Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1906, p. 8

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V •WA'jf.^ <f • 4 • . -,•»• r u ,.v _, that is better than* made-to-order Suits ^ and $5.00 cheaper. lill Because the Cloth is uniformly shrunk by machinery and not shrink or that is the ady-made II keep their k better than ade-tb-order Suits. * S& WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J;-£> i S- •y"-, I?' " • - list •;If'»V? * % i v lili! .. .*•' " i 1 *•„. xv> . "J:i' V ^T; ®f§f / ; tH1 i - *!«*•' ; i b?$ sv: 5-^ ^ •/• • MONTH ONLY * J iw», ••• .. ®x c.n~ -a^'W f^Ente •*' Hp* Suits - $12.00 up. ̂̂ "" V JOHND.LODTZ McHENRY, - - - .<* 1LLINOI# PAINTS! :: Our line of Paints this* year is the best we have ever been Uble to handle and we guarantee them to do the work properly f We also handle a com­ plete line of Painters Supplies. Evefy thing in the Painter's line can be found here. * w F . L . f l c O H B E R Window Screens! E, : - r L ffc i: * - ' tET US PIT YOU UP IN THIS LINE. WE WILL DO IT RIGHT ^ AJSD DO IT REASONABLE. Jacob lustcn City COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. M«t in S«Kal*r I*MIM XOO- ' day KTMIBK. W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT ifcjNT j Coo noil Boom, Sept 8, IMi The board of trustees met in regular session. Present: Trustees Block, Bar- biHU, S toff el, Siuies. At*wot: Weber. President EVKIMOD presiding. Tb« tuinnles of the last regular (Mat­ ing were read and approved. The following bills w«ta iwad and ap- proved: F. L. MeOinber, hardware....;-$ tt.^4 Wm. Feltz, labor.. ....,* 81.20 M. Welsh, labor 2.00 Geo Meyers, labor..... 86.80 H. Zinimeruian. graveling*...... 118.80 Wm Siuies labor...... 18.20 Ed Simon, labor 4.00 lfcHenr.v L, H & P Co., lights. .. 56 AO .lotin Walsh, police service.,.... 50.00 M. Niesen, police service 50.00 J B. Frisby, graveling 85.60 •las. B Clow & Son*, lead pipe.. 81.15 Win Day is, graveling .. 102.50 Wilbur Lumber Co . lumber .. 10.85 A petition for a sidewalk along the north side of block two. West McHenry, was refejrred to the proper committee. Motion by Stoffel. seconded by Sinirs,- that the clerk bnv six lanterns for the hone carts and five gallons of signal. Carried. . On meeting Atily carried the board adjourned. .T EVANSON, Pres. JOHN STOFFKL, Clerk Starving to Death. Because her stomach was so weakened by uselees drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, O.. was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so wdak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful re­ sult that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaran­ teed by <*. W. Besley, West McHenry; N. H. Petesch, McHenry. druggists. Birds in Tank C*OM Kpldcwle. The cause of an epidemic of typhoid feverv, among the 1.000 inhabitants of Three Oaks,' Mich., was discovered when a member of the board of health climbed to the top of the waterworks stand pipe and found the bodies of thou­ sands of young sparrows, in various stages of decomposition, covering the surface of the water. Young birds from nests on a ledge around the top of the stand pipe are supposed to have fall­ en into the water while trying to fly. Why wouldn't it be a good plan to have the McHenry standpipe cleaned, the authorities to look after it at onoe? Once a year isn't any too often. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong­ est animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A Stephens, of Port Williams, O., has learned to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption. O, it's grand for throat and lung troubles." Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. Price 50c and fl.OO. Trial bottle free. V«rr L*W »tii S»n iimwlin and LM AaariH. Via the North-Western line. An excur­ sion rate of one regular first-class limit­ ed for round trip will be in effect from all stations September 8 to 14, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account National Baptist convention. Three fast trains through to California daily. 'The Overland Limited, electric lighted throughout, less than three days to Safi Francisco. "The Los Angeles Limited," electric lighted throughout, via the new Salt Lake route to Los Angeles, with drawing-room and tourist sleeping cars. Another fast daily train is 'The China and Japan Fast Mail" with drawing- room and tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. For itiner­ aries and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'y. Sept 14 .. Men Paat Sixty In Oancar. More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders, usually enlargement of prostate gland. This is both painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of dan­ ger, as it corrects irregularities and haa cured many old men of this disease. Mr. Rodney Burnett, Bockport, Mo., write*; "I suffered with enlarged pros­ tate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Care 1 feel better than 1 have for twenty years, although I am now 91 years old/' G. W. Beelsy. » • 1 • -• ••• ••• " ' Vary Low Kxenmton Bates to Denver, Colorado Spring* nnd Fnafelo, Via the North-Western line, will be in effect from all stations, September 19 to 22, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Pike's Peak oen tennial celebration. For full Inform* tloo apply to aftntt GMttfO A North* Western ft'y. 6ept it • TtteOriftaal* Voter It Co.) Chicago* orifftn«tfd Honey and Tar as a throat and Ittng rttfledy, and on accotint of the great mailt and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered tot the genuine. These worthiest imltft- tious hate Biiniiat sounding names. Be *ftte of thetn. The gsntiins folsy's EUmey afcd Tar is in a Jrsllow package. Alk tot it and refuse any eabstitate. his the beet remedy for coughs and soldi, ft, W. Besley. teff Low Unto* to fosmtte, 0M« Via the Korth*Western Una. Bicar* elon titikets #111 be sold September 12 to 18, inclusive, with favorable return limits, On accodnt of 1.0. 0. E*. Grand Lodge. Apply td agents Chicago ft North*Western fry. 18 The Ftilndtiltr fThe Plalndeaier ooes not hold itself respoo- slqle for the opinions expressed in this col­ umn. Eu.l 1 T.LCEMSE: WRONG IN PPIM:IPLJ|H-FLK« EFFECTIVE AS A KKMEDY. ' By Fred T. Wheels, IS LICENSE EFFECTUAL AS A &KM EDY? Low license has been diwar.led by alt. »rof(^wed friend* of teui|M*raiice and now n*ed only where the teui pernio .seutiiutmt is at a very low ebb Th.- results of high license every where have bean well stated by the Chicago Daily- News: "Call high/ license what it is, it is an easy way to raise a revenue from vice, but let there be an end of endorsing it as a temperance or reform measure." We frankly conoede that high license is a success as a revenue measure, providing we. are exc.n*ed from accounting fJ»r rhe cont of caring; for the victims of the traffic. If that is considered, then it is a oolosaal fail­ ure, even for revenue pnrposes. St. Louis Daily Republic said: "These dives (the lowest) are so numerous in the city, their organization is so com­ pact, their clientele so extensive, that as Song as present conditions reuisin they will control the city completely Our present license law was infa nded to break their power, but as far as it applies to St. Louis it has served rather to increase' it." The Omaha Daily Bee, a strong advo­ cate of high license, said: "No one can deny that the license system as now ex­ isting in our city has been a source of corruption and irregularity It has had a demoralizing effect upon members of the city council and the city clerk." The Pittsburg Commercial -Gazette said: "The disregard of the prohibi­ tion law in Maine, Iowa and Kansas, that is a very weighty argument against prohibition, is no more flagrant than the disregard of the high li- ense law in this city '* Statistics taken from the reports of the United States Department of Labor *how that in thirty low license cities the arrests for drunkenness were 1.66 per cent of the population, while in thirty-three high license cities the per centage increased to 2 10 per cent, thus disproving one of the main arguments for higb license. Statistics compiled from official data in Massachusetts show that the 55 per cent of the people of that state that live under "license" furnish 86 per cent of the crime of the state, while the 45 per cent of the people living under no license furnish only 20 per cent of the crime. Surely a striking indictment of the efficiency of license of any charac­ ter. What do the brewers and distillers say about the efficiency of high license in destroying their business? Peter B. lies, the most prominet distiller of Ne­ braska, wrote: "Higb licetase has cot hurt our business, but, on the contrary, has been a great benefit to it, as well as to the people generally. I do not think higb license lessens the quantity of liquor used." Wietz & Bros., orew- ers of Nebraska, wrote: "High license has been of no injury to our business." Shufeldt & Co , distillers of Chicago, when asked if high license had hurt their business, responded: "We think not. We think that high license is the only remedy for prohibiton." Bear in mind the above candid opinions were written confidentially to supposed friends, and you get their full signifi­ cance. Statistics almost without limit might be submitted to prove that li­ cense of any character does not decrease the consumption of liquor, and that is the true and only test, for it is the con­ sumption of it, after all, that does the mischief, and not the manufacture, the transportation, nor even the sale. My countrymen: The death knell of governmental partnership in the Ikjuor traffic is already sounding. The major­ ity of patriotic American citizens are already convinced that the American flag should no longer wave over murder mills and death traps set by the govern­ ment to catch the wetk, the debased and the criminal. We are now simply waiting for the clock to strike twelve, for Bome firing on Fort Sumter, which is scheduled in God's plan to arouse, awaken and solidify the American peo­ ple, when we shall march to victory just as surely and certainly as is the KIDNEY CURE Cures Kidney and Blad­ der Diseases In Every Form--Many People Have Kidney Trouble and Do Mot Know It. - HOW TO FIND OUT; It is the function of the kidneya to filter and purify the blood which ia constantly passing through them. When the kidneys are out of order the other organs are affected immediately and you may have symptons of heart trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and other ailments , which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of order. If yon are sick Foley's Kidney Cure will strengthen and build up the worn out tissues of the kidneys so they will act properly and the symptons of weakness, heart, stomach and liver trouble will disappear and yon will bo restored to perfect health. New to Tell If You Have Kidney TreaMo. You can easily determine if your kid* neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it ia cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed­ iment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at once. Foley's Kidney Cureiis pleasant to take and acts directly upon the parts affected and you begin to toA better at onoe. It corrects slight disorders in a few days and it has cured many obstinate cases after other treatment had failed. Doctors Said He Would Not Live. Peter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes: "After doctoring for two years with the best physicians in Waynesburg, and still getting worse, the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had bet­ ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly live another month, as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be­ gan to get better and continued to lm* prove until I was entirely well." Two Sim, 50e and MID ua IECOMKIDEB SV G. W. BESLEY, WEST McHENRY. r f t V . - r - p u . li STILL ON, ONLY A LITT^ pEEPER CUT Ladies' Waitus th«t fold at 75c. now L adieu' Waicts that Hold *t $1.00, now at Lailies' Waist* that fold at $1.25 to $1 85, now at..; Lanies' Waist* that cold a» fl.49 to $1.69. now ailfjv.". Ladiea* Waint^ that sold at $1 t«» #2 25, 1)0*' a,t...... ...s-i.... Ladies' Skirts that sold at*3 «i0, now at.••••' Ladies' Skirts that Hold at r>t» now at I Ladien' ^kirtu that sold at f4 00. now at .*•?.. Larli< s' Skirt* t,)iat fold »t #5.00. now at ,! Lawns and Summer Goods must be closed LHWUH that M»ld at 10c, NOW at...,..; Lawnn that sold now at Lawns that fold at l«c, now at.. Lawns that sold at 25<\ now at Snitihpw that sold at 50c, now af .«. < • • *•*-<+ • • fact that no great moral question is never settled until it is settled right.-- The Home Defender. ' Sudden Attnck of uynentery Currd. A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to inquire where she can ohtnin Chamberlain's Colic, Colic and Diar rboea Remedy. She says: "While stopping at a ranch in South Dakota I was taken ill of what seemed to be cholera. They gave me this medicine and it cured me. I brought a bottle home and have just used the last of it today.. Mother was taken suddenly ill of dysentery and it helped her immedi­ ately." For sale by G. W. Besley. Very Low itatea to Buffalo, N. Y., Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion ticicets will be sold at one fare for the round trip October 10 to 12, inclus­ ive, with favorable return limits, on ac­ count of International Christian con­ vention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct 12 Chamberlain's Cough Rpinrdy One of the Bext 011 lh« Market. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor ang^ popularity until it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung dis­ eases, such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take and is un­ doubtedly the best on the market for the purpose0 for which it is intend;ed. Sold by G. W. Besley. Are you square with net If not what is th« reason? All Tin Slioes Mast He Closed Out. rittf ifiwii1 it tttst tow Wets: Men h Tan Oxfords that, sold «t 50. while lliey lant $ 1.98 Men* Ian Bln<h«'r B»l« that so I'd at |3 50, while they last 91.9# Men * T«n Blnrher Bat* that fold at f2.50. while fhev last $1.5® Boys' Tan Bmchrr B>-ls. 24 to 54, that *„1d «t #1 »8 n'«>w at ... ..$1.35 Boy*' Tan Bhic ber Bh|», 12| to 2. »hat sold af $175. now at .....$1.35 :GROCERIES! GROCERIES!: Four pounds .lohntou Washing Powder fof, 13c Six pound bo* Silver Gtoss Sta'rh ..'i.'. .'.45c One dozen Clothes Pins for..,. ,...*..'..10 Vigor Breakfsst Food, 10c paVkajfe for..... tc . . . . . . . w 'Phone 291. jl WEST McHENItp 8 F A. BO H LANDER. Yi'IWI'WV ' •• Y 'I*,VI'I Doesn't He V ' v.-. stop and pocket some of. it instead of trying' to avoid it? No man ean afford to turn his back on the GOAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with'us will be filled ORDER NOW. promptly. /• We carry fi full line of Lumber, Latfit Shingles, Brick, Lime, Cement, ttlilbur Cumber Co. I It* m i i i m • » » * » » » • « i i i f t u t i n m i H U H i i A i u i M f l i i i A l l l l f t l i 'MRNWVUIn We have just received one*of the most beautiful lines of LAMPS ever brought to McHenry and would be pleased to have you call and see them. The line is made tip of Lamps of every description making it ea&y for the purchaser to make a select­ ion. We wish also to impress upon the minds of the public that our drug's are clean and up-to-date Our riotto: Om Price to ail. n BLOCK McHENRY, ILLINOIS. BETHKE TELEPHONE 541 Underskirt Values Wi are showing the finest in this line we have ever h&d »nA til are styles that please, WILL YOU LOOK? LOT ONE^Ladies' two-ruffied flounce Underskirts made of good quality spun glass* choice of lot.... 49^ LOT TWO--Consists of two BHifts, one made of fine quality mohair with 12-inch Huuiioe afld dust rufflei the other is made of fine mercerized sateen with four, r0J® of St'lnch ruffles* over deep flounce, cholOe«. *.... •. 95C LOT THRBB--Is the finest line ever placied oil sale by ut containing Skirts of high values, accordion plaited, •birred afad ruffled flounces, mad# of near-ailk rustle taffeta and sateettj choice.... • .$i»39» $1*60, $1*75 PETER'PAN SHIRTWAIST SUITS--See out line of thift now raging style of Waist* none cooler or more comfortable for house or street wear, choice suit$I.OO Our Pricot are M low as the lowest. . . • Special clearing sale We have placed on sale our entire Waist Stock at a price that will move them quickly* Must have room for Fall Goods, so here they go; All Waists sold at >1,16, $1,29 arid choice of lot.. .. ..... 69c All pure White Linen Waists* suitable for fall Wear, now only 4 < <•<•••< •«*'<. 4 • * •«< * <«• <.. ffQ Embroidery ftont Waists, ti0#«*u* ., 39c ODD LENGTH SALE! SEE THIS~-A special lot of goods ire have ttfken off our shelves and placed in one lot^-Lawns, Flannelettes and Ginghams, no goods sold less than 10c, 12$c and 15c, choice of lot per yard. • • r. . 1. .i'a . '»U .* fe. : •A - T ,v s- : t i'>.» » * Amt " 4.,... . JSL ** - -...1 77' > - M

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