?: ; : i ? w y v py^$Uf;7 ' ' % > { P < - , f " C , "< " $>** ?*>. ^ % \ l " * ' • >' . -1 ' / " ' ^ * *»' , «. 4 ' .~*r *"k ,#* "j* ' > '4 i "; ' ^ V •- •>*- -i-hm 0£,#.'l M m!r *• Clothing that is better than made-to-order Suits and $5 oo cheaper. - & , ' t r Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and will not shrink or stretch, that is the why good ready-made .Suits wiil keep their shape better than made-tb-order Suits. FRJSVND, WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. , f" ,r-'- • > i. ,»j fej.il/ ,4-' *"< n r * t Vf • \ Last. ' - 9 ) "He Is Not Dressed Like Everybody Else is a remark that every fS&ti likes to hear about himself. Men the world over are beginning to reaK^e that there are really no ungainly men. Those who appear so are simply the men who do not know how; to dress. Let some one choose for thefc the right fabric and color, see that it is made up with right lines anddPRESTO! they blossom out with a charm of which nobody has even dreamed. THE riRST STEP HI TItf «ATTlf Of APKARAIKt ie to go where a wide range in choien of woolens in dinpluyed. WE HAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED SAMPLES of the latest douientic *u<l foreign staples--novelties, etc Every garment we sell is made ex pressly to measure for the wearer. Style unquestionably the latest-- PRICES SO LOW that men whb only have a limited amount to Hpeud for their clothing find in tfcem the opportunity to dreea right for little money. DURABILITY ASSURED by Oar Responsible Guarantee of High Clrade Haterials and Skilled Workmanship. SUITS, HADE TO ORDER, *ia.oo TO $36.00 OVERCOATS, " 13.00 TO 34.00 •tj- ' „ PANTS, - 51^* 3.75 TO ll.l| "" f FANCY VESTS, «";» 3-5° TO 7.(0 ONCE YOUR TAILOR! g ' ALWAYS YOUR TAILOR! JOHN D BIcHENRY, ILLINOIS PAINTS! ""K i# • m Our line of Paints this year is the best we have ever been able to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly Painter's Supplies! v. if4'- * ^ ' ,< . K*- it v We also handle a com plete line of Painter's Supplies. Everything in the Painter's line can be fonnd here. F. L. flcOHBER and Window Screens! MST US FIT YOU UP IN THIS tiNE. WE WiLt, 00 IT Kldttl1 Do It reasonable. • i& fg'lS A Uuvi la JafMaaea* Coart*rr. I remember many years ajro a dinner at the palace---u great official diuuer-- where among the guests were many of the old leaders of rebellions, old up holders of the sho^unate. The last shogun himself, Prince Tokugawa. ^Hproud. silkHit. grim, sat ppppslte to me. and 1 wondered if auy human emotion could show itself on that Imjpasslve face. At that moment the emperor raised his glass and bowed in kindly smiling fashion to his ancient oppo nent. The face changed, was suffused for onte illuminating moment with a giotv of responsive fire. It seemed as if ttie emperor was once more thank ing the shogun for his splendid pa triotic act when after years of strug gle he voluntarily laid his power and his prerogatives at the emperor's feet "for the good of the country." and as if Prince Tokugawa, looking back-- and looking forward--for Japan, said to himself once more, "It was well done." --M*ury <3. Fraser J» World'* Wori. - , ; &V: : . . ^f Fifnrei That Staffer. It used to be that astroaomy, with Its stupendous magnitudes, incredible ve locities and inconceivable distances, seemed to -make the greatest demand on man's belief, says the London Tele graph. Today it Is physics. We read, for instance, that Hertz's oscillations give rise to 500,000,000 oscillations per second. Where is the man who can conceive of anything happening in the five-hundred-milllonth part of a sec ond? But this is quite a long period compared to some of those now accept ed as inevitable optics. According to Maxwell's great theory, a light wave Is a series of alternating electric cur rents flowing in air or Interplanetary space and changing their direction 1,000,000,000,000,000 times per second. And this is supposed to be true of ev ery form of light coming from the sun. the electric lamp or a luclfer match. Who can think of anything happening in the thouaand-mllUon-mllUonth part of a second? Bw«r Slaterr I* Quarried. Emery comes from the island ot Saxos, in the eastern Meuiteiru&eun. *iieuce it baa been exported tar the «u»t twa centuries or uure. xbe beds (u the northeast of the inland, the uepasit tlesceuujuj iuto so^e oi the .i«4.;hl>oriu8 l.slanus. t he eatery bein,* louad iu lenticular ni.tsses. i-estla^ on layers of schist iu l.uiewt j;k>. almost •deuljiai with Parian mu. ile. tfce flu ent marble kiunvn. which ejuies train the island of Paros. close by. 'There ;»re nbjut 300 men eufcufecd in the trade, all of whom have to be married no.are they are. admitted to the fra- \eruity. The uiateriul is much too hard t> dug out or even blasted. Great tires are lighted round the blocks till the natural cracks *xj>;wul with the heat, a'ud levers are then inserted to •pry- them apart. Thw system is continued until the blocks are r vluced in size to masses of a on!>U- foot or less, jtud they are then shipped as if they were coals. There are said to ite-20.000.000 tous yet avail able at 2<a308. NIt is one of the hard est substances yet kiiown. coming next to the diamond, and amour its crystal-, line forms k:i<> "n to the jewelers are the ruby and tlie sapphire. . KIDNEY CURE WILL any case KIDNEY m- L.a»««**r*a Taifet. ' Sir Bdwln Landseer, the famous ani mal .painter, had an did servant--his butler, valet and faithful slave- named William, who was particularly assiduous in guarding the outer portal. No one eould by any possibility gain direct access to Sir Edwin. Tlie an swer would invariably be, "Sir Hed- win is not at 'ome.'* The prince con sort himself once received this answer when he called, amplified on that oc casion by the assurance that "he had/ gone to a wedding." an entire Action on William's part, as the prince found out, for on walking boldly In and round the garden he noticed Sir Edwin look ing out of his studio window. This was the faithful attendant who one day, when a lion had died at the "zoo" and bis oorpse came up in a four wheeled cab to be painted from, star tled his master with the question. Please. Sir Hedwln. did you horder • lion?" TluiteW Seafa la Eagtaad, , "The thatched roof, which makes English cottage picturesque, is doom ed," said an architect. "For some years it has been going gradually. Soon it will be altogether a thing of the past. Fire Insurance is tlie cause of the thatched roof's disappearance. No company will Insure a cottage or Its contents if the roof Is thatched. They who want insurance must sub stitute for*the roof of thatch a tiled one. As long as the English cottager remains very poor so that his house and furniture are not worth insuring be keeps a thatched roof over his head, •s soon .as he begins to prosper and lays In household goods of value he takes out a fire policy and away then goes his thatched roof." -- Louisville Courier-Journal. Hla Style at Hlttlag. And, now. Mrs. Sullivan," said the counsel, "will you be kind enough to tell the jury whether your husband was in the habit of striking you with impunity?" "With what, sor?" queried Mrs. Sul livan. "With Impunity," repeated the coun sel "Well, be was, sor, now and thin, but^jtfruck me oftenerw^hi* flsht. sor.' 'Meittii.it a PSi>«. '-if' AC ^ A smoker who started to light his j»fpe on the Ktr^et turned to hU com panion'and said: "A hum told me the other day how to li'^lit an ordinary match In a Wub wind. I*et me show you." There was' a stiff breeze blowing. The demonstrator tdok from his fiocket an envelope, struck a parlor match on tt rail and shielded It inside of the en velope. facing the wind^is he did so. The match burned with hardly, a flick er. and the man who held it puffed on his pipe with great satisfaction. "Thafs a trick worth knowing." he remarked. "Here's another. Some times you get a spark on top of your pipe which the most vigorous puffing fails to spread over the surface of the tobacco. In that case take a piece of paper of almost any kind and l^old It down in the spark: This will spread the fire and give you the sort of light a pipe smoker wants." -- ProvideJUCtt, Journal. * f S (4 * w\- Raklagr Gram After MotHlkt. Borne persons advise raking after each mowing. I do/not. because the clippings drop dowu into the grass* aud form a mulch, which I consider Of great benefit. They also help to fer tilize the soil. The lawn tbo£ is not mowed often enough will not look well after you have been Wer it with the mower, because there was growth enough to partially hide the sward up on which it falls, This will wither an«l turn brown In a day or two and great ly detract from tbe beauty of the lawu. But if you keep your lawn well mowed --and that means going over It at least three times a week in ordinary sea sons--the amount clipped off at each mowing will be so slight that there will not be enough of It to show, l^t tbe knife blades be set high enough to leave at least two Inches of the foli age.--Outing M '.gazlne* tits Bmnrk. '"•"' "I won't do any more work for that man Hopkins." \ "Why?" "Well, he passed seme remark I did not like." "Did he? What was It?" * "He said, 'Brown, you won't be want> ed alter _thls week.'" Caastaat ASvlaa. "A woman should always depend ou her husband for advice," said tbe de voted wife. "Yes," anawend tbe visitor, "but it doss grow monotonous not to get sny •dvtee tseept to MWoml«fc"~WMb* tefte&Btftr. Lout iTeathi A toati looks back with regret, but Without bittefnete^ td bis lost frdtithj I Wointttij bow^ver Vehemently siig may frretest to thd contrary( teiddiii if evet Sttains to this samd datm aerenityi-* titotMmsn'a iiagmsini, r1" ""i f -liTmtmm t'lrtltUaii lilgei Child--Aunt t)sisy, wfast li iMent by "S fictitious dasractery' Aunt Daisy--That tnesns one that if made up, dea?, Angst child-Oh, yes I Then you'rs4 a petitions fa, snails? !»i t Mm KiiwmmmMifimltm plsiied #ith «¥et>tiiin# woslth, «o far ai It malt* ui t(j ytbSPij with Uov^rW, fof Httt having tauch td caw t6f, atid witti atjsburity, for wTtig - Pltl- tirdi. A. i. KOibSutn, BsisSVillet Indli^i, WHtea; "Last ytat t sidtstsii (or tbrU) teontbs with a sttnthkr bold fto distress* ing that It intfcifirtd with tov bbMness; I had matiy ai the eytnptotDB of hajr fe; •w and a Aoetofr's did nbt iteach tny caset ahd t took setefal tnedh cibes which seethed to only aggfavatts tn^' CMe. ^ottthattely t ih|istei! tlpob having Foley's Hobey abd Tar ahd it Quickly fcttfed hie. MV wlffe b*s filhee bSed Fole^ 'a Uohejr aba Tat with the same success." Stold by Q. W. Besley, The Coyote. ' One of tbe most interesting wild ani mals is the prairie wjlf, known in Mexico as the coyote and in the old world as the jackal. It is thirty-six to forty inches long, with a tail measur ing sixteen to eighteen inches in length. Tbt> color is usually a dull, yellowish gray on the btk'k and sides, with black cloudings. The unilerpart and inside of the limbs are pf a dirty white tint. The voice is u sort of snapping bark, and for this reason the „ animal la known as the *H>arking wolf." It is found on the western plains, extend ing from Mexico to latitude 55 degrees noi-th. It hunts in packs aud is very fleet * , I e "A Qaad Color, ' Negroes use the same phrases they, hear whites use. often with amusing application. This conversation, over heard in the street* of a southern city, is related In Lippincott's Magazine: "Howdy, Mis' Maudy? How is you?" called one dusky aunty to another. "Oh, I jes' tollable. Mis' Johnson. IIow you feelin'?" was the response. "Why. I's a-feelin' mighty peart. 1 Is." con fided Mrs. Johnson. "I suttenly does feel fine." "Wellum, yo' sho' Is look- In' well," agreed her friend. "Yo' col or's so good." Very L«*w Kxru»»l«»ii lUtri. lit .Denver Colorado Rprlnjr* ami Purblo, Via the North-Western line, will be in fff' t from aU stations. September 1ft to 32. inclusive, with favorable return limits, on ac<*»nnt of Pike's Peak cen> tnnnial oelebratimi. For full informa tion apply to agents Chicago A North- Western R'y, Sept 23 BLADDER is '%:L, tKe reacH of medicine. No medicine can do more. v» nvu ur ti m, B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia 8t.t UEvaasville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. 1 lost flesh and was all run down, and a ye r̂ ago had to abandon work entirely. 1 had three of the best physicians who d|d me no good and £ was practically gftrea ttp to dM. Foley's Kidney Cure wu recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second oottle I was entirely cured." - TWO SIZES, 50c AID SUH •aSKteSKSfc vir/SzQt&jfr fj3 i . I I IS S i iLLOiv, OivjLY n LITTÎ L bi Bk CUT 1 i atlien' V\ Mi»ts that m Id at inc. m>vi at...... ^ • . «oc ii.die* ai«t^ ilmt m lil hi ijsi iHi, at. " .*1 *"'** _gC i-ailien^ thai %l «. *\ ».\' *'$ t.oo ' VVkiM*. n.Hi rold a) ^1.^,1., *1 httruww !! !$».io iIih! m.,«i nt >l lift JS5, uoW .sts. $>.$o ihHl mJii „ i >,ii i:«, r r . r . 1. ,/v., ̂4 . . . $a.OO Skills liiat M.lu .•». t < » H . .»#a.50 "fcnti- Hyii Mi'd h -*«»•, now i»t ,, ... i,. . $1.00 s. i.rii^ „ow at : • 'J * *pf~. tm LmtiHi. Laiii«H* La iie»' La i s' Lawn&jtnd Surrimt r Qoods ri ust be closed Out Lmwiik (bat M.ld at KK-, i.ou Mt. Lawtm-lhat sold'at I.~k, uow at LwwuH tiiHt w>l«» m| iw,-, UoH ai.....,i., Lhwh flat. Mt ifw iku< Hnitiny tha1 s..'d h< /Wh-, now mi ." • ' *«> **• *•*!• 7C v , .,. .^loc .......«5C All Tin Sloes Must.lie Closed fat. Ycbcib five thai it tlese tew Prices: i I 1 GROG! I, If S! XikOCl 1 on'- ponndu .lnhiiM ii V Mtit! P«-w (Vi fnr,, f*i\ I'oni'd b«»x SfM <-n*- do'/« ri Pit th< n I'm » for...... •, Vii»»»r )<«• kng •phow- si l, •- WEST McHRN'RY. " :..-.v for. $i.y8 .$1.50 . »3« . . .MS* ' T t ' ^ P A, E«l1lB^NDER» Why Doesn't He ULDUDucossEmir G. W. BESLEY. WEST McBENBT. I.Hlmr Day Uauee. A Labor day dance will be held At Stephen H Smith's ball, Johnsburgh, III., on Mondny evening, ^>ept. 3, to which tbe popular proprietor extends m very «ordial invitation to all. Tbe niu- sic for tbe occasion will be furnished by Chris Hapke's Libertyville orchestra. Tbe following gentlemen have been selected to act as floor managers, and Mr. Smith will in-trnct each and every one of them to give the dancers tbe best of a time: Johnsburgh, Will Mey ers, John Miller; Pistakee Bay, Fred Justen,,Frank Stock; Lily Lake, Nick "Weingart, Joe Wegener; Mc Henry. Jacob Brefeld, Joe Rothermel; Ring- <wood, Joe Lawrence. Ben Jnsten; Spring Grove, Math. Lay. D|Doe tick ets only AO cenfs. H<tw to Avol«l App«H(lleltl«, Most victims of appendicitis are those who ere habitually constipated. Orino Laxati\ e Fruit Syrup cures chronic can- stipation by stimulating the liver and iMtwels and restores tbe natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is wild and pleasant to take. Refuse sub stitutes. Sold by Gh W. Besley. Half |UtM to Mexico Cltjr, Max., Via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for round trip, August IS to September 1, inclu sive, with favorable return limits, account of international Geological Con grew Apply to agents Chicago A Nor*h Western R'y. " Sept i. '•My Uncle From Hew York." Sep tember I and 2. Central opera hnti»e stop ancl-.-pocket some of it instead of trying ;jp- avoid it? No man can afford ,t« turn;his back T̂ ^̂ on the COAL, QUEJS- TK>N, it's the burning question of the clay. We sound a timely warning that a rise itt ^oal is near and any'orders that are left wit If'us will be filled promptly. ORDER NOW. We carry a full line or l umbei, Shingles, Bricks Lime, Cement, Btc. (Uilbur Cumber Co. UWlf UIMH HID Wllltftt' -.i*! 1- ' £ V' , i 'Jvie have just received one of the most beautiful lines of LAMPS ever brought to McHenry and • ' Would be pleased .to have yon call and see thern: The line is made up of Lamps of every r ^ ^ e s c r i p t i o i i m a k i n g i t f o r tbe purchaser toumke a select- - /ion. We wish" also to impress Opon the minds of the public that, i^ir drugs are clean and up-to-date Q, W. BESLEY > Bfl̂ d The Pkindeilsc. Our dottfli 0n« Prici to All* - BLOCK & BETHKE McHBNRY, ILLINOIS. TfeLEPHONfi 541 r\derskirt Values We are showing the fineet in IhUi line we have ever bad and ell are styles that pleaae. WILL YOU LOOK? LOT ONE--Udies' two-ruffled flounce Underskirts made of good tiutittty spun glass* choice or lot.. 49® IjQif ^WO^-Consists of two BkirtS} otie tliade Of title quality mohair with lfi itich flouHtle and flust ruffle; the other is toade of title itiertieHised sateett with four rows Of 2*inbh ruffiesj oiet dtiep flOuncei choitje; 986 lot THREE--Is the finest lltie eVer placed 06 sale by Us contaitllrif Skirts of high Values, accord lott plaited, shirred ahd ruffled flOuhces* made of tiear<silk rustle âfEeta and sateeiij choice..«.. $̂ *7® PBTBH'PAN BHI&TWAI&T BtJlTB -̂Bee btir litoH tit this now rdging style bf Waistj none cooler or more comfortable fbr house or street wear, choice sttit$t.OO titir Prices in 4s low t&« iowest> Special clearing sale tBBBSbi'rii •*• tftln. I . 1 .. i.. • M.g We have placed ou sale our entire Waist Stock at a price that will move them quickly, Mu«t have room for Fall Goods, so het-e they go; Ail Waists sold at lliift, fl.UB ahd $1.09, ehoice. of lot;...i... .'i. S9C * T ' All pore white birien Waists, stiitable for fall Wear, HOW Otlly 4 1 1 . j 1 ; ... 1 j ;. 1 44 • '?• *. •" Btnbroldery frotit Wsistsi ttowi r lr • • • ; ODD EpNOTH SALfil MBfB TftfS^A special lot of goods we hafl'tiken (if Otir shelves and placed injone lot--Lawns, Flannelettes and Ginghams, no goods sold leas than 10c, 12ic and ISC) choice of lot per yard.. . ... . 5c X I • "imkItifcMsi V a * v: ..<i; - •ty-.