Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1906, p. 8

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- * ; - k Sincerity Clothing i .T, ; i - v. Why should you pay $5.00 more for a garment made to order when we can give you the same cloth in a Suit or Overcoat at $5.00 less and guaranteed by the maker to be better than generally made to order garments, for the reason that the cloth is thoroughly shrunk and the workmanship equal to any tailor make? JOS. W. FREUND, s WEST McHENRY. The Real Thing: NO IMITATION The made-to-measure garments we sell ait cut, tan ked and finished by men who excell in meth ods, ability and experience. It is an absolute fact that there is no other place in our town where you can buy garments at such reasonable prices and still carry with those prices the rare merit of excellence. The way to know their value is to wear them. Single breated suits, worsted, cheviots and all the handsome heavyweight ma­ terials jDouble breasted suits with the latest cut which makes the Fall and Winter suit new, different and graceful--all ma* terials--Overcoats in many styles--ser­ viceable and comfortably - $12.50 - $3.50 JOHND.LODTZ M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . •f A11 kinds for all kinds of fuel. All sizes, all prices. New Stoves and olef Stoves.» If you have an old Stove that you do not wish to set up this fall bring it to us and we will allow you all it is worth in ex­ change for a new one. If you want a new Stove and haven't the ready cash to buy, call and learn wh^,t we can. do for you. It is for your interest to call if you are in need , of a Stove, anyway. :: :: . L. HcOHBER WEST SIDE HARDWARE. TOOTHBRUSHES HAIR BRUSHES WL- H. Petesch, Druggist. A L Fountain Syringes Hot Water Bottles War frrai a Thumb Btte. Perhaps the inest portentous if In­ nocent incident in the proceedings leading up to England's war with King Theodore of Abyssinia was--a thumb bite. The British consul was practically a prisoner at his court when Mr. Stern, a British missionary, called upon the "king of kings." The first mistake of the Englishman was to seek an audience immediately after the king had dined too liberally with his court. The second was his choosing as interpreters two utterly incompetent men. The inefficiency of this pair so angered the dusky monarch that then and there he ordered them to be beat­ en. Mr. Stern, "unable to bear the sight, turned around and bit his thumb." Now, he was not aware of It, but to bite the thumb is in Abys­ sinia a defiance and a threat of venge­ ance. The quick eye of the king caught the Innocent menace, and he had the missionary also beaten. Prom that sprang the war, the defeat of the forces of the king and his death by his own hand in his ruined city of ICag- dala.--London Standard. The Eternal Wttderaeai. We still have our "unmanstifled" places. And there shall come to us a wilderness here and another there where now there is none, for every­ thing moves in circles, which is not at all a new discovery, and the man who today laments a dearth of the wilder­ ness may live long enough to find him­ self one day wielding an ax as dull as the pen he now bewails with--and for­ ty miles from a grindstone. We shall not remonstrate with the writers who are picturing us going to eternal smash for want of tall timber. Their work la not without its good effect in staying the denudation of our nearby recrea­ tion grounds, and we are content to watch the wily old wilderness creeping up in the rear of the advancing army of invasion, reaching out with sure, si­ lent fingers and reclaiming her own, building anew her razed stockades and unfurling to the winds her deftant ban­ neret*.--Recreation. Tke Kara of Inaecta. Simply because a bee has no ears on the sides of its head it is no sign what­ ever that It is wholly without some sort of an auditory nerve. This iq proved by the fact that grasshoppers, crickets, locusts and files all have their ears situated In queer places--under the wings, on the middle of the body and even on the sides of their legs. The common house fly does its hear­ ing by means of some little rows of corpuscles which are situated on the knobbed threads which occupy the place which are taken up by the hind wings of other species of insects. The garden slug or shelless snail has its organs of hearing situated on each side of Its neck, and the common grasshopper has them on each of Its broad, flat thighs. In some of the smaller insects they are at the bases of the wings and in other* on the bot­ tom of the feet. While it is rarely Way of One Mas. He was romantic, but bashful for his age. At twenty-five it is expected nowadays that a man should be matter of fact. She was his equal in romance, but a trifle older, old enough Indeed to be a widow. The conversation had turned on the ever Important subject of mothers-in-law. There was a lull in the argument Gazing far, she sighed and said: "Ah, me! I shall never have aasther mother-in-law!" He looked at her with interest for a moment and then suddenly blurted out: "My mother died when I was very young!" It was an inadvertence, but be could not draw back. She threw herself Into his arms, and they have lived happily-- up to now.--New York Press. V«T low Hatea to BnflMo, N. Y., Via the North-Westeni Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold October 10 to 12, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of International Christian Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. oct 1 of travel, even in of of India w by all odds the most extraordinary of water vehicles. It consists simply of three logs lasted together and flush with the surface of the water. On these erman (sometimes two or more men) stands and with a single oar pad dies himself far out to sea. A Madras fisherman will venture out when boat­ men will not launch their craft, and even in weather when boats cannot be launched he will go through the surf and out to ships with letters, for the delivery of which he gets a few pence. In order to catch their ships a few be* lated travelers have been known to trust themselves on catamarans. They are united in the statement that the ride on the logs was the most nerve trying experience they had undergone in a land that holds a new thrill for the stranger at every turn. The sea and an occasional ducking have no terrors for these natives, not even the ex* tremely young, and in reality the cata* maran is not entirely to be scorn^Xo* it is, after all, nonsinkable. " KIDNEY I»1 W«lw Ptyea and Housekeepers as a rule do not under­ stand why it Is the. hot water pipit* i is the first to freeze In very cold weatM* er. They think that it orgfet to be thtf* other way around--that hot w&tef* ought to withstand the low tempera^; ture longer than cold water will. That does seem reasonable, but a little in­ vestigation shows us that it is not. Ho# water freezes more quickly than cold water for several reasons. In the first place, the boiling of water expels the air from It, and water will not freeze until It has parted with its air. In the* second place, there is always a slight agitation on the surface of tiOt water,' and this promotes congelation by as­ sisting the crystals to change their po­ sition until they assume that most fa-' vorable to solidification. Then th®> particles in hot water divide into small*' er globules by reason of the heat, anfl« less resistance is therefore offered to the cold than in cold water. ^ HtaltktalBCH of Hotter. "Honey, one of the most nutritious* and delicate of foods, should be eaten!* mere than it is," said a cooking expert. "Bought in the comb, it is bound to be unadulterated, and this pure honey will keep its friends free from sore threat and bronchial troubles. I have not had a sore throat since six years ago I took to eating honey. My doc­ tor tells me he often recommends hon­ ey, with excellent results, for diseases of the throat. Honey is excellent to use instead of sugar for sweetening cakes. It gives the cakes a most de­ lightful flavor. It is also excellent in place of butter on hot biscuit, on toast and on buckwheat cakes. I know a number of women who use honey as a cosmetic. They apply It to the skin, rub it in well, then wash* It off with hot water. The result is a finer tex­ tured complexion, a glowing/ colw, a young, fresh look." . Inettactlve Piety of the Irish Gadt As Dr. Douglas Hyde pointed out, "the Irish Oael is plotis by nature. There is not an Irishman in a hundred in whom is the making of an unbe­ liever. God is for him assured, true, intelligible. When he meets a neighbor, Instead of saying 'Bon jour' or 'Good morning' he says 'God Salute you.'" Indeed, all the ordinary invocations and salutations of the Irish language are governed by this religions feeling. "When he takes, snuff from you he will say, The blessing of God be with the souls pf your dead.' If a sudden wonderment surprises him he will cry, 'A thousand laudations to God,' and if he be shown a young child er anything else for the first time he will say, ' P r o s p e r i t y f r o m G o d : o f t i t * ' Spectator. the Leva may be blown into ties of gossamer lightness, and harder sort makes a beautiful glass of half the weight and double the strength of ordinary glass. But it is not always the same. Every volcano pours out its own special brand of molten mixture, disagreeable to walk on, bat sometimes yielding precious prodaets, as pumice stone. Lava, like all things, decomposes under the touch of time, jjg fertile plains of Sicily testify. ; ̂ • • . '; Notice 1 To insure publication in The Plain* dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertiser ,̂ especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. any KIDNEY DISEASE „ ' "-'4 '"V , - V v.' that is not beyond the reach of medicine* can do more. WIS WEI IIP TO ME. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., 0tausvflle, Ind., writes: "For over file years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the best physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely cured.'* TWO SIZES, 50c AID ILOC. SOtD AID RECMMEUEB IT G. W. BESLEY, WEST McHENRY" ' 1 /' ' _ ' Aaelcst Glass. In the Slade collection at the British museum in London the most ancient specimen of pure glass the date of which can be approximately fixed is a small lion's head, bearing the name of an Egyptian king of the eleventh dy­ nasty. That is to say, at a period which may be moderately placed at more than 2,000 years B. C. glass was made with a skill which shows that the art was far from new.--London SCfilfgraph, • Puuled. The distinguished alienist looked worried. "No," he said to the reporter, "I can't give you an opinion as to the sanity of the prisoner." "But surely you have considered the case?" "It isn't that," replied the alienist; "but, you see, each side has sent me a re­ tainer, and as these are the same amounts I am, of course, in temporary doubt"--Philadelphia Ledger. A Cant loan Doctor. "Doctor, something is the matter with me. Sometimes my mind Is a per­ fect blank, and my memory constantly falls me. I wish you would treat me." "I will. But in view of the peculiar nature of your case I shall want my fee in advance." None is to be deemed free who has not perfect self command.--Pythago­ ras. . . . Many men give lavishly of gold, To build bridges and castles and towers of old; If you want everlasting fame, a bene­ factor be, Give the poor and needy Rocky Mount­ ain Tea. G. W. Besley. Dress Goodi Outing Flannel# Tennis Flannels Ginghams Percales J ' * *i • s; 5 line. We are showing a very complete Call and look us over before buy- v u '..V 'i • 'Phone 291. WEST McHENRY. F A. BOHLANDER. Why Doesn't He stop and pocket some of it instead of trying to avoid it? No man can afford to turn his back on the COAL QUES­ TION, it's the burning question of the day. We sound a timely warning that a rise in coal is near and any orders that are left with us will be filled promptly. ORDER NOW. v, We carrya full line of Liimber, Lath, Shingles, Brick, Lime,'Cement, Etc. Ulilbur Cumber Co. ilVWWMMWWV WWW WWW WWMMMMM > School Days f are here once more and so are we with an elegant new line of School Supplies including Books, Tablets, Pencils, Pens, Pen Hold­ ers, Inks and, in fact, everything that is .used in the School-room. line of Drugs cannot be / surpassed anywhere. Everything*" fresh. Nothing stale goes h|re. Q. Our /lotto: One Price to all. - TELEPHONE McHENRY, ILLINOIS. New ArriveJs Dressing Sacques We are showing a splendid line of these goods and at prices within reach of everyone. Ladies' Dressing Sacques, made of fine, heavy Persian Flannel, scalloped collar, belt and shirred sleeves, Price 75c aid 49c We are showing a splendid big line of these Garments and at prices, we know, you^ cannot find elsewhere. We sell them at what other merchants pay for them. See 'em Ladies' 45-inch loose-cut Coat, made of a fine, heavy­ weight, black Kersey, yoke lined with a fine quality mercerized sateen with collar of same material, sleeves tucked with large stitched Cuff, special price. ...$8.00 Ladies'^50-inch Prince Chap Coat, made of a light gray fancy mixed material, yoke lined with tan mercerized sateen, green velvet collar, cuffed sleeve, spcl... .$8.00 Ladies' 50-inch loose-fitting Coat, made of a fine all- wool Kersey, yoke &ned with a fine tan satin, collar neatly stitched and inlaid velvet, two plaits down both front and back , a spec ia l b ig va lue a t . . . . . . . . . .$u« 5° Our shelves are full of Fall and Winter goods awaiting your inspection. All the late shades & styles in Dress Goods. See our line of large dot goods, latest on State street ^ f: Our fall line of shoes need your inspection none better any­ where. .$1.50, 2.98 VNR

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