m&ei THE WEST SIDE im Here can be found, at al^ times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianos, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifts is unsurpassable and we invite you to inspect same before purchasing. Prices are always right. v '• 1*. ,,A* 'f 1 % j". iKiiASiiMS I/" A. HUEMANN, West ftcHenry, Illinois.*. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Jps. H. Huematju f u Johnsburgb Illinois. pells the McVi-ker Ghu^lnf i ~Engine, Duplex Grinding Mill^ . t tRock Island Plu-vs, Wagon.*, Carriages, Bnggi» »•,, Wind MU1% -Well Supplies, --Harness OiC * ^IPaint Oil and - Machine OH a Specialty. finite UJfetiii* M WirkJ .. am agent tor the above. We |Ki:t the Bods oo your Boll fi le » and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more thau #500. Call and get fail particulars. {Nttf BUcksiitMK Prices ilwivs SINGLE AND J j Driving Harness! J Give us your order for that new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: :: : (ARRIAQf TRIMMING A SPECIALTY M. A.THELEN MctiENRY, ILLINOIS. aaaaaaaasaaaaaa--e>----< WEST SIDE t •: Always a complete line of - 'cJFresh and Salt Meats, ^ Ban sages, Etc. Highest ^liiarket prices paid for j^i'orkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very - v f : (Choice line of Canne|i< j^Qoodft and Bakery. What ^nore ban any first clas|Avr^ jrfty market A.CMATTHEWS INMIMMSMMMI Why be without Rubber Tim --When vou can them so cheap? WW % WA»UANT»D TIB1I Pan <>m,y fia.oo. »i» do Ti™ ^eti'Misr MseM'* Rs« pairing, Grinding Knife* 9tc. Wood WoPk of all kmft neatly Executed) We DO EVERYTHING to the Blackstnithlbg llbe with the exception of horseshOeln#. We place twenty-one mower of Mnder sections on your scyt|ft tor 11.00. Twenty-five per cedi. Oft for cash oo all our work, Qlve u» a t*al 1. JOHN MNT.McHflttYJtt CENTERVILLE Market We handle everything in the line of fresh and salt * MEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Mc- Henry Creamery Batter. Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, 111. Chteagft * North-Westam. Effective May 20, 100S. nit DAT TRAINS. ' C& HORTH BOUND 7.06am .Vta Elgin 10.17 a no 8.45 a m ..Via Des Plaines 10.17 a in 12.30 p na ...Via Elgin .2.50 p m *1.00 p m Via Des Plaines,..,,.,.2.ii7 p m 3.45 p m Via Des Plaines........*.45 p m 4.00 p m Via Elgin...... .. ..6.40p m 4.57 p m Via Des Plaines...., .*0.40 p m *8aturday.only. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00am Via Des Plaines 9.37 a m 8.45am .Via Elgin. 11.14 am 9.10am Via Des Plaines........11.14 am t.OSpm Via Elgin ....... 4.55 pm ..Via Elgin, vm DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. ....Via Des Plaines.... Via Elgin.. Leave McHenry. •7.12 am.. 7.23 am. „ 8.32 a m Via Des Plaines... Arrive Chicago. .. .if .35 a w ..10.10 a m ,9.35 a m 4.23 p m... 4.23 p 110... .Via Des Plaines.. . lo p ni Via Elgin... 6.17 b m Via Des Plaines... .....7.10 p ri 56 p m Monday only. , TONDAT TRAINS. 7.23 a a via Elgin .*..*>.25 a m 7.08 pm Via Des Plaines ...8.25 p in 7.48 p m Via Des Plaines........,6.15 p n. 7.48 PR . VlrRlfin ..lOJtt p VP PHOTO STUDIO. Portrait*. All shapes and •stem. Sev eral proofs to select from. Each doe- t»n finished tn different styles. Price, 13.00 and upward. • Outdoor Work. We have extensive .•ipparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views • buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. r.itlari*m«ntii. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Fntn«i. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Wankegan St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Teleahene. 4tS | North Dakota | Lands! The richest and best latid In Eastern North Dakota for sale tit reasonable prices and on good termsi betid or call on our local fepresentatire St or advertising matter, maps and full mforin&tioh in re* • gard to these lauds, MUR* I RAY BEOS. LAND COM- J PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. | Bm StllUii • Loc«l m- i // inois Central R.R. Anauat Stockholders' fleeting at Chl> ciyjo, October 17. Personal ^Attendance of Individual Holders Desired, FREE TKKfTS te Ut Meetinf Public notice Is hereby given that the regu- lar annual meeting of t he Stockholdern of the aluitois Central H&Hroud Company will b© held at the Compauy's office In Chicago, Illi nois, on Wednesday, October 17, 1906, at 12 o'clock noon. To permit personal, attendance at said meeting there will be issued To each holder of one or more Shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Railroad, Ciiiupjiuy, as registered on the books or the Company at the close of business on Monday, Sept. 34. lWNi. wfi« || of fu|| ase, A Ticket Enabling Him or Her to Travel Free °,ver the Compauy's lines from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to his or her registered address to CHICAGO AND RETURN such ticket to be good tor the Journey to Chi cago only during the ; Four Days Immediately Preceding and the day of the meetiug, and for the re turn journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the Four Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday, October, 30, 1906- that is to say between 0:00 a. in. aud 5.00 p. m.-in the office of the Assist ant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Bruen, tn Chicago. Such ticket miiv be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, op application, in writing, to the President of the C ompany tn vjhicago, but each stockholder must individ ually apply for his or her ticket. Raeli appli cation must state the full name and adores* of tbe Stockholder ex;wtly UK given in his or her Certificate of Stock, together with the number and date of such Certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in re spect to any one holding of stock as regis tered on the books of the Company. A. U. UACKSTAFF, Oct 17 " Secretary. Telephone, No: 684. Office in Helm- > bldg., Oenterville D. A- WIllEY, M. D. (. VETE McHBNftY, VETERINARY SURGEON A AND DENTIST. ILLINOIS; Wei'.-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 353. WM. BACON Dealer la Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class work . • guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL. Want Column, All advertiheaientii Inserted under thi« bead at the following rate.: Five linen or leH«_^6 cents for first insertion; 15 cents for eacli sulnequent insertion. More than five lines, 6 cento a line for first insertion, and S cento a line for additional insertions. \*7ANTED--At once, good tinsmith to build vv galvanized Iron row boats, launches, water tanks, &c. Stead* work to tbe right man. HUNTER-WECKLKH BOAT Co., McHenry, 111. T\0 YOU WANT 47 acres of land? If so, will •*-' sell for less than the bare land Is worth aud throw in the buildings, which are worth 92500.00. BANK or MCHENKY. 8-tf F°\i SALE--Three young sours and two boars, all full blood buroc Jersey red. For further Information apply to W. B. JOHONHOTT. ftingwood. III. T OT8 FOB BALE--South of McCenry dam; *4 river front, desirable place for bunting, fishing and summer homes. Inquire at this office or w. BOLOKK, West McMeory. • OMAML FARM TO KENT--to party having ^ little capital to buy outOt in connection With summer resort. Inquire of 10 M. A. HOWKM., McHenry. TTITANTED--Girl for general merchandise *' store. For further Information address. In own hand writing only. THIS PLAINDEALEB, McHenry, III. T OST--Somewhere on streets of West Mc- Henry, gold chain from watch fob. Ini tials "C. C. M." engraved 011 bottom. Finder will please leave at this office. TTUJR SALE AT A BARGAIN--Surry, team * of bones and baroew. Must sell at ones; family going Into city. For further informa- tipa apply at this once. Utf UH>R SALE UJUEAP--AH building material " from tbe Washington Park racs traclji now being wrecked oy the .T CJ, Ku«tt Wrjck- Ifig Co.. chk-nan. plKm» Wfi,twort»i m Tim bers all latigiK* um'1 »)•;»»((l"g nun Joints all lenxths and fifes. 4 and h in. fltwr- ln(i shea^hiug boards; ffence boards: cedat posts 1 bard aha house doors uhd windows ail klMSi cbWkeh Wire, gasolihe Street lamps add posts,» Steel bHdglis, I beato« atid dolttlndSi sewer pl^elt:* 101ncbeSi plumbing goodl all kirida, wooden water vats and trdugtta, 24 aud 32 foot wood, trosses. Estimates fu^nlSned; J« G. RtJKL \V«isc*ii»n Vrf., #lst and Bt. Law rence Atltu ChiCago, 111. Dec 1 - WhSd U Mai Wlwn one by accident sWalloVi IH object not intended for eatitt* It II a wise precautien to send after It a Qoaatity of abeorbent odtton which baa bean picked into fine ikraada and teheed In bread and milk. Tba button, safety pin or whaterer it may ba gath er* the cotton about it, thus coveting tip any tough edge or sharp t>oidt and allowing It to pass through the stom ach and tetoattnee wttbofet oaiiaiag la- $ PROBATE NE\tf$ [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John 8mith & w to F M Goodman, w 1 rd of swHneV sec 14, McHenry $ 12500 Frederick M Goodman & w to Chester M Gotxlman, sw^seM sec 11 & DHDW!« neM & right of way 1 rd wide on w side swHneH & 1 rd wide ou w side swMnw^nek sec 14, McHenry 336000 Thos Kane to l'eter .1 Nordstrom & w. It 4 blk 4. Fegers' addn to McHenry.. 75 00 A L Howe & w to Fred J Schnorr, It 16. Orchard Beach, McHenry • 27500 Samuel B llanly et al to John Spencer, pt It IK, Oo clerk's plat, sec 27, Mc Henry 100000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Gnstav Tollefson, 88. Chicago Susie E. Brown, 3® .... Marengo J. T. Pratt, 37... r Woodstock Cecile C. Bonner, 84....... .Greenwood Peter G. Engeln, 80 McHenry Mrs. Lanra B. Lundgren* 27.. McHenry Robt. H. Strode, 45..............Alden Anna E. Fisk, 20.........;...».. .Alden Theo. A. Dooghty, 44...... .".Woodstock Clara M. OlesoD, 81 . Woodstock Harry W. Collier, 28. McHenry Anna C. Heruieon, 18 .Capron Edward Stolen. 22 Hampshire Lula Hauibracht. 20. Hampshire Herman Tank. 37... Powers Lake, Wis Hattie Seble. 18 Powers Lake, Wis VNEKALD PARK. r Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox spent Snnday afternoon at K. J. Sntton's. Mr. and Mr*. John Hock and family returned to Chicauo Monday. Miss Edyth Whiting of Ringwood vis ited the Misaes Knox Snnday. John Wall of Chicago is visiting rel atives here a few days this week. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago visited at P. Walsh's over Snnday. M. Sutton and P. McCabe attended the fair at Libertyville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frey of Chicago oo* enpied their cottage a few days this week. Mrs. J. Doherty and Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry visited one day recently at R. ,T. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Haxton. Jr.. and Hugh Kirk were guests at tbe Haxton cottage Sunday. Misses Margaret Ay 1 ward of Elgin and Celia Frisby of Woodstock were gnests at E. Knox's Sunday. Miss AliceSutton and niece. Beufeb, Larkin, of Elgin visited at R. J. Snt ton's Sunday and Monday. Misses Mamie Costello and Alice Me- Manaman and R. E. Sutton spent Fri day with friends at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cohan closed their cottage and returned to Chicago Mon day after a two months' outing. Mies Alice McManaman returned to her home in Chicago Monday after spending a few weeks with relatives here. P. and J. Armstrong and their famil ies closed their cottages here last Satur day and returned to their winter homes at River Forest, leaving the park quite vacant. " • W. K. and Win. Burns of Chicago apent Sunday at tbe Park. They were accompanied home by Misses May and Grace Burns, who have been spending the past two months here. Mr. and Mrs. Hallet and son, Wilfred, Mrs John Powers and daughter, Celia, drove up trom Elgin Sunday morning in the former's auto to witness the open ing of the dam. They were guests at the home of R. J. Sutton. THE Marquis of Townsenfl brought only $185,000 in the marriage market, and the British are investigt^y| bta ••nKy. • «To Curs 1 F«|onR lay* 0am Kendall af Pbillipsbjnrg, Kan., "jut cover it over with Bncklen'o Arni ca Sftive and the Salve will do thereat." Quickest edre for Boms, Boils, 8ofe#t Scalds; WotJfldsi PileBf jEoWiua, Sail BHfiutbi Chapped tiandai Sore ^eet ahd Bora Byes. Only Dfic at &. & Peteflcb '• MdBehry; 6. 7t- Beslcy's, West Utf- Hefarjr, drtift stores. GdaraoMed. SINGERS should not forget that "hdli'* With ohly one "l" will be just aa hot; *£=ts£ESs=^9sess FROM the language floating in ttie superheated atmosphere it la evide at that Editor Hearst hai at last succeed* ed in waking npf District Attorney Jerome, Dnd Penus}lvatila county baa pro* duced a doiseu pair of twiilS already this year, and its nathe isn't tttJoeefelt, even yet. W obder hiow many iiiore are - • ' VOlA*. Mrs Wo. Dillon is on the rick list. Miss Anna Miller spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mra. Hairy Fuller were in town Monday. Mrs. Richard Compton is visiting rel atives iu Elgin. Miss Delia Beckwith was a McHenry caller recently • Paul Avery of Chicago spent/Sunday with home folks. Yolo was well represented at the Lily Lake picnic Sunday. Miss Mary Raught visited relatives iu Wankegan last week. C. D. Smith of Oak Park called on friends here Snnday. Frank Henkle and son were in Mc Henry last Thursday. Geo. Richardson and family were seen on our streets Sunday. Charles Parker transacted business at Round Lake; Saturday. Ed. Lusk of Round Lake was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Miss Rose Huson of Li bertyville is visiting friend* in Volo. Frank Rooaey of Wauconda was seen on our streets Wednesday. ' Robt. Walton and son, Perry, were. McHenry callers Wednesday. Miss Mary J. Raught of Elgin spent the past week at Raught Broe. Miss Rose Huson of Evanston is visit ing with friends here this week. Misses Maude and Elsie Walton vis ited relatives in Hebron last week. E. Carpenter of Elgin spent last Fri day and Saturday at A. J. Raymond's. Miss Hellen Raymond visited friends at Highland Park several days last week. Messrs. Murrie and Lusk of Grayalake called on friends in Volo Sunday even ing Mrs. Alice Simpson of McHenry spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. S. Gardi- nier. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr of Chicago apent Sunday and Monday at Chris Sable's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher apent Snn day with Thoe. Wright and family at Wauconda. Mrs. John Richardson entertained the tatter's sister and children of Df-s Plaines the past week. Mrs. Englehart -and Mrs. Hanson of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at John Rosing's. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon of Wanke gan are visiting with Wm. Dillon and fauiily this week. Miss Lillian Schofteld of Valparaiso, Indiana, spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. John Sable and eon, Willie, visitfgd the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sable the fore part of the week. On Wednesday night a oertain party after filling up on something stronger than water, began to ainnse themselves by destroying other people's property and endangering livee by throwing beer bottles quite freely. Tbe guilty party is well known and should the perform ance ever be repeated they will be given a severe tes^ of the law. Well Worth Trying. W. H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt., says: "Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes:"they keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation and Bilousuesa. 26c. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Bes- ley'S, West McHenry, drugstore*. *5 V JOHN8BUBOH. Mrs. J. C. Debrecht spent Monday at Spring Grove. Steve Justen of McHenry was a caller here Tuesday. John Mertee was a recent bnsinees vis itor at Fox Lake. Martin Tbelen of Round Lake was a ealler here Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Ranen of Spring Grove spent Sunday here. John Schmitt of Nebraska ia spending the week with relatives here. Mrs. John Hiller and children spent Tuesday with Mrs. Anna Frennd. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thelen spent Snn day with Mr. and Mrs. John Mertee Wm. and Nick Klein of Ingleeide at tended the dance here Monday evening. The dance at Stephen Smith's hall on Monday evening was very well attended Mrs. Susan Freund spent a few days this week with her son, Mike, at Mo- Henry. * Mr. and Mrs. Hnbert Weber of Volo spent one day recently at the home of Mrs. Geo. Nell. Ben, Joseph, John and Henry Stilling and John Miller are upending a few days in North Dakota. Mrs. Jos. Freund has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Mat Mnel- lenback, of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffiing spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs-iJohn Pitcen at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Millar, Mies Mil* dred Miller of Volo spent 8tu>4sjr with Mr, and Mrs Stephen Smith. Mr- asd Mr«. John Httetxitiuii of Mc* Henry opeot Thursday ot lait week at Mr. atid Mrs. Jos. Hhetnttttii'l. Mfs. Adf UeWtsll, Jos. Sitomolie and lady frietid ot Chicago spent« few days visiting relatives and frlefcd* hers. tt ttronsen ehefgy, develops and stliha- fates tiertoti* life, arouses the cotitage of ydutU. it Wakes yoti young again. That's Whit Hollister's Rocky Mtitmt. ain Tea will do. 85 cents, Tea or Tab* late. Q. W. Bealey. HOT jnuch fan for Cuban raTdlttttofl* lets with the Big Brother sundin# by. jfiju in i lagaaggsg Ladles* read this catalogue of ensnnss Bright ej'es, glowing cheeks, rea a smooth skin without a blemish, ih Snort, perfect health. For sale with Svery package Hdllister's Rooky Mcrtfaitaib TeeTMjoea* W, fieelay RfWOWOOD. Chas. D. Bacon was over at Lake Villa last Friday. A. F. Francisco was down from Rich- monday Monday. Ed. Hawley was over at the ooanty seat one day recently. Miss Agnes Carey has been entertain ing a lady friend from Elgin. Calvin Coates spent Saturday and Snnday with relatives at Harvard. N. Bacon of Downers Grove, 111., is the guest of Orin Wheeler this week. Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Whiting have been entertaining company the past week. Mies Carr of Chicago spent several days recently with her cousins, the Miss es Dodge. Quite a number of Ringwoodites at tended the opening of the dam at Mo- Henry Sunday. Lester Bell of Spring Grove spent several days of the past week with Ring- wood relatives. J. Norlander and gentleman friend of St. Charles was a Sunday visitor at the home of Fred Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Lawrence of Blue Island are visiting wjtb his uncle, A. Lawrence, and family. J. Hughs of the Continental Bridge Oo. of Chicago spent Sunday with our noted fisherman, Jamee Conway. Mr. and Mra. A. E. Hawley and daughter of Elgin Bpent the past several days with Ed. Hawley and family. Elmer Frincisco, who is employed by the Oliver Typewriter company in Chi cago, spent the past week with home folks. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Haviaon and Mr and Mrs. Chaa. W. Harrison attended the Soldiers' reunion at Grayslake laat Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Persons and son of Chicago spent Saturday and Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wheeler and family. Mr. and Mra. T. P. Walsh of GrayB- lake spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Whiting and also attended the county fair. Regular servioee at the Universalist church next Snnday. Sunday school at 1:80 p. in. and preaching at 2:80 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. Mrs. J. E. Cristy, daughter, Mae, sons, Jay and Kenneth, drove to Lake Villa last Friday where they took the train for their home at Waupaea, Wis., after spending tbe past three month* with Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh. Miss Fredie Ladd died at her home here Tuesday afternoon, aged 57 years. She has been in failing health for quite a long time. The funeral will take place at two o'clock this (Thursday) aft ernoon from the house. Obituary next Central T H E A T R E imim I. aw Batk. ^ This an attment for wtfclt ' berlaln's Pain Balm has proven eepe- dally valuable. In almost every In stance It affords prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich., says of it: "After using a plas ter and other remedies for three weeks for a lame back, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and two ap plications effected a cure." For sale by G. W. Beeley. Kotieei To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect A Clear Coaaplaxloa aad Bright Ky*«. In moot cases a sallow, blotched com plexion and dull heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inactive liver. Orino Laxative Frnit Syrup aids diges tion and stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi tutes. G. W. Besley. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for $8.80. Order at once as the time of this offer if limited. How's Your liver? K will psy you te tske feed ore ef your liver, because, If you da* year Hver will tsks good care of you. Sick dver puts yon al eat of aorta, makes you pals, diuy, ekk at the stomach, gives yen etsasrh ache, headache, aaltria, etc. Well Sver keeps you well, >y psrifytaf your* oo4 asi HfteMmilf hi*. Then Is only ese aal MonTs Black-Draoebt For .ever (0 tears tkle wesMHkl vec^ne^VtesattsatandW lathessaadeef hsaiee, aal Is tod ̂ the fever* Bv#MldBe Is ftewerA £Mraawsr as eiwiewef the body la f Sun. M 9 DAVIS & EUGENE ' • * 3 P R K 8 E N T Nr. Lee D, Ellsworth IM SOL SMITH RUSSE1P& GREATEST SUCCESS REELECTION A COMEDY DRAMA IN THREE ACTS. Prices: 25,35, 50c Bank of McHen ( This Bank receives, deposits, Imya and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BARKING NISHIESS. We endeavor to do all business Intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real eetate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE. In First Class Companiee, at tbe loweat ratea. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. • Banker*. NMMMMMMMMOMM* .flcHenry Bakery Ahme a t f f e e o f m hffrt PRESH EVERY DAY Waddinge promptlj attended ta Wheit yon btiy Bakery itx- *• Hat ttpon yotir dealtf ' to gite you the homd ^-i| ittade goods which arS " llwSyl the best. . J MAX MMM MeHlftfcY, llU it*! tbe youT lifetime.