Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1906, p. 4

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W!' ^.rr? , •'- § { w ~ vVT5| ^",«T.«-: iw >4- fi »V'"*? * "" '! 'if .»? *f: W.W^ ^ 1. ForKsOugns and Colds ^Want Column. There is a remedy over sixty years old -- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it* probably have used it. Once in the family, it stays; the one household remedy for coughs and hard colds on the chest. Ask your doctor about it. The best kind of a teitlmoibW- " Sold ior over sixty years." Made by 3. C. Ay«r Co.. T.owsll, Ma Alao manufmoturei * of Y SARSAPAHLU. PILLS. HAIR VIGO*. yers We have no seereto! We publiafc the formula# of all our medicine#* Ayer's Pills increase the activity of the liver, and thus aid recovery* The Nclieory Pldiodeiiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE McHEfiRY PLAIItDEALER (OMPANY. W. A.CUISTY, L. T. HOY, . Vice P'h». Secretary. "™ JAMES B. PERRY, j *1 President and General Manager. F. G. SOHREINXR, Editor. Office in Bank Building. Telephone, NKRI TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: .One year... Biz months. 75 cts. «.S0 Three months. 40 cts. Thursday, September 13,1906. •4e Very Low Rate* to SHU Francisco and LOU Angelex. Via the North-Western line. An excur­ sion rate of one regular first-class limit­ ed for round trip will be in effect from all stations September 3 to 14, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account National Baptist convention. Three fast tr&ins through to California daily. "The Overland Limited, electric lighted througnout, less than three days to San ; Francisco. "The Los Angeles Limited," electric lighted throughout, via the new Salt Lake route to Los Angeles, with drawing-room and tourist sleeping cars. Another fast daily train is "The China and Japan Fast Mail" with drawing- room and tourist sleeping cars to San Francisco and Los Angeles. For itiner­ aries and full information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Sept 14 .. The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong­ est animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures. How to keep the breathing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williams, 0., hat* learned to do this. She writes: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery stopped my cough of two years and cured me of what my friends thought consumption O, it's grand for throat and lung troubles." Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Very LAW Excursion Rates to Dearer, Colorado Springs and Paeblo, Via the North- W estern line, will be in , effect from all stations, September 19 to 22. inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Pike's Peak cen­ tennial celebration. For full informa­ tion apply to agents Chicago & North- Weetern R'y. 22 Starving to Death. Because her stomach was so weakened by useless drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderfnl re­ sult that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaran­ teed by G. W. Besley, West McHenry; N. H. Petesch, McHenry, druggists. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. Ifc FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the • gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up t flfty-ccnt size, which If tnouih for an ordinary minor cold or useful •f 0 trial for bablfi •fid children, In other conditions the gain is ilower--heaith cannot b£ built up In a day. m lUch easel Scott's femdWon must be taken it rtdttriihment; a food rathtf than a medicine. If* a food for tired and wuk digestion#. l i • fi££i!££i£££4SSE!f • Scott & Bowne, 40M5*urifc N«w Yerfc All advertisement!) Itinned imiler ihis head at tin follow ing rates . Kiveltnoa or I«**K, relit* for flmt Insertion; 16 cents for eaih •.uu.w.-.ukju i:is»rtii>n. Mora than ftva linos, 5 rants » line for tlrst insertion. | and S eejsta a line for additional in«ertioiu. WANTED--At once, good tinsmith to build galvanized iron row Itoats, launches, water tanks, &c. Stead v work to the right man. HUNTER-WBCKLISR BOAT CO., < McHenry, III. ' rkO YOC WANT 47 acres of laud? If so, will •L' sell for less than the bare land ts worth and throw-In the buildings, which are worth 18500.00. BANK or MCHENRY. 8-tf LOTS FOR SALE--;>outh of McCenry dam; • river front, desirable place for hniitlni;. fishing and summer homes. Inquire at this office or W. HOMIER. West McHenry. * CM ALL FARM TO KENT--to party having *3 little capital to buy outHt In connection with summer resort. Inquire of 10 M. A. llowBTjta, McHenry. •nv>R SALE AT A BARGAIN--Surry, team " of horses and harness. Must sell at once; family going into city. For further informa­ tion apply at this office. lltf ONLY TWO young L>urOc Jersey Ked boars left. Be sure to see them soon if you are in want of same. No fancy price asked. For further particulars apply to W. B. JOHONNOTT, Ringwood, 111. T OST--On Tuesday, on road between Lily -M Lake and Volo, flue black coat. Find* r please leave at this office or with. * BEN WEGENER, Lily Lake. I Tfce Helmet la the SeiMlroea, I [ German schoolmasters are said to ' ! have had much to do with the victory j ' of the Germans in their late war with < > France, and lu thi» connectiou Sir j J Henry Roseoe tells this incident of hi» . I inspection of the professional school la j j Rouen, Frauce: "Among the usual ob­ jects I noted vvita surprise a Prussian soldier's linnet. On being asked why he place#' ft there the schoolmaster stated that* it was picked up in the streets of Rouen during the German Invasion. Ann he added that it was of groat service to him, for when the scholars did not attend to their work be used to bring this down and put it in his desk and, pointing to it, say: 'Now, if you do not make progress and learn properly this will happen to you again. The surest way to bring it upon you Is to neglect y'our studies and grow up in Ignorance and to become in­ ferior in intellectual training. The display of that helmet,' explained the director, 'never fails to bring the blush of shame to the cheeks of my students and to rouse their patriotism and their seal for their studies."* T OST--Between residence of G. W. Besley and public school,' a small pocket book containing five dollars. Finder will confer a school girl a great favor by leaving same at A. C. Matthews' Meat Market. ipOR SALE-- Appletou six-roil corn busker; has been run three seasons, is in trood running order and is nearly as good as new. For further information write to or inquire of 12-tf RAY L. THOMAS, West McHenry. "CH)R SALE CHEAP--All buildlug material r from the Washington Park race tracks now being wrecked by the J. G. liuel Wreck­ ing Co., Chicago, phone Wentworth S94. Tim­ bers all lengths and sizes, scantling and joints all lengths and sizes, 4 and 6 in. floor­ ing, sheathing boards, fence boards, cedar posts, barn and house doors and windows all sizes, chicken wire, gasoline street lamps and posts,2 steel bridges, I beams and columns, sewer pipe 6 to 16 inches, plumbing goods all kinds, wooden water vats and troughs. 34 and 32 foot wood trusses. Estimates furnisned. J. G. RUEL WRECKING CO., 61st and St. Law­ rence Ave., Chicago, 111. Dec i A Patented Plant. "One plant at least has been patent­ ed," said an Inventor. "It is the Abrna t-recatorius, alias paternoster pea, alias .veather plant. John Nowack took out Jio patent The weather plant is still jelieved by many persons to foretell tiie weather. John Nowack was sure it did so, and he put it on the market along with an indicating apparatus, guaranteeing it to foretell for forty- eight hours in advance and for fifty miles around fog, rain, snow, hail, earthquake and depressions likely to cause explosions of fire damp. Alas for poor Nowack! The experts of the bureau of agriculture took up his pat­ ented plant. They proved that the movements of the leaves--to the right foretelling rain, to the left foretelling drought--Were not caused by the weather, but by the light. And they proved that the plant's famous down­ ward movement, which was supposed to foretell earthquake, was caused by an insect that punctured the stem, causing the leaf, naturally, to droop. That is the only patented plant 1 know of, and Nowack lost money on It.".* ••jrlsg Birds to Free Thca, Birds are often purchased in the bird market at Lucknow, India, in order to be set free again. This is done by Hin­ doos as a work of merit and by Mo­ hammedans after certain rites have been performed as an atonement, in Imitation of the Jewish scapegoat. It is essential that a bird used for this purpose should be strong enough to fly away; but that does not induce the cruel dealers to feed the birds, of to refrain from dislocating their wings or breaking their legs. They put down everything to good or bad luck, and leave the customer to choose a strong bird, if he can find one, and to go away if he cannot. The merit obtained by setting a bird free is not attributed to Deity, but It is supposed to come in a large measure from the bird itself or from Its attendant spirit, and hence birds of good or bad omen, and es­ pecially kites and crows, are in much demand and are regularly caught to be •old for this purpose. The Marvel of Notre Dame. Often as I have seen Notre Dame, the 'marvel of it never grows less. I go to Paris with no thought or time for it, busy about many other things, and then on my way over one of the bridges across the river perhaps I see it again on its Island, the beautiful /towers high above the high roofs of houses and palaces, and the view, now so familiar, strikes me afresh with all the wonder of my first Impression. The wonder only seems greater if I turn, as I am always tempted to, and j walk down the quays on the left bank, j the towers before me and with every I step coming more and more complete­ ly together, by the Font Neuf, to the Island and at last to the great square where Notre Dame fronts' me in its superb calm.--Elizabeth Robins Pen- nell In Century. Women Cannot Cat Diamonds. "A Ipt of women seem to be possessed these days of an ambition to learn the" trade of diamond cutting," the New York Sun reports one jeweler as say­ ing. "Every little while an applicant, for a situation as an apprentice gives us a call. But we can't afford to give them a trial. They can never master the art. In other branches of the jew­ elry trade women have made some un­ qualified successes. Not one of Eve's daughters, from royalty down, I should, say, that isn't an artist in the wearing of diamonds. Many are well versed in the tricks of buying $nd selling them, while others give excellent satisfaction in polishing and preparing them for the market. But when it comes to the real cutting of the stones they lack the patience, judgment and steadiness of nerve which constitute the expert's stock in trade." A Matter of Now. --Is^pitir of the important place givei to the nose as an index of character, there is but little to be learned from it In estimating the causes of an innate bond between^ the mind and the fea­ tures. Most of the correspondences which have been remarked appear to be of a radical order, but why a Itoinnn nose first became associated With a warlike and domineering disposition or how a long and thin nose became linked with business prudence is more than I can say. If we omit the changes which take place in a nose during the lifetime ?f its possessor, there is scarce­ ly a peculiarity of value to the physiognomist which at the same time Is cosmopolitan. No Tartar or Hotten­ tot, however warlike, could give proof of It in this way. Japan has shown that she possesses plenty of men wilh military aptitude, but no Wellinjrtonlan nose can be found within her borders. Again, no Chinese nose is long jvnd thin, yet John is not without a certain aptitude at driving bargains.--Black- wood's Magazine. - . MUMIC and the Tartly,: The Egyptians, according to the sage Apollodorus, credit their Ilermes or Alereury with the invention of music under the following circumstances: The Nile, having overflowed its banks and inunda ted nearly all of Egypt, on its return to its banks left on its shores various dead animals tUid among the rest a tortoise, the flesh having aried and wasted in the sun until nothing remained in the shell but cartilages. These, being tightened by the drying heat, became sonprous. Mercury, walking along the banks the river, happeneu to strike his foot against this,shell, was so pleased with the sound produced that the idea of the.lyre suggested itself, and he con­ structed a lyre of the shell of a large tortoise, which he strung with the fcinews of dead animals. Dryden wrote: Less than a sod they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell That spoke so sweetly. Why- He Quit the Game. ^Take a hand?" queried Sfhith as Jones stood watching the poker game at the club. "No. Quit." "What's the matter--cold feet?" "No. I always come out loser." "I never saw you lose in my life." "I know you never saw me, but I lose. If I happen to win a litttle here, my wife smilingly insists on my divid­ ing my winnngs when I go home. If I lose, I get a lecture on the evils of gambling, and the next day, in order to get even, my wife runs bills down town to the amount 1 lost. If I tell her I came out just even, she takes half the money to prevent my losing all> 1 have, so I am bound to lose." "H»at, Sweet Hsae." Probably no one would have been more surprised than Sir Henry Bishop himself could be have foreseen that a single melody In one of his numerous operas would .achieve such celebrity that at the present day it is still sung by leading prima donnas at fashionable concerts, jangled on street organs and loved by a vast public that knows noth­ ing of music, properly so called, as the purest representation of the English spirit--"Home, Sweet Home." "Clari, the Maid of Milan," the opera in which this favorite song occurred, has long been consigned to the limbo of forgot­ ten musical works, but "Home, Sweet Home," survives with undiminished popularity and is likely to survive when many more pretentious composi­ tions have followed "The Maid of Milan" Into oblivion.--Cornell Mag­ azine. "To Cure a Felon" says Sam Kendall of Phillipsburg, Kan., "just cover it over with Bucklen's Arni-. ca Salve and the Salve will do the rest." Quickest cure for Burns, Boils, 8orea, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema, 8a!t Rheum, Chapped Hands, Sore Feet and Sore Eyes. Only 25c at N. H. Petesch s McHenry; G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry, drug stores. Guaraoteed. Very Low Hates to BulTwln, sr. y. Via the North*Western Line. Excur* •km tie*#* will b« told «t on* far* for tbt rooad (ftp Oetobar 10 to 19, inclun. ifii wilh (iwibli ratorn limits, on ac» sooot of Int«rflfttiotiftl 0|>riiti»n con. vention, Apply to ft|outa Chlcaffo * North- Weutefti R'y. (Xjt Ask any *'iAP" that £ou tilay "Why tile CiSMr; with Beat behind/' had to clithb «tree. Tba Vanki, Odd blew the ¥afika, sati hi, They gaftf iu Rdcky MoodUln tea. G, W. Beeley The Plaindealer and Chicagd Daily Chronicle, bdtb papers one year for 98.50. Ordfir at ohoe m tha titat of this oiler it limited. ' It afottwa energy, develops and «titnu. latea faMtotls litot afotises the cotirage ofjotith. It makes £ott young again. That's tohUt ft ol lister'a Itock} Mohnt- Te* i 8® fcefate, Tea or Tab- The Dozen. In all the civilized countries of the world thirteen Is referred to as being somebody's "dozen." In America, Australia, Great Britain (present day) a id several other lands that number Is said to a "baker's dozen." In Italy it Is referred to as the "cobbler's dozen," there being a tradition that there was formerly a law which compelled cob­ blers to put twelve tacks or hails round the edge of a boot heel. Finally, when the nails became cheap, a center nail was driven for luck. Papyrus. The papyrus used by the ancient Egyptians was made from the stems of a peculiar water reed growing In all parts of Egypt. The outside layer of the plant was removed, and beneath this there were found a number of lay­ ers of a delicate, pithy membrane. These, being separated, were placed in layers. A second layer was laid at right angles to and above the first and sometimes a third over the second. Heavy pressure was then applied, and the layers were firmly cemented into a fair article of paper. No gum other than what was contained in the plant itself was used In the process. The papyrus was very much stronger than the average paper made by the mod­ ern machines. The sheets were com­ monly made from six to twelve inches square. ' ' Two Mon»ter Beetles. The largest bug known to the old world entomologists is the gigantic Goliath beetle, which is found along the Kongo" river in Africa. Goliath is upward of six inches in length from the tip of his nose to the nether end of his hard shelled body and has a pair of gauzy wings folded up under his arms, either of which is as large as a lady's face veil. Fut Goliath Is a pygmy whe& compared with the ele­ phant beetle of Venezuela, an entomo­ logical giant which weighs nearly a pound and which has a wing spread equal to that of a mallard duck. Both of these bugs are n\re. Hands .Across tHe ' * Erom International Sleeves imAHMIORa îhn Bull readies out from the London offices of the INTER- N A T ION A L TAILORING CO. to shake hands with his cousin, Uncle Sam, New York headquarters. He is congratulat ing li i in on hit enor­ mous purchases of English woolens for Z5f International Tailoring Co. POPULAR PRICES J^eiv York Chicago San FranciscS They maintain office* in Berlin, also, where their buyer* scoop up the choicest products o! the German mills. Altogether, the INTERNATIONAL is one of the heaviest woolen buyers in Europe and America to-day. Their stocks have to be enormous to meet the de­ mands created by "a million garments a year." The International Enterprise Reflect* Credit on all Americana. You can abate more of it by becoming an International man. We show samples and taKe measures Here. M. J. WALSH, W. McHfcNRY. (Professional. Society > and isusinesss Cards r»AVl!) G. WELLS, M. I». PHYSICIAN.?UllGlt:ON' ANl» ->OrLlS$" t'Picf hud residence corner Klin •*.ifweti slrt'ets. 'Telephone No. -ill V.." FS&Eta* & KEG BBS LJHYSICIANH AM> SITUOEONS. McHeni V III. oftice :it t2fsi(Ienr<>.corner Court) Elm streets.-' Telephone li. T. SMILEY A TTOttNEY AT LAW. Woodstoek 'All business in trusted to his car properly ami promptly attended to, WVF. STONE. ^Successor to l)r. F. C. Ross.) |§§ Office Hours front 9 a. in. until 5:80 D. ha. AI*o open evenings. Mr-HENRY, - ILLINOIS* Office and Residence-'over Petesch's Draft Store. Telephone No. 274. ; BR. R. G, (B^MBERLIN ' '" . , DKNT1ST, • •• ,Office and Residence over li. J Walsh's Store Honrs: 8:oo to 5:30. \VKST «VlcH KNHV, I;L(« ^•flcHENRV Warned' In Time. A man visiting a luuatic asylum re­ cently was conversing with some of the outdoor patients when a man rode up- on horseback. The pace called for comment among the party, and one of the patients said he had seen a horse running much faster than that one "Oh," exclaimed the visitor sotto voce, "I have seen a horse flying." "Dinna let the doctor hear ye sayin' that, my man," interjected an old Scotch luna­ tic. There's fouk in here for far less than fleein' horses." intrepidity. Intrepidity is an extraordinary strength of soul, which raises it above the troubles, disorders and emotions which the sight of great perils can arouse in it. By this strength heroes maintain a calm aspect and preserve their reason and liberty in the most surprising and terrible accidents.-- Rochefoucauld. ' Her Suggestion. Mlstress--I don't want you to have so much company. You have more callers in a day than I have in a. week. Domestic--Well, miim, perhaps If you'd try to be a little more agree­ able you'd have as many friends as I have. •Bvwflma, Mvi, Knlrtter--Does your hnsband aver complain if his buttons are mis* Ing? Mrs. Bocker^No; he has to fasten kp uiHuy of mine tha t ha wouldn't h»iv« tim# fw hi* own, SBf* WAFR*-NFW SUH, • rni M i i r ii~i~m h'rwic Be dt war with your vices, at peaci #Itb your neighbors and let every year Hxid yod a better man.--frrankllii fchattbsrlalii'e Couth itemed? One of the ifent on the littrkti, frdr many yeAra Chatiiherlata's Congh tteflieaf tifte cohstatitiy gained in favor and popularity until it is iiow one of the staple medicines In two aM DM ah ehormous sale, it Is iiitui^» d Mpeehtlly for actita throt^ and King til* eases, sttcfa as doughs, 00]us and cronp, ahd can always be depended upon. It ift {llfeasafat ahd Safe to take ahd is nti« doubtediy the hefet oh tiie inarket for the 1 purposes for which it is intended. BMbf Q, W. EUalay, ^ Klsslnsr la Iceland. When you visit a family in Iceland you must kiss each member according to his age or rank, beginning with the highest and descending to the lowest, not even excepting the servants. On taking leave the order is reversed. You first kiss the servants, then the children and lastly the master and mistress. Both at meeting and parting an affectionate kiss on the mouth with­ out distinction of rank, age or sex Is the only mode of salutation known in Iceland. '< A SHALL BUSINESS GROW IF WORTHY? If so, consider it a benevolent as well as a commendable act to patronize the smal­ ler institutions. Of course you know of "Evanson's Little Store" as the smal­ lest in town, but after you come in and look over the different items, you must admit that the assortment is quite com­ plete and a money saver as well. The fall Outing Flannels, Plaids, Flannelettes Underwear, Etc., are now awaiting your coming and to this end bid you welcome. John Evanson. Wood of the Cross. The people, of the different countries have their various traditions concern­ ing the wood of which the cross was made.^ In England the peasants say that It was of elderwood and that lightning never strikes that tree. Dean French in a note to his "Sacred Latin Poetry" declares that It was made of the wood of the aspen and that since the day of the crucifixion the leaves of that tree have never ceased to shud­ der. One Exception. "Where there's a winner there's* al­ ways a loser." "Not always." "Well, name an Instance to. tiie con­ trary." "When you're playing cards with your girl for kisses." An impression. "Now I have an impression in my head," said the teacher. "Can any of you tell me what an impression is?" "Yes'm, I can," replied a little fellow at the foot of the class. "An impres­ sion Is a dent in a soft spot." Badly Pot. Fisherman (beginner)--Don't you think, Peter, I've Improved a good deal since I began? Peter (anxious to pay a compliment)--You have, sorr, But, •ure, it was alsy for you to Improve sorrM?>mcb, Bra#. When ari.cuitdMtf w« tmi# about dtft parents, ifciieh wd gfct td fce f oiiiijf men and young women we brag about dtirselves. When we become older we btfag about out chlldrtii. The orffltisl. Foley Sc do., Chicago, ofitfifisfad Honey and Tar (it a throat and lung remedy, ahd on account of the greMt merit aftd popularity of Foley's Hone? and far raan$ imitations art offered toi 'he srhttiiie. 'these worthless imiti- ion* l.ity* lthilar sounding names. wars tf fchetti. $he gentalne Foley's Honey and far 1b in a fellow package Ask for it and tefiise ahy aiibetitnte. It is the bfest rethedy toil <k>tighs 4tid colds, Q. W. fiesle?. TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES N. H. Petesch, Druggist. Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles ^ •> SriaKft>i: tl A Square Deal THAT'S WHAT YOU GET when buying your Groceries and Fruits of us. No matter how large or small your purchase may be, we always exercise as much care with a five-cent order as we do with a $5.00 purchase. Try us. 1 John Stoffel, W. McHenry | I UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. | swaivrr- i PHILIP GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT StfBSClAL AffBNTiON GltBft td frffc SALfii OP . , D^esaed Be«i, nutton, Veil, Poultry< | Hide*, fetfci BflttefMd E«i \ | 1 This is the ddeft lidtffse ofi the etrdet. Trigs dud ptt& liiitl fehlirtied ^ I application. COLD STORACJG FL^EH | 1 9g!SiaAfiW* CHlCAddi ILLINOIS. I We do Job Work. are will > tier 1*. amittg of all kliMh. und Grading. - - - - ILLINOIS Teteplione No. *03, SIMON STOFFlSr f nsnrance Agent for all classesbf projWrty iu the best. Companies. West McHenry, Illinois FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARi House :ind Sljrn I'aliittnp: arid all Intej-ior Dec- oratintr. Ucsidence north town line one block weh. of river. Telephone No.2M. MCHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS R.H .OWEN PIUUUH lor sale and rent. Tuning anfl repair Ing at reasonable prices. Firfct class Work only. McHENItY. ILLINOl J o h n v J . V y o l t s l I»I AL.KK IN GeneraLl H&rdware Sto-'t-fi, Paints und Oils. Tin and m|^ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone McHENRY, - - ILLINOia Tel. Msln 1714. W H Y do people of Mc I U-nry. Lake an ether couutl Lambert Q. Seng's 1»2 Fifth Ave., CHICAQO? Because it is so home like. LLTHE COUCH AND C U R E THE LUNGS I s "scovery 0S\ SUMPTION Price (/L'GHS and 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest, Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BAOK. ! Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. 20 YEARS" EXPERIENCE. Uur CHARGES ARB THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free report on patentaMUty. INFRINGEMENT suits conduetod before all courts. Patents obtained through us, AnVER- TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, PEN­ SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office! WASHINGTON, D. C. HOLLISTER'S ^ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Mbdioiiiu fos Busy People. Vrlngi Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. • ^cifle f ir ConstipiiUon, Inili'restion, I.ive 1 Joey Troubles. Pimples, Eozema, In?purs , Baa Breath, Slugrrrish Bowels, Headaclt • i.ickaclie. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tui • • >"m, 8.1 cputs a box. Ocmine made l>> .'3TitR DRUG COMPANY, Madison, Wis. :N NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE W. ORIGINAL _ LAXATIVE HONEY MS TA.R Aa Improvement over all CottftL Ltrng and Bronchial ReatdiM* Curst Coughs, Strengthtfta tha Lungi, gently more* tha Bairala. Pleasant to the taste and aeod alike for Young and Old. frnttU I* vtaiiitt HCBlClRt m s a, Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA A.

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