IT'ftp' -o. •: OF -LADIES* AND MISSES' CLOAKS BEGINNING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, _ for EIGHT D AYS we will have on sale one of the best stocks of Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats ever brought into the county. An opportunity to buy your new coat that you will never again have this season.. Our millinery department will at the same tittle offer an elegant new line of ready-to-wear and the latest trimmed Hats. Call early. 'is1 ' v . ' ' ' % Iff* Adams, Johnsburafh " 7777*11 *T*T##• t t t t >4 THE WEST SIDE • I JEWELRY •• Here can be found, at all times, the finest of Jewelry, Organs, Pianos, Talking Machines, Sewing Machines, Sheet Music and in fact everything generally found in a first-class jewel ry store. Our line of Wedding Gifts is unsurpassable and we invite you to inspect same before purchasing. Prices a,re always right. N. A. HUEMANN, West FlcHenry, Illinois. 19804- Hands Across tHe S From International Sleeves John Bull reaches out from the London offices of the INTER- N A T I O N A L TAILORING CO. to shake hands with his cousin, Uncle Sam, his New York headquarters He » c o n g r a t u l a t i n g him on his enor mous purchases <pf English woolens for International Tailoring Co. POPULAR PRICES Mew York Chicago San Francis ~ j TS«y maintain offices in Berlin, also, where ll»eif buyCTi Koop up die choicest products Altogether, the INTERNATIONAL if one of the heaviest woolen of die German mills. Wjwn in Europe and America to-day. Bands created Dy " a million garments iCredit on all Americans. You can share more of it by becoming an International man. We show samples and taKe measures Here. Their stocks have to be enormous to meet the de- year." The International Enterprise Reflects M. J, WALSH. W. McHE^NRY THE STANISLAUS COUNTY Cars FROM CALIFORNIA will reach McHenry at 10:17 o'clock SATURDAY MORN ING, OCTOBER 13, and will exhibit near the North western Depot the balance of the day and AX*1* DAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. Opens at 8:00 a. m. and closes at 9:00 p. m. daily. Farmers slfould take a* day off and see this wonderful exhibit as it is1 worth a long trip to Souvenirs given away FREE. ~ ' * see. Admission, We. do JoJbwork MM Illllllllll) NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RME^ALD PARK. Mrs. Kelly .visited here oyer Sunday Miss Lucie Sutton is spending the week in Chicago. , Messrs. Armstrong and Blum of Chi cago Sundayed here. Miss Katie Corr returned to her home in Woodstock VSTednesday. L. E. Walmsley was a brief caller at R. Sutton's Sunday evening. Miss Mae Welch went to the city last Friday to attend the Corn Carnival. Mrs. Ed. Sutton returned to her home in South Dakota last Thursday morning Mrs. Geo. Frisby and children from near McHenry visited at El Knox's Sun day. Miss Bessie , Martin and brother of Wauconda called in this vicinity Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. EL J. Cohan of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottages at the Park. Misses Alice and Margaret Sutton of Elgin and Robert Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday with home folkc^ ^ Messrs. John Gibbs, Thos. Bolger, Ed. Sutton and Martin Knox went to Chica go Tuesday morning to take in the ball games. The Coffee which was held at Mrs. R. Sutton's Saturday afternoon was very well attended. The sum of |8.50 was realized. The following pupils from District No. 42 were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending October 9: Clarence Johnson, Genevieve Knox, Marion Conway. Julia Pfeffer, Lydia Ulrich, Marguerite Knox, Walter Con way, Stella Ulrich, John Bolger. Fran ces Johnson. Miss Katie Corr and Walter Walsh were the victims of a double surprise when about twenty-five of their friends walked into the latter 'a home last Sun day evening and it was such a shock that they did not recover for some time. Music and games were indulged in until sapper time. The table was prettily decorated and sandwiches, pickles, cheese, cake, coffee and fruit were served in a novel and pretty way. After due justice had been done to the goodies all wdnt home, declaring that they had spent a most enjoyable evening. A. F. Davis was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Hartman was a Woodstock visitor Monday. &frs. R. Goddard Was a county seat visitor Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. Shelt was a windy city visitor last Saturday. L. J. Gibson of Chicago spent Sunda y with his parents here. Mrs. J. Johnstone and sons spent Sat- day last in Woodstock. Miss Marie E. Cooke was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield were Nunda visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner were county seat visitors last Saturday. Mrs. Hanghawont and daughter, Rose were Woodstock visitors last Fijday. Mr. Pearson and family of Crystal Lake have moved into the Hansen house Grandma Skinner of Nunda visited the past week at the home of R. L. Dn- field. Miss Hand Weetermann of Greenwood visited her sister, Mrs. N. J. Garrison. Tuesday, , Mrs. J. B. Lynch, daughter, Lolo, and Ray Lynch were Nunda visitors' last Saturday. Miss Florence Reed returned Wednes day from a week's visit with her brother in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ward and daugh ter, Nora, of Greenwood visited at W Yankee's Sunday. Mrs. Hoeppner and grandson of Chi cago spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. W. Weiland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bode and daughter of Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer last Sunday. Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock visited her parents and sister here from Saturday until Monday. J. Levey of Chicago visflbd the first of ,the week with MB parents and other relatives in this vicinity. for Baw«l Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which s quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nau sea, headache, dizziness and colic, with out griping or discomfort. 35c. Guar anteed by N. H. Petesch, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry, drag/ giete; •' ^ 08TKND.' The Ostend Aid society met last week witkdMrs. Loviua Thomas. R® Brass spent a pleasant day with his friend, E. E. Bassett, last Sunday. Our friend, T. B. Thompson, brought us the sweet cider we wanted. It's fine Mrs. Chas. Sherman is on the sick list Dr. Hepburn of Ring wood is in attend ance. B. Brown of Woodstock was a wel come caller at W. F. Bassett's last Sunday. Mr. ^and Mrs. E. H. Thompson were guests of their son, F. B. Thompson,and family recently. Mrs. Fr«d Thompson was called to Chicago recently on account of the ser- sous illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kaiser of the county seat spent Sunday with their cousin, Frank Kaiser and family. Clinton H. Clark from the great state of Texas is the guest of his mother, Mrs. R. Z. Clark, brothers and sisters here. Premature in remarks about Frank Kaiser taking his milk to the condenser. He is shipping at present but will go to Borden's later. ^ Everything looks lovely in the coun try, gathering in the grain. Trees load ed with apples one cannot help but enjoy after being shut up at home during all the summer months. A Quick and Safe Remedy Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discovered* that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and safe cure for bowel com plaints. "During all of these years," he says, "I have used it and recommend ed it many times and the results have never yet disappointed me." Mr. Brock is publisher of the Aberdeen, Md. Enterprise. For sale by G. W. Besley. •if B1NGWOOD. W. B. Bradley Chicagoed Tuesday. The first cold snap and snow of the season October 9. James Moore of Elgin spent Sunday with John Carey and family. Miss Sadie Stockton was a passenger for Chicago Monday morning. Miss Ethel King spent Saturday and Sunday with her folks at Harvard. Miss Sadie Stockton and Walter Struble of North Dakota will be married here today (Thursday). Bradley & Fobs killed a muskrat in their store one evening recently. This certainly is something seldom heard of. Regular services at the Universalist church next Sunday. Don't forget. Come all. Everybody cordially invited. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Arthur Roberts of McHenry Saturday afternoon. Everybody interested come. Elmer Francisco of Chicago spent Sat urday and Sunday with home folks and in company with several others from here attended the dance at McBenry Saturday evening. Several of our well respected citizens went out hunting last Sunday afternoon and while strolling thru the woods were overtaken by Game Warden Eldredge of Richmond. One of the number who failed to produce a license was taken to McHenry Monday where he was fined with the charge of hunting without the necessary license. This is a good lesson for others who do not carry licenses while hunting. DR.PRICE'S Cr̂ m Baking Powder Has a dietetic value greatly be yond the conception of any one who has not used it. It will make your food of a delicious . taste, a moist and keeping quality and a digestibility not to be obtained from any other bak ing powder or leavening agent. But mote important than all else. Dr. Price's Baking Powdet carries only healthful qualities to the food. As every housekeeper can understand* alum and sulphuric add -- the ingredients of all alum and alum- phosphate powders -- must carry to the food adds injurious tfr Gilbert Bros. Co. .-1 h\i \ THIS is the place to get your Groceries. We handle nothing1 but the best of everything and our prices are within the reach of all. Call tts up or send in your order. We will as it has never f before been filled. fancy Confectionery and fruits OUR SPECIALTY Mchenry, III Bank of McHen ry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and doee a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact ory to our customers and respect fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections... INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. •fel - V d P»i|j • - .5 J SINGLE AND J :Driving Harness!! Avoid the alum powders--study the label (rive us your order for that new single or driv ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: : CARRIAGE TRIMMING A SPECIALTY M. A. THELEN McflENRY, ILLINOIS. . < nk * Ml