Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1906, p. 8

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I \"0 ; ' •1'* ; * V - r . ^ > . - ;• - >'Kv" - -^07 • '* W" ' *' »• ** ', "* t> % ^ , , * ' " ;,s ' ̂ ' \ . <\ , • ' " • • . ' y ' , ~ ' v .. ""' "v|."' • ' " • - • • * ; - - * Fi^,u7A"l' T ',.' i t ftSEB. %"• iNE OF THE NEW Overcoat Styles! Sr We have Hen's Overcoats from $5 to $18 Boys' Overcoats $2 to 512 SSI J *;-* ,"• *>£-> * j S&v- ? I . ,1. >V !• •• . *• J I JOS. W. FR.EUND, - WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. . Fine Quality in Men's Clothes must necessarily be produced by skill of the first grade, if they are not, their style, fit and appearance will not last. The made-to-measure garments we sell are cut, tailored and finished by men who excel! in methods, ability and experience. It is an absolute fact that there is no other place in our town where you can buy garments at such reasonable prices and still carry with those prices the rare merit of excellence. The way to know their value is to wear them. Single breated suits, worsted, cheviots and all the handsome heavyweight ma­ terials Double breasted suits, with the latest cut which makes the Fall and Winter suit new, different and graceful--all ma­ terials--Overcoats in many styles--ser­ viceable and comfortable. New Fall and Winter Garment# The latest styles show unusually strong • character and more real taste has been displayed in the conception of patterns than for many seasons past. .LODTZ McHENRY, ILLINOIS. W" • * j su;...:. v. • Stoves! Stoves! All kinds for all kinds of fuel, All sizes, ail prices. New Stoves and old Stores. . If^you have an old Stove that you do not^ wish to set up this fall bring it to us and we will allow you all it is worth in ex­ change for a new one. If you want a new Stove and haven't the ready cash to buy, call and learn what we can do for you. It is for your interest to call if you are in need of a Stove, anyway.0 :: :: F. L. ricOHBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE. tv f i ' f - anil Window Screens! LET-US FIT YOU UP IN THIS LINE. WE WILL DO IT RIGHT AND DO IT REASONABLE. Knowledge of direction seems to be Instinctive with the Burmans, says the author of "A People at School." They always reckon by the needle, not by relative position. They do not say "Turn to the right," but "Turn to the west." a table in a room has two tumblers on it, one of theui will be the east tuuiMer, the other the west, and the table itself will be not the "table near the wludow," but the "table In the east of the room." So they speak of the north or south side of a street or of a tree, not the shady or sunny side. Even In rain or mist they know the direction at once. An English traveler, walking in the Burtunn forest-on a foggy morning to find all trace of the road wiped out by rain and every ap­ parent means of ascertaining direc­ tion gone, was at a loss what to do, but his Burinah servants knew at once. "That is north," they said, point­ ing, "and that is east. Our course lies between," and straight to the north­ east they marched unerringly.: , Helgoland Soup'. - What do the Helgalanders <Jo with their birds? Some are sent away fo the Hamburg market and the rest kept for home consumption. Roasting be­ fore a slow Are, with the tail on, over toast, is practically an unkiiowu art or at jeast one rarely practiced. Every­ thing goes into the pot for soup. "Tros- selsoup" is an institution much lauded. Mr. Oatke tells us how it should be prepared. Take care to commit forty or fifty thrushes, according to the re­ quirements of the family, to the soup pot, and do not have the fattest birds drawn, and If the cook Is a true artist no one will fail to ask a second helping. A favorite Helgoland dlsji Is kittiwake pie. In November Jtnd December these gulls are very fat and when prepared in Hetgolandish fashion are considered a-delicacy, although a somewhat fishy one. The gray crow is also a very fa­ vorite dish.--Chambers' Journal. Bcgcan Who Talce the "Cnr«." Begging seems to be a lucrative call­ ing in Vienna. In one of the district police courts a man and his wife were summoned to appear on a charge of begging in the streets. Only the wo­ man appeared, and in answer to the magistrate's questions stated that her husband had gone to Baden to take a cure! The prosecuting attorney re­ marked that the Viennese beggars earned such good incomes and lived so well that they were forced to go to some bath resort to recover from their high living. Only a few days ago, he said, a beggar well known in the Vien na police courts had returned from Carlsbad after taking the cure there and had resumed his begging w.ith renewed vigor.--Pall Mall Gazette. Pawmhop Sale*. "Don't Imagine," says an auctioneer, "that you can get any real bargains at a pawnshop sale. The pawnbroker kgows just what people think about his stock, many of them having learn­ ed from experience that he will pay next to nothing on the best quality of Jewelry and silverware, watches, etc., and they thus get it into their heads that all the articles sold at auction are genuine goods. But there's where they make a big mistake. The pawnbroker seldom sells any pledged articles at these auction sales. He uses them sim­ ply for a 'blind.' Articles taken In pawn are invariably sold at private sale."--New York American. A Gllmpae of C«rlyle. One day Carlyle suddenly stopped at a street crossing and, stooping, picked up something out of the mud, even at the risk- of being knocked down and run over by passing vehicles. With his bare hands he gently rubbed the mud from it. He then took it to the pave­ ment and laid it down on a clean spot on the curbstone. "That," said the old man In a tone of tenderness he rarely used, "is only a crust of bread. Yet I was taught by my mother never to waste anything--above all, bread, more precious than gold. I am sure that the little sparrows or a hungry dog will get. nourishment from this bit of bread." The, Klafliher. Many, and curious are the legends of the kingfisher. One of these is to the effect that the bird was originally a plain gray in color, but upon being let loose from the ark flew toward the setting sun and had its back stained blue by the sky and its lower plumage scorched by the sun to gorgeous hues. The dried body of the kingfisher was once used as a charm against thunder­ bolts and moths, and it was hung up so that it might point with its bill to the wind's quarter. The Evil of a Good Name. "Mammy," said Pickaninny. Jim, "why didn't you name me George Washington?" "Sonny," was the an­ swer, "I isn' gwlne to name no mo' chillen George Washington. As soon as dey hyahs dat story 'bout not bein' able to tell a He dey 'pears to git curious to And out whether it's so or not, an' dey stahts in sperlmentln' as soon as dey kin talk."--Washington Star. Two Epoch*. In the Honeymoon--Let me sit by you, darling, while you pour the tea. I love to watch your white hands toying with the cups. Next Season-^SVhat does the maid mean by not putting another leaf In the table? We might as well be sitting in each other's lap, etc.--Detroit Free Press. - Ho Kxearitaa Ticket. Beenaway--Let me see! About No- goodson--when I left he was going from bad to worse, and-- Staldhome-- It subsequently developed tbftt he had no return coupon.--Puck. It Is remarkable how few of the dis­ coverers and conquerors ot the new world died in peace. <'o!iu»bus died of a broken heart, Itnlhun was dis­ gracefully beheaded, Carte* was dis­ honored, Sir Walter nalelgh was be­ headed, Plzarro was murdered, Ojeda died in poverty and Henry Hudson was left to the mercy of the Indians along the bay which he discovered.-- D e t r o i t F r e e P r e s s . , J 4 . „ j if*" v1 - Doit Kill the Hpwli. i . Matt has sinned more than fin;jr «®$r animal' in trifling with nature's bal­ ance. Clover crops and the killing of hawks are apparently unrelated, yet the hawks eat the field mice, the fiek: mice prey on the immature bees, and the bees fertilize tho clover blossoms. The-death of a hawk means an over- increase of field mice and a consequent destruction of the bees.--Cduntry Life In America. > A Charity Dance. - Awkward Spouse--I see our set is to have a grand charity ball. Did you ever dance for charity? Pretty Wife-- Of course. Don't you remember how I used to take pity on you and dance with you when we first met?--London Telegraph. ; \-. . Hla Wis*. They had juet triovea Into a new house, and they stood surveying the situation. "I wish,",, she said, "that this carpet was velvet." "I don't," re­ sponded the husband unfeelingly. "I wish it was down." The Breath of Life. It's a significant fact that the strong­ est animal of its size, the gorilla, also has the largest lungs. Powerful lungs means powerful creatures How to keep the brealhing organs right should be man's chiefest study. Like thousands of others, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port Williams, O., has learned to do this. She writes\: "Three bottles of Dr. King's New DiscoVery stopped my cough of two years and cWed me of Vvhat uiy friends thought consumption. O, it's grand for throat and lung troubles " Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, Me Henry; G VV. Besley, West McHenry, druggists Price 50c anil $1.00; Trinl bottle fre<\ Pivisy- lu Turkey. Divorce:s itiv e::sy to obtain in Tur­ key, and a h^isl.and and wife may re­ marry three 'times. If they wish to marry a fourth time, the- woman must throiifjv the formality of marrying another hKjh ! and then of being di­ vorced. a husbandkT Such men are generally blind aid have no hesitancy in relin- quishing^eir brides for a money con- sideration. This icustoni has given rise^o curloHs^/prpfessiou--that of proxy He Hai. "Pa, what does savoir faire mean?" "Well,, I don't know that I can ex­ plain it exactly, but the man who can look tickled and interested when some­ body starts to tell a story that he has heai:cl about twenty times before has it all right."--Chicago Record-Herald. •just A Poser. "Please, pa," pleaded Bobby, one more." "All right," said pa, closing bis book. "Well, say, pa," began Bobby, "who is going to bury. the last man that dies?" JVot One of Them. Bones--The great men are all dying off. Jones--That doesn't make It .leces- sary for you to see a doctor. The olympiads consisted alternately -of forty-nine and fifty months. Starving to Death. Because her stomach was so weakened by uselees drugging that she could not eat, Mrs. Mary H, Walters, of St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was literally starving to death. She writes: "My stomach was so weak from useless drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves so wrecked that I could not sleep; and not before I was given up to die was I induced to try Electric Bitters; with the wonderful re­ sult that improvement began at once, and a complete cure followed." Best health Tonic on earth. 50c. Guaran­ teed by U. W. Besley, West McHenry; N. H. Petesch, McHenry. druggists. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty - fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other Wise ordered. Trv it. FOLEY'S WILL CURE, .--liny'case offe KIDNEX I BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WAS GIVEN IIP TO D& B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., iEvansville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure wfas recommended and the first bottle gavte me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely cured.'* TWO SIZES, SOc AND $1.00. * MLD MD BECOMMEUED BT G. W. BESLEY. WEST McHENRY. Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One I)o*e of Chamberlain'H Colic, Cliolern and Diarrhoea Itemed .v. I was so weak from an attack of diar­ rhoea that I could scarcely attend to my duties, wheri I took a dose of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me entirely and I bad been taking other medicine for nine days without relief. I heartily recQjp- inend this remedy as being the best to my knowledge for bowel complaints -- R. G. Stewart, of the firm of Stewart & Bros., Greenville, Ala For sale by G. W- Besley. Very Low ltate» to Dulfalo, N. V., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will-be sold at one fare for the round trip October 10 to 12, inclus­ ive, with favorable return limits, on ac­ count of International Christian con­ vention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. . Oct 12 The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imita­ tions have similar sounding names. Be­ ware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is iu'a yellow pa< kage. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. G. W. Besley. Give The Plaindealer your 1907 order for calendars. Our goods are th6 best and prices the lowest. Bear this in mind when the traveling man comes around. j i • f f - « •> f' •« . 7SC .Si.oo $2.00 $2.SO $3-00 $3SO •H I5SIIIXON, ONLY A L1XTI.L OC.EPEK CUT l adies' Waists that hold at 75c, now at. .V ladies' Waists that sold at $1.00, now at Ladies' Waist*, that sold at $1.25 to §K85, noiv at. 1 adies' Waists that sold s%t $1.40 to&T.liU. now at. 1 adies' Waists that sold at if 1.98 to 25, nttw.^, l adies' Skirts that sold at-1 now at... l adies' Skirts that sold at $:5:5o. now at , 'Alii.-* l adies' Skirts that sold at ijl.txi, novv at .. Ladies' Skirts that sold at now Ht.. . Lawns and Summer Goods must be closed Out Lawns that sold at ltle, now atittt.^i.. Lawns that sold at Uc, nowA;,^,.' Lawns that sold at 1*e, now at....... .Lawns that, sold, at 2.r)c, now at. ....<> Suflings that sold at 50c, now at .'. -35^ Ail Tan Shoes Most be Closed Out. Toucan at tfiese low Prices: M e n s Tan Oxfords j hat sold at while t-liev last .$1.98 Men VTau Blm hei- Rals -that sold at $8 r>o, while tlfey last ... .-.$1.98 Men's Tan Blucher Bals that sold at $2.Aft, while they last.. $1.50 Boys' Tan Blucher Bals, 2.J to 5f, that sold-at-$'1.98." now at". $1.35 Boys' Tan Blucher Bals, 12* to 2, that sold at $1.75, uow-at ...$1.35 ... .s. .U,7C . . . -iac 15c 35c :GROCERIES! GROCERIES!: Four pounds Johnson Washing fowder for. Six-pound box Silver Gloss Starch .v. i One dozen Clothes 3Pins for .V..'.... i ... Vigor Breakfast Food, 10c package Mr 'Phone 291. WEST McHENRY. *3^ ... sc $C F A. BOHLANDER. Why Doesn't He 1 -W promptly. stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his hack on the COAL1 QUES­ TION, it's the burning1 question of tho day. We sound a timely warning that a rise; in coal is ne^r and .any orders that are left \%itli will be filled )IvR NOW. We carry a full line of Lumber, Lat Shingles, BrickY Lime, Cement, Etc. ttlilbur Cumber Co. ( School Days] are here once more and so are we with an elegant new line of School Supplies including Books, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Pen Hold­ ers, Inks and, in fact, everything thai is used in the School-room. Oar line of Drugs cannot be surpassed anywhere. Everything fresh. Nothing stale goes liefe. G. W. B Don t forsret the "Viwtt */v' rolntun Our rtotto: One Price to all. lowest. . . . TELEPHONE 541 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fancy requires much, necessity bvt little.--German Proverb. Sadden Attack of l>y»ent«rjr Cured. A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to inquire where she, can obtain Chamberlain's Colic, Colic and Diar­ rhoea Remedy. She says: "While stopping at a ranch in South Dakota 1 was taken ill of what seemed to be cholera. They gave me this medicine and it cured me. I brought a bottle home and have jnst used the last of it today. Mother was taken suddenly ill of dysentery and it helped her immedi­ ately." For sale by Ot. W. Besley. t - Bead The Plaindealer. 4 Table Linen Values We have just placed on sale a special lot of Table Lin­ ens that are the best values ever shown in this city: Fifty-four-inch wide Union Linen Table Painask, bleached, a square block design; good ^ weight, price per yard while it lasts at Sixty-four-inch wide fine Union Linen Table Damask, bleached, handsome bow knot design, bor­ der to correspond. A splendid, big value "J C7. a t t h i s p r i c e , o n l y p e r y a r d . 7 . ^ Seventy-two-inch wide all pure Linen Damask, small dot designs with handsome scroll and leaf design border, the best quality and big­ gest bargains ever shown, price per yard' LOOK US OVER AND BE SATISFIED, Dress Goods Values We are showing a full and ^OB^piete line of Ladies' Wool Dress troods and at pricey that are astonishing: . . . Full 52-inch all pure Wool Cheviots,/ color, blue and brown. These goods we say and know you can not buy anywhere less than $1.00 per^yf J™ yard, all you want at our store, per yd. Jj Thirty-six-inch all wool, heavy material Serges, Panamas, Cheviots and qthers, choice per yard t. ., . See our line of 36-inch fine r i e t t e s , a t p e r y a r d . . . . . . weave of Hen- 35C Boys' all wool two-piece Suits, a special purchase. See . them,. at t h e s e l o w p r i c e s : . . . . . . J

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