Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1906, p. 4

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t ^ A' f . . • > • • ^ r n tjw^vjr a ? '% - «rf;v-4c. w m C * ••*«"•:• ; *5 vr kiti H Th^n your blood must be in • ffrery bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it~*Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt,( then consult yrnif doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This Is the first, question your doctor would uk: "Are your bowels regular?" He knows that dally action of the bowels Is absolutely essential to recovery. Keep your liver active and your bowels regular by taking laxative 4d|«l of Ayer's Pills. ^ A •Me by 3. C. Ajve Co., liowell, 1 Also numftstuam of • «A« VIGOR. * f g 0 r Q AGUE CURE. S O CHERRY PECTOtAL We hftvi no secrets ! We publlah til* formulas of all our medicine®. The McHenry Pl«lnflep!r <\ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY HIE mtm PLAINDEAIER COMPANT L. T. HOY, Secretary. •v*. A. CRIST Y, Vice Pres. JAMES B. PERRY, President and General Manager*... F. G. Schrkiner, Editor. Office in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 872. i TERM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oneyear... ... Six months. 75Cts. .».60 Three months. 40cta. Thursday, September 37, 1906. AN OIL DISCOVERY Oil Company Sends Men Make Tests Near Wauconda to tV if " BOARD OF REVIEW Of Mellenry County Raises Valaatloa if HeBettJr CooHty Property | fctbertyvllle Independent. Land owners to the west of Wancon- 4a, on what is known as "the flats," •re looking forward to immediate riches And all because oil has been discovered §1 ift the region. It is now believed that I- tbe strive is a snre one. The Standard - Oil Company believes it strong enongh so that a representative of that concern fcas been making teste and examinations With special instruments. ' He claims to have traced the vein for thr distance of ten miles through the low lands of which a large part is marsh and "bad land." Some of the way •however, Is through allnvial fields and jpood farm land. ^ f • The farms traversed "belong to C. S. t 'Sherman, H. C. Werden, H, L. Ford and others. The Taylor Barton, E. Johnson and Courtney farms are also touched by the route which the speci­ alist says the oil vein takes. To show that the S^ndard Oil has . w aome faith in the value of the strike it I- aiay be said that thev have, through agents, attempted obtain five year leases to the property witb\oil clsnson inserted in the lease. !* The vein is believed to extend as far ^ as the Fox river and over into McHenry ^ tonnty. It was originally discovered g - tome two years a*c while men were ; ,4 grilling a well for a creamery. At the 'p- tune the strike was not tbonght to be '?* «oe of great importance and though ef- ^ forte were made to interest --pt*1 s. nothing was done at that time. "* ^ What wijl be the outcome of the ex- • »" juration is not known.. Gas and traces t»f petroleum have been discovered in the past in various -parts of the county *ad if the strike proves to be a good mk, it may be that the whole of the «omty contains much hidden wealth. ••To Cure a Felon" says Sam Kendall of Phillipsburg, Kan., "just cover it over with Bucklen's Ami- Salve and the SalvYfoil do the rest." jC^uielraet enre for Burns, Boils, Sores, Bcafcfe, Wounds, Piles, Eczema, Salt Bheuhp, Chapped Hands, Sore Feet and Sore %es. Only 25c at N. H. Peteach's McHenry; G. W. Besley's, West Mc­ Henry, drug stores. Guaranteed. / Very Low Rates to Dallas, Tea., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 6 and 7, with favorable retarn limits, on ac- .coant International Association Fire Engineers. Applv to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. ^ oct 7 It's the educational opportunity of your lifetime. The Weekly InterOcean and this paper $1.55 for one year. Woodstock Sentinel, The IkcHenry County Board of Re­ view which has just completed its la- bore has raised the total valuation of McHenry county property by $865,385 This increase baa beeu almost entirely in personal property. It is madef'ujp-as follows: Personal property, $827,58;»; city and village real estate, $35,«KM I county real estate. $2,850. In the first two of tWfe al«t»ve items the largest increases were tumle in Dorr, personal property Wing increase*! $18 272 and city real estate $83,000 No in crease was uiade in Dorr's farm l»n«i» The total valuation pi -ced upon all property in McHenry county plaied $30,325,*250. Of this, farm real estate is the largest item.amonnting to$22,«09,140 personal property comes next and is valued at $10,108,005. while dry and village real estate is worth only one- third of the county real estate. viz; $6,018,105. These figures mean that th« fair act­ ual wealth of McHenry county is prob­ ably close to, if not m6re than $100,000,- 000, for the assessed values is very much less than the actual values. Dorr city and village real estate, which means Woodstock and Ridgefield real estate, was valued by the Board of Review at $2,011,580. That of Che­ mung township, or Harvard, Lawrence and Chemung combined, is valued at $1,280,585, or less than two-thirds of that of Door. This is one indication of Woodstock's leadership in the county Below we give a table showing per­ sonal property" values by towns as fixed by the Assessors and Board of Review. These values are one-fifth of the actual value. Board of Review $ 49,971 200,771 56,766 227,642 62,452 64,117 63,785 67,132 113,268 838,396 61,676 123,488 -108,511 31,894 164,825 131,203 154,704 Assessor Riley • 49,711 Marengo 190,278 Dunham 56,546 Chemung 225,792 Alden 61,75# Hartland 62,965 Seneca...... 68,188 Coral ....... 65,508 Grafton.,.. ... 118,188s Dorr 320,124 Greenwood .... ... 61,096 Hebron.,,. .*. 121.5M Richmond 107,001 Burton 30,314 McHenry . 150,45# Nunda ..... 129,227 AlgonquinTT..'.... 147,885 Totals.. ...... .$1,981,587 $3,020,601 The Board increased the value of farm lands in these instances: Che­ mung, $200; Seneca, $1,400; McHenry, $2,400; all actual value. In Hebron and Algonquin the assessors' figures were lowered $250 and $900 respectively. The only changes from the assessors' figures on city and village real estate made ? by the Board were, Chemung raised $2,000 and Dorr $88,000 actual value. A Clear Complexion and Bright Eyes. In most cases a sallow, blotched com­ plexion and dull heavy eyes are due to poor digestion and an inactive liver. Orino Laxative/Frnit Syrup aids diges­ tion and stimmatp^tbe liver and bowels and makes the complexion smooth and clear. Orino/Laxative Fi#it Syrnp does not nauseate or gripe and is jpild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi­ tutes. 6. W. Besley. Apropos of knee breeches a corre­ spondents tt>e London Express quotes an anecdote from Captain Gronow's "Recollections" which puts the whole Case in a nutshell. The baillle de fer- rette was always dressed in knee breeches, with a cocked hat and a court sword, the slender proportions of which greatly resembled those of his legs. "Do tell me, my dear bail- lie," said Montrond one day, "have you got three legs or three swords?" Soon after which, we should imagine,) the baillie went home. ImafeineJ t 5.<o There had been a railway collision near a Scottish country town, and an astute local attorney had hurried to the scene of disaster. Noticing an old man with a badly damaged head lying on the ground, he approachedjbim with notebook In hand. "How about dam­ ages, mp man?" he began. The in­ jured man waved him off with the re- marie: "Na. na; je'll get nae damages fae me. It wasna me that bit yer bloomin' auld train." hi .. Throat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adeep breath irritates it;---these are features of a throat cough. They're very de­ ceptive and a cough mix­ ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal "the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system vPV. .• * ^ 1 Scott's Emulsion is just such a remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new strength and vigor Stnd for f'« »mpl, SCOTT BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, JVeto Terk SO*- ff'OO. Jtlt druQriu+ & - v ^ .• The Other Kiai. Do you think there is anything re­ markable in love at first slgllt?" asked a romantic youth. Not at all," replied his cynical friend. "Ifs when people have been looking at each other for four or five years that it becomes remarkable!" The Retort Amiable. Mistress--I don't want you to have so much company. You have more call­ ers In a day than I have in a week. Domestic--Well, mum, perhaps If you'd try to be a little more agreeable you'd have as many friends as I have. • Serloas Mistake. Dr. Cutts--I made an awful mistake when I diagnosed that man's case as appendicitis. Dr. Slash--What did the operation disclose? Dr. Cutts--That he didn't have a cent--Cleveland Leader. QUARTER OF A CENTURY, Items CUpped from The Plalndealer ot September 88, 1881. It arouses energy, develops and stimu lates nervous life, arouses the courage of youth, , It makes you young again That's what Hollist^ Rocky Mounts ain Tea will do. 85 cents. Tea or Tab­ lets. G. W. Besley. he Plaindealer and Chicago Daily ronicle, both papers one year for $8 -50. Order at once as the time of this T i» limited. Ladies, read this catalogue of charms: Bright eyes, glowing cheeks, red lips, a smooth skin without a blemish, in short, perfect health. For sale with every package Hollisler't Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Read The Plalndsaler "want" ads Crowley & Bnscey, photographers, have rented the gallery in this village and as soon as it can be thoroughly re­ fitted will open it f«r business The poHlofficf mid quite a number of onr business hon«"< were vl«»i*ed on Monil«>\i»nt of to the memory ol Pn a/lt M Gwrfi^l. AVhtwe fniieral oc­ curred on that day. . " Mr. Harrison <>f Ringw'bod left at our office lliis week (juite a curiosity in the shape «if a htalk of bcaiiN that ha«l ripe iieaiis, green lieans aud blows, all on the naiiie stalk. Th s is something we have never seeu before. He also Je(t us a i)I(M»l i*eet that weighed Jli pound Tlii* is a beet that it would he hard to beat I , Joseph Frett has bought the old Fich er lnaiket north of the Riverside House and iji now refitting it, and proposes in a few week^ to have one of ther finest markets opened iu this village. He is tenring out the whole inside of the building, and will fix it up in first class shape for a clean, neat and handy mar­ ket. He expects to have it ready to occupy in about three weeks. Mrs. Geo Owen had a narrow escape last week. She was out riding with two children when her horse became unmanageable and ran away, throwing all three out and demoralizing the bug-j gy generally. Mrs. Owen' was quite severely bruised, but fortunately no bones were broken. The children got off with slight scratches. Jt is a great wonder they were not all killed. In noticing the fair, all seem to have neglected to speak of the paintings of Miss Clara B. Owen, which were there on exhibition, and as they were deserv­ ing of more than a passing, mention we cannot refrain from mentioning them, even at this late day. Of her worK we saw portraits of O. W. Owen and A. S. Wright, a large panel of roees, a paint ingof the celebrated dog "Pilot," of the Fidelity Savings bank (who is noted as going through the great Chicago fire) besides several fruit and other pieces, in all numbering thirteen pieces. These pictures by Miss Owen will compare with those of the best artists in the land and are so pronounced by all unpreju­ diced perkras who see them. They will bear the closest scrutiny and wherever shown are sure to attract attention. Floral hall was largely indebted to them for its handsome decorations. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy One of the 'Beit on the Market. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity untfl it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an enormous sale. It is intended especially for acute throat and lung dis­ eases, such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to tate and Is un­ doubtedly the best on the market for the purposes for which it is intended. Solfrby G. W. Besley. • t School Notes. "So near and yet so far"--the merry- go-round. The seniors are trying to decide the question of class pins and clasB colors. Among our visitors the past week have been Mrs. E. C. Fisher and Emery Wheeler. Current events work has made its ap­ pearance in ali the rooms during -the pfist week. The principal worry of the small boy w been whether he should get a half holiday on Friday. The athletic association has reorgan­ ised and adopted a constitution for the control of its business. Sndden Attack\>f Kysentery Cured. A prominent lady of Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to inquire where she can obtain Chamberlain's Colic, Colic and Diar­ rhoea Remedy. She says: "Whilfe stopping at a ranch in South Dakota I was taken ill.of what seemed to be cholera. They gave me this medicine and it cured me. I brought a bottle home and have just used the last of it today. Mother was taken suddenly ill of dyspntery and it helped her immedi­ ately." For sale by G. W. Besley. Very Low Kxcursion Rates to Memphis, Tenn., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 15 to 18, inclusive, with favorable return limits on account of Brotherhood of St Andrew Protestant Episcopal Church. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. ' w." b. kniskern; , Odt 18 ^ P. T. M. Dr. Klftn's Testimony Inter**tinf. Dr. Thomss Finn, of Boonsboro, Mo., who has .practiced medicine for 32 years says he hm used every prescription known to the profession for treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, and says he hss never found anything so effective in l>oth chronic and acute kid­ ney trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops irregularities and builds up the whole sv8tem. G. W. Besley. Very Low Excursion Rates to Denver, Colorado Springs hihI Pneblo, Via the North-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations, October 13 to 16. inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of American Mining Congress. For full information apply to agents Chicago & North- Western R'y. \ oct16 Want Column, All advertisements inserted under this head at the following rates: Five lines or less, St cent* for first insertion; IS eentu for each subsequent faissrtlna More than live lines, 8 eeats a line for first insertion. ana * cents a line for additional insertions. rpOR SALE AT A BARGAIN--Surry, team of horses and harness. Must/sell at once; family ftointf into city. 1'or further informa­ tion apply at this office. ||tf ()N1-Y . _ left. Be sure to see t hem soon If you are TWO young Duroc Jersey Bed boars are l>or in wuntof same. No fancy price asked, further particulars apply to W. B. JoHONNOTf, Hliigwnod, III. I^OU SALE-^lppleton six-roll corn busker; x• lias been run tliree seasons, Is in icood running order and is nearly us K«>od as new. l or furl tier informat ion write to or inquire of 12-tf Uav L. Thomas. West NLpflenry. DVJB 8ALE CJ1EAI --Ail building material *• from the Washington i'ark race tracks now belnK wrecked by the J. O. Ruel Wreck­ ing to., Chicago, phone Wentworth 894. Tim­ bers ail lengths and sizes, scantling and joints all lengths and sizes, 4 and B in. floor­ ing, sheathing boards, fence boards, cedar posts, barn and house doors and windows all sizes, chicken wire, gasoline street lamps and posts, 2 steel bridges, VI beams and columns,1 sewer pipe (I t:i 1(5 inches, plumbing goods all kinds, wooden water vats'and troughs, 24 and 33 foot wood trusses. Estimates furnisned. J. ti. Rukl. Wrecking <jo„ tilat and ciu Law­ rence Ave,, Chicago, III. Dec 1 RENT--Cottages for the winter months, November 1 to May 1. Furnished for housekeeping. flO to §12 per month. Il-tf M. A. Howei.i,, McHenry, 111, Tf*ARM FOR RENT--Located one and one- half miles southeast of McHenry, con­ sisting of 103 acres. Good dwelling and out­ buildings. For further information apply to Mrs. P. hmith or Geo. Smith at Borden s fac tory. 14-St ' EicitlBf Novel by Oppenhelm. Novel readers everywhere WilH>e glad to have a tip on the brilliant new romance, "The Great Secret," by E. Phillips Oppenheim, author of "A Prince of Sinners," "The Mysterious Mr. Sabin, " and other noted books. It is one of the most fascinating tal^s of mystery and action in recent fiction. If you redd the first page you simply can't get away from the magic spell of the story till the mystery is solved in the last chapter. Suppose you were quiet­ ly undressing in your room at a London hotel when suddenly a terrified man rushed in, locked your door, and told you that the men outside were going to kill him. Suppose you liked the man's looks, so that your fighting blood was up to defend him. What would you do when his enemies burst in yonr door and tried to'drag him off without law or warrant? And suppose the man pos­ sessed some momentous secret which made him the victim of an internation­ al conspiracy, and that a beautiful American girl' seemed to be one of the conspirators. Interesting, is it not? Well, that is only a hint of the first chapter, and the story carries one along in a whirlwind of mystified excitement to the end. Mr. Oppenheim is a wizard with the pen. Americans are only be­ ginning to realize that he is one of the greatest masters of exciting narratives in this decade. He is an Englishman4 with an American wife, and characters from both countries figure in his novels. The Great Secret" is a marvel of its kind. The first installment will appear in the Sunday Magazine of The Chica­ go Rscord-Herald, September 80. HnmesecfkerH* Excursion to the Northwest, West and Southwest Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to the territory indicated above' Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates of sale and full particulars apply to agent Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. sep 29 Very Low Ratee to ReunioA or the Soci­ ety of the Army of the Cumberland at Cbattanoogo, Tenu.. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 14 to 16, inclusive, with favorable return limits. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. oct 16 Very Low Rates to Atlanta, Ga., Via the ftorth-^Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 8 and 9. with favorable return limits, on acoount of Homecoming of Georgians. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y oct 9 ; Very Low Rates to Farmers' National Congress, Rock Island, III., Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold October 8, 9 and 10, with favorable return limits. Apply to agent Chicago & North-Western R'y. oct 10 Hands Across tHe Sea From International Sleeves Ma BjJ tmim Old from the London offices ol die INTER- N A T I O N A L TAILORING CO. to shake heads with lm couaa, Lfode Seal aa h» New Yoric headquarters. He is congratulating t>im on his eaor- moui, purchases of Eaglish -iMokmJfas " V&w..' .• US. International Tailoring Co. POPULAR PRICES * Hew York Chicago San Francisco They maintain oflfifiwBetlm, also, where their kmn seoop op the choked products of the German mills. Altogether, the INTERNATIONAL it one of the heaviest wobbn buyers in Europe add America to-day. edby "i mands createdty " a million garment* a year." 77i«f International EnUrprl-- RefltcU Credit on all Americana. You can tbare more of it by becoming an International mtm. We shov aamples and tah.<b measures Here. v 1 M. J. WALSH, W. McHEN EVAN® LITTLE STORE •j is taking on fall appearance and offers you a very choice^ line of Tennis Flannels, Flan­ nelettes, Blankets, Fleeced Underwear, Fleeced Hosiery, Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers and such items needed for chilly f a l l w e a t h e r . . . . . . Shoe and Grocery section is very com­ plete and awaits your coming. Indies' Black Petticoats, _ Extra Quality, 98c« A line of high grade School Shoes just added S E E T H E M 5jS5 J o h n E v a n s o n . TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES N. H. Petesch, Druggist. Fountain Syringes r Hot Water Bottles ' V Lame Rack. This is an ailment for which Cham­ berlain's Pain Balm has proven espe­ cially valuable. In almost every in­ stance it affords prompt and -permanent relief. Mr. Luke LaGrange of Orange, Mich , says of it: "After using a. plas­ ter and other remedies for three weeks for a lame back, T purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and two ap* plications effected a cure." For sale by G. W. Besley. , ~ Are yon square with ttst If not what isthereMonf patient^ know of troubles Cures Disease / It ass savsd the lives of weak, sick women and rescued oth­ ers from a lifetime of chronic sick­ ness. It will cure you if you will. only give It a chance. Try It. Sold by all druggists and dssK ers In 11.00 bottles. This application GAVE UP SUPPO years, to nap us m y w--s," writes Mrs. S. J. Chrl--an, Sf Mannsville,N. Y. "Mydorter MlII no medicine would help as. Aw t a k i n g C a r d u l I g a v e u p m y porter and am now Oood Goods for Good People Glenora Brand Canned Peas, sifted, sweet and tender, pec oaa. Blossom Brand Red Salmon per can None Such Brand Red Salmon Steak, per can We carry a complete line of Blossom Brand eanned goods. Yon u cannot go #rong on them; they are the Wt goods packed in their respec- S tiye lines. '•» J o h n S t o f f e l , W . M c H e n r y UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. I L I P ENERAL COFTMISSION MERCHANT - - - " ' 1 fPBClAL ATTKNTION QIVXH TO THE 8ALI 00- . . i * ^ . Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, < Hides, Btc., Butter and Eggs house on the street" Tags and price listi furnished o« COLD STORAOt FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. , StaHi a t,P*Hsa«t '• WhslsssH Market. Profeertonal, Society V* and B\isii\e8ss Cards .T. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. DHYBiqiAN, SURGEON AND OCULl&T « , . „ OIBce ana residence corner Elm »n Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEGER9 OHY8IOIANH AND SURGEONS. McHeery 1 HI- Office at Residence, cor amt Court sat Elm street* Telephone 383. , c ™ » D.T. SMILEY A TTORNEY AT LAW. Woodstock, Illinois - All business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. w. F. STONE. D. D. S (Successor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) Office Hours from 9 a. m. until 5:80 & p. m. Also open evenings, McHENRT, - - ILLINOIS. Office and Residence over Petesch's Drag Store* Telephone No. 27*. > DR. R. „G. CHAMBERLIN .IJKNTIST. Olflec aad Residence over ft. J. Walsh's Hours: 8:oo to 5:3d. jyftoHisiirirr. XiuH,-':'• Qeneral Teaming of all kinds. excavating and Grading. flcHENRV ^ - - _ _ ILLINOIS Tdephone No. 393, SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois FRANK BUHJl PRACTICAL PAINTER AftD PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAINTIIIO, $5.00 ind UPWARD House mid Sign Painting and all Interior Dec­ orating. Residence north town line one block wesx of river. Telephone No.2M. MoHenry. - - 1 Illinois R. H. OWEN, lanos tor sale and rent. Tuning and repair ing at reasonable prices: First class Work only. McHENRY^ ILLINOl John J. Vyoital DEALER IN General H A.rdware Stotes, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - . P^LINOI^. Tel. Main 1714. WHY do people of Mi Henry. Lake an other counti drop iu at Lambert - Q. Seng's " H2 Fifth Ave.. CHiCAaor Because It is SO home like. KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery ... no - F°"U ONSUMPTION Pries OUGHSand 60c & $1.00 LOS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FCC WCTUWWCD. tO VEARS' IXPKRIKMOS. Our OHAMOKSMS TNC LOWISTe 8ead model, pboto or sketch for expert search and free report on patentability. WirHIHOtMIHT suite conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through ua aDVM- TISID and SOLO, frea THWI-IU***. •IONS and COrYRIOHTI quickly obtained. Opposite U. a. Patent Office, waawHOTON, o. c. D-SWIFT&0 HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Medioiae for Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, sneciflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Live Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impnr: •d, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Heada< '•' ' ilackache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in luu- torm, 81 cents a bo*. Genuine made tj •Lmstkr Daca Company, Madison, Wis. OLDEN NUfiGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE We do Job Work. f ORIGINAL LrAXATIVE. / HONEY **2-TA.R Am improvement over aU Cough, Lang aad Bronchial Remedies. Carts Caaghs, Strengthens the Langs, gently moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. iKMiliyHTOU MCBICOIK C0.,rWm«.l.lA Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA. A. STORY, McHenry; O. W. BESLJftT, Wsst MoHenry. | y 'V , '1 •?\t _• A,, ••m

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