Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1906, p. 5

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JEWELRY STORE can be found, at all times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianog, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel­ ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifte is unsurpassable and we invite yon to inspect same before purchasing. Prices are always right. N. A. HUEMANN, , West TIcHeiiry, Illinois. 19804. Jos. H. Hueniann Johnsburgb Illinois. sella the Me. Vi ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex' Cct-indins* Mills, Rock Island Plevs, Wagons, Carriages, Bnggi< i ., Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine 0s) a Specialty. fnaklia Ugbtawg .. am M{ent for the above. We put the liods on your Build- in s and should tbey be struck by •iKlitnlNx we pay duniaifes If no more than 1500. Call and get full particulars. Ctieril Blacksmith Prkes iiwm RNsouMe] | SINGLE AND J ^Driving Harness?< Give us your order for that new single or driv­ ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY M. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WEST SlDg Always a complete line of' Fresh and Salt Meats, Sausages, Etc. Highest market prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned (foods and Bakery. What more has any first class city market to offer? A. (.MATTHEWS RUBBER TIRES Why he without Bobber Tires •ben you can them so cheap? SET » WARRANTED TIRES FO« ONLY 2,00, We ulno dt) lire BCIII'im. Mac!il>!« lit* tttlffug, Grinding Knives, ; titc. Woodtvofk of all kinds neatly executed. We DO EVfRTTHIIK! ID the Black&mithtn* line with the exception of horseshoeta*. We place twenty-one mower or binder section# on your scythe lor 1100. Twenty-five per cent, off for cash on all our work. Oire U? a call. john pini,Mm, ill CENTERVILLH handle everything in the line of fresh and nit MEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Mo- Henry Creamery Batter. Chas. 0. Frett, Mchenry, 111. Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 20, 1906. WKEK DAT TRAINS. CHKFARO. NORTH BONHD 7.05 a m Via El»?in 8.43 a m Via Des I'laines 12.30 p m Via Elffin •1.00 pm Via l>es I'laines-- 3.45 p m Vla^Des I'laines 4.00 p m Via Elfjin 4.57 p m Via Des Pl&lnes-- •Saturday Only. SUNDAY TRAINS. . .Via Pes Pialnes... . .. Via Eljfin. . ... . ..Via Des I'laines 1 Via Elgin.. vm DAY TRAINS. SOOTHBOUNP. ...Via Pes I'laines .Via Elgin Via Pes I'laines Via Des I'laines.. . Via Elgin <117p in. Via Des I'laines.... . •Monday only. GTJNDAY TRAINS. 7.28am... Via Elgin.... .. 7.08 pm Via Pes Platnes 7.48 p m ... Via Pes I'laines 7.48 p m . VlwElplft 8.00 a m... 8.45 a m. . 9 10 a m... 2.02p m... Leave McHenry; * 7 . 1 2 a m . . 7 . 2 3 a m . . . 8 . 3 2 a m . . . 4.23 p m... 4.23 p m. Arrive McHenry. ...10.17 a m ...10.17 am .. ..2.50 p m 2-37 p m 4.45 p m . ..8.40pm . . .6.40 p m .. 9.37 a w .11.14 a m .11.14 am . 4.56 pm Arrive Chicago. . .H.35 am . 10.10 a Dj .9.35 am . .6.15 p m ..7,10 p ii. ..7.55 p m .10.85 a m . .8.25 p m ..MS p n .10.80 D O" PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes an«t .sizus.ASev- eral proofs to select from. Each doz- -.•n finished in different styles. Price, J2.00 »nd upward. Ot.tdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor ork. such as group pictures, views buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. f/-.\lak.rgemei\tii. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colors. Frames. A variet^of styles In stock sizes made up certificate, etc. to select from. for auy size picture, Waukegan St., near the Standpipe. WEST McHKNKY, ILL. TelepKne, 499 0 i J North Dakota | jLandstj | The richest and best land in * Eastern North Dakota fdr £ sale at reasonable prices and 1 oti good terms. Send or call * on our local representative £ for advertising matter, maps 2 and full information in re- * card to these lands. MUR' I RAY BROS, LAND COM.' | PANV, Minneapolis, Minti. Ben Stilling, • Lecal Afcnt. // inois CentralR. R. Annual Stockholders' fleeting at Chi­ cago, October 17. Personal Attendance of individual Holders Desired. FREE TICKETS to the Meeting Public notice 1s hereby giveu that the reiru- larannual meeting of the Stockholders of the Illinois Central Hailroad Company will be held at the Company's office in Chicago. Illi­ nois. on Weduesday, October 17, 1900, at 12 o clock noon. Li To permit personal attendance at said meeting there will be Issued To each holder of one or more Shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central Kail road Company, as registered on the books of t e Company at the close of business on, Sept. 24.19uti, who is of full age, A Ticket Enabling Him or Her to Travel Free over the Company's lines from the station on the Illinois Central Hailroad nearest to his or her registered address to CHICAGO AND RETURN such t icke t to be good tor the journey to Chi­ cago only during the Four Days Immediately Preceding and the day of the meeting, and for the re­ turn journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the irour Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday, October, JO, 1906- that is to say between !»:00 a. 111. and 5.00 p. m.- ln the oitice of the Assist­ ant Secretary, Mr. W. (J. Bruen. in Chicago. Such ticket m.iy be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, on application, in writing, to t he President of t he Company in Chicago, but each stockholder must Individ­ ually apply for ills or her ticket. Ra^li appli­ cation must state the full name and addres.* of the Stockholder exactly as given in liis or her Certificate of .Stock, together with the number and date of such Certificate. >'0 more than one person will be carried free iu re­ spect to any one holding of stock as regis­ tered on the book* of the Company. A. G. HAClvSTAFF. Oct 17 Secretary. ^ G S. RANDALL. K. L. JOSLYN. ^ ! mui & joslth $ l J i j <i. s. Rdndall, W. McHenry. j AUCl lONEpRS. Farm Sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms madg known on application. Address Telephone, No. OH. Office#t Heim- er bldg.. Centerville D. A. WILLEY, M. D. (. VETERINARY SURUEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a specialty. 'Phone 253. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills. Pipes, Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at all times. McHENRY, ILL. A Clear Complexion aud Bright Eye*. In most cases a sallow, blotched com­ plexion and dnll heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inactive liver. Orino Laxative Frnit Syrnp aids diges­ tion and stimulates the liver and bowels aud makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi­ tutes. G. W. Besley. Nolle* 1 To Imirc publication to The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each wpfk, A^verHwrp, especially, are to take tttfMrtlisf to this eifttet. Well Worth f fyitig* W. B. Brown, the popular pefciioli attottiey; Of Pitts field, Vt, Say*: "ilext to a pensioh, the best thing to get is Dr.- Kidg'ft llew LiffeP'ilW." He writes:"they keep rat faiiiily it splendid healtti." Quick oure for Hertdac^e, Constipation and Bilottsaess; SOc. ^arantefeii It. H. Petesch's, Q. W. Bes* lejr'i* West McH«nry( drug stores. 1tmtf Low Bate* to Toronto, tftiti Via the Korth-Western Line. SSkcttr* sioti tickets Will be sold Steptembef 12 to id, Inclusive, with favorably tettifn llniifai, on account of 1. O. 0. F. Grand Lodge. Apply to agents Chiciago & Worth-W«et«ni ^ Etept 15 | PROBA TE NE1VS ) : (Furnished by Mcllenry (,'ou'nty Abstract Company. WoodstocJ*. Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Kate Surges to Ottilie S»'IKH;1 Jfe h, land in sec McHenry $£>00 00 •A L llowe& w to Ella Walker, It. 12, Orchard Beach. McHenry 27>00 Halver Michelson & w to John A Tor* sti'tison. lot 3S and pt lot.s 2l> & 27 & . piece adjoining. Festert's subdiv, nw H see 20, McHenry 3H5000 A I. Howe & w to .ludd H Wheeler, Its 30 31. Orchard Beach, McHenry . 530 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lewis Austin, 19., JBekron Nellie Jones. 18.. Harvard George M Phelps, 34 Woodstock Mrs. Mary E Cook, 88...Lowell, Mich. Carl Wiitmuh, 24 .....Lawrence Clara W nlff, 20. . . . .Chemung Edward N. Ainsworth, 34, Mabel Welrsien, 33 El Kin .. Huntley RINOWOOl). Ed.' Keefe spent several days recently with relatives in Chicago. Charles Peet transacted business is the windy city last Saturday. Mii*s Ada Kane is visiting with Wood­ stock relatives at this writing. Mr. aud Mrs. Beu Brefield are enter­ taining the latter's parents from Wis­ consin. ,T. E. Cristy of , Waupaca* Wis , spent one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. O Bishop drove to the Barringtou flour mill with a load of wheat Tuesday. Amy Noonan has given up his position at the creamery, the vacancy being filled by Oliver Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and family spent Saturday evening and Sunday with relatives at Wilmot, Wis. Miss Mary Sullivan left for her home at Elgin Monday after visiting with Miss Agnes Carey for the past two weeks. Regular services at the Universalist church were resumed last Sunday. Preaching at 2:80 p. m. and Sunday school at 1:80 p.. m. Everybody cor­ dially invited. * 08TKjn>. Beautiful summer weather. Mrs. Ella Hammond and< children of Harvard spent Sunday with relatives here. W. F. Bassett sold his large, black team of horses Monday morning to a party from Nunda. Chautauqua Assembly at Woodstock this week. Grand affair, judging from the money invested in the good cause. The Ostend school opened Monday morning with Miss Rease of Nunda as teacher and nine scholars in attendance, Mies Bell Harnish is quite ill at this writing. Mrs. P. S. Martin is caring for her with Dr. Hepburn in attendance A kerosene lamp exploded at the home of E. E Bassett last Saturday evening. Luckily no serious damage was done/ ' There were several out last Sunday swiping all the wild grapes without ask­ ing for them. That means wine. Be- warl of the wine cup. Last Saturday W. F. Bassett's large, black team took a run from the Bassett place to Henry Hobart's fiirm, leaving the harness scattered along the road as they weut along. No one'was hnrt. Frank Kaiser had a very narrow es­ cape from being seriously injured Mon­ day morning. While on his wav home from the factory his team suddenly be­ came unmanageable and while round­ ing Bassett's corners the wagon was up­ set throwing Frank to the ground with terrific force. Frank Martin and Frank fltrnlsh who were nwr ky at once wsn» to hie Mr. Kai*<?r was bur fediy takefi to bis boiue where be wfih cated tttt. Altho ho bohes wferb brbkeh ibt victim of the accident was pretty mu8h bruisbd tip. I'hfe Wagon waft very mtlCh demolished ahd the milk cans strewn along the roadside. Hudrfen Attack of l»y«entery Cured. A prominent lady of Brooklyn, If. Writes to inquire where she can obtain Chamberlain's Colic, Colic and Diiir rboea Remedy. She say«: "While •topping at a rafcoh in South jbakota I Was taken ill of what deeded to be ctoolerti. They gave ote this medicine and it ctired ttte. 1 brought a bottle hoihe and have just dsed the last of it today. Mother was Wken suddenly til of dysentery and it helped her immedi­ ately." To* sate fcjr Ch W. Beele^i KMK KALI* I'AliK. - Miss Katie Knox spent Sunday at XL J. Sutton's. Clyde Wright of^Vojo called oh friend* here Sunday. - Miss Alice Smith spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Tttioa. Bolger called on friends at Griswold Lake Wednesday Mrs. M. Mcljanghlin spent Tuesday with friends in this vicinity. D. W Hill of Chicago spent Snnday with his family at the Park. Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Sutton and son, Joe, visited the former's parents Snnday Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Edna visited at R. J. Smith's Tuesday after­ noon. Mrs. N. Biggy and children of Chica­ go visited relatives and friends in this vicinity last week. Miss Agnes Carey of Ringwood and friend. Miss Sullivan, of Elgin visited the Misses Knox last Thursday. Richard Aylward visited at E, Knox's Sunday. He went to Chicago Monday where he has secured a position. Messrs. J. and W. Haxton, G. Fraser and Geo. Blum of Chicago spent Sunday with their famiHes at the Park. Mr. and Mrs, ]E. Knox and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton went to Libertyville last Thursday to attend the fair. Messrs. Phil Kane and Clarence Whit­ ing aud Miss May Welch spent last Thursday at E Knox's. Mrs. W. K. Burns, daughter, Lillian, and D. Strong have closed the Burns cottage and returned to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Romano and family re turned to Chicago Wednesday after spending their tirst, season at the Park. A number trotn here attended the Coffee bv the A. and R. society at M. Fitzsimuions' Saturday. All report a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. .T. Campbell returned to Chicago Sunday after spending a few days at the Cohan cottage. Mrs. Camp­ bell was formerly Miss Lillian Cohan. H. Stanford of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. He was accompanied back to Chicago by his wife anil family who have been spending the p*at week here: Miss Mary Meggio and mother of Chi­ cago spent last week at the Romano cottage. They were accompanied home by Miss Mary and Master Frank Roma­ no. Ladies, read this catalogue of charms: Bright eyes, glowing cheeks, red lips, a smooth skin without a blemish, in short, Iterfect health. For sale with every package Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. G. W. Besley. Miss Katie Knox opened school in the Prairie district Monday with an attend­ ance of sixteen pupils. The improve­ ments which have been made on the school building during vacation are much appreciated by teacher and pupils Dr. Flun'i Twtimony Interesting. Dr. Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 33 years says he has used every prescription known to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, and says he has never found anything so effective in both chronic and acute kid­ ney trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It ^tops irregularities and builds up the whole system. G. W. Besley. " YOJLOw Alfred Nicholls of Chicago visited home folks Sunday. C. G. Huson of Libertyville was a Sunday caller here. Miss Frances Rosing <of Round Lake was at home Sunday. Peter Frost of Chicago spent several days last week in Volo. Mrs. John Richardson transacted bus­ iness in Chicago Monday Will Kretschmer of Cnicago was a re­ cent Volo visitor. Harry Kir wan of Wauconda spent Sunday at James Kirwan's. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanson were Henry callers last Saturday. Mr. Francisco of Wauconda was a re­ cent caller at the Volo creamery. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Anna Miller were recent Chicago visitors. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wegener of Fre­ mont called on C. Sable last Friday. Mrs. Geo. Huson and daughter, Reba, are visiting friends at Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker entertain ed company from Evanston last Friday. Misses Maude Walton and Heller Raymond were Grayslake callers Sun- lay. * -1 Mrs. Mary Hendel of Hainesville cal led on her sister, Mrs. C. Parker, Fri (i. H. Gnrler of DeKalb spent Fr/day and Saturday with J. D. Gift at tlu creamery. Mesilames John Richardson and Wm 4ironimus were in McHenry on business last Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Theo. Winkle and child ren of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr ind Mi a C. Sable. Raught Bros, entertained relatiu* >rom New York and Bristol, Wiaconeln, iaturday and Snnday, MeMM. Murrie of Uke Forwt itrt of.IMeviW. WIP.J cn!!«d on foetus m Void Saturday* Mt: and Jtti-s. Albert flSught 6nter taitiefl the latter's brdther ahd faultily o' Bristol. Wis i Over Sdnday. Ati&bk of DUfttioea Cured by tin* Ufefce bf Chamberlain'* Colic, Clio'lera » and l>larrhoe» Remedy; I fcfts so wealt from an attack of diar rhobtl that I coiild scarcely attefad to my dtttlei, when-1 took a dose of Chamber lalti'S Colic, Cholera and DlarihoeH Retoedy. It enred me entirely and I bad been taking other medicine for nine datVi< witflont relief. I heartily rectim- iuehd this remedy as belttg the best to my kitotftadge for bowel coihplaints. - K G. Stewart, of the firih of Stewart & Bros.* Greenville Ala. Fox aale by G. w. ftatyi Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frennd M Ingle- side spent Sunday here. Miss Mayuie Kattner of Spring Grove passed thru here Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Weber of Volo vis­ ited here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jnsten of McHen­ ry passed tfcrn here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hnff and sons spent Snnday at John Merles*.' Mrs. Jos. Heimer of McHenry a^jpnt one day with Mrs. Peter Niesen. Martin Smith of Milwaukee is visit­ ing relatives and friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Micbels spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Michels Quite a few from here attended the Libertyville fair last week. All report a nice time. Mrs. John Trapp of Chicago visited her sister. Mrs. Peter Niesen, a few days last week. MT. and Mrs. Otis Murray and son, Ray, spent Tuesday afternoon With Mc­ Henry relatives. Mrs. John Thelen and children spent one day recently with' tier sister, Mrs. Jacob Huemann. Mi-S. Mat Niesen and . Mrs. Peter Rothermel of McHenry drove thru here Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John F. Schmitt returned to her home Monday, after visiting her son and daughter at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes and daugh­ ter visited Mrs Emma Steffes at Pista- kee Bay one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and chil­ dren of Rinewood visited at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilltng's Sunday. "Mrs. Henry Stilling and sister, Mary Kernebeck, spent, Tuesday with the for­ mer's daughter, Mrs. Peter* Miller. Mrs. Sam Skifano and little daughter of Chicago are spending a few days here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Palmes and chil­ dren of Belvidere visited a few days at the former's parents', Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Palmes. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Freund and daugh­ ter of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Freund. Mrs. Jo« Buch and little son of Chi­ cago and sister, Miss Kate Freund, of Wauconda spent. Saturday afternoon at Mr. and Mrs. Mat N. Freund's. Mc- Ume Back. • This is an ailment for which Cham­ berlain's Pain Balm has proven espe­ cially valuable. In almost every in­ stance it affords prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich . says of it: "After using a pias­ ter and other remedies for three weeks for a lame back, I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud two ap­ plications effect a cure." For sale by (J. W. Besley. RlDUEXipil*. F. Corkill was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Miss Florence MuOroe left Monday for Washington, D. C. Misses Helen and Lucy Bensen spent Sunday at McHenry. George Doolittle visited in Chicago from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Cameron of Nnnda visited with friends here Sunday and Monday. Mrs. A. (J. Levey and daughter, Lois, were Woodstock visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Levey of Batavia are visiting the former's brother, S. Levey. Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock is visiting her parents and sister here this week. Chas. Eichkoff, an old and respected citizen of McHenry county, died at his home in this village Wednesday morn­ ing. The funeral services will be held from the church Friday afternoon at 1:80 o'clock. Harvey Han^hawont, only eon of Mr. and Mrs Hanghawont died at Cottage hospital, Harvard, Thnrsdr.y morning, September 6 The funeral was held from the house Saturday morning and he remsi ins laid to rest in the Ridge- field cemetery He leaves besides his parents, five sisters to mourn. A Happy Home Bros. Co. SPi" A To hivt you should v happ j home hmt children. They are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can ba mad* strong enough to fern* healthy chil­ dren, with Kttfa pain or dis­ comfort to yciMvaalfyhy taking ncrienry Bakery A Tonic tat Women It will ease all ymr pain, reduce inflamnatlun, cure leacorrhea, (whites), falling wweb, ovarian trouble, discrdersd menaes, back­ ache, headache, etc., and make childbirth mtural and eaay. Try It. At all dealers la mtdldftM, In #1,00 bottles, mdvs to cAimn •tar City, Iowa. "Shi is a AM haaithy babt and w# ara * tfeaty, I m t* tatii aad wouti the heasa.* not be doing Cardtti, it ft in and Fancy Always onhand ' I Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a • GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect- folly solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yonrs Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. „ • • 'Jt'* ? ' 1 <*i»" - i Always a complete line of Bakery Gooda on hand. PRB8H 6V6RY DAY Orders for parties nhi Weddings promptly attended to. Wheh you bay Bakery to­ ilet upon your dealer to gite yon the hone tnade goods which art fclwayt tiM but. McHEKEY, ILL - % ^Htional opi^oitnnity uf your lifetime. Ike lut^r Oimd It's the eourn ^.11

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