Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1906, p. 4

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f ^y! W7-. That's too bad! We had no­ ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor Is a regular hair grower, a per­ fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The ))Mt kind of a testimonial-- "Sold <or owe sixty year*." Jk aM* Au ^JT.Riiy Co.. I*rw»U, vers MmMUKi or JL SARSAPARILl.A- PILLS. COOKY PBCTOtAL. W. C. T. U. PRESS DEPARTMENT [The Plaindealer does not liuetotiw opinions lie Ndleiry Pliiodeiler • PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE NcHElfRY PIAWDEALER COMPANY. gj|p, A.CBISTY, v' - J§| Hf A. CRISTY, L. T. HOY, Vice Pres. Secretary. JAMES B. PERRY, President and General Manager. F. G. Sohrkiwkr, Editor. •a"" *" ™--*" -- Telephone,*No.s)2. > in Bank Building. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: ji. y Gneyear.. 91-00 ? 1 Viz months, 75ct». Three months. .40 cts. Thursday, October as, 1906. FAIR MAY BE HELD LATER (Continued from first page.) the exhibits and that it was also necessary to advance the price of ad­ mission to get the money with which to tCK' f»y the premioms. J. E. Harrison told of meeting a farm- ' er at the last fair who was finding fanlt with the lack of exhibits, and when asked if he had bronght anyting to ex- -• iSbit, declared he hadn't brought any­ thing to the fair for years. Mr. Harri- • wn didn't think the "kickers" were worth noticing. , . The meeting adjonrned with every- lilt**** a most hopeful mood. v How to Care a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold #ithont unneccessary loas of time is one we are niQre or iesj5 interested, for the quicker a eold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pnemnonia and fiber serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Sail of Waverly, Va., has used Cham- • berlain's Congh Remedy for years and say8: "I firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I " have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with m«." For snie % Q. W. Besley. etf, BX-OFFICIO ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE C. P. Babkes, Attorney. !* Estate, of William Musgrove, Deceased. The undersigned. Ex-Offleio Administrator 'the Estate of William Musgrove, deceased, B of the County of McHenry and State of nols, hereby gives notice that he will ap­ pear before tne County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in Januai •y next, at which time all Aflg-sons hav­ ing claims against said Estate^ne notified Sd requested to attend for the purpose of Ting the same adjusted. All persons in f£ Sun [tosaid Estate are requested to make Immediate payment to the undersigned. ! Dated this 22nd day of October, A. D. 1806. 4 Wm. H. Harrison, ®-3t Ex-Offlcio Administrator. 1 Don't be Imposed Upon. J? Folej & Co., Chicago, originated * Honey and Tar as a throat and lung . .• remedy, and on account of the great ;l merit and popularity of Foley's Honey |^v"|iad Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. These worthless imita­ tions have similar sounding names. Be- Jfrare of them. The genuine Foley's fioney and Tar is in a yellow package. >/ Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and ioMs. G. W. Besley. ••pi The Plaindealer will be sent to any . .Address on trial three months for twenty- ftye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other* >'t\ l*i«e ordered. Try it Give The Plaindealer your 1907 order for calendars. Our goods are the best »nd prices the lowest. Bear this in fnind when the traveling man oomes iround. Better Way tissues of the Ufa - ^ x irc Tissues or mc tnroat are J inflamed and irritated; you I' ?ough> a»d there is more irrita tion--more coughing. You take $ * a cough mixture and it eases the I , irritation--for a while. You take SCOTT'S E M U L S I O N and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation; cures the cold because Pl^tt drives out the inflammation; jbuilds up the weakened tissues 'Ci / Ibecause it nourishes them back 5 - to their natural strength. That's V. how Scott's Emulsion deals with r : •» sore throat, a cough, a or bronchitis. ^ 0i> WE'LL 6tOTJ YOO A SAMPLE FREE. SCOTTaBOWNE, in this col< HOW THE LEAGUE HELPED THE UNION Mary A. Stewart, Pasadena, CaI, Miss Bedoubt's face wore a perplexed look as Bhe busily arranged* the after noon's program for the L. T. L. boys and girls. "Miss Kellogg." she said to her help­ er, "what are we to do now that vaca­ tion is at hand? How can we keep np interest and attendance at our meetings 1 The Christmas program came soon aft­ er we organized, and our Model L. T. L. entertainment in March bronght in thir­ ty new members. Can fou tell me what we can have next?" t "O, a picnic, of course! A program , in charge of the L. T. 1L. and,, the par-, ents all invited to come! Picnics are always popular with yonng people." "That is true." admitted the leaden "but I was thinking of more than a mere day of amusement; of something that would educate the young people, keep up the interest in the. Legion, and, if possible, help some one else. Per­ haps " A call just then at the telephone caused Miss Bedout's sentence to he completed in a wholly ifnexpected man­ ner. * "That yon, Miss Black? What is it you wished? Articles for a discussion on the subject of so-called summer temperance drinks? You can obtain good information by writing to Nation­ al Headqnarters at Evanston, Illinois. What? Must have them tomorrow? I read such an excellent article in 'Dan­ gers of the Soda Fountain' a few weeks ago in one of onr daily papers. No, I cannot remember the date, nor which paper it was. Sorry I did not save it. I will look over my Crusader Monthlies and Union Signals this evening and doubtless I can find you something. Good-by." "There, that shows how helpful it would be to preserve good clippings from our daily papers," she eagerly ob­ served to Miss Kellogg. "I have it! Let's today propose a Clipping Contest for our boys and girls whereby they can assist their Mother Union, which does so much for them. The side defeated shall give a picnic on or near the Fourth to the winner." Details were soon arranged and that very afternoon the delighted legioners selected two captains and chose sides for the Clipping Contest under the fol­ lowing rules: ' First--All clippings to be obtained from daily and weekly newspapers, and to pertain to Alcoholics, Anti-narcotics, and Mercy, the legion's department of work, either educational, legislative or preventive. Second--All clippings to be labeled with date and name of paper from which taken, to be brought to the meetings from week to week and placed in the hands of the captain, who, with Miss l£ellogg's assistance, shall sort and number the accepted ones. Third--Programs of each meeting to consist in part of readings from the best of these clippings. The W. C. T. U. ladies were much surprised at the large number of clip­ pings collected, nntil one day Miss Be- doubt met Captain Daniel Wood's fa­ ther, who in part explained this by say­ ing: "Do yon know yonr contest has set the parents as well as your legion to work? I am a commercial traveler, Miss Bedoubt, and wherever i am my Daniel insists on my mailing back to him the daily papers containing good articles for him. So I have to read them, too," he added with a laugh, "and have already given up smoking as a result thereof, and for my boy's sake." A little later the union president was surprised by a call from an editor of a local daily paper. "Miss Kies," he said, "we wish some good temperance and anti-narcotic articles. So many of our readers are asking for them. Can yonr union furnish me with a good supply?" Needless to say the picnic was a suc­ cess, with its excellent program of L. T. L. songs and recitations, the inter­ ested parents and friends present. But I must tell yon of the clippings, how on stormy legion days these were neat­ ly trimmed and pasted in large scrap booka by the senior L. T. L. 's, were in­ dexed and thus made valuabie reference books for both the legion and the union; and how this habit, once commenced, was continued by many of the boys and the girls in making similar scrap books for their own use. WHAT ONE LEGIOM DlD.v The Senior at Bealsville, Ohio, re­ cently organized, clearly demonstrated at the W. C. T. U. institute and con­ vention held intra town what an L T, L can do. Under the direction of the W. C. T. U., the legion made all preparations, decorating the chnrch and drilling the children to march, sing "Saloons Mnst Go!" and give Ohio's rallying cry for the children's meeting.- These young people organized a special choir which furnished all the music for the insti­ tute They led in the old Crusade hymns, during devotional exercises, be­ sides singing many temperance and pr o­ hibition songs with such effective ear­ nestness that the audience felt they were being led straight to victory. Every competitor, except c ne, at the medal contest belonged to the L T. L The songs and recitations delighted the large audience. This legion met the incoming dele Rates at the train, escorting them fn their assigned places of entertainment When the legioners waved a good by to the homeward-bound delegate* all Mt it easy to do temperance work when ho ably assisted by energetic and entbnoi astic young people. The Plaindealer and Chicago Daily Chronicle, both papers one year for Orljans Grand Colored Concert Company." Halloween is coming and the yonng- sters of the Ostettd Snnday school are planning to celebrate same at * Mrs Henry Daley's. \ Gathering the pumpkins for Thanks­ giving pie. How could we celebrate without mother's pumpkin pie? Mr. Crandall is gathering in his 2,000 bushels of potatoes. Jack frost nipped some. More to dig. Hear that mammoth engine. Frank Clark of Greenwood is threshing corn for Fred Thompson. Success to you, Frank. Frank and fid. Martin have started their busker and intend keeping the engine bumming. Many men give lavishly of gold, To bnild bridges and castles and towers of old; If you want everlasting fame, a, Ibene- factor be, . Give the poor and needy Rocky Mount­ ain Tea. - G. W. Besley. What is . more entertaining than a real, bright, old-time colored company singing up-to-date musical gems in their rare old darkey style, that so many try to imitate? Managers Gilbert Bros, have been assured in the D&rnon Colored Musical Comedy Co., who will appear at Central opera house on Sunday, Oct. a company of both sexes, giving one of the be#t of entertainments--fclean wholesome and up-to-date, with pretty, catchy choruses, neat dancing, high- class musical numbers, bright bits of comedy, making in all a rare evening's entertainment. ALBERT MARTIN OAMOM VWIiNSl «.nd Harp-Zitfwr £jamon was born in Baltimore. Md., and studied at the Chicago College of Music under Prof. Charles Zeigfett. He was soon appointed one of the principals in the music department of the same College for two years, when hyvas appointed principal in the Northern Illinois Col­ lege. where he remained five years He has givert musical recitals in most of the cities of the East and the Southland has appeared with such artists as jules Levy, Carl Loch man. Clar­ ence Eddy, and with the Theodore Thorn#* Orchestra . , ' OST£Kl>. Beautiful fall weather. Cool even- I ^ V 'Sit •tJ.l • • <• • !, • V'V OUR LINE OF HOUSE­ HOLD FURNITURE IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER BEFORE AND IS AT ALL TlflES READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. LET US GIVE YOU OUR PRICES. THEY PLEASE. L* v '1 K / ' -SB . •, „ Jacob lusten Additional Personal. Mrs. Robert Kim ball and children of Nnnda spent several dtfys last - week with McHenry relatives. Miss Marguerite Aylward of Elgin spent several days this week with Mc­ Henry relatives and friends. Mrs. E. W. Howe was in Chicago Wednesday buying some the latest creations for her millinery store. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Portman and son, Elmer, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heaney, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Erwin, F. T. Brown, and John Murray of Chicago attended the funeral of James Erwin here Friday. now very complete and awaits your . inspection. We are offering many bar- ains in new Dress Goods, Flannels, lannelettes, Ginghams and Suitings, lso a nice line of Shirt Waist Patterns n Printed Velvets, Silks, Mohairs and ilk Warp Eoliens. Underwear for all f ages and sizes in Cottons, Wool Mix­ tures and strictly all wool. New line of 5lall Negligee Shirts, Hats, Caps and ,' jprloves. Our line of Shoes is the most m complete in town. Pure, fresh Grocer­ ies, Flour, Etc. Goods promtly deliv- 'Phone 363. :: :: :: :: :: V-, .•> • m Us J. WALSH Owing to sickness I will sell at a sac­ rifice a well improved, well located 440- acre Kossuth county, Iowa, farm. O. E. Butter worth, Swea City, Iowa. 17 3 This is the season of decay and weak­ ened vitality. Natuie is being shorn of its beauty and bloom. If yon would retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. G. W. Besley. WANTED AT ONCE--A good, all- round country-bred printer. Good wages to the right man. No boozer need apply. Call or address The Plain* dealer, McHenry. $SJJP. Order at once as the time of thia offer is limited. should enough HWE vthvib CARDUI owtfnan OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. iiiiiM Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:- EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. ' BARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. • • SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. . -,*f CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINOS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOnESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC S; $ 3 percent paid on Savings Ac­counts and Time Cer­tificates of Deposit. J i-i Because it is the befk ^ A trial wilt convince you of its superior bread-making qualities. Costs no more than a cheaper Flour because it makes more and bet­ ter bread; Bread that you will feel satisfied with. :SO^D BY: John Stoffel, W. McHenry ifi ;/i Illinois Central^. H. practically TWO CENTS A MILE" ! instead of six to v > j- V,' AND ItETURN The special services and what it means to the veterans of the past Civil War and their children, have been considered worthy of more than ordinary attention by the railroads ?. the country, and, at this time, in connec­tion with the DEDICATION Illinois Monuments, National Military Park. October 38, the 1111- nols Central Railway will sell tickets from all stations in Illinois, and from 8t. Louis. Mo., to Vicksburg, Miss., and return at Vary Low Rates, October 34-25 with fifteen (15) days return limit. SIDE TRIPS to any point on the Yazoo & Mlsatssl ley Railroad. A. & V. R. R, and V. 8. Val-P.By. maybe arranged for at Vicksburg on tlie basis of one fare plus® ccntafor tn<> round trip. For Instauce, $7.05 to New Orleans and return, from Vicksburg, with the privilege of making the return trip from New Orleans to Chicago direct via the Illinois Central if pre­ ferred^ Dates of sale of side trip tickets, Oc­ tober 27-28, with return limit November 7. Fuli. PabticuijAbs concerning all of t-h<3 above, rates- and leaving time from your par­ ticular station or nearest Illinois Central point, can be had of agent of Illinois Central or by addressing the undersigned. S. G HATCH. . fjpn«rn.l T oetas General Passenger Agent, . Chicago, III. 1 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT «>EClAt, A^TENTION QIVXN TO TH* SAI« <J» Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application. 1 STORAGE FREE "CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ^ 'toftjMA, ,v V' ,v^-; . * .'s1,*, 2.JL tf, . ft.. , lti „ V- . rt. %. -f . a, .. / •* <*'.i !»». \ Al*. ' --HHtMIMHIIIIIHH WEST SIDE i ppways a complete line of ftesh and Salt Meats, ijansages, Etc. Highest niarket prices paid for Porkers. We also carry constantly on hand a very choice line of, Canned Goods and Bakery. What more has any first-class dity market to offer? ft M IMmtMllMMIMIMHI CENTERVILLE Market : 'i'jOu We handle everything in line of fresh and salt MEATS 'l^^and Sausages. We also handle the Mc­ Henry Creamery Bntter. ChaS. G. Frett, McHenry, 111. Chicago ft North-Wette|̂ Kffectlve September 24,1908. lieave " Chicago. 7.06 am 8.45 a m.... 12.30 pm... 3.45 p m.... 4.00 p m 4.57 p m-- 8.00 am.... 8.45 am 9.10am S.Mpm-- Leave McHenry. 7.23am.... 8.32am.... 4.23pm... 4.28 pm.... 6.17 pm. .. 7.28am.... 7.08 pm.... 7.48pm.... 7.48pm ... vm DAT TRAINS. HOKTHBO0ND .......Via Elgin . ..Via Des Plalnes .... Via Elgin ...Via Des Plalnes.... . ....ViaElgin ...Via DesPIalnee.... svm>^r TRAINS. .Via Des Piaines... , .....Via Elgin ..Via Des Piaines .. .. .ViaElgin VUC DAT TRAINS. * SOUTHBOUND. ...... Via Elgin .Via lies Plalnes.... .^Vla Des Piaines. .....Via Elgin .Via Des Piaines., CUNDAY THAI MB. Via Elgin.... • Via Des Piaines... McHenry. ...10.17 a m ...10.17 am , ....2.50 p-m ....4.45 p m ....6.40 p m . ..B.40 p m ....B.37 & m S.14 a m .14 am ... 4.55 pm " "Arrive Chicago, ...10.10 am .. .9.35 am ....6.15 p m ....7.10 p m ....7.55 p m I i- > i . . .^1 'h. ' PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits, All shapes an<l sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doz­ en finished in different styles. Prioe, 33.00 «nd upward. Outdoor Work. We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views " buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. i'~.< 1 ia.r|*m«nU. Copied from any small picture. Likeness guaranteed In every Instance. Finished In black and white or colors. PramM. Avarletvof styles in stock to select from. Odd sizes made np for any site picture, certificate, etc. Waakegan St., near the Standplpe. tVEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 493 '.f4r : and Society V Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCUIilBT „. Office and residence corner Eln» *•»< M Greenat^eets. MeH«mry. Telephone No.^1 f-. $ FEGER8 Sc. FEGERS ' y'irj & I; PnYpCIANB AND SURGEONS, McHenty Au.; 111. Office at Residence, corner Court Mil '. • ' - • Elm streets. Telephone 333., w? 0,T. SMILEY • , I" A TTOItNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will be * - " properly and promptly attended to. W. F. STONE. D. D. S (Successor to Dr. P. O. Ross.) X5fflce Honrs from 9 a. m. nntil i v . p. m. AlbO open evenings, ILLINOIS, i ^ V.1 McHENRY, Office and Residence over Petesch's Drug Store. Telephone No. 374. t J .r 4 ":*J R.G. CHAMBERLIN , I . DENTIST, M Office Sad Residence over fl. J. Walsh's > Hours: 8:00(05:30. ifrllST MoHBNKr. Iix, > ? i, 1 ^ • General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading^ - r, - • " ILLINOIS flcMENRf::^ t V »'s»- \^'1 *1 Telephone rioV393.^ ' "ijl SIMON STOFFEL? ; V Insurance Agent for all classes Of 4' ") property in the best Companies^ * # West McHeary. mtnoU FRANK BUHR RACTICAL AINT R . , AND PAPER HANGER ^ CARRIAGE PAINTING, $5.00 and UPWARD ̂ ~ House and Sign Painting and all Interior Dec- a- •? ^ orating. Residence north town line one block • > west of river. Telephone No.254. •*'££ ' McHenry* - - * •« .. Illinois Uohin J. Vycitsl DEALER IN Genera.1 Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of alL ̂ i^de. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. fit.' i i - Telephone,; N0.6M. Office in Helm- «r bldg.. Cent D. A. WILLfY, M. D. (I VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST. McHENRY, j ! V; ILLINOIS. Wel!-drl|llng a specialty. 'Phone *58. WM. BACON Dealer in Windmills, Pipes. Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class wori§»f; guaranteed at all times. McHENUiY, Itli. Tel: Mala 1I0 people of Mc Henry. Lake an othe r count! drop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Ave.. CHICAdOf Because It i ll air homelike. , : HOLurrcRt ^ocky Mountain Tea Nuggats k Buy MBdiatu far Buy FmsI*. , Macs ftoldae Hsattti ud B«asw»d Vlfst. _>eclflo for Constipation, Indtgestkm, Live ."iney TroublesPimples, Kcuma. Impur 1, Bad BrM^TwugglShBow^ Headscl 1 Haekaote. It's Booy Mountain Tea in wi. term, as own abo*. Genuine made b> m.ibtwi Daoo Compact, Madison, Wis. OLDEN NUMETS FOR MLLOW PEOPLE Oostlomt tlM "wastad* K I L L thi COUCH I AND CURE THE LUNGS •ITM Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C 0NSUMPTI0N Price OUGHSand 60c &$ 1.00 OLDS Free Trial. Barest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB­ LES, or MONEY BACK. M PATENTS Promptly obtained, or rCC RETURNED. tO VKAKS* EXPKKIKNCE. Our CHARGES »*« THE LOWEST. Send model, photo or sketch for expert search ami tree report on patentability. MnHNGEMENT mite conducted before all eoorta. Patents obtained through a* ADVER­ TISED and SOLO. free. TRADEMARKS, fOJ- •IONS and COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained. Opposite U. a. Patent Office, WAaHIMOTOM, D. C. D SWI FTS<° __ ORIGINAL .LAXATIVE HONEY MKTAR MM improvement orar an Covflu Lane *ad Bronchial Remedit*. CttfM Cottgha» Strengthans tha Lnac>t gently moves the Bowdi. Pleasant to the taste and (Mi aliki ftr Youag and Old. iMmlirrasou nuicux co^cu^.o-iA. Sold by N. H. PETESCH, JULIA A. % • • ' >

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