Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Oct 1906, p. 4

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•*? y '̂*i'.*?•. "•If ' ,4- Z'r""?["*"'•Vl"? '̂~,f JSTFW r:', ! 4, r : JT •**••? % «••*'•.. > // -» „ •- ^ „<t ; Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood P You know, for' food blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Om fraqaent cauM of bad blood it a slnggirti Iw. Tin* produces constipation. Poisonous pabstancei are then absorbed into the Wood. > the bowels open with Ayer's Pills. A •fed* hr J. C. lytr Co., towel), Man. Also manuihoturera of f HAIR VIGOR, f f ZP f*C AGUE CURE. liVI O CHERRY PECTORAL. We bare no eeorete! We publish ftirmnl-- of All our medicinei*. ; U-- Tie McHenry Pldindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Tilt mtm mmtim COMPART. W.A. CRI8TY, L. T. HOY, Vice Pres. . Secretary. JAME&B. PERKY, President and General Manager. F. G. Schbkikek, Editor. Ofltoe In Bank Building. Telephone, No. 878. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: Oaeyear Six maj eta; 11.60 months. 40cts. Thursday, October 4,1906. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. iH»l»r Monthl^ Meeting Held Monday Kvenhnr. • > Gooncll Room, bet T^t# board of trustees met in regular session. Present: Trustees Block, Bar­ bian, Stoffel, Simes, Weber; President Evanson presiding. The minntes of the last regnlar meeting were read and ap­ proved. The following bills were read and approved: S. Reynolds, gravel ; $54.45 McHenry Li«h t <S5 Power Co., lgt 87.00 Frank Kimball, graveling 16.00 Chicago Fire Hose Co., lanterns.IT. 15 Wm. Davis, graveling 67.50 J. B. Frisby, graveling 28.00 Geo. Meyers, graveling and labor 160.35 J. J. Vycital, oils 5.08 M. M. Nieeen, police services... 50.00 John Walsh, police services 50.00 Wm. Simes, labor 52.53 Wm. Feltz, labor 43.00 M: Welch, labor 43.00 Thos. Halpin, labor 19.00 H. Zimmermann. graveling...... 169.90 Wilbur Lumber Go., tile 1*. 12.88 M. Engeln & Son, labor. 1.91 Motion^by Barbian seconded by Stof­ fel thatfthe UBe of the city hall be ejiven to the principal and pupils of the public school for basket ball play provided they keep the hall clean and repair all dam­ ages. Carried. Motion by Barbian seconded by Stof­ fel than the president appoint a commit­ tee to consider amending ̂ >e exhibition ordinance and report at the next meet­ ing. Carried. The president named Stoffel, Block On motion by Stoffel seconded by Bar­ bian St. Patrick's parish was granted the privilege to erect horse sheds in the north dnd and west side of Court street. On motion duly carrien the board ad­ journed. John Stoffel, Cler' Very tow Excursion Rates to Memphis, Tenn., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October T15 to 18, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of Brotherhood of 8t. Andrew Protectant Episcopal Church. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. W. B. KNISKERN, ' 4ft 18 P. T. JL ' Notice! To insure pttWi cation in The "Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take {Articular notice to this effect Very Low Bates to Atlanta, Ga., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 8 and 9, with favorable return limits, on account of Homecoming of Georgians. Apply to agents Chicago & Nort^-Western R'y oct 9 < > THE CARP SEINING. . - -- Will be Resumed with the Settlag la oi ' Cold tTeathar, Witb flatting in of cold wilier the seining of the German carp of (he lakes in northwestern Lake comity will commence and the unending job of clearing the waters of these untveleome guests will wgaiH •*> on. EVery \ *ht thousands of ponuils of thn ntx-xmiy fish are taken,irqui the l»k^s \iy VV Tri»tgs& Co. of Clu«'4Mw#iid t#»M in lim East. The Triggs people have a govnrnjiipnt permit to fis*h \yith a seine for thine encroachers on the «amepre*ervw, l»nt are supposed to throw bark «nH» the wator all the bass, pike and other t*aine fish they may take in their operation*. Twjijfwiis hro one hignl .. iminght in 50,dflupounds tif carp. The iJtkiug of the catch required a day 4n<1 m bait' and some 2,000 feet of net was us« <l The carp are little used here, but meet a ready sale in . the East and ^he greater part oi them arfe shipped to New York. In Chicago they are sold to the Jews while alive. The method of trans­ ferring them to Chicago to be sold alive is a novel one. The fish are taken from the nets and placed in layers in great fish boxes. They are then covered closely With chipped ice or snow and the covering tamped down. The packing is com­ pleted just in time to catch the train for the city and but a couple of hours are required for them to reach their des­ tination. When at the Triggs. warehouse the boxes are dumped into the water and he carp then^begin to slowly retnrn to ire. In a short time tbey have revived nd are swimming unconcernedly about in the vats and are ready to be fed a hearty snpper of shelled corn. It is rarely that there is any great loss from death among the fish from this peculiar mode of shipmfbt. Baiting the fish into the net is done in an odd manner as well. At times the fish get slnggish and the nets may be Iragged without success. Then the in­ genuity of the fishers comes to the fore. A quantity of shelled corn or grain is secured and soaked, after whictK it is placed in a spot especially adapted to the drawing of a seine. ithin a few hours at most all the carp in the neigh­ borhood have smelled or in some man- • discovered the presence of the grain and thousands of them will be on the spot, rooting and feeding Tbey will crowd each other like so many swine in their eager endeavors to get their share of the food. Then the fish­ ermen place their nets and make their haul. ^ Often carp are taken from the lakes that weigh between thirty and forty pounds. Some immense game fish are taken as welt' w&^these go back info the lake. The biggest one thrown back into the Fox was a muscalonge weighing fifty pounds, and so far as is known the big fish is still in the waters nncaught. The men who ran the nets state that they have often thrown back pickerel weighing over twenty-five pounds. Danger from the Plague. There's graye danger from the piagne of Coughs and Colds that are so preva­ lent, unless you take Dr. King's New and Barbian to serve on the" committee.4Di9COVery for Con8umption' Coueh8 and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in a climate where conghs and colds prevail. I find it quickly ends m. It prevents Pneumonia, enres aGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by N. H. Pet' esch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drug stores. Trial bottle free. i: I" • i-. FOR^OTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood; both need more fat. These diseases thrive on lean­ ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming them; cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTT'S E M U L S I O N is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that shows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, more nourish­ ment, that's why. • " i'i# < Sead for £ve sample. ^'SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists •IQfeitJS Pearl Street, New York Ik««l)l4l ||' • * AfltfruggMa Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under this head at the following rates: Five linos or loss, 88 cents for first insertion; 15 cents for each subsequent Insertion. Mure than Ave lines. 6 cents a line tor Hint insert ion, a iid s cents a line tor additional in»wt(<m>«. , \N(,Y TWO*rouni?t>uroc Jerney ItegLbottrs ' left. Bo suio u> mx' tliem soon If yTOMm» in want of same. No fancy price asked. Turtht-r particulars appJy to "l W. B. .Johossott, KlngW(»od, III. For rpOB SALE-- ApplPtnn six-roll corn tiusker; -P has Ltecu run three seasons. Is in irood running order and ts nearly as good as new. For farther information write to or inquire of 12-tf Ray L. Thomas, West McHenry. TjV:)R SALE CHEAP--All building material E from the Washington P«rW race tracks now being wrecked by the .l.vG. Kuel Wrrck- injr Co.. Chicago, phone Weijt,worth SM. Tim- tiers all lengths and Mze.s, scantling and joints alllenglhs and sizes, J and »> in. tiiHir- ing. sheathing boards, fence boards, cedar post-s, barn and house doors .ind windows all sizes, chicken wire, gasoline street lamps and posts,2 steel bridges, 1 beams and columns, sewer pipe «i t;> 16 inches, plumbing goods all kinds, wooden water vats and troughs, 24 and ;s2 foot wood trusses. Estimates furnisucd. J. G. Ruei. Wrecking Co., 61st and St. Law­ rence Ave.. Chicago, (II. Dec 1 fpO UKNT'--Cottages for the winter months, November 1 to May 1. Furnished for housekeeping. 810 to JI2 per month. - 11 tf 31. A. Howki.Ia McHenry, III. Xi>ARM FOR RENT--Located one and one- * half miles south«ast of McHetary. con­ sisting of 100 acres. Good dwelling and out­ buildings. For farther information apply to Mrs. P. Smith or Geo, Smith at Borden's fac­ tory. ' 14-2jt TT^Ott SA LE--Two choice corner building lots a1 omtnsite Riverside hotel. For further in-opuoslte Riverside hotel. formation apply or address Mrs. L. C. Gates, TXT ANTED AT ONCE--Woman for general ** housekeeping. For further Information apply or address J. J. Vycital, at Center- ville hardware, McHenry, III. \*TANTED -Stenographer with some know- ** ledge of keeping books. Must be one who wishes steady work. Call at Hunter Weckl,er Boat Co.. Main Office, McUenry, Illinois. « 15-11 Women^as Well as Men Are Made Miserable, by Kidney Trouble. Ktdney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear wjien the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble; and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due' to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists,, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, als^O pamphlet tell- Home of Swamp-Hoot, ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingftamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, bnt'remem- ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil­ mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton. N. Y.. on every bottle. IMWIM IIMMM Li PROBATE NEWS Next Once at $tufrel'H. Hi# next dance at Stoffel 's halt will take place on Saturday evening, Oct. 6, to which a very cordial invitation is extended to all. Metzger's orchestra of Woodstock will be on hand to furnish the music for the occasion. The floor managers are as follows: West Mc­ Henry, F. G. Sohreiner; McHenry, Jo­ seph Holly; Woodstock, Lester Fish; Nunda, George Wollenberg; Waucon- da, Emmet Geary; Solon, Frank Ayl- ward; Emerald -Park, Ed. SQtton. Dance tickets only 50 cents. Come and spend the evening with yonr friends-- they will all be there. A Certain Care for Croup--Uaed for Ten Year* Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott, a Star City, Ind*., hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy. His children have all been sub­ ject to croup and he has used this rem edy for the past ten years, and though they mnch feared the croup, his wife and he felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy warfn the honse. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of cronp, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy enre. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by G. W. Besley. Very Low ftateN to Buffalo, N. Y., Via the North-Western Line, Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip October 10 to 12, inclus­ ive, with favorable return limits, on ac­ count of International Christian con­ vention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Oct 12 Vary lx»w Rates to Dallas, Tax., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October G and 7, with favorable return limits, n-< ac­ count International Association Fire Engineers. Applv to agents Chicagc > & North-Western R'y. oct 7 We give you the news of town and county, and give it to you right while Tae Weekly Inter Ocean prints the tele­ graphic newB of America and the cabled news of all the world* both, papers one year. "* 1 [Furnished by' McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary A Zenk & h to Joseph Bartz & w 5 a & 29 rds in seX sec 23, McHenry.. .fl5|0Q1M Mervin T Moody & w to Henerlcka Tur ner. It 22, White's addn Solon. lftc Mary Schneider et al to Marv H Lyons et al, Its 4,5,6, 7. £, 9.10, "Woodlawn Park, McHenry & land adjacent Ji fronting said lots £, J €0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. > Chas. W. Comforth, 29 Beloit, Wis. Ruby Elliott, 18 Chicago Andrew Jndson, 33 '..i^^Hebron Bertha Friday, 19.- *. ^iJHebron John Schlupp,1& *. . Elgin Luln Davis, 2ft. .Elgin Very Low Exenraion Ratea.t» Denver, Color&do Springs and Fnebln, Via tljje Nort:h-Western Line, will be in effect from all stations, October 18 ito 16, inclusive, with favorable retnrn limits, on account of American Mining Congress. For fall information apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. A OCt 16 Profits can be greatly Increased by giving spedal care to the health of every animal and fowl on the farm. Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, bogs, horses, etc., depend en thrfr Myers to keep tbm well. " Black-Draught Stock and Po keeps their avers woikfng and therefore Imps them well. Biack-brat̂ xt Stock aM Poul­ try Medkias to a pure, natural, vegetable, Hood purifier, and acts by regolettog the stomach, liver and bowefc. It pprtMMi aad cores Hog Chol­ era, Chicken Ooltn, Colic, D!»- toaqwr, CoatfML Colds, Constipa­ tion, Fever, in «f Appetite, Wasting Awnr. aad afl the It to i sialism use. Tty It Faic* 35s for « hugeous, «t <fetfggi»t> and Jrilrw & :<• A'f S&Aw, /Cir.: i m H j$j)F v ^ p . .» ->v '« . -"J- Ci "ft®! • • ' *• t »« *js?i, * , im ' <:h*ri%A\ ! «.• t M .• r. LINE OF HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN « EVER BEFORE AND 1^ , ^!*( AT-ALL TinES READY • J -5 FOR IYOUR INSPECTION. 1 v f LET US Ql'VE YOU OUftv PRICES. THEY PLEASE >r^iT /_) '".A.." * •> lacobjusten -i. is taking on fall appearance and offers you a very choiee line of Tennis Flannels, Flan­ nelettes, Blankets, Fleeced^ Underwear, jReeced Hosiery, Ladies' Flexed Wrappers and r such items needed for chilly f a l l w e f a t h e r . . . . . . The Shoe and Grocery section is very com­ plete and ayaits your coming. Ladies' Black Petticoats, Extra Quality, 98c. A line of high grade School Shoes jlist added S E E T H E M OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:: EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKINQ ACCOUNTS^ SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOriESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NQTARY PUBLIC. : : paid on Savings Ac­ counts and Time Cer­ tificates of Deposit. * Glenora Brand Canned Peas, sifted, sweet and tender, per 1§C Blossom Brand Red Salmon per can...... ^20C None Srn-h Brand Red Salmon Steak, per oan .2SC We carry a complete line of Blossom Brand canned goods. Yon $ cannot go wrong on thfm; they are the best goods packed in their respieo- $ tive lines. 1 John Stoffel,-W. McHenry % UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. P H I L I P t GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT* 9PS0LAL ATTKNTIOW. CHVKW TO TH* 8ALJE Of Illinois Central Ft. R. Ansiial Stockholders' rieeting at Chi­ cago, October 17. Personal Attendance of Holders Desired. t'-rk/ Dressed Beef, flutton. Hogs, Veal, Poul ^ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs | This is the oldest honse on the street Tags and prioe lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE ^ ' L CIUCAGO, ILLINOIS. FREE TICKETS to tk Meeting Public notice is hereby given that the regu- ImlSS"?! .eet,'n* ot the Htuckbolder* of the Kai'road Company will be held at the Company's office lu Chicago, Illi­ nois, on VVeduesday, October 17, 1906, at It o'clock noon. ' . a To permit personal attendance at said meeting there will be issued To each holder of one or more Shares of the capital stock of the Illinois Central i Pfv ComPttny • :}-s registered on the books of the Company at the close of business on Monday, Sept. 24,1906. who Is of full age, A Ticket Enabling Him or Her to Travel Free ?TerT?ue 9°«npa"y'? ijnes from the station on the, Illinois Central Railroad nearest to bis or her registered address to CHICAGO AND RETU&N such ticket to be good \pr the journey to Chi­ cago only during the Four Days Immediately Preceding and the day of the meeting, and for the re­ turn journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the / Four Days Immediately Following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday, October, ao, 1906--that Is to say between 9:00 a. m. and 5.00 p. m.--in the office of the Assist­ ant Secretary, Mr. W. G. Eruen, in Chicago. Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above, on application, in writing, to the President of the Company in Chicago, but each stockholder must individ­ ually apply for his or her ticket. Each appli­ cation Hiuut state the full name and address of the Stockholder exactly as given in his or her Certificate of Stock, together with the number and date of such Certificate. No more than one person will be carried free in re­ spect to any one holding of stock as regis­ tered 011 the books of the Company. , v > A. ©. HACKSTAFF, Oct 17 • . Secretary. Illinois CentralR, R. * -. practically TWO CENTS A MILE V . i n s t e a d o f s i x t o - - VICKSBURG, niSS., AND RETURN The special services and what it means to the veterans of the past Civil War and their children, have been considered worthy of more than ordinary attention by the railroads of the country, and, at this time, in connec­ tion with the -t DEDICATION * Illinois Monuments, * National Military Park, October 30, the Illi­ nois Central Railway will seli tickets from all stations lu Illinois, and from St. Louis. Mo., to Vicksburg, Miss., and return at Very Low Rates, October 24-25 with fifteen (15) days return limit. . SIDE TRIPS to any point on the Yazoo & Mississippi Val­ ley Railroad, A. & V. R. R. and V. S. & P. Ity. may be arranged for at Vicksburg on the basis of one fare plus 25 cents for tne round trip. For instance, $7.05 to New Orleans and return, from Vicksburg, with the privilege of making the return trip from New Orleans to Chicago direct via the Illinois Central if pre­ ferred. Dates of sale of side trip tickets, Oc­ tober 27-38, with return limit November 7. Ftol Particulars concerning all of the above, rates and leaving time from your par­ ticular station ojj nearest Illinois Central point, can be had M agent of Illinois Central or by addressing toe undersigned. . S. G. HATCH. General Passenger Agent, eetJS Chicago, 111. jofe < • " t. ",*f . • ' FRANK BUHR PRACTICAL PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER CARRIAGE PAIOTG, $5.00 dfifi UPW House and Sign Paint ingam! all Interior I orating.' Residence north towti'Hnteone l>loc« wes. of river. TeirpliOtio No.2-4. K Illinois Central R. R. Very Low Rates ACCOUNT v K. of R. Mental Meeting Supreme lodge New Orleans and Return In .connection with this gathering of the Order of Knights of Pythias the Illinois Cen- tjrftl R. R. will, on ii, ia, 13 and 14* sell tickets to New Orleans and return at very low rates from stations north of the Ohio River, with return limit of October HO, 1906. Tickets are for continuous passage in both directions, except at certain stations stop­ overs will be permitted. Bee your local Illi­ nois Central Agent for further information, or write to the undersigned. Side Trips from New Orleans may be arranged for by consulting with ticket agents, New Orleans. On sale Oct. 16 to 35, inclusive. Final return limit of these side- trip tickets (arriving New Orleans) Oct. 30. S. G. HATCH, A General Passenger Agent, ocM* \ Chicago, 111. Chicago & North-Western. Effective September 24, is WBBK OAT TBAIHS. NORTHBOUND Leave Chicago. 7.06 a m.»..........Via Elgin 8.43 a m......-..Vla Des Plalnes ., 12.30 p m.., ....Via Elgin 3.45pm Via Des Plalnes.. 4.00 pm....: Via Elgin 4.57 p m Via Des Plalnes.. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00am,... .. .Via Des Plalnes.. 8 . 4 5 a m . . -- V i a E l g i n . . 9.10a m,.,., ..Via Des Plalnes... 8.02 p m.•*!.!.•. .... Via Elgin WBBK DAT TRAINS. Leave McHwiy. 7.23 a m Via Elgin. 8.32 am......... Via Des 4.28 p m.. Via Des Plajni 4.28 p Via Elgin 6.17 p iqi»' ...... Via Des Piaines... eUNDAY TRAINS. 7.23 a m........ Via Elgin 7.08 p mu-.W.." Via Des Piaines... m2±£5/SlE£!^: ' Afirtve McHenry. 10.17 a m 10.17 a m ......2.50 p-m 4.45 p m ...'..6.40pm .. ..6.40p m .... 9.37 a m ....11.14am ....11.14 am 4.56 pm ^Professional, Society V and Bxisirvesss Cards DAVIlMi. WKLLK |)HVSlCIAN.Sl!Ht;l;()N A N1» k't'L + OfRco im<4 refiideuco Kl» QfWpltreetis. T<;1ephon0>* -- &;PKGlEttS L41 plIYfilClAKS AND SUUCI#, *• 111. Oflice at Residence, corner Elm streets. Ttslfephone :}:53. - -- - : ©;T. SMILED; ATTORNEY AT LAW. WoodsUwlr, III All business intrusted to his iri properly and promptly attended to. ' St W. F. STONB, 33. D. (SucceSsor to Dr. F. C. Ross.) Office Hours from *9 a. m. until 5:«v -- p. m. Alho open evenings. McHENRY, - - Qffice and iieskleoce ovtor Petesch's Drug " Store. Telephone No. 274. 1>R. R. G. CHAMB: S DENTIST. Residence over n. J. Wi ' Hours: 8 too to 5:30 '*"•* WKSX MCHICIVKY. II.L.' Oeneral Teaming ot all kinds. Excavating and Grading flcHQNRy Telephone No. I93. -•- * 4 SIMON Insurance Agt-n t for all classes of property in the best Companies. * * West McHenry. Illinois MpHlCNlffe- Illinois : R. H. OWBN '1. , ' Ptjinos for sale and rent. Tuning and repair g at reasonable prices. iy*taclat>s Work only. McUEN«?< ILLINOI -M? ? i-lohn J. DEALER IN Genera.1 Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and n|pp chine repairing 'Phone 0Mt" McHENRY, .. V - ILLINOia Tel. Mailt 1714; WHY •lo people of Mc Henry, Lake an other countl drop in at i^imbert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO? Because it Is so home like. KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS [*ITH Dr. King's New Discoviry fob C' 0N5UWPTI0N Price OUGHSand^ 50c &$1.00 OLDS Freb Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. PATENTS Promptly obtained, or FEE RETURNED. SO VBARS'lXPKRtKNOC. Our CM ARC ts AftE THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search and free report on patentability. IWrHIWtllMIWT suits conducted before all courts. Patents obtained through us, ADVER­ TISED and SOLD, free. TRADE-MARKS, P«N- SIONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, P. C. D-SWIFT&<9 SOUTHBOUND. Arrive Chicago. ..10.10 am . .9*35am ...6.15 pm ...7.10 pm ...7.56 pm ..1045 am ...8.25 pm ...9.15 pm ..10.20 p n» PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits. All shapes and sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, 12.00 and upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive iipparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views 1^. buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. GiilsLrMmcntn. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every instance. Finished in black and white or colors. Frames. A variety of styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made up for any size picture, certificate, etc. Waukegan St., near the Standi WE8T McHENRY, ILL. i "k, :~i T#l#phon«t 493 IIAI I ISTPR't ocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioiae for Busy People. rings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. (••"clflc for Constipation, Indigestion, Liv®. • ..dtoey Troubles. Pimples. Ec/ema, Impujp . Bad Breath, Slutrprish Howels, Headai jg, i ck i i che . I t ' s Rocky Moun ta in Tea in 1 . •«* 35 ccnts a box. Genuine made of iT|ta Dauo Company, Madison, Wis. '.'EN' NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PLS f, ORIGINAL... LAXATIVE HONEY *se.TAR AM improvement over all Conch, Lang and Bronchial Remedies* Cures Ctughs, Strengthens thf Longs, gently moves the Bowels Pleasant to the taste and goof alike for Young and Old. rnmiii If rUOOLS MEDICINE CO^Cktai*. 0.S.A, Sbld by N. Ii. PETESCH, JULIA A. STORY, McHeairy; Q. West Ho Henry. |

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