Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1906, p. 5

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•ffyiitftry yfcj 'iiilrW'»'") Here can be found, at all times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs,. Pianos, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel­ ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifte is unsurpassable and we invite yoi* to inspect same before purchasing! Prices are always right, v N. A. HUHMANN, West ncHenry, Illinois. 19804- J Jos. H. Huemann ^ m wrtsij Johnsburgb Illinois. sells the McVi >ker Gasoline Engine, Duplex Of rinding Mills, Rock Island Pl«:-.vs, Wagons, Carriages, Buggii Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and ^ | Machine OU a Specialty. . am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build- lets and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more thau #500. Call and get full particulars. General BUcksmitMii? Prices iiwiys RtiaiAiej II inols Central ft. R. Annual Stockholders' fleeting at Chi­ cago. October 17. Persona:! Attendance of Individual Holders Pesired. FREE TICKETS to the Meeting Pulilic notlci; is lu-rt'ljy given l.lifit tin? regu- lariuinua.l of t he Stockholders of the Illinois Central Kuilroiul Company will lie held set Hie Company's ollicc 111 Chicago, Illi­ nois. 011 Wednesday. October J7, ljtoti, at 12 o'clock 1K.OI1. i,to permit personal attendance at said meeting I here will lie Issued To each holder of one or more Shares of the capital stork of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, as registered 011 the books of the Company at t he close of business on Monday. Sept. 24. 1Mi(i. who is of full age, A Ticket Enabling Him or Her to Travel Free over the <N>mp;iny"s lines from tlie station on the Illinois Central Hail road nearest to his or her i-egislci tsd' address to GHiUAGO AND RETURN such t 1.1 be good ti>r t lie joinne>; to Chi- cago 011 l.v din ing the I-'ou.* Days Immediately Preceding and the day of t he meeting, and for the re­ turn journey from Chicago only on (lie day of the meeting and I lie Four Days Immediately Following when- properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday, October, 20, 1906- t hat is to say between !l:00 a. in. and fi.00 p. m. in the olliceof the Assist­ ant Secretary. Mr. \V. (i. Ilriien, in Chicago. Sucli ticket. 111 iy lie obtained by any holder of stock registered as abHSp. on application, in writing, to the President of the Company in * Chicago..but. each stockholder must Individ­ ually apply for his or her ticket. Kacli appli­ cation must state t lie futt" name and address of t he Stockholder exactly as given in his or her Certificate of Stock, together with the number and date of such Certificate. No more than one person will be carried .free in re­ spect to any one holding of stock as regis­ tered 011 the books of the Company. A. G. HACK STAFF, Oct 17 Secretary. I /WEST SIDE Neat Market Always a coinpleteiine of Freeh and Salt Meats, ^ausHties. EU;, Highest uinvket prices paid for Porkers • We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of Canned Goods and Bakery, \yhat mote has any' first class city market to offer? : A. (.MATTHEWS Ci S KANPAI,!.. K. U JOSLYN. i I J 0. S. Randall. W. Mcflcnry. J RANDALL & JOSlfll AUCIIONBBR5. Farm Sales a specialty. Satisfaction miafaiiteed. Terms made known on application. Address CENTERVILLE ket We. handle everything in the line of fresh and salt MEATS and Sausages. We also handle the Mo- Henry Creamery Batter. Chas. Q. Frett, McHenry, III. Chicago & North-western. Leave Chicago. 7.05 am.. 8:45 a m. Effective May CO, 1906. WBEI DAT TRAINS. HOHTHBOtJHD Via Elgin ..Via Des Plaines 12.30 p m Via Elgin *1.00 p m Via Des Plaines 3.45 p m Via Des Plaines-- 4.00 pm..."..'. Via Elgin 4.57 p m Via Des Plaines-- •Saturday only. SUNDAY TRAINS. 6.00am Via Des Plaines... S.45 am. ... ....Via Elgin 9.10am .Via Des Plaines..... 2.08pm Via Elgin... fill DAY TRAINS. Leave M ciliary. *7.12 a m.. ,23 am... SOUTHBOUND. ..Via Des Plaines VI a Elgin 8.32 am Via Des Plaines 4.23 p m Via Des Plaines.. .. 4.23 p m Via Elgin 017 pm Via Des Plaines.. .. •Monday only. eCNDAY TRAINS. 7.23 am Via Elgin 7.08 p m Via Des Plaines 7.48 p m Via Des Plaines 7.4S pm Via Klein Arrive McHenry. ...10.17 a m ...10.17 a in .. ..2.50 p m 8.37 p in 4.45 p m .. ..&40 p m . ..(.40pm .. 9.37 a m .11.14 a m .11.14 am . 4.55 pm Arrive Chicago. . .8.35 a m . 10.10 a m .0.35 a m ..6.13 p m ..7..10 p in ..7.55 p m ..MJftant . .;8.5» p m ...9.15 p n. . .10.80 p rr> PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. A l l shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each dor- en finished in different styles. Price, $2.00 vnd upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views • buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. r<i%l«Lr«em*i\tM. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed in every instance. Finished In black and white or colore*. Frames. A variety of styles In stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. SVaukegan St., near the Stand pipe. WEST McHENBY, ILL. T«U»hon», 4IS W<'l'-drllllng a specialty." •Phone 253. W M . B A C O N Dealer in Windmills. Pipes. Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class work guaranteed at ail times. McHENRY, ILL. I North Dakota § 1 Lands!! The richest and best land in Eastern North Dakota for sale at reasonable prices and on good terms. Send or call on our local representative for advertising matter, maps and full information in re­ gard to these lands. MUR­ RAY BROS. LAND COM­ PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. * I Ben stilling, • Local Agent. | Telephone. No. 09fc Office In lleini- er bldg.. t-enterville K A . W 1 L L E Y , M . D . C . VETERINARY SURUKON * AND DENTIST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PROBA TE NE WS { Abstract M5 00 855 00 1 00 [Furnished by McHenry County Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] HiSAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . William Tesh & w to Henry Helraer, pt It 1, blk 8, W McHenry f 225 00 Benson G Sherman per adnitrx to F H Wattles, Its 6 & 7, blk 12. & pt sublot 1 of Cot'lks plat of it 1. blk It, W'Mc Henry Nina N gljeriaan to Benson <i Sherman per admtrx to Si­ mon ^toffel. pt sub-lot 1, Co Oiks plat of It 1. blk 12, W McHenry Nina N" Sherman to same John H Norlander & w to John J John son et al, s20a of w^nw^ sec ti & sttneM & sH It-1 nwM' & uH It 2 swH & nHnV« It 1 swX & nHnw^se^ & n ' 30 a of dftseM sec 7, all in ftlcllenry 30,000 00 Andrew J Uaymond & w to Peter B- Freund, s 37 feet of It 10. blk 84, Mc- . Henry, w of Fox river 800 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Fred Madouse, 35 Walworth, Wis. Hilah Farran, 26 Walworth, Wis. Ray W. Crandall, 84.. .Walworth, Wis. Dell Kelly, 30 .Milton Jet., Wia. SCHOOL NOTES. 6M4M>UMi for • tha Basket Hall Team* | Are Gnlnff Thru Daily Stun!*.. Two'former students visited the high school tbis week. Basket ball practice is beginning to take a regular place in the recess pro­ gram. Sopt. Rice attended the superintend­ ents' and principal)*' meeting at Wood­ stock Saturday. The boys are planning a rational means for raising money to meet a pos­ sible balance of expenses for the basket ball team. The piano was hailed with joy on Monday morning. New song books on Wednesday help to complete the equip­ ment for work in music. A meeting of the teachers discussed the subject of arithmetic work in the school and began some plans for its bet- terment* The next one discusses writ­ ing and drawing. Lkim Baefc. This is an ailment for which Cham­ berlain's Pain Balm has proven espe­ cially valuable. In almost every in­ stance it affords prompt and permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange; Mich., says of it: "After using a plas­ ter and other remedies for three weeks for a lame back, T purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and two ap­ plications effected a cure." For sale by G. W. Besley. OSTKND. ' • Pumpkin Pie and Nnt Cake social. Do we hear you say yes Y Corn is ripening fast. Harvesters are gathering in the ripening grain. Millet as high a* the horses backs and a* heavy as one wishes to handle. The sick are on the gain hoping for cooler weather sotn. More pleasant fbr all. How many did not feel well enough to go to church bnt went to the ball game? Manv of our people were at McHenry Stturday evening to hear the Jubilee Singers. Hunters are heard all around, never heeding the warning "No Trespassing Allowed." The Temperance Chautauqua has come and gone. A good attendance every session. Hot, hotter, hottest. Oh. for a freeze from raoHt anywhere to cool this corner of the great universe. Roy Brass was a welcome caller at E. E. Bassett's Sunday, not to visit witli his best girl but with friend*. Our ladies are on th* winning side, Mrs. Lovina Thomas winning thes ilver medal at the Ringwood contest* ••To Cure"* Felon*1 says Sam Kendall of Phillipsburg, Kan., "jnstoover it over with Bncklen's Arni­ ca Salve and the Salve will do the rest." Quickest cure for Burns, Boilx, Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Chapped Hands, Sore Feet and Sore Eyes. Only 25c at N. H. Petescb's McHenry; G. W. Besley's. West Mc­ Henry, drag stores. Guaranteed. Bead The Plaindealer "w«at" *di. The Average Man. "The average man vlieu he Is a boy," n trifle Involvedly ruminated the old codger, "decides tliat when he grows up he will be a drum major or a pandit, triumphantly survive battles, shipwrecks and holocausts and gal­ lantly protect innocence and beauty in distress. But the average boy wheu he becomes a man tiiuls himself so busy satisfying the appetite of the always hungry mortgage, endeavoring to achieve but never attaining the emi­ nence of beiug the head of his own household, chasing at the earnest so­ licitation of his many friemU the po­ litical prominence which forever eludes him, selecting the particular brand of health fodder that will injure him the least, running alter or away from something or other, getting off a few evade that which is justly coming to him, placating his wife's relatives, ac­ cumulating baldness, pointing with pride or viewing with alarm, and su on and so forth, that before h4 has time to be anything more protuberant than one of the ciphers of the millions that inhabit this laud of the free his men friends are walking slow behind him and saying that Bill was a pretty good feller, but--and his women friends are chastenedwondering how soon the widow will marry again. That's all there Is to the average man."--Puck. One W«rd'« Meanings. English is a most remarkable- lan­ guage. It has'some peculiarities of an extraordinarily rich vocabulary and others of the poorest and most barren tongue, separate words for minute dis­ tinctions and single words that have many meanings. Many examples of both peculiarities can be found in the Dialect Dictionary, an KngJish publi­ cation. Every farmer's l;oy knows how to use the words lamb, sheep, ewe and ram, L»ut how many of them would be able to define ^he words tag, tup-hog, teaser, tup-seg, tup-yeld and six tooth, each of which fixes the age or the sex of a sheep? For example, a tup-hog is a young ram before the first shearing. On the other hand, take the word rack. As used by people in one part of England or another It may mean a neck of lmitton, the bones of a dead horse, a blow, a sharp pain, a kitchen fireplace, part of a hanc^ loom, a reach in a river, a ford, a pathway-, a rut, a gap in a hedge, a flying cloud, to pour off liquor, to stack. These are the unusual meanings, and there are others more common.--Youth's Companion. The Dime. That neat and lovable little coin, the dime, has had a most useful history. As far as we are aware, it is unique among the world's coins, having no nearer equivalent than the English six­ pence, which is worth 2 cents more. It Is one of the handiest of coins, being about as small as a silver pldce can conveniently be. Being less in size and weight than the nickel, which Is worth only half as much, it is vastly more convenient to keep and hoard, and that Is one reason why it Is becoming ex­ traordinarily scarce in spite of the fact that more dimes are now turned out of the mints thau ever before In the (country's history. There is a rage for "dime banks," and some of these mechanical contrivances are so pretty, so ingenious and so alluring that they force people to save dimes who have no earthly occasion to do so.--New York Mail. The Great Lskc Cities. Chicago, Cleveland, ^Buffalo, Detroit and Milwaukee, with Duluth and Su­ perior thrown in at the head of the greatest lake and many thriving ports on Lake Erie added, are a unique sec­ tion of the urban life of Anierica.- Their rate of growth is the highest maintained in any group of cities. Their death rate is phenomenally low. T^eir proportion of home owners is extraordinary. Their totals and gains in savings bank deposits are almost unparalleled. They are handsome cities as a group, full of enterprise und active ity, fairly eloquent with the spirit of prosperity and progress. -- Cleveland Leadei% Very l.ow Excursion Rate* t* Memphis, Tenn., Via tbe North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be fold October 15 to 18, inclusive, with favorable return limit** on account of Brotherhood of St Andrew Protestant Episcopal Church Apply to agents Chicago & icago ce North- Western R'y. W B KNISKERN, Odt 18 P- T- M. It was a sou of Erin who asked *e meeting to excuse hiiu from serving OH a committee because he expected ^0 be unexpectedly called away. JOHNSBtJRGH. George Nell was a Chicago caller one day last week Peter Britz was a Woodstock visitor one day last week. Mrs. Stephen M. Smith was a Mc­ Henry caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Smith of Zenda, Wis., were Sunday visitors here. Mrs. John Thelen was a guest of Mrsi William Oeftling one day last week*. Mrs. Nick Steffes was a,guest of Mrs. Math. Steffes a few days last week. Mrs. John Mertes and daughter, Mar­ tha, were McHenry callers last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schaefer were, the guests of Mrs. Stephen Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher Sun­ day. Miss Rose Huemann of McHenry vis­ ited Mrs. JOe Huemann Monday after­ noon. Mrs. Jos.,Merjbes and children- of Pis- takee Bay visited Mrs., Chris Blake Tuesday. , . Mr. and Mrs. Math. Nett are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Sep­ tember 16. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher and children of Spring Grove were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher are the happy parents of a baby girl, born September 14. Mr. and Mr*. Peter Weber of West McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams Sunday. Misses Eva and Maggie Huemann and Anna Oeftling spent a pleasant day with Miss Mamie Kattuer last Friday. Mesdaines Joseph Michels and Maggie Freund attended the luneral of their cousin, Joe Bishop, at McHenry Sunday Mrs. Jos. Michels entertained the fol­ lowing ladies Wednesday: Mesdames Peter Frennd, Hubert Michels, Chris Blake, Maggie Freund, John Schaefer. Joe Huemann and John Mertes. Anton Thelen, * Mrs, Simon Michels and Miss Lena Michels were to go to Kansas* last Thursday morning when Mrs. Simon Michels was taken suddenly ill necessitating the postponement of the trip. Mrs, j^hels is recovering. A Clear Complexion and Bright Kyefe. In most eases a sallow, blotched com­ plexion and dull heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inactive liver. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids diges­ tion and stimulates the liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi­ tutes. aQ. W. Besley. KHKKALD PARK. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Mary Gibbs is visiting at M. Conway's this week. Clayton Welch of Wancouda called at E. Knox's Saturday. Miss Mary Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. , Misses Mamie and Katie Knox visited triends at Ringwood Sunday. Miss Mary Knox of McHenry spent Thursday with Miss Katie Kuox. Mrs. J. Doherty and Miss Minnie Knox visited at E. Knox's Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sohtis of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs L. Huck Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blum returned to Chicago after an outing of two weeks. Mesdames M. Fitzsimmons and P. Hanrahan visited Mrs. J. Relliban Wed nesday. Wm. McNish and family of Burton's Bridge have moved into the Aylward cottage. Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Rennehanof Round Lake called at R. J. Sutton's Saturday afternoon. Mrs. J. Lawaon and family closed tbe Bending cottage and returned to Chica­ go Monday. Messrs. M. Knox, J. Gibbs and T. Bolger attended the ball game at Wood­ stock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Chamberlain of Chicago npent a part of their honeymoon at the Cohan cottage last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and chil­ dren, Mrs S. Knox, Misses E Doherty and Mary Burke spent Sunday at R. J. Sutton's. Mrs. D. W. Hill and daughter. Laura, cloned their cottage Wednesday and re­ turned to Chicago after a pleasant two weeks' stay. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hnck, Mr and Mrs. Robf Sutton spent a pleasant day at Pistakee Bay Wednesday as guests of Mr and Mrs. Robt. Schiessle. Jas. Hflxton was out from Chicago Sunday. He closed Iiih cottage and was accompanied home on that day l>y his daughter. Isabel, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Fraser and children. |>r. Kill 11'* Testimony Iiiterettluff. Dr Thomas Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo , who has practiced medicine for 82 yea is says be has used every prescription known to the profession for treatment of Mdney and bladder diseases, and aavs he has never fojind anything so effective in both chronic and acnte kid­ ney trouble as Foley 's Kidney Cure. It stops irregularities and builds up the vvhole^system. G W Besley. Very Jfjitw Kxcursioii Rates to Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Via the North-Western line, will ba in i effect from all stations, September 19 to ; 22. inclusive, with favorable return; limits, on account of Pike's Peak ceij- j tennial celebration.. For full informa-! tion apply to agents Chicago & North- j Western R'y. 8ept 22 hi The Moler barber college, Chicago, j 111., c e r t a i n l y o f f e r s s p l e n d i d c h a n c e s t o i learn that trade quickly. There is lit­ tle expense and positions are numerous. Their illustrated catalogue explains; fully. Write tbwn. ^ | •O.L.O. Rob Vasey spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. John Richardson was a recent Chicago visitor., V Miss Francis Rosing of Round Lake spent Sunday at home. Neal Shultis of Wankeg&n was seen 011 oui streets Thursday. Mrs. Elijah Richardson W Bound Lake spent Sunday here. Geo. Richardson of Urayslake called On friends here Thursday. Hermau and Henry Maiman of Wau- conda were in town Friday. Mrs. John Stadtfeld and son Henrv spent Friday in Wauconda. Geo. Richardson and family of Round Lake were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Parker visited relatives ipi Ivanhoe Sunday. John Myer and daughter Agnes were McHenry callers Wednesday., Messrs. J. D. Gift and Geo. Wagner were welcome callers Friday. ' U Mrs. F. Henkle and children were Fremont visitors Wednesday, , Miss Bessie Dannill has returned after an extended visit in Prophetstown. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuebler of Palatine were Volo callers Friday. Misses Maude Walton and Hellett Raymond were in Gravslake Friday. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter Helen were Wauconda callers Monday Mrs. Kate Carsman of Rollins spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs C. Sable. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Miss Kittie Dow^ll of West Fremont were in Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Synder and sons of Monaville spent Sunday with ^Ir. and Mrs. Sable. Miss Bessie Dunnill is at home again after spending several months in White­ side county. Mr. Freeman Snyder of Bristol, Wis., and Mrs. Williams of New York spent Saturday and Sunday at Raught Bros. Mrs. Hannah Kines of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Will Kines of New York spent several days at Raught Bros, re­ cently. Mr. and Mrs. William Clough of Wauconda and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clough of New York called at A. J. Raymond's one day last week. ^Vell Worth Trying. W. H. Brown, the popular pension attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt., says: "Next to a pension, the best thing to get is Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes:"they keep my family in splendid health." Quick cure for Headache, Constipation and Bilousness. 25c. Guaranteed at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Bes- ley's. West McHenry, drug stores. RIDGEFIELU. N. J. Garrison spent Mohday at Elgin F. Cornill was a Cary visitor last Sun­ day. Mrs. Cecil Jayne is under the doctor's cire. R. Knilans and G. Webster w.ere in Nunda Tuesday. Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock is visiting at W. H. Munroe's. Mrs. Gene Howard left Saturday for her new home at St. Charles. Miss Mabel Skinner visited her sister, Mrs. Linscott at Woodstock Saturday. J. B. Lynch and W. Jayne were Nunda visitors Tuesday evening. Mrs. R. L. Dufield and son,* Arthnr, were Nunda visitors last Saturday. Mr. and, Mrs. Weiland and children were Nunda visitors ]ast Saturday. E. Cadwallader of Terra Cotta spent Sunday with his mother in this vicinity, Mrs. J. B. Lynch is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Conerty in Chica- «o. Mrs. Geo. Doolittle returned Sunday from an extended visit with her sisters in Chicago. m Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cox and children of Burton's Bridge visited at R. L. Du­ field '8 Sunday. Why not get in line? Yes, it is a special--a very special--rate. $1.55 for this paper and Tbe Weekly Inter Ocean for one full year. Don't let it get away from yon. You Look Yellow The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile/* is overflowing into your blood. You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head­ ache, stomach ache, dizzi­ ness, malaria, constipation, etc. What you need is not a dose of salts, cathartic watisc or pills--but a liver tonic Tiiedfbrd's Black-Draught This great medldne acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews the oppettte, feeds the nerves, clears the brain aad cures consti­ pation. It Is a true medicine for sick liver and kidneys, and regulates all tbe digestive functions. Try it. 1 At all dealers la WiMHl-- -l» 25c packages. Bros. Co. A full I' -'•I Always Bank of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign «md Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. IN6URANCE in First Class Companies, at tile lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ^ ^ ̂ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 SINGLE AND ; Driving Harness!; m J Give us your order for f that new single or driv- ? ing Harness. Our work J is the best and prices are \ right. See our elegant f line of Dusters and Lap J Robes. » :: :: :: :: : J CARRIAGE TRIMMWG A SPfCIALTY > M. A. THELEN McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Ma <.* . f -

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