WV tlf THIS LINE. WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND DO JT REASONABLE. ' &• f m 4* Our line; of PaiaU tbs* , year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them Painter s Supplies! 4 We also handle a com plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter '^ Uiift^aui be found her«; • &;• ̂ i;V: K- n F. L. HcOHBER "He Is Not Dressed Like # Everybody Else" ' > is a remark that metf mm likes la hear about himself. Men His wwtd over are beginning to realize that thert are really no ungainly men. Those who appear so are simply the wen who do not know how to dree*. Let $am8 one choose for them the rifht fabric swft color, see that it is made «p with rigkt lines and PKESTOl they blossom 91) wit)) & charm of Which nobody his even dream edi Hit MM! Iftf M fid MftUtit AfWMMt •BVBR^'hunSkBD t8Al|WPLB»<StSl Ml I IHplK-HJOtWtiw; etc Every garflNlft ti isill la --*--^* "*• ^eietlre fot the Wfarer. Style troqiMtieaabty tfca latest- - «J LOW tbit tneti who only have aitnaited ««•«--* ta «Mni mw> fiWthinf find in tbetu the opportunity fct dress right for Tittle DUKABIitTY AJlUftbD by Our Resp4{ , Oflittf* ftitfrlsls and (hulled ' UeeU%* Ofiie JUtT£< RAMI TO etbefc, lu.oo to M.eei p.-ty.,: jVllR*OATS, •> " t».e*T» MM* ; • * * r*wtsi... r » • *i»I to <«,*!' ' iwif - * ."4H T»;S« to *.*» ONci WMH tAILOR! Sfc .•??/ ulWay* Vtft* JOWW t LOPT2, MCHBNUV, UJUMOtS Ife. WAN EASY GAME DCPEAT WOODSTOCK WHITE SOX >&<*'** EA8ILY.1 ;- toeikH V^t Vp RrllllMUt I»* «*»»•' •nrf ItffMt County Jm-hM-i-* T»««»v» in TW<MMh«r Note*. There has beeu a day whfti the Wood stock White Sox con hi pat it *11 over Melenry in baseball bat it now nppenr* th*t these d»VB h»vt* pAWH'd by nnd tb^ twiin thnt now reprw nl« MoHenrv i> not only not «;lHH«inu the ronuty bat i« wiuniiiK khuKMI fn»ui t«««US that. *re oliMwe«l MUiotig the top noti-bern »«• the hKf>(*b«tll world White th^KMjne t»i Inot SiiimIhv pioved a otie nftair there wiw plftity of hrilliant lifldiii« on the |>art of the locate Ut umke the gaim MOtaewhat interestlnK t<> the fans. Tht- work of Cook at the third, e»|»e«;iaHy. i. worthy of coiutnent, For ini*t»moe, yoit take the caU h be made of Colby'A hittl' fly iat« ttw l>l«k herM in the third inniuit wheti he took the pill from the top of * tally's paraiHoI Then ab*o the rminitifr catch of Markh»'* fly by Scully in the fifth Mild Ulfteh's Htab of Barbridget. line drive over ftrat in the nin th. Sqt h playo H0 tbeoe are not «eeti very often in oountrj baseball, bat the McHeury fane had the pleasure of witnessing niu h feats durintf last Snnday'« couteet. Up until the fifth inning the visitor^ were held down to no acoree, bat two batsmeti reaching tirst baw dnrint; thi> time. The fifth wan opened nndfer tnoet fioarlshltiK ciivatuntaneeH when little Johnny RHey connwted for a sin gle and hnmediately afterward annexed himself t»> the second station thrn a pretty steal. Markle flew out to Scully •nd Dolby made it pottsible for Riley to score whenlie pashed oat a two bagf^r. Sabs went out. Beading to Ulrich, and Markle took about the Hauie coarse, Gook to tTlrttih. During tile sixth and seventh innings only one visitor reached the iitial sack. Betiding presented the Sox With a scow, When Colby pat a hot grouader to the fleet little short stop, Who fhdded the bail ill perfect style Thie |ntrt Of the play WaM all right, but the throw to first is what caused the trouble. We will not mention where Bending threw the ball, bat it was so far oat of reach of Ulrich that the lat ter coald not have reached it had he bMfla ton the top of a stap-ladder, the re suit «M that Cblby reached third in mfatj, ere the ball was relayed to the inliad. Sahs flew oat to deep center and the tease runner scored on the ont Oollidr flew xjot to Scully and Schwamb went out via Gook to Ulrich. The ninth was uhttrt and sweet. W. Riley popped one to Scully, Howard flew oat to the large gentleman who looked after that end of lt»e field after Bn*s had left the game in the seventh and Bur bridge flew-tb fJIrteh. F The locals opene4 qp the game by Scaill^ drawing a base on balls. A mo ment later be and Bending were caught in a doable play, when the latter flew to pitiber, Ulrich flew out to left No scores. Cook opened the second roand with a terrific drive over rii<ht field, which was good for three corners. Buss brought the runner in with a neat sacri fice to pitcher. Wilson was presented with a free pass to first but was nipped at second in trying to steal." Kappler picked ops very much punctured bat and was out oftthree strikes. Geo. Weber opened up the third inning with a single tmt <?&s doubled at second on Phil Weber's hit to third. Scully unfortn nately picked up the same stick that Kappler fewd used In the previous inning and retftwd to the side tine after making three anduccessfal attempts to connect. Bending received a hit in the blouse which entitled him t.n a base and Ulrich lifted one of Collier's shoots ont into the wildernees for three cushions. It i« nnnecenaty to state that Bending moved, as' he was in jast a trifle before the ball had been relayed to the infield Cook ended further chances of scor ing by patting one out to the left fielder. McBenry scored four runs in the fourth thrn same very loose fielding on the paft of the Sox. Buss was out on a foul fly to catcher. Wilson again drew a bpee on balls and went to second on Markle's fumble of Kappler's grounder. Both runnera advanced a notch on Oolli«r's wild pitch. O. Weber was safe at first when Collier failed to sWt the batter's grounder properly, and as a retttft ail three corners were occupied, With only on» ^we, and the basmlim, Jast imagine the fedtag that urasttotn ovmom em? friend collier Aftef s ttty tsareftil (Wosldetatlob of the circoMKpweii Qotltsf itwttled to pnat one ovsr IWHtm thi mm. H« did eo, and to fikllfW tff ttn» tm tHe ball hied HMff to g Imff ditfJctldC near center field; tfle fett asShtfg tttotB Wilson and Kappier, 9e«1iy km safe at hht on Col (lev's error and the bases ttere again falli TMs put Collier away tip in tfce ait and a ample of wild pitci H < fol lowed, whteh let in both George and Phil Weber. Cook started the ball roilinf fib the fifth with a blngle. Buss waoriftoed aim to tsMowl. Wl)M»a was pat oat by Collier to Sahs Kappler iff* a base a»4 both base runners ns»si"t»p a seek on a passed ball by la to catch Cook off ttt tMft at third the cstcher hit the Imqo 'MWieroti the Rhoaid^r with the Hwll 'and CMk tfotted in when the sphere tolled eat td iait Held. Mappiat reached t«l#d sifeiy oa the play. Geo. Weber pat in eaay gfottftfiet thru •bHft and Kappler •oored. P; Wvber foaled out tp iatdluir. Another pair of tallies were t«|t«tMta tbe eMMi. 0eaU^ flew out toeeater iaM aad Beadtag was ssfe at first wtmn the eatuhsr failed to hold the third MrHn eo him. Ulrtch pot one thru Markle. Cook was safe at first oh (fettterti ttrur ahd tNmdiaff scored/ Baa it#- o« to castar Asld and t'l- rich catn iMHie tffl tin out. Wilson drew fate tfctld haas'of the day, btit all that tfctfitr 4«ae able to Ho was to duiap ene twiSiu tiie plate and vras an at first, Only three tatters faced the Pftohar in *bw seventh witbdal a «core bei; "" r»! r,;il. The eighth opened •f'P being hit ,bv * pitched ball 11 n second at oni e an I Wfpt Z*" ..trfcivV error of IT) icb 'h grounder. Cook ,w«ut -ont by '••I'cher. to first tfe, *«mt ahr«t. to fir^t aiul ttiade tile ttHni unt pitcher to first. ' THIS JSCORR . : ^ w^)sioc3i^r " Mfhwamlv . W. Hllev, cf Howard. 2nd bLVI&, »ur!.ri«la«. if.. . .1. Iti't-v, v •MurkIf, :tdb ' 'iii.y, <•.; Sali.s, |>t, ... ( "wHirr, p. V Totals,. MoHKNjftY.* " Scully, and b . *, HondiiiK. ... I lrlcli. 1st b.. -'o»»k. Hrd b... . »uss,.-f IVIIs. n. .. S Kiippn-r, rf, cf <; \v«>tHT. if,... I* Wcht-r, ttosworth, rf.... .. wpMSBpi w PO A y <1 A 24 U » FO A B n J3 e o 8 .0 0 Totals,... IS « ST «S I Mcl'onry . Woixlstnck KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE any case a£L . SCORE BT INNINUS. • ,. . ....« 12 4 8 8 0 I X^lg C .0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 ~f E:trii.-<1 liuns-< Mcllciiry. 1; WcKKlst^wk. t. lo'fl on ltitMi's-- MeHt-riry, 5; \V(KKtst<«.*k. H. Stolen (cis.'s Scliwunili, J. Kllcy. liendim*.' • i>ok. Wlltti n. 1 last's on hii^s -OIT W^b^r, if v Struct; <"•' i»v hf? Collier. 3. Double play.-- lcnil n/ t.i U Ichj > <n ilt to S;ihs. Thr»; 'liaw nits . trlc(u: <'«M»k. "Two-babe lilts I'olby W1111 nftches-% t"oilier, &). Hi! by pit^liod bull -JBiMtdinir. (2>^ Time of guiuc--One hour an>i/'Hftv uilnut.«^| r.mplrc. S.puHiiiR. Atti-iutaiu'c. 4.Vi, NO'j'KS I'OR FANS. : ; f The Olivers of Woodstock defeated ihe Sorttb Chicago* at. South Chicagif last Sunday by a score of 11 to 4. The Long Lake baseball team defeat ed the Round Lakes at the Jo iner'sr grounds last Sunday by tbe Wore of 4' toO. ^ J Bos worth,' who was injured in the game with Crystal Lake, is still on the hospital list, altho he Suished the game for Bins in last Sunday's contest Web er, who filled Bos worth's place behind the plate last Sunday, caught a very, creditable game. GAME NEXT SUNDAY. The Blues will ha**e one of the hard est propositions of the peanon on their hands next Sunday when they meet the fast Harvard team. Tbe Harvard^ have won nearly all of the games playecjt this season, which goes to show that they are not so slow. Tbe Bines are also claiming a long string of victories and judging from the teams that have been defeated by the Harvards, that team ought 10 be a good match for the Blues. Game will be called promptly at 2:45 p. m. Admission to game, 25 cents; ladies and children, 10 cents. Everybody turn out and witness a good game. Let Ub hear your voice once more. JOHNSBURGH DEFEATS NIPPERSINK. The Johnsburgb Grays had quite an easy time in disposing of the Nipper sink team on the former's grounds last Sunday afternoon, when the visitora were downed by a score of 18 to 5. Freuud was in the box for tbe Grays and allowed the visitors but six tiny bits, wbiie the Gray* made fifteen safe drives off the visiting slab artists. Aid- rich of Richmoud was in the box for the visitors, but was knocked ont ere the game had gorie far. The Johusburgh Grays are quite anxious to arrange « game with a team made ap of purely or DISEASE e i'- • ,»>.. . -• >' i tKat ia: ~ not beyond - the reacK t • - $ Tlio difference between Htltlnpand Missine istliedlf. nerence bet wren art A< t urate and an Inaccurate Arm. Choose wisely--rlls< riminatel Gets STFVKNS! J orty years of exj>erienceis behind our tried and proved line of RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS ltllle Telescopes, Etc. Ask youniealer and insist on the STEVSNS. Ifyou cannot obtain, we ship di rect, txfrcu prtfaid, on receint ofcatatofr pri e. Semi 4c in stamps for I4U rni;e catalog describinif the entire STBVCNS IIm. l'rofuselylllusMted.and < untaina point* on Shoot-imr^AntfiHinltion, Hte, Ceiutifu' three-cnlur A! warded for i imlmitn Hsnfer will btfcr i..tuti in eiainp«. 3. STSVXNS ASMS AND IQOh Q0» f. u. IS-.* fujt ™ Clfd'OI'KK J'AI.I.S, S! A ^ • . t?.S. A. can do more. msovEssptssa. | B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia 8tl, £vansville, Ind., writes: " For ever five years I was troubled with kidney4md bladder affections which caused-aseasach pain and worry. 1 lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had thweof the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief,, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely cured.'* TWO sizu, Me an tun SSLB AID RECQMMUSE) SI McHeury players and would be glad to hear from anyone interested in getting, togethe- such a team. Tbe score oy innings of last Sunday'a contest ts as follows: Johnsburgh. .0 1 2 8 5 0 2 0 X--18 Nippersink....O 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2-- fi Stiver Medal Content. The Ringwood W. C. T. U. will hold a matron's silver medal contest at the Ostend school house Friday evening, August 24. Everyone is cordially in vited to come. Admission, tea cents. The following program will be given: Song--8ummer Days Have Uome Again. Prayer. Instrumental Music. Otntnstant No. 1 A Terrible OtoiW Duet Misses Dora Coates and Gdltb T«Ctie Contestant No.2.. .A Teetotaler's Story 80I0 .Selected (.'ontestatit No. 3..An Old Woman's Complaint S0I6 Miss Eva Tbompsou Contestant No. 4 Not a Whlte Klbbon Instrument,ill Music. Contestant No. 5 The Two Fires Duct. . Mrs. Alice Floyd. Miss Eva Thompson Contestant No. 0 .College Oil CMSS Instrumental Musk;. Presentation of Medal. ' In Self Defense Major Bamm, editor and manager Uf the Constitutionalist, Eminence, Ky„ when be was fiercely attacked four years ago by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he eays: "It cured me in ten dayg and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, 8ora, Cuts and Wounds. 2«"k; at N. H Pet- esch's, <MoHenry, G. W. Boiley'e, West McBenry, drug stores. Give The Plaindealer your 1007 order for calendars. Our goods are the best and prices tbe lowest. Bear this in mind when the traveling man ootatf arottod •.1 1 »A'/: IS STILL ON, ONLY A LITT|L^ p^pEg cUT Ladies' Waists that sold at 75c, now at v% Ladies' Waists that sold at f 1.00, now at L... .75C Ladies' Waists that sold at $1 26 to $1 85, now at.,Ji.00 Ladies' Waists that >-old at $1.49 to f I 69, now at. . $1.10 Ladies' Waists that sold at $1 98 to $2 25, now at............, $1.50 La«lies' Skirts tbat sold at s^.00, now at.^li ̂ /».»..; ..(2,00 Ladies' Skirts that sold at 1*8 6», now at fa.RO Ladies' Skirts that sold at (4 00, now at Ladles' Skirts that sold at $5.00, now at .93*oo S3-SO Lawns and Summer Goods must be closed Out ,^1'i ^ .7 • .7® »-• • ̂ V'B-. . . * IVV . . IOC 13C "SC 35c Lawns that sold at 10c, now at Lawns that sold at 15c, now at Lawns tbat sold at 18c, now at.. Law«s that sold at 25«-, now at Suiting* tbat sold'at- 5»)b, now at All liQ Sloes Must te Closed Out. Y«km Hw Prices: Men S Tan Oxlurds that sold at *8 50, while they last... $1.98 Men * 'I an blucher Bals that sold »t $8 50, v, hile they last ... ..$1.98 N.en's Tan Blucher Bals tbat sold at fS.fiO, while thev last..... $1.50 Bmcher Bals, to 5^. that *old at 98. now *t . ....$1,35 Bojs Tan Blucher Bals, 12$ to 2..that sold at $1 75. now at $1.25 :QROCERIES! GROCERIES!: Four i»onndB Johnson Washing Powder for. Six ponnd box Silver Gloss Starcb ... One dozen Clothes Pins for.......... W."*"***.' Vigor Breakfast Food, l(ki package 'Phone 291. WBfcT McfiENWr. , 13c 45C ... ic ..«c F. A. eOHLANDER. stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back on the COAL QUES TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with us will be filled promptly. ORDER NOW. We carry a full )ine of Lu«ttl>er, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, Etc* Wilbur Cumber Co. «• BlIlftftllMHf msiatisnt»i, aaaaaaaaa lA||||ft|||i|||At| iflWTIPI lirissimi »• fVV*1 * * fWvTT'r'VTIinVrnrfHrfV' 11 * "• ^nTni^rfTilv^' r We have just received one of tbe; most beautiful lines of LAMPS • • i • ever brought to McHenry and would be pleased to have you call and see thejn. The Ime is made Uf> Lamps of every description making it easy for the purchaser to make a select ion. y?e wish also to impress upon the minds of the public th|tf ojir drugs are clean and up-to-date Our jlottbi Ofil to dfl; - BLOCK & BETHKE McHENRYj ILLINOISj TELEPHONE M> n~: 'titrrymmmmmmnm Our Prlcfs are as low as tha lowest* « • « Drvderskirt Values We are showing the fineat in this line we have ever fatfd and all are atylea that please, WILL YOU LOOICf LOT ONE--Ladies' two-ruffled flounce Uwderakirts iiih(^ of irood quality »ptm giasN, choice of lot.... 49® LOf VWo--CJoiisists of two Skirts, one made of fine quality mohair with lfi-itich flounce and duat ruffle; the other is made of fine mercerised sateen with four tows Of 2-ineb ruffles, over deep flounce* choieei. M. LOT THREE --Is the fittest ltnfts eVet placed oto Sale W us contairiing Skirts of higji valuesj accordion, plaited} •hirrod and ruMed flbuhco^h made of flear^ilk rustle taffeta and sateen, choice, < < < PBTER'PAN BHXHTWAIST 8tJiTB=-Bee our line of th|si now wtging style of Waist( none cooler or more comfortable for house or street wear, choice stiit$l»OjO Specialclearing sale •-waa^ii^p-- •• •••. i.n.i----.m--m i • i. n i. i i • • gMesagCSgagyt.^' TWumi'l 'ITI1 'I'.I'JM"Jin,111 I, 'ffig w • UWJ 'I: ,,'M it," T, i , ,• ? T We have placed on aale our entire line of Ladies' Skirts at cost, for six days only, whtoh will enable jroa to buy it manufacturer's price; Skirt* formerly sold at flow.. m m .. $3-25 Skirts formerly sold at |4.904 faowA,«»t\t #5» •.. $3. Skirts formerly sold st |Bi00; now,(m..$4.00 Odd lota to elose out at.^ i.. j <V.. 1V. ,$S 98 LOTS BOYS' WASH SUITS, liOt 0NB1--Boye' two-piece Wash Suitet formerly Hold st 76cto$l.tX), now while they last..*.,. •• ..49c LOT TWO--Boys! two-piece Wash Suits, made of fine ttadras cloth Vesting* and Duck Suits, sold for $1.29 to*1.60, choice of lot. .69c ,T v,'