Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1906, p. 5

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t; », V i m^fw, • * t r« ^ & «**V ' the finest display of Cut Glass and Silverware ever brought to McHenry can now be found at my store. Have you seen the display? If not, call in and let us show you something pretty and at the same time give you our extremely low prices. How often does the question come before you when a friend or relative of yours is about to get married--what shall I get for a Wedding Present? This question can be answered at our store in a highly satisfactory manner. One glance, over our large and well selected stock will convince you that we are right. How about that new piano? When you get ready to put it in let us figure with you. We know we can save you money. Give us a call when in need of anlything in the jewelry line/ Our Goods please. m: I- ** •* * - ' M * • r- i - II. Jl. ftuemann, « lUest IUcBenrv :BEGIN5 AT EVANSON'S LITTTLE STORE: Monday^ Oct. 22 Unfortunately too many Goods have come in the past few weeks, the volume of trade too small, the wholesale houses want their money, hence no further ex­ planation is needed to convince you that profits must be sacrificed in order to convert these new things into cash^ickly. A few hints as to price reduc tions may interest you also: fr~ 4 v 3 3 3 J Best Blue Prints and Shirting Prints, un­til sold, at per yard 5c A Best Ginghams, per yard :6$c •I" Best Percales, double widths, per yard.8|c Plaids, for child's wear, per yd.. .9c to 12c Double fold Flannelettes, new fall styles: Tennis Flannels, 15 styles, your choice, per yard 8fc A very choice lot Waistings jost in, regu­ lar 20c cloth, your choioe p0r yar*|.... 12|c Red Table Linen ...... 36c Cream Table Linen .. 28c Good Cotton Crash, per yard* 5c Six or eight dozen Men's Overalls, princi­ pally Sweet-Orr make. 45c and up. These items can riot be duplicat­ ed for the price. One lot Meirs $1.00 Shirts 83c A few extra sizes Men's soft Shirts left, 17 tO 18, $1.50 to $2.50 quality, your choice.. 95c to $1.50 The Underwear section is quite complete. As a starter, Child's fleeced goods, oegin- ning with size 20 at 10c and 2c advance with each higher number. For instance, size 22 would cost 12c; sise 24 would be 14c, etc. Higher grades if you desire also. Complete line Child's Camels-hair Under Garments. Ladies' extra heavy and extra long fleeced Underwear, per suit 45c Men's extra heavy wool fleeced Underwear S>r suit. •-- 92c en's all wool Underwear, per garment.. - . .90c and up One lot extra wide Ribbons, new and po­ pular shades, some worth up to 18c, your choice of this lot, per yard 10c Fleishers' best Knitting yarn, per skein 27c J B Skeins best Saxony Yarn for 20c Cotton Blankets, beginning at.. . . , * . . . 4 5 c Higher grades, more money. One lot Men's ribbed Underwear, blue and cream, all going at per suit 85c or 19c for single garment. This little store contains over 400 pairs Shoes, all new and up-to-date, among the lot is a late arrival of Douglas Shoes, _ (about 12 dozen.) During this sale we of-3.. 3 fer you a special discount of 10 per cent on all Shoes, including Douglas. For instance Douglas $1.50 Shoes for.y .. $1.35 Douglas $3.00 Shoes for. $2.70 Douglas $3.50 Shoes for $3.15 and so on all along the line. A few dozen Caps for Men and Boys. One lot of Boys' Caps at 19c One lot of Boys' Caps at 38c One lot Men's Caps, 75c and $1.00 kind. 50c Ladies' fleeced Wrappers. You may know the Banner brand, they are made full, good fit and made honest, your choioe..... ."..89c Men's fleeced and wool Hose .10c 3 pairs Ladie's Hose .25c 3 pairs Miss or Child's Buster Brown • Hose 25c 3 pairs extra heavy fleece-lined Gloves. 25c Good clean Cotton Batts, per roll 9c A few dozen Granite Items such as Tea and Coffee Pots, Tea Kettles, Stew Pans with handle, Oatmeal Cooker, Etc., to be closed out below cost of production. Hi room here for such goods. A FEW GROCERY ITEMS ALSO. 12 bars Kirk's Cabinet Soap 25c 8 bars Lenox Soap .. 25c 20 ounces Big 4 Plug Tobacco . . 88c 14 ounces Town Talk Tobbacco for... .25c Spear Head, for this sale ..45c Horse Shoe .45c 4 pounds Dutch O. G. Coffee . .95c Four pounds Mocha or Java Coffee... .75c Three pounds 35c Tea for .85c Good Ginger Snaps, per pound 5c Four kinds fresh Cookies, per pound.. 10c Three packages Monarch Mince Meat.. 25c 4 pkgs. Mother's Crisp Breakfast Food. 25c Three packages Quaker Rice . 25c Sweet Mixed Pickles 9c Yacht Club Salad Dressing ..22c White Swan Baking Powder .;20c Pic Nick Baking Powder 10c Best Rolled Oats, per pound. ...8|c Ten pounds fresh Corn Meal..~ ..21c Ten pounds fresh Graham .. 27c Pillsbury's Best Flour, fine Canned Goods in fact, nearly all things needed may be found in this little store and orders taken for any item not kept in stock. To close out one lot Corsets, Men's Hats, Girls' Caps, Boys' Pants, Petticoats. Prices on application. Yours for business, * • t s t t John Evanson WEST McHENRY* ,m ILLINOIS North Dakota J Lands!! * | I o n /4 cl f * * • , m £ The richest and best land in $ * Eastern North Dakota for jjj * sale at reasonable prices ana * $ on good terms. Send or call * * on our local representative |J| * for advertising matter, maps % and full information in re- jjj gard to these lands. MUR- $ RAY BROS. .LAND COM- 5 PANY, Minneapolis, Minn. $ | Ben Stilling, Local Agent ] VOtiO. Joe Tnrnball of Wauconda was in town Sunday. Ambrose Raught was a McHenry cal­ ler last Saturday. Mrs. John Richardson was a MoHenry caller Wednesday. Joe Miller of McHenry «w a Yolo caller last Saturday. Miss Kittie Dowell of West Fremont spent Sunday in Volo. Wm Burnett of Rose well called at Geo. Huson's Sunday. Ed. Lusk of Round Lake was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Miss Mary Raught of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. Geo. Kuebler of Palatine made his usual call here last Friday. Will Shultes of Waukegan was seen on our streets last Thursday. H. T. Fuller of Wauconda was a pleas­ ant caller here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Murray of Wau­ conda were Volo callers Sunday. Mr. Walton of Chicago spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls. Miss Minnie Russell of Chicago visit­ ed Mr. and Mrs. George Huson recently. Miss Katie Raspers of Dighton visited her cousin, Miss. Anna Miller, recently. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Miss Dories* ca Granger spent Saturday at Waucon­ da. " V' Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and children of Ronnd Lake spent Snnday here. r O. A. Cheeka of Highland Park spent several days last week at A. J. Ray­ mond 's. _ M rs Perkins of Montpelier, Vermont, visited her sister, Mrs. Robert Paddock, last week. Chas. Parker and son, Walter, trans­ acted business at Ronnd Lake last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Raught and daughter, Nellie, of Wankegan visited at Raught Bros.' last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. 3. Wegener and daughter, Clara, of Fremont spent Sun­ day at C. Sable's. There will be preaching at the Volo M. E. church next Sunday morning, October 21. Let everybody turn out and give the new minister a full house. 1 en you are in town stop at Pet- esch's. He has some of the loveliest china you ever saw, and I think you will find something there you will want. His prices are right, too. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR .ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS JOHNSBVB6H. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray Were Me Henry visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller were Spring Grove visitors Wednesday. The son of Ben Tonian is seriously ill at his home at this writing. Stephen H. Smith of McHenry was a business caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frennd are the happy parents of a baby boy. John Mertes and daughter, Martha, were McHenry callers Sunday. Misses Lena Smith and Katie Laures of McHenry spent Sunday here. Mrs. Henry Stilling visited her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Peter Miller, Tuesday. John Karls and little son of Spring Grove were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith visited the former's brother, Stephen F. Bmith Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughters, Anna and Katie, spent Thursday last at Ring wood, Quite a number from here attended the confirmation services at Spring Grove Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Justen ofPis- takee Bay spout Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michels. Miss Lizzie May is spending a few days at the home of Misses Delia and Martha Niesen this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaffer and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weingart at Volo Sunday. Mftkea Homely Women Pretty. No woman no matter how regular her features may be can be called pretty if her complexion is bad. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and clears sallow, blotched complexions by stimu­ lating the liver and bowels. Orino Lax­ ative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute. G. W. Besley. KMKIULD PARK. Miss Mary Gibbs is spending this week at M. Conway's. Mrs. B. Hayes of Harvard visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Mrs. D. Whiting of Ringwood visited at E. Knox's Tuesday. E. Comisky returned Tnesday from a week's visit in Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cohan of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Miss Katie Knox spent Sunday with Miss May Welch at Griswold Lake. Mesdames R. J. Sutton and J. Wall visited Miss Nancy Frisby Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sohns returned to Chicago Tuesday after spending a few days at the Huck cottage. School in district No. 17 opened Mon­ day with Miss Ethel Harbangh of Chi­ cago as teacher. We wish our new teacher success. R. J. Sutton returned Monday even­ ing from a few days' visit with relatives at Elgin. He was accompanied home by Master Robert Larkin. This is the season of decay and weak­ ened vitality. Nature is being shorn of its beauty and bloom. If you would retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. RINGWOOD. Mrs. C. C. Harrison Chicagoed Wed­ nesday. Ed. Hopper of Spring Grove was seen on onr streets one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sutton of Har­ vard spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Eleanor Hawley of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Mrs. H. P. Buckland departed for a visit of several weeks at Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Mary Fleming of Barreville spent the past week at the home of John Carey. Miss Mabel Neish and brother, Oliver, of Fox Lake, spent Sunday at the home of J. Adams. Miss Erma Watson left last Wednes­ day to spend the winter with her aunt in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. L Merchant of Barre­ ville passed thru here on their way to Greenwood one day recently. Chas. Poet, H. Stephenson and Joseph Coates took the Rural Mail Carriers' examination at Woodstock last Satur­ day. Mrs. 0, Herbert of Ringwood and Mrs. H. Peaoock Spring Grove spent the last of the week with relatives at Woodstock. H. L. Waterman departed for his new home at Hereford, Tex., with a carload of horses and household furniture last Thursday, his family following Tuesday mornifig. We are sorry to lose Mr. Waterman and family, but our loss is Hereford's gain. A Badly Burned Oirl or boy, man or woman, is qniokly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is ap­ plied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekon- sha, Mich., says: "I use it in my family for cuts, Horee and all skin injuries, and find it perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best healing salve made. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, McHenry; G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry. drug stores. BIDOEFIIUti Mrs. S. Thayer was a Nunda visitor Monday. Leroy Skinner was a Nunda visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Steffenaon were in Chi­ cago Tuesday. Mrs. Leroy Skinner visited relatives in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Auringer of Cary visited her daughter, Mrs. F. Corkill, Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch is visiting her daugh­ ter, Mrs. C. E. Conerty, in Chicago. Mesdames W. Reed and S. Wakefield were Nunda visitors one day last week. Miss Francies,Warner of Chicago vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. J. Johnstone, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibson, visited the latter's parents near Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Jayne and daughter, Irene, left Saturday for their new home at Detroit, Mich. Mrs. J. Johnstone and son, Kenneth, are visiting her mother and other rela­ tives in Chicago. Mrs. B. Yak and daughter, Bertha, of Beloit, visited over Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Risley, also her sister, Mrs. D. Kline. Dr.PRICFS clamBaking Powder % Pure* Wholesome* Reliable Made from cream of tartar derived solely from grapes, the most deli­ cious and healthful of all fruit acids.f Its use is a guarantee of perfect food and a protection against the ills that follow the use of alum, alum-phos- phate and other low grade powders. The mixtures called baking powders that sell for ten or twenty-five cents a pound, or a cent an ounce, are all alike, made from alum and costing less than three cents a pound. G. S. RANDALL. E. L. JOBLYN. i i WALL & JO&LYN AUCTIONEERS. ^ Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under this head at the CoMowlngrate*: Five lines or lens, iG cants for tnt Insertion; U cents for each subsequent insertion. More ttM In lines, 6 cents a line for tint Insertion, and 3 cents a line (or additional insertions. i I |«. S. RMill. w. Ndleay. t7M)R SALE--Six lots, east side of Fox river. " For further Information apply at the 16-St* BANK or MCHKNRY. jtarm Saks a specialty.; Satisfaction guaranteed. " Verms .nude knows on application. Address TAOB SALE CHEAP--All building material r from the Washington Park race'tracks now belnK wrecked by the J. G. Kuel Wrwck in* Co., Chicago, phone Wentworth SfK. Tim­ bers all lenffths and sices, scantling and iolnts all lengths and sises, 4 and 8 in. floor­ ing, sheathing boards fencs board*, cedar nam, barn and boose doors and windows all shies, chicken wire, gasoline street lampa and posts, Z steel bridges, I beams and columns, sewer pipe S to 16 Inches, plumbing goods all kinds, wooden water vats and troughs, U and S foot wood trusses. Estimates furnisned. J. o. Bom WRSOKIHO Co., tlsfc and St. Law­ rence At*., Chicago, £11. Dec 1 XpOR SALE--80 acres of the best land in Mc- x Henry county. Fair buildings, good wa­ ter, 3 miles from Borden's condensing factory in McHenry. Inquire of A. S. PARKS, A KENT Standard Oil Co., Woodstock, III. 17tf Xj^OUNFi--On streets of McHenry, a key man x ufaotarod by tlie Vale Manufacturing Co No. of key Is 90. Owner can have same by proving .property and paying for thi& notice ' Investigate This. If tiier* to any time during the year when a telephone is yaluable it is in winter. Why not order now and be prepared for cold weather? The rental is but a few cents per day. Chicago Telephone Company. It's the educational opportunity of your lifetime. The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper fl.SS for (me year. McHenry's New Jewelry and Music Store | We wish to extend-our thanks to the many friends who called to visit our new store on our openiilg day and will be pleased to haye, you call any time and inspect the largest stock of Watches, Jew­ elry, Novelties and Pianos ever shown in McHenry county. •^Watcli this space for our advertisement.' ^4 Jewelers & Opticians McHenry, (Center- v i l l e ) I l l i n o i s . ' • } + v E. C. Jacob & Co. Bros. Co. * . v <• _ <4 IS is the place to. get your Groceries. We handle nothing but the best of everything and our prices are within the r> all. Call us up or send ii your order. We will fill it as it has ne before been filled. Fancy Confectioneiy and fruits OUR SPECIALTY v; McHenry, III. Bank pf This Bankreceivee, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Exchange, and does a ~ GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE , in First Class Companies, at lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public* * Bankers. SINGLE AND t DfiYimj Harness! j Give us your order foe that new single or driv­ ing Harness. Our work is the best and prices are right. See our elegant line of Dusters and Lap Robes. :: :: :: ; CARRIAGE HUMMING A SPEOALIY M. A. THELEN McHENBY, iLLINOia , 'Is.-: uJ:.? **" j , • . ? ' S: i

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