Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1906, p. 4

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Miff® w™ VWj?-® You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Aycr's Sar- saparilla; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsaparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. But pi -n thl* ftrand old mf<T . u« cannot do Its besi woiK u the liver i.n active and the bowels < iiimti|Mite<l. For • est possible re­ sults, \-<> plmiild fcike l*xa iv- uses of Ayer's Pills While taking the Sauwav- A Xtaoby J. C. Ay or a All . T'»w«U. v , .1 Of ao manuftje f BAi;niUiML AtilU". CUi'H. CHERRY I'flCTORAL, yers We iiavo no eeereta! We publislt tkm f< • niiui;ia of ail our ni»*«5 oinM. lie McHeary Pidindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THUUSDAY HY rue mtm PIAIHDEALCR COMPANY. If. A. CRISTY, L. T. HOY, "Vice Pres. Secretary, v, JAMES B. PERRY, President and General Manager. F. G. SCHRKINBR, Editor. Oflet In Bank Building. Telephone, No. K1 TBRMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year ... Six months. 75 eta. «uso Three months. 40cts. Thursday, September 6,1906. WNKI a>D Mtrrm ,MWe cftrry lots of women clear to the top floor or at least several floors up WBd then they take the next elevator down without gaing three steps away from the elevator," declared the opera­ tor of one of the "lifts" in a big office building. "No, it Isn't because they like to ride in the elevators particular­ ly. Why do they do it? To get the use of the mirrors, of course. See those mirrors on either side of the ele­ vator? That's what attracts them. A bit of wind will strike them as they tarn the corner by a big building and then they imagine that their hair is i badly disarranged and make for the . nearest mirror, which is in the tele- Vfttor."--Cleveland Plain Dealer. •. « . A Cblneae Dnel. A Chinaman was killed recently in S^l..gan«kok in a duel with another of his race. The Chinese method of dueling Is Interesting, but does not seem dead­ ly. These two Bangkok Chinamen fought with the two forefingers of each hand, stabbing each other with tbese in the region of the spleen and at the same level on the other side of the bodyi. The men who go in for this kind of contest practice every morn- : lag, stabbing bags of rice or paddy ^ with these fingers till they can use ® r th«n like a piece of iron. :*-5 - Death by Boillna- In old England, before the law was passed which prohibited "cruel and Un­ usual forms of punishment," murder­ ers were often condemned to death by boiling. In such cases the victims Were chained in large kettles of cold water, which was gradually heated ttbtil it caused the flesh to drop from the bones. The last English victim of the "boiling death" was one Bouse, a cook, who, it was alleged, had killed Seventeen persons. In • Talked Shop. "I spent a pleasant half hour barber's chair yesterday." "How was that?" ; "Listening to the barber's story of bow his brother went suddenly insane •nd slashed a customer. The barber explained between strokes that insanity *pu. In his family."--Columbus Press- • Feet . Aauraoui. Sdtoolmaster--"Anonymous" means Without a name. Give me a sentence rtiowing you understand how to use Hie word. Small Boy--Our new baby ftr anonymous.--Chums. TrrlM to Kill Bte. Mrs. Benham--I baked you another Ifake today. Benham--I know what you want; you want my life Insurance. ^ We ou|ht either to be silent or speck things better than silence.--Pythag* iMoon Heai. Many people suppose that moonlight ' possesses great potency and has a won- ; derful influence on or over animate i and inanimate things on our planet. | Such persons should remember that I moonlight is only reflected sunlight j and that the quality and quantity of j the light thus reflected are not what is ; generally imagined. In fact, it is a truth which has often been demonstrat­ ed by the speculative astronomers that it would take 018,000 full moons to afford an amount of light equal to that emitted by the sun, and. furthermore, there is only sky space for 75,000 such disks. Some heat comes from moon­ light. However, it is in quantities se small that it cannot be measured by ordinary instruments. Flammarlon says that the amount of heat emitted by a full moon while at Its zenith can­ not be more than one eighty-thou­ sandth of the amount that the sun sup­ plies when standing on the meridian on a favorable day in July. Such be­ ing the case, it is really surprising that intelligent people should considet that the moon has such a wonderfu!. "influence" over terrestrial affairs. The Rhinoceros Bird. Among the birds not commonly found Is the rhinoceros bird, from the Trans­ vaal. Buffel plkker is its Duteh name. Its habits are remarkable and its plum­ age unusual. Small flocks accompany most jpf the large antelopes, the buffa­ loes and the rhinoceroses in South Af­ rica and run all over the creatures' bodies, picking off flies and insects. When an enemy approaches the buffel pikkers sit in a line with heads raised on the back of the animal they are at­ tending, like sparrows on a roof ridge, and signal "the enemy in sight?' The plumage is curiously close, uniform and compact, so much so that the bird has an artificial look, as if covered with painted satin and not with feathers. The general tint of the body Is cinna­ mon brown, with yellow beak and legs, giving the color effect of a brown and yellow iris. * A "Tmrner" Story. . Very few London dealers indeed are copipeteot to judge Turner's works-- that is, without a certified history. A lady acquaintance of mine had a large picture in her house which she had al­ ways regarded as a Turner, and, desir­ ing to sell it, she offered it to five or six of the leading dealers, but not one of them would buy It at any price, as­ serting that Turner uever saw it and that it was nothing like his work, and so on. A few months afterward a doc­ ument turned up among her family pa­ pers showing that the picture had been specially painted by Turner lor her husband's father, and In a week she had sold the work for £2,250. The av­ erage dealer is almost frightened to touch a Turner, and you seldom or nev­ er see one exposed for sale in the gal­ leries.--Chambers' Journal. Oar Fooliah Alphabet. Why, think of it! We've not even a reputable alphabet. The letters are all tangled up. J is J when it isn't T, and more than half the time Y is doing duty for I. S is sometimes Z, G is J, and poor C Is always either S or K. We've got four distinct ways to ex­ press the N sound--gn, pn, kn and n; four ways to write the terminal sylla­ ble "er"--er, ar, or and ir; five ways to sound the letters "ough"--uff, awf, ow, 00 and 0, And there are no rules. Each of the myriad cases must be sep­ arately hammered Into a student's head. And this is work for babes i-- Mary Bronson Hartt in Woman's Home Companion. Color and Aroma of Colfee. There are two things which people gine are guides to the goodness of :ee which are really of no conse­ quence whatever. They are the color of the decoction and the aroma of the coffee when ground or as it escapes from the pot in drawing. The color is due almost entirely to the roasting. This is true also of tea. The finest coffees and teas, when properly roast­ ed and prepared, to give out their finest flavors will color the water but little. The real essences which give the flavor have practically no color. J Mixed. A professor at one of the Australian universities recently Informed his class that "the darkest hour in the day is in the middle of the night at 3 o'clock in the morning." On another occasion the same professor made his apology for the Intricacies of a statement by add­ ing, "I can't give you an easier expla­ nation without making it more diffi­ cult" Better ® Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you Cough, and there is more irrita­ tion--more coughing. You take ft cough mixture and it eases the Irritation--for a while. You take SCOTT'S E M U L S I O N irtd it tuns tht cold, That'* fetiftt it tteeesiAry. it loathes the ihfoat because it reduces the irritation j cures the told because It drirei out the inflammation; Imiidl Up the weakened tissued becluid it nourishes them back 4o tnfet* ftiturt! strength* That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with i ton throat, i cough, a cojd, or bronchitis, c , To Make It Tender. "Waiter!" called the customer in the restaurant where an. orchestra was playing. Yes, sah." Kindly tell the leader of the orches­ tra to play something sad and low dine. I want to see If it won't softening influence on this steak."--Milwaukee Sentinel. while I < have a Hla Ambition. ITatJier-- My son, do you know that most of the rich men of today began poor? Small Son--Yes, sir. Father-- And yet,- instead of saving your pen­ nies, you spend them. Small Son- Yes, sir. When I start out I want to begin poor. Inconveniently Tall. Hie mayor of one of the communes of Augers had ordered a gamekeepsr and a butcher to take a mad man named Legrand to the St. Ijeuilnes lunatic asylum. On the way the gamekeeper noticed that their charge was In one of his lucid Intervals and concluded that he would never consent to be handed over to the authorities. It was deoided, therefore, to make him drunk, and all three adjourned to the nearest Inn !.<*- grand took his liquor kindly. So »i ' others. And when-the trio arriveu ~ the asylum the governor could not make head or tail of their story. He therefore wired to the mayor, asking him which was the man who was to be detained. The mayor replied Le- grand, but the telegraphist spelled It in two words, "Le grand" (the tall one). The governor, on examlulug the three men, saw that one was much taller than the others, so he promptly clapped him into a strait waistcoast and sent the other two away. It was three days later before the error was discovered. Btaauarelc Forrave. Bismarck could forgive, bat lit wished to do it after proper solicita­ tion. At the beginning of the Danish war Field Marsha] Wrangel, who was at the head of the Prussian troops, was exceedingly annoyed at one point to l>e telegraphed not to advance farther, and he returned a message telling King William that "these diplomatists who spoil the most successful opera­ tions deserve the gallows." After that Bismarck ignored him completely, antt one day they met at the king's table, where It was especially awkward to preserve a coldness. Wrangel called everybody "du," and presently he turned to Bismarck, who was Seated next him, and salcC "My son, canst thou not forget?" "No," was the curt reply. After a pause Wrangel began again, "My son, canst thou not for­ give?" "With all my heart," said Bl* marck, and the breach was healed. - The Redwood. Redwood forests are practically un* harmed by forest fires, and It Is com­ mon practice for the lumbermen to fell the trees and peel the bark fAom them and when the dry season Is on set fire to the felled timber and burn the branches and bark and other wreckage without practical injury to the saw logs, whkli procedure would mean dis­ aster to any other wood. Redwood contains no resin or turpentine of any kind, and, owing to Its great resistant qualities in severe climatig conditions. Is free from cracking or decay, where cinders might lodge and start fires. When burning, It is easily extinguished with a small quantity of water. It has the appearance of burnt cork and la harder to ignite a second time than at first--Scientific American. Parla' Secondhand Market. There is a curious old market near Paris in which everything Is sold at second hand. Working girls can fit themselves out there from head to foot. As a writer says, "Mimi can sell her, old felt Kit and buy a straw one, ex- change her old dress for a new one and, if she likes, buy a steak and a salad for her dinner, a paper bag of fried potatoes, sweets and some flow­ ers for her window. Democracy Is king here, and fto more attention is paid to the millionaire who is looking for some­ thing marvelous which he may pick up cheap than to the man with the wooden leg who wants a new left boot in ex­ change for a dozen sardine ttnfl,r;flve gloves and a Stocking." ; I«ord Kelvln'a Bravery. Lord Kelvin once performed a daring experiment before a class of students. In the course of his lecture he said that while a voltage of 3,000 or so would bft fatal to a man a voltage of some 300,- 000 would be harmless. He was going to give a practical Illustration on him­ self, but the students cried out, "Try it on a dog!" Lord Kehrln cast a look of reproach at his class. "Didn't I figure' It out myself?" he said quietly, as he walked to the apparatus and safely turned the tremendous voltage into himself, ' Chlneae Cologne. The Chinese ladies have an odd kind of cologne--that is to 'say, they con­ stantly have upon their person a small bag of sweet smelling gum similar to that which was used by the ancient Egyptian women. Numerous costly Jars recently unearthed at Pyramida contain the cosmeties and perfumes which were used by Egyptian prin­ cesses, all of which bear a resemblance to those In vogue today among Ghteese ladles of the highest rank. Wt'LL SOW v<W A «AMKe FREE. A Stronger Word. "But, really, now," asked Miss Gusch, "flon't you think Mr. Kidder baa a dell* atte witf "If s more than delicate," replied Mr. Cfeellut; "|f§ sickly," -- Philadelphia Frew. Hef TiwpcfaaicM, "tfisl Posey was very wtifttt ifl «f« fWssing her feelings against ydti.M "Oh, that explains why bet T ft hef was so cool."--Baltimore American. Attack of blari3ioeal;Urerf Done of Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera , and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was so weak from an attack of diar- thoea tliat I conld scarcely attend to my duties, when I took a dose of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Chdlera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured toe entirely and I bad been taking other inedtclbe fotniue daye without relief. I heartily feebm- tnetid this remedy as beifag the best to toy knowledge foi* bowel complaints.-- E. G. Stewart, of the ftrtn of Stewart & Bros., Greenville, Ala. For sale by G.W. Besley,. y •orry He Hpolte. He--I'd like to know what enjoyment yon can find in going from store to store looking at things you haven't the least idea of buying. She--I know I can't buy them, but there Is a sort of melancholy pleasure In thinking that I could have bought them if I had mar­ ried George Scads when I bad the chance, instead of taking yon. Coldlr Deaerlhed. "So you don't envy any of the world's men of genius?" "No," answered Mr. Cumrox. "I ad­ mire them, but I don't envy 'em. A genius is a man who gets a monument after he's dead instead of three square meals a day while he's living?'--Wash­ ington SLtnr . S*e Waa Stmt. "Do you remember bow you xmt te put your arm round my waist wbM we were engaged, ten years ifif TH never do It new," "No; my »rn has iot grwwu My lOBfsr." the iwjgi Eugitahiiiifl 6m not Wiht hii toifd df sister td btf ittytllitltf but dull. A beatltifttl Ahd aialabl* idiot Is his ideal of feminine pitfe* tloh.--Ladles' ftild. Dr. ritin'i fotlamt interesting, Dr. Thotaas Pinn( of Boontboro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 82 years •ays he has used »t§rf prescription known to the profession for treatment of kidhiy and bladder diseases, and says he baa nsrer found anything so effective in both ohrotilc and aente kid* ney trouble Foley's ftldne^ Cam. It stoto irregolnritle# and fctiUds tip the whole B.Vstetii. G. W. fiesley. . AFTER discovering what WM tinder thti lid in Illinois Mr. Bryan Ought to $om mtmA mtof The Cinise of Many Sudden Deaths*. There Is a disease prevailing iiv this country most dangerous because so decep- "" " """ tive. Many sudden deaths al e oausftd by it -- heart disease, pneumonia. heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If •kidney troubk is al­ lowed lo advance the kidney - po iso n ed blood will attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and wastf away coll by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no rnistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many limes during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Syamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When yritlng mention reading this generous offer ih this paper. Don't make any mistake, bnf r mem ber the name. Swamp Boot, Dr. Kil user's Swamp-Boot, and the address, Binghamton. ,N. Y.. on «very bottle. Home of Swamp-Koot. The R*' trnble. The other afternoon a man rushed In­ to the Reading terminal, galloped up the stairs and dashed for the train shed just aa the gates were closed against him. . He looked as if be wanted to swear most vociferously, but he was out of wind, and all that he couhl do was to leau^ragainst the fence and soulfully sigh. It was then that the grinful idiot, who is always on band, paced over and butted In. "Dhj| you miss your train, old boy?" he queried, with a smiling glance at the panting one. "No," was the grouchy rejoinder. "I chase myself up here that way every five minutes to see them shut the gates.'* "What made yon- so late f" queried the other, not at all abashed. "Is your watch out of order?" "No,- my watch is all to the good," re­ plied the man who missed the train, "but i think that my feet are about two minutes slow."--Philadelphia Tele­ graph. • ifessNar. • A woman who had divorced her bus- {MUMS' met him after many years. 'Hkve yon married again)** She asked. The man shook hla head. A "Ah!" sighed the woman. "You still love me." "No," said the man, "I love myself." He was asked to explain. "Bondage taught me the value of freedom," he replied. "I am answer­ able now only to myself. I come when I please, go when I please, do what 1 please and need not make explana­ tion. . I no longer divide my pleasure:* by two or multiply my worries by the same number. What I earn is mine and, when I contemplate Its possible reduction, I need fear for myself alone. I have no great joys, but then I bave no great sorrows." "And love?" inquired the woman. "I have been married," answered the man.--JCbanning Pollock in Show. ilrd*a Mil Waa UeML A curious bird tragedy is told about In the London Field. A man found a yellow hammer dead in his yard at the foot of a wall. The bird had flown against it with such force as to be stunned. Net only that, but the upper inaudible had been bent back, and Ifi the straightening out the sharp point was driven down through the lower bill and locked, thus dooming the bird to death by starvation. The man sent the head to the Field. A good many similar accidents have been recorded, but It was always a heavier bird, whose weight made the springing of the bill easier. A good fnany of the blrda were found in a starved condition, showing that they died lingering deaths from want Birds that-fly against the lighthouses. have the skull bones crushed and die instantly, but others are stunpesl only. Stafca Law*,. • "If yum Should have your choice whether to die in the Empire State or In good old New Jersey, don't fail to select Jersey," remarked a Hoboken lawyer the other day. "Over there," said he, "we still do business on lines laid out by the common law. For ex­ ample, under the laws of New Jersey a husband Is entitled to all the per­ sonal property left by his deceased wife. Across the river the case is quite different, because under the laws of the state of New York half of a de­ ceased wife's personal estate goes to her children and the residue reverts to her husband. Only where there are no Children is the hubby the " i-New York Press. * * He Was Dr«««re4. Aa amtmianc# surgeon bad a sari* •as axperianea tba 9tfe«r alffct Bi vw nmmwrt te a paUtt statUm to aaamlaa aa anaoasataas pri«mar, Tha pvifOBtr, vary noddy aad dlshmltd, lay on tb« floor of tha call room*. Tito physician boat otar aad •Mamiiied him and thsn, rising* said ia a httd OUM "This man's conditio* is aot due ta drink. He has baan dragged." A policeman turned pale and laid Ifl a timid, hesitating voice; "I'm afraid yer right, sir. 1 drugged him all the way from Carney's salooii, a matter of a hundred yarda or mora." --jtrgonaut ______ •sk any "JAP" that yen may see. "Why the Oaar, with Boar behind/' had to olimb a tree. The Yanks, Ood bless tht tanks, says . . *Miey gate aa Bocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Beeley IWfba fWnN"Wt | Professional, Society *>u.»messs Cards i ' A V 1 1 • W R L L S . , M , V The International Beauty Show ,; -- - * '%- 1 * 4i ADMISSION FREE r i •>- v. TT7E NOW have on exhibition in our store more than 600 beautiful "* YY samples of INTERNATIONAL woolens gathered from the fam^ ous looms of the world. It won't cost you a cent to come here and have a peep at them. If you see what you like, order ft; if you don't, don't order and you've lost nothing but a little time; ; «• ; •: a But we know that among this choice assortment from ,35* " The International Tailoring Co. Tfce Largest Custom Tailoring Coneam in tho WwrM y«u are bound to find some pattern to please you--some style to satisfy you. Remember: every INTERNATIONAL garment is mad* strictly to your own measures and oM«r. Every garment perfect. Wt take your measure* and guarantee satisfaction* M. §; WALSH, W. McHENRY. ! > * W 1 A s \ ; i,muiN ,*xi# kti.IMT ' * • ' O ' f W f F l i r : * n f Ttf«aalioiie SO- 311 5i;:: "S- • •• PHYKMMATF* AM* YIJLFT.RO? 111. OHIO*, n Jlcttttfary l.corner Jthirt »ik • v ' t » . . . AT LA W. •*1 AH misiiH'HS iitti-uHUHl to ti!st:4«re wtH be properly and prurftptly attamil.ed OFFERS SPECIAL PRICES ON SOHE ITEHS Mason's Fruit Jars^otte quart;.............50c Mason's Fruit Jars, one pint.. 40c 4 packages (Mother's Crisp) Breakfast Food. .25c Five packages Corn Starch........25c Pic-Nie Baking Powder, pef1 |j#un^ v ...10c White Swan Baking Powder, guaranteed good as any, per pound aoc. % -pound,.,. . 10c No., 8 Oranite Tea Kettles, each.... . j . . . XX 45c Large Kettles With handle. ... ... 20c and 23c Y o u c a n b u y h e r e t h e b e s t 5 0 c O v e r a l l s i n t o w n Dowie's make of Lace Curtains, per pair . $1.15 You are sure to save motley fry patronizing LITTLE-STORE. : W. B\ STONE, D. IX H (Wucr-essur to l»r. P. O. Ross.) Office Hi turn from 9 a. ui. . I), IU. AIw» open evenings. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Office and over fV*t>scfi'x Drag Stive. Telephone 1Nq. 374. PRt'Ri S. CilAM BEK L.IJST .. DENTIST. Office»nd Residence over CI. J Waliih flours; . b:oo to 5:^0. Mod KNOT. 1E.L, state G v & c & l M e y e r s . <ieneral Teaming, " ofallMn*,. . Excavating and Oradinf:. flcirtCNRY - - - ^ _ ILLINOIS Telephone N*. >93. ^ u SIMON STOFFEL ' ^ "Insurance n t for h 11 classes property in the best Companies West KIcHwiry. Illlnola FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and llPWARi House Sinn i'MimiuK ami ail interior Dec- ora^inp:. liesidence north town line one block we.v of rivor. Telephone No.2a4. •MCHENKY. - - - ILLINOIS \ R. H. OWEN ' Pianos for Sale and rent.' Tuning aOA ing at ri'iisoniiblp prices, i First claas Work • McHKNKV. . I tLLlNtJl J.oh ̂ ^•Vycitil- » ' : II'L- A L.KI. I.N ' ; General Fatrdware S t o H a i n t H t i i l O i l s . T i « M i n i m a - «-hine repwir-u*?' of fili kitids. Phone 54S M< HENRf, , j • \ ILLINOIS. John Evanson w r i f t h A v e . , CHICAQO? Hiwause it Ift M liome iika. Tel. Main 1*1$ W H Y o peon I ('<>f Mc Henry. I.,'ike tin 11 lie r ('i)UHti I r o p i n a t i Lambert Q. Seng's • TOOTH BRUSHES N. 1 Dlx Petesch, Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles ! -A Square Deal- f ' :,i~* S THAT'S' WHAT YOU GET when buying yo#» ' j Groceries and Fruits of us. No matter how i large or small your purchase may be, we always : 3. exercise as much care with a • five-ce^^4MdciiK«dlj|s«^ | we do with a $5.00 purchase. Try us, ^ u JahpStoffel, W. McHeary | % , UP-TO-DATE OROCERY. | K I L L t^ B C O U G H AND C(.'HS THE LUNGS m coverr '^KSUKi-TtON Price I '. 'iilSand 50c &$t.00 OLDS Fret Trial. wmiii --m iwpw--------tfjraLJSMg--ss--• Surest, antl UuicJsect Care for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY 33AC2L "Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OurCNARCES ARK TNE LOWEST. Scud model, photo or sketch for expert search and tree report on patentability. INFRINGEMENT suits conducted before all courts Pawnte obtained through us, ADVER. TISED and SOLO, free TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS und COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON. D. C. DSWIFT&<§ HOLLfSTER'S 'ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets* A Busy Medioiae, for Bney People. Golden flealtt and Renewed Vigor. , .'r • "ctfie f ir Constipation, Imlitjostion, LiTS ' * . Iney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Iinpuf* ; yv . Btwf Breath, SluKjrish Bowels, Headoc!' * ;icka.-he. It's Kocky Mountain Tea in 11.^-S -v. irni, 85 cents a box. Genuine made Djf *• DRCO COMPANY, Madison, Wis. '•N NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE I P H I L I P J A E G E R j OENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT | 4PBC1AL ATTBIRRION GIVEN 10 TH* SALIC OP >' * i' DrMMd Beef, flutton, Hog*, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Bfgt otdMtfcowe on tbe street application. on SSifi.'hSl'S""' COLD STORAOB PR8B CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. do Job W, ORIGINAL •LAXATIVE, HONEY *se.TAR Aa Improvement dm all CoutL Laac and Bronchial Pemedlef. Cam Conghi, Strengthen* til Luogs, gently moyes the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste gotti alike for Young and Old. htxni ly FW10U mmCiWK C^CfclMl*. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULfA A. r-'-

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